The disappearing wallet
All of what I discuss here and in earlier, similar articles is happening against the background of Kamala and Trump hammering it out, rising stars presenting themselves, rumors even of JFK Jr. now stepping into the VP role and JD Vance, whom I’ve come to greatly admire, retiring in his favor, probably (I hope) to a Trump cabinet position.
It’s even happening alongside a prediction that today is the day the Reval will occur. Will it be true or another false alarm?
But, even with all that, my attention is still equally on personal events – this latest being what I call a miracle. The latest in a number of them throughout my life…. The item in question was small but the event itself was very reassuring.
In the past, Michael has shown me various what I consider to be miracles, probably to firm up my faith and give me confidence in speaking about things like co-creative partnership.
He saved me from electrocution, rendered a toxic chemical harmless, put out two housefires before they could get going, and rendered two heavy concrete blocks weightless so I could lift them into a dumpster. (1)
Yesterday he did another one.
I lost my card-holding wallet. It contained my Visa card, driver’s license, loyalty card, business card, etc. Gawd, I felt defeated.
I retraced my steps for the entire day. A friend helped me as well, going to Safeway and asking each cashier if they’d seen it. No luck.
I looked everywhere. Almost neurotically, I looked through my back pack again and again, every pocket. Underneath things; behind them. Nothing.
Every so often, I’d compulsively take up my backpack again and go through every pocket, removing every peanut and paperclip. Drawers, the bed, everywhere. This losing things is no fun!
And then I finally let go. I replaced my Visa card, scheduled a driver’s license appointment. Nothing else remained to be done.
I was so mad at Michael. You’re my wingman you say, (2) and yet you let me lose my backpack, computer, wallet, etc. How are you protecting me?
Then three days later, after using my backpack continuously during that time, I compulsively opened the pocket again where I used to keep my wallet and, lo and behold, there it was.
I nearly fell over.
If this were a sitcom, Michael would be saying, “There!” But archangels are not snide.
Wow!!!!! Double wow!!!! Thank you, Michael!!! I am impressed. My confidence in him soared.
The wallet was not in that pocket earlier. I must have opened that pocket 20 times in the past three days. Nothing like a wallet was in it.
Yikes! It’s beyond my ability to explain and so I call it a miracle.
***It was as if Michael wanted me to get up any anger and disappointment I may have directed at him at any time, to be released before the Reval – and then he’d fix the immediate situation. I already rely on him knowing what I’ll need financially and arranging things so that it’s “there when you need it,” as he’s so often said. But this convinced me that he’s also there for me by way of protection.
The loss of my shoulder bag and computer some years back I’ve put down to “a higher purpose being served.” But by the time I lost the wallet, I was beginning to get annoyed and lose patience.
I can’t say “not a big deal” because the return of my wallet was a big deal for me. It and other miracles are the basis of my confidence in speaking as a human being who partners with an archangel. “Uhhh, say what?” I said: Partners with an archangel. “Yah, sure, you betcha.”
Michael says soon many people will work with archangels and I won’t feel so self-conscious. (2) Right now I feel very happy to be the recipient of such reminders of what’s real.
(1) I cut a wire, having unplugged it from my car’s engine block but not from the wall. There was a huge bang and my scissors had a large hole burned through the blade, but I was unaffected. Why? How? Michael and I later discussed it:
Steve: In around 1969 in Ottawa, I snipped the wire from my car’s block heater to an outlet in my home. I pulled the wire out from the block heater and snipped it. Well, that’s exactly the opposite of what I should be doing. I should be pulling it out of the building and then snipping it, right?
AAM: Correct.
Steve: I should’ve been electrocuted! Did you have a hand in that? Tell me what you did or what happened?
AAM: Well, it was not a major undertaking, Sweet One, to simply prevent the flow of electricity. So, yes, it was not your time. [Angels can intervene in our lives when we’re in mortal danger and it isn’t our time to transition.] You were, shall we say, young and foolish.
Steve: I was totally asleep to have done that! Oh my gosh! Isn’t that interesting! Thank you for that.
AAM: You are more than welcome
Steve: I don’t know how I just reconciled it so easily at the time.
AAM: Because there were no consequences! Because the consequences would have been quite dire.
Steve: Well, what would they have been? Dying, right?
AAM: Correct. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 14, 2019.) (Hereafter, AAM.)
When he put out one of the housefires, he explained that the whole building would have been affected and it would have served no useful purpose!
(2) AAM: We step forward in the fulfilment, you on Earth, on this beloved planet called Gaia, I as your wingman, quite literally. (AAM, March 10, 2017.)