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A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Fevereiro 27, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

In this February of 2021, on our planet earth, in this human experience, we lightworkers, we starseeds feel as if we are on hold. On the surface nothing appears to be happening. Yet we are calm, we are peaceful and we know all is well. We have now got beyond the waiting for promises of change on predicted dates. We have been so often disappointed. For a year now, ever since the start of isolation and social distancing, ever since the infliction of the supposed virus upon us, we have waited for and desperately ...
How to Tune Yourselves to Higher Frequencies
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sending you transmissions in every moment of every day. They are energetic transmissions, and so is this. This is an energetic transmission that this channel has been able to pick up and run through his physical body, and no...
The Humane and Kind has been Taken out of Humanity and Mankind
It is another beautiful day in Paradise dear friends, dear brethren, if we make it so. For, in this February of 2021 every day can be a beautiful day in Paradise. It is the great awakening, the time of the great revelation of Mankind’s enslavement. It is the time of his release from that enslavement. The time when the frequencies on the earth are increasing exponentially to support the ascension of humanity out of the fear vibration. It is the time for mankind to ret...
The Power Over Others System
Since we're on the subject of the dark ones, creating Loosh and energy vampires, we'll do a review of what the power over others system is. For starters, the power over others system is the opposite of the power over self, or self mastery system, in which the authentic, self empowered person retains control over all decisions pertaining to self in their life and allows others to do the same without undue interference. Any interference in others' lives is often carried out because of fear, by the w...
Pentagon says military does not have resources for 'urban combat' in dystopian 'megacities
Pentagon says military does not have resources for "urban combat" in dystopian "megacities" With the new domestic "war on terror" quickly gaining steam, the Pentagon is anticipating a dystopian future in which the military is entirely ill-equipped for "urban combat." In a video entitled, "Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity" that was shown at... By Ethan Huff | Read the full story New Videos from Situation Update, Fe...
Isolation, Introspection, Illumination
For it is important that awake people be awake, or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep; the signals we give — yes or no, or maybe — should be clear: the darkness around us is deep. ~ William E. Stafford ~ In my view, the only real upside to our enforced isolation is it can lead to introspection, which can lead to illumination. For instance…if someone offered me an all-expenses-paid writer’s retreat (and I had no pressing obligations), I would jump to the moon. And then pack a bag. Writer’...
Fully and Forever in This Wonderful Space of Higher-Dimensional Love
The Self exists in the deepest reach of the heart, called the seat of the soul. Credit: Ute Possega Rudel. I promised my friend Traci a post for her fiftieth birthday. I’m pretending that I get one chance to communicate this. It’s like: If the whole world were listening, what would you say – that kind of thing? THE most important thing I can do with this marvelous opportunity is to try again to put into words what higher-dimensional love is and is like. There’s nothing more importan...
Shifting beyond codependency doesn’t mean you are no longer going to help people. It means you will start to help people in new, far more empowering ways, and sometimes that will involve lovingly stepping back and holding the space with wisdom and encouragement so others have the opportunity to discover their own divine capability. ...
Heart And Soul
Video below ~ Heart and soul, I fell in love with you. Heart and soul, the way a fool would do, madly. -Hoage Carmichael ~ That’s how I feel about this country. Maybe it was because I was born on the 4th of July, who knows. But I love this country, heart and soul. But you can love someone (or country) and not always like it. And I am not liking large parts of my country right now. The part of my country that seems to have no heart or soul. That is making every issue a political football, condones the uber wealthy making money ha...
Nice vs. Kind: How to Know the Difference?
Would you say that you are a nice person? What about being a kind person? Let’s talk about these two similar characteristics and compare nice vs. kind. Is there really a difference between the two? It’s so common to say things like, “Oh, she is so nice.” However, this statement may not mean what you want it to mean. Let’s just say you’re trying to pay a compliment about the good things a person does, and how warm she seems to be. Well, there is a better word for that. Maybe sayi...
Call it Forward
Each new day is truly a gift that so often is put aside as you pick up the remains of yesterday. Remember that when old programs and doubts pop up you are offered the opportunity to transform that piece of emotional/mental dysfunctional energy. You are transformers, pure and simple. You have the tools and the master keys of energetic alchemy. Every human is equipped with the awesome power to transform their reality. The shift and the transmutation of energy from patterns of dysfunction to patterns of empowerment and gr...
SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on 1 Big Fat Assumption
Above: what has never happened and seemingly never will: *true virus isolation*. SARS variants, spike proteins and more all rest on 1 big fat assumption: that SARS-CoV-2 exists. But we are still without proof of that. AT A GLANCE... *THE STORY:* As the WHO, CDC and Governments ramp up COVID fear with new scary stories of SARS variants, let's get back to the basics: there still has never been true virus isolation. *THE IMPLICATIONS:* No matter how much the MSM tries to convinc...
Support of the Universe
Greetings and love I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence as I bring forth the energy, love, and peace of the Angelic Kingdom. May this vibration and frequency download into your being, through your being and into Mother Earth so she may experience the blessings and gifts that we share with you and with all. Today I, Archangel Michael, wish to bring forth an insight. ...
Our focus in the coming months is two fold. On the one hand we will be encouraged to continue to let go of the old, to let go of the past. On the other hand we will continue to align with our soul and co-create the life we are destined for. As a result, the places and the spaces where we are out of balance both internally and externally will become more and more evident. The urge to consciously engage with your soul’s purpose is growing shaking up the familiar and pulling you towar...
Creation and Manifestation
It is time to release the need to bemoan what you do not have and celebrate what is in your life. As you joyously embrace what you do have, you create feelings of thankfulness which, in turn, opens your whole being to receive. What exists in your world is in direct relation to your thoughts of who you are and what you think of yourself. Being grateful creates the energy needed to co-create and manifest! The Universe is ready and waiting for you! ...
Raise His Voice!
A group of men preparing to stone an adulterous woman to death were addressed by Jesus with the words: 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. [John 8:7] ~ Thought Adjuster:* “Jesus had a keen ability to defuse volatile situations, which earned him the honorary title of Prince of Peace. Those of you who wish to follow in his remarkable footsteps have to do it from a place of peace—not one of emotional turmoil. Only the unruffl...

Setembro 18, 2020


Khazarian Mafia circling the wagons around the US election and their Manchurian Candidate.

Benjamin Fulford 

Full Report 


Posted September 17, 2020 by Edward Morgan
Note: replaces due tags' overload.



The Khazarian Mafia is pulling out all the stops to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States as violence and arson cause further descent into chaos, NSA, MI6, and Pentagon sources agree.  The scenario unfolding is an election that is an obvious farce even to the most deeply brainwashed of the cool-aid drinking sheeple.

We are now in the looting and burning home stretch so don’t expect mass arrests of Democratic politicians like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and company.  Presidential immunity from prosecution is Biden’s main motivation for becoming a candidate in the first place.  It’s also the best chance for the left and right House and Senate cabal minions and intel agency deep state operatives involved in Uranium One and Ukraine funds to the DNC to avoid prosecution.  So the swamp rats are all desperate to steal the election by whatever means possible.

The probable outcomes, various sources say, are that the election will be canceled due to Antifa and BLM attacks on the polling stations where Trump supporters will be turning out in numbers for a historic landslide victory.  The patriotic support is evident in large rally turnouts and parades around the country, while sleepy Joe is asking for his teleprompter answers to be more visible in front of a handful of MSM presstitutes.

The more likely scenario is lawsuits and chaos concerning mail-in ballots that could last for weeks or months.  Either scenario will leave Trump “in power.”

The provably criminal Biden and Son’s involvement in Ukraine and China deals is making his election a long shot as any debate will expose that he is hopelessly senile and unfit to hold office.  One source even believes he is being set up to be such a loser that one cannot help but suspect that the same people who support Trump have deliberately placed an unelectable Biden as his opponent.

We realize many people, including many of our subscribers, think U.S. President Donald Trump is going to save the day and “Make America Great Again.”  However, some sources say the depopulation Satanists have other contingency plans:

“If you think Trump is ‘saving America,’ why has he been repeatedly calling for all Americans to be vaccinated by November?  For example, he recently Tweeted, ‘On November 3rd, Michigan will decide whether we quickly return to record prosperity-or whether we allow Sleepy Joe Biden to…DELAY THE VACCINE.’ “

Other sources contend that Trump is between a rock and hard place, which forced him to abandon his “pandemic hoax” early warning and go along with the shutdown recommendations to remain ahead of the scamdemic plan designed to kill his re-election chances by blaming him for the manufactured death toll.  So he was forced to keep the medical crooks like Fauci and Brix on the frontline and give them enough rope to hang themselves on the record.

Even the U.S. CDC is now being forced to admit the pandemic is over, as shown by this map they produced.

Nevertheless, how can we reconcile Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, as a member of the “kill 90% of humanity enslave the rest,” Chabad death cult.  Remember, Kushner owned the 666 Fifth avenue building where injectable microchips were developed.

The NSA, the French military, British Intelligence, and others confirm the vaccines are intended to contain microchips and some among them say:

“It appears Americans are being presented with a false choice of senile criminal Biden and his merry band of rioting Antifa anarchists and BLM communists, or Israeli loving Trump who has failed to contain the deadly virus pandemic and his gun owner constitutional patriots. Either way by the end of the year the cool-aid drinkers will be lining up for a vaccine, combined with a digital wallet and ‘prosperity.’

Trump the builder commented right after 9.11 that bombs must have been used to bring down the towers so he knows the score, but failed to mention Israel’s involvement in 9.11 or, as a matter of fact, any truth about 9.11 whatsoever so we must ask ourselves… Why?”

Some NSA, CIA, and Pentagon sources say Trump is just play-acting and that he really will turn against the Khazarian Mafia in the end.  They say one day soon Trump will round up the Zionists and execute Satanists, including Kushner.  We hope they are right and the reason why he hasn’t already done it in the four years he has been in power is that deep state actors have surrounded him in the Muller investigation and impeachment proceedings.  Only time will tell during a second term if AG Barr (aka Robert “cocaine kitchen” Johnson) will get replaced.

As things stand, the corporate media has begun propaganda preparations for a hung election.  Here is what Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller) had to say last week:

“What we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people…That there’s nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure that all the votes are counted.”

This is a reminder of what we are really fighting for better management of the planet.  In the past 50 years we have wiped out numerous wildlife, and yet Trump and his backers have failed to offer even a basic solution or approach to this problem.

OK, now for some good news.  We heard from high-level sources in MI6, the NSA, Asian Secret Societies and, the P3 freemasons that…


real change is coming, such as Trump, China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and other world leaders will all be removed.  These sources say a deal has been reached between Asian and Western secret societies to completely revamp the way we run this planet.  This would explain their prediction that Trump will be the last president of the corporate United States and that a totally new and legitimate leader will emerge, possibly by early in 2021.

Russian FSB sources also report a revolt against the fake Vladimir Putin.  Here is what the FSB had to say:

“The real Putin was ritually murdered.  They drained blood from him and injected a special liquid.  Horrific things were done.

Patriarch Kyril Gundyen, a dishonest homosexual who had been involved in many bad things died in March 2018 from a heart attack.  He was in a coma for a long time, never came back from a coma, and died.  Now two doubles/fake Patriarchs are leading the Russian Orthodox Church…”

They closed churches and are working under Chabad and Israeli leadership.  The famous Monk Father Sergiy appealed to all Orthodox Christians about the Patriarch’s wrongdoing etc. and about the doubles of Putin:

“The Main double of Putin is a Mossad Agent!  Now, high-level Nazis such as Queen Beatrice, other high-level pedophiles, and Chabad are running away to Russia to hide…  There are no mass-arrests of pedophiles in Russia…  This scum decided to hide in Russia, assuming nobody would enter Russia, out of fear of the Russian Army.”  

There are also mass demonstrations all over Russia as that regime came out of the closet and tried to start vaccinating everybody in the country with microchips, the FSB sources say.  P3 Freemason sources say a new regime will be installed in Russia now that an East/West deal has been reached.

The situation in China is harder to read but there are growing signs the leadership of President Xi Jinping may coming to an end.  Chinese military intelligence sources say the mass death incident in Wuhan China last year was caused by Xi and his people going ahead with 5G despite warnings it was dangerous.  This means the faction that wants to microchip and micromanage the Chinese population is losing military support.  A UN call for an investigation into what really happened at Wuhan is also putting pressure on his regime, British military intelligence sources say.

Asian secret society sources were unable to confirm or deny these allegations before this report went live.

While lower down on the Khazarian slave leadership totem pole, Canada’s Justin Castro (Trudeau), has been exposed for getting a $125 million foundation payment entirely with taxpayer money, according to Canadian Secret Intelligence Service sources.

Not only that but Justin Castro’s foundation has been getting anywhere from $150,000 to $700,000 a year from the Tide Foundation funded by none other than George Soros, the sources say.  Mass protests against Castro and his Nazi deputy Chrystia Freeland have begun in Canada.

In Japan, meanwhile, a push in being made to replace slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with his deputy Yoshihide Suga.  Suga has been involved in multiple corruption scandals.  For example, he has been pushing to compensate Japan’s indigenous Ainu people with generous funds.  The problem, according to Japanese military intelligence, is that most of the so-called Ainu who would get the money are in fact North Korean agents.  Suga is involved in many other scandals including shady Olympic and defense-related land deals that lined his pockets, they say.  For this reason, Suga is expected to be just an interim figure who will preside over a complete revamp of the post-war colonial government in Japan.

There are many other signs of the collapse of the old regime, especially in the U.S.  Here, as widely reported elsewhere, there are mass incidents of arson, paid demonstrations in 48 of the 50 largest U.S. cities, attacks on railroad transportation, etc.

We are also getting reports of attempts to poison large segments of the population.  For example one reader reports:

“I was badly poisoned on 2 recent humanitarian flights home from Central America, through Houston airport and on to Canada, as was my travel partner and we almost died.  The airlines were United and Air Canada.  Upon trying to detoxify and researching what happened to us, I discovered that they are using new ‘Fogging’ nanotechnology chemicals, metals, and aerosols on aircraft under the guise of new anti-COVID 19 measures.

We were found to be actively poisoned with ‘Benzalkonium chloride, benzyl chloride, chloro-aceto phenone’, ammonia, radioactive aluminum, radioactive mercury, and nanobot technology.  The first few chemicals used are on the list of WW1 chemical warfare agents on Wikipedia here (others are degradation products from the human body processing these poisons):

We also got sent information showing the attempts to force everyone to wear masks is unscientific nonsense:

“The medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses.”

(For details and citations on both of the above please see the letters to the editor page and this link.)

The NSA and other sources are also reporting intensified weather warfare in all parts of the planet, with either droughts or floods devastating agricultural production in China, Africa, the U.S., and elsewhere.

A look around the world will also reveal demonstrations against Khazarian puppet leaders in France, Germany, Israel, Australia, etc.

“The general on the ground atmosphere in this part of the world is one of disbelief the sitting governments are so completely inept at handling a national emergency, be it staged or otherwise,” is how MI6 sees the situation.

“We envision and autumn and winter of civilian discontent and by Christmas, we may very well see a popular revolt to put down this whole medical martial law fiasco,” they predict.

A former Vodaphone boss explains how 5G creates sickness that provides a positive Covid-19 test result and the global agenda that goes with its introduction.

Reports are also coming in of high-level financial intrigue in an ongoing attempt by the Khazarian mafia to cut off funds for a campaign to fix the planet.  P3 Freemasons say “Italian Kabalist enemies,” are using a “Mantell lawyer in Zurich,” together with a ”Mr. Herzog from BPV Bank (Banca Popolare di Verona), Berlin,” to block funds for the Future Planning Agency.

Despite all the chaos and seeming bad news reported above, it is all part of the death throes of Khazarian mob rule, Western and Asian secret society sources say.  Preparations to replace this dying beast with a better system of running the planet are well underway they say.

There are many signs this is true.  For example, we were able to confirm with Japanese banks what our Pentagon sources said last week and that is that the SWIFT international payments system is no longer under the control of the Zionists.  The banks say they no longer have to go through Citibank or Bank of America to send money overseas.  Furthermore, transfers can now be done without using the mark of the beast “My Number” that used to be mandatory in Japan.

There is also record shipping volume from China to the U.S., on West Coast port.  This means some sort of U.S./China trade deal has been reached.

Another sign of an East/West deal is seen in a public deal between the Vatican and China.  “An interim agreement on the appointment of bishops between China and the Vatican has been implemented successfully since it was signed around two years ago,” Zhao Lijian, spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a press conference Sept. 10.

Also, a White Dragon family ally has been “contacted by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families with a view to some kind of collaboration in the World Future Planning Agency.” according to MI6 sources.

Of course, the war is not yet over and we can expect a lot of turmoil over the coming months.  This may include an EMP attack, a food crisis, new false flag nuclear attacks, and more.

Nonetheless, all of the world’s major military forces are now aligned against the Khazarian Mafia so their final defeat is only a matter of time.  We are reluctant to give specific dates but world events make it clear Satanic elite rule is ending.

Benjamin Fulford



[This is the full update]

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Setembro 14, 2020


Khazarian Mafia circling the wagons around the US election and their Manchurian Candidate.

Benjamin Fulford 

Report's Sample





The Khazarian Mafia is pulling out all the stops to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States as violence and arson cause further descent into chaos, NSA, MI6, and Pentagon sources agree.  The scenario unfolding is an election that is an obvious farce even to the most deeply brainwashed of the cool-aid drinking sheeple.
We are now in the looting and burning home stretch so don’t expect mass arrests of Democratic politicians like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and company.  Presidential immunity from prosecution is Biden’s main motivation for becoming a candidate in the first place.  It’s also the best chance for the left and right House and Senate cabal minions and intel agency deep state operatives involved in Uranium One and Ukraine funds to the DNC to avoid prosecution.  So the swamp rats are all desperate to steal the election by whatever means possible.
The probable outcomes, various sources say, are that the election will be canceled due to Antifa and BLM attacks on the polling stations where Trump supporters will be turning out in numbers for a historic landslide victory.  The patriotic support is evident in large turnouts and parades around the country, while sleepy Joe is asking for his teleprompter answers to be more visible in front of a handful of MSM presstitutes.
The more likely scenario is lawsuits and chaos concerning mail-in ballots that could last for weeks or months.  Either scenario will leave Trump “in power.”
The provably criminal Biden and Son’s involvement in Ukraine and China deals is making his election a long shot as any debate will expose that he is hopelessly senile and unfit to hold office.  Some sources say he is being set up to be such a loser that one cannot help but suspect that the same people who support Trump have deliberately placed an unelectable Biden as his opponent.
We realize many people, including many of our subscribers, think U.S. President Donald Trump is going to save the day and “Make America Great Again.”  However, some sources say the depopulation Satanists have other contingency plans:
“If you think Trump is ‘saving America,’ why has he been repeatedly calling for all Americans to be vaccinated by November?  For example, he recently Tweeted, ‘On November 3rd, Michigan will decide whether we quickly return to record prosperity-or whether we allow Sleepy Joe Biden to…DELAY THE VACCINE.’ “
Other sources contend that Trump is between a rock and hard place, which forced him to abandon his “vaccine hoax” early warning and go along with the shutdown recommendations to remain ahead of the scamdemic plan designed to fix the election by blaming him for the manufactured death toll.  So he was forced to keep the medical crooks like Fauci and Brix on the frontline and give them enough rope to hang themselves on the record.
Even the U.S. CDC is now being forced to admit the pandemic is over, as shown by this map they produced.
Nevertheless, how can we reconcile Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, as a member of the “kill 90% of humanity enslave the rest,” Chabad death cult.  Remember, Kushner owned the 666 Fifth avenue building where injectable microchips were developed.
The NSA, the French military, British Intelligence, and others confirm the vaccines are intended to contain microchips and some among them say:
“It appears Americans are being presented with a false choice of senile criminal Biden and his merry band of rioting Antifa anarchists and BLM communists, or Israeli loving Trump who has failed to contain the deadly virus pandemic and his gun-crazy constitutional patriots. Either way by the end of the year the cool-aid drinkers will be lining up for a vaccine, combined with a digital wallet and ‘prosperity.’
Trump the builder commented right after 9.11 that bombs must have been used to bring down the towers so he knows the score, but failed to mention Israel’s involvement in 9.11 or, as a matter of fact, any truth about 9.11 whatsoever so we must ask ourselves… Why?”
Some NSA, CIA, and Pentagon sources say Trump is just play-acting and that he really will turn against the Khazarian Mafia in the end.  They say one day soon Trump will round up the Zionists and execute Satanists, including Kushner.  We hope they are right and the reason why he hasn’t already done it in the four years he has been in power is that deep state actors have surrounded him in the Muller investigation and impeachment proceedings.  Only time will tell during a second term if AG Barr (aka Robert “cocaine kitchen” Johnson) will get replaced.
As things stand, the corporate media has begun propaganda preparations for a hung election.  Here is what Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller) had to say last week:
“What we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people…That there’s nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure that all the votes are counted.”  
This is a reminder of what we are really fighting for better management of the planet.  In the past 50 years we have wiped out numerous wildlife, and yet Trump and his backers have failed to offer even a basic solution or approach to this problem. 

OK, now for some good news.  We heard from high-level sources in MI6, the NSA, Asian Secret Societies and, the P3 freemasons that…
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September 11, 2020

Robert David Steele interviews Sheriff Richard Mack

By Benjamin Fulford

Dear Patriot, Today I did the single most important interview of my lifetime, with Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). He is also the victor in a 10th Amendment federal lawsuit in which the Supreme Court found in favor of the local sheriff against the federal agents of the Deep State seeking to exceed their authority within his county where he was the elected chief law enforcement officer.

I will say this clearly: I judge Sheriff Richard Mack to be the single most important person in America after President Donald Trump if we are to restore the US Constitution and the power of We the People over our state and federal bureaucracies run amok including — I offer my personal testimony here — CIA and FBI elements supporting the Mossad in bribing and blackmailing governors, legislators, judges, prosecutors and chiefs of police, often using child trafficking and pedophilia entrapment as well as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).
I urge all of you to watch and share this video just posted to YouTube, and to join the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association that is open to all idnviduals whether a US citizen or not, as all are eligible to be deputized and thus be part of a legal “posse,” a long-standing US frontier tradition necessary to deal with domestic threats that a small number of peace officers cannot handle along.
In this video Sheriff Macks answers questions about himself, the unique role of the sheriff as the one person who can say “no” to state and local authorities; and about how We the People can take our country back by learning about our Constitution and the role of the sheriff. It turns out the sheriff is the one who can STOP a federal “no knock” raid on your home or the confiscation of your property over an unpaid federal tax bill. I did not know that.
Many sheriffs — as with most citizens — do not understand the Constitution or the limitations the Constitution places on federal as well as state authorities in relation to the public, which delegates (ie does not abdicate, only delegates) a HANDFUL of responsibilities.
In my view the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association is the single most important civic initiative since the Founding Fathers met to draft the Constitution. I do not say this lightly. We are at a turning point in US history and it is my view that while President Trump is doing everything he can from a top down perspective, President Trump will not be fully successful without a tangible bottom up populist movement that is represented by sheriffs as well as pastors.
As I was writing this I learned that a federal judge has found that there is no pandemic exemption for the Constitution and therefore Governors and others do not have the right to prevent freedom of assembly to worship (or do other things citizens have a right to do without hindrance by bureaucrats). Sheriff Mack tells me he is reaching out to pastors as well as sheriffs, and of course to citizens.
It is my prayer that every single one of you will visit and learn, join, and donate. Sheriff Mack is our Patrick Henry with a side of Thomas Jefferson, who said “A Nation’s best defense is an educated citizenry.” Please visit and arm yourself with knowledge — and if your circumstances permit please make the largest possible donation to help fund the forthcoming meeting in Virginia of sheriffs (and perhaps also pastors) from across the land who are coming together to learn, to pray, and to say ENOUGH!
Not to be corny, but just as our ancestors once pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their scared honor for liberty, I now pledge my life, my fortunes, and my sacred honor for this most righteous cause defined and led by Sheriff Mack: he merits every bit of support We the People can render. God Bless each and every one of you and God Bless America, may she be a Republic restored to the will of We the People.
Robert David Steele
USMC Infantry Officer
Citizen, Husband, Father, Patriot
Connect to everything I do:


September 14, 2020

Masks DO NOT Protect Anyone – Even In Operating Rooms!

By Benjamin Fulford 

Dear Benjamin Fulford,
“As a person who went to medical school, I was shocked when I read Neil Orr’s study, published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries.
They wore no masks for six months and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years.
And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks.
Their conclusion: ‘It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all’ and that wearing a mask during surgery ‘is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.’
I was so amazed that I scoured the medical literature, sure that this was a fluke, and that newer studies must show the utility of masks in preventing the spread of disease.
But to my surprise the medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses.
Ritter et al., in 1975, found that ‘the wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room environmental contamination.’
Ha’eri and Wiley, in 1980, applied human albumin microspheres to the interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, wound washings were examined under the microscope. ‘Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments.’
Laslett and Sabin, in 1989, found that caps and masks were not necessary during cardiac catheterization. ‘No infections were found in any patient, regardless of whether a cap or mask was used,’ they wrote. Sjøl and Kelbaek came to the same conclusion in 2002.
In Tunevall’s 1991 study, a general surgical team wore no masks in half of their surgeries for two years. After 1,537 operations performed with masks, the wound infection rate was 4.7%, while after 1,551 operations performed without masks, the wound infection rate was only 3.5%.
A review by Skinner and Sutton in 2001 concluded that ‘The evidence for discontinuing the use of surgical face masks would appear to be stronger than the evidence available to support their continued use.’
Lahme et al., in 2001, wrote that ‘surgical face masks worn by patients during regional anesthesia, did not reduce the concentration of airborne bacteria over the operation field in our study. Thus they are dispensable.’
Figueiredo et al., in 2001, reported that in five years of doing peritoneal dialysis without masks, rates of peritonitis in their unit were no different than rates in hospitals where masks were worn.
Bahli did a systematic literature review in 2009 and found that ‘no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative wound infection was observed between masks groups and groups operated with no masks.’
Surgeons at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, recognizing the lack of evidence supporting the use of masks, ceased requiring them in 2010 for anesthesiologists and other non-scrubbed personnel in the operating room. ‘Our decision to no longer require routine surgical masks for personnel not scrubbed for surgery is a departure from common practice. But the evidence to support this practice does not exist,’ wrote Dr. Eva Sellden.
Webster et al., in 2010, reported on obstetric, gynecological, general, orthopedic, breast, and urological surgeries performed on 827 patients. All non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries, and none of the non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries.
Lipp and Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found ‘no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials.’ Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same.
Carøe, in a 2014 review based on four studies and 6,006 patients, wrote that ‘none of the four studies found a difference in the number of post-operative infections whether you used a surgical mask or not.’
Salassa and Swiontkowski, in 2014, investigated the necessity of scrubs, masks, and head coverings in the operating room and concluded that ‘there is no evidence that these measures reduce the prevalence of surgical site infection.’
Da Zhou et al., reviewing the literature in 2015, concluded that ‘there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that face masks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination.
‘Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and it was killing them. At least three children died during Physical Education classes — two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask. Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere. The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have
mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55.
All 13 states that have death rates higher than 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them.
‘We are living in an atmosphere of permanent illness, of meaningless separation,’ writes Benjamin Cherry in the Summer 2020 issue of New View magazine. A separation that is destroying lives, souls, and nature.”


September 14, 2020

Worldwide 5G Genocide Starting in October

By Benjamin Fulford


Dear Mr. Fulford,
I was badly poisoned on 2 recent humanitarian flights home from Central America, through Houston airport and on to Canada, as was my travel partner- we almost died. The airlines were United and Air Canada. Upon trying to detoxify and researching what happened to us, I discovered that they are using new ‘Fogging’ nanotechnology chemicals, metals, and aerosols on aircraft under the guise of new anti-COVID 19 measures.
Through multiple holistic means, we were found to be actively poisoned with ‘Benzalkonium chloride, benzyl chloride, chloro-aceto phenone’, ammonia, radioactive aluminum, radioactive mercury, and nanobot technology. The first few chemicals used are on the list of WW1 chemical warfare agents on Wikipedia here (others are degradation products from the human body processing these poisons):
The two nano-chemicals I believe were used on our aircraft are (confirmed by a private jet company as the main chemicals used for Fogging):
The cognitive impairment from this experience cannot be described (from perfect health to vision loss, nausea, hearing loss, loss of equilibrium, inability to process information, inability to speak, read or write, seizures and so much more. I am blessed to work in health and to have gone on an immediate and rigorous detox program which helped significantly though long term- impairment may be the outcome as these are very noxious poisons. Others on our flight or other flights might not be as lucky.
First, they spray a sheet of positively charged ‘nano-glass’ called electrostatic spraying (sometimes with chemicals and sometimes without), then they aerosol the entire plane with the active nano-particle chemicals (as shown on the websites above), which are said to self-replicate for up to 10 days after application, only they are using the chemicals between every single flight, and in some cases all night long for 8 hours straight. Traveler’s then board the plane just 60 minutes after application.
Apparently the nano-material technology makes it so that the product cannot be re-applied repeatedly and once coated, it will reject more coating for the next 10 days back into the air.
This is advertised as making the product go-farther with less use’ but when applied repeatedly as airlines are doing, the result is that these charged atoms spew back into the air as a potent positively charged aerosol being attracted to the next neutral or negatively charged atoms that enter the flight, such as the body and lungs of human beings.
As if this were not enough, they end the treatment with a UV light blast of the entire aircraft, using mercury lights which when turned on, release a potent mercury vapor into the air, to further cause harm to the coming passengers.
If you dig into this, you will quickly see that this is nothing short of an aerosol vaccine program meant to incept healthy humans with unapproved, unconsented poisons and nano-technology.
The worst part is that this is already happening in schools, and some public places, and soon to be in stores, malls, movie theaters, condo building lobbies and subways, buses and rental cars. Children around the world are being diagnosed with rare brain diseases and I believe it’s from exposure in schools.
I have PDF’s full of info I can send you if you want more info on Fogging, however, my own personal poisoning, awful as it is, is not why I contacted you.
Through this experience both my travel partner and I are now extremely EMF sensitive and upon returning to Canada, became incapacitated once in 5G radiation. I became quickly aware that I am now (thanks to nanobot brain poisoning) a walking human Geiger counter. The nanobots in my brain allow me to sense with inhuman accuracy every single deviation in microwave frequency and I feel every 5G tower, meter, street light, receiver long before I see it.
This led me to dig into the 5G/ nanobot/transhumanism agenda rabbit hole and fell across what I believe is a global genocide agenda using 5G frequency. This agenda is set to be rolled out this coming October, and continued from city to city until next August and will result in hundreds of millions of deaths in the US, Canada and possibly much more worldwide.
This is the real reason why I contacted you:
  • I believe the above mentioned fogging chemicals are being dumped on us via chemtrails and in public spaces, and will be used to falsify a second COVID wave, as the new COVID symptoms are identical to those of Benzalkonium chloride and radiation poisoning.
  • I believe this is an aerosol mass-vaccination agenda. The coming COVID vaccines will also contain nanobots and nano-technology.
  • I believe that anyone infected like I am (and soon to be everyone) will be hyper-reactive to 5G and will become a physical part of the electrical smart grid pulling frequencies to their brains as if they were a human tower. This enables mind control, implanting of emotional reactions, and thoughts via frequency manipulation and creates transhumanism.
  • I believe they locked people down earlier this year under the false guise of a virus so they could roll out 5G in every part of the world on current infrastructure so that nobody would notice.
  • I have traveled extensively this last month trying to find a 5G-free safe haven and there are none. Even remote areas of Canada and impoverished areas of Central America have 5G infrastructure already in place and frequencies already being emitted.
  • 5G is NOT a WIFI issue, this is an electrical agenda and the microwaves pulse into the house and environment via electrical wires, signals, smart meters, and house-hold appliances and plugs, NOT VIA WIFI ROUTERS EXCLUSIVELY.
  • Areas with 3G or less WIFI strength actually have 5G infrastructure already set up in their electrical systems.
  • Areas around the world without WIFI at all are still experiencing microwave pulsing throughout the day.
  • Big Tech used the term 4.5G (4G PLUS) to build the 5G infrastructure without drawing attention to 5G itself which is highly controversial and not widely accepted by the population.
  • I believe that the global plan is to vaccinate people (both through inoculation of the willing and forced aerosol poisoning of the resistant) with nanobots and then to blast 5G anytime there is population resistance to first control people, then to actually kill them.
  • I believe that 5G, and only 5G, is why people died in WUHAN in 2019, then Italy, Queens NY, now Sweden (being blasted as we speak) and so many other areas to come. They were dosed with, or vaccinated with nanotech, and then the frequency was increased as a test to see which frequencies had people falling dead and at which rate.
Here is why 5G built into our electrical system is so dangerous:
  • 4G is 7GHZ or less
  • 4.5G (4G Plus) is 7-12 GHZ
  • 5G is 15-300 GHZ
  • At 10 GHZ the human immune system starts to falter, sleep is impaired and healing is minimized
  • At 10-30 GHZ, disorientation sets in, feeling tired, drowsy, weak, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, dehydration, poor cell turnover and lowered hemoglobin, depression, anxiety and other symptoms of radiation poisoning/ microwave syndrome.
  • At 35 GHZ the oxygen molecules in the air and our bodies begin to spin, making it impossible for our hemoglobin to uptake oxygen causing asphyxiation. 75% of healthy people will die in the first 2-3 days of being exposed to 35 GHZ consistently. The healthiest will die within a week.
  • At 50 GHZ, nothing survives, including birds, bees, trees etc.
  • At 60 GHZ everything goes up in flames (similar to the wildfires in the US right now- in 5G areas)
  • They are currently experimenting daily with frequency changes (I feel every shift) to normalize people’s symptoms and exposures so no one notices what is happening. They are experimenting to see how high they can go before people start noticing.
  • I have been in areas where the map shows only 4G or even 3G and yet they have 5G frequencies already pulsing.
  • They increase the frequencies at night so people sleep poorly, causing a weakened society, and lower it during the morning, increasing again in the afternoon.
  • 5G is the most dangerous large-scale and immediate-acting bioweapon in all of history.
  • 5G is the equivalent of having a loaded gun pointed to every single one of our heads, no matter where you live, where you work, what your race, what your social status or how much money or skills you have, you are the mercy of that dial.
  • If you have electricity right now, you can be killed in an instant if they blast the frequency through your home at anything over 35 GHZ.
  • Here is a woman who shares the global plan in more detail, with dates, escape routes and timelines if you are interested:
  • See a 5G map here (not super accurate or up to date as they are doing this in secrecy but shows the different classifications):
This is the genocide agenda:
  • All 5G infrastructure is already in place. Look at receivers already placed on your streetlights, smart meters, your electrical outlets and appliances, the towers themselves, rooftop receivers, etc.
  • Next is poisoning people with aerosols, and toxic food and water to falsify the second wave
  • Once people are in lockdown, they cannot leave their homes- these areas are then easy 5G kill zones.
  • The government can choose to increase the frequency anytime they decide and depopulate as much as they want, in any chosen area.
  • I guarantee that unless you are very far off-grid, without any electricity and no neighbors who have it either, you are, as we are, currently sitting in a potential kill zone.
  • I have tried reaching out to colleagues, health pioneers and other popular leaders in the natural movement but everyone is afraid to share this as they feel they will be killed immediately and censored to block the sharing of this info.
Here is what I am hoping you, or some of your connections, may be able to do:
  • Turn off the smart grid somehow
  • Deactivate these smart meters, streetlights or shut down/ de-activate the satellites
  • Block or get access to control the frequencies to disable them from being used at frequencies over 7GHZ
  • Anything at all to help the root issue from a technical side because just telling people as I’ve been doing and warning the public is not enough. Media is corrupted and the truth is censored, this will never make it viral fast enough to create change or save humanity or the planet.
  • I am praying that you look into this and can come up with a viable solution to help block or disable this potential global agenda.
  • I am here to answer any questions you have, will assist in any way I can, and will make myself available to provide you with any further info, content, links, resources, or anything else I can do to assist your efforts.


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Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
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Julho 17, 2019



Relatório completo de Benjamin Fulford,

15 de julho de 2019. 

Tradução: Candido Pedro Jorge


A execução de George Bush Pai e sua esposa Barbara, finalmente, está abrindo as portas para um colapso real da cabala satânica da máfia khazariana, concordam várias fontes. Isso é visto em todos os tipos de eventos noticiosos, sendo relatados até pela escrava mídia corporativa. A renúncia do secretário do Trabalho de Trump, Alexander Acosta, por seu envolvimento no acobertamento do agente Mossad, Jeffrey Epstein, é apenas mais um dominó a cair. Pelo menos 110 mil pessoas irão segui-lo, incluindo uma ampla gama de políticos, celebridades e bilionários, prometem fontes do Pentágono.
Este expurgo no topo da cadeia do poder mundial irá de mãos dadas com uma massiva campanha para restaurar o planeta. Segundo uma fonte da família real europeia de alto nível "Uma carta de recomendação para a criação de uma futura agência mundial de planejamento foi distribuída a todos os chefes de Estado soberanos". O plano para reflorestar uma área do tamanho dos EUA e China combinadas, está adicionado a essa proposta, disse a fonte.
Por enquanto, essa proposta, está mantida sob um embargo diplomático corporativo/associado à imprensa, até que os detalhes de movimentação de mercado de sua estrutura sejam trabalhados, diz a fonte. No entanto, ela diz que já foi decidido que o projeto superará até mesmo a Iniciativa Cinturão e Estrada proposto pela China, orçada em vários trilhões de dólares.
Em vista disso, os mercados financeiros mundiais, que estão se tornando numa gigantesca e alucinante escalada de taxas de juros negativas e a alta dos preços das ações, que podem ser paralisados e reiniciados como parte dos preparativos, acrescenta a fonte.
No entanto, uma limpeza completa dos elementos satânicos da estrutura do poder mundial será necessária, antes que isso seja possível, observam fontes do Pentágono e da CIA. Toda essa ação continuou com um ataque das Forças Especiais contra a Fundação Clinton e outras infraestruturas satânicas, realizado durante uma queda de energia em Manhattan, na semana passada, disseram as fontes.
“Enquanto a China atrai a atenção da mídia, uma força-tarefa de contrainteligência extremamente eficaz, auxiliada pela NSA, militares e a Rússia está livrando a América do parasita sionista satânico, enquanto a CIA e o FBI expiam seus crimes e proteção de Epstein". Fontes do Pentágono dizem.
"Com 110.000 acusações que estão sendo seladas juntamente com Epstein, uma paralisação do Twitter e terremotos da Califórnia, ataques do ICE com tropas federais podem levar a prisões em massa, uma vez que Trump sabe que é agora ou nunca se deseja ganhar em 2020," diz uma fonte do Pentágono.
Claramente, mesmo se Trump for um agente sionista, o impulso das fileiras inferiores e médias do complexo militar-industrial irá tirá-lo do poder como uma rolha de uma garrafa de champanhe se ele tentar pará-las.
Fontes do Pentágono acrescentam: "Israel está sob cerco, na medida em que o ex-primeiro-ministro Ehud Barak possa ter comandado as operações de chantagem de Epstein, assim como o 11 de Setembro". Barak parece ter sido denunciado pelo criminoso de guerra Benjamin Netanyahu, enquanto uma intensa luta intestina se intensifica em Israel, observam fontes do MI6.
Israel também está sentindo o calor porque "a Turquia está recebendo mísseis antiaéreos russos S-400 para quebrar a OTAN, num projeto de poder, proteger seu gás offshore em Chipre e colocar Israel de volta em sua caixa de areia", disseram as fontes do Pentágono.
Quando estão em apuros, os falsos Judeus se atacam para parecer que estão sendo perseguidos e justificar a agressão, dizem fontes do Mossad. É por isso que a organização do Hamas, criada pelo Mossad, está pedindo que os judeus sejam mortos em todo o mundo, dizem elas.

Mensagem para os Judeus: Relaxem, ninguém vai matar vocês; apenas estão sendo libertados de milhares de anos de tirania satânica Babilônica.
Essa iminente libertação pode ser vista na medida em que a pressão contra os satanistas está se intensificando em todas as direções, com impulsos para a “revelação FISA, 11/09, 11/3 [Fukushima] e desclassificação dos voos 370/17 da Malaysan Air”, confirmam fontes do Pentágono.
Isso pode ser observado nas investigações do Deutsche Bank, que indicam que estava envolvido não apenas com o financiamento de Epstein, mas, também, com a lavagem de dinheiro de drogas e com o escândalo Malásia 1MDB, concordam várias fontes.
O ex-primeiro-ministro Najib Razak, que foi preso neste escândalo, envolvendo o desvio de bilhões de dólares, tem cantado como um canário, segundo fontes da CIA no sudeste da Ásia. Razak está negociando uma barganha, em que irá negociar seus arquivos secretos sobre os voos 370/17 da Malaysia Air por leniência, dizem as fontes. Como os leitores de longa data deste boletim informativo sabem, os voos 370/17 foram usados pelo ex-presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama, para perpetrar uma chantagem nuclear contra líderes mundiais, entre outras coisas.

Outro sinal de que Bush Pai não está mais por perto para varrer as coisas para debaixo do tapete foi quando um navio de propriedade do JP Morgan, ligado a Bush, foi preso com 1,3 bilhão de dólares em cocaína.

A queda de Bush também expôs a EUSSR liderada pela Alemanha. Os britânicos, como referimos na semana passada, demonstraram que podem cortar o acesso europeu ao Báltico e ao Mediterrâneo, bem como ao Canal do Suez, quando começarem a jogar o duro jogo do Brexit.
O sistema GPS europeu Galileo, também, foi retirado de serviço, no âmbito de uma campanha para pressionar a rendição  da UE, segundo fontes do Pentágono.

Não admira que Angela Hitler tenha sido vista tendo acessos de tremores, pela terceira vez em três semanas. 

Fontes alemãs de direita, dizem que se Merkel não está sendo atacada com armas eletrônicas, então “ela tem sérios problemas de saúde, baseados em alguma doença neurológica ou mesmo neurodegenerativa como a doença de Parkinson ou mesmo uma doença priônica como a de Kuru”. O público tem o direito de saber as razões exatas de seus tremores, acrescenta a fonte. Pode ser apenas stress.
Na semana passada, a dispensa do embaixador britânico nos Estados Unidos também fez parte dos conflitos internos de alto nível, diz uma fonte da família real britânica. “Despedimos o nosso enviado a Washington por insultar a família Farnese [Pentágono]. Não prestem atenção ao lixo que publicam, uma tagarelice comum do quotidiano.”
Esta fonte também fornece informações sobre a infiltração de satanistas nas mais altas esferas do poder europeu:
“Realmente, é horrível, todavia, é um culto e, como sabemos, um culto fanático religioso. Todos os fanáticos são mortais e perigosos quando fora de uma  psiquiatria muito avançada para lidar com eles. A propósito, Tony Blair  foi comprometido de ser totalmente controlado pelo Culto Satânico do Nono Círculo local, Mães das Trevas, na Europa. Acreditamos que esse foi o incidente que foi usado na ilegal guerra anglo-americana no Iraque. Muito do que é relatado é sintomático da podridão total reinante nos níveis mais altos da governança mundial que eu tive que enfrentar cara a cara”.
Lembrem-se de que Tony Blair e George Bush Jr. tiveram conversas privadas com o Papa Bento XVI, depois de deixarem o cargo, aparentemente, buscando proteção contra a acusação por seus crimes no Iraque. Olhe para esta imagem deste Papa (ou qualquer imagem dele) e verá o mal puro, parecendo estar sob o controle de algum tipo de entidade maligna.

As instituições mundiais foram “muito disfuncionais e enormemente comprometidas pelas famílias ocidentais que, para ser muito honesto, ou simplesmente desistiram ou acharam suas novas gerações completamente ineptas, como aconteceu com o Rothschild, que eu substituí”, disse uma fonte real.
“Havia um elemento na classe dominante mundial que era muito corrupto – na verdade, era uma máfia – e, agora, as coisas mudaram ou, pelo menos, a trajetória mudou”, acrescentou ela.
A transferência de poder ao mais alto nível das instituições ocidentais é o que torna possível toda a divulgação pública e detenções, como esta e outras fontes concordam.
O último dominó a cair pode muito bem ser o Japão. Aqui, um governo criminoso que governa através de pesquisas de opinião, eleições, estatísticas econômicas tudo falso, assassinato e suborno está agarrado ao poder. Provavelmente irão se safar com outro roubo eleitoral na eleição de 21 de Julho para a câmara alta. No entanto, a pessoa que colocou este governo no poder, Richard Armitage, agora, é um zumbi. Este assassino e traficante de drogas, primo de Barbara Bush e cobrador de Bush Pai, perdeu seus patronos de alto nível. Quando o movimento vier sobre o Japão, “será repentino e absoluto”, dizem fontes da Sociedade Secreta Asiática.
Os militares americanos, que controlam o Japão, estão prestes a dispensar os manipuladores criminosos do Japão, como Armitage, Michael Greenberg e Gerald Curtis, dizem fontes do Pentágono. No entanto, isto só vai acontecer depois dos EUA serem limpos, observam.
Enquanto isso, os militares dos EUA estão fazendo preparativos para permanecerem em operação, mesmo que o governo corporativo dos EUA vá à falência. Já convenceram o Kuwait para financiá-los, juntamente com a Arábia Saudita. Agora, estão trabalhando com o  Japão para, também, entrar nesse rateio.

O jogo final envolve uma aliança militar entre a  Russa e os EUA para substituir a OTAN, dizem fontes do Pentágono. Esta aliança “Cristã” unificada, então, iria negociar a paz mundial com os asiáticos, dizem elas. Por sua vez, fontes da família real britânica concordam e acrescentam: “Normalmente as coisas acontecem muito depressa quando o negócio está feito, por isso, agarrem-se aos seus chapéus.”  
Mas, como sempre, avisamos aos nossos leitores para só acreditarem quando virem. Por exemplo, Trump, ainda não cumpriu a sua promessa de revelar a verdade sobre o 11 de Setembro. O mundo espera e exige um julgamento público, ao estilo de Nuremberg, dos criminosos de alto nível. Ver pessoas como Hillary e Bill Clinton algemados seria um bom começo.

Agradecimentos a: 
  1. Candido Pedro Jorge e a Sementes das Estrelas pela tradução, copilada de:

Nenhum credo religioso ou político é defendido aqui.
A religião organizada é desnecessária à espiritualidade.
Excelentes ensinamentos dos mestres têm sido contaminados pelo controle dogmático dessas religiões.
Discernimento sim; julgamento não.
Com discernimento é possível alcansar o espírito da letra de qualquer escritura e é também bem mais fácil escutar a voz da alma que vem do coração.

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