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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Giving Yourself Time to Receive

Archangel Gabriel, and Shanta Gabriel

Posted on December 15, 2024 

Near sunset at Sete Cidades volcanic crater; PD, Portugal

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages #31 to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives. This week's message reminds us how to get in touch with our deep, most Divine Self.
A full relationship with your Higher Self is only possible when you give yourself time to receive from the deepest sources of your being.
Fortunately by the time Archangel Gabriel showed up in my life in 1990, I had already established a spiritual practice from the years I spent with my teacher from India.
Using my time first thing in the day to sit, concentrate on my breath and pray before my meditation had become the most important way to begin my morning. My days were very different and never as comfortable if this was interrupted.
After my visitation from Archangel Gabriel and the beginning of his teachings, my focus in the meditation time became very different. There was less attention to energy from the outside of me and more awareness developing a relationship with my Higher Self as my new best friend.
The teachings involved a recognition that I had never experienced — that my Higher Self acted as the guardian of the gates to my guidance system. I was told that it was important to set my intention to allow my Higher Self to be the filter that received wisdom from the higher frequencies. This would attract only those non-physical teachers that were in harmony with my Soul’s purpose.
There had been times when I allowed an open channel to any teachings that wanted to come through me. It was very exciting, however it led to quite a bit of confusion and stimulation in my mental realms. Sometimes I would end up feeling disoriented and sick. But when I paid attention to my Higher Self and allowed an opening to that channel, the creative work began to pour through me. And most importantly, all of this work was centered in my heart.
I began to feel waves of loving feelings that healed much of the old patterns that made feel so alone and cut off. The Divine Light poured through the new doorways my Soul had opened to higher consciousness, and I literally began to “lighten up.”
These powerful experiences were deeply rewarding and healing to me. They also stimulated more desire to strengthen this connection to Source energy. I noticed that when I was aligned with my Soul through my Higher Self, I felt wonderful. There was a feeling of being happy for no apparent reason.
When I let my spiritual practice slide and did not focus on this powerful connection to the higher frequencies, I would start to feel lost and less empowered. 
The inspiration I needed to feel whole was inside me. That was a new focal point for me. There in the special moments I gave myself, I experienced a flow of Divine Love greater than any I had experienced in the world around me. It filled up the empty vessel in my conscious awareness and gave me new life.
We all have this capacity to receive Divine Love. It is there waiting for us to open the receptive channels to receive that which we most desire to experience. The focus of our awareness and our intentions become of great value in order to have a deep and fulfilling relationship with our most divine and authentic self. And it only takes intention and a willingness to sit quietly and receive.


Shanta Gabriel

December 15, 2024

Divine Presence,
Thank you for the gift of an open heart to receive the Divine Grace here for me now. Thank you for helping me to focus on that which is most important for my growth as a spiritual being in the world. And most of all, thank you for connecting me to my true, divine, eternal and most authentic self at all times. So be it. Be it so. Amen.
Shanta Gabriel
December 15, 2024

The Gabriel Message #31

One of the most powerful and important relationships you have in this life is with your Higher Self. This is the part of you which is in full communion with God because it is the voice of your Soul. Guidance and intuitive insight come from this place. There are a number of ways you can develop and strengthen this relationship between your personality awareness and your Higher Self, and all of them require patience, persistence and practice.
One way is to learn to act on your intuition. How many times have you thought about doing something, ignored the thought, and then a situation arose when you said, “I knew I should have done that?” The more you listen to your inner voice and act on your intuition, the stronger this connection will become.
Another way to strengthen your connection to your Higher Self is through meditation. Meditation is a way of expanding your conscious awareness of states beyond your physical body. The physical world is the grossest level of manifestation and there are many planes of consciousness beyond it.
Meditation is the key to reaching a deeper level of being, that still place within your heart where you are one with God.
Meditation is not difficult, but it does require practice and persistence to attain a calm and focused mind. It may be frustrating at first, because the mind never seems to stop. Emotions and thoughts come up that clamor for attention. This is just the way thoughts work, so be patient with yourself and gently refocus your mind on your breath as the object of your attention. It may be helpful to take the time to write out your feelings and thoughts before you meditate so that you can clear your mind more easily. Whatever you do to calm and clear yourself will be very helpful.
Sit quietly, breathe balanced breaths, breathing in for the same number of counts that you breathe out.
As you begin to feel more peaceful and centered, imagine a beautiful golden, healing light flowing around and through you. There is incredible love within you, waiting only for your conscious permission to flood your entire being.
Focus your attention on receiving the love of God. You can ask your Higher Self to facilitate this connection. As you do, you will create a solid, conscious connection. Imagine that Divine Love is flowing through you in the flow of warm golden light. Allow yourself to bask in this love and let it permeate every cell of your being.
Create a beautiful place in your mind where you can go to sit in the silence that exists within you. Call on your angelic teachers for guidance and they will assist you in this process. The Angels are messengers of God, here to help you find peace, love and joy in your life. They can also assist your meditation process so you will find the love you need within yourself. Imagine the Angels surrounding you in wings of pure light. You are profoundly loved. Believe that you deserve to receive all that is good.
When you take a little time every day to make your spiritual connection to God stronger, you will be amazed how your life will change. You will find guidance and wisdom available to you in a greater way than you ever imagined was possible.
It takes only the willingness to give yourself time to breathe, focus and receive God’s love. Remember:
A full relationship with your Higher Self is only possible when you give yourself time to receive from the deepest sources of your being.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
December 15, 2024
copyright: Shanta Gabriel 2024


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Who we are

Por Peter B Meyer

Posted November 28, 2024


Rothschilds the most powerful in the world

The Rothschilds have their headquarters in the Babylon BIS tower in Basel. Behind the scenes, the Rothschild dynasty is undoubtedly the most powerful bloodline on earth, with an estimated fortune in excess of $1000 trillion. They own the entire financial system.

This staggering control works as follows: the Rothschilds sit at the top of their pyramid-structured organisation and literally run the entire financial world with some eight thousand selected members. Although it is difficult to fully investigate and verify, Rothschild may share his ultimate power with the House of Saud and the Soros family, and at lower levels with some other banking families, as will be explained later.

The Rothschilds have set up the world’s financial institutions to ensure that they receive literally 90% of the interest generated by the general population. These criminals are Luciferians while on the surface, for easier public consumption, they have called their religion Zionism. In truth, they worship Lucifer, which includes satanic ritual abuse, including paedophilia and child sacrifice.

On the second tier of the power structure sits the Rothschild’s wholly owned BIS – Bank of International Settlement, founded in the Netherlands in 1931. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, it is recognised by all countries as the supreme bank of all the world’s financial institutions. Each central bank is a member of the BIS.

They have a civil organisation agreement for total immunity and enjoy immunity from all secular laws and regulations, so no one can attack them.

Basel, where the Babylonian-style BIS tower is located, was the place where the Nazis met during the Second World War to trade the stolen Jewish gold.

The BIS gives instructions to all other financial institutions around the world.

On the third level, directly below the BIS, are the Rothschild-owned IMF – International Monetary Fund – and the World Bank. The IRS and similar tax collection agencies in most other countries are structured as a foreign private corporation of the IMF and form the private “army” of the Federal Reserve – Fed – and all other central banks.

The main objective is to ensure that the people pay their taxes and always remain useful slaves. Their sole devotion is to enslave entire countries and their populations through their criminal debt-money system.

By bailing out countries after deliberately manipulating them into debt and then pretending to help them by calculating their maximum debt levels, they ensure that the debt can never be repaid to keep them in slavery.

This strengthens their hold and control over these countries as they pay them back through slave labour while plundering all their resources. They blackmail the leaders of these nations through various operations such as child sex trafficking, organ harvesting and paedophilia to ensure that all countries are fully integrated as hopeless slaves to their financial system from which there is no escape.

There are two megabanks that offer loans to all countries on the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the top as the main shareholders, while the second is privately owned by the Rothschilds alone. These two mega-banks offer loans to “developing countries” and use their almost unpayable interest rates to get their hands on the real wealth, namely land, mineral resources and precious metals.

The fourth tier are almost all the world’s central banks, which are also owned by the Rothschild family. To name but a few, these are the Central Bank of England in the City of London, the Vatican Bank in Rome, the Federal Reserve in Washington DC, the European Central Bank – the ECB in Frankfurt am/M and the Bank of Japan.

The central bank in London manipulates the price of gold on a daily basis. The City of London, the Vatican in Rome and Washington DC are recognised as free states to ensure their immunity from literally everyone. Consequently, all employees of the established banking institutions are immune from prosecution and oversight.

Their power extends far beyond the banking empire

The fifth tier includes the mainstream banks and stock markets, which form the executive branch of the debt system with their interest rate manipulation.

The true power of the Rothschilds goes far beyond the banking empire, they have also been behind every war since Napoleon’s Waterloo. That’s when Nathan Rothschild manipulated the stock market during the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 to buy and pay for England. He also discovered how profitable it was to finance both sides of a war, and they’ve been doing it ever since.

Nathan found himself with a 6,500-fold increase in wealth after the stock market crash he engineered in 1815.

In essence, he robbed Britain blind and became, in effect, the owner of most of England. From that point on, his family, with more wealth than they could have ever dreamed of, became influential players in governments and from that point on they steered policy decisions for the future by bribing and paying off politicians.

It should also be noted that this Rothschild scheme was historically important for another reason: it showed how ‘manufacturing’ a disaster could lead to massive financial gain.

Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, continues to explain to you

Message received from Marta

“God’s Viceroys on Earth”

How the Draco reptiles carried out their plans to enslave the population of planet Earth.

As mentioned earlier, in order to control the situation on Earth and steer it in the direction they wanted, some Dracos began to incarnate in physical bodies on your planet. First they prepared the ground by creating a so-called higher caste on Earth, which had virtually no contact with ordinary people.

In order to give it meaning, to instil fear in the common people and to gain their complete submission, they began to call themselves ‘God’s Viceroys on Earth’.

This applied to both royal dynasties and the high clergy.

By and large, all religions were created with a single purpose: to subjugate the flock, or in other words, ordinary people, in order to completely control their lives. Everything happened gradually, so that each succeeding generation of people would take the situation that had developed on Earth as a given.

As a result, people became accustomed to the idea that their countries were ruled by monarchs whose power passed from generation to generation to their descendants, and that this power was unshakable.

Few people ever thought about how the monarchy came about, and by what right monarchical families controlled the lives of millions of their subjects. The same thing happened with religions, which became an integral part of social life.

Birth, death, marriage – all these were in the hands of the Church, and anyone who tried to circumvent the framework established by the clergy was anathematised. This created traditions that were followed from generation to generation by people of different nationalities, cultures and religions.

But what all these traditions had in common was that they were based on total control over every human being: their thoughts, their emotions, their behaviour and their way of life.

Gradually, the high clergy and monarchical power, which had always interacted closely, became the absolute masters of the earth.

Think of how we humans have been manipulated into total slave submission for generations! By now, it must be obvious how the people are being led around and squeezed by the cabal.

Peter B Meyer

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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