In the course of writing this article about emergence, I myself emerged.
Emergence is an ongoing process and one I regard as best adapted to lightworkers’ needs.
The books I wrote on emergence (1) came largely out of the work I did in the growth movement. (2)
The mainstream media did character assassinations back in the late Seventies as much as they do now. We just weren’t aware of the full picture, as we are becoming aware now.
They typified Werner Erhard and the est Training in the same way the MSM attacks people of heart and President Trump. Werner was one of the Twentieth Century’s human-growth geniuses, in my view.
If someone comes up with a great way to emerge from our woes, the MSM will annihilate it. This is not a new plan.
We may not like the turmoil we’re going through, but I think it speeds up growth.
It presents so many important choices. On a normal day, when peace reigns, we’ll have ordinary choices, but not choices that affect the heart of our character.
After Helene and Milton, while there was a tussle going on between the monk and the warrior, the warrior unto himself is becoming firmly set.
[I have not fully emerged yet, but the process has started.]
I know this may offend some folks. They’re not on this site to hear about war. (3)
Neither am I, by the way, but it’s here. Mass murder by hurricanes was not in my thoughts.
That I may disappoint you I just have to deal with because the fuller form that I’m emerging into is more me than what I now see as the suppressed other side of myself.
[I am slowly emerging.]
In fact, if you’ll allow me the privilege of introspection when the world is under seige, looking back, I see the whole of my life until this point as being about emerging from the suppression of my character in early childhood.
Not like that was special to me; the whole neighborhood followed the same drill-sergeant child-rearing patterns. It was the universal way of parenting in that post-war generation.
But I’m feeling a strength and solidity in my belly and chest that is both foreign and familiar to me. Foreign because I usually suppress myself before reaching this place. Familiar because the effect of emergence is that I feel more me than I did.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) See:
What these books were about is what’s happening for me right now”: Emergence. It doesn’t only happen once. It’s a progressive process – more and more and more. The whole of the growth movement could be said to have been about emergence.
(2) The three main elements of which were (A) a three-month residential encounter group at Cold Mountain Institute, (B) the est Training and its affiliated programs, and (C) enlightenment intensives.
(3) In my lifetime, I’ve always served in the role of protector. In Toronto, in 1970, I was stabbed in the back protecting an old man who was being robbed.
This kamikaze behavior can again be seen as resulting from an early vasana (core issue) born of domestic violence. Having promised to protect my Mother in the future some day (I was seven) when she was struck by my Dad, I was now protecting as a consistent response.
You might say it’s my dharma (felt duty) to be a protector. As testimony to that, this blog was born as a cabal-fighting blog. Having just come out from presiding over a hearing room on discrimination and persecution (the refugee determination process), I could not stand what the cabal was doing.
On that, see “How It All Began!” July 2, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/07/02/how-it-all-began/
Now of course, as Suzi says, we prefer peace. At least I do, unless and until we’re hit by two manmade, weather-warfare hurricanes. Then I stand up and take notice. We need both.
Emerging from Emerging
Part 2/2
Good on ya, mate!
(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
I feel more solid, more certain.
[I’m well into the process by now.]
I laugh when I think of a comment that Michael made:
Archangel Michael: Yes. Dear heart, you are a cement, marble, granite pillar. (1)
OK, I get it. “Marble” and “granite” don’t relate to how I deal with others as much as they relate to how I am with myself.
Yesterday I could not have said this; today I can: When I am in my warrior persona, I am in charge of myself. In this persona, I feel, inside, like granite or marble.
[I have now emerged.]
It has nothing to do with how I relate or don’t relate to others. It’s how I am with myself. A good example of this would be J.D. Vance. You can tell he has emerged just by listening to his voice. He’s a wonderfully self-possessed person.
RFK – another. Tulsi Gabbard, Kari Lake. We are blessed with this type of person right now – no surprise.
This is what people mean when they say “he (or she) was forged in the crucible of war.” They mean that he emerged to the point where there was no inner dissent, no inner turmoil.
A house united is the only kind of house that will stand. Especially in the crucible of … listen, I have to say it. When you send two hurricanes to kill people and devastate the countryside, to me that is … war.
That doesn’t mean that the warrior displaces the monk. That could not happen because the monk is deeper, ultimately multidimensional.
It’s like TV channels. If you turn to one, you get its program. Turn to another, you get a different program. Getting one program does not mean the displacement or revision of the other.
Our personas are different; we create and employ them for different reasons and ends. They learn different lessons and may behave differently.
I’m led to believe that any one being has a multitude of aspects, past lives, and personas….
…. but that’s enough for one go!!!!
Emerging from emerging, I’ve never felt more stable and committed. The fog has lifted.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.
Steve Beckow