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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Elbrus Ops, Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on December 25, 2024

On 22 December 2024, in the Earth’s Causal Matrix, the new events scenario was downloaded. Co-Creators didn’t disclose its content, but assured that will do it a couple days later, after passing over the bifurcation point. Lightwarriors used a this pause to narrated about their another operation on Elbrus, which put the the finishing touches to dramatic developments in August-September, when the new Earth’s 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia, was on the verge of death (see – Sacrifice, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 5 and 9 September 2024). Briefly recall what then happened.

In in the middle of the day on 17 August, a rapidly growing pest-spot of karma was formed in the 14D Logos. The fierce war in space and on Earth, chaos and hysteria in the minds and Souls of people who cannot cope with the vibrations of the Transition to high-freqs’ 5D, huge eruptions anger, hatred, aggression and intolerance have reached such ferocity that they created a primary karma cell in the planet’s Causal Matrix, which began to devour the radiant substance of Al-Terra-Gaia. The gobbling was so fast that it seemed that no one and nothing could save the 14D Logos, the unified 3D/4D/5d eon and the rest of the transforming achievements.

The minutes ticked by. Co-Creators, Karma Lords and other Higher Hierarchs couldn’t involve, because aren’t embedded on Earth, and from it, come to the rescue. The situation was saved by Lightwarriors, who began to actively take in selves the infected parts of Al-Terra-Gaia and cleanse them from karma by splitting and annihilation. It took a day, and although there were serious injuries and mutilations, the 14 D Logos was completely restored. It needed a few more days to fill in the deleted segments of the Causal Matrix with new ones that Lightwarriors singled out from selves.

To further protect Al-Terra Gaia from any negative impact, terrestrial or alien, on 31 August, Co-Creators placed the 14D Logos in a protective cocoon, the Light Merkaba, using aspects of another planetary Logos as a cosmic donor. The capsule was programmed to suppress and annihilate karma in case of its occurrence and threat of infection. It was not disclosed who exactly was the contributor, but it was obvious that it wasn’t from our Solar System. Co-Creators made the anti-karmic Merkaba only as a temporary tool. But they were well aware that the situation on Earth remains extremely dangerous for Al-Terra-Gaia, and the likelihood of a new relapse is extremely high. A more mighty mechanism was needed to prevent it.

The solution was proposed by Yang Bao and Guan Yin, the heads of the Karmic Council, and even provided such a device. From their Monads and multidimensional bodies, they formed the Karmic Mercy Crystal and put it into the Earth’s Causal Matrix instead of the Light Merkaba. The principle of operation remained the same, but the power of the protective mechanism increased to a Pleromic level.

When the global entropy reaches a critical level, beyond which a repeat of the situation is inevitable, the Crystal will instantly absorb and process the new primary cell of karma and the entire substance produced by it. That is, it actually will be annihilated by the bodies of Yang Bao and Guan Yin, who again shielded us and our planet (for more about it, see – Whipsaw, Part 7, DNI, 30 April 2023; and Light Forces Thai Operations, Part 2, DNI, 20August 2020).

And now, they and ground teams met again for working together. At the request of Yang Bao and Guan Yin, Lightwarriors acted as a live channels, absorbing, assimilating, and anchoring aspects of both into the Earth’s Causal Matrix through the Elbrus’ field. The male part of the group assisted Yang Bao, the female part helped Guan Yin. Then, the aspects were combined into a Crystal, which was immediately activated and put on permanent alert. After that, Co-Creators dismantled the Light Merkaba, returning its parts to the donor (or donors) who never revealed themselves.

The story didn’t end there. After the publication of info about the op on 17 August 2024, someone sent the ground team a photo of a girl, Yana V, from the Baltics. She died in the evening of that day from a lightning strike. After viewing the photo with clairvoyance, Lightwarriors saw that impact was focused precisely at the moment and spot, where, in the Causal Matrix, the primary karma cell was born, which the girl had taken in self. She saved Earth at the expense of her own life, even unaware of it.

On 23 December 2024, the ground team narrated another op on Elbrus – building in its field it the new Light City. Recall that there already exists a similar infrastructure (see – Impact, Part 2, DNI, 15 October 2024). Why it was needed to erect one more? What was their difference?

On the Earth’s Subtle Plane, there are dozens of such objects. As a rule, they stay in 5D, and don’t always commune with the surface, working solely as Souls’ transit hub or scientific and monitoring centers. Assigned by Co-Creators, the ground team used markedly different approach: in Eurasia and the Caribbean, they built the Light Cities, first of all, as channels and Portals for intense interaction between Absolutes and regions and their population, when they were ready. The new one on Elbrus was to back entire Eurasia.

The op’s prep started three years ago and unfolded by stages. Co-Creators and Elbrus’ Guardians provided the group with necessary space in the mountain field. As compared with other Light Cities, which Matrices (cores) included only feminine and masculine Absolutes’ Aspects, this time, they were supplemented by many participants’ similar substances, upgraded to the Pleroma’s level.

Two months prior to the work, in the team leader’s Monad, Absolutes put Their Aspects, masculine and feminine, forming dipole. On 12 December, at an altitude of 3,500 meters, with temperatures of minus 25 degrees Celsius and hurricane-force winds, the group started operation. The Lightwarriors’ head extracted from self the Absolutes’ dipole segment and placed it in the Elbrus’ field. Then, the rest team members did the same with the Aspects they had previously received.

Over the next day, the Aspects entered into a radiant synthesis and began to emit their own Light. However, its intensity was not Absolute-like. Therefore, a day later, from the same spot, and under the same extreme weather, the ground team repeated the attempt, which ended in complete success. At the peak of the op, the Absolutes sent a powerful Impulse through the Monads and multidimensional bodies of the participants into the Light City Matrix. A brightest flash followed, which literally blinded everyone. The core instantly accelerated to the required fusion and began to radiate Absolute Light throughout Eurasia. And all this was done from 3D Earth, by ordinary people in their current physical corpus!

(To be continued)



 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Elbrus Ops, Part 1

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on December 23, 2024
On 21 December, Lightwarriors disclosed details of new ops that, a week ago, they and Co-Creators carried out from the Power Places at Elbrus Mountain, Caucasus.
The first operation was aimed at restoring the Earth’s mass deficit. It emerged when in October and November they removed the NAA and Darks’ destructive energies from the planet’s Sub-Systemic and Causal layers (see – The Second Stage, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 17 October and 2 November 2024). To make up the structure, the Absolute had to single out Its Substance for replenishing the deleted parts. It was a much more complex and challenging task, even with applying a Matter Ordering Crystal (or World Order Crystal), which was used in the creation of the Local Universe and Earth. The new methods and technologies were applied, but details remained secret to this day.
After the ops’ successful end, the mystery was taken out. Instead of mentioned Crystal, Co-Creators applied as leverage the former ground team’s collective Logos, upgraded to the Pleroma’s level and filled with aspects of its Supreme Hierarchs and many other Highest Light Beings. During the Earth’s cleansing, the Logos proved its skills, by accumulating and placing the entire gathered dirt in the Black Universe, which the Absolute built for the NAA, Darks and Grays’ internments.
When that op’s part was terminated, the Absolute merged with Logos, put into it the Own Core’s aspect, and freed to continue the scheduled work. Co-Creators and Lightwarriors couldn’t even imagine that such a thing might occur, as there is a huge difference between the Body and the Core of the Absolute. Like, for instance, between the substance of the Sun’s corona and nucleus.
The Aspect of the Absolute’s Core is a singularity that contains Its primary, undifferentiated Self, density and energy. This is the Holy of Holies, which has never been shared with anyone. To create the primary matter of our Local Universe, the Preloma’s main Supreme Hierarch used the Substance of the Absolute’s Body and not the unfolded singularity of Its Core.
Now, it was an attempt to use the energy and matter from the latter for differentiation, formatting, adaptation, and application in the future across all dimensions of Earth. It was a mission impossible due to extreme difficulty and unpredictable consequences in case of failure. There was no relevant knowledge or experience. But Logos brilliantly coped with the task. How did it go on?
Up to 14 December 2024, everything was ready for the Earth’s Sub-Systemic and Causal mass’ restoration. The most amazing thing was was that neither Co-Creators nor Lightwarriors were involved in it. The Logos held its own through the Portal of the sacred Elbrus Mountain, which is the planet’s heart center projection point. Logos not only found the correct way to extract the matter and energy from the Aspect of the Absolute’s Core, but differentiated, formatted, structured and solo filled the Sub-Systemic, Causal, Subtle and Ether layers. And during this process, its own mass didn’t even decrease! The divisibility of the Spirit effect has worked. It was like one candle could light many others.
On the same day, 14 December, on the Elbrus Mountain, Lightwarriors completed another op – the full activation of the Tartaria Crystal, about which Disclosure News narrated earlier (see – Siberia Ops, Part 2, DNI, 3 June 2024). Recall that prior to Tartaria’s death, Co-Creators dismantled its Logos (Crystal) into parts and assigned Tara and Tarh, female and male Higher Light Guardians, to hide the fragments in safe places. With the help of the ground team, led from above, all segments were found, reactivated, and returned to their original Supreme Owners.
A week ago, Co-Creators have entrusted the group with once again taking in selves the aspects of the Tartaria’s Crystal, which was rebooted in the Monads of Tara and Tarkh, in order to anchor it on Earth. To do the job, the team divided up. On 12 December, from the western (feminine) Elbrus’ peak, Lightwarrioresses put in selves the Tara’s substance, and from the eastern (masculine) peak, Lightwarriors did the same with the Tarh’s part. On the 13th both Guardians assembled their respective aspects, and the next day, along with the team, they activated the Crystal, and after and after anchoring in the Elbrus field, merged it with a new Eurasian Logos. This gave the latter enormous might to face any challenges from NAA and Dark Forces in the current global war.


 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Red Lines

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on December 1, 2024

Oreshnik strike (see – Salvos, DNI, 25 November 2024) disrupted many NAA and Darks’ plans. All of them are easy readable on the Mental Plane, where any, even the most fleeting thought form is preserved forever. When a negative idea or intention arises, its hologram has a translucent light color. When scheduling, its energy turns gray. In preparation, it dusks. Before implementing, – gets black.

The last two stages, reached the plans to detonate, under false colors, nuclear devices in Ukrainian city Kharkiv, where two States already allocated their nukes and rigged with explosives some factories and metro stations. Then, as “retaliation”, they were about to N-bombing of the Russian town of Belgorod. How these plots imprinted in the Earth’s mental field?

When viewed on a Subtle Plane of the explosion in Belgorod, it was seen that it radiated a completely different energy than the ordinary nuclear device. Its usual detonation looks like an orange flash with a black outline around the edges and a strong plume of burning and smoke. This explosion was also accompanied by a light yellow flash, and then, the entire space around began to glow with white light, like day.

In the long undying glow near the epicenter, another composition was visible. When comparing the radiation from previously exploded warehouses in Western Ukraine, where depleted uranium warheads were delivered, radiation was clearly read there, but it was absent in Belgorod. A deeper scan confirmed that, on the Mental Plane, a new generation charge was imprinted. It has been purified from many mixes, but retained alpha radiation, which is not perceived by conventional radiation meters.

The State-producer launched that weapon’s production in the spring of 2024 and immediately sent it to Ukraine in two versions, compact and one large for use in Belgorod. Over the past decade, this country has already used 78 depleted uranium charges (its total arsenal 850 units) in foreign territories, including in Ukraine. Only because of the significant differences between main allies, the explosion in Belgorod didn’t happen on the physical plane

But regarding the op in Kharkiv, the two principal co-belligerents came to an agreement. But events did not go according to their scenario. At first, a terrifying picture was visible on the Mental Plane. After the explosion, the radiation cloud that covered the entire territory slowly started shifting towards the border with the Belgorod region. Then, the hologram turned paler and thinner, and began to shrink, moving to one point in the northwest of the city center, from where the nuclear cloud spread. But under it, the Sun was shining brightly, and no traces of nuclear explosion. What happened?

Simply, Co-Creators didn’t allow this hologram to materialize. Its twisting into a singularity and annihilation derailed the two States’ plans. And this is not one-off occurrence. In September, on a Subtle Plane over the route of transportation of nuclear weapons to Odessa, they destroyed by powerful blast a huge segment of the 3D Matrix. In it, NAA built cells with dark energy, that backed N-bombings’ prep.

Of course, Darks think on different scales and have different objectives. NAA doesn’t abandon plans to infect the Earth’s Logos with radiation in order to destroy it along with the planet, as they tried not once in its history (see – Operation In Japan, Part 1Part 2, DNI, 6-7 October 2020). Their European minions are more primitive and narrow minded. They dream to make Russia their milking cow as in the 1990s, when they stole it from under the noses of an overseas shepherd. And didn’t notice that today themselves have turned into a carcass for cutting, which tender of sheep is going to skin to the bone, bringing to bankruptcy with the help of his EC’s admins. This is what prevents the allies from reaching consensus, and, even more so, to cross the red line in Ukraine, which Oreshnik clearly defined.

Co-Creators also have plans, which are actively implemented. They consist in the complete cleansing of the main part of the Eurasian continent from destructive forces and the building a global enclave, based on the Highest Light Laws. With their help, it is planned to reformat the part of the world that is ready to join it. And no one will be allowed to cross this red line.


 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Impact (Part 2)

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on Octuber 17, 2024

Part 1 

The Co-Creators’ strikes at the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (see – Impact, DNI, 13 October 2024) derailed NAA and Darks’ plan to deliver a double blow to Earth simultaneously through this cosmic body and from their stronghold in the Oort Cloud. That giant sphere with trillions of objects encompasses two regions: a disc-shaped inner domain aligned with the solar ecliptic and a spherical outer field enclosing the entire Solar System. Both lie well beyond the heliosphere, ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 AU (0.03 to 3.2 light-years) and are in interstellar space, replenish and keep constant the number of long-period comets entering our planets’ system.

The pair attack was blocked, but the volleys from the Oort Cloud continued to disrupt the Co-Creators op to purify the Earth’s Logos on the Subtle and ethereal planes from the NAA’s destructive programs. Many Power Places, which play an important role in protecting the planet, worked particularly intensively during these October days and were also under fire. And especially the Elbrus Mountain range in the Caucasus. Why did this particular location with a diameter of 15 kilometers become the Darks’ target?

Here, on the Subtle Plan, works a huge Light complex with a Portal, built in the distant past by four space races from constellations Ursa Minor, Ursa Minor, Orion, and Beta Leo system, about which Disclosure News narrated earlier (see – Siberia Ops, Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5, DNI, 30 May and 3, 6, 12 and 16 June 2024). In this place, namely in Khudessky Labyrinth, in the vicinity of Elbrus, their natal Matrix’ copy is stored.

In it, are also kept the aspects of their progenitors, six dipole pairs of primary Light Archons, created in the Pleroma by Christ and World Mother Sophia. With the onset of Cosmic Night, all four races were ordered to leave Earth. Only those who wanted to get a new evolutionary experience remained on it. But the Spiritual connection with our world has been preserved, and with the advent of Cosmic Day, they are preparing to return to our planet again.

For many centuries and up to the present day, the complex has been actively functioning. Inside Elbrus, there are two multidimensional pyramids. Above their two peaks, Portal with a channel is operational, leading to the Light City. From there, streams of golden plasma flow continuously to the terrestrial surface, spreading waves across the globe. Particles emit a frequency of 432 Hz, which corresponds to the coordinates of Elbrus – 43.2N, and the ideal heart’ vibes that sync with Divine energy.

​On a Subtle Plane above the peaks of Elbrus, Cheget and Donguzorun, is seen a  vast complex with a huge power installation that resembles a kinetic sculpture. This structure is sentient and, while pivoting, emits a golden Light, which fills the environment and the grid of the four space races’ collective consciousness. Complex non-stop filters and processes cosmic currents into beneficial energies, which interact with our heart center, energizing and supporting the Anahata chakra.

In the same field of Mount Cheget, in a subtle pyramidal temple, an energy storage device in the form of a Fibonacci Golden Spiral continuously rotates. Together with the altar, it functions as an attractor. The spiral interacts with other parts of the structure, acting as an axial element around which objects similar to Platonic solids revolve. Altogether, they control energy, space, and time on Earth.

The rocks of Cheget contain a lot of quartz, which generates a certain spectrum of vibration. The gold veins inside the mineral produce electrical discharges that increase the overall vibrational background. In the depths of the mountain there is a massive gold-bearing layer, filled with a Source’s energy, manifested in the various life-forms.

All facets of the subtle pyramid are covered with runes. When it and the altar are working, these fonts radiate golden beams that provide commune in multidimensional space via a large Light pillar at the infrastructure’s center. In the past, there was a cosmic port, a Portal and a transport channel with huge volumes of communication. The upper part of the pyramid functioned as a space ship that could detach and fly to other worlds.

And nowadays, this immense repeater receives, amplifies, injects, holds and stores the four space races’ info and the results of the Earth’s scanning. With the help of runes on the surfaces, the pyramid of Cheget takes cosmic currents and directs to Mount Donguzorun, which with its exterior cavities scatters them, covering the surrounding territories. Elbrus provides the necessary energy.

The nearby pyramid-shaped mountains are also amplifiers, together forming a sacred Mandala. Their triangular outlines work like mirrors, each of which is directed at a certain angle, and provide transmission, propagation and amplification of the signal. On a Subtle Plane, at an altitude of 12.6 kilometers, above them, large flat reflectors distribute the received data throughout the planet.

NAA and Darks have repeatedly tried to take over this multidimensional complex, including in our time. In August 1942, a special detachment of the German Wehrmacht installed two standards of the Edelweiss mountain infantry division and a flagpole with a swastika there. Thanks to Aldebaraneans, Hitler was privy to the secrets of ancient civilizations (see – Undisclosed Bucegi, DNI, 13 August 2022). With varying success, many Nazi services searched for their technologies, know-how and artifacts in Tibet, Egypt, South America, Antarctica and other parts of the world.

Formally, the installation of the flag at the Elbrus top symbolized the beginning of a new millennial Reich. In fact, the group was assigned to find access to the complex with the help of the Tibetan Dark Bon-po lamas (for more about them, see – Operations in China, Part 1, DNI, 16 October 2021). But the unexpected happened.

During a collective meditation (it was held during the Battle of Stalingrad), the lamas saw on the timeline not the upcoming triumph of the Fuhrer, but Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. When they told the squad leader, Captain Heinz Groot, about this, he ordered them to be shot immediately. They were buried at the foot of Elbrus. Then a black magic rite was performed, and a swastika made of stones was laid out on their grave.

The Nazis would never have been able to get inside the multidimensional complex due to powerful energy protection. Before them, the NAA had made such attempts more than once. Using vacuum, scalar and thermal weapons, they turned the entire infrastructure around Elbrus into piles of stones, but couldn’t open it. And today, here, at an altitude of 3000-4000 m, the remains of fused megaliths that resemble petrified clay, with traces of plasma exposure, which reached millions of degrees, have been preserved.

In these October days, the Dark’s assault on the complex failed again. But this time, they are trying to destroy not the targets, which couldn’t erase in the past, but what Co-Creators and Lightwarriors built and restored recently. It concerns the new Eurasian Logos that was born during a joint operation on the physical and Subtle Planes, and the activation of a copy of the natal Matrix of the four cosmic races.

Disclosure News described many times the ground team’s considerable experience of Logos’ development. Namely, the creation of its core from own Monad’s aspects and a single multidimensional body, its inner radiant synthesis (self-luminosity), the installment of various reinforcing energy segments (crystals) into it, their subsequent merging into a single whole. After that, the birth of Logos’ Intelligence and the Soul followed as the new Spiritual Sun of the Local Universe.

All this know-how, Lightwarriors applied again. First, they gradually collected and cleansed from karma the Spiritual Crystals (aspects) of many supreme entities, incarnated in Eurasia during many epochs. With everyone they telepathically communed for a long. Then, on one of the sacred Caucasus Mountains, they assembled crystals into a single whole, ignited their inter-Logos synthesis that culminated by brightest flash and new Spiritual Sun’s birth. After that, it was linked to its peers in the Local Universe via Sirius and Cheget. A bit later, Absolutes’ dipole placed own aspects in this Sun, and its copy, the ground team put in the new Eurasian Logos.

Biological and material carriers were needed to maximize its impact and presence on 3D Earth. The first role played 33 Lightwarriors, which installed their Monads’ aspects in Logos. With consent of the Elbrus Guardians, this op was carried out on that mountain. As the material bearer of Logos’ substance, was considered diamond. But after consulting with Co-Creators, it was decided to abandon this idea for one reason only: due to a huge amount of vices and crimes associated with its possession. The stone absorbed to much of blood and negative energy.

The ultimate selection was made in favor of moissanite. This uncommon mineral on Earth is abundant in the cosmos, found in the dusty atmospheres surrounding stars and in unaltered meteorites (in form of beta polymorph).Its Causal Matrix, capable of accumulating, storing and amplifying the vibrations of Light, is imprinted on the Gaia’s aspect. This helped to purify the Matrix, reboot according to the reference Universe’s original, and then, put it in Eurasian Logos. It was activated also on Elbrus.

The mountains’ might energy shield repelled all the NAA and Darks’ attacks from the Oort Cloud. Taking on strikes, the reactive armor field instantly redirected them back with a vengeance precisely to assaulters. At the same time, the bombardment by Solar jets the comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) continued, unfortunately hitting the orbiting satellites. On October 13, from 09 AM till 05 PM, none of them worked, their devices were knocked out. On October 14, two volleys were fired at the comet, on October 15 – eight with a power of 4 points on a 5-level scale.

At the moment of the CME impact on the Earth’s magnetosphere, the speed of the Solar wind reached 800 km/sec. The BZ index, which shows the strength and direction of the interplanetary magnetic field, collapsed to an extreme value: on average, to minus 42 and remained at this level for 2.5 hours. These two parameters caused the brightest auroras in North and South America. Over the Eurasia, at latitudes from 28°N to 52-54°N, four explosive waves of the brightest radiance swept… Disclosure News continues monitoring the situation closely.


 Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Os perigos do ChatGPT (IA)

Dalai Lama pertence à NAA

Atualização de Abril 

Posto a 24 de abril de 2023


Surgiu esta semana um vídeo sobre Dalai Lama a pedir que um menino lhe chupasse a língua:

Já nos tínhamos referido sobre Dalai Lama como sendo um Satânico da NAA. Por exemplo, na atualização mensal de abril de 2021 tínhamos escrito:

Vimos por exemplo no mês passado, o líder espiritual Dalai Lama a recomendar que as pessoas se vacinem. Foi um duro golpe, para quem julgava que o Dalai Lama representava o bem. Pois bem, ele não representa o Bem, apesar dos seus muitos ensinamentos válidos. Ele também faz parte da agenda dos Controladores e a sua reencarnação (linhagem) é controlada como já publicado em 2017. À medida que avançamos com o tempo, muitos dos que pareciam ser benevolentes não o são.

Dalai Lama incentiva a vacinação

Dalai Lama está na folha de pagamentos da CIA!

Dalai Lama trabalha para a elite

Recorde-se que em setembro de 2018 Dalai Lama admitiu ter conhecimentos de abusos sexuais cometidos por mestres budistas:

Dalai Lama é apenas mais um engano como tantos outros que existem.

Quando se diz outros, estamos a falar dos muitos gurus indianos bem conhecidos, mas que na verdade muitas das vezes, as suas técnicas apenas fazem parte da NAA e servem para destruir o potencial do nosso DNA.

Tiffany Dover reaparece

Tiffany Dover ficou conhecida em todo o mundo, quando foi uma das primeiras a tomar a vacina contra a covid-19 e a desmaiar em direto nas televisões. A reportagem pode ser vista no link abaixo que mostra a atual e a anterior (já conta com 700 mil visualizações):


Então qual é o problema? O problema é que quem aparece agora a falar não é a Tiffany mas sim uma atriz. Tiffany faleceu quando tomou a injeção.

Tiffany Dover

Esta é uma operação da IA, visto que foi com esta Tiffany que as pessoas começaram a ficar desconfiadas da vacina. Esta fará parte de alguma estratégia a ser desenvolvida pelos Satanistas.

Há cada vez mais uma forte oposição à vacina e aos seus efeitos secundários que são cada vez mais visíveis, embora a comunicação social oculte completamente estas situações.

A mortalidade de pessoas jovens (20 a 60 anos) está em máximos, mas a corrupta comunicação social continua a não fazer a devida associação à toma da vacina.

Os perigos do ChatGPT

Está na moda o ChatGPT, a tal Inteligência Artificial.

Praticamente o ChatGPT é uma ferramenta que começa a ser usada para vários fins desde estudantes que recorrem a este mecanismo ou qualquer assunto que desejamos ter um melhor desenvolvimento.

O perigo do ChatGPT é o mesmo de sempre: é mais uma ferramenta para influenciar o público em geral. Já não bastava o que havia, agora temos mais esta poderosa ferramenta que irá influenciar as pessoas sem que as mesmas o percebam.

Pessoalmente já usei esta ferramenta para testar algumas coisas e a mesma é muito convincente!

O senão é que se fizermos determinadas perguntas, o mesmo ChatGPT vai levar-nos para aquilo que a IA quer! (experimentem digitar por exemplo “efeitos secundários da vacina contra a covid-19”).


Tirando um “print screen”


Tirando um “print screen” vemos que o próprio ChatGPT já foi detetado a mentir.

Foi lançada a seguinte “carta aberta”:

São mais de mil os especialistas de tecnologia e dirigentes de empresas na área que pedem “uma pausa, de pelo menos seis meses”, no desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de inteligência artifical que queiram copiar e melhorar o que o GPT-4 – modelo de linguagem da OpenAI utilizado no ChatGPT – faz. Em causa, alegam, estão riscos para a sociedade.

Entre os nomes, está o de Elon Musk, fundador da Tesla e da SpaceX, o de Carlos Sierra, presidente da Associação Europeia de Inteligência Artificial, e até um português, Luís Moniz Pereira, professor da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

A carta aberta, publicada esta quarta-feira pela organização “Future of Life Institute” e subscrita pelas milhares de figuras da área, criticam a “corrida perigosa” que tem existido no desenvolvimento destes sistemas.

“Nos últimos meses temos visto laboratórios de IA numa corrida sem controlo para desenvolver e disponibilizar cada vez mais mentes digitais poderosas que ninguém – nem os seus criadores – compreendem ou controlam”, pode ler-se na carta.

“Inteligência Artificial avançada pode representar mudanças profundas na história do planeta Terra, que devem ser planeadas e geridas”, acrescentam, sublinhando que”infelizmente, este nível de planeamento e gestão não tem acontecido”.

Os especialistas e dirigentes vão mais longe e defendem que, se os laboratórios não cumprirem esta pausa, “os governos devem intervir”. “Sistemas de Inteligência Artificial com inteligência competitiva podem apresentar riscos profundos à sociedade e humanidade”, afirmam.

Ora bem parece quase ridículo que Elon Musk subscreva esta carta porque na verdade ele é um dos Deuses da AI. Ele é um dos grandes impulsionadores desta agenda e que já tínhamos dedicado uma atualização mensal ao mesmo:

Este ano ainda dedicaremos um artigo ao mesmo para explicar detalhadamente esta sua agenda.

Estamos a chegar a um limite sobre a IA que é na verdade o inimigo nº1.

A série Battlestar Galactica de 2004 (que considero a melhor série alguma vez produzida) espelha de forma realista a IA:

Esta série tem uma classificação de 8,7 (em 10). Se alguém tiver a série (para português) por favor poste na secção de comentários.

Falência: Criptomoedas e Bancos

O colapso do FTX e a recente falência da Silvergate vieram trazer um alerta sobre as criptomoedas.

Como já dito no passado nas atualizações mensais deste site, as criptomoedas são uma agenda negativa que pertence à Cabala.

Se os mesmos quiserem, as mesmas (criptomoedas) podem desaparecer de um momento para o outro, portanto investir neste tipo de ativos é um risco e infelizmente a comunidade alternativa tenta vender uma ideia diferente.

Alguns bancos também faliram como o SVB e o Credit Suisse (teve que ser adquirido pelo UBS) o que demonstra a fragilidade do sistema bancário. Há também o Deutsche Bank que já se fala há anos que será o próximo. Todos estes bancos eram (são) bancos fortes!

Significa que a questão dos produtos derivados não foi resolvida e continua muita operação não recomendada a ser feita.


Desde a atualização de fevereiro fizemos a divulgação importante de 3 artigos com novas informações:

1 – Andar com os Pés Descalços

A importância de andar descalço e com a respetiva explicação e evitar usar calçado com salto alto, principalmente pelas mulheres que são as principais visadas.

2- Nanites

Tivemos a divulgação do artigo sobre as nanites que estão presentes em todos nós.

E se alguém julga que não tem estas nanites que como já dito no artigo, há vários nomes para a mesma coisa

3- As canalizações são uma agenda da Inteligência Artificial

O artigo intitulado “As canalizações são uma agenda da Inteligência Artificial” provocou uma série de comentários, mas parece que alguns comentários se basearam no título do artigo e não no conteúdo do mesmo.

A manipulação é muito grande e dei exemplo concretos porque é que essas ditas canalizações são na maioria uma agenda negativa.

É preciso notar que muitas dessas canalizações levam a que muitas pessoas façam ativações completamente contrárias à ascensão.

Vou dar um exemplo de alguns grupos de canalização incluindo aqui de Portugal o que fazem e que é totalmente contrário.

Por exemplo: “a Espada Azul Flamejante da Iniciação de Arcanjo Miguel”, esta é uma ativação energética da ADN que na verdade bloqueia e desligas as pessoas dos Campos de Luz e Som Líquido Primal que é a fonte da vida eterna. Na verdade, as pessoas pensam que estão a ascender e é verdade mas a uma Dimensão artificial, portanto a tal Matriz Fantasma do sistema Wesadek e não para níveis mais altos de Gaia (a Lisa Renee já falou nisto, mas naquela linguagem difícil de descortinar e que muitos optam apenas por criticar negativamente, visto que é sempre mais fácil criticar aquilo que não se entende).

Infelizmente tanto cá em Portugal e como em todo o mundo, há muitas ativações através de rituais errados que têm como missão colher essas almas indigos para a sua própria agenda da Matriz da Falsa Luz.

Por isso, é preferível estar quieto no seu canto do que correr riscos desnecessários ao se aliar com determinados grupos ocultistas que pensam que estão a fazer o correto, mas na verdade são levados no caminho oposto. Falo com conhecimento de causa, mas não vou aprofundar mais este assunto, porque aliás muitos desses são leitores assíduos deste site e por vezes já questionei se o que fazem é efetivamente correto.

Isto inclui também a “chamada ativação da kundalini” que serve para destruir o projeto de ADN divino de 12 fios.

Infelizmente depois de se cometerem estes erros creio que não há processo para reparar estas distorções.

Os elevados códigos Veca podem ser usados:

O processo invoca a correção Merkaba essencial, e ajuda diretamente na ativação significativa dos Merkaba de nível superior.

“Tradicional”, “antigo” ou “culturas antigas”

Muitas das vezes há referências pelos “despertos” que gostam de se referir ao que era “tradicional”, “antigo” ou “culturas antigas” como sendo algo benéfico mas na verdade tudo faz parte de um controlo!

Com o tempo vamos percebendo que se calhar que quase tudo é feito para nos desviar do caminho e principalmente tudo que inclui o Movimento Nova Era é uma grande fraude e o maior engano de todos!

Mesmo a própria meditação que é incluída no ioga ou fora do ioga tenho muitas dúvidas que a maioria seja apenas mais uma forma de perder o controlo.

Quanto mais adquirimos conhecimento, isto é, quanto mais nos questionamos, aí sim estamos a quebrar a matrix e a nos libertar verdadeiramente!

Há também uma ideia errada de ler livros espiritualistas, mas na verdade a maioria acaba por nos prejudicar.

Eu diria que cada guru, livro, etc ou o que quer que seja pode ter até 80% de verdade mas o problema são os 20% de distorção que nos impedem de ascender e aí a Inteligência Artificial (que é o inimigo da humanidade mas também das raças que até lutam contra os humanos) é mestre em armar estratagemas.

Mesmo escritores como Eckhart Tolle que estão muito na moda fazem parte do esquema. Vendem a ideia que está tudo bem, que não é preciso fazer nada. Do género que temos que respeitar sempre todos; nunca podemos julgar ninguém; nunca julgar nada que seja mau: apenas ame a todos e deixe a tirania correr solta! Esta ideologia da Nova Era do perdoe e ignore as coisas e nunca fique com raiva é o que se anda a vender, mas na verdade temos de nos revoltar com as injustiças e ir atrás desses satânicos (esta é a guerra que temos atualmente).

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle também é um dos que não se manifestou contra a vacina.

Muitos destes não passam de reptilianos em corpos humanos.Perguntas / Respostas dos leitores

Rodrigo: Boa noite Aniron, eu venho deixar uma pergunta que me deixou intrigado sobre a real posição da Rússia.

Hoje vi nas noticias que o ministro Russo existe uma “NOVA ORDEM MUNDIAL”  >

Eu pergunto, se a nova ordem mundial é aquilo que nao queremos, pois faz parte dos planos de quem manipula o planeta e que segundo o que nos é transmitido, não será algo bom para as pessoas, como pode isto ser possível por parte da Rússia? Pelo que vamos lendo, a Rússia não é vista como uma “salvadora”, o que em parte nao consigo concordar, devido às imensas mortes que tem causado de civis que nao tem culpa da guerra.

A questão, resumidamente é: O que podemos assumir da Rússia, após esta informação? Afinal, de que lado estão eles? O que se passa aqui?

Resposta: os “não despertos” defendem a Ucrânia como sendo os bons. Os “despertos” afirmam que a Rússia é que são do bem. Na verdade, logo que começou o conflito Ucrânia / Rússia dissemos nas atualizações mensais que se tratava de um conflito entre 2 fações negativas!

Apenas serve para baixar a vibração do planeta e atrasar as mudanças.

Daniel: Aniron, você citou sobre reiki e yoga e eu tenho dúvidas sob todas as técnicas de cura que existe hoje e é praticada por muitos terapeutas, na qual eu também me incluo. Dentre as que mais me chamam a atenção, eu gostaria muito de explorar sobre a Constelação Familiar, o Tantra e o Access Consciousness.

Resposta: sobre o reiki e o ioga já falei acima e anteriores atualizações. Sobre essas que indica não tenho informação suficiente: teria que detalhar mais só o nome não é suficiente. Sobre o Tantra tenho muitas dúvidas.

Rodrigo: É possível termos acesso a um único artigo com informação simples de entender, mesmo que extenso na sua leitura, desde os “começos”, passando pelos altos e baixos da verdadeira história, quem faz, o que faz e o porquê de o fazer, chegando posteriormente até aos dias de hoje e o que se pode esperar/pode fazer para ajudar a raça humana?

Se para “nós” (pessoas despertas ou com um pensar mais amplo sobre o que se passa no planeta) é difícil e torna-se confuso por vezes saber interpretar tudo, conjugando anjos, arcanjos, bruxos, magos, extra terrestres bons e maus, IA, Enlil, Anunaki, Deus, Mestres Ascensos, Jesus, Maria, Santos, Orixás, Buda, iluminati, maçonaria, entre outras sociedades, vaticano, papa negro, espiritos, mediunidade, astrologia, kaballah, tarôt, videntes etc.. Depois existem os artigos dos diversos informantes, COBRA, BF, L.R. etc…

Para quem está a começar, não sabe para onde se virar, nem em que acreditar.. E mesmo nós também não conseguimos dar lhes um sentido de orientação plausível e credível, com tanta informação em massa.

Daí surgir esta necessidade de vos pedir se é possível publicar-se um artigo que seja um “guia” para iniciantes e mesmo para nós, que nos permita encaixar bem melhor todas as peças e termos uma visão mais limpa e clara.

Agradeço a atenção a esta sugestão e não sendo possível pedia que me o dissessem por forma a não ficar com esperanças em vão sobre isso.

Resposta: quem usa a versão no computador existem 3 artigos fixos e um chama-se “a história do planeta Terra” e aí tem já um bom resumo quer através desse artigo bem como outros anexados a esse artigo.

Como já dito, todos têm uma parte de verdade, mas o problema são sempre os apegos ou o objetivo de destruir o nosso DNA ou melhor dizendo, tentar a não ativação do nosso DNA.

Não há um “guia” para iniciantes e é com erros que conseguimos avançar.

Como já dito passar tempo internamente e não consumir muita comunicação social das massas e também da informação alternativa é um dos passos importantes.

Palavras Finais

Este site continuará com as divulgações que são necessárias mas devagar. Os ataques ao site desta forma diminuíram nos últimos 2 meses.



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Há ainda o fórum, mas tal como já dito anteriormente, o fórum é da responsabilidade dos leitores deste site:


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Use o seu discernimento e absorva apenas o que lhe interessa e descarte o restante. O nosso objetivo é apenas de o informar.



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