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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Gift, Part 5 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 17, 2025

The ground team revealed what Co-Creators and Karma Lords were targeting, when, on New Year’s Eve, transferred Lightwarriors to another jurisdiction. This referred to the official exit from the 3D Matrix, with preservation of own physical and subtle bodies, i.e. avoiding death. However, for this, is necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements.

When viewed from space, on a Subtle Plane, our 3D Earth looks as a giant snarl, in which quadrillions of energy threads and fields of people, society, countries, nature and the planet are intertwined and fused into a single whole, sentient and unifying all Intelligence forms, both individual and collective. It instantly aggressively responds and defends self against any, even the slightest, external touch, like the hugest cosmic living cell that is ill with cancer.

What are Co-Creators doing in this situation? It would be much easier for them to completely remove all humans from the planet, the main nidus of infection, and re-sow Earth with a new pure race. But in 2012, the Absolut, the Pleroma’s Supreme Hierarchs and Karma Lords abandoned this idea, deciding not to cut off the tumor – earthlings, but to cure and save them. For this, through the Solar Portal, they directed on 3D Earth exponentially increasing the Source’s energy, softening the clumped tangle, disuniting its tightly knitted threads, and feeling the space between them with One’s Light. In parallel, Co-creators aid earthlings to free selves from inside by tuning and syncing with the Source’ frequencies. Those who refuse get ill and die, leaving the planet. How did Lightwarriors pass it?

Like others, in order to incarnate on 3D Earth, team members had to put in their causal body 12% of obligatory karma that was accumulated by Darks, Grays and their planets’ Logos, and process it during own life (lives) here. This was a legal regime and cosmic duty, which has been in force on our planet for millions of years up until today. It was assumed that, after working out both karma, a person would calmly leave the Earth’s incarnation field (the Wheel of Samsara), but the 3D Matrix did everything to keep us here forever, with this toxic cargo.

12% of the anchor karma in the first incarnation plus own, say, 50% received in all lives, makes 62%, and with such a “gift”, a person terminates the current embodiment. After death, within 40 days (now much earlier), the causal body disintegrates and its core fills with karma, replenishing the acid “tonnage” of past incarnations. With this ballast, the Soul cannot escape the Wheel of Samsara and has to go to another life circle, where it accumulates new negativity.

Co-Creators and Karma Lords began to lead the ground team out of this diabolical trap in the mid-2000s, helping each Lightwarrior crack and remove personal karmic crystal. What is it? After a person’s death, their remnants remain, whether he/she was cremated or buried, as well as fragments of wave DNA at the sites of previous incarnations. If, on the Subtle Plane, connect all of them by energy vectors, it forms all a multi-faceted crystal with karma’s fall-outs in it, which can be cleansed. This is how it occurred in case, for example, of the Lightwarriors’ team head.

Unlike his dipole-wife, who lived on Earth three times, he has incarnated 520 times. One of the previous embodiments was in today’s Efes (Turkey). In 2009, Co-Creators brought both in that ancient city on the shore of the Aegean sea to purify and fill the karmic crystal with Light at his burial place. As a clairvoyant, his spouse knew where it was, but they asked her not to tell her husband. He should have felt the resonance himself…

Wandering through the ruins of Efes, the two enjoyed its sights, including the Temple of Hadrian and the Library of Celsius. And it so happened that the Lightwarrior passed needed place without feeling anything. His wife watched him in silence and with a smile as he, hiding from the scorching Sun, quietly sat down on the edge of his grave, in which was burred in the far-away times as a High Priestess, the spouse of the local ruler.

He recalled all this when they left Efes, and was very upset when his wife “added fuel to the fire” by saying that he even sat on his entombment, but did not feel anything… Why? As Co-Creators later explained, it was a test. If the karma of past incarnations has not been worked out, then when person is at one of the past burial sites, a karmic DNA resonance occurs, which is fraught with a fatal avalanche. If the karma is worked out, then the wave DNA and crystal are pure and emit Light.

They went through the next upgrading together in 2012. This time, their causal negativity was zeroed out with the help of a karma avalanche, when the entire volume of negativity is dumped on the lower bodies – astral and mental. And if they do not cope, then the reset goes further, to the physical corpus. Karma is considered to be worked out, written off and zeroed precisely at the moment of its withdrawal from the causal body.

This is done exclusively by the Higher Self, since it cannot take on the entire amount of karma that has “reached” too large volume. But below the physical body, there is nowhere else to dump it. Thus, the corpus is the last tool for processing karma, although also responsible for its formation.

At the time of an avalanche, a person usually gets injured (or in some cases, a fast-flowing fatal disease), and its severity depends on the amount of karma released. But Lightwarriors escaped with a slight pain and fright, while his wife lost one tooth, but the causal bodies of both became absolutely clean and connected to the Anti-Karmic Protocol. When a negative is formed, it is now immediately annihilated. In the same year, Co-Creators put both through the procedure of restructuring the causal body. It was dismantled, and after the reboot of the Monad’s manifestation bodies, it unfolded them back as a multidimensional single whole, in which causal karma cannot store.

On 21 December 2024, the Absolute gave Its Christmas gift, annihilating the entire causal karma in the Local Universe and activating the Virtual Monadic Karma Protocol for ALL people (see – Gift, Part 3 and Part 4, DNI, 1 January and 11 January 2025). According to this Protocol, the Lightwarriors’ ground team officially left the 3D Matrix and its mechanism after fulfilling all the necessary terms. From now on, every earthling can do the same freeing self from the Wheel of Samsara’s hook. For each is available the folding and rebooting of own Monad, its ascending and merging with the Absolute and unfolding back into our reality, outside the 3D Matrix’ jurisdiction and power. Co-Creators and Karma Lords will endorse OUR efforts, if we are ready.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Raw Reality of Today’s Society in Eye-Opening Illustrations.

Sherrie Hurd

Posted March 17th, 2020.


If you don’t pay close attention, you will miss the truth of our society today. Things aren’t what they seem.
I talk quite a bit about the eighties mainly because it seemed like a simpler time. However, older people may feel the same about the earlier decades as well. I guess it’s just the way you look at it, the generation that raised you. One thing is safe to say is that this day and age is certainly much different.
A generation that reveals deep truths
Our modern times reveal dark revelations about us as human beings. No matter how rosy we paint everything, there’s something brown and ugly underneath. The worst part is that most people don’t even notice the truth of our reality. Argentina-based illustrator Al Margen is here to show you those eye-opening truths.
The rawness of society shows its face in Al Margen’s eye-opening illustrations
1. We’re fake people
That’s right, I said it. Most of us are fake people. We never wanted to be, we just ended up hiding so many emotions that we started wearing a mask. We do this so easily now that we’ve taught ourselves to believe these lies are truth. It’s quite the opposite actually. We are so fake that we don’t even remember our true identity. This is one reality.
When this mentality enters the intimate relationship, it becomes worse than divorce. After happiness and any hope of connection disappear, masks go on and couples start to pretend. This happens more than you can imagine.
2. Most of us have closed minds
As soon as society realizes that you have ideas from outside the box, they work to silence that creativity. They even go as far as to call you crazy when you express those different views. Although they don’t always literally put you away in an institution, it feels like you aren’t part of the society you used to love. If they ever succeed in silencing your creativity, you become like a zombie, just like the rest.
3. The lure of television has us trapped
Television has been around for quite some time, long before some of the other technology which beguiles us. From the beginning, movies, shows, and even commercials have lured us in and held us there for hours at a time.
Other things like reading, painting, and outdoor activity took a backseat to this constant form of entertainment. The screen has us trapped, and most of us are affected.
4. High expectations for children
It’s wonderful when children partake in extracurricular activities like sports, but it’s not so good to place expectations on them that they cannot perform. Having high expectations can be intimidating and stressful for children. Our society, unfortunately, sees these expectations as normal, and they push their children too far sometimes.
5. We are a slave to money
It’s true, we do need money to pay bills and buy food. It’s not true that we must worship money as if it’s a god which gives us superpowers. But this is how we act about money in so many ways.
On the other hand, we also become slaves to money. We have even forgotten how to grow food, sew clothing, and build things on our own. We much rather just buy everything while our human skills are fading away.
6. People act like clones
For the most part, we are clones. The good news is, there are a few who choose to walk in a different direction, make a controversial decision, and grow in a variety of ways.
These are the brave people, and the people who usually seem content with the lives they lived. Unfortunately, different people are rare in the ocean of copies.
7. Corporate entities are consuming family-owned businesses
Family-owned businesses are struggling more than ever, and some are disappearing altogether. Corporate entities like retail stores and franchise food establishments are killing the small business.
It’s happening fast and destroying the morals of the older generation. It’s also discouraging those of us who try to make money on our own as well.
8. We cannot tear away from technology
Just like television has trapped us, technology itself holds us tighter than ever with its many innovative options. We have computers, cell phones, iPads and more. These are electronic devices that might as well kidnap us and hold us, hostage, forever. It’s terrifying when you finally realize just how much technology has taken over.
9. Our bodies are time bombs
We know that smoking is bad, and we understand that drinking takes lives every day. There are other things that destroy our bodies as well, such as unhealthy eating, too much caffeine, and energy drinks and supplements. This is why if we don’t live our best lives, we are literally ticking time bombs.
10. We may attend schools, but are we learning?
Schools are packed with children learning things, but are they really learning as much as they can? Some people believe that students attend school only to cross it off their list and graduate. Some students do not appreciate their education. That’s one way to look at learning in modern times.
Another way to look at the modern intellect is that schools aren’t teaching, they are taking outside learning away and replacing it with a curriculum that might not even be used. We need real-life skills, not just the basics. Society, however, is more concerned with just getting their children through school than actually fueling their ideas.
Is society hopeless?
These images may make you feel hopeless and discouraged, but it’s actually up to you to change these things. You should be the one that stands out, you should be the one to better yourself, and you should be the one to change our society. We bring forth darkness so the light can make some changes.
Maybe we can change even more.
Image courtesy of Al Margen


Sherrie Hurd


Copyright © 2012-2020 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us. 




Compiled by from: 


No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organised religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgement does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different of everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.

All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. 



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