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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Solar Flares

By Judith Kusel

Posted on December 8, 2024


We are in the completion of cosmic cycles of the spirals of creation as the SOLAR flares now being released hold very powerful sacred patterns, or sacred geometrical forms, which are activating the Illumined Portals within our spiritual bodies for transcendence.
What I am shown the dense brain fog which separated us from remembering our true sovereignty, our Son and Daughtership of the Prime Creator, is being removed and replaced with the White Flame of Illumination, helping us, with the Sun Flares to be lifted into the next initiatory state of the ascension process.
It will bring us into the evolutionary state of consciousness where we remember our true Goddess and God state, plus we will remember slowly but surely our cosmic journeys as soul, and start accessing cosmic soul knowledge, technologies, to now apply to assist with the cocreation of the New Earth, with love.
The number 12 is a very sacred and holy number, reminding us of our own sacredness, holiness, our own Divinity.
The original twelve Crystal Pyramid Temples of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis are being fully activated and rising 5th and 7th, as the 12 High Priests and 12 High Priestesses have all returned.
It is a time of huge dismantling of the old, so expect revolutionary changes for the highest good, alchemy and magic.
We will start to remember how to use our manifesting abilities in the most loving and highest ways, for the highest good of all, but also, as our higher heart and throat are fully activated, our abilities to soul travel anywhere in God’s infinite universe, and more than this, the claiming of our true Mastership.
And this is just the beginning!

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Our Sun And Solar Flare

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on December 6, 2024


Science organizations around the world including the “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” (NASA) have reported that the Sun of our solar system has been blasting with solar flares primarily from its southern half.

Thus, there has been very little activity in the northern part of the solar disk.

This is thought to indicate that the northern half of our Sun has yet to begin to develop strong solar flare activity.

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For many decades, our Sun has been researched to experience “Solar Cycles”, and we are currently in “Cycle 25”.

Although ancient Astronomers studied the cycles of solar activity, centuries later the cycles were first studied by Galileo in 1610 who studied the rotation of sunspots.

The first official scientific report about “Solar Cycles” began in 1755.

Although many scientists over the centuries studied sunspot cycles and solar flares from them, eventually, it was agreed that our Sun has a major and a minor flaring cycle.

For approximately 11 years, there is high flare activity with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and then for 11 years, there is low flare activity with little to no coronal mass ejections.

At times when the solar flares and CMEs are high, there have also been major collective human experiences in the arenas of politics, social structures, economic issues, religion, medicine, etc. — revolutions, global conflict, etc.

Quick examples are when in 1776 — the “American Revolution” — solar flares and CMEs were high. During the 1960s “Civil Rights Movement” and the “Hippie Movement”, the flares and CMEs were also high. As mentioned, these are merely two quick examples.

Throughout the 17th century to now, “Solar Cycles” have been researched. They have always been high during human conflict.

However, something new is now on the agenda.

It has only been in the last several decades that accompanying high solar flares and CMEs have also been the conduits for physiological, emotional, and mental challenges that are linked to an elevation in consciousness to very high levels and a literal change in human cellular structure and DNA.

These have been labeled as “Ascension Symptoms” — while I have offered the term “LIGHT Activation Experiences” or “LAE”.

Consciousness levels up first (illuminates), and then the physical vessel seeks to change to align with the new consciousness.

This is, of course, not a quick process, it requires many years or decades for the cells to be cleared of ancestral debris (information) and for the DNA in each cell to be re-constructed — to no longer be merely a double helix.

Moving from carbon to crystalline is the upgrading of basic human belief systems that have been “programmed” over eons of time into the cellular records.

Although our Earth is comprised of magnetite particles, and human beings are as well, this does not indicate that humans are turning into quartz crystals!

The magnetite in the body — most of which is in the brain — are indeed moving now throughout the physical vessel, and more bio-photons or “LIFE LIGHT” as a network of energy (“Life Force”) is available to us that are keys to HIGHER KNOWLEDGE.

It has been suggested by most world scientists who support the concept of “Solar Cycles” that our Sun’s “Cycle 25” will be extended due to the northern half of the solar disk having yet to begin blasting-off solar flares and CMEs as powerfully as the southern half has and is still doing.

It was projected that the current “Cycle 25” would end in about 2035 0r 2036, and then a downward trend in solar flares and CMEs would begin to occur.

However, if we can track strong solar activity to disturbing human collective experiences, then “Cycle 25” will extend beyond the mid-2030s and possibly continue into the 2040s — almost mid-century.

Yet, we are also told that the next age — when collective humanity will elevate to a greater percentage known as “Dwarpa Yuga” in ancient texts — is to begin next year in 2025. Read the book HOLY SCIENCE by Sri Yukteswar.

In truth, humanity can no longer easily and definitely track solar energetics as high or low in activity.

Every moment human thoughts, feelings, and mindsets are sending energy into the ethers, and these energies are being “recorded” by various aspects of the cosmos, and accordingly, cosmic events—which includes our Sun’s activity — manifest as clearings become necessary, and they also create spiritual atoms of illumination.

As has been discussed before and reiterated for emphasis, humanity cleanses and then receives LIGHT over and over again in a continuing process of change and re-birth until such time as crystallization is complete and the most desired era of “Sattva Yuga” is achieved. Thus, our Sun is a messenger.

It “advises”, “warns” and offers “elevation”.

It is assisted by energetics from deep space.


Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Major Solar Events

What They Reveal

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on November 10, 2024


Since Wednesday, November 6th, 2024, there have been 19 “M-Class” flares, one “X-Class” flare, and several huge sunspots are harboring energy for further “X-Class” flares.

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Two of these sunspots are directly facing Earth.

Yesterday, November 7th, a coronal mass ejection struck Earth causing geomagnetic instability.

When the “Super Full Moon” arrives on November 15h in Taurus — which will align with Uranus in that same sign — cosmic events could be tremendously more powerful.

Uranus governs electromagnetism, so radiation could be extremely potent in Earh’s atmosphere.

Human nervous systems and emotions are already highly activated due to global political and sociological events.

With the addition of cosmic energetics and the coming “Super Full Moon”, human emotions will be more pronounced.

Further, Pluto’s move into the sign of Aquarius on November 19th (20th in some places) will add to the emotional upheaval.

People around the world continue to be divided regarding the outcome of the USA Presidential election, and since Uranus governs Aquarius, protests are not over yet.

Aquarius is revolutionary, rebellious, and group-oriented.

Often these are good traits if citizens have been mistreated and subjugated because there is a need for justice on their behalf.

However, these same traits can also result in behavior that makes matters worse (if, for example, violence occurs).

Violence leads to more violence, and then a never-ending cycle of downward levels of consciousness occurs leading to an ongoing “Age of Chaos”.

This era of destruction must end as it has been prophesized to be capable of doing by 2025 when more of humanity is expected to awaken to the DIVINE PRINCIPLES OF SOURCE.

Will, however, a planetary cataclysm come before the entrance into the next age? Such has been the case in past eras.

Some people feel that it is coming and nothing can stop it.

Others feel that it can be halted if enough of humanity elevates to PEACE and LOVE — for each other and our planet, and thus, ceases violence towards each other and the planet’s water, soil, and air.

Yet, others are already claiming that a “New Golden Age” has arrived and that all we need to do is claim it regardless of all of the chaos that is still happening globally.

Time will tell which belief is most accurate.

One thing is certain: cosmic events are responding to the larger percentage of human thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

This is not only supported by ancient scriptures, but it is also proven by research into more recent historical eras when there has been warfare, harming of people and animals, tampering with Nature, etc.

Cosmic events tore through the Earth with storms, floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. as wake-up calls.

November’s theme will be repeated again as it has been labeled in two previous articles: “RADICAL REGENERATION”.

This weekend and days going forward will see very elevated geomagnetics. Plus, Mercury Retrograde is on its way (arrival on November 25th).

Reflect on both your personal needs and desires, but also reflect upon our planet’s welfare.

Envision our planet filled with wonderful SOURCE LIGHT.

Envelop yourself in the LIGHT, and yet, do not be in denial of what is occurring in the quantum field.

Thus, be grounded in the current reality so that you can continue to pray for a better era.

Prayer carries extremely powerful spiritual atoms into the ethereal realm where they are acted upon by SOURCE who has gifted us with free will.

Let us, therefore, claim and work towards a new and better reality.

Let us be determined to annihilate this “Age of Chaos” and allow treasures of blessings to pour down upon us.

There have been 105 earthquakes around the world in the past 24 hours, and the strongest thus far has been a “6.2” magnitude quake in Chile.

Although quakes in the upper “4s” and “5s” of magnitude can certainly cause damage, quakes that are “6.0” and above are considered very strong and usually occur when cosmic events are very stirred-up as they are now with the recent 19 “M-Class” solar flares, the “X-Class” flare, and coronal mass ejections.

The planetary magnetosphere is also now more densely pressured with particle plasma—most of which are protons.

When a constant barrage of potent cosmic events must be adjusted to, and then more arrive that must also be adjusted to, there can be continual fatigue, aches and pains, anxiety, and other challenging “symptoms”.

Please remember, however, that even though the magnetosphere’s depletion is allowing surges of protons to enter our planet,

we are also being blessed to receive the SOURCE LIGHT that is both cleansing. illuminating, and upgrading all of creation.

Remember the metaphor of “birth”. Humanity is in “labor” for its “re-birth”.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Proton Bombardment

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on October 31, 2024


For many weeks there have been strong (“M-Class”) to powerful (“X-Class”) solar flares and coronal mass ejections soaring either just past or directly into planet Earth.

Further cosmic energetics have been positively-charging, penetrating, altering protons zooming through the planetary magnetosphere (the protective shield which has become depleted over time) and into Earth.

Comets such as “Tsuchchinshan” and “Atlas 1” have glided along, and also, planets have had particular degrees and geometrical angles to each other and have affected Earth and its inhabitants.

All of these cosmic energetics have/and still are playing their “tunes” in the “Cosmic Orchestra”.

Today, Tuesday, 10/29/2024, is yet another day of the “concert”. Protons are bombarding Earth at this time, and solar winds traveling at approximately 491 km/s are assisting in their surges.

To quote a NASA official: “Protons are raining down on the Earth”.

There are also huge sunspots building with the potential for more intense flares and CMEs.

Although our Sun also gives-off protons as well as negatively-charging electrons, the protons from outside of our solar system are more prolific than the electrons at this current time. In essence, Earth is in the midst of a proton storm.

This is not surprising, however, because recent reports are that for about the next two weeks, cosmic events will be continuously potent, and throughout the remainder of 2024 and into 2025, there will be tremendous geomagnetic (radiation) storms.

Physiological, emotional, and mental symptoms of these events have been listed many times.

Certain words like “clearing”, “cleansing”, and “illumination” should be locked into everyone’s consciousness by now.

For those who are new to these types of teachings, please read the previous articles that have been written over several years for this website — “Disclosure News Italia”.

For those who have been studying these teachings for quite some time, remember that review is a way in which to anchor with important knowledge.

Therefore, veteran readers are also urged to re-read various articles. It will be like receiving a tuition-free course on “Spiritual Astro-Physics”.

The current blast of protons has tremendously activated the global planetary vibrational frequency and amplitude — the “Global Schumann Resonance (SR)”.

There have been black-outs on sophisticated scientific technological equipment in many places as well as problems with the daily devices used by most people such as cell phones, lap tops, and other kinds of computer systems.

Some of these problems have been mere minor glitches and some have been major issues. In places where the “Regional Schumann Resonance” has been very activated due to challenging weather patterns, technological problems may be more prevalent.

However, the “Global Schumann Resonance” has been and will continue to be intense registering on the Tomsk, Russia chart in the double digits and possibly in triple digits in the near future as it has been in past years.

The “normal” SR since ancient times has been “7.83” to “8.8” cycles per second using modern-day geological calculating techniques, and these digits have been reported by ancient “Rishis” (“Sages”) in the Sanskrit language who were not just those persons who taught DIVINE PRINCIPLES, but they were also what we would refer to today as “Astro-Physicists”, “Chemists”, “Biologists”, and other kinds of scientists.

However, they always brought a spiritual dynamic to their knowledge — something that most current scientists do not do.

In fact, most conventional scientists question the existence of DIVINITY or a DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. The wise scientists have consulted ancient texts and realize that a SACRED SOURCE is at work in every aspect of creation.

Sometimes they are scoffed at by their colleagues, and sometimes their colleagues — although unsure — are willing to research ancient information.

As the New Moon makes its way to arrival on November 1st at 8:47 AM (EDT), cosmic events will escalate.

Because, as has been discussed previously, cosmic energies are types of life force — consciousness.

With the USA Presidential election reaching its final phase on Tuesday, November 5th, human levels of consciousness comprised of the vibrational atoms and subatomic particles of thought, feeling, words, and actions may create a strong to powerful further surge of cosmic events — a wave of LIGHT ( unseen but felt on numerous levels) that will be necessary to awaken more of the masses to what needs to occur in order to bring peace and healing to planet Earth. Many people who have a spiritual science orientation are calling these times “unprecedented”, but this is inaccurate.

Such times as these have been experienced by mankind in earlier eras.

This is what constitutes the spiraling up and down of the “Yugas” (“Ages”) of which there are four: SATTVA YUGA (all of humanity is righteous and the Earth and all of the solar system is at peace and enjoys abundance and perfect health); TRETA YUGA (there is a beginning of misuse of free will, and only 3/4 of all humanity are righteous); DWARPA YUGA (only 1/2 are righteous); KALI YUGA (only 1/4 are righteous).

As has been discussed many other times, we are approaching an upwards cycle of time to another DWARPA YUGA by next year because — although it may not seem so — an increasing percentage of humanity is questioning and studying.

How long DWARPA YUGA will last before we move into TRETA YUGA no one truly knows except those who are highly intuitive Mystics.

However, know that these current times are not the “New Golden Age” yet as so many people are claiming.

The “Age of Aquarius” is not the same as the “Golden Age”. The “Age of Aquarius” is a time when a large percentage of humanity, as mentioned above, will awaken, and this is when Pluto which is now at its critical 29th degree in Capricorn moves into Aquarius on November 19th (the 20th in some time zones) for its twenty-year transit, and thus, until 2044.

Aquarius governs revolutionary ideas, rebellion, group cohesiveness, advances in technology (good ones, not those which are unwise to pursue), humanistic appreciation, and sudden revelations.

All of the other “Yugas” which have been traversed throughout the space/time continuum must be traveled through again. Remember, time is a spiral. It is not linear.

There are ups and downs in consciousness in each “Yuga” due to how free will is used.

Continue with prayer and meditation as well as with natural modalities for being stable and balanced in the elevated waves of cosmic energetics.

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Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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11/11 Scorpio Gate 2024: Fire and Water and a New Reality

By Celia Fenn

Posted on October 29, 2024



Beloved Souls, you and your planet are in the process of a deep shift in the Collective Consciousness and Reality. You are deep in your transition from Homo Sapiens to a new kind of Human called Luminosa or Christos; the Human Angel and Galactic Being of Light.

This process is driven by the two primary forces of Creation: Fire and Water together with the raising of Frequency on Earth. Fire Plasma, or sunlight and Solar Flares together with Water Plasma, the highest form of water, are the materials of the New Creation.

Fire Plasma and Solar Light Codes for the New Creation

Solar Flares, and also “sunlight”, are fluid and “liquid” forms of the original primal Fire of Creation. Fire plasma contains the “elements” of life that will nurture life once the life templates are formed.

When the Earth was created, volcanic fire was the trigger for the creation of matter. Volcanic molten lava contains all the minerals and elements needed for life on Earth. When it encounters water (plasma) then it is able to create matter according to the templates contained in the memory bank or library of water. The first step in the “creation manual” is to create aquatic life forms and land masses, which are then populated with flora and fauna and humans.

Sunlight is also a gentler form of fire plasma ejected by the Sun, which contains “nutrients” for life. These are synthesised by plants and trees in a process known as “photosynthesis” to make the nutrients available as food for animals and humans.

Right now, Sun Cycle 25 is very active, with a very powerful X Class flare just recently. This is powering a huge wave of evolution and transition which is manifesting as The Golden Age and the New Earth.

The Phoenix Firebird : Fire and Water

The Phoenix or Firebird is an archetype associated with Scorpio and the Scorpio Gate 11/11 as a symbol of Rebirth and Regeneration.

In mythology, the Phoenix or Firebird symbolises an age of evolution and creation. When it is complete, the Phoenix bursts into flames and incinerates itself, symbolising the end of that cycle of creation.

But, a new Firebird arises from the ashes of the old. This symbolises the New Creation. This bird arises from the ashes of the fire. The Fire Plasma has seeded all the elements and nutrients for new life, and the template of the Phoenix is re-energised by water into a New Creation.

This is where you find yourselves now on the Planet. The Solar fires and sunlight are re-energising and rebirthing a new creation.

Water Plasma and the Templates of a New Creation

In this dance of creation, water plasma creates and carries the templates for creation and manifestation that are activated by fire plasma.

So, a new creation requires, firstly Fire and Water to provide the form and activate it into matter by working with the elemental energies of Air and Earth.

Water, in its pure form, flows and purifies and hydrates and cleanses. It also, as mentioned, provides templates and structure to support form, much like a 3D printer.

So, we are able to see the process of creation.

First, the Elohim Angels design the templates of life in the Star Gardens of Creation.

Then, the Dragons energise the Templates with Fire and Water and transfer the energised templates to Earth.

There the Nature Angels and Spirits plant and nurture the new creations which are cared for by fairies and devas.

Finally Human (Angels) become the Keepers of the Earth gardens and guardians of these creations with their healing and balancing gifts.

This is the spiral of creation and manifestation that is sacred.

When you create or manifest you use the same process : you design your template through visualising what you want to create and then you energise and feed the template with love and desire.

In your experiences on Earth you are also a part of these sacred cycles of Creation.

Human Angels, Co-Creators and Time Travellers

As you become more aware of who you are as human angels, you also become aware of your capacity to create and co-create with Divine Source and the angels.

You begin to consciously co-create your life by claiming your ability to travel in time as part of the creative process.

Using the power of water you can flow into the future or backwards into the past to make new choices and heal what is not part of who you are or want to be.

The point of power is always the NOW moment where you create the templates and structures of your life. But, you can travel in any direction in time to make different choices at higher levels of consciousness or plant seeds that will manifest in the future. Many of you are in this process right now, although you may not be fully aware of it. You are healing your timelines and time spirals by travelling to heal and shift energies while remaining in your heart and grounded in the present moment.

Scorpio Gate on the 11/11 is a sacred moment to shape past and future to align with this sacred “present” moment.

May you pass through the 11/11 Gateway on the 11th November with Love and Joy in the process of joyful co-creation with your Soul and Spirit as you enter your New Life on the New Earth.

Celia Fenn


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Solar Explosions

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on October 26, 2024


Early on this morning, Thursday, October 24th, 2024, there has been a huge “X3.33-Class” solar flare explosion which lasted for three hours in its blasting towards Earth.

This was followed by a strong “M.2-Class” solar flare. Our Sun is harboring energy for further explosions of “X-Class” flares, and a coronal mass ejection (CME) has also erupted towards Earth and has caused extreme radiation in Earh’s atmosphere.

The CME has caused shock waves to the planet and is traveling at 1.3 million miles per hour (mph).

The planetary magnetosphere is being enveloped and pressured by particle plasma.

Cosmic conditions such as are occurring can cause powerful planetary happenings such as major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and strong weather patterns.

Indeed, there have been 136 earthquakes around the world in the past 24 hours in the mid to upper “4s” and “5s” of magnitude (with a few in the lower ranges of “4s” and “5s”); however, there has been a powerful “6.2” magnitude quake in Russia with the epicenter being in the region of Sakhalin. Quakes that are “6.0” and above are considered as being very powerful. Earlier this week there was another “6.2” quake in Russia in the same area.

The “KP Index” that registers activations or disturbances to our planet which is administrated by the observatory in Oulu, Finland and which most prestigious  science organizations follow, has rated the disturbances to our planet at this time with the term “UNSETTLED”.

As was mentioned in yesterday’s article when I suggested that the term being used at that time — which was “QUIET” — would possibly change based upon the build-up of cosmic occurrences, this has occurred with the rating of “UNSETTLED” now being applied to Earth’s stirrings.

As the weekend commences, the rating may become “STORM” as geomagnetic (radiation) storms happen based upon the CME which has come forth from the solar blasts. Colorful auroras — which are signs of radiation—will be seen in various places around the globe.

Readers are reminded to protect themselves as much as possible from the intense vibrations of geomagnetic storms by wearing any of the following stones: AMBER, AMAZONITE, BLACK TOURMALINE, HEMATITE, SHUNGITE, or TURQUOISE.

Realize that there is no complete shielding possible from all of the energy of a radiation storm. However, there is  scientific evidence that the stones mentioned do have amazing powers of protection from the most intense rays as well as from the EMFs (“Electromagnetic Fields”) caused by cell phones, computers, plasma television screens, cell towers, satellites, etc.

Thus, it is also suggested that the stones mentioned should be placed next to technological devices.

Flying is not recommended during potent cosmic events such as extreme solar flares and CMEs.

By the time that a customer has merely boarded the plane, he or she has been exposed to a high amount of radiation that the plane received during its previous flight of a few hours ago.

During an approximate two-hour flight, pilots, flight crew, and customers receive what is tantamount to one full week of penetrating, disturbing, cellular altering radiation — all day each day — in a medical facility.

Research conducted over many decades shows that a disturbing percentage of pilots and flight crew develop cancer after many years of flying.

The same is true for persons who fly several times a month on business when solar flares are high coupled with CMEs which directly target Earth.

Even when flares and CMEs make what scientists tend to refer to as a “glancing blow” to our planet, the vibrations are still felt physically, emotionally, and mentally in varying ways.

Take time to study what is happening in the cosmos. It is a COSMIC HOLY BOOK—“The heavens declare the glory of God. Day unto day, they pour forth speech, and night unto night they display knowledge” — (from Psalm 19).

If possible, periodically visit an observatory and view the heavens through the sophisticated telescopes or invest in a high-powered telescope yourself. Read vital material on both mainstream science and “Spiritual Science” (or “Sacred Science”) — much of which can be found in both ancient scriptures and the modern translations of them.

Research involves reading, reviewing what has been read, making assessments, taking notes, traveling to sacred sites when possible, sharing ideas with others — and of course — praying and meditating for guidance.

Leveling up in consciousness requires gaining knowledge and being capable of using it wisely.

It also requires not allowing oneself to be involved in the chaos and confusion of the general collective population.

For those who are willing to receive knowledge, share it with them, but do not force anyone to become spiritually and intellectually astute. We are still in the era of “Kali Yuga” — the “Age of Chaos” — when three-fourths of humanity lack HIGHER KNOWLEDGE.

The era will change soon, and more of humanity will seek understanding. They may be forced to do so as the cosmic energetics send enormously strong vibrational waves throughout our solar system and into our Earth.

The continual build-up of flares, CMEs, and other events are merely appetizers to the main course that is yet to come.

Stay in the LIGHT!

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Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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It Will Affect Everything In Your Solar System

The Pleiadians Council of Light

Channel Chellea Wilder | Source

Posted on October 15, 2024

Blessings, We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
It’s a Joy to be speaking with you, during this monumental time in Earth’s Evolution.
As humanity stands on the brink of transitioning into the 5th dimensional realm of Light, an acceleration in the perception of Time is being felt and experienced by many of you. The very essence of timespace seems to be in a state of rapid flux, with the flow of hours, days, and weeks appearing to quicken in pace, mirroring the intense amplification of frequencies that are currently enveloping Earth in a transformative wave of cosmic energy.
This cosmic wave of change is not limited to mere temporal perceptions but is deeply intertwined with every facet of human existence, permeating the very fabric of human consciousness and perception. It heralds the imminent lifting of the veil that has shrouded so much from human eyes, promising a revelation of profound truths and hidden realities that have long been concealed.
Each Solar Flare that graces the planet contributes to a gradual elevation in the vibratory frequency that surrounds Earth, thereby exerting a powerful influence on the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole. The pivotal decision to either embrace or resist these potent energies lies squarely with each individual choice. This determines the extent to which, individuals are willing to open themselves up, to this cosmic influx of transformative energy.
Those who choose to embrace adaptability and openness are paving the way for a harmonious resonance with the Light, fostering the ascent in vibrations that align with the higher frequencies of the universe. Conversely, those who resist these energies may find themselves facing challenges in coping with the shifting realities and could potentially hinder their ability to continue their journey on Earth.
While Earth and its inhabitants journey through the vast expanse of the Photon Belt, profound and significant transformations are unfolding not only on your beloved planet but also with your radiant Star and its planetary companions that dance through the cosmos alongside you.
It is essential to recognize that this cosmic odyssey extends far beyond Earth’s ascension alone.
Your Sun, the life-giving star at the center of your solar system, is also undergoing a profound metamorphosis in tandem with Earth’s evolution. As your Solar system performs its cyclical dance, transformation occurs once every 11,000 Earth years through the Photon belt of our Alcyone Star,
It affects everything and every being within your Solar System.
So this Transformation is not only affecting the human inhabitants of Earth but also other intelligent beings that call your solar system home, some of whom dwell under the surface of Earth.
Amidst this celestial ballet, Earth is not the sole celestial body undergoing a metamorphosis of cosmic proportions. The journey through the Photon Belt, a passage that spans 2000 Earth years, serves to elevate Earth and its inhabitants into heightened vibrational states as they prepare to enter the wondrous realm of the 5th dimension.
At the earths distance from our Alcyone Star, she receives a continuous emanation of 5th-dimensional frequencies. This has played a crucial role in facilitating Earth’s transition into a 4th-dimensional state, laying the groundwork for her impending ascension into higher realms of a 5th dimensional existence.
Throughout history, Earth has cyclically oscillated through 4th-dimensional vibrations every 11,000 years, but the current epoch marks a unique and pivotal shift as Earth is poised to transcend into the 5th dimension under the divine guidance of the Prime Creator.
The primary objective of this grand cosmic decree is to uplift Earth and humanity from the lower densities of existence, heralding the dawn of a new era as you continue your ascension into realms of higher Light and consciousness. This monumental transition also signifies the liberation of humanity from the grip of dark forces that have long sought to impede your spiritual evolution.
It is of utmost importance to acknowledge and understand that Earth’s vibrational state will continue to ascend higher in frequencies, necessitating a corresponding elevation in individual vibrations as well. Embracing receptivity and openness entails aligning one’s life with the frequencies of Love, Compassion, Care, Giving, and Oneness, harmonizing with the cosmic symphony of transformation that is sweeping your solar system.
We Love you, and are here with you.
We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.
Pleiadians of Alcyone.
Chellea Wilder


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The Eclipse Intensity Has Arrived

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on October 3, 2024


TLast evening’s reported “X.6-Class” solar flare has been reported by world Physicists to have been larger.

It was an “X7.15-Class” solar flare, and a coronal mass ejection (CME) is headed for Earth with expected arrival by October 5th or sooner.

The “Schumann Resonace” is tremendously charged-up, and Earth is reverberating from the “X-Class” flare.

Early this morning there was a strong “M.3-Class” solar flare, and our Sun has energy for more higher “X-Class” flares.

There have been thus far 130 earthquakes around the world in the mid to upper “4s” and mid “5s” in magnitude in the past 24 hours, but a big “6.6” magnitude quake has occurred in Tonga.

Even though quakes in the “4s: and “5s” are considered medium in strength, they can still cause damage to the ground and to buildings, and when they constantly occur at these strengths in certain areas (such as what is happening in the state of California in the USA), it is like one rather huge quake toppling a specific area.

Any quake that is over “6.0” is very powerful, and certainly those quakes that are in the “7s” and above in magnitude can be horrendous.

With the strongest “X-Class” flare of this solar cycle having occurred, and with the CME that is on its way, more quakes above “6.0” are not out of the question.

With today’s “Solar Eclipse” being an annular one indicating that a ring will be around our Sun, and it will not be totally covered as it was in April this year that received mainstream news coverage with people coming to the USA from all over the world to see it, it still is powerful because it is arriving on the heels of the Equinoxes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Equinoxes plus eclipses (there was a “Lunar Eclipse” on September 17th or 18th in terms of time zones) create very intense cosmic events such as extremely large solar flares and CMEs.

Also, comets seem to be more plentiful traveling through the cosmos at these times, and they too create planetary events.

This eclipse will primarily hover over the Pacific Ocean and the southern region of South America. However, its energetics will affect the entire globe.

Many people are reporting not having slept well last night with either being wired-up when trying to sleep or drifting off to sleep but continually awakening and struggling to get back to sleep or experiencing total insomnia.

The current energetics and those yet to come can also make people anxious, nervous, restless, and to also have headaches and dizziness that are either mild or major. There can also be clogged sinuses, tired and blurry eyes, physical exhaustion, ringing in the ears, sore throats, feeling as if a cold is coming on, and rapid heart rhythms. There are two aspects to these experiences.

On one hand, they are due to the profound proton charges coming through the depleted planetary protective shield — the magnetosphere — which pummel our planet as well as human physical vessels, emotions, and mental states; and on the other hand, they are because of the intense cellular cleansing that is happening to our planet and humanity in preparation for more doses of elevating LIGHT to have a smoother “ride” due to cleaned-out cellular records with new cells being created at the same time.

With the “Solar Eclipse” also comes the “New Moon” which will arrive at 2:49 PM (EDT). Twenty-four hours before a “New Moon” is known as “The Dark of the Moon” which began for this lunar cycle at 2:49 PM (EDT) yesterday.

This is a time when lunar light is not visible—like being in a room that is completely dark.

It is advisable not to engage in major activities at this time. Allow our Moon about two days to begin to increase in its power to Earth.

This is another reason why people may feel “out-of-sorts” today.

Lunar energy governs human emotions as well as biological processes. Thus, “The Dark of the Moon” is a time to do as little as possible relative to outside activity, and instead, to obtain more rest and relaxation — especially since the “Solar Eclipse” is today.

Of course, with our world being one of haste and continually having to do and go, most people will be sluggish as they engage in their daily responsibilities.

Those persons who are aware of the cosmic energetics — particularly the power of the “Solar Eclipse” — will know how to handle daily obligations without incurring stress.

Realize that with the very powerful “X7.15” solar flare and the coming CME, there is increased radiation — much of which is coming from, as earlier stated herein, the protons surging through the magnetosphere which initially hover around it, then zoom through it, and finally press into it and envelop it.

When positively-charging protons are more prevalent than negatively-charging electrons, they penetrate and alter human cells, muscles, glands, tissues, etc. and affect the nervous system: central, sympathetic, parasympathetic, and autonomic.

When we have more electrons, the immune system is strengthened as well as the brain and other muscles, glands, tissues, all parts of the nervous system and every cell.

Our Sun can give us the “nutrition” we need even though it too delivers some protons to Earth.

Yet, it also contains wonderful amounts of electrons, the vitamin called “Vitamin D”, and other necessary substances for our welfare.

However, it too is being affected by the protons coming from outside of our solar system which push through our Sun and into our planet.

This is why it is vital to be spiritually-focused because in doing so, we are drawing down a SOURCE FREQUENCY that is healing and protective as our planet moves through the challenging situations of this space/time continuum.

As Sri Baghavan Krishna taught and which has been mentioned many other times: “Those who preserve the Dharma are protected by the Dharma”. To also reiterate a powerful teaching that has been discussed in previous articles and is worth mentioning again as current cosmic events are so intense: “At the end of the age, there will be signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars” (Yeshua Ha Messiah [called “Jesus” in Latin]).

So, be aware that we are moving through erratic times, but we are also being blessed to anchor to SOURCE LIGHT if we choose to do so. Use your free will wisely.

The “Solar Eclipse” is an opportunity for new starts in various ways after having released what is no longer advisable to continue doing which was the message of the “Lunar Eclipse” in September.

If you have your natal chart, observe in which astrological house the “Lunar Eclipse” took place in September. This is where a release of some type was/and is necessary.

Then observe where the “Solar Eclipse” is going to be in your natal chart. This is where new starts should be worked on.

For example, if the “Solar Eclipse” is going to transit your tenth house which deals with career and public image, you may gain some sort of great recognition for efforts that have been being made for a long while. The “Solar Eclipse” will be in the sign of Libra.

So, see where Libra is in your chart. The opposite sign to Libra — Aries — is where letting go of something is required in order to receive the blessings of the “Solar Eclipse”.

However, remember to also look at the house where the “Lunar Eclipse” occurred. It was in Pisces. This house also deals with what must be released.

Remember that both equinoxes and eclipses have an approximate six-month vibration. So the letting go as well as the new starts may take about six months to manifest completely.

In terms of the global situations, impulsivity, quick anger, erraticism, and warfare (Aries) will pick-up speed unless righteous leaders take wise action (also the potential of Aries).

The scales of justice (Libra) will need to be balanced as karmic consequences take place.

As always, the best way in which to navigate personal, community, national, and global affairs is with prayer and meditation.

SOURCE, is thus, always the best guidance because it is where you are tuned-up. It is your HIGHER SELF.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Great Power Unleashed: Magnetic Storms

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on September 3, 2024



As suspected would happen this weekend, our Sun has unleashed a very strong “M.5-Class” solar flare this morning (EDT), Sunday, 9/1/2024; and thus, the new month of September has begun with gusto!

Further, solar winds are currently blowing at 405.6 km/s.

Proton plasma is extremely moving into the magnetosphere which has initially charged into our Sun which has handed them off to our planet Earth.

A “G1” level geomagnetic storm occurred on yesterday.

The Schumann Resonance has been blasted with these cosmic occurrences and will likely continue to be so.

Higher “G” level storms are possible — “G2” or even “G3” as events continue. Also, Pluto has now retrograded back into Tropical Capricorn (until November 20th), and what Capricorn governs will now begin to have intense situations occur as Pluto brings profound unsettling transformations, and to review these, they are: corporate structures, businesses, politics, social agencies, educational institutions, the military, and the police.

Since Capricorn is an earth element sign, more powerful earthquakes can also occur. With Capricorn on the second house of the USA natal chart, and with the second house governing economics and material possessions, economic issues will be at the front of mainstream news discussions, and the entire world will be affected by what occurs in the USA.

Also by November 20th, the USA will have a new President (or an old one) who will officially be sworn-in on January of 2025.

People are bracing for social unrest regardless who moves into the White House, and around the world, people are protesting about their own political concerns such as the conflict between Israel and Hamas and Ukraine and Russia.

Many people around the world who are elevated in consciousness (or who are steadily wonderfully elevating) have shared that they have a sense or an intuitive feeling about some sort of possible impending global situation that will require careful focus on how to survive and thrive.

It could be something generated by mankind or some sort of major cosmic event. It could be something that mankind indeed orchestrates that the cosmic forces will react to with intense clearing and cleansing actions.

There have been times, for instance, when trusted mainstream scientific organizations have predicted calmness in the cosmos and thus on Earth, and suddenly there has been an unexpected tremendously powerful geomagnetic storm at levels of “G2”, “G3” and above which have caused storms, floods, earthquakes, etc. as electromagnetism in the cosmos connects with the electromagnetism of Earth.

It has been mentioned in previous articles that prior to the beginning of a new era, ancient texts warn that there has always been a global cataclysm. (Some people are awaiting what is being called “A Great Solar Flash”).

However, such events that are cataclysmic do not have to keep happening as the ages shift. It takes a great percentage of humanity to awaken to righteousness.

Will this occur in this “Now”? Only watching and waiting will give us the answer.

Although humanity should certainly not be in panic mode, it is best, however, to store-up on vitals such as food, water, wellness supplements, keep vehicles in working order and filled with gas, etc. because there may be a need to either evacuate certain areas or to shelter-in-place.

Many people do not believe in preparing for emergencies. They just believe in prayer, and although I am definitely a big proponent of prayer and meditation, I am also very practical.

I realize that SOURCE has gifted all of us with free will, but many persons are not using it wisely in this era of chaos which has been referred to many times (“Kali Yuga”).

Unwise usage of free will has caused wars, environmental poisoning, hatreds of various groups, vile scientific experimentations, development of dangerous drugs that have horrendous side effects, and other terrible actions.

Thus, being spiritually-oriented also requires being realistic.

Let us continue to pray for peace, joy, abundance, and all wonderful things to occur on our planet — while at the same time — we use our “Divine Sense” and make sure that we are properly “insured” with our vital needs as we go about our daily activities. We must always, therefore, stay in the LIGHT!

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Be Gentle with Yourself

By Judith Kusel

Posted on August 27, 2024


We are in an intense time when the cosmic energies plus the solar flares, plus the energies released from both earths, are rising into crescendo, plus other cosmic events which are simultaneously occurring.
Yes, it is all happening at once, and not on visible levels so much, as on invisible levels and as our soul never sleeps (even when we are supposedly asleep) our soul is constantly briefed by our higher guides and Ascended Masters as to what is happening on universal and cosmic scale.
It is time to be gentle with yourself. To let go of all expectations of how things should be, ought to be, need to be, and this includes yourself.
N0-thing is ever going to be the same, for it is not meant to be the same anymore. It all changing form, and what appears to be solid, is not solid anymore. All is shifting form.
Yet, as our vibrational frequencies rise and as we morph from density into the light-filled new forms, we need to be patient with the process. I am always being told that if the changes happen too quickly, our physical forms will disintegrate completely, and so the energy shifts are geared to help our bodies to cope. Yet, it also depends on our emotional, mental and spiritual states as well, for they all are one single entity.
It is so necessary to not only make sure that you clear your energy fields every single day, morning and night, and add extra light bubbles in and around you, to help you to cope and not take in energies into your own fields which are not yours.
Be careful what you are watching, what you are listening to, and what you read – you are in sole charge of your own soul, life and well being and no one else!
There are many things now happening on earth which are not broadcast, and yet at a deep level we are tuning into it all. And that “tuning in” is what will become the norm now, and this from the heart center, which always KNOWS for it can tune in multi-dimensional and as our own light quotients increase, the more tuned in we become.
Listen to the feedback that is given by what you are tuning into and trust it implicitly and go deeper within and stop listening outside of yourself. All you need to know is already there within you.
Yes, it is challenging at times, yet there are simultaneously so many miracles happening, all at once!
With challenges always come simultaneous support, for life strives for BALANCE!
What a time to be alive and being able to experience and witness this unprecedented event unfold!
Remember that the open heart and love is the central unlocking key to the visible and invisible and All That Is, as is the your own soul.

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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