The coming days will bring shock to the majority of humanity. However, it is important to see the higher purpose in the imminent revelations, and understand that it is the Universe’s way of steering you forward, and into greater alignment with your divine self.
All of this is necessary in order to assist humanity expand and shift from the current yet outdated ways of life.
The events and new information relating to politics, economics, financial, and religious institutions will be coming forth. And with this, what perhaps may be the greatest truth, that is humanity not being alone in the Universe, as well as being watched over and assisted in the past and during these times by extradimensional beings from all over the galaxy, and beyond.
Revelations and the deconstruction of the old systems will continue until humans rise, and understand that something much greater is taking place on Earth. The way forward is not in fear and limitation. It is with love and sovereignty.
All the light and love to You!