Enhancing Our Understanding of Reality
By Kenneth Schmitt
Posted on January 5, 2025
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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credits: frasesdelavida.com |
Posted November 10, 2024
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Photo credit: globalbizarre.com/what-are-the-akashic-records |
One of the questions I hear most often these days is, "Why do I feel this way?"
These are powerful and unusual times in which we live. The level of consciousness is rising across the globe, and we are witnessing the possibility of Heaven on Earth, of Oneness, coming alive in our reality. As a result, people are waking up to their essential spiritual nature more so than at any time in human history.
The process of waking up can be beautiful and expansive and blissful, and disorienting and frightening and anxiety-filled. It can feel like you’re disintegrating at times. So much emotion can come rushing out in response to life’s events, it can be overwhelming.
There are many layers here: the long-held emotional experiences of adulthood, adolescence, childhood, the womb.
There are past lives, too, if you believe in them, possibly hundreds of them. And from each lifetime, all the unresolved emotions, experiences, and traumas are held in the energy body, in the spiritual DNA.
We also carry the experiences of our ancestral lineage, at least seven generations going back.
And beyond this, there is the collective consciousness of our shared humanity.
It’s all there.
And it’s coming out.
To become our highest, most light-filled selves, it must come out. You may notice this even more in the weeks and months ahead. If it is stored in your cells, and it’s not pure light, it will be coming out.
You may notice an increase in crying, sobbing, yawning, uncontrolled laughing, physical releases, and deep, unexpected emotional outpourings. All of this unresolved experience is spinning out of your body at a faster rate than ever before.
So, to answer, "Why do I feel this way?"
Because you’re healing.
Because everything that is no longer aligned with your most beautiful self and your most exalted destiny, it’s coming out.
Stay steady, and breathe through it, and trust that who you will become on the other side of it will astound you.
Wishing you blessings and ease and so much grace in this process of being reborn.
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credits: frasesdelavida.com |
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