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My dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.
Posted November 28, 2024
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.
The sun shines on all life and GOD loves all life equally! There is no favoritism, because all life is in GOD’s favor.
Beloved people,
In this time, when the division between people seems to be growing ever greater, it is necessary to appeal to the unity of all people. Maintain the larger perspective and perceive all life as being under the care of God!
No one and nothing is less than you, no one and nothing is higher than you. What or whoever exalts himself is in error, what or whoever humbles himself is in error.
Humility means knowing who you are and knowing who your neighbor is. Humility means recognizing your own power and expressing it free from ego. Humility means loving what GOD loves, and GOD loves everything and everyone equally!
Looking at current events from this perspective is reserved for those who regularly work on themselves and overcome their limitations in thinking, feeling and acting.
“Love your neighbour as yourself!” is not a metaphor, but a concrete invitation to all people to question their own inner hardening and to heal their lovelessness.
The history of humanity is full of blood, full of pain, full of suffering. It is time to heal this history so that a new story can be told in the future – the story of you, the humanity that exists now, who managed to rise above your own limitations and return to the Oneness of GOD.
So go to work and go in peace.
All life is loved, all being is honored and every person is in GOD’S image, is part of HIS glory and grace.
With infinite loveSERAPHIS BEY
Posted on September 4, 2024
Do you recognize that you are moving on an ever-changing Earth? Things here are not as you might believe them to be. Much is changing in many ways. Life seems to be that which is not preferred and we seek to change that. We want you to know the more that does exist and that which we wish to share.
Know as you move about this day, or the next, that each thing you focus upon are those things that you will bring into your being and world. You will draw each thing in and that is a good thing if you focus on what you want. But if you focus elsewhere, that could be problematic.
Know that each day and each choice you make is a significant one. Each will draw more to you when you move to the next choice. It is that often choices build, one upon the other. See and know that this is so. Choose wisely.
I want to connect with those who are in search of their purpose in a big way. I’d like to kick-start initiatives for those who are ready to move mountains and shift and change all that had come before. This is what I’m doing this and each day. As I head to England next month, I set intentions as I continually ask for more. Reach out here if you are there and seek to know more along the way.
This time affords unique opportunities that we want you to take advantage of. Consider the uniqueness of this time and take steps to move differently than before. Know that much is changing in a significant way. Move your abilities, and all you seek to do in this time, so that more might be.
Enlist to shift your perspective. Bring change to your life in a meaningful way. Perspective shifts will offer many benefits to all you seek to accomplish here.
Robyn G Locke
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