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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Setting the Purification Template for 2025

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Posted on January 8, 2025

This Invocation is being stated in the first person so that we will each experience it personally. Simultaneously, however, we KNOW that this awesome 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame is being invoked through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and their highest good. This is possible because we are One and there is no separation. And we begin.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Cosmic Law will allow.
Beloved Saint Germain and all of your Legions of Violet Flame Archangels, I ask that you blaze, blaze, blaze this Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension both known and unknown that is reflecting anything less than Heaven on Earth.
Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible Forcefield of God’s Infinite Light.
I now invoke the Goddess of Liberty who takes her strategic position at the Cardinal point to the North of this Planet. I now invoke the Goddess of Divine Justice who takes her position at the Cardinal point to the East. Now I invoke the Goddess of Freedom who takes her position at the Cardinal point to the South, and I invoke the Goddess of Victory who takes her position at the Cardinal point to the West. Within the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth is the Goddess of Glory, and in the atmosphere above the Earth are the Goddesses of Oneness and Transfiguration.
Joining these powerful Beings of Light are the Silent Watchers, the Mighty Guardians, the Elohim, the Directors of the Elements, our Indigenous Ancestors from all timeframes and dimensions, and ALL of the Beings of Light throughout the Cosmos who are assisting Mother Earth and All of her Life.
Blessed Ones, come now and expand, expand and expand the most powerful cleansing activity of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness that Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment.
My I AM Presence now opens the Stargate of my Heart to full breadth. Instantaneously, I AM the Open Door for this unfathomable frequency of the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness. This exquisite Sacred Fire pulsates through my Heart Flame and blazes in, through and around all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness, and all obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition or thing has ever placed in the pathway of Life’s perfection.
Through the Divine Power of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory, Oneness and Transfiguration the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness Transmutes this discordant energy back into Light – cause, core, effect, record and memory – NOW and FOREVER.
With the influx of this unprecedented frequency of the Violet Flame the Silent Watchers over every country, state, city, town, village and hamlet on the Planet now reach out their great Loving arms of Light and raise up a limitless number of Lightworkers in every location who are willing to participate in the faithful use of this NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame.
Each of these Lightworkers understands the full importance of this sacred Gift now being offered by our Father-Mother God to help FREE Humanity from all of our human miscreations.
The conscious use of this Sacred Fire from the Heart of God will cause to be established within every one of these locations great Forcefields of this NEW 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame, which will continually bathe every person, place, condition and thing  in each vicinity.
Now, through the Clarion Call of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and the Legions of Light throughout infinity, this monumental Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness begins to expand and expand.  It merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in every person’s Heart and expands into a tremendous Starburst of Light with the power and might of 1,000  Suns.
Beloved Legions of Light who have assisted us throughout this unparalleled 40-Day purging process, we ask that you join with us now and expand our Invocations one thousand fold as we proceed.  Blessed Ones:
a) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Divinity within ALL Life, and every expression made by Humanity is a Healing Benediction to every particle and wave of Life on this precious Planet.
b) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all incoming babies, the children, their parents and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration and Consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.
c) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities, all schools, colleges and universities, all leaders, teachers, instructors, and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained within the Heart and mind of every person.
d) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, so that Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, Oneness, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood will become a manifest reality.
e) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Compassion and Healing are tangible realities for every evolving soul.
f) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money and the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance and the God supply of all good things.
g) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution, every law enforcement officer, every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.
h) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through ALL of the Governments of the World and every person, place, condition and thing associated with the Governments of the World at national, state and local levels throughout the Planet. Intensify this Violet Flame until every Government is focusing on Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life and Cocreating the highest good for all concerned in every instance.
i) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the World until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.
j) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core is dissolved and Transmuted into purity, vibrant health, eternal youth and physical perfection.
k) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.
l) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy until the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth is tangibly manifest.
I accept that this Activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished right here and right now, even as I Call. I also accept and KNOW that this 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness is increasing daily and hourly, moment by moment, with every Breath I take until this sweet Earth and ALL her Life have Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional  Crystalline Realms of Light on the  Solar New Earth, and the veil of illusion and the psychic astral realm no longer exist in any form associated with Mother Earth.
And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.
God Bless you Dear One. I look forward to being with you next week.
Patricia Cota-Robles


©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Invocations For Divine Government Needed Now

By Patricia Cota-Robles

Posted on October 26, 2024

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.
As I take a deep Holy Breath, our I AM Presences merge into One Luminous Being of Light. Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her are cradled within the unified Heart Flame of Humanity’s collective I AM Presence. As I continue consciously Breathing through our unified I AM Presence, I realize Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are all Breathing in unison with me.
Now, as One Voice, One Heartbeat, One Breath and One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke our Father-Mother God and the great Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun who are assisting Awakening Humanity to Cocreate the patterns of perfection for Divine Government on this blessed Planet.
I also invoke the Majestic Goddesses of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory and Oneness who are holding the sacred space for the tangible manifestation of Divine Government in every country in the World. Beloved Ones come forth now.
The Goddess of Liberty now takes her strategic position at the Cardinal point to the North, the Goddess of Divine Justice takes her position at the Cardinal point to the East, the Goddess of Freedom takes her position at the Cardinal point to the South, and the Goddess of Victory takes her position at the Cardinal point to the West.
Joining these powerful Beings of Light are the Goddess of Glory who takes her position in the Center of the Earth and the Goddesses of Oneness and Transfiguration who take their positions high in the atmosphere above the Earth.
Joining them in the atmosphere of Earth are the Silent Watchers, the Mighty Guardians and ALL of the Beings of Light who are assisting Humanity at this time from the Heavenly Realms as we empower the Immaculate Concept of Divine Government on Planet Earth.
Blessed Ones, blaze the most intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Enlightenment from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God through the Heart Flame of every person who is now, or will be in the future, involved with the Governments of Earth in any way. Awaken every One of these people to the profound opportunity and the awesome responsibility they have during this Cosmic Moment. Enlighten every One of them to the profound Truth that it is time for Divine Government to manifest NOW!
Let each person that is now or ever will be responsible for the Governments of the World in any way tangibly feel and experience the Power, Love and Enlightenment of our Father-Mother God flowing through their Heart Flame.
This will allow the Sacred Knowledge from their newly recalibrated Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling and their Physical Senses of Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch, Intuition and Imagination to surface into their Heart and Conscious Mind at a NEW and greatly accelerated pace.
I now invoke the I AM Presence of each of these people to take full dominion of their thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories. Empower them to hear and to listen to the intuitive Inner Guidance of their I AM Presence. This aspect of their own Divinity will guide them unerringly toward the fulfillment of their individual and collective Divine Plans in their mission of Co-creating Divine Government tangibly on Earth NOW.
I dedicate this activity of Light to the manifestation of Divine Government which is a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, and FOR the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.
I now invoke the great Beings of Divine Government associated with the Grand Central Sun and the Galactic Beings guarding the evolutions of this Planet, to blaze the Sacred Fires of God’s Will, Comprehensive Divine Love and Divine Enlightenment in, through and around the electorate, the candidates and all governmental officials in the United States of America.
Let them feel the Power and Love Nature of our Father-Mother God and their I AM Presence flowing through them as they VOTE and elect their candidates at national, state and local levels. Allow this Divine Intervention to be present as well when they VOTE on ALL issues before them.
Beloved Legions of Light, SEAL this activity of Light in the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame anchored within the Heart of every person on Earth. As we collectively hold the sacred space for the manifestation of Divine Government on Earth, expand this activity of Light daily and hourly with every elevated Holy Breath we take until Planet Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have God Victoriously completed our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar frequencies of the New Earth.
Now, In the Name of Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, blazing in my Heart and the Hearts of ALL Humanity and by the Power of Light’s Victory now made manifest on Earth, I invoke Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. I also invoke the Legions of Light associated with Divine Government:
Beloved Ones, gather up every electron of precious Life energy that is being expended by Humanity at this time. Instantaneously, purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns. Blaze the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame in, through and around this precious gift of Life until every atomic and subatomic particle and wave is Transmuted back into its original Divine Potential.
Beloved Ones, weave this gift of Life into our Chalice of Light so that every electron of precious Life energy expended by Humanity will be used to expand all of the patterns of perfection for Divine Government and the New Earth. As One Holy Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I now proceed.
Archangel Michael, direct your Angels of Power and Protection to descend into Washington, DC. and the surrounding suburban areas. With their Swords of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) and PURIFY (3X) every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate these energies in your Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection.
Beloved Archangel Michael, now lift every electron of this energy into the arms of Divine Grace. With the NEW Solar Violet Flame instantly Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light.
Archangel Michael I ask that you now direct your Legions to expand this Divine Service into every state, city, town and homestead in the United States of America. CUT FREE (3X) and PURIFY (3X) every force that is not of the Light.
Encapsulate these energies in your Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection. Lift every electron of this energy into the arms of Divine Grace. With the NEW Solar Violet Flame instantly Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light.
Beloved Ones, now expand this Divine Service into every country, nation, city, province, town and hamlet on Earth. CUT FREE (3X) and PURIFY (3X) every force that is not of the Light. Encapsulate these energies in your Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection. Lift every electron of this energy into the arms of Divine Grace. With the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame instantly Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light.
Beloved Legions of Light, now in the full Authority of God’s Will on Earth, I now COMMAND that in every location where negativity was removed the Divine Matrixes and Templates for God’s Comprehensive Divine Love, Unity Consciousness and Divine Government be physically established NOW and FOREVER.
I now SEAL this invocation in the Divine Will and Comprehensive Divine Love of our Father-Mother God. And I DECREE through all levels of Consciousness:
And So It Is, Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.
Beloved I AM That I AM.
Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

Patricia Cota-Robles

©2024 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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