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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Are You Ready for the Solar Flash?

By Vidya Frazier

Posted on December 14, 2024



The whole idea of the Solar Flash – and humanity shifting into the Fifth Dimension – may just be a vague idea to you.
Maybe it’s something that sounds good, but it’s somehow not real enough to truly consider. Especially since the world is in such chaos these days, it doesn’t seem a likely possibility.
Or perhaps you’ve read and heard about this solar event for so many years now; and although it initially seemed real and you got very excited about it, it’s now just an old concept that doesn’t look probable anymore.
Maybe kind of like the idea of medbeds. Or replicators. The energy feels old and perhaps not very relevant at this point.
But is it a Real Possibility?
And yet – could it be that more time has simply had to pass since the information about the Solar Flash first came out, so more people could hopefully wake up before it occurs?
And could it be that we are now finally coming to that point where it needs to happen, no matter what — and maybe in the very near future?
It’s true that, although many different sources throughout the ages have described this monumental shift into a much higher dimension of reality, none have been able to predict the exact timing for it.
And yet, there are finally some indications that this cosmic event may be happening some time very soon. Both Cobra and David Wilcock have made predictions that it might well occur in early 2025.
Even mainstream scientists are reporting strange indicators of some kind of huge solar event that may already be occurring. Very unusual and powerful coronal mass ejections are now happening surprisingly often – a predicted prelude to the Solar Flash.
Also, the Earth has now entered the part of the galaxy it has gone into every 26,000 years or so, when, according to countless prophesies, the planet and the human race have always experienced ascension into a much higher consciousness.
In addition, we are definitely experiencing what’s been called the “Transitional Times” — the intense and tumultuous period of time that many ancient texts and indigenous tribes from all over the world have predicted would be happening before the Solar Flash would occur.
And so it’s really not crazy to think it might really be time now for such a solar event to take place again.
And, it therefore might behoove us to check to see if we are ready for this kind of event. Have we really thought it through lately, what it might be like for us, and what it might mean in our lives?
Is 5D still kind of a fairy tale in our mind about a new Golden Age where everyone loves everyone and peace reigns over all? Or is it something that could actually come into being in the foreseeable future?
And could it happen initially with a huge solar event that completely disrupts all of how life is happening on Earth at this time?
Are We Prepared?
It’s incredibly hard to wrap our minds around this possibility – and yet, maybe we should finally start thinking about it.
Because, if it does happen soon, are we prepared, even just physically, for such an event?
Reportedly, all technology is going to die, and all satellites will be blown out of the skies. Just for starters, do we have enough food and supplies for this kind of situation?
Fortunately, it is said this event will also include the take down of all hidden technology that has been controlling us through frequencies that greatly affect our brains and bodies. This, of course, would be incredible. We would likely experience an unbelievable sense of freedom and bliss. We would rediscover who we really are as powerful multidimensional Beings of Light.
But, if we’re not prepared for such an abrupt awakening, it could initially freak us out. Experiencing such a sudden change in how we experience reality could be very challenging.
In general, do we really understand what the huge shift in consciousness is going to be like?
Are we really ready spiritually to ascend into the profoundly higher dimension of consciousness that’s been called 5D?
And, even if we basically are, are we ready to face the reality that certain people we love may not be?
It’s Time to Consider It All
If a huge solar event were to occur tomorrow, all the stories about the white hats vs the black hats — as engaging and important as they are these days — would melt into irrelevance.
All attention that is focused on what the new US administration is poised to do, or even about what’s happening with any of the wars, would be abruptly pulled in a whole new direction. Our entire lives would be irreversibly altered.
Maybe it’s time to focus on this event that may be occurring anytime in the coming months and prepare ourselves for it.
Even if nothing were to happen soon, it can always be a good exercise, anyway, to focus on our spiritual evolution which is definitely accelerating at this point, no matter what else may be happening.
New realities are already opening up for us; exciting experiences are occurring. Deep and meaningful realizations are flowing in. You’re probably realizing that awakening on many levels is definitely happening for you. At the same time, strange, confusing and sometimes frightening experiences may also be happening.
Preparing for the Shift into 5D
What do all these things mean? Where are these experiences taking you? How can you handle it all?
I explore all these questions and issues in my latest mini ebook, called “Preparing for the Shift into 5D”.
It’s just 20 pages, with images – very easy to read. If this is a subject that interests you, I encourage you to download it here:
Let’s not allow either the chaotic news of what’s happening in the world — or the holiday season — take us away from remembering the exciting “Big Picture” that’s happening beyond all these smaller events that may end up being rather inconsequential in the end!
Vidya Frazier


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?





Are You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact?

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on September 13, 2024

are-you-ready-for-physical-ET-contact-the-9d-arcturian-council-channeled-by-daniel-scranton channeler of aliens
We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
We are always surprised by what you are capable of there on Earth. We have noticed that you have had a spike in your overall vibration as a collective consciousness, and that spike is in fact due to how well you are handling all of the energies coming to you from above and below. When you make substantial progress like this, the extra-terrestrial beings in your skies do take notice. They are looking for those windows of opportunity to have more contact with all of you, and those of you who have been largely responsible for the spike are showing up more clearly on their radar screens. 
In other words, they’re going to connect with those of you who are offering a higher vibration first. They do that, not because they’re playing favorites, but because you demonstrate that you can handle higher-frequency energies, and then they know that you can stand face to face with them and handle their energy. You are of course also getting closer and closer to first contact because of this spike, but those of you who are on the leading edge, those of you who are awake, you are the ones leading the way. You are the ones who plant the seeds, and you pave the way for a group event for humanity involving extra-terrestrials. 
Now, we know that there are many of you who haven’t had conscious contact yet and who want it, and we suggest that you relax and that you let of attachment to having that experience. Here is why – even if you continue to let go of that which is lower vibrational and access that which is higher vibrational, the principles of manifestation are still relevant here. And so, you cannot be attached to having a face to face with an e.t. if you want to manifest that experience in your reality. You have to let go and live your life at the highest vibration that you possibly can. Again, demonstrate to them your readiness for contact, but also let go of that desire and let the universe and your higher self bring you the experience in the appropriate timing for you.
It is okay to be eager and excited for your contact experiences, but if you are attached to them because you want to prove to someone else that they exist, or you want to prove to yourself that you are special enough to receive that contact, then you are only delaying the process, which is inevitable. It is inevitable that you will be standing face to face with e.t.s in this lifetime, but you want to enjoy the journey to that event. You want to relax into it, and you want to allow it to happen in the perfect timing for you as an individual and for humanity as a collective.
You can always jump to a different timeline where the timing of  humanity’s contact is sooner, but you can also jump to a different timeline where the timeline for humanity’s contact is later. So live your lives, and be in a state of joy, and don’t make that joy conditional, and you will be on that timeline where this event can happen for you and for the rest of humanity. You are doing so well in so many areas of your consciousness evolution, and while your eagerness and excitement for e.t. contact is beautiful, you also must demonstrate that you can live amongst your fellow humans as one who accepts, loves, and has compassion for each and every one of them. That’s something else the e.t.s in physical form are looking for when they are considering who exactly down there on Earth is ready for physical e.t. contact. 
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton 
My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Violet Flame: Seeking truth to be Free!

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