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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


A Gift of Healing Flowers

The Divine Mother

Channel: Lee Degani


Posted on October 6, 2024

I say hello, my sweet ones. We do not really need to say hello, because we are intertwined at all times. For you are a part of me as I am a part of you. So why beloveds, do I say hello? I say hello so that I and you may come into conscious knowing.
Oh, it is my wish that you would know that I am with you at all times, you would connect to me every moment. But I know what it is to be on earth for beloveds, each feeling that you have, each struggle, I feel it too. What do I do with those struggles and what do I do with those cares? I take them and I send you signals to say do not despair. All will be well. You may sometimes feel a breeze on your neck or a tug in your heart or perhaps the wind blows by you, a leaf rustles. I have the power to make all of that happen and I use it to get your attention to tell you, you are never alone. Oh, you tend to think that you are. And that you must struggle, you must do penance to find me. But that is just a false belief that people decided they would put in place.
What I bring you now beloved are those precious flowers that were shown to you before of the six petals and the center piece. For what does it add up to? It adds up to the sacred number of seven. Now each number has its sacredness, but today you the six and I bring you the seven for the six are the parts of your sacred self and the seven the unity that I bring. So take each petal and let us put it in a place that will bring you comfort, that will bring you healing. And each time you take off one of these petals, more will grow. It is my gift to you.
It is a gift from my heart so the first petal now, I give to thee as it comes into your forehead, your beautiful skull, your beautiful eyes, And the next one is being placed upon your sacred throat where you bring communication and the next one is being placed on your shoulders and your heart.
And thus we go down to your solar plexus and we place another one on your pelvic area. And the sixth one upon your legs and feet. And the seventh one is of my pure essence wrapping you as you were wrapped as a baby. But I wrap you now, For you may be grown but as a mother says to her child, you will always be my baby. So let me bring this to you, my gifts to you this day. Now if you wish to find these petals again, you just need to think of them and you will know that I am with you.
Lee Degani


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My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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A essência da cola

Por Shechina, a Mãe Divina

Por Lee Degani

Tradução a 8 de stembro de 2024 

O que fazemos quando recebemos notícias que nos despedaçam o coração? Quando nos perguntamos se as peças podem voltar a juntar-se? Esta é uma mensagem tão bela e reconfortante de Shechina, a Mãe Divina.
"Querido, eu venho a ti porque tu chamaste. Venho dizer-vos que estou na vossa consciência neste momento. Eu estou sempre lá, mas agora, você se lembra de que eu sou sua mãe, sua mãe divina, Shechina.
Oh, há muitos que dizem que a Shechina, a presença residente, o Feminino Divino não pode ser verdadeiramente como mãe. É apenas uma energia, um tecido do universo, O amor do universo, a luz do universo, mas amado, este tecido, esta energia, a essência do que você é feito vem à forma e assim, nessa forma, você está recebendo esta mensagem.
E a questão é o que fazer quando o seu coração está partido com as notícias que recebeu, quando a dor vem.
Saiba que um coração partido sai para o universo e chama. Ela pede ajuda e as dores da compaixão fluem como se fossem soldados, soldados da compaixão, soldados do amor.
AAMichael gosta de pensar neles como guerreiros, guerreiros do amor, guerreiros da Paz. Mas esses guerreiros da compaixão não só vêm para trazer pedaços de seu coração partido de volta juntos, mas eles trabalham com todos os que estão experimentando um coração partido.
E sim, há muitos na terra neste momento, minha amada Gaia, e é por isso que vocês foram chamados. Você foi chamado para que você possa suportar o coração partido. Você pode sentir a dor, você pode sentir o desespero, você pode sentir a desesperança. Em seguida, a força é dada a ti para reunir essas peças novamente, formando um todo.
Mas amado, o segredo é que, com o coração partido, ele se reúne novamente, é mais forte.
É como juntar as peças de cerâmica, de um belo prato, de um belo recipiente. E assim como há uma tradição na tradição japonesa de que, quando se cola cerâmica quebrada, um belo prato, ela é entrelaçada com ouro porque é mais valiosa.
Criámo-lo com a intenção de que haja corações partidos? Não era esse o plano, amados, o plano original. Mas quando as coisas evoluíram como evoluíram, você e muitos outros nos reinos celestiais disseram que entraremos e permitiremos que nossos corações sejam quebrados para que possamos ajudar juntos, juntar o coletivo, os pedaços quebrados da humanidade e trazê-los de volta com o ouro preenchendo as rachaduras.
Esse ouro, amado, é o amor, é a minha essência, é a sua essência.
Portanto, saiba que você está fazendo mais do que imagina quando seu coração se parte e quando ele volta a ficar junto.
É durante estes tempos que permitis o desespero, a agonia E sabeis que a agonia e o desespero de muitos serão então transmutados e os corações em toda a parte (serão) chamados a voltar a reunir-se. E neste amor-Essa é a cola.
E deixo-vos com esse amor e deixo-vos com esperança.
Deixo-vos com a essência dourada da cola.
Adeus, mas nunca adeus.
Se você deseja me conhecer conscientemente, estou apenas a um pensamento de distância.
Lee Degani

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As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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The Essence of Glue

By Shechina, the Divine Mother

Channel: Lee Degani


Posted on September 8, 2024

What do we do when we receive news that shatters our hearts? When we wonder if the pieces can ever come back together again? This is such a beautiful and comforting message from Shechina, the Divine Mother.
“Dearest One, I come to thee for you have called. I come to let you know that I am in your conscious awareness at this time. I am always there but now, you remember that I am your mother, your divine mother, Shechina.
Oh there are many who say that Shechina, the indwelling presence, the divine feminine cannot truly be as a mother. It is just an energy, a fabric of the universe, the Love of the universe, the Light of the universe, but beloved, this fabric, this energy, the essence of what you are made of does come to form and thus, in that form, you are receiving this message.
And the question is what to do when your heart is breaking with news that you have received, when the grief comes.
Know that a breaking heart goes out into the universe and it calls out. It calls out for help and the throes of compassion come streaming in as though they are soldiers, soldiers of compassion, soldiers of love.
AAMichael likes to think of them as warriors, warriors of Love, warriors of Peace. But these warriors of compassion not only come to bring pieces of your broken heart back together but they work with all that are experiencing a broken heart.
And yes, there are too many on earth at this time, my beloved Gaia, and that is why you have been called. You have been called that you can withstand the broken heart. You can feel the pain, you can feel the desperation, you can feel the hopelessness. Then the strength is given to thee to gather those pieces again together forming into a whole.
But beloved, the secret is that with a broken heart, it comes together again, it is stronger.
It is like putting the pieces of pottery, of a beautiful dish, a beautiful vessel back together again. And just as there is a tradition in the Japanese tradition that when one glues back together broken pottery, a beautiful dish, that it is interlaced with gold because it is more valuable.
Did we create you with the intention that there would be broken hearts? That was not the plan, beloved, the original plan. But when things evolved as they did, you and many others in the heavenly realms said we will go in and we will allow our hearts to be broken so that we can help together, put together the collective, the broken pieces of humanity and bring them back together with gold filling in the cracks.
That gold, Beloved, is the Love, it is my essence, it is your essence.
So know that you are doing more than you realize when your heart breaks and when it comes back together again.
It is during these times that you allow the despair, the agony and know that the agony and despair of many will then be transmuted and hearts everywhere (will) be called to come together again. And in this Love – that is the glue.
And I leave you with that Love and I leave you with Hope.
I leave you with the gold essence of the glue.
Farewell, but never farewell.
If you wish to know me consciously, I am just a thought away.
Lee Degani


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