Open, Open, Open!
By Steve Beckow

The Celestial Railroad Credit: Joe Hisaishi
I think that, as a society, we may need to let go of our fascination with extremes. Well, all but one, which I’ll get to later.
Extreme sports. Extreme fashions. Extreme views, whatever they are.
What we’re looking for doesn’t live in the extremes. It makes itself absent from there. Just disappears.
It lives in the center, in the balance point, in the heart. An endless artesian well of love there to be breathed up and sent out to the world.
Love fans any flame of love it comes across. Help a person on the street, disentangle an animal, give someone a bus ticket, love will arise. It’s found a channel, an attentive person, someone who’s already loving.
The mind can be freaking out and full of decisions to make or it can be empty and tranquil. If freaking out, we’re too busy to recognize love when it floats by us as a wisp.
Love, bliss, even peace have to be recognized before they fill us up. “Oh, you’re bliss,” I once said recognizing a wisp of bliss as it passed by my field of awareness, in 2015. And it immediately filled me up.
If we’re empty and tranquil, it’s as if we’ve put our bodies aside and are now in a different body that can receive and experience this higher-dimensional love which I’m pointing to.
This everyday body we’re usually in compared to that astral form, which I’ve experienced, (1) is like a slab of meat compared to the down at the base of a bird’s feather. Meat does not conduct emotions or states of consciousness very well. (2)
If meditation had no other use than to set aside this body and mind so as to be able to experience that refined but powerful state of consciousness we call love, I can think of no more sacred a gift.
Here’s where the problem arises. We’ve decided that we as a society will follow fads, fashions, trends, etc. Here I’m going to be a reformer sounding like a conservative. We do something until we tire of it, discard it, and move on.
And when we do it, we do it full out, like banshees. None of this has anything to do with love.
We’d have to be smacked on the head to get our attention when we’re in extreme moods. What chance has love?
Then, in a moment of realization, we may be introduced to that love, long enough that we really get what it feels like, what it enables in us, and how it operates between people. After many times telling a lie or stealing a little something and watching that love flee, we tend to get real and sober up, so to speak.
And now we see that every fad or fashion we ever followed was simply to create the circumstances to feel this very love. We must have dim memories of it. We may have settled for its nearest relative – family, working with animals, caring for people, etc.
This love that I feel right now and wish I could give to you is, I guarantee, what we’re all really looking for. It’s a world apart from anything we’re probably used to. (3)
I asked Michael if a heart opening was a one-off experience. We could use his reply to re-orient our thinking:
Archangel Michael: What you are thinking of is a limitation: Something is activated or not activated. Think [instead] in terms of open, open, open, open, bigger, bigger, bigger. (4)
As I said earlier, there is one exception to the advice to leave the extremes. I base what I say on something Krishna said:
This is the one and only extreme that cannot harm us: Open, open, open to love, to God, to the One. Bigger, bigger, bigger, let it in. As Mary Magdalene once said, love with abandon!
If you must be extreme, be extreme with whatever love you feel. Paint the walls with it. Rain it down on Earth. Cast it everywhere like Johnny Appleseed.
The heart is an interdimensional portal, opening onto a celestial railroad with stops at Love and Bliss and Ecstasy. Open, open, open! All aboard!
(1) I had an out-of-body experience in 1977. When I realized I was not my body, my fear of death immediately left. See “The Disappearance of the Fear of Death,” November 14, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2023/11/14/349489/
(2) What’s the difference between an emotion and a consciousness state? Leaving aside the magnificent feel of the latter, an emotion we experience as if it were inside us – in our heart, in our throat, in our stomach. A state of consciousness is something we’re immersed in: A wave of love, an ocean of bliss.
(3) See Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Love-Like-We-Never-Imagined-It-to-Be-R15.pdf
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with ZSteve Bdckow through Linda Dillon, June 12, 2019.
A word on what Michael is saying: Normally, the heart is closed in 99.99% of 3/4D humans, We’re not talking about an attitude of open-heartedness. We’re talking about the heart door, valve, or portal (hridayam) being spiritually closed. The Ring of Fire will open it in us, just as my 4th-chakra experience (March 13, 2015) did for me.
Here is where what Michael is saying comes in. Once opened, after that, we can open it bigger and bigger and bigger. After it’s opened, it isn’t a question of is it open or did it close? Or will I ever have it again? It’s a question of open it more and more and more and more!
On the expected planetary heart opening, see The Ring of Fire, Wave of Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-Compilation-9.pdf
(5) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 71.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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