© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
- 11:11 Progress Group <list@1111spiritguardians.com>
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Posted on December 2, 2024
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
No matter what the question is, the answer is always Love.
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Posted on September 23, 2024
I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
Perhaps you find yourself repeating patterns that seem right until you complete or contemplate completing them. Such is to be expected.
You display your concern by trying to replicate feelings and actions that no longer feel right. You are at a loss, wondering where you fit in your world and life. You find yourself grasping at actions, trying to determine what is right for you now—not because anyone necessarily notices your shift, but because you are uncomfortable in your own skin. Where’s the joy?
It is time for you to move beyond what was into what is. Even though you have been processing this shift for months, years, perhaps even decades, your new disinterest in so much of your life is a surprise. You cannot describe to yourself, much less anyone else, what you need to return to yesterday’s sparkle.
This new life feels confusing and uncomfortable.
But then, something that was not interesting before has become an area of interest – almost a need. And if that has not yet happened to you, it soon will.
This new life is not what you expected.
Your previous dreams were of 3D. So, even though this new piece is counterintuitive for former 3D you, it is exciting for who you have become. There are no rules. That no-rules concept seems exhilarating, but the reality is creating dissonance within you because you want to do this, and those you love expect your former self to show up to meet their needs or the relationship you once had with them.
So you are cranky with some if not many, loved ones—not because they are wrong or bad, but because you are so different. You do not have the patience or interest you once displayed, which surprises you and those you interact with. They are living in slow motion, and you are flying here and there.
You are on a different plane of action and interaction. Because you cannot explain what that means to you, you have no idea how to express your shift to others. It is as if you entered a tunnel with one personality and exited with another. While those around you have yet to enter that tunnel.
You are as confused as those around you. “Why can’t others understand information as quickly as I do?” “Why are they stuck in yesterday instead of moving forward?” “Why aren’t they motivated to update their being and actions?” All questions that come to your mind as you repeat information for the nth time or question what someone has just said – not necessarily out loud but within your being. It is as if you are zooming here and there, and those around you are plodding from one activity to another.
You are not a better person or a more rapid thinker than those not yet zooming; it merely means you are a new being negating what once was. Those having difficulties understanding your need for speed and clarity are at a different place than you—similar to the differences in thoughts and actions between a ten-year-old and a young adult.
Even though this confusion will be apparent in the next few days, it will resolve quickly once those close to you grasp the new being they are becoming. You are a forerunner.
Being a forerunner does not make you better, more intelligent, or more worldly than others. It merely means you are evolving more rapidly than is true for those you interact with. But they will soon catch up in ways you cannot yet fathom. This shift is universal, except for that small minority of Earth/Universal beings who have opted to play 3D roles throughout this lifetime.
Those beings opting for a lifelong 3D role cannot harm or shift you; they merely provide a minor irritation now, which will soon be significantly reduced as more and more Earth/Universal beings accept beyond 3D thoughts and actions.
This does not mean others will think and act similarly to you. Instead, they will claim their beings without the need to hinder your interests and activities, as is happening to many of you now. It is as if you are seeing your actions through a different prism that you are quickly adjusting to, and they have yet to accept that prism.
Will you continue to be compatible with those who are part of your heart and seem so dissimilar to you now? Of course. You would not be in their sphere if they were not a catalyst for your actions and thoughts. You are surrounded by those who view you as a leader internally and an instructor of the possibilities as they evolve.
Many of you culled your social interactions months or years ago to ensure that those who remained within your circle would present new information to you or that you would do the same for them. But because you are a forerunner, information sharing is yet to happen. It will. Probably not in the next few days, but most definitely by the end of this calendar year. Those in your circle would not have continued in your life if they were not of a similar make-up. Not necessarily as a forerunner but as a being excited to claim the new and release the old. Just not in the same time frame as you.
Being a forerunner can be lonely, but much less lonely than your current fear of being alone in this new world.
You are not alone – merely a beacon for those who remain in your life. Allow them to evolve at their pace, as they have you without punishment or banishment. Knowing they too can shift into the new being you have become – not necessarily with the same interests or needs, but with a willingness to explore their new lives as is now true for you.
Steve is away today.
I was looking for a certain quote on Ascension when I came across this discussion with Archangel Michael, My jaw kept dropping progessively more and more.
He talks about the differences between earlier terrestrial enlightenment theories and our more recent experiences (guru/teacher relationship vs entrainment), the confining impact on a teacher of the need to speak in ways people understand, giving the example of interdimensionality, enlightenment as the goal of life, etc.
When finances become available, I’ll be looking to employ a number of mediums to explore all types of questions of interest for which the Company of Heaven have the answers.
(Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017.
Archangel Michael: Even as you have been watching, as if you were on a train, many of your thoughts and feelings passing by, understand that you have also been travelling dimensionally. (1)
Steve: In my sleep? Not in my daytime, have I?
AAM: When you have had that experience in reflection of watching your thoughts and feelings travelling by you like a train, you have been moving forward throughout dimensions. (2)
And part of that journey of discovery is you saying, “Now where is my natural Self living? I’m going to travel this train until I find him,” which of course you have.
There was not earlier, in the time of these sages, who are very sacred individuals, the same framework of understanding of inter-dimensionality or multidimensionality. It was more the sense that there was the self and then there was the universe and the bridge of enlightenment.
Now that sense of bringing others along wasn’t defined by dimensions. It was more a teacher/student, sage/novitiate relationship. So the framework was very different.
What you have now, is the knowingness that you are, for purposes of explanation, moving forward dimensionally, flowing back and forth, and that sense also of the flow throughout dimensions, that you can flow back and forth, that it was not restricted, that it wasn’t that you arrived at Heaven’s Gate and that was it.
This flow is new. Well, it is not new but it is new to human thinking and the sense that, yes, you are not looking for students or followers. What you are truly doing, yes, as pathfinders, you are showing the way, but you are also bringing along the collective in entrainment. (3)
Now the sages did not think of this, of their journey as a process of entrainment of bringing the entire collective along. You do. And when I say “you” I mean the current thinking and body of understanding and knowing in the lightworker community. So the fundamental premises have changed.
(1) On this experience of peace, see “The Peace that Passeth Understanding,”
I saw people’s faces in a meditation as if they were on a train platform. But one face stood out and shot me a dart of profound peace.
(2) “The Peace that Passeth Understanding,” ibid.
(3) The phenomenon we call “influencing” on social media is a good example of entrainment but so is every fad, fashion, trend, or mania. On this subject, see Steve Beckow, “Theories of Popular Culture,” Proceedings of the American Popular Culture Association, 1974.
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