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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Understandings of Your Soul – Part 1

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on February 12, 2025



What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share a bit more this day. Life has many occurrences, and do you recognize that maintaining a life for an indefinite period of time does have its limitations? It does have that which does minimize what might be accomplished. Let us say things change, and sometimes, going with the flow is easier when you are a youngster as opposed to being set in your ways.


Life is ever-changing. And so at the time of death, you do transition from here to there. You do not stay earthbound unless there is an election made to remain fixed here. But we will say, there is less of that than more. Those you experience here that often appear to be the one who has passed on, well, what you believe may not be so.

Unseen Entourage

Often, your unseen entourage utilizes this opportunity to provide direction and insights. More often than not, this is what is perceived rather than the loved one remaining in the way you might suppose. But you see, there are those that you cannot see, and so these others utilize a means of communication that did not exist before. Before, you were not searching and seeking. Now there is a greater means to communicate and provide direction.

At the time one transitions, they do formulate and move to join with their Soul. Let us say there is a Soul integration. This integration allows what was formulated while here on Earth to become integrated and absorbed. The Soul, you see, utilizes the understandings that were gleaned while you are here. Your understanding is their means of better understanding what you had come to know.

In-Between Time

Might we also touch on the in-between time? It is the time after death as one moves to transition from here to there. It is a time in which much does occur and there is a pausing before the formulating for the next lifetime does occur. We will say that there is much that does occur in this time and it is a time when much moves into formation and flow.

There are many considerations and those considerations are such that foundational footing is sought so that the next lifetime might yield more. But you see the Soul relies on what is believed from the last most recent embodiment to formulate what is to be put into play. But when beliefs are not all they might be, then less rather than more becomes incorporated into the next round of embodiment.


This is why beliefs are so incredibly important. This is why what you think and believe must always be focused upon from the heart space to ask if that belief is factual and actual. If it is not, then move away from it and look for something more. But we will say now that it is much better to release beliefs for often there is a component within the mix that isn’t all it might be.

You see, you cannot know all here, but the mind will tell you that you know enough. We suggest that you may know less truth than more. Much is often not true and those fallacies and falsities are not as you might believe them to be.


We saved this topic for last, for you already know what death means, but do you understand the finality it supposes? It is that often, there is a confusion about that in-between time, and so this will be covered here. You see, all is not as you might presume it to be, for how can one progress from here to there without some means of understanding? It is the understanding that will allow more to be. But if you adopt self-limiting beliefs, then at death, less will be. Less will become known for a faulty belief system does cause less to be. Know this. Make it your objective to release beliefs once again.

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The Transition

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on January 22, 2025



What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share a bit more this day. Life has many occurrences, and do you recognize that maintaining a life for an indefinite period of time does have its limitations? It does have that which does minimize what might be accomplished. Let us say things change, and sometimes, going with the flow is easier when you are a youngster as opposed to being set in your ways.


Life is ever-changing. And so at the time of death, you do transition from here to there. You do not stay earthbound unless there is an election made to remain fixed here. But we will say, there is less of that than more. Those you experience here that often appear to be the one who has passed on, well, what you believe may not be so.

Unseen Entourage

Often, your unseen entourage utilizes this opportunity to provide direction and insights. More often than not, this is what is perceived rather than the loved one remaining in the way you might suppose. But you see, there are those that you cannot see, and so these others utilize a means of communication that did not exist before. Before, you were not searching and seeking. Now there is a greater means to communicate and provide direction.

At the time one transitions, they do formulate and move to join with their Soul. Let us say there is a Soul integration. This integration allows what was formulated while here on Earth to become integrated and absorbed. The Soul, you see, utilizes the understandings that were gleaned while you are here. Your understanding is their means of better understanding what you had come to know.

In-Between Time

Might we also touch on the in-between time? It is the time after death as one moves to transition from here to there. It is a time in which much does occur and there is a pausing before the formulating for the next lifetime does occur. We will say that there is much that does occur in this time and it is a time when much moves into formation and flow.

There are many considerations and those considerations are such that foundational footing is sought so that the next lifetime might yield more. But you see the Soul relies on what is believed from the last most recent embodiment to formulate what is to be put into play. But when beliefs are not all they might be, then less rather than more becomes incorporated into the next round of embodiment.


This is why beliefs are so incredibly important. This is why what you think and believe must always be focused upon from the heart space to ask if that belief is factual and actual. If it is not, then move away from it and look for something more. But we will say now that it is much better to release beliefs for often there is a component within the mix that isn’t all it might be.

You see, you cannot know all here, but the mind will tell you that you know enough. We suggest that you may know less truth than more. Much is often not true and those fallacies and falsities are not as you might believe them to be.


We saved this topic for last, for you already know what death means, but do you understand the finality it supposes? It is that often, there is a confusion about that in-between time, and so this will be covered here. You see, all is not as you might presume it to be, for how can one progress from here to there without some means of understanding? It is the understanding that will allow more to be. But if you adopt self-limiting beliefs, then at death, less will be. Less will become known for a faulty belief system does cause less to be. Know this. Make it your objective to release beliefs once again.

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Errant Thoughts

Part 2

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on January 14, 2025


As we suggested in Errant Thoughts, Part 1, the thoughts you think are not as you might believe them to be. Recognize this. Yes, they come in and suggest much, but they do not truly originate with you. They are separate and aside from you, as earlier suggested. You see, they are not as you might believe them to be. And so, this day, we intend to shed more light on this premise and why this is so.
You see these lower and more lowly thoughts are those that are not in keeping with the divinity that your thoughts might originate from and to. In other words, you must want more for your life to bring better thoughts in. You must want to bring in better thoughts and a better means of life out-picturing itself through and to you.
All within life is a choice. All is a choice you see for if you acquiesce to what the mind suggests then you will continue on as before. You must want more for your life and the beingness from which you originate. You must want and crave more. If you do not, then your life will continue on in the status quo sort of way that it does exist in now.Recognize that the thoughts that enter in are meant to keep you in a more lowly way and to need what the mind offers in an incessant sort of way. The mind wants to harbor control in an overarching way. It is that it wants you to see more plainly how you cannot navigate this life without its means of manipulation and control.
The Mind
Your mind originates with the body vessel that is used to navigate through this life. It is a part of the package. Recognize your divinity resides in the heart space. Know that your mind and body operate in a way to keep you functioning in day-to-day dealings. Yet it is the divinity that you can also lay claim to operates beyond that. It operates in a way to consciously move you from here to there. See one as earthbound. See the other as boundless.
Controlling Thoughts
Recognize that the thoughts that enter in are meant to keep you in a more lowly way and to need what the mind offers in an incessant sort of way. The mind wants to harbor control in an overarching way. It is that it wants you to see more plainly how you cannot navigate this life without its means of manipulation and control.
We seek to change that. We seek for you to see what it does not expect you to see. We want you to demand and want more, for this life cannot be the full expanse of what it might otherwise be if you maintain it as you have done before. Do you see this? Do you seek all that has come before has kept you from stretching your wings to see this life in a way of the divinity from which you originate? It is that which we wish for you to see.
See that life is much more than you may be currently aware of. Seek to look at it in a more expansive way. Look there instead of through the limited lens you engaged before. Remove what is keeps you in a downtrodden way. See life as more than that.
See life in the magnificence that it is. See life as being more than you might perhaps see right now. Move to expand your field of awareness as you look and focus there now. Focus and feel this life and all it seeks to offer. Look this way as you now see the full expanse and the wonderment that was not seen before. Seek this and not that.

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Errant Thoughts

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on January 11, 2025


Are your thoughts your own? How can they not be? How can they be other than one’s own errant thoughts? Have you considered and wondered about this? How can these thoughts be anything other than those lowly, negative thoughts held individually? Let us discuss this in a bit more detail.
The Thoughts You Keep
So, what about the thoughts you keep? You see, those thoughts may not be as you may currently believe. They are not of a higher way but of a more lowly intent. They are not meant to elevate. They do not arrive because you are a bad person. But you see, these things align in such a way that they bring around what you might not expect to see — or hear. But do you see that there is an energy draw that you can shift and change?
Mental Aspirations
Recognize that the mind has access to much that you do not. Do you see there have been times, other lifetimes, that you may not recall right now? They are existences where perhaps a lifetime was not as it might have been. Perhaps you did achieve, but were these objectives achieved in a higher, more spiritual way or in a more materialistic one? There is a difference, for material things will not get you to where you seek to go.
But you see, things cannot be taken with you at the end of this or any other lifetime. So there is no real value there. Those things of value are those you cannot see. It is the energy in spiritual objectives that you might prefer to enact instead. But we digress.
So, what did result? The mind has access to a warehouse of understandings that you do not. The mind has the ability to tune into body-related issues and navigate in a way that makes it seem to know more than it does. It does and would cause one to wonder if this information is from a higher source than what is supposed. This resource is not of a higher, more aligned way. It is not in a way of wanting for your betterment. It is, however, seeking to keep you in your place.
But what is it that the mind ultimately seeks that you do not now conjecture? You see, its intent is to maintain control over the body vessel and all that it strives to accomplish. This means you and your daily dealings. This is what it seeks to oversee in a steadfast way. It relegates much. Your checklists and to-do lists are something you might consider. This is how it does fill your day.
It is that you are to accomplish more in a physical and tangible way. It is that you are to do and be in this way. Those things such as spiritual objectives are not deemed of value or worth. Do not be deceived by its actual intentions — maintaining control. This is quite simply what is sought.
Control Sought
Control is sought in so many ways. Consider that control is at the core of all we discuss here. There is much about this world today that sets about to gain and maintain control. Why should your mind be any different than these others who want to maintain in a steadfast way? Recognize that you are meant to become conscious and aware of these ploys so that you are able to regain the controls you once knew. You are to become consciously aware of the thoughts you think for these errant thoughts are not your own. They are separate and aside from you. Know this. Know that this is so.
Observe the thoughts you think. When negative, judgmental thoughts enter in, simply redirect them. Redirect them to better-feeling thoughts. Let us begin in this way…

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Dê Novos Passos, Comece De Novo

Os Anciãos

Por Robyn G Locke

Tradução a 7 de janeiro de 2025



Quantas vezes acredita que seus passos estão mantendo você em sintonia com tudo o que deseja? Quando está nessa mentalidade, também está se movendo e alinhado no fluxo Universal? Estar no fluxo permitirá que todos dentro da mistura desta dinâmica os movam ainda mais ao longo do seu caminho. Poderá reconhecer alguns pontos de referência ao longo do caminho à medida que procura alcançar o que está na sua lista de afazeres cada vez maior?
Em Passo
Recomeçar este dia. Siga em frente com o que deve ser dado depois de ter enquadrado o dia. Caso contrário, o dia acontece consigo e não para si. Abrir-se a novas possibilidades e às suas potencialidades. Descubra novos caminhos que não explorou rotineiramente nesta vida. Quando procura liberar crenças limitadas e suas limitações associadas, aproveita outras oportunidades. Desenhe o que é desejado quando se alinhar de forma diferente.
Se não vê isso, pare e reflita sobre como realiza tanto dentro de um dia com pouca supervisão de seu corpo e suas operações internas. Podem ver que, se tivessem de se concentrar no que devia ser feito, desde a compreensão destas palavras até à digestão dos alimentos ou até mesmo ao movimento duma perna e depois da outra ... bem, o vosso tempo seria gasto simplesmente a funcionar duma forma rudimentar. Pense nisso por um momento, pois tanto é dado como certo neste momento.
E assim, com a remoção de sua supervisão das funções corporais básicas, você pode ter muito mais tempo para lidar com as coisas que exigem sua atenção concentrada. Vê que, não tendo de se concentrar nestes outros objectivos, é livre para fazer e tornar-se tudo o que procura? E, portanto, reconheçam isso e, em suas ofertas diárias de gratidão, essa consideração também pode ser considerada?
Nestes escritos, procuramos que aprenda como restaurar certos componentes dentro de sua forma física que foram devidos a uma limitação criada nesta ou noutra vida. As limitações são criadas quando existe um sistema de crenças limitado que faz com que não se olhe para o escopo completo ou para o quadro geral que está sempre disponível para eles. Por outras palavras, existem múltiplas opções, mas, devido às limitações adoptadas naquela altura, tudo o que estava potencialmente disponível não era possível.
Então, quando olha para dar o próximo passo, você faz isso sem reconhecer plenamente todas as opções? Ao mover-se imediatamente, em vez de acalmar a mente e olhar interiormente para buscar suas respostas, envolve-se em Respostas reacionárias instintivas? Estas avaliações rápidas e a resposta rápida que provocam não funcionam tão eficazmente quando não se está em sincronia com o que de outra forma poderia ser. Quando fora de sintonia, os reacionários resultam rotineiramente.
Então, quando se move dessa maneira, você vê que seus passos não estão alinhados da melhor maneira? O medo entra? Quando o medo é engajado e sentido, sua energia muda para atrair mais desse tipo para si. Defina a intenção de estar alerta e reconhecer o que está sob os pés. Afaste-se de tais pensamentos autolimitados.
Energia Semelhante
É que você extrai mais da energia que guarda para si. Sua energia é como um ímã. À medida que se envolve, e quanto mais tempo se envolve dessa maneira, você aspira a que mais energia semelhante seja atraída ou atraída por si. É e ocorre desta forma. Mais é atraído para si por sua atenção focada e a energia que você mantém. E vê neste alinhamento, pode experimentar uma realidade diferente do que de outra forma?
E assim, sugerimos que se afaste desses pensamentos menores e se sinta melhor, com potencialidades mais positivas. Considere que projetar o que se quer no futuro é um paradoxo, pois existem tantas realidades alternativas e o seu objectivo deve ser atrair o que deseja e não o que não deseja.
Por trás do medo
Promulgar a melhor Realidade. Faça isso movendo-se de forma diferente. Atraia para si mais do que aspira experimentar. Vá além do aspecto temeroso. Muitas vezes, um presente aguarda a descoberta com medo que o protege. Enfrente o seu medo e saiba que, muitas vezes, o objetivo desejado está por trás do medo sentido.
Perceba que o medo é exatamente o que deseja alcançar, pois está embalando a coisa desejada. Quando você pode enquadrar o medo como um aliado e componente necessário, então pode abraçar o fator desconhecido. Pois no dom do medo podeis muito bem encontrar a vossa realidade preferida. Poderia se mover para abraçar o medo? Esta é a forma de navegar e permitir que os próximos passos sejam preferidos. Passe o medo e encontre o que procurou localizar o tempo todo.
Robyn G Locke

Transcrito por  com agradecimentos a: 

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Take New Steps, Begin Anew

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on January 7, 2025



How often do you believe that your steps are keeping you in step with all you desire? When you are in this mindset, are you also moving and aligned in Universal flow? Being in the flow will enable all within the mix of this dynamic to move you further along your path. Might you recognize some landmarks along the way as you seek to achieve what is on your ever-growing to-do list?

In Step

Begin anew this day. Move in step with what is to be given once you have framed the day. Otherwise, the day happens to you rather than for you. Open up to new possibilities and their potentialities. Discover new pathways you’ve not routinely explored in this lifetime. When you seek to release limited beliefs and their associated limitations, you do avail other opportunities. Draw what is desired when you align differently.

If you do not see this, stop and reflect upon how you accomplish so much within a day with little oversight of your body and its internal operations. Can you see that if you had to focus on what was to be done from understanding these words to the digestion of food or to even moving one leg and then the other … well, your time would be spent on simply functioning in a rudimentary way. Think upon this for a moment as so much is taken for granted at this time.

And so, with the removal of your oversight from basic bodily functions, you are then able to have so much more time to get about the things that require your focused attention. Do you see that not having to focus on these other objectives, you are free to do and become all you seek? And so recognize this and in your daily gratitude offerings, might this consideration also be considered?


In these writings, we seek for you to glean how to get about restoring certain components within your physical form that were due to a limitation created in this or another lifetime. Limitations are created when there is a limited belief system in place that causes one to not look at the full scope or big picture that is always available to them. In other words, multiple choices exist, but because of limitations adopted at that time, all that was potentially available was not attainable.

So when you look to take that next step, do you do so without fully recognizing all options? In immediately moving rather than stilling the mind and looking inwardly to seek your answers, do you engage in knee-jerk reactionary responses? These quick assessments and the rapid response they elicit do not work as effectively when you are not in sync with what might otherwise be. When out of step, reactionary ones routinely result.

So when you move in this way, do you see that your steps are not aligned in the best way? Does fear enter in? When fear is engaged and felt, your energy shifts to draw more of its kind to you. Set the intention to be alert and recognize what is underfoot. Move away from such self-limiting thoughts.

Like-Kind Energy

It is that you draw more of the energy you keep to you. Your energy is like a magnet. As you engage, and the longer you engage in this manner, you aspire for more of like-kind energy to be drawn or attracted to you. It is and does occur this way. More is drawn to you by your focused attention and the energy you keep. And do you see in this alignment, you might experience a different reality than otherwise?

And so, we suggest, you move away from those lesser thoughts and into better feeling ones enlisting more positive potentialities. Consider that projecting what ifs into the future is a paradox for so many alternate realities exist and your objective should be to draw in what you want rather than what is not wanted.

Behind the Fear

Enact the best reality. Do so by moving differently. Draw to you more of what you aspire to experience. Move beyond the fearful aspect. Often, a gift awaits discovery in fear that guards it. Face your fear and know that many times, the desired objective is behind the fear felt.

Realize that fear is the very thing you want to get to as it is cradling the desired thing. When you can frame fear as an ally and necessary component, then you can embrace the unknown factor. For in the gift of the fear you might very well find your preferred reality. Might you move to embrace fear? This is how to navigate and enable those next steps to be preferred ones. Step past the fear and find what you sought to locate all along.

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Falsities Exist

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on December 23, 2024



Do you recognize the many falsities in existence today? Do you see how life offers less in the way of true or valid understandings? We discuss those things conjectured by the mind and passed down over time. These are the things that are held as real until more is brought into existence to be accepted. They are those things deemed plausible although they hold little semblance of being legitimate, actual, or real. It is that the mind fills in many of the blanks. This is how much becomes known. These less-than considerations are, over time, accepted as fact and believed to be real.

What are Falsities

But we want you to know that less is known in this space. We will term those which are believed over questioning and pausing mental presumptions as falsities. They are those things that cannot be known from the space in which you now exist. It is because the mind will not allow the understandings that we understand to be. Do you see?

Do you see that there is not a way to conspire to align or conjecture what we suggest that you ingest? It is that the only way to bring more truth to bear here in this space is to pause the mind and its mental knowingness so that more might be. This is how more becomes known in this space.

Given in Love

Do you see that life continually uses faulty or incomplete information until more can be ascertained? Once there is the recognition of what more can be, then more does then exist. It is from the vantage of wanting to know more, desiring to know more from another vantage of consideration. This, then, allows the being-ness of what truly is to spring forward and to become known.

Given in Love excerpt, Chapter 9

Do you understand what is meant here? Adopt more today than yesterday so you are not continuing to operate using a faulty premise or those things that cannot be.

Release Beliefs

Is it time to release beliefs once again? Minimize the falsities that exist within the understandings you hold in your life. If you have not already taken this step in the past, might you do so now? It is that you cannot move forward in the best way when you maintain partial truths. It is that you are limiting what you might otherwise know in this space of time. Recognize that more can be but only when you are willing to release some unnecessary ingredients. Release what you believe to be true. It is when you relinquish and reset your beliefs that more can be.

Do you see when you ponder, when you consider, when you look about to see what truly is, that is the time when true realization can be? This is the time when more can be. It is because you are willing to take a step back and look upon what you did not fully align or seek to know in a steadfast way.

And we will say that sometimes there is less known here that is actual and real than you might suspect. It is because the mind oftentimes fills in the blanks so there is no gap in what is believed. There is no gap in this way of what was under consideration. It is because you chose to believe this over that. Perhaps release what is self-limiting.

You see, beliefs are limitations and so we suggest that you not give them the standing that you might otherwise consider. Ponder upon such things and release what you will so that more can come to you for further consideration and reflection.

Release self-limiting restrictions. Release those self-imposed limitations. Release beliefs. Release the falsities within your belief system by releasing what need no longer be maintained.

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



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O Que É O Tempo?

Os Anciãos

Por Robyn G Locke

Tradução a 6 de dezembro de 2024



Pergunta-se sobre o tempo? O que é e o seu significado? Por outras palavras, o que é que esta forma de medição traz? Já pensou nisto? Considerou também que veio de momento algum? Existe um ponto de intersecção e um valor para saber mais aqui? Vamos dar um mergulho profundo agora para descobrir mais.
Origem da alma
Já pensou sobre sua alma, sua origem e entendimentos? De onde vieram? Ou estiveram sempre aqui? Se você cresceu para entender as formulações encontradas numa religião ou outra, elas compartilham alguma semelhança sobre este assunto? Sabe? Já perguntou?
A alma é imortal. A alma é aquela que antes era ilimitada e existia antes do seu tempo aqui. E assim elas são o meio de muito dentro de sua vida neste espaço. Conecta-se com elas rotineiramente? Já tentou? É algo que tenciona expandir e crescer?
E assim, você está aqui agora e pergunta-se sobre essa conexão. É uma conexão que os conecta às Rodadas de encarnação experimentadas aqui.
E o factor tempo. Perguntam-se sobre essa consideração agora? Vejam, vindo de onde o tempo não existia para um espaço onde o tempo é mais medido e exato, bem, o que é que vocês podem reconhecer agora? Qual é o significado que significa relacionar-se com o outro?
E dizemos-vos que isto é o que achamos mais preocupante em todas as sugestões. É que a humanidade está encarnando aqui há tanto tempo que sugerimos que é hora de entender por que cada um está aqui e descobrir por que eles estão neste espaço e não noutro. Descubra o que permitirá que cada um volte para onde cada um se originou.
Vê, você não é daqui. Este era o espaço onde a experiência da terra podia ser empreendida e explorada. É onde os entendimentos podem ser encontrados ... criados ... feitos. É onde tanto pode ser recolhido duma forma não plenamente reconhecida, pois há sempre mais.
É considerar agora, já que originalmente vem de nenhum momento, que não é como acredita que seja. Mas aqui, é mais significativo, pois há aquilo que este espaço certamente faz, e é isso que ele mede o tempo.
É simplesmente por que vem aqui há tanto tempo. Tem existido neste espaço a tal ponto que existe a crença de que isto é tudo o que existe. Que não há mais nada, nada mais. E dizemos-vos que este não é o vosso planeta natal. É simplesmente a sua casa longe de casa. Disso, temos a certeza. Sentar-se-ia com essa premissa na possibilidade e potencialidade que ela oferece?
Existe agora a possibilidade de ocorrer uma recordação. Está aberto para que isto aconteça? Em caso afirmativo, lembre-se sempre de começar do espaço do coração. Comece cada dia desta forma. Mas agora, recomece aí. Concentre-se lá atentamente. Peça um borbulhar e que haja mais, está a ver?
Nenhuma medida de paragem em vigor
Também é significativo, pois muitos não se preocuparam com o facto de não haver uma medida de paragem para o tempo que poderiam passar aqui. Por que importaria quando, na passagem daqui para lá, seria como se nenhum tempo tivesse passado? Mas dizemos-vos agora que muito tempo se passou e que é tempo de nos afastarmos de uma forma significativa.
Queremos que saibam que agora é o momento de descobrir aquilo que irá parar as rondas da Encarnação e levá-los para outro espaço do ser. É esse entendimento que desejamos que compreendam, considerando-o um pouco mais neste dia.
Seja tudo o que você será dessa maneira — para que mais possa ser.
Robyn G Locke

Transcrito por  com agradecimentos a: 

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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What Is Time?

The Elders

Channel: Robyn G Locke

Posted on December 5, 2024



Do you wonder about time? What it is, and its significance? In other words, what does this form of measurement bring to bear? Have you considered this? Have you also considered that you came from no time? Is there a point of intersection and a value to knowing more here? Let’s take a deep dive now to discover more.

The Soul’s Origination

Have you thought about your Soul, their origin, and understandings? Where did they come from? Or were they always here? If you grew up to understand the formulations found in one religion or another, do they share a commonality on this subject? Do you know? Have you asked?


You see, the Soul is immortal. The Soul is that which was once boundless and existed before their time here. And so they are the means of much within your life in this space. Do you connect with them routinely? Have you tried? Is that something you intend to expand and grow?

And so, you are here now and wonder about this connection. It is a connection that connects you to the rounds of incarnation experienced here.

And the time factor. Do you wonder about this consideration now? You see, in coming from where time did not exist to a space where time is most measured and exact, well, what is it you might recognize in now? What is the meaning as it means to relate to the other?


And we tell you, this is the thing that we find most troubling in all suggested. It is that humanity has been incarnating here for so very long that we suggest it is time to get about why each is here and to discover why they are in this space and not another. Discover what it is that will allow each to return to where the one or other originated.

You see, you are not from here. This was the space where the Earth Experience could be undertaken and explored. It is where understandings are to be found … created … made. It is where so much can be gleaned in a way not fully recognized in that there is always more.


It is to consider now, since originally coming from no time, that it is not as you believe it to be. But here, it is most meaningful as there is that which this space most assuredly does, and that is it metes out time.

It is simply that you have been coming here for so very long. You have been existing in this space to the point that there is a belief that this is all there is. That there is nothing more, nothing else. And we tell you that this is not your home planet. It is simply your home away from home. Of that, we are certain. Would you sit with this premise in the possibility and potentiality it offers?

There is now the possibility of a remembering to occur. Are you open for this to be? If so, remember always to begin from the heart space. Begin each day in this way. But now, begin again there. Focus there intently. Ask for a bubbling up and for more to be, do you see?

No Stop Measure in Place

It is also significant in that many did not concern themselves with the fact that there was not a stop measure to the time you might spend here. Why would it matter when in the passing from here to there, it would be as if no time had passed? But we tell you now that much time has passed and it is time to be off and away in a significant way.

We want you to know that now is the time to discover that thing which will stop the rounds of incarnation and move you into another space of being. It is that understanding that we wish for you to understand as you consider that a bit more this day.

Be all that you will be in this way — so that more might be.

Robyn G Locke


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



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Existe preferência por saber mais?

Os Anciãos

Por Robyn G Locke

Tradução a 25 de novembro de 2024



Deseja saber mais? Reconhecemos que a humanidade tem operado de uma forma que se deve (em grande parte) à mentalidade a partir da qual opera. Não queremos dizer isso de outra forma que não tenha havido um recurso para fornecer mais que seja totalmente preciso e verdadeiro. Como determinar o fato da ficção às vezes é difícil de fazer. Esta actualização é oferecida uma vez que existe mais neste espaço de tempo do que em qualquer outro tempo recente.
Agora, hoje, e também num futuro não tão distante, mais veio à luz através de uma comunicação que se baseia na manutenção de uma frequência que permite a ligação. Diremos que fazemos referência à nossa conexão, que é muito divina. Mais divino na medida em que permitiu que nossos livros e entendimentos fossem transmitidos e compartilhados. Sugerimos que aproveite esta oportunidade única para aprender o que é oferecido desta forma.
É que muito no mundo, vindo antes desta época, era de uma consciência mental ou compreensão. Diremos que os seus entendimentos não são o que chamaríamos de precisos ou mesmo predominantemente correctos. É que a mente preenche os espaços em branco e supõe o que se procura ser conhecido. O problema é que esse conhecimento não é como você pode considerar digno, pois se não é verdade, mas simplesmente plausível, então o que é isso?
Escolha saber mais
Agora, estamos no meio de mais para que mais possa ser conhecido neste dia. Mais pode ser conhecido de uma forma que é mais importante. É porque não tivemos a oportunidade de partilhar como podemos fazer agora. E partilhar de forma ilimitada tem muitas possibilidades e muito potencial.
Recentemente, existiam oportunidades em Tampa e em Cincinnati para oferecer mais. Esses locais permitiram que muita coisa entrasse e fosse realizada. E, por isso, perguntamos neste momento: o que é que procura saber? O que é que se quer saber? É um objetivo espiritual que você procura adquirir ou algo mais? Há mais coisas que deseja possuir ou percebe que estas coisas físicas não podem mover-se consigo quando parte para cá? Eles são finitos em oposição à realidade infinita em que você tem o potencial agora para ver e ser.
A vida, em muitos aspectos, oferece infinitas potencialidades e promessas. A vida é tudo o que você quer e procura que ela seja. Vedes que isso manifestará tudo o que desejais, se conhecerdes o melhor caminho para o fazer? É isto que ensinamos. Isto é o que nós procuramos para você promulgar. É isto que queremos que saiba.
À Deriva Existe 
Reconheçam que continua a existir uma adriftness dentro do Tempo em que existirem. Você pode ir além disso e estar no espaço para tornar esta vida diferente daquelas que vieram antes? É este o objectivo que procura encontrar? Há mais do que imagina? E nessa percepção, o mais que existe pode existir e ser.
As Oportunidades Abundam Agora
E, também, reconhecer que as oportunidades que existem agora são por um tempo limitado. Eles são limitados, pois há um, agora, que conecta e ouve as coisas que tornarão esta vida, sua vida, melhor. Eles fazem a ponte entre a consciência e, por isso, neste contexto, podem aceder a mais. Essa conexão pode tornar sua vida mais abundante. Poderia tornar esta vida mais do que talvez houvesse o potencial de ser mais cedo. É uma coisa sem limites que sugerimos, pois tanto agora pode ser.
E assim, mova este dia para saber que quanto mais existe, existe para este propósito. Já o tínhamos dito anteriormente, mas sabemos que há aqui muita importância.
O Seu Propósito
É hora de encontrar o seu propósito, o seu propósito original? Foi isso que vos trouxe até aqui. Será Que é altura de este objectivo chegar agora?

Transcrito por  com agradecimentos a: 

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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