December 2024:
Soul Expansion!
By Samantha Orthlieb
Posted on December 2, 2024
Hello Beautiful Soul!
Get ready for a timeline jump! December’s Energies support us to move beyond our deepest wounding, grief, and shadow to experience soul level clarity. This month we are stretching to a higher level of belief in who we are, and why we are here. Knowing our worth and speaking our needs, embracing greater sovereignty, and empowerment, along with greater responsibility and accountability. Going beyond what we thought we were able to be and endure, so that we understand how to use our power in a balanced and wise way. And find our own sense of comfort and stability inside ourselves in times that feel unsafe and unstable.
2024 has been a year that highlighted and dismantled anything no longer aligned with our growth so that we could begin to build a solid soulful footing for ourselves, as well as continue to develop our personal power and spiritual prowess. Ascension energies and earthly challenges assisted us to connect to our own guiding light, our inner knowing, and find a deeper understanding of ourselves (the good, bad and ugly) and our place in the world. It has not been a comfortable process and required showing up with profound inner strength, resilience and courage.
2024 required us to look at what we fear most, to face it, and wholeheartedly embrace it. Through intense purification in the last two months of October and November, we galvanised the lessons we are here to learn as a soul, ending karmic patterning and repetition of self sabotaging history. Through this we also became more sensitive, and attuned to the world around us.
December is the final month of purification and solidifying the year’s learning. We are doing this by activating our 10th or Gold Star chakra, so that it vibrates at a higher frequency, and creates Soul Expansion. The 10th or Gold Star chakra, is located above the head (after the 9th chakra) and when activated allows us to move to a new level of soul expansion by dissolving energy blockages, so that we can access the free flow of energy between all chakras and experience soul-level clarity in our healing. This means therefore that you will be going through more purification either physically, mentally and emotionally. The last of the past, the last of the residue.
As we purify via this chakra we link the earthly heart to our cosmic heart, and are able to identify wise action and connect with our true soul needs. In doing so through connecting with our Gold Star we bridge the energies of the 3rd and 7th chakras to be clear and confident in our decision making. This allows us to tap into our Divine Blueprint and hone in on our next level of service and path forward. We are able to find the courage and confidence to continue on our journey, as well as the inner harmony and positivity to move forward.
More in my video below to support YOUR Soul Expansion this month!
In service and divine liberation,
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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PT/EN chamavioleta.blogs.sapo.pt/
EN https://purpelligh.blogspot.com/
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.