Mercury Square Pluto
October 13, Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn is an extremely stressful aspect. It exacerbates the conflict between the new and the old at the global level, within the System and Power Pyramid, and in our personal life, and especially intensively impacts on and manifests in and through commune, MSM and distribution lines, pushing for a change of ideologies, values and way of thinking.
Many are not ready to adapt to the altering world, experiencing tremendous stress and uncertainty about the future, a deep discrepancy between own views and the rapid changes around them. Fears, phobias, obsessive images have a bad effect on health: with his negativity, a person drives self to a hospital bed. He sees underhand games and intrigues of hidden enemies everywhere. Not only imaginary, but regretfully real, because the aspect’s lowest radiation stimulates the System and its servants to strengthen control and power, manipulate people to save the status quo at any cost, which, in light of what is happening on Earth, works only against them.
For positive people, the high and intense frequencies of stellium help successfully resist this, and continue to grow Spiritually. But they require soberly aligning our needs with capabilities, and using the latter wisely and responsibly. This aspect contributes to the ability to delve deeply and in detail into problems, work with a huge amount of information, maintain high performance and withstand mental overload if we assist others, if they are ready to alter.
Sun Trine Jupiter
October 14, Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini gives harmonious men a sense of uplift and faith in the best, helps to see broad prospects and move forward effectively, despite external obstacles and difficult circumstances, when before our eyes the familiar fabric of the world order is bursting at the seams and falling apart due to many unresolved problems. The systemic political and economic crisis is escalating, and aggravates global affairs, fundamental instability and chaos in strategic plans.
All this requires a radical revision of previous life and habits. The positive energy mix of trine Sun-Jupiter gives us self-confidence, helps to boldly embark on new projects, unlocks our creative potential and improves relationships with people, motivates them and selves. To be open to new ideas and ready to face any challenges, if we are attuned to the frequencies of optimism and Spirituality, justice and nobility, humanity and generosity, kindness and assistance to others.
On weak-willed and low-vibrational personalities, the energies of the aspect act in the opposite way. They reduce activity, increase internal instability and unwillingness to make any changes. Even if a person needs a little effort to improve the situation, he prefers to do nothing and shift everything to others because of strong inertia and laziness. And at the same time, is dissatisfied that nothing good occurs in his life. Instinctively, he rushes in search of pleasures and excesses. Predatory consumption and an insatiable desire for more and more undermine health, as a rule, poor due to low vitality that isn’t visible for a long time. Man continues behave in the same way, not noticing the problems. But on this day, they can descend on him with all accumulated might.
Sun Square Mars
October 14, Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer forms a tense aspect. The Red Planet’s energies of actions, goals and achieving them are pushing for a large-scale reboot of all the most important global and personal processes. The key task is to find a balance between the breakthrough energy of change and the desire to get everything at once (Mars), and the need for a lot of preliminary work, in-depth analysis and elaboration of all issues, related to the reform of old orders, laws and processes (Sun).
In this regard, new conflicts in society between various opposing forces are inevitable, and in personal life can be clashes of opinions, mutual claims, accusations of concealment of facts, revealed past shortcomings, unfulfilled promises and obligations. The energies of stellium make negative people angry and impulsive, rude and overly excitable. Their behavior repels many because of intolerance, demonstrative arrogance and hubris, imperiousness and unpredictability, stubbornness and vindictiveness that syphon out their life power.
But if a person is working on self, the quadrature Sun-Mars gives strength and will to change, ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, make decisions instantly and act successfully in any situation, regardless of dangers. The vibrations of the Red Planet in the water sign help not to make unnecessary movements, and the strong Day Luminary in Libra highlights the importance of bold actions in removing everything ineffective and outdated.
Venus Opposite Uranus
October 14, Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus exposes the most hidden problems of relationships and power, influence and authority, perception and actions, predictability and surprises of governments, high ups, and ordinary people. In the absence of a positive agenda, lack of understanding how to move forward, without reliable support in a period of great uncertainty and global changes, the risk of being crushed by an avalanche of problems increases.
But if a secure foundation is built in public and private life and purposeful development is implemented, then, despite the turbulence, it is possible not only to maintain stability, but also to improve the situation. The stellium’s vibrations force us to make a choice between good and evil, to continue to work on selves, and if we are persistent and don’t give up, then aspect gifts us harmony in our Soul, the ability to take initiative and responsibility for own decisions and deeds.
Otherwise, intense energies turn out the ugliest and most carefully hidden features of negative people. The inability to finish things; the treachery and cowardice, inferiority complex and tantrums out of the blue; the infidelity to spouse and fear of intimacy, insults and mockery of those who sincerely love them. The habit of clowning around and portraying cynics married to work or the stage, flirting with each, but not staying with anyone for long, squandering own and others’ funds without thinking about the future, being in constant panic fear of it.
Venus Trine Neptune
Oct 16, Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces is a harmonious, but contradictory aspect. The general favorable background, created by its energies, simultaneously tests the ability of the authorities and people to correctly assess problems and events. How prone they are to illusions and self-deception about selves and others. All this will be scanned by the vibrations of the Great Illusionist Neptune in Pisces, a sign of great contradictions and uncertainty, unjustified expectations and misconceptions.
Full Moon on the next day will set faith in a better future, if it has a workable foundation. Detachment from reality, erroneous decisions and taking the present state of affairs incorrectly can lead to very severe disappointments and frustration. Inharmonious men are especially susceptible to this. The positive effect of trine acts under sole condition: not only take the gifts of Higher Powers, but also to persistently develop talents given by nature to selflessly help others. It is especially important to be accustomed to regular work, patience and dedication. Only in this case, the radiations of the creative energies of Venus and the Spiritual vibes of Neptune serve as a strong support.
Full Moon
October 17, Full Moon occurs in Aries. The Native American tribes also call it the Hunters Moon, because at this time of year the game is fat and ready to hunt. Other names are the Travel Moon and the Blood Moon. This stellium exacerbates and deepens all unresolved systemic issues related to the fundamental sustainability and vision of the future for each of us, as well as for a single company, State, and institution. And also may turn the situation in a different direction in such a way that the rules of the “Big Game” will have to change dramatically.
In personal life, aspect brings dynamic energy, assertiveness, and a focus on individual desires and actions. It can bring about a surge of motivation, a need for independence, and a drive to take initiative, but forces to act prudently, on the base of sober analysis and common sense. Final decisions should not be made until everything has been checked, weighed and calculated.
During this time, the Moon in Aries is in opposition to Sun in Libra, creating balance (or tension) between self-assertion (Aries’ vibes) and cooperation or relationships (Libra’s freqs). Aries is run by the Red Planet’s energies of action, thrust, and striving. Its influence on that day may amplify courage, confrontation, and the wish to assert own will. On the other hand, Libra is ruled by Venus’ energies of love, harmony, and relationships. It creates a dynamic interplay between our goals and relational harmony, guiding our inner work toward balance between independence and partnership.
Our thoughts produce vibrations throughout the Universes, which makes setting intentions a powerful tool for achieving the desired and well-being. Intentions are like magnets. They attract what will make them come true. Having a clear purpose provides us with insight into our aspirations, dreams, and values. It also helps us live in the present moment instead of being caught in constant thoughts about the past or the future. Those negative patters are what we need to release during Full Moon.
Venus Sextile Pluto
October 17, Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn is globally harmonious in the sense that it further strengthens and radicalizes all previous wrong assessments and erroneous decisions of authorities and people, encouraging them to act decisively, but too risky and even dangerously. During this aspect, spontaneous demonstrations and popular rallies also arise with strict demands to deal with crimes, punish those responsible, remove the government, and immediately begin reforms. Aggression and brutality on the part of both protesters and State law enforcement agencies increase. Thus, the positive energies of stellium exacerbate the accumulated contradictions, encouraging society to change for the better.
Sextile works in a similar way for each of us. If we are toxic, then its radiation highlights our obsession and aggressiveness in expressing feelings and desires. Jealousy and thirst to dominate that causes problems in the relationship. Distrust of people, constant suspicions and doubts about the honesty of partners that leads to a break with them. Tendency to manipulate others to get what wanted. Inability to limit self in every pleasure, ending wth own body and Soul destruction.
But if we are harmonious and Spiritual, then the high frequencies of stellium support our growth and deep inner transformation. They give intensity to feelings and positive magnetism to our character. Intuitive understanding of the harmony laws, based on creative principles. Strive to break the trammels of social respectability and help people get rid of toxic emotions and mentality, thereby opening a way out of the most difficult situations.
Mercury Trine Saturn
October 22, Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces is another positive aspect, in which the energy of information and System’s structures interact. The free information flows carry truth and lies, enlighten and suppress, strengthen and destroy individuals, State institutions and entire countries, what we see on the example of the Internet and MSM, hybrid wars in politics and economics. It all depends on our taking and choosing how to behave in this crucible, when the mind, communing and analytical abilities confront strict rules, restrictions and prescripts. In such a situation, people act differently.
In harmonious men, trine supports resiliency and defiance, remain good pro and the ability to get necessary info, be organized and taut, and strive for knowledge and continuous development even in the most hostile conditions. Such a person shows responsibility and takes his life tasks seriously. He is able to set goals and take the needed steps to achieve them, is distinguished by hard work and thoroughness in all affairs. This aspect of unseals our potential, creating a favorable foundation for success. Of course, this doesn’t guarantee a result. Fulfilling potential requires perseverance and constant efforts, even when there is no external support.
Low-vibrational personality, weak-willed in decision-making and passive in action, the System easily bends, enhancing his contemplativeness and self-adoration. Man loses the ability to soberly evaluate and structure the data received and poorly organizes work process, irresponsible and superficial. He becomes a slave to self-censorship, communicates with caution, scares of everything, obediently follows the norms and rules, accepted in society, and eats out of bosses and authorities’ hands. An ideal person to steer and run.
Sun Square Pluto
October 22, Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn collides two power streams. One of the planet, responsible for mass consciousness and the higher laws of the Universe to clean up old non-viable structures, regenerate potentially valuable and transfer it to a new quality (Pluto). Another is energy of cleansing disharmonious decaying structures and situations (Day Luminary).
In the earth sign Capricorn, Pluto is especially strong, which is manifested in its destructive and restrictive properties. At the global level, through bloody wars, violent conflicts related to the conquest and control of territories, through the strengthening of dictatorship, tyranny and terror, crime and violence; through the power of capital and corporate struggle for spheres of influence and resources. On a personal level, if we are negative, then become victims of war, natural disaster, and violence by the State, corporations, regulatory and inspection bodies or an authoritarian personality. Face constant danger to our lives and freedom, a breakdown in affairs and family life.
But in the same stellium, Pluto manifests in its transformative functions, changing financial and economic models and security systems and creating the new ones. It destroys the political and economic structures of entire States that have reached an impasse in their course, and unites people in the struggle for reforms.
In a personal life (Sun), if we are harmonious, then thanks to the vibrations of Pluto, acquire new capacities, fulfilling extremely difficult tasks that require maximum concentration and endurance, willpower and spirit, perseverance and the highest discipline, self-organization and responsibility. Through crises and the dumping of the old, we rise to incredible spiritual and material heights and may impact on huge masses, backed by a source of tremendous energy that helps our evolution.
Mars Sextile Uranus
October 25, Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus is another crucible, in which the energies of aspirations, goals and ways to achieve them (the Red Planet) merge with impulses that accelerate the awakening of humanity’s consciousness, abrupt and unexpected changes, breakthroughs and transition of countries, societies and each of us to the new (Uranus). This melting pot forces to completely change previous views and get rid of outdated and obstructive institutions and orders. Under the influence of stellium, all the situations, formed in the first half of October, will continue to escalate and push for decisive reform.
The circumstances created by the sextile’s energies will test our strength and will to win; presence of internal ramrod, ability to make decisions, and act quickly and independently; readiness to accept new things and defend own and public interests, to mobilize self and withstand heavy physical exertion and overcome tough situations. If we are strong and harmonious, than can make a qualitative leap through a radical restructuring of our lifestyle. If are indifferent and passive, then, as in previous incarnations, will remain in a state of permanent depression and acute conflict with people and entire world, generating even more devastating consequences for selves.
Mars Trine Neptune
October 28, Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces in the highest octave combines the energies of actions and Spiritual aspirations of large masses, which is so important for the transition of Earth and earthlings to 4D and 5D. If society and people remain at a low moral level, then these energies cause chaos and illusions about the world and selves in the collective and individual consciousness.
A person, like the entire environment, as a rule, lives mechanically, unaware of what is doing, feeling and thinking. When his crying wants are supplied, he satisfied, and if not, then becomes hateful, aggressive and irritated. As for outside world, he perceives it only as tool of serving his desires. Everyone around must adapt to it. Who doesn’t belong to his family, nation and thinks differently is a sworn enemy. A complete inability to understand others creates a feeling of deep loneliness, a pathological fear of life.
If we are Spiritual, then our contact with the Universe and compassion for the world and people increases, which manifests as empathy and friendliness. Through us, others are beginning to realize that material values are not the most important in this incarnation, but the higher ideals must be placed before. And the rejection of everything foreign, the humiliation of culture and traditions, nationality and race of other people begins to disappear in society. It’s a good day to tune into it again.
Venus Square Saturn
October 28, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces collides the energies of relationships and System (“prohibit and restrict”, “leave everything as it is”). This mix exacerbates the problem of power, pressure from the State and private large corporations, which act cynically and cruelly, dividing society deeper into two warring camps. But synchronously, in the highest octave, the vibes of stellium form the unity of the population and governments, remove restrictions on rights and freedoms, and facilitate the movement of investments, products and people across borders, initiate new global routes and alliances between countries for broader and mutually beneficial cooperation.
On our personal level, the energies of stellium remind of the lessons that weren’t learned. It provokes conflict between the desire to enjoy material benefits and the need to be Spiritual, responsible and persistent. In harmonious men, the aspect’s high freqs enhance inner force and self-discipline, which helps to overcome obstacles and achieve success. They promote the positive individuality and maintain chorded relationships with other people. But the more negative and weaker the personality, then, under the quadrature’s impact, self-esteem and self-confidence ramp down. Man hasn’t a slightest desire to change anything in own life and relationships, to resist the System and Power Pyramid, experiencing eternal fear of them and hatred for those who dared to be brave and refuse to bend.
Mercury Opposite Uranus
October 30, Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus creates with its vibrations a situation of overcoming and rebooting, society and personal life, its purification from everything destructive and obsolete. The intense energies of stellium give an impulse to continue moving forward, despite the retrograde movement of Uranus throughout October, creating a false sense of slowing down changes, but giving an ideal opportunity to reconsider previously made decisions and current plans.
This transit teaches us to act instantly and correctly in the most unstable and uncertain environment, regardless of obstacles and difficult circumstances. Always rely on verified information and thorough analysis. Accomplish only well-thought-out and calculated projects and direct our energy exclusively to them if we can fully control and manage them.
This stellium is a perfect “coda” of October. It will strengthen the moral leadership of highly ethical politicians and public figures, which create the new reality by introducing large-scale, multi-level intellectual concepts, unite the masses around humanitarian and progressive ideas and ready to sacrifice selves for a better future. This month will enhance the authority of those, who build harmonious and sustainable partnerships, carry out joint inspiring projects (scientific, humanitarian, charitable), helping all to follow a common Spiritual path.