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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on December 8, 2024


Master OWS

Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm, Ohm.

One Who Serves here, Shoshanna is here and we are ready for your questions if you have them. We kind of think that there may be questions about this timeline thing, but if it is not that is okay. whatever your questions are, we will attempt to answer them to the best of our ability in terms of bringing you what you need, not simply what you want.

We are ready for your questions here.


Well, I’ll jump in with the question since we’re talking about timeline. Oh, did I jump over somebody? Okay, who?

Master OWS

You just jump in.


So, my question is this, we were talking in our discussion about creating the timeline we prefer, which seems like we are. But a lot of us have heard you know, I guess fear mongering would be the right term, but some post is saying, you know, prepare and have your money, and have your food, and it’s the military is the only way, and there could be disruption in Phoenix, Arizona with the cartels and the gangs and all that stuff. Is all that negative stuff gone from this timeline we’re currently on or might there be a few little hiccups along the way this year and into before the inauguration?

Master OWS

We will tell you that the timeline that you are creating; you as an individual, you as a group, you as collective, that are moving on to this new timeline, or timelines we will say at this point, for the not quite moved into only one timeline yet. But as you are moving into this new timeline you need to focus more and more on doing exactly that, the timeline that you are creating, not the one that they have wanted to create for you. They being the dark forces.

You see they, will attempt to hold you to their timeline as much as they possibly can. Which then includes the fear mongering, as you are saying spreading fear wherever they can, for that is their game plan, that is all they have ever known, is to spread fear. Because in the past fear held them in control, kept them in control. And they are realizing though more and more and more now, that it is not working for them. And they’re beginning to give-in, we will say here. So even the two point of rendering to the light here, but they will fight to, to the end, there will be many that still will fight to the end, and will not give-in until it is so far beyond that they can do no other than, just simply flow away on their own old timeline that they had created. Okay? Shoshanna do you have something to add here?


We can add if you wish for us to give our perspective dear sister?


Of course, always Shoshanna


Dear sister. One Who Serves, has given a full account, and has been accurate in their perspective what we will say, s that, this is up to you. Where you are, what timeline you choose. It is all up to you. There’s no; we would say, bleed through from one timeline to another. It is just that humans become very curious and so they will listen to some narrative that puts them perhaps on another timeline, and then they rejoin the timeline that they wish to create for themselves. But what must be very clear about all of this, is that it is you choosing, it is your choice, what you remain on and what you do not remain on. Because you are the creator of that timeline. You see, but you can bounce back and forth, if you wish.

The important thing here is that, realize that, the thing that they are doing, the control through fear, is a narrative, and it is not the truth. It is just a narrative to swing you around to them. So that you do not, you do not take the power fully of the creator that you are. So, just remember it is your choice, namaste.

Master OWS

We wish to remind you, have heard “there’s a chest match going on”, the one side to makes their move, the other side makes their counter move, and so on and so on. And we would say in this chess match now, that the white hats, the side of the white in terms of your white and black chess pieces. The white puts the black pieces in-check, at this point and it is not over yet, for it is not quite checkmate, but the both sides at this point, know that the side of the white, the white pieces have almost won the match here. The white pieces, the white light or the side of the light here knows that they are going to win and, and, and in effect have already done so, because the moves that the other side can make will not make a difference at this point so, checkmate is very near, ok?


So, so it would be, it would be who it would be, say, the spiritual masters to, to back away or look away from those fear podcast and those people that are sharing, “oooh this this could happen in Phoenix, and we’re going to have this, and a nuclear war”, we should absolutely not even pay attention to those negative predictions, right?

Master OWS

Yes. That is very much so correct, yes.

Master OWS

Would there be other questions here?


Well, so as I was walking around one of my walks today, it occurred to me; and I think you might have already answered this, but I just wanna solidify it. It occurred to me that the only reason we have and day, is because we have been convinced that it’s a big dark black void out there, so that when we turn away from the only light source allegedly; which is the sun, of course it would get dark. But in actuality since it’s all light out there, that’s why we’re not gonna have any night and day, because we’ll finally be present, we’ve been created through our consciousness a darkness, but in actuality when we get past that, it’s all light out there. So there will be no night and day. Is that a correct assessment?

Master OWS

We will say here simply that archangel Michael “let the cat out of the bag” so to speak. (this occurred during the guided meditation)

We cannot talk much more about this at this point.


But that’s kind of what I did think today on my, on this week on my walk, before he said that. So, that’s why I was looking for validation. It occurred to me on a walk.

Master OWS

Yes. Shoshanna do you have anything?


We do not.

Master OWS

Very good. Then would there be other questions here?

No further questions?


Well, let me, let me just ask this one then for, for the collective here, because it was something, I was gonna remark upon but you probably remark upon it better, I think that the conscious is wars, I mean, sorry the timeline wars actually, is what’s happening now. It’s like they’re trying one thing and the other side is trying another, and that’s the timeline war, and actually also sometimes like adjusting like say, adjusting whether Nelson Mandela died or not for one particular side of the, of the, you know, the light or the dark. Can you say more about those timeline wars for us?

Master OWS

We can tell you that if you look back in your various movies; that you have, especially Star Wars and things of this nature, that is somewhat of a documentary of what has occurred in the past.

There have been many wars, many battles that has been fought throughout to the universe here. Galaxies beyond this galaxy, have had these various skirmishes and even wars, and all of that has occurred, but it is coming to an end. It is coming to an end. And it is all about the ascension as archangel Michael has given, and we have been saying for quite some time now, it’s all about ascension.

Once ascension occurs for you and the entire planet here, the idea of war, and battles, and fighting, and fear and all of this will be history. It will be in your forgotten history, in terms of forgive, forget and move on.

So, you will not even need to think about that anymore. Think about those that are in their ships, that are in a fifth-dimensional and beyond expression. They do not think in terms of battles and war and things; unless it comes to them in some way. And then they simply ward it off, they do not have to, as you would say fight, and kill, and all of these things. They just simply defend themselves and that defense creates the demise of those that are attacking them. We will say.

We have given much here in this, much more than we intended to do at this point, but you are coming more and more to an understanding where, this is, this type of thing can be grasped at your current consciousness level. For your current consciousness level has indeed increased dramatically here that is all we can say here. Shoshanna do you have anything to add here?


Well we can add here. You have given, a very good answer. But we wish to perhaps, rephrase a little bit, maybe we do that dear sister?


Yes please.


Well, what we will tell you is this, and One who Serves has already answered this, but what we will tell you is this.

The idea of a war, even in terms of; you are saying timeline war, does not exist if you know who you are. Once you know who you are, you do not join into that idea, you see. So, so, for examples, we will take the example of Star Wars, the one known as Yoda was completely merged with the divine, with the higher self, and knew who he was. And he knew that all these things that were going on around him, were the result of those around him not knowing who they were. So, for example the one character Luke Skywalker, did not know who he was until he faced himself, and he faced himself through his father. And that’s how he faced himself and the dark side of, of his own being and then he knew who he was. You see.

So there would be no more what you call war. War occurs when people do not know who they are, and do not know that they have a choice, you see. So everything is a choice. You do not have to choose a timeline war, you can just simply be on the timeline you wish to be on, and forget about the idea of, of a struggle, the word war, denotes a struggle, and if you do not wish to participate in a struggle, then you do not give this idea any further thought, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good. Would there be any further questions here?



Master OWS

Yes, yes.


I just quickly wanted to know, how is Rita doing on the other side?



We will share?

Master OWS

Yes, yes, please do.


We have been in contact with her dear brother. Do you wish us to share our experience?


Oh yes, for sure. Yes of course.


Our dear sister Rita is enjoying new lessons. She is enjoying participating in the education of the higher self of the divine. She is enjoying this, and she has felt the freedom of her soul and her spirit being released from the body that was ill, you see, she was sick. She wished for this, and she achieved it, you see. So she is in joy, namaste.


Thank you.

Master OWS

Very good. Any further questions?

Then we are ready to release channel, Shoshanna do you have a parting message?


Well there were so many good things in this conversations that you had, that we, we cannot add any more wisdom to this, but we will just say that you are all on the right road, on the right track to achieve the highest dimensional self that you can achieve, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good, and we just simply add to this, that just continue on and create, continue to create the timeline that you want. Find yourself on that timeline that you want. Do not let yourself slip back, do not be back on the old prophecy timeline, and all of this, that was brought about again to hold control over the population of the planet. Let that go and just simply move on into your ascension process.

Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on November 21, 2024


Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum

Greetings, One Who Serves here and we are here to assist you in any way, we can, in answering your questions if you have that. We are ready for your questions now.

If there would be questions?


I have a question.

Master OWS



Could you say anything about, what would be the procedure for disclosing, hmm our galactic friends?  Do you, is there some sort of procedure that has to take place?  Would it be announced to the public, that this is going to happen and …

Master OWS

Yes, we understand your questions, and we would say to you that it will likely be in the beginning, in terms of first contact, we will say, where those of you that are ready will begin to receive the presence of those, not so much in the physical, at first but more of those glimpses that we have been speaking of, and then that will move into a full presence, in terms of a physical understanding, a light being we will say, showing up in front of you. That will be the procedure that is currently being worked-on here and, and eventually there will be full contact across the planet; but at first, only those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, and are ready for this great undertaking, to begin.  Ok?


Yes, thank you.

Master OWS

Yes, further questions here?


Okay, I’ll ask if that’s okay, I just take ….

Master OWS

We would ask you, we would ask you please, you are seemingly on a speaker phone here.


Okay, sorry, I think this is better.

Master OWS

Yes, that’s better.


hmm, the lock-down would that be for military reasons, as opposed to biological or, or you know bacterial, reasons?

Master OWS

We will tell you, we cannot give direct understanding to this question at this time. But we can give you somewhat of an understanding in terms of there will not be a biological or pathogenic event occur again, that cannot happen again.  That has been curtailed, even the one that occurred in your 2020 time period, was curtailed as to what it could have been, what they wanted it to have been, they being the dark forces.

And those of the light forces greatly curtailed that from becoming so much more of what it could have been. But now understand that when you speak of a lock-down, it is not for that reason certainly as it was.  But the reason to come together as one where you are out of the way, out of the way of those that are proceeded to bring about the great changes that will be needed, as a result of what occurs to bring about that lock-down.  We cannot say too much more of this, and it is also possible that it does not occur, in the way that it has been planned; in terms of, as things continue to progress, it may preclude the need for this.

So, we cannot say, yes, it is going to happen, or no, it is not going to happen at this point. It is in flux at this point nothing and no thing is written in stone here. So, just go about your life, go about your business, but continue to follow the understanding of letting go of more and more of the old programming, and moving more and more into your ascension process.  Without fear. do not let fear to come into the picture at all, and you will find that those, that have done everything they could to bring about fear across the planet, are losing the battle here. They will not be able to do anywhere near what they have done in the past over the thousands of years, in bringing about fear to the populous. That is going to become less and less, and less, and their power to bring about that fear, is becoming less and less, and less.  Okay?


Yes, thank you, thank you very much.

Master OWS

Yes. Any further questions?


Yeah, okay, I’ll ask. I always thought that the domino was going to be like, someone of a, of a name like, on the dark side who was going to fall,hmm, is that accurate? I mean, in terms of maybe there’s another domino like that gonna fall, or is this what we’ve been waiting for completely?

Master OWS

Surprise, surprise, surprise you are in the point right now, where a major domino has just fallen. It will create a crescendo of continuing following of those dominoes to come. So be ready for this, know that you are on the cusp, as we have said many, many times, and many other sources have been saying, you are right on the cusp now of great major changes coming to the world. To bring about the falling of the old three-dimensional paradigm.  This must fall you must understand this. It is not “business as usual”, and the one that is the catalyst for this ,is now in place to bring this about, to begin this process.

He is not the only one, there are others who are going to join him and be a part of this crusade; we will say, to bring about the end of the deep state and the beginning of; even as he has been saying, the new Golding age of not of only America but of the entire world. Okay?


So I have a follow up then, just came to me. Is it okay?

Master OWS



Would it be fair to think or say that probably all of those people that voted for Trump are on the ascension path or starting on the ascension path?

Master OWS

It would be difficult to quantify that, to give you a full understanding. But we will just simply say, more and more are moving towards that path, if not already on it. That is all we can tell you on this, more and more lights are coming on.


thank you.

Master OWS

Any further questions? We take one or two more if they are, then we need to release channel.

Master OWS

Nothing further?

Then we are ready to release channel and we just simply say, continue to keep the faith, continue; to again, move on with your life. Knowing that everything is happening exactly as it needs to, in every given moment, and that you yourselves continue to move into those moments, moments within your life. In other words be in the moment, every moment that you can. Find yourself there, not in the past, not even only looking towards the future, but right here in the present moment. Creating that wonderful future, that is ahead for you.

Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Seeing into other Dimensions

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on November 12, 2024


Master OWS

Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum

Greetings to you, One Who Serves is here, Shoshana is here and we are ready for your questions if you have them, no message from us at this time, so please proceed with your questions.


Hello, this is ******, I have a question. So, last night I was sitting in my TV room; I just came up and downstairs, so excuse me.

Master OWS

We are ready for your question.


last night, I was just watching TV and actually for the last week or so, before I continue I have been noticing I’ve been from time to time hearing this real loud pop, and I have not heard that before but it’s been intermittent.   And so last night I’m here by myself. It’s always when I’m home by myself and I’m just sitting, watching TV and I hear the pop and suddenly there is a single file line of like five or six beings walking from my kitchen into the TV room that I’m sitting-in, and they’re all light, they’re all light beings and, and the middle of that line is my mother, and when I saw her I immediately got very emotional and started crying and then they were gone.

I’ve been knowledgeable of the Agarthans and the, and the mentors who’s supposed to be coming to help us; who have been helping us, I guess my question is – they were mentors, I believe, but now, they came just to, just to present themselves or had a message, which I may be interrupted with my emotional state? That’s my question.

Master OWS

We will say here that the pop that you heard it first was their announcement that they were going to be showing themselves, and the second part of that, is that these are the glimpses that we have spoken of many, many times where you will begin to see into the other dimensional frequencies.  And in this case you are seeing into that dimension, which is the part of those that have passed-on, not all of them were though. But you are, are getting those glimpses; we will say, and this is something to not be afraid of, not have fear over it, just accept it for what it is in terms of you’re moving forward in your ascension process.  And being aware in a higher vibrational frequency of those that are also in a higher vibration of frequency, you see.


Okay, yes.

Master Shoshanna

We can share.

We heard a comment there, do you wish to comment dear sister?


I was just going to add that, I wasn’t afraid because in the moment I realized what was happening, but I guess I didn’t expect my mother so when I saw her I just got emotional but it wasn’t fear or anything and so, but when I did get emotional they were gone.

Master Shoshanna

Well, we will tell you, we can share dear sister, maybe we share?


Oh, sure.

Master Shoshanna

Dear sister, we have said this before, there is no veil and those that are breaking the myth of the veil will open themselves up to all these beings that are there to assist, you see, and we believe that you are one that’s broken the myth of the veil, as there is truly no veil.  The other thing that we will tell you, is that there is no death.  There’s truly no, no death. The physical body if it dies, it is just an avatar and you will continue on in consciousness and in understanding at a higher vibration, you see and you may know this as well.

We will suggest that these things will continue to happen and that when they do, and you see the marks of these light beings coming to advise you, that you simply calm yourself and listen, because they will communicate with you telepathically; they do not speak, they communicate with you telepathically, and also continue this in your dream state, especially the idea that your mother was present, you can continue this in your dream state and ask this one; since this was prevalent for you, to give you her message in your dreams state. That is what we have to share with you, namaste.


Okay, thank you so much.

Master OWS

We’re ready for next question if there is.


Yes, I have a question.

Master OWS



It’s about DNA, because I’ve been watching this whole business of the talking about the Jesus strand and also exploring you know, some of my heritage and all and I know that we are all, everything. One of us the blood strings if you will are all so mixed and we all have connections back to the Grays and we also have spiritually connections back to the angels and archangels of course. But I’m curious you know, talking about this Jesus strand or this increased DNA, if you will just a little I guess higher level DNA, I would say do you think that is connected in some of our lightworkers, and the fact that we could sort of see things and understand things even from a young age, from a broader perspective, like we didn’t buy into what was being given to us. Do we have a sort of that increase that DNA in us and, and I know it’s all changing, and we’ll be getting more DNA, but we better, even more increase DNA, but do we have that already to begin with? did we?

Master OWS

We will say to you, it’s not so much a sense of increased DNA. it is a sense of reconnecting the DNA that is already there, and those of you in this group and that would resonate to these words are parts of that expression of the DNA reconnecting once again.  And the question about the connection with the Yeshua, and that DNA strand or that blood line, you are all part of that in a sense, we will not say  actually in that blood line,  but moving back from the times long ago, you have been a part of that expression or that blood line. So, know that is why you have all been brought together, you all found your way here to this group. and to this understanding of who you are. So rejoice my friends, rejoice in that you are a part of the expression of higher consciousness that is here now on this planet.

Shoshana, do you have something to share?

Master Shoshanna

well it is complicated, but we will add if we may dear sister?


Yes please.

Master Shoshanna

Well, we will ask a question if we may, what do you believe?


HMM, well I can see that at least the dark side thinks there’s really something to this DNA business, cause they’re trying hard to kill off anybody who might have that, Jesus DNA, or any, any relic of that, Jesus DNA. I kinda do, but I don’t think it’s like, I kinda do believe there is a, a special DNA that the light workers originally came down with. But I don’t think it’s like, unachievable by anyone else, I think that other people are gonna  maybe be able to achieve this for sure by activating their dormant DNA. But I think perhaps we had it activated. Like I think that’s maybe what the Jesus strand is, it was already activated to some extent. And so that when you know, you’re in that kind of blood line then it’s already to some extent activated and then of course you can activate it more. Does that make any sense?

Master Shoshanna

It does, and do you believe that you are part of this line?


Yes. But I don’t believe, I’m, I’m, I don’t believe, I came from Jesus but I believe I came, from the where Jesus came from, If you will. Like, I believe, I’m, I believe I’m connected to the line that Jesus was born into?

Master Shoshanna

Well, we will say, we will say some perspective here.

It is important to understand that this is not a physical matter. This is not about blood. This is not about the physicality that you here, this is about the etheric DNA. The etheric DNA is what connects you to spirit, which that connects you to the higher realms, that connects you to the ascended masters, that some have a body and some do not you see. So we will say Yeshua was and as is an ascended master and that your connection to him is etheric not physical. Now, we will say that during your meditation we would ask you to meditate upon this etheric DNA that is contained within the etheric body.  And as you meditate, you will see the strand of DNA that is represented by your science, that shows you what the DNA strands look like.  Meditate upon this and you will watch; and this is exciting, you will watch and see that strands light-up and you will watch and see the what they call the silly notion of dormant DNA, you will watch that light-up as well.  And what we will tell you is that the race of beings that you are, are connected to many ascended masters, not just this one known as Yeshua, and the ascended masters such as Buddha, such as Krishna, such as Moses, all these attended masters that have contributed to increasing your level of conscious, to understand who you are. You are connected to. And it is true that these strands of DNA has been disconnected some what, but in your meditations you can watch them light-up and reconnect them yourself, namaste.


Wow, that is cool so, can I, can, I don’t know if any, well let somebody else go if anybody else doesn’t go then maybe I’ll have another question. Okay.

Master Shoshanna


Master OWS

Would there be other questions here?


Yes, I have a question.

Master OWS



Well, I’m trying to state this again correctly, I think just because I’m trying to move forward, not trying, sorry, I am moving forward is how do we, if all variations are reality or other realities, are frequency and vibration, how do we start training ourselves to access vibrations and frequencies at will?

Is this a higher function that I will attain really, more after ascension or is that something I can start working on now?

Master OWS

We would say that this is somewhat that you are you are already doing so and your very thought processes you are moving higher in vibrational frequency and in your ascension process. So just continue to do as you have been doing and continue to believe and you will see, continue to know who you are and what you are here for, and everything will continue to work out as it needs to.  Do not be concerned about whether you are doing it or not doing it, just do it. That’s all Shoshanna?

Master Shoshanna

Well we can add here, if we may dear brother, may we add?


Absolutely dear sister, of course.

Master Shoshanna

Well, we will ask you a question then.  What frequency and vibration do you wish to achieve?


Haha, I would like to be able to access any vibration if we could see that I choose at will, that’s the ultimate state that I would like.

Master Shoshanna

Then choose, and choose one now, that one you wish to achieve, and tell us what it is.


Oh well, okay, let’s just say, massive abundance, you know, that’s one that I think most humans and folks down here can relate to. So let’s say massive abundance, I don’t know, all the gods abundance in the world, whatever.

Master Shoshanna

Well then we will ask you what that is to you, what is massive abundance to you because you see your mind is working on this so you must clarify, what is that mind is working on?


I actually think it’s changing right now because what I used to think is the abundance is not really necessarily what I’m thinking abundance is now, does that make sense? It’s kind of evolving what I think abundance is, but the frequency I’m in now, I believe everything around me, for the most part but we still have I think some program in there that’s, that doesn’t see it that way. So, I’m sort of getting training my brain to, to shift it perspective on what it sees and, and interpreting and I’m training my brain to see everything as abundant, everything around me is abundant, I live in abundance.

Master Shoshanna

Well then you are on the right track, and then the program that is prevalent on this plane, on this third dimensional plane that is prevalent that seems to invade the consciousness of the beings that live here is lack.


Right, that’s correct.

Master Shoshanna

So there, there is, there is lack and there is abundance. So for this brain and your mind and your entire consciousness, achieving what you know as massive abundance, all lack must be gone, there must be no thought of lack, there must never be a thought of lack, and that is difficult.  But we will tell you that you are on the right track. So to a …, you see the idea of massive abundance, the first thing that the beings here think about; that are kind of flat lining, they’re really not expanding their consciousness. They think about money, that this massive abundance means that they can have as much money as they wish to have. But that is really not abundance. What you are, what you are attempting to achieve as a state of mind. So, that is what you are focusing on, is the state of mind, to see abundance, to feel abundance, to believe abundance, to know abundance, and continue to define that for yourself. What is abundance to you, for us abundance is unconditional love, for us abundance is compassion, for us abundance is awareness of the divine, because when you are walking in unconditional love. When you are living in the divine all things are abundant it does not matter. You feel that and what you have in your possession; which is dimensional conscious, is irrelevant.  it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter anymore, you see. So, when you achieve the state of unconditional love, even if it, if it is for just a moment in the day, and when you feel your divinity even, if even if it is just for a moment of the day, you have achieved what you call massive abundance. Now what the goal is, is to sustain that feeling.


That state.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, does that make sense dear brother?


It does because I’ve been in that state and like you said even if it’s short lived, it perms all other states almost, it just like it doesn’t matter, like I think you simply nailed it, just money in abundance and all these things in the third dimension don’t really matter whenever that state, cause they’re kind of irrelevant.

Master Shoshanna

Exactly, dear brother, and once again we must emphasize that setting aside the program of lack will assist you in achieving this bliss, namaste.

Master OWS

And we will add here along this that, what is it then is that you take with you when you leave the physical body?


Absolutely, nothing. Well my spirit.

Master OWS

You take  love, you take unconditional love with you. That is what you continue on with, everything else is just part of the illusion.

Master Shoshanna

We wish to add here as well. May we add one more thing?


Okay absolutely.

Master Shoshanna

as, as you achieve in your, in your state of consciousness, the feeling of unconditional love, the feeling of divinity, the feeling of god, self, as you achieve those states of consciousness; as one who serves has given, at the moment that your avatar is laid-down, and you move past the third dimensional conscious state you take those states of consciousness with you, you see. So, anything that you achieve here, anything that you feel here is added to you, and is and, and it goes with your consciousness as you move past the third dimensional …


So, so like kind of soul record is what you’re talking about, and but if we’re not taking, if we’re not actually laying down our avatar this time, and we’re actually taking it with us in that transitionary state, into fifth dimension, we are literally just moving into pure and unconditional love, that state right?

Master Shoshana

Yes, but you are, but you are setting the physical avatar aside dear brother. The physical avatar cannot ascend, the lightbody ..ascends..


Oh, that’s right. It’s light, body lightbody okay. So when we lay that down, we will just bring our experiences and everything we learned which was the whole point of the soul record and unconditional love, that’s really all we’re taken with us, right?

Master Shoshanna

Yes, and, and you will experience it exponentially it will be total bliss.


Yes, I’m looking forward to that.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, and in the meantime, yes but in the meantime, enjoy the process, you are here for a reason, enjoy the challenge, enjoy and in enjoy that you are challenged by this and that you are attempting in the physical to achieve it, you see.


Yes, I’m starting to appreciate the challenge far more recently, is I look at it as the experience that is, is meant to be.

Master Shoshanna

Yes, wonderful, wonderful, namaste dear brother.


Namaste, I love you.

Master OWS

We are finding within this one’s consciousness; the James here, that there was a movie called “Ghost”, and in that movie at the end when the one, the character that was the Patrick Swayze, the body, what was it that he said, continued on?


Love, I think, yes I remember that.

Master OWS

“Love is what continues”.


Love it.

Master OWS

Very good.

Master Shoshanna,

Very exciting yeah.

Master OWS

Very good, we do need to release channel. We take one more question if there is one and then we release channel.


Hmm, I have a question.

Master OWS



Somebody suggested that Bashar, you know that channel who gives us so much good information was deep state because he said that Kamala would win the election. And I wonder why they would say that cause I don’t, can’t imagine that would be true, was he trying to foster dissension?

Master Shoshanna

We will answer that question here, may we share dear sister?



Master Shoshanna

Emphatically no.  This one that you know as Darryl that channels the entity known as Bashar, is a pure light being.  And if he is saying that

your election will be won by the one known as Kamala, then that may occur, may not occur, because you see, predictions we are not in the business of prediction. And when someone is; as one who serves has given many times, the consciousness of the being that is channeling filters through to the entity and often things are said, that the entity does not wish to be  said and it is a, it is a prediction, you see.

So just wait and watch and trust the plan that has been given, this has been given so many times – trusting yourself, trust the plan, and everything will be okay, and everything is working out. The light always wins, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good.


Thank you.

Master OWS

We are done, we are done for the time being now, Shoshanna do you have parking message?

Master Shoshanna

We will say stay peaceful. No matter what occurs in the third dimensional plan of consciousness that is chaotic and crazy. Raise your vibration to the level of peace.  Be peaceful, be peaceful, be loving, do not see others as corrupt or dangerous or hurtful, do not see others that way, you see, because when you project that onto others it will come back to you, you see.  So stay peaceful, stay loving, stay compassionate, and trust, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good, and we simply say as Sananda said – “follow the dream”.   Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



A Training Program

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on November 3, 2024


Master OWS

Greetings, One Who Serves (OWS) here, Shoshanna is here, and we are ready to continue to assist you with this training program that we have been working with you on.

A training program that has been in the works for quite some time. We’re speaking; not only of this lifetime, but many lifetimes, that we ascended ones, your various guides, and of course your higher selves, have been there with you the whole time, many times, many lifetimes, you have not been aware of this, but yet we were still there. We have always been there in one way or another, just as you will be there, for those who come after you, in whatever way that they are needing at the time.

So be ready for this. You the ones, the light workers, the light warriors, the way showers, you are the ones.  So know that, and we even go further as Saint Germain has given, and as we have said many times -you are the ONE.   You are not just playing at being the ONE,  you are not just coming to understand that you are the ONE, you are the one!

So know that as you continue to move forward into this next level or next phase of your creative expression.  And we say your creative expression, because you are the ones that are creating the next parts of your lives moving forward.

We are ready for your questions if you have them.


Yes, I have one.

Master OWS



Actually, this is a two part question they’re related.  I’ve been at home in my cozy, wonderful trailer of the last three weeks because I don’t have any work at the moment, but I’ve been sleeping an inordinate amount of time, like, twelve to fifteen hours a day.  So I’m wondering what’s up with that, and the second part of my question, which is somehow related, last night I watched the classic movie “close and counters of the third kind”, and, and, and as I went to sleep last night, I formally requested to be contacted again from that ship that was in my dream many, many months ago, with my spiritual family a board, and then late last night, early morning; sure enough, right on queue I heard three knock, knock, knock, which was either inside my head or just outside, because my head sleeps very close to the wall of my trailer.  And so that was a verification of contact and, would you mind commenting on those two questions? Thank you.

Master OWS

We would say to you that you that you have already answered your question in terms of verification of contact.  You asked, have you and you have received and you will find that as you continue to move forward in this new expression of your life that you are going to have more of these occurrences and not so much in the same way but the universe shall provide in whatever way it is needed for you in the given moment.  And as you continue to move forward in that way, in terms of being in the given moment; not in the past, not only focused on the future, but in the moment you will have more expressions of this, as those of your family of lights from beyond the stars continue, to attempt to make contact with you.

That is part of the expression that you came here for, and you will continue to have more and more of these incidents. As far as these sleep patterns, ii is a combination of two things, one is in some ways you are simply just board, and you are just finding that there is not so much to be awake for. and that you can find more, more what you are looking for within your dream state, and then some ways that is certainly true, and in other ways, that you are needing that sleep, or your body, your physical body is needing that sleep time. So, it is a combination, but it is all about the ascension process that you are within here.

So know that we will just simply say you are on the right track. Shoshanna, do you have something you add here?

Master Shoshanna

We, we do not have a better perspective. But we have something we could add, maybe we add their brother?


Oh, please do, yes.

Master Shoshanna

Dear brother, to your sleep issue that you believe perhaps it is an issue, we find that the body goes through processes, that the mind will question, because it is outside what is the normal process that you have experienced in the past, and as one was services given, I just say go with it. You, you your body is requesting the sleep. So just go with it, when we bump up against the tide of something new, we challenge it and we make decisions that aren’t necessarily accurate about the process.

So, we find that, you must be with it, sleep your brother, and eventually as you be with, it will change again; you see, see so there’s nothing to be concerned about whatsoever in that, in that new process that you are experiencing as your body in requiring it. The second thing about verifying your encounter, of course, they verified it for you. They’re watching you, they’re being with, you they are attempting to contact you. It is a continuous thing and we remember this last inquiry and your dream, we remember those things and you are continually being protected and continually being observed by those beautiful galactic brothers and sisters that belong to your family of light, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good.


Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.

Master OWS

We’re ready for next question.


I have a question.

Master OWS


I don’t know if this might be related to contact, but in that way, but happened before a couple of times when I wake up and I see an energy, like I physically see it with my eyes. I’m not sleep anymore, and the other day, it was, I woke up and it was was black, like a black math, a small black bowling ball, the size of a small bowling ball, black, kind of head and legs, kind of wiggling around like a spider, so it kinda like a spider, was hanging there about 10, 8 feet away, but I was looking.

I got, I was waiting for it to disappear, like it had before in the past participate and it just was there, you know, like what the heck is that.

And then after that, it sort of disappear like slowly just disappeared. So I thought for about four seconds and I didn’t feel afraid, I like spiders, I don’t know if that was a spider but, and obviously it was an energy but I’m not quite sure what the message is or what?

Master OWS

We would say here that it was a remnant, a remnant from your dream state that continued on, in terms of your waking state.  Nothing to be concerned about, but yet something that is exciting; in a sense, in that you are bringing from your dream state into your waiting state, the glimpses that we have spoken of many, many times here.  So it is something to, certainly not be concerned about, certainly not afraid of, but that it is just part of the expression moving forward in your life here.  That is what we will say Shoshanna may have their perspective?

Master OWS

Oh, we would ask the sister, we would ask a question to you. May we ask?


Yes please.

Master Shoshana

What do you think this is?


I don’t know, like I guess they say, I would know on some level but it is, seems almost friendly or neutral or slightly, maybe friendly, but I don’t know, like is it looks kinda, you know, not something that you might want to run into in real-life, but so I’m not sure, honestly at this point.

Master Shoshanna

We find in, in your, in your, in your sphere of influence that you have an ongoing concern in your life.

That materialized as this energy to remind you of the ongoing concern to approach it head-on, to continue to be in your power, to continue to know your power, that you have the power to move through this concern, and to defied it; you see, see that is how we are seeing this, does this ring a bell?


Yeah, it does  make sense. Is it something to be concerned about but not what like OWS said, not something to be afraid of.

Master Shoshanna

No, because you have the power to overcome anything and this is an ongoing concern for you that just manifested outside of you as an energy to remind you to overpower it, namaste.


Okay, okay, thank you very much …

Master OWS

Very good. Are there further questions here?  Nothing further?

And we are done in for the time, and we’ll release channel. Sorry. Shoshanna, do you have parting message?

We do not truly have a message, we will just say, that recognize and acknowledge and each breath and each moment of your life, acknowledge your power and use it, for the good of all, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good, and we simply say almost the same thing, recognize who you are, the power within you and continue to allow that power to manifest both within you and outside of you as you move forward.

Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Power Within You

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on October 24, 2024

Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum
Greetings, One Who Servers (OWS) here and Shoshana is here and we are ready for your questions if you have them.
Yes, I have a question.
Master OWS
Couple of days ago, I was looking through my iPhone for a specific photo I was going to use for something, and it was taking me the longest time about an hour later I was, I, a few seconds before I actually found it. A voice in my head said, oh, it’s just coming up now, and then like a second or two later there it was and.
Ahh, my question is I guess it, you know, if you could comment on that, but also was that my higher self or, or one of my guides. I wasn’t sure which.
Master OWS
Dear one there lies your power, that is what Sananda was speaking of, that is what we’ve been saying for quite some time now. The power within you, it is there, the intuition, the knowing within you, the ability to discern from the dark and the light, that is within you. It has been within you this whole time. It’s never left.
So know that you are just coming into that power now. You are just coming into that knowing within you, that intuition or level within you.  That opening of the third eye intuition, that is what is happening. Again, the messenger matters not. This is the message that comes through here. The message that you have that power now within you and are beginning to recognize it. So, whenever you hear a ring of your telephone before it rings whenever, you know, that someone is coming to your door before they get there. Whenever you have a sense of something happening before it happens, that is your power within.
That is your recognizing of that power, that is the opening of your third eye that is opening to worlds beyond this world, you see.   So celebrate, celebrate that it is happening that you are getting those glimpses that we have been speaking of, the glimpses are not only seeing something, they are knowing something you see. So again yes, celebrate they’re happening now.
Yeah, and, and I’ve been here.
And I’m, you know, I’m glad I’m being able to you know, listen more, you know, I’ve been actually listen in here.  You know, that’s really cool.
Master OWS
Yes, Shoshana do you have something to add here?
Master Shoshana
We can add one thing their brother if we may add.
Oh, please do. Yes. Thank you.
Master Shoshana
Dear brother, you are your higher self, namaste.
True, thank you.
Master OWS
Would there be other questions here?   Yes one who coughed there?
I have a question.
Master OWS
I don’t know if anybody else experiences this, but I have cat and one of the very insisting on licking me sometimes like my hands I tried ped him and I actually don’t care for it too much, usually. But I just wonder why he’s so insistent. Is it an energy thing or something like that.
Master OWS
We would say that it is love.  Animals love and that is all they know to do, to love.  You see, so when they are showing their affection and that is what it is. If it were not, they would not do that, you see if they did not like you for some reason, they would not do that. When a dog, it licks you when a dog wants to be pet and move up closer to you, or a cat, or whatever the pet may be, it is showing the connection to you, that love connection to you.
And, and that is all they are really capable of, showing and being that love, to and for you okay.  Shoshana maybe you add.
Master Shoshana
We do not add to this, we accept all that you have given, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good.
Thank you.
Master OWS
Will there be other questions here?
I have one.
Master OWS
When Sananda was talking about a huge event which will get first to the other events. Can you tell us what that event is? I know you won’t tell us when, just wondering what the event would be. Is it the solar flash?
Master OWS
How did we know it would be you dear Thomas, that would ask a question such as this, wanting to  know more about the big change ,that was spoken of.   And of course; as always we cannot tell you what that is going to be, or when it is going to be, how it is going to happen or any of this. We can just prepare you to align yourselves with your higher-god-self, that power within you because it will prepare you, it is preparing you for what is to come next, see.
So you can look at it as somewhat of a prediction but do not think of it in that way, think of it as a probability or possibility that is coming very close to occurring and with that we cannot give more here, just, just be ready as you’re saying goes “fasten your seat belts” people.
Shoshana, do you have anything to add here, perhaps more …
Master Shoshana
Well, we are always intrigued by this one that asked these questions. We’re intrigued by this mind you see, that wants detail, as we all want details.  So, we will ask this one, we are not sure we’re not certain of what this brother is asking for, so we will ask him to ask us, the question again, so that we can give our perspective, if he would like that.  So, can you please ask again?
Well, Sananda was talking during the meditation. He said something about a huge event that will give birth to other smaller events concerning the cabal, and just wondering what that huge event would be. I know you won’t tell me when, but I’m just, I am born curious, I’m curious about everything.
Master Shoshana
We find that, that within your question and please confirm this. That within in your question, is a question on how it would affect you. Is that not correct?
So Sananda said to be prepared, so I only can get prepared if I know what I’m preparing for.
Master Shoshana
Well brother, we are always preparing.  That is what life is, life is is preparing.
Life is preparing for all things that occur on a daily basis. On a annual basis, we’re always preparing but what you must prepare for, is an energetic shift.
And, One Who Serves (OWS) and all the channelings that have occurred here over the years, are always saying to prepare, and it is about preparing your mind, for the energetic shift.  To lift your own is consciousness, to lift your vibration. Your great one Einstein said, “everything is frequency, everything is vibration”.  He said that, and he was a great one, he understood the energetic system that you all live in.
So the shift that will occur, which you have called an event, and multiple events around the event, are energetic shifts in consciousness. And you have heard many times that it will affect some and it will not affect others. So now think about that, it will only affect you, this energetic shift and other energetic shift, only affect those that are ready, that understand how to take in this energetic shift, you see.
And we have been preparing for years now, to take in that energetic shift. So, all we can tell you is that all that has been given over the years is to get your thoughts correct, get your words correct, get your actions correct.  All in line with divine consciousness and understanding. All in line with service to man, all in line with love and compassion. That is how you prepare.   You prepare emotionally and mentally, there is no physical preparation for this.
And the event is completely energetic, which will increase your vibration and your frequency and open your mind, you see, that is what it is about, and you have been preparing, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, wonderful.   Would there be other questions here?
Yes, I have a question. Yeah, are you sure?
Well, he’s, oh, go ahead, go ahead.
We hear two, so we take two more and then we got to release.
No-go ahead (Member X)
Alright, cool. So this is a semi tricky question, so I wanna make sure I get it right. So pass lives in the future do not exist so I don’t know if it’s appropriate, it’s kind of question. Number one is should we think of those as parallel realities. Would that get us, our mind closer to how that actually transpire since everything’s transpiring in the now moment, and then is with regards to what we would consider pass lives and future lives.
I know there’s aspects of myself. Let’s say that one signed the declaration of independence and one is and let’s just say those things are all transpiring now in a parallel reality. What is the unique connection between that aspect to myself, this aspect to myself and all the other aspects of myself that are currently in various say, 3D civilizations or 3D realities? What is the unique connection? Is it the experiences  that are; and I think we already determine that we could consider each of those a separate soul, a separate soul record, as they’re going through their, they’re learning in their schooling, including myself right now?
But what I wanna know is what is the unique connection between me and the person who is signing the declaration, and the person in another aspect to myself, and another life. Is it that the experiences that they’re wanting are feeding and overfull. And then that then all the aspects of us that are in any reality have access to the same sort of lessons or learnings or power or whatever it is that we’re learning. And all these various lifetimes.
Master Shoshana
We can share.
Master OWS
Yup. Yes, please share Shoshana
Master Shoshana
We can share here dear brother, may we share?
Master Shoshana
Dear brother, you are complicated.
Master Shoshana
You are a deep thinker. What connects you to all things to all experiences is consciousness, that is what changes everything. So your opportunity in each moment is to see things differently. To change your consciousness, to raise your consciousness, to do something good, to create a deed that is kind, to extend your love and compassion.
In those acts and in those thoughts, you raise the vibration of every life you have ever lived, you see.
You make it good for everyone. You raise the vibration of the one that hung you, you raise the vibration of the one that wanted to kill you. You raise the vibration of the love of your life that left you and came back, you raise it all.
The power that you have, the connection that you have, to everything, is in the moment of consciousness, and the moment of doing the thing that your ego said not to do, you see. It is choosing divine consciousness over, over human third dimensional chakra conscious, it is choosing the divine you see, what you do, we find that you do that, and in the moment that you do decide, to live in the moment with love and compassion, all of the lives change, you see, you are that connection to all things.
Does that make sense dear brother?
Yes, absolutely. 100% percent.
Master Shoshana
It is simple, is it not?
It is.
Master Shoshana
Namaste, thank you.
Master OWS
Can we add here, with all of the aspects that you have spoken of, of who you as this, the deeper you that you are, not to you as the one here now,  but the many assets that you are at this moment, across many different dimensions, and universes, and all of this, and all of the ones that you have ever been,  and all of those aspects as well; are all part, of as you have said, that great over-soul.  And all of the experiences that you have all had in the moment; for there is no past or future, there is only the now, all is one together, and you are experiencing and moving beyond this experience and tacking on all of the other experiences you have ever had as being a part of the greater you, that you are.
Master Shoshana
Yes, thank you so much, appreciate it.
Master OWS
Very good. And the other question here, one more question.
Yes, now you put me on more deep for thoughts but, but let me go back to what I was originally gonna ask. My kitty, who was we’re very attached to each other.  Last I heard about little while, when I went to the vet (veterinary) maybe a year and a half ago, was that he definitely needs his teeth cleaned and it’s pretty bad, but it’s several thousand dollars and I haven’t found any way to do several thousand dollars to have this teeth clean.
So my question is; because you know I don’t want him losing his teeth or whatever, as we progress with the higher frequencies and vibrations, can he, can he also alter his physical form and teeth and what not and is he doing that?  Do I have to worry about him losing his teeth? Well, I know I have to worry about nothing; but I mean, is there a concern that he might lose his teeth or is he also progressing along and healing his body and all these different ways, and maybe evening is sending right along with me.
Master Shoshana
We wish to to share here?
Master OWS
Yes, please do Shoshana.
Master Shoshana
Maybe we shared dear sister?
Yes please.
Master Shoshana
Dear sister, the body, is the body, and your dear beloved feline companion, is already ascended.
You will find that when you find that level of higher consciousness, on a moment by moment basis where you are not returning to the third dimension, these beautiful animals; that are a gift from the source itself, will be with you.  But in the meantime, you are in the third dimension, and your cat’s teeth need to be cleaned.
So we will tell you that, on a medical level, those that are veterinarians in the medical model, wish not to tell you the simple way to do this, as they will lose their fee. So we will tell you.  Would that be okay?
Oh, definitely, most definitely.
Master Shoshana
Dear sister, we do not know if you know this, but there is cat toothpaste on the market.
This is true. There are cat toothbrushes in the market that you can purchase.  Now, it is difficult to get your cat to sit still, so, we will tell you another way, you can add coconut oil to his food and this will naturally clean his teeth. You can add coconut oil to his water. This will naturally wash bacterial away,  you see.  Coconut oil is amazing.  It is an anti-fungal and it also cleans human teeth.
So if you can; and this is difficult for many, brush your teeth with coconut oil and it will remove the plaque on your teeth.
Mm-hmm, wow.
Master Shoshana
This is true for animals as well. We suggest that you do this research on your own and if your cat will allow you to rub coconut oil on his gums and his teeth, directly, it will take care of the problem.
But you must do this consistently over time for it to remove the plaque. Does this make sense to you dear sister?
Yeah, does that mean like a once a week or?
Master Shoshana
Once a day.
Oh, yeah. Alright.
Master Shoshana
Once a day, until you see some improvement, and then perhaps once a week. But when it gets to the point that your vet your veterinarian person wishes to charge you $2,000 dolalrs to clean his teeth, that is absurd
Yeah, I know I don’t know if he’ll let me, he hasn’t typically let me get too close to his mouth, but I can certainly put, I’ll give her a try and I can certainly put the coconut oil right now. I put cod liver oil for that helps him with hair balls and such. But maybe I should switch to coconut oil, but I have to warm it up. I guess to get it, you know. so it could you, it would, yes.
Master Shoshana
Yeah, yes, and you can do both, you can do both and if you can possibly use a qtip to rub his gum, you can do that as well. You can sneak in there.
Okay. Alright.
Master Shoshana
And, and, and it will work, but we find that humans are not patient and they do not persevere. So you must be patient. You must attempt to try it in different ways and to persevere with this.
As as most veterinarians; we have found, wish to pull the teeth.   And that is, that is an absurd idea, and, and it is barbaric. So there’s a simple way to do this dear sister.
We also know that there are naturopathic vets (veterinarians) that will clean his teeth for you ,with coconut oil.  That is available to you. If you can find that in your area.  But we just suggest to save your $2,000 dollars and attempt this yourself. Does this make sense dear sister?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. $2000 was the beginning by the way, it could go up to $3000 or $4000
Master Shoshana
Yeah, they are they are barbarians, we apologize for that. They are.
Thank you. Okay, I appreciate it.
Master Shoshana
Namaste dear sister.
Master OWS
We need to release channel now so, Shoshana do you have a parting message?
Master Shoshana
We have a message, our message is that almost all remedies for everything are available to you, they used to call them home remedies. Now they do not talk about that; you see, but they are still available to you for your animals and for you, it just takes a little research and do not rely on this medical model, this medical cartel that exist in your culture.
Do not rely on them.  Attempt in every way to find the remedy yourself as it is available, to you with just a little research, namaste.
Master OWS
And we say and reiterate, know the power within you. As it has always been there, it is now and always will be. You are the power.
Master Shoshana
That is true!
Master OWS
Shanti, peace be with you
Master Shoshana
Peace be with you.
Master OWS
Be the ONE.
(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



We Come to Assist

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on October 18, 2024

Greetings to you One Who Serves (OWS) here, Shoshana is here with us and we are ready to assist you in whatever way that we can in answering your questions and, and being the guides that you are all meeting here at this time.
For we have come, we as the ascended ones and Shoshana, and all of those that are guiding in this process for you the group, but also those that resonate that are beyond this group that resonate to these words and resonate to what we are bringing forth here in terms of a, a level of training, a training for those of you that are in the Western culture here, not the eastern culture but the Western culture and being able to assist you and take you forward more and more and more that is what we are here to do.
That is what we are here to be of service to all of you, just as when the time comes and indeed it shall come where you will be given the opportunity to do such as we are doing here, but not so much in a channeling type of situation but in terms of being of service and being of assistance to those that are moving a little bit behind you, we will say at this point.
So just be who you are. That is what you need to continue to, to be aware of. Be who you are, do not try to be anything more or less than who you are, just BE and you will find that you will BE and are on the road to ascension here.
We are ready for your questions if you have them.
Yes, I have a question beloved one.
For a while now, I felt very connected to the angels, almost like their family and I, I’ve known especially the names of the archangels of the chakras for some time and I kind of connect with them as I’m activating my shocks daily and, and then I began to mixed in the twin flames cause I figured that anything that the one is involved in the other must be involved in too. Cause there are as one. So, I began that and, and also kind of, you know, mixing them in there and getting to know them and whatnot. I became a little confused at one point because archangel Rafael feels very close to me in some ways and I thought his twin was Gaia but then I, someone said no, she had another twin; and I’m talking about online or whatever, and then I thought, well maybe it’s Sofia, because Gaia comes from Sophia, o I believe it splits off from her, and then I thought maybe that’s not right because somebody said she had a different, then another one said, Mary. Okay, I understand Mary, I think thought is an aspect of, of probably one of those two. So I’m trying to figure out who is the twin of Rafael, is it one of those three or am I on the wrong track completely.
My dear sister are you familiar with the terminology – “analysis is paralysis”?
Yes, but I do want to know what to call this one, when I connect to this one.
All whatever you want that matters, not. Do not be so concerned about who is who and what is what and all of this, just allow it to be, just allow for the message to come through. We say this many, many times, in many different ways, the message not the messenger. They do not care what you call them, you can call them anything you want, just don’t call them; what is you’re saying – “late for dinner”, as we guess here, but do not be concerned about this. You are, when you are concerned. It’s so much about analyzing everything then you are missing the message that is coming to you. Okay, so Shoshana, do you have something to add here?
We do not.
Very good. We apologize that we will, will not answer your question directly for it does not need an answer at this point, you have the answer. Thank you.
So we just ask you this then, because you’ve often said that if we hit on something as we remember it and we’re hitting on it and we are able to come up with the answer ourselves, then you could confirm, so can you confirm that it’s any one of those three. Is that possible?
Again, we hesitate to do this for you. For you must trust in yourselves. If you trust in what we’re saying or anyone else is saying, then you are missing the message, you are missing the boat; as you’re saying goes, just, just allow it to be. Again it does not matter who it is. What their name is, what you call them. They will answer to whatever you wish to call them.
Well, we wish to share.
Very good, yes.
May we share with you sister?
Yes please.
Dear sister, we are so curious why, why you have asked this? What is the basis of your question?
Because I feel like it’s family and I feel like if I’m pinpointing and I’m saying, okay, I’m at, I’m calling Rafael and whoever, you know, I just feel like it’s family. I feel like I should, I should know their name and like you know, Shoshana’s name, I know my higher-self’s name, but I don’t know this one’s name. So hum, I just feel like it’s not like, it’s just like I have intuit this, and so I feel like, okay, am I on the right track in intuiting this and using this, otherwise, it doesn’t feel right to call her for instance, Mary, that doesn’t feel right, feel somewhat right to call her Gaia or So.., Sophia. So I just want to, I just want to you, know ….
So, is there a point of so, is this a, a desire to be polite?
Get it right. I mean, you know, it’s like, I don’t want to be calling somebody by the wrong name, you know.
Soooo, as one who serves has given, they, they really are not concerned about what you call them because honestly in the world that they live in, in the higher vibrational environment that they live in, they, they are called by a vibration, they live and are bound by a vibration you see, so their name is a vibration. We give them names because that is what we do in the third dimension. So they’re, they have a vibration name. So the other thing that we will give you is that, the great Rafael can whisper the name in your ear, if you choose. So, we would say to ask. We would say to engage him to ask him the being that is the archangel Rafael, to reveal his twin flame to you and we might tell you that he may not, and then he may, and it is all based on for these beings in – the need to know. It is based on what
connection you must make to complete your journey, to complete your path to complete your mission, what connections you must make, so ask the great one, we call them Rafi here, but ask Rafi.
Okay, can, can I say something else then? Because I just realized it in what you’re saying. So one of the reasons that got me on this track is because I go to this beautiful place called Three Sisters and I volunteer to do gardening there and then you know I’ve been felt very connected to Rafael even to having his pictures coming screen out, out of me when I’ve seen them in, in person and like they just like jump off the, off the canvas. So, then I saw, like there’s all this artistic expression going on and it’s all aligned with nature and I got, oh, my god, to me this looks like that hum, Rafael; and it’s a loving thing, it’s an intertwining. It just, it feels like a twin flame thing, this feels to me like Rafael and Gaia are twin flames and this big expression is, this gorgeous expression is that, and that’s what got me on that.
So, so, messages that you are given, understanding that you have within your heart, are generally the truth. So if you feel this deeply just ask for confirmation within yourself and whisper into Rafi’s ear and he will give you that confirmation. It is actually not ours to give you, see, OWS was skirting around the issue but it is not, it is not his to give you see, it’s not mine to give. So we would ask that you ask. Go directly to the source as you are close to this one Rafael, and he will give you the answer, and may already have. Th challenge for each of you on this third dimensional plane is trusting your own, your own guidance …. namaste.
Okay, thank you.
I have a question, I have a question we were talking in our discussion about chemtrails and, and who was noticing chemtrails recently and I was listening to a podcast, so from a channeler saying that if there are chemtrails any longer they’re not harmful that the Galactics and source have defused them and they might even be in some, some instances positive. Could you just tell us if chemtrails are still happening, if they are sometimes harmful, or if they’re positive, or if they’re neutral, or what’s happening with the chemtrails.
We are finding that what you are calling chemtrails have shifted dramatically over the time here. In the past, they were utilized for nefarious purposes but in many ways; because of money or lack of which, has been curtailed, also those that are opposing this have also helped to curtail this full operation.
So, what is occurring now if you’re seeing, is the clearing of this skies, even though may be one here or there you are experiencing, it is not to be concerned about at this point, because they have nothing behind them, at this point. Nothing that is, what you would call – the project for 2030; which was about the de-population of the planet and all of this. This has all been curtailed so it cannot be anymore, here.
So, no, no need to be concerned, but notice the beautiful blue skies that are appearing in many different places where for the last ten years, twenty years or so has not been the case.
So Shoshana do you have anything you add?
We agree.
Very good. We are ready for next question if there is one.
And I just wanna add that, now I can pray and hope that the same situation happens with the HAARP and the directed energy that is causing so much chaos on the planet …
It is all, yes, it is already in the works as you say here.
We will add here, may we add their sister?
Yes, sister.
The HAARP and the directed energy weapons that are, that have been used to create this fiasco of weather, is very purposeful, and yes people will die, people will move on, there are events occurring but it is needed you see, it is needed for your country to rise up. And to raise-up, you see, without these dire things happening, people will, will stay asleep. They will not notice what is going on. So, even though it seems so unjust and so catastrophic in, in many of your minds, what has occurred was required …. Namaste.
Yes, it’s all part of the greater plan.
Yes, thank you so, so much and I’m hearing that the warriors and the people in North Carolina and the Appalachians are fighting now against FEMA and, and getting them off their property. So, it’s a beautiful thing.
Is, not only those that are fighting back, as you’re saying, it is also those of the White Hat Alliance that have strongly come into the picture there, and are working together with those of the ones that are rising up.
Thank you.
Would there be other questions here?
I have a quick quote one, follow-up question to that?
Along those lines, we’ve always said, right, this is, the way this chess game is going, is basically a mirror, that the dark side makes a move, we have a counter moving piece and what you just said; not necessarily a popular idea, that maybe sometimes The White Hats, I don’t know about why these things happened but these things are required, for like you said – the plan to playout.
One thing I did want to confirm is point of the real positives that I heard, especially in and around the Ashville, North Carolina area, besides I heard that was a fairly wicket town because it was a Wicken community and there was a lot of bad folks there. So, to me that seems intentional, I’ve also noticed Disney World got flooded, and wondering if that is related to flooding the tunnels. And the one thing I heard that and I’m not sure anybody has heard as well is that they actually caught the number one human trafficker in the world during this operation in the, in the Ashville area. And I just wanted to know if you can confirm that or if there are other big positive wins that we got out of this seaming disaster.
We can confirm the part about the tunnels and all of this that are being cleaned out, as you would say here, by the waters by the weather that is happening there it is, in point, a counter point, as you were saying here again the, chess game one side does their move and the other side does their move. But the side of the White Hat Alliance is far ahead of the other side. That is all we can say at this point, it is happening exactly as it needs to, in the time frame that it needs to occurs. So, just allow it to be.
Notice again the illusion that is being brought out, to all to begin to see that indeed it is an illusion. More will become aware of that as days, and weeks, and even months go by.
Yeah, I see the massive exposure and it’s doing quite the job awakening people. So that’s great.
Yes, Shoshana do you have anything to add here?
We agree and we believe that all that is happening is unfortunately a part of the plan to awaken the population, you see. When there is no light, shining on the darkness, we are not aware of the darkness. So, what has happened here is, this major happening is shining a light on the evil of your organization, known as FEMA, as there were many who were asleep, that believe that this organization was for good, and it was all of the opposite of that. It is, it is evil, you see. So, so the, so the idea of, of the devastation that has occurred in these areas, is just minor compared to the devastation of losing your freedom, you see…..
And unfortunately, some people gave their lives, they knew they would give their lives. They planned to do this from the very beginning. So, that you could be free, you see. This is in many ways the re-enactment of the beginning of your country and your founding fathers predicted that you would once again have to fight for your freedom and that is what is happening. So you must rejoice here and understand that the evil that plagues this country, and the evil that is, has infiltrated the bounds of your entertainment industry is coming down, it is, it is coming down so that we can praise God, that your freedom is preserved ….. namaste.
Namaste, thank you so much.
Very good. Are there any other further question we take one more that is and we need to release channel
Well, I just wanna ask, add a little something, something to that, that might be another thing that’s being exposed that I heard that the, the ones that seeded that storm, because a multitude of different storms it was, you know, went up to a category five hurricane and it also, this is, this is the first one Helen and then also it was tornadoes, it was wins storms, it was everything so, it was actually seated by
the dark forces, but they were using it because it was for, the companies of Black Rock and Vanguard which are all Cabal-owned or run, and they wanted, hum what is it, they wanted the lithium and the quartz that are prevalent in North Carolina.
Yes, what we ask though, what is your question here?
My question is, is that, was that kind of a, a way to expose those companies? Are we, are we gonna.
Indeed, indeed, that is what is occurring more, more are coming in more, more the truth is coming out for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, but we say again more and more are having those eyes to see, and ears to hear, because it is a, it is a waking-up process here and many are waking up to what has been occurring over, even thousands of years here.
Is finally coming to a conclusion. Just as Shoshana gave with the founding fathers here of this country of United States for America predicted that this would occur at a time, and they placed the second amendment, that is being able to defend yourselves, to bear arms that was put into place for this very reason.
You are seeing that playing out here, right in front of your eyes.
We wish share! We wish to add here dear sister, may we add?
Sure, sure. Yes.
So, what is happening here in your country, is not so much exposing these companies, because we will
tell you that the vast majority of your population does not even know the name. They don’t even know who these companies are or what they stand for, what the minor, what the small contingent of patriots that are fighting this war on your behalf, they are stopping them from accessing more assets. So these companies that of amassed wealth, by stealing well, are now being stopped from doing that which will in-turn diminish their power and make them irrelevant.
So that is what is occurring, when we think about exposure, we will just tell you that most do not even know their name … namaste.
Very good, we need to release channel. Shoshana, do you have parting message here?
Well we, we, once again we’ll reiterate as we have said as many as OWS has said and many before this, have said To trust the plan. it is difficult when there’s devastation, when there is chaos, when there’s fear, when things are happening that seems so unjust, it is difficult to trust but we will tell you as OWS has given that all is going according to plan.
So, trust it…… namaste.
Very good, we simply say, continue to be who you are, be the shining light that you came here to be.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the ONE!
(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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 Nothing Can Hold You Back

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on October 10, 2024


One Who Serves
Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme hum. Greetings to you We are One Who Serves and are here with Shoshanna to answer your questions if you have them. We are ready for your questions.
I have a question.
But I’ve been always hearing from you and other channelings that we have nothing to fear from all the changes that are happening but I’m just wondering how to continue on with daily life until the anarchy actually starts that I’m hearing about, especially because of all the millions of people that are coming through the orders that are starting to mess up our daily lives and take, over things and just wondering what kind of things that we light workers can do to number one, protect ourselves and I myself don’t want to take any lives if they started attacking me, but I do have a gun if necessary and I just want guidance as to how to survive this as it’s coming.
My dear brother, have you not been listening over these many years. You have been a part of this expression and hearing what we and others have been saying to you. Into all of you there is nothing to fear but fear itself it is all about the ball, the deep state to the dark forces and the fear that they have expressed or wanting to express to all of you that you would have that fear. And if you are having the fear then they are succeeding, but if you are seeing this as we have been saying as simply a movie playing out that has already been established, you were just seeing the results, so, that movie that is already happened you see so, do not think of it in terms of as you are saying, anarchy, because the word has been given a wrong meaning by those, are you saying dark for forces rocky is changed, change that is coming, can be positive, change can be change it all depends on how you look at it. But as you are looking at this, do not see the fear, do not see the hatred, do not see the wars, do not see the battles, do not see any of that, see only the light, expressing forth and the darkness receding and if you do that, if you listen to what we have been saying for quite some time now.
Let go all that. Forgive, forget and move on. There is no thing that can hold you back unless you let it hold you back. And as you are saying that right now you are letting it hold you back. Do not think in terms of survival, think, in terms of that it as joy into your life rather than fear and all of the things that go with what the dark forces have been attempting to put out there to hold you to the third dimensional expression. The third dimensional matrix. You see, if you as a collective are held to that third dimensional matrix, then they continue on with their program, but as soon as you as a collective begin to awaken and then that is their greatest fear that you would awaken then you have defeated them and you have moved on as we have been saying, so Shoshanna, do you have more that can be given or different perspective?
We may be able to give, we don’t have a different perspective. We have maybe something to add. What you have given. Would you like us to add their brother
Broth. Perfect brother.
It is difficult to ask you to change your thoughts.
It is difficult if you are believing what you are hearing.
Because in believing what you are hearing you create it for yourself. You attract it to yourself. You see, so One Who Serves has given this maybe in many words but this is the most important thing that you must understand is that believing something will happen, will cause it to happen.
Joanna that we speak through does not walk around and say, how do we prepare for anarchy, that James does not say, how do we prepare for anarchy? Because when you are fearing that you will be attached that you must have a gun.
You will create that you see and you may or may not believe this. You may think that all things are external to you. And that this is your faith. If you believe that you are the creator of your life and that you can create. You can prepare for peace, rather than prepare for war, then peace will surround you.
So, we again, we cannot go into your brain and change your thoughts. You are the only one that can do that. But when you change your thoughts, when you prepare for peace you will attract that into your life you see.
So, we will suggest that you do not fill your mind with the fear concepts that are being posted on the internet or being talked about. Did you not fill your mind with this as you will.
Those thoughts and surround yourself with bad things you say.
Say prepare for peace.
We are ready for next question
Are you sure? Okay, not hopefully it’s quick. I just was curious and because I thought other people may be interested on what it was. I had a funny experience waking up the other morning last weekend on my back. So I kinda snored, I was asleep and it kinda woke me up and then as l was going back to sleep and then I heard another noise. I mean, oh, it’s another snore, somebody else and, and then I went, oh, somebody else, it wasn’t scary or anything. I went back to sleep and then it kinda happened again. So I was just wondering what that was, I mean, I know you last, so my thought was perhaps another version of me because we talked about lot and I’m exploring that idea.
Of of you know, all the parallel realities, and was that, was that, was, or is there another message or something like that?
Then what you are looking for here, what is happening in your dream state, or in your awakening state. What is your question directly here?
Is it, was that another version of myself making that noise?
We would say to you.
What is it makes this of concern to you?
No it doesn’t, I was just curious cause it’s actually kind of positive, because I thought it meant, you know, maybe another dimension. You know, I’m kind of explore different dimension. So.
Very good. And this is what we were after here for you to express exactly what came to you in that, in that timeframe and how you felt about it. It is not something. So, serious, that for you to have to understand it. This is what it is for you. We cannot give you directly here anything more than this, than what your higher self has already prepared for you.
Was this, was this sufficient, do you understand what we are saying here?
Yes, yes, thank you.
Very good. There was another question.Yes.
First of all, I don’t know if I can ask you, but one thing I was just curious this morning when I went to take a bath, is that the water? The bath water was just beautiful, very, very light aqua blue and I wondered if that was an indication that the waters are being cleaned up or if it was just a fluke of light or something like that.
We would say to you how powerful do you think you are in certain frame of mind that you were at that time in terms of your expression in that moment and what you are capable of?
Creating for yourself. So do not think about it in terms of limitation, but think about it in terms of beyond the limitation here and what you are capable of. So, the direct answer to your question is yes, that was you.
Okay, great, great.
May we add something here, dear sister.
Yes please.
Shoshanna continues
Water is the essence of life.
You and water represents driving, represents fullness, represents more life you see so, the color that was cast upon the water is your mood is, how you are feeling?
That is what we have to add.
That’s amazing
If you think about the experiment that was done by that one where they took water and it gave it different emotions and how it changes the crystals within the water. That is what we are saying.
Yes, I see. Thank you.
Would there be any further questions here?
Yes, I have a question, is “Ashar On The Road” and “Ashar Command” the same group or is one positive, negative et cetera. Thank you.
It is difficult to say positive or negative because it is from the one who is experiencing this, these messages, So if these messages that come from wherever they are the source of. If they resonate to you then that is what is important, not who they are, what they are for. Yes, do not think about the messenger but the message always, we cannot answer it any further than that, as there will be certain reviewing that will come forward in the time, see.
So, Shoshanna you have anything to add?,
Well, we agree that it’s not the messenger. It is the message that is always the more, more wise way to.
To view life, but what we will ask this one, if we may we have a question for you, dear sister, may we ask?
Shoshanna continues
Dear sister. What do you think?
Well, I listened to different information and compare for understanding. So, I’ve just heard accounts of one like Ashar on the road is more, gives more positive messages to people asking for that and that Ashtar Command is as a more negative influence and their action. So, I just wanted some clarity on that.
Yes, here’s the clarity we will give you listen to the good messages, listen to the positive. That is what is our advice to you dear sister.
Yeah, I know. And I know that but it, we like; you have a little more?
Yes,. It is, it is so important in everyone’s life moment by moment to let go of these negative things that come in that will influence you that will bring your vibration down, let go of that. We do not care what the name is.
We do not care if it’s Ashar or Yeshua, himself that is giving the negative message that you think you are reading Yeshua was words what he would never do that we will tell you that you must focus on to the beauty, all the positive, all the Love, all the light that you can to create that for yourself. You see everything else discard.
I get it
OWS continues
Through all of the channels, the messages, they’re always all coming through human consciousness and as they are coming through human consciousness, it depends on that particular consciousness in that moment how these messages are brought through, even through this one we speak through now, it is always the same and there will never be a hundred percent. There will always be that filtering that happens through the human consciousness.
When that human consciousness has moved into the fifth dimension and beyond and at that point, the channeling will no longer be needed. Just think of it as again the message that is being brought forth and how it resonates to you. That is the one worth listening to.
Oh, I got it. Thank you.
We are ready for next question. If there is one.
Yes, I do, this. It seems to me like nature is trying from so many different ways to communicate with me.
like, I see plenty of videos in the internet.
Turtles that are have been dropped on a fresh net come to the boats and that’s to help the human. Same thing with other animals, Wales and, and others in general and, and to me that is very, very important, important because it seems like the gap of communication between animals and humans are getting closer, closer and, and, and we are more connected to each other but in particularly, the wind and the birds. I had very connected with me. I kind of, I kind of feel the energy of the wind that comes to bring me messages of renewal and changes and at the same time like, the birds are sending to me in my patio like giving me messages of peace and from quality and for me the birds and the winds that are connected and I wonder what are they trying to say to us right now. Thank you.
So, your question is what is the wind saying to you, or is your question about the more of the connection between humanity and the animals which is your question?
Yes. humanity and perhaps the wind is a very it’s a major player right now. It seems to me.
Okay, we will say here. It is all about vibration and consciousness and add the vibration frequency increases across the human kind, it being a part of that or at least those that are ready to move up into that higher vibration of frequency. So, you are coming closer to matching the vibration of frequency of all of life here on the planet.
The animals, the plants. All of this and the wind and all of the elements as well, and you are finding that you are communicating or coming closer to being able to communicate with those that are in that higher vibration of frequency already since they’re waiting for you to catch up, you as the collective humanity to catch up to them, to move into that higher vibrational frequency that GOD is already providing for those who are ready for it.
So Shoshanna, do you have something to add?.
We can add, may we add dear sister.
Yes, please, thank you.
Shoshanna continues
Dear sister.
We will say that every moment now as you are breathing and living your life, you are recognizing the oneness. You are sensing it, you are feeling it, you are transformational, you are transforming into this one, that you see and it is a gift, it is not all beings that experience the ONENESS in this lifetime. But you are experiencing it in some ways. Even with the wind, the wind has a job, you can recognize the job that the wind has.
And it is a transformational job, the wind transforms life you see it carries Debris away, it’s spread, it cleans the sky. Wind has a job that is transformational and the message for you is that you are transforming, you see and you must accept this and be in gratitude, in joy and enjoy each moment that you are recognizing the ONENESS. Does this make sense to you sister?
Oh! You don’t know how much it makes me cry of joy. It is wonderful. It is wonderful because we are all ONE for sure and I know it deep inside.
Very good. Then we need to release channel now. Shoshanna. do you have parting message?
We do not
Verry good. Then we simply say, you have a saying, “keep on keeping on” and just continue to allow that saying to play out for you because you are again as we have said in many ways, you are coming to the end of this movie and preparing for the new beginning.
We release channel now. Shanti, peace be with you. Be the ONE.
(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on August 14, 2024


Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Ma Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Ma Om Ma Om, Greetings to you, One Who Serves here and no Shoshanna today. So we will do our best to assist you in your questions and we will ask you now for your questions if you have them.
I have a question.
Yes, you’re the Thomas. Yes. Always the one that comes forward with questions. And that is wonderful, though, because if you hold on to those questions, you hold on to what you have been wondering about, you will never have the answer if you do not ask for it. What is your question now?
(Member question)
I’ve read and seen videos on the Telegram channel about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Colorado. And also the hell’s angels are going up to battle with these games. And just wondering if any of that is actually true or if it’s created by AI, which I don’t trust at all. The main reason I’m wondering about that is because rural Colorado is rather close to our Earth.
(OWS Answer)
We will tell you that what you have read, what you have heard is very accurate at this point. This is part of the division that Ka-Ra spoke of here and others of course have been speaking of for quite some time. More and more of this will occur. There are those that you would say are fed up, have had enough. Enough is enough. And they are coming to assist in bringing about order, order of law once again. But these ones that you are speaking of, what you call the hell of the angels, are coming to right the wrongs that have been done. And up to this point, like we say though, there will be more of this as the light rises up against the dark more and more. That is all we can say on this though now. But trust, trust your discernment, trust your inner knowing when you have questions such as this. You knew deep within you that as you read this or heard this, that it was accurate. You just do not trust in your inner knowing all the time. And it is coming more and more.
(Member continues to comment)
What should I do about it?   if I should establish or try to get together a neighborhood militia or something like that to protect us?
(OWS Answer)
We would say to you, if you believe that that is where your path lies, then go for it. But we would also say more so for you, surround yourself with light, surround your family with light, surround your friends, your home, all of this with light and it will have the same effect.
(Member comments)
I guess. Thank you.
You can add further questions here.
(Member question)
So my question is, can you hear me? I’m just wondering. Sure. Yeah. Sorry. didn’t hear your feedback. my question is, my understanding is that there’s, layers or I guess the layers, I don’t know what the best term is within each dimension. And my understanding is within each dimension, there’s five layers or like different levels. That’s what I was shooting for the word of levels.
So we understand the lower fourth is a kind of like the Wild Wild West like the Astral Plane kind of like the canteen of our scene from Star Wars. We set my understanding and then higher fourth obviously approaching the fifth dimension, which is more probably a lot more light more refined certainly less astral folks running amok. My question is where are we? Like I would say that the light workers, the consciousness sort of maybe represented by this group, where do we predominantly just, well, two parts of the question, sorry, is what I asked true. And maybe you can explain a little bit of that. And then number two is where are we predominantly residing consciousness-wise right now?
(OWS Answer)
We would tell you that most of you, if not all of you are moving back and forth we will say here from the third dimensional illusion where you still find yourself at times and other times you are operating in the mid level of the fourth dimension and even higher than that at times as well. You mostly skip the lower levels of the fourth dimension where the denizens reside because they cannot get to you. Your vibrational frequency is too high. Your consciousness is too high for them to be able to intercept your level of consciousness and your thinking processes and all of this, because you know better. You do not allow them in for the most part. There are times, of course, where you find yourself perhaps ill in your health or something, and they can find their way in a bit.
But your vibrational frequency and your guides are there to assist in keeping that from having any real effect on you. So mostly we would say you are finding yourselves more and more often in the mid to upper fourth dimension and even times finding yourself moving into the fifth. But then falling back again perhaps.
(Member comments)
But we’ll continue, we’ll kind of continue that toggling process for lack of a better term, going back, pinging back and forth. Eventually we will not be pinging back in the third. Hopefully we’ll be pinging somewhere between mid fourth and low fifth.
(OWS Answer)
That’s correct. That is the essential process that you are all within. Perfect.
(Member comment)
Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
(Member question0
So, yes, I wanted to dovetail on that question. So those in our lives, like our families or friends who are unfortunately still asleep, maybe wearing masks or getting vaccinated or thinking Kamala Harris is the new Joan of Arc as president. Are those people lower on the fourth or still in the third? I know there’s going to be a separation. We already know that. But I’m wondering if those people are well,I think it’s kind of obvious, just to confirm, they are on a lower frequency than those of us lightworkers on this call.
(OWS Answer)
 Most certainly, they are more, for the most part, in the third dimensional track within the third dimensional illusion at this point. At times, they find themselves rising a bit, but it is their lack of knowing and their lack of inner knowing, we will say going with their inner knowing that keeps them from moving out of that third dimension.
(Member continues)
Okay. So are those, are those loved ones who are in the third dimension, which I can see, are those, when we have more of a this side and that side of light workers going this way, the 3d people going that way, is that going to be kind of a, they cannot jump higher than the third dimension. And that’s why the frequency will be expressed in two different life experiences.
That is correct.
Thank you. Thank you.
There be any further questions here?
(Member question)
I have a quick question. It’s a little personal to me, but does my smoking allow access to the negative to me or not?
(OWS Answer)
We would tell you that if you believe that it does, then it does.
(Member continiues)
Well, you see, I really don’t. But that other question, that other question, if you think of it. Well, we did not understand that second part. I said the first question made me think of that. So I think maybe I’m going ask.
(OWS Answer)
Yes. Smoking, as you are saying, drinking, using drugs, all of these things allow for an opening at times for those of the dark forces to make their way in and have some way of influencing you. Even though I’m doing it all about, let us finish. It is all about consciousness. So if your level of consciousness is high, even though you are imbibing in this way that you are speaking of, they cannot get through here. So it is all about consciousness and vibration.
(Member comments)
Okay. All right. Thank you.
Any further questions?
(Member question)
Yes, I have a question, please. Are we part of the council that mentioned Master Ka-Ra in this early conversation?
(OWS Answer)
The question is, are you a part of that council? Is that what you are asking? (Yes)  We would say that nothing your conscious knowing self here on the earth here is aware of this. But in your dream state, some of you certainly are a part of these councils that are needed. (Yes. Thank you.)   Any further questions?
(Member question)
Yes. Well, that brings up a question then, because I’m always curious or I mean, it seems like once in a while I remember dreams, but for the most part, I don’t. I think, I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m so far away dealing with such things that, it’s not like maybe I’m doing work while I’m sleeping instead of like play. Is that holding any water? Like that’s why I don’t remember it because like I’m far away doing things of importance.
(OWS Answer)
You are quite accurate in what you are saying here. Even though you do not remember your dreams, you are in a subjective reality of your own here. And that reality for many of you is…
The organizer has ended this meeting. Goodbye.(conference call ended abruptly – not sure why)
(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Seeking truth to be Free!

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It is the people that are united.

Message from Saint Germain and OWS. 

Channeled by James McConnell.

 February 23rd, 2020. 

Posted February 25th, 2020

I am Saint Germain.
I come at this time in a rather auspicious time frame, as many things are changing across the planet, and certainly within this country, The United States of America.  Because this country, this United States, was meant to be exactly that, united, not divided.  And everything now is moving back to that:  united, even though it seems like there is much division at this time now.
But all of this division is happening for a reason.  It is happening to bring the understanding and the knowing back to the people.  And everything is coming back to the people, away from the corporations, away from the government, and back to the people.  Because it is the people that are the United States.  It is the people that are united.  It is the people that are the Earth, the entire planet.  It is not the rulers, the kings, the queens, even the presidents.  It is not them, it is the people.
And the ones that are leading the people are the ones that will continue to be the leaders in the coming changes after the changeover.  It is leaders of men, leaders of people, that are needed here.  It is as one said earlier, it is leaders of the Light that are needed.
Because everyone is in this together.  There is no separation, except that separation that is in your mind, that separation that is in your programming that still continues to hold you down to the 3-D matrix, hold you to the illusion.
But the illusion is dissipating more and more, faster and faster certainly for those of you that have awakened.  But even for those that have not awakened yet, the illusion is dissolving right in front of their eyes.  And as it dissolves in front of their eyes, they begin to see for the first time in this lifetime, in many lifetimes, just as you did years ago.
For these are the times, my friends, these are the times of change, these are the times of revolution to bring about evolution.   Evolution that is taking you into a new realm, a new realm of consciousness.  New for you at this time, but not new to all of you from long ago.
For many of you, most of you, have been in the higher dimensions previously.  You allowed yourselves to lower down to the lower vibrations in order to complete this experiment.  But the experiment is over.  It is no longer needed.  The experiment of duality here on the Earth is no longer needed here, and it is time to move on from it.  So when you have heard many times now:  forget the past, forget the past of the old programming, don’t let it hold you down any longer, don’t let it mire you in the muck of the illusion of separation, here.  Realize that you are not separated.  Realize that you are one.
And when you realize fully that you are one you are One, you are in a neutral state of consciousness, and nothing from the past can affect you.  And the future, which has not happened yet, does not become anything that you have to be concerned about anymore.  Because your future is being dictated by your exact moment now.  And when you realize that, your future becomes a mirror image of exactly who you are in the exact moment you are in it.
So trust in yourselves, my friends.  Trust.  Trust that the United States of America is coming back as a Republic.  All is being orchestrated to do so.  All is being orchestrated to bring the power back to the people.  Power of love, though, now, back to the people instead of no longer the love of power.  And that goes across the entire planet to the world, to all of the countries of the world.  All are going to participate in this great changeover that is not only rapidly approaching in your third-dimensional experience, but has already arrived in your higher vibrational experience.
And if you wish to test this, just simply allow your vibrations to increase, and feel the connection, the oneness, the bliss that comes over you in those moments when you find yourselves in that fifth-dimensional experience, even if it is only brief at this time.  But it is what you are moving to.  Or should I say, what you are moving back to.
Everything is exactly as it needs to be in this moment right now.  So know that everything is being taken care of.  Again, everything is being orchestrated.  All of the political turmoil that has been going on is coming closer and closer to an end.
Because those that have been hiding within the darkness are becoming illuminated by the light of truth, and they can no longer stand in the shadows.  And as they come into the Light, people everywhere will begin to see them for what they really are.
That is not to say that they are evil, for deep within themselves they are not evil.  They have played a roll.  That roll is over now.  And unless they choose to let go of that roll, on their own, then the choices will be made for them.
I am St. Germain, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.  And that the Violet Flame continues to hold sway within you, continues to purge out any of the old negative programming that continues to hold you down, hold you back.  If it isn’t that, then utilize Archangel Michael’s Sword of Blue Flame of Truth to sever any of the remaining ties that still may be holding you down to the illusion of separation.
Peace and love be with all of you.
ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum.
Greetings to you!  One Who Serves here.  Shoshanna is here.
And we are ready to go after that very impassioned speech, that message that came!  Similar to, not exactly in the same words certainly, but in terms of getting the masses going, you might say, when he gave that speech at that time to those of the forefathers, that they would step forth and come out of their fear, rise out of their fear, we will say, and to sign away, in many cases, their lives.  But they signed their lives away so that all of you, those that came after, could live.  And that is what the beginning of the United States was.
So we are ready for questions.  Are there any questions here for One Who Serves and Shoshanna?  You can unmute your phones now.  It is time.  We like to hear your cheery voices.  Yes, is there anyone out there?
Guest:   I have a question.
OWS:   Yes, please.
Guest:   When the forefathers did get together and get our freedom and our constitution, I had read before that a lot of that came from the Indian tribes who got a treaty for them all to join together and not fight each other, and I think it was the Moor, I’m not sure, my memory is a little vague, here, that they were there too.  Some of the chiefs were there in the room some times during the time that they got together.  And I would like to know if that is true.  And I know they were inspired to write the Constitution.  And I would like to know how it really did originate.  I believed all along that St. Germain was there in the whatever.  Could you please add to that for me?
OWS:   St. Germain certainly was in the room and was a major part with an impassioned speech to bring about again those to come out of their fear and sign the Declaration and create this great country, this America, United States, all of this.
It is not just the country, though, it is the world.  It is the beginning of the changes that were necessary.
Now what was established at that time certainly is not so much what you have now at times, but it was certainly the precursor for a great changeover, which you are in the process of doing now.  It has just taken quite a while.  From your point of view it has taken a long time back from your 1776 to this time now.  But it was all necessary to come together in this way.
As to those of the Native Americans that were involved in this, they assisted, not necessarily in the room there, as you say, but they assisted in the process of helping those that were involved in this to understand about unity, about tribal unity, about being together, about united rather than being separated, you see.  Because the tribes themselves were very much together.  They were a continuation of the culture, the understanding, the consciousness, you would say, from Lemuria.  And many of them helped this process along, not directly as you are saying, here, but indirectly, we will say.  Does this answer your question?  Shoshanna, do you have anything to share?
Shoshanna:   (Channeled by JoAnna McConnell)
We can share on this.
OWS:   Yes, please do.
Shoshanna:   We can share.  Sister, may we share?
Guest:   Yes, yes.  I’m honored.  You can share.
Shoshanna:   We will say that what you are speaking of is the concept of freedom.  What occurred that day in the hearts of man, hearts of angels, the hearts of the ascended beings was a great desire to free humanity from the enslavement of one another.  You see, in that time, man’s consciousness for man was inhumane.  And much of the residual inhumanity remains today.
What of course was in that room was to free man from man’s inhumanity and to embrace divinity, to embrace the God within.  All that were present, that was their idea to continue to have freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of imagination, and all that walk the Earth today must embrace this to move toward that freedom.  That is what we have to share.   Namaste.
Guest:   Well, thank you.  That was very good.  You answered my question.  Thank you.
OWS:   Very well said, yes.  Are there other questions here?  Anything further?  No?  What is your saying, ‘going once, going twice…’ gone.
Anything you wish to share, Shoshanna to conclude this?
Shoshanna:   Our message was given as the answer to the Sister’s question that what is very important in the process that humanity finds themselves in is to embrace divinity, embrace freedom, and embrace one another.   Namaste.
OWS:   Yes, and we will just simply say in closing:  freedom is coming, so get ready!
That’s all.
Shanti.  Peace be with you.  Be the One.
James McConnell 


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  1. 2014
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