A lot of new data is coming in these days, although not everything is disclosed yet. But first, some more words to earliest response. Recall that CERN hardware is very high-tech only for us, but for Co-Creators it’s like the Stone Age – a flint tied to a stick with animal gut, which they use as a hammer to crack an atomic bomb in order to see what’s inside, not fully aware of its true purposes…
Fresh details confirm: The NAA’s fierce attacks on Earth are caused by the loss of an important Portal and energy channel that went to their worlds from the territory of CERN LHC. The operation of Co-Creators and the ground team on the physical, etheric and Subtle Planes makes this loss inevitable (see –
What Was It, Part 2, DNI, 7 October 2024;
Impact Part 1 and
Part 2, DNI, 13 and 15 October 2024;
Second Stage, DNI, 17 October 2024).
The Large Hadron Collider and the field, in which it is located, during its working and downtime, are two big differences. When it is not active, the field isn’t differing from the natural state. But once LHC is launched, everything changes. The technology and principle of its functioning is based on the acceleration of particles to 0.999999991 from the light speed using a powerful electromagnetic impact. The particles move in opposite directions. The circumference of the LHC is about 27 km, and in one second the particles fly around it more than 11245 times. Collisions are carried out at four points.
In addition to the magnetic field, the LHC produces a might torsion field. Two rings of the installation, forming multidirectional spins, together with collisions of particle nuclei create the effect of an ARTIFICIAL BLACK HOLE. Unlike the natural one, it is not based on the phenomenon of mass singularity. But both are a powerful sucking structure. Is it dangerous for the planet? Can such a black hole, even if it exists for a fraction of a second, swallow up Earth? Answer: no, it can’t…But only FOR NOW, because the conditions have not been reached, under which folding of reality becomes possible.
As Co-Creators explained, there are three reasons that prevent it. Firstly, in order to achieve the effect of a black hole with fatal consequences, it is necessary to accelerate particles to the speed of light. Secondly, the size of the LHC rings (27 km) is too small to cause irreparable harm to Earth. Thirdly, the power of the LHC is also still weak. The maximum energy of each proton launch is only 7 TeV (teraelectronvolts), that is, 14 TeV at the time of their collision. The same can be said about other similar installations in the US, Japan, Italy, Russia, China…
The anomaly created by the LHC does not threaten the planet with death yet, but causes serious damage to its field, core and crystal lattice. Each installation’s launch severely deforms them, causing deep ruptures, breakdowns and dissections, through which NAA suck out the Earth’s vital energy. At the same time, it activates their Portal for their uncontrolled terrestrial visits, as remind the Satanic symbols on the official CERN logotype.
It takes a lot of time and effort to restore a damaged reality. Will NAA continue to use the LHC as a Portal? No, they won’t anymore. And this is one of the achieved results of the second stage of the etheric and Subtle Plan’s clean-up, which continues incrementally from three levels. Lightwarriors and Lightworker collect negativity by their bio-crystals and accumulate in the storage near Earth’s core for evacuation to the Dark Universe in the nearest future. On 29 October, at the request of three Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs, they added their power channel to terrestrial field.
When the LHC works, all destructivity, sucked through it, is immediately removed from the planet by Co-Creators through their Portal on a Subtle Plane, minimizing the mass defect. The third level is through the Solar Portal using hurricane Earth’s clean-up, which DNI daily sums in its overviews. The whirlwinds are so powerful that became unbearable for NAA, Darks, Grays and other negative races deep in the Earth’s bowels and on the Subtle Plane. In February and May, they began to leave the planet in small groups. In September, the number of their departing ships exceeded 150. Passing through the buffer zone, they became visible for observation for a short time. The Earth’s ship stops sinking as rats desert…
What next? On 1 November 2024 at 07:25 PM CET, via Single Hierarchical Channel, Co-Creators unveiled some details. This day, an active phase of the new terra-forming began, which will culminate on the 11th and will last until 24 November. It’ll be accompanied by more intense bringing in mighty Light energies and removing 3D substances and entities. First of all, billions of possessors embedded in earthlings and clones (see –
Clones, DNI, 11 October 2024).
Seeping or purposefully steered into men’s Subtle Bodies, they, like viruses, break down the immune defense and completely subjugate the victim: from taking away vital energy to zombification, capturing consciousness and intercepting the control of human behavior. Now, their rooting out has reached the global scale. But there is even more complex and difficult work ahead of inconceivable magnitude: cutting off the quadrillions of energies’ threads by which NAA run our genetics till today…
On 11 November, Co-Creators plan to take a partial decision on further development – to fully change the global events’ scenario or boosting the actual one to start more radical Earth’s transforming after 25 December. The final option they are going to consider on 12 December 2024.