How Long, O Lord?
By Steve Beckow

Pacific Palisades, Jan. 2025
How long will the chaos and mayhem continue? Let’s look at what’s being said.
St. Germain though Chellea Willer:
“Your inner and outer worlds are undergoing immense changes and profound transformation. The shifts that are taking place, penetrate deep into the very dynamics of your existence. As you look around at the current state of affairs, you can observe that things are beginning to heat up on a global scale. This is due to the light that is penetrating every aspect of your reality, as it also has triggered the Grand awakening.
“No longer can the shadows remain hidden; all is being exposed to the illuminating rays of truth. This unveiling is causing those who wish to maintain control and influence over you, to experience great fear, as they scramble desperately to hold onto what little power they still possess. The walls that once shielded their dominion are crumbling, and they are feeling the pressure of the awakening masses.
“As they pull at their last straws, the situation is expected to continue escalating in the months to come. The urgency of their actions will likely increase as they attempt to regain a sense of control over a rapidly evolving world. This is a critical moment in human history, where the forces of light and darkness are clashing more visibly than ever before. The struggle for power is becoming more pronounced, and the repercussions, will resonate throughout society, affecting the lives of every individual on planet Earth.” (1)
We may wish to remember this in the time ahead, to quell our fears.
We’ve looked before at the impact of the rising energies on the dark ones, but usually physically rather than socially. (2) We’re hearing now that the dark hats’ grip on power will remain for a while and then gradually wane.
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild also says that the madness will continue for a while:
“The madness shall continue for quite a while to come … jaw-dropping madness. Yet, you understand that all is to be well, therefore, such insanities shall be accepted by you as the necessities of the ‘Game Plan.'” (3)
They too reassure us that “all is to be well.”
I’d say the Judge Advocate General dropping the need for tribunals and sentencing deep staters to death on the basis of the evidence alone qualifies for “jaw-dropping madness,” in my eyes. (4)
No trial, no opportunity for defence or even to be heard, no rights. That’s a long step back that we’ll have to re-negotiate later.
It’ll remain on our record as other civilizations ponder how we navigated this first ever mass-physical ascension into an interdimensional region of space. Is that really how we wish to be seen?
Finally the Arcturian Group tells us:
“Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time.
“ Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on Earth must be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be eliminated. The high frequency energies now pouring to Earth at this time are acting like giant shovels digging and exposing layers of energy that have lain dormant for centuries.
“Energies of duality, separation and many powers cannot continue to exist in the presence of higher frequencies because they are not real and have no Divine law to support them. Because the clearing process is a facet of Earth’s ascension, it will continue until Light energy becomes more dominant.” (5)
So the forecast is for chaos to continue and even get greater. But we know and have the assurance that the Light energy will eventually become more dominant and that the dark ones will just as surely leave as the Light increases, by one means or another.
(1) “Things are HEATING UP ~ Saint Germain,” through Chelsea Wilder, Jan. 7, 2025, at https://www.universallighthouse.com/post/things-are-heating-up-~-saint-germain.
(2) See:
- The End of Darkness on Earth: the Dawning of the Light at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/The-End-of-Darkness-6.pdf
- Some will Choose not to Ascend: The Time of Separation at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Some-Will-Choose-Not-to-Ascend-4.pdf
(3) The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 10, 2025, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2025/01/10/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-jan-11-2025/
(4) See:
- Michael Baxter, “JAG’s New Leadership Executes Deanne Criswell WITHOUT Tribunal,” Real Raw News, Dec. 9, 2024, at https://realrawnews.com/2024/12/jags-new-leadership-executes-deanne-creswell-without-tribunal
- ….., “Mayorkas Executed at GITMO,” Real Raw News, Dec. 11, 2024, at https://realrawnews.com/2024/12/mayorkas-executed-at-gitmo.
(5) The Arcturian Group, Nov. 24, 2024, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2024/11/24/the-arcturian-group-through-marilyn-raffele-nov-24-2024/
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