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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Let Go of Resistance

By Archangel Gabriel

Channel: Shelley Young

Posted on November 7, 2027


Dear Ones, resistance is the number one cause of discomfort in your lives.
Resistance is an attempt to fight the flow, to deny where your soul is trying to take you, and to choose constriction over expansion.
So what do you do about it? The first thing you need to do is to identify that you are being resistant. Whenever you are uncomfortable, in fear or doubt, or attempting to control or effort you way through something that is not being energetically supported, you are being resistant. Being aware of how you are feeling is the first step.
Once you have identified that you are indeed trying to navigate your life through a space of resistance, there are many things you can do to shift out of it. Surrender is the most effective tool to move from resistance into movement again. Meditation is helpful to move you back into faith and trust, and the alignment of surrender and acceptance.
Asking your guides and helpers to show the way is also an excellent method to get back in the flow. Giving your fears or worries over to Source, or using an affirmation such as “God is guiding me” is effective because not only does it indicate your intention to move beyond your concern, it is also utilizing the assistance that is always available to you. Gratitude is also a wonderful tool to use, as you cannot resist and appreciate something at the same time.
More and more you will come to understand the profound importance of the element of acceptance as your move forward in the new energies. Realizing there are a myriad of ways to shift out of resistance into acceptance will allow you to navigate and co-create your life with far more mastery, grace and ease than ever before. In fact, we encourage you to experiment and find the methods that work best for you, that bring you relief and you find most enjoyable to use, so you will naturally want to use them when required.
Shelley Young


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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Gabor Maté Used To Be A Zionist, Here's What Changed His Mind

As a Jew, Gabor Maté explains what he saw in occupied Palestinian territories when visiting.

By Joe Martino

Posted on October 24, 2024


Set Your Pulse: Take a breath. Turn your attention to your body and release any tension. Breathe slowly into the area of your heart for 60 seconds, focusing on feeling a sense of ease. Stay connected to your body as you read. Click here to learn why we suggest this.
Throughout human history, we have always changed our minds about things in the long run. But in the short term, it can be a lot harder. So while we are capable of changing our minds in the short term, what does it take?
I would suggest a willingness to do so, curiosity, a sense of safety in the body, and good faith (being fair as we explore). All key ingredients in my teachings around Embodied Sensemaking.
What does it look like when we don’t employ those qualities?
We call people names when they disagree with us. We refuse to include pertinent facts in our narrative and instead sweep them under the rug as if they don’t exist. We ignore the fact that our body sends a signal of resistance and defence (clenching and twisting), which shapes the cognitive bias we enter into - all while pretending we’re being objective.
These are just a few layers of what occurs. We can also mention ideology, echo chambers, algorithms etc.
With Embodied Sensemaking the invitation is to settle the body, notice it, pay attention to where resistance comes in, and get curious about why it’s there so we can stay at the table and make sense in good faith - with honest true curiosity. This helps us steer clear or be aware of our cognitive bias, and keep going. It helps us stay in a connected and curious mode, vs. a defensive and attacking mode.
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Ya, it takes work, but it’s our birthright to feel and explore this way. Our culture is so divorced from our natural self and we are so cognitively oriented that we’ve lost sight of how to make sense more deeply. It’s probably been like this for thousands of years. We kill each other, burn books, and hide information just to hold onto the old or maintain power.
Book burning during the English Revolution of the mid 1600’s.
All of this leads to what I want to point to regarding an important and controversial subject - the Israel and Palestine conflict and the Israeli government’s current genocide of the Palestinian people.
Gabor’s Shift
Gabor Maté is a Canadian doctor who has spent several decades focused on nervous system health and trauma. As a result, he sees personal illness, behavior, conditions, syndromes, etc. in a different—more complex way— that looks at what drives these things rather than judging them as bad or wrong.
The complexity of his thinking, willingness to look at deeper layers, and attunement to himself and emotions in the process help him look at tough things in a more meaningful light to make sense of them.
As I have suggested via Embodied Sensemaking, this process of exploring what drives us doesn’t have to stay stuck in clinical settings, it can be applied to how we make sense of our history, society, and future. This is the entire thesis of my work with Collective Evolution. But it takes some skill building to truly do it.
In the clip below, Maté describes his history of being a Jewish Zionist, and how that changed over time and through experience and gaining greater perspective.
This clip is a reminder for us to stay humble and ask: when it comes to any situation we feel so strongly about, what would it take for us to change our mind about it? If we can’t name something, it might mean we hold the idea too tightly. Further, if we want another to be open to changing their mind about it, how might we approach it?
A post shared by @collective_evolution
“I was one of the Zionists. I grew up places a young adolescent and into my late teens early 20s really believing that dream of the Jewish state. And of course, missing from that dream was the nightmare that was being inflicted on our Palestinians to create that Jewish dream.
As somebody already said, there was no way to create an exclusive national state for one people when there was another people already living there. So all the cruelty and all the dispossession, it had to happen and it did happen. And at that time it was justified as “well we were so hurt we were fighting for our survival.” OK if that was ever true, and I no longer agree with that point of view, if it was ever true it's certainly not true now.
After the first Intifada, I visited the Palestinian territories I cried every day for two weeks that I had actually bought into this nightmare because even then it was horrible the cruelties the daily brutalities of the occupation. The injustice of it. The sheer effrontery that I as a Jew born in Hungary could land in Tel Aviv airport tomorrow and claim citizenship where some Palestinian who was born there had ancestors rooted in there and they can't even visit as a refugee. The sheer injustice of it.
I travelled around the Palestinian territories with the medical delegation these days when demonstrators in Hong Kong throw stones at the police or demonstrators in Myanmar use slingshots against the army the New York Times celebrates them. When Palestinians throw stones at the police they're criminals whose army is justified to suppress.
I have something in my hand here I'm gonna knock it on the table. This is one of these so called “rubber bullets” that I picked up in the occupied territories that was shot at the heads of Palestinian kids. Rubber bullet? It’s metal encased in sheer plastic. So this is how fair that fight is.
When something like the current situation happens what people never hear about is the daily background. Daily, Palestinians are marching to the border demanding the right to return.
Now tell me, if I have the right to return having been born in Budapest with my ancestors maybe 2000 years ago having lived in the Middle East, why don't the Palestinians have the right to return? But when Palestinians demonstrate peacefully and they are shot and killed, their deaths are not even recorded in the newspapers here.
So my heart really hurts when I see this happen and people say “You support the Palestinians, you’re a Hamas supporter.” No you're not. But Hamas is nothing compared to the terrorism of the Israeli government. We're talking about a government capable of killing 20,000 civilians in Lebanon in 1982 and then we complain about Palestinian terrorism?
So what's lacking in this conversation is a complete lack of perspective. One does not have to support the policies of Hamas in order to stand up against this injustice. Nor does one have to support the policies of anybody to admire the resilience of the Palestinian people.”
Joe Martino


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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High resonating frequencies of Light are exposing pockets of dense energy

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Posted on October 27, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message which in reality is your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message they are in alignment with.  
All is proceeding according to plan.  High resonating frequencies of Light now flowing to earth from the sun are continuing to expose pockets of dense energy thousands of years old some of which is presently manifesting as war. If or when  personal clearings become physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually draining and difficult allow them to unfold rather than automatically responding with fear and resistance. Always remember that releasing of old  energy is a forward step not a backward one in spite of the effects  that often accompany them.  Trust that your higher self is  always governing the process and does not need direction as to how to do it.
Be prepared for an approaching time of chaos and fear that will especially affect those  resisting change and promoting the return of obsolete concepts rather than allowing earth to evolve  into a new and higher resonating world of oneness.  Remember that earth and all life on her is spiritual rather than the material/physical sense of everything that most have come to accept as being  the real world. 
You have and utilize a material/physical vehicle on earth because it is necessary for living  in the lower resonating frequencies of a three dimensional planet but  you never become that body. You travel in a car, but never become the car. You are not, never have been, and never can be just material/ physical and doubting, resisting, or denying this doesn't change the fact that you are spiritual. 
Present times are difficult and frightening for those who have built their foundation on three dimensional concepts they believe guarantee them safety, security, and happiness. When these concepts are questioned or changed they lash out in anger, fear, and resistance in attempts to keep the status quo constituting their security.  Fear is the natural expression of a consciousness of separation and is the source of all violence, resistance, power over, war, abuse, suffering, hatred, self-righteousness, and suicide.
No one can stop the spiritual ascension process taking place at this time because the earth is not material.  Earth is the manifestation of a Divine Idea in the mind of God infinitely perfect, whole, complete, and beautiful.  As with all concepts, material concepts of earth must eventually collapse because  belief is all that maintains and sustains concepts.  As mankind spiritually evolves and earth's collective consciousness becomes more spiritually enlightened, its creations will begin to more closely reflect reality.
Earth as a three dimensional planet has been the perfect place for souls to learn and evolve because experience is  available on all levels. The first stage is the physical, where the person experiences all their  pains and pleasures physically. Next the soul begins to develop on the mental level noticing beauty and thinking of people and things outside of self. Then the emotional level unfolds and the soul begins to experience and understand emotions of self and others. Most live many lifetimes from these three levels until at some point they are prepared to learn about and experience the spiritual truth about  earth, him/her self, and all life. 
Souls choosing to evolve through "earth school" learn from lifetimes  lived as every skin color, both genders, lives short and long, some very difficult and some not--experiences only a three dimensional planet can offer.  When a soul has  learned everything necessary from the three dimensional level and has completed his/her contract, they no longer need to keep reincarnating on earth but can continue their evolution in the higher realms or on a more advanced planet.
The spiritual ascension of earth is the reason so many evolved souls with no further need for three dimensional  lessons volunteered to incarnate once again.  Most evolved souls appear to be  ordinary humans living ordinary lives but in reality they are lifting earth's frequencies and  seeding the collective consciousness with truth and Light simply through the presence on earth of their evolved states of consciousness.  As truth and Light increases in collective consciousness, increasingly more individuals can and will access it,  lifting and shifting earth's overall vibration.  
Never forget that earth is a spiritual universe, every person's real identity is divine, and that every life is in and of the only life.  Do not attempt to understand this with your mind because human minds are  limited by personal conditioning and collective belief.  God is infinite and spiritual, and thus incomprehensible to finite, limited, and conditioned minds although many have tried and many more think they have accomplished it. However, God is always revealing  ITself but speaks in a small still voice that must be listened for.   
Regardless of how real the material/physical world may seem even in its highest and best forms, it can only ever be the illusory dream that mankind has been dreaming for thousands of years that they themselves created out of duality, separation, and two powers.  Life lived on earth is  like watching a film or play.  You become fully engrossed and feel the emotions of every good and bad situation and even begin to identify with the characters, but there comes a point at which the curtain comes down, the house lights turn on, and you find yourself being yourself once again.  The lights of earth are turning on and the three dimensional curtain is coming down. 
Spiritual evolution can never be stopped because it is not an event but is a revealing.  Spiritual reality has always been fully present, but majority states of consciousness remain unable to energetically align with anything other than what they can see hear, taste, touch or smell with the physical senses.  However, this is rapidly changing and many are waking up into new and higher states of awareness.
You cannot go beyond omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence. 
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaele
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Codes Flowing Into our Core

By Jenny Schiltz

Posted on October 22, 2024

I had a profound dream the other night. In the dream, I was working with galactic beings. I was sharing with them that I have been having issues with my ears, sinuses, and hips.
This beautiful lion being came up to me and put her hands on my head. She gently adjusted my cranial bones. She told me that this time period in the ascension process is impacting the physical in ways not previously seen on this journey.
The codes coming in from the Sun, the Galactic center, and Source are flowing into our core. Into the heart of our DNA, shifting us.
Where we experience, pain or energetic congestion is where we are holding resistance, unresolved, trauma, and limitations.
I was shown light pouring into the body and hitting these dense spots. The light was a battering ram, pushing against the “black holes” in the form. The areas without the black holes allowed the energy to flow through unhindered. A smooth energy flow shifts the person subtly, layer by layer with greater ease.
When one has an energetic black hole in their form, the light comes in chipping away at it. As it does, it works to expose the root cause of the dense parts. This can create a physical manifestation of pain, injury and illness.
Deep within our body we have stored the record of it all. We are being asked to let it all go now. To allow the light to fully penetrate our being.
Pain or Dis-Ease is drawing our attention, like a beacon saying “Hey! Look here! There is something that can no longer be ignored!”
It’s not just the physical level that is being hit. Some are experiencing deeply buried memories arising from this and other lives. Some are experiencing events in the outer world, that are triggering the deep wound, the hidden pattern. Some are experiencing incredible grief and sorrow.
Now is the time to ask it ALL “What are you showing me, about me?”
When we are not “getting the message”, it will play out in scenarios around us. It’s much easier to see the pattern, the resistance, the hidden subconscious in others than in ourselves.
When you see something in others, it’s a wonderful opportunity to say “Where am I holding onto or creating something similar in my life?”
It was then shared with me that the intensity of this process is amplified for the ones that are working towards full embodiment.
This grouping is finding that they are once again thrown into the tsunami of change.
Not everyone is experiencing this right now. I often joke and say that we can’t all be crazy at the same time. However, there is truth to this. As the group that is working towards full embodiment experiences amplified symptoms and radical internal changes, other awakening souls are holding the energetic foundation.
They showed it to me like flying a kite. The group experiencing the amplified activations are the kite. The next group is holding the line, while allowing more and more string to be released.
This does not mean that the group holding the line are not affected by the energies, they are, just not to the severity of the embodiment group at this time.
The embodiment group are experiencing deep activations. They are being called to step into their innate knowing and personal power. It was shown to me that the light codes coming in are essentially flipping a switch ON within the person.
The codes are the signal that it is TIME. An alarm bell has gone off.
This grouping will anchor the next layer of coding into their bodies and the earth. Deep within the body lies the codes of Purity. Within these codes lie the return of the Sacred Feminine. The Goddess is returning through each of us as we come back to the balance and purity from which we came.
For me, it’s the energy of “Mama’s Home”.
Once this grouping has made it to a level of embodiment, it creates the foundation for the group holding the kite string now to let go and fly.
It was explained that the most important task is for us to come in into cosmic resonance with all of creation. We are being asked to harmonize with ALL THAT IS, removing the separation.
This process is intense, and uncomfortable, and sometimes downright challenging. We step forward into ourselves moment by moment.
We are the ones knocking at our own door.

Jenny Schiltz



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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