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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Creators Are Calling You

The Creators (12D)

A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 12, 2025

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
We know how precious you all are to Source, and we look upon all of you through the eyes of Source as best we can. We always seek to engage with who you really are, and we call you to the light and the love that you are by doing so. We, of course, would like for all of you to feel that truth of who you really are inside of you and then make your decisions, and then take your actions, and then write that email or send that text.
When you shift your perception of yourself and you see yourself through the eyes of Source, as best you can, you are then more likely to do so when you look upon another, and you do want to engage with the best of everyone. You want to engage with who they really are, rather than who they have been pretending to be in this life most of the time. And so, when you think of someone who is in your life, think of them in those moments when they are completely aligned, when they are in the flow, when they are being the best version of themself that they can be, and let go of the rest that is not them, that is not the true self speaking and acting in the world. Do that for them and do it for yourself and change the reality that you are experiencing in the process.
You will feel good right away. You will notice the change in how you feel by taking these simple, small steps. But then, you may wonder, ‘When will my reality change? When will my life get better?’ Be patient and know that when you do it for the reason of wanting to feel better, wanting to know and experience viscerally who you really are, then everything else falls into place for you, and it will be easier for it to do so when you’re not waiting, impatiently, watching the clock and wondering. When you are doing those things, you have shrunk back down to the pretend self, the false self, because that aspect of you, that version of you can doubt.
Stay in the knowing of who you really are and who everyone else really is for as long as you can, and you will notice the changes happening outside of you, but they will be the bonus, the cherry on top of the sundae. It is a feeling that you are after. It is always a feeling. And you can give yourselves the feeling that you are after no matter what is happening or not happening in your world, in any given moment.
Remember that, and you will feel the truth of what we are giving you right now, guiding you, showing you how it’s done and prompting you to be in that space more of the time, because as we said, we are calling you, inviting you to the light, and you know by how you feel whether you are moving in that direction. Slow down, pay attention, listen and be aware, and trust that all you ever need to do is continue moving towards the light that you are.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

The Creators (12D)


A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on January 7, 2025

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
You have engaged with the nonphysical for your entire lives. This may seem like a novel experience that some people are having from time to time, but we say to you that you need the nonphysical in order to have a physical experience. The two are not separate. It is not that you are either in the physical or the nonphysical. You are merging the two, and you are doing so rather subconsciously most of the time. Sometimes you will do it consciously, and you will have a channeling experience. Sometimes you will recognize it as a channeling experience, and sometimes you will not.
We invite you to ask yourselves how you could let more of the nonphysical in consciously. You can merge with us, with any of the nonphysical collectives that Daniel here channels, and you have your own teams, your own collectives and councils to merge with and to recognize as your family. The more you focus on becoming one with some nonphysical aspect of you, the easier your life experience will be, as a being who is experiencing themselves as physical right now. But again, you are not entirely physical. In fact, we would say you are still mostly nonphysical, and you are squeezing a portion of yourself into that dimension to give yourself a unique experience that seems very solid, very hard, and very slow to change.
If you want to change something about the physical reality, or your experience of it, you will have a much easier time of going about that by accessing more nonphysical energy. Sometimes you do it through accessing thoughts, and other times feelings or vibrations. You can always call out to us, or Source, or God, or Yeshua, or Archangel Michael, or whomever it is that floats your boat, and none of us are ever too busy to pay attention to one of you. You have our undivided attention, because we are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. We are not local. We have no body. We have no attention span. Everything is multitasking for us, and therefore we are present in every moment of every day there on Earth with you, just waiting for you to tune in to us to enjoy more of the nonphysical presence in your lives.
Let us in. Open yourselves up. Show your faith in yourselves by demonstrating that you feel, that believe, that you know, that you deserve more nonphysical intervention. We won’t interfere, but we will intervene on your behalf, and your asking is more about showing you that you have faith than it is about us needing you to ask. Open yourselves up right now and feel how much nonphysical energy is available to you, because when you do, you will receive, and you will just be scratching the surface of what is available to you at all times. That is our promise to you, and right now we are speaking for the entirety of the nonphysical collective. Very good.
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


The Mysterious Drones are not mysterious at all and not all are drones

By Matthew Ward (Matthew)

Channel: Suzanne Ward

Posted on January 3, 2025

God’s greeting; “mysterious drones”; upcoming changes; animals; volunteers; differences in physical and spirit worlds

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our great pleasure to welcome God.
GOD: My dear children, there is so much light in your world now, so much goodness, and a brand new level of excitement! Life on Earth is meant to be joyful, healthy and prosperous for all, and it will be—you are helping to ensure this!
Your new year will be unlike any other time in Gaia’s long varied history. Out of the commotion will come greatly needed changes and by year’s end, you will be astounded at the abundance of reforms your light has helped bring about. Our whole universe thanks you!
Keep shining brilliantly, precious souls, and love self and each other as I love you.       
Matthew, thank you, and thank you, Suzy.
MATTHEW:  Thank you, God, for your reassuring words.
Now we shall address the topic of numerous questions and comments—the “mysterious drones.” Your leaders who are working with extraterrestrial advisers know those are not mysterious at all and not all are drones.
The Illuminati know this too. The first objects seen were unmanned secret space crafts they sent up to get the public’s reaction as a measuring stick, so to say, for a large-scale holographic invasion. That is why a light forces fleet commander told a few of the crews in cloaked reconnaissance ships to show themselves, and several intelligence-gathering crafts, which could be considered a future generation of your most sophisticated drones, were released from the mother ship to add playfulness to the phenomenon in your skies. The commander also gave strong cautions to authorities not to fire at any light forces’ vehicle.
The Illuminati, who are those authorities, are trying to keep the lid on their sinister interplanetary space project and the very existence of extraterrestrials, so their spokespersons can only say they don’t know what the objects are, why they came or where they came from, but they don’t pose any risk to Earth. If ever the public was panicky, that feeling turned to annoyance with feeble official statements.
As interests returned to seasonal preparations and festivities, the common takeaway was, whatever those mysterious objects are, they did nothing to harm us, so let us eat, drink and make merry.
In previous messages we have said not all is as it seems. Now we say almost nothing is as it seems. Rarely does anything significant in “the news” have even a nodding acquaintance with actual happenings and there is an increase in the number of doubles and AI clones pretending to be someone who is deceased or is staying out of sight for safety.
What is authentic is, the power of love-light permeating the planet is breaking down archetypical standards to make way for new structures and systems that will well serve a newly awakened society. Governments are being reformed or replaced and new geographic boundaries being discussed will benefit affected citizens. Also on the near horizon are the emergence of truths that were covered up, often by labeling them conspiracy theories, and the exposure of the pretenders.
On the more distant horizon, the new global economy will serve all peoples and every soul will have a fair share of Earth’s resources. War-torn areas will be cleared and rebuilt so displaced residents can return home. Religious dogma and falsehoods will fall by the wayside as people grow spiritually and consciously. Cultures will preserve the finest traditions and abandon those that originated in deep third density. Mutual respect will replace bigotry, divisiveness will end as unity consciousness develops, and life once again will be in harmony with Nature. That is your world on the doorstep of Earth’s Golden Age!
Returning to the moment at hand, many of you have asked what you can do now for Earth besides “just BE.” The plight of animals and their importance in your world needs to be more widely known. Animals are souls, aspects of God just as you and we are, and many species are way-showers of unconditional love, loyalty and supportiveness. How a civilization treats all its animals determines its evolutionary status, and in this respect, Earth’s peoples need to step up and do better.
Dear ones, please don’t think we are overlooking what your light has influenced— the growing numbers of dedicated rescue groups, the thousands and thousands of families who have adopted pets in shelters, and the emphasis on protecting animals in their natural habitats. Your efforts in this regard and the light from animals’ awareness and gratitude are part of the high vibrations on the planet!
However, other situations are very disheartening, especially the inhumane conditions in which species that provide you with food live and die and the sonar testing that is so injurious to whales and dolphins, the most evolved souls on Earth. Animals taken from their families and confined in zoos, circuses or pools are sad,  lonely and desperate. A civilization that lets that widespread abusiveness exist and has puppy mills, kills animals for body parts, and uses animals in unnecessary medical and product testing is not ready to move into fourth density.
A related situation is the befouling of your oceans with myriad tons of garbage. Dreadful disrespect of Gaia’s body that also damages her sea life includes oil spills, nets that strangle marine life, toxic sewage and spray in chemtrails.
Dear family, the aforementioned situations and all others that need to be ended will be! You and previous generations of volunteers radiated the light that enabled some of Earth’s peoples to realize they have the power to change what is wrong in their world and the root of all wrong is darkness. White Hats is a recent name for warriors in the light forces that have taken on directly the captives of the dark forces, and you are the hats’ silent partners, in a manner of speaking. The love-light power of this teamwork is soundly defeating Earth’s formidable foe!
What happens anywhere in this universe affects everything everywhere else. That is why all light beings echo what God said: Our whole universe thanks you!
“What is the difference, if any, of existing in 5D and existing in the Afterlife? To me, it seems that both are the same.”  A civilization’s spirit realm is designed to provide them with the finest of what they were familiar with, so fifth density worlds and their Afterlife realms do have similarities in natural beauty, personal interests, activities, comforts and conveniences, but they also have significant differences.
Since physical worlds differ, their spirit realms do too. We shall speak about life in the many we know and occasionally a feature of Nirvana, Earth’s spirit word, that is not universally prevalent. But we begin with what is true of every spirit world: They are discarnate and residents have etheric bodies. Third density vision would not detect anything at all, but residents clearly see each other and everything else in their realms. And, when a soul in a spirit world telepathically sends images to a receiver, the soul and all surroundings appear solid.
Etheric bodies differ from physical worlds’ dense bodies in numerous ways. Incarnate souls can have sexual relationships and females can conceive and give birth. No babies are born in spirit worlds; bodies are not designed for sexual relations or reproduction.
People in physical worlds must eat to survive. Spirit world residents can drink liquids, which are eliminated as vapor through the skin, but they absorb only the essence of food because their bodies have neither the digestive nor elimination systems that dense bodies do.
After persons in physical civilizations labor long and hard, their bodies can feel exhausted and achy. Etheric bodies never tire or feel any discomfort. To maintain optimum fitness, physical bodies need to sleep daily. Etheric bodies never need to sleep.
Souls who arrive in Nirvana younger or older than 35 or so years, quite rapidly age or de-age to that prime time in a physical body and remain at that stage throughout their spirit lifetime. That is not true of every civilization’s Afterlife.
Pets and their families are reunited in many spirit worlds. In Nirvana, animals who lived in jungles, forests and prairies are tame and mingle with the other residents. All animals and people communicate telepathically, the way things were in the Beginnings on Terra, the planet later called Earth.
Planetary worlds are spheres and many include seasonal weather. Spirit worlds are amorphous and most have pleasantly warm temperatures throughout. A special feature of Nirvana lets residents who want to enjoy winter sports encapsulate a large area of snow and ice in the midst of the realm’s moderate climate, and that area isn’t visible to anyone outside of it.
In physical worlds like Earth the lengths of light and darkness vary according to seasons and geographical locations. There are no high noon sunny days or dark nights in most spirit worlds. Light glows softly during daytimes and dims somewhat in evenings, and residents can manifest whatever light they desire in their homes.
Fifth density physical worlds are in the continuum, but for planning purposes people still may use clocks and calendars. Linear time doesn’t exist in spirit worlds.
Attire in physical worlds can differ as widely as climate, season, culture and current fashion. Residents of Nirvana usually wear sandals and lightweight white robes with white, gold or pastel sashes or cords. That attire or other comfortable casual styles are common in spirit worlds.
Love in a physical world varies from parental love to “being in love” with its strong sexual attraction and possibly heartache, infidelity and disappointment. Love in spirit worlds is uniformly pure, without conditions or deviations, and the high vibrations of love permeate those realms. Love bonds from other lifetimes take precedence over legal partnerships in the immediate past lifetime.
In a physical world people concentrate on acquiring knowledge and honing talents and abilities for use during the lifetime. Most people in spirit worlds also like to study, but they use newly-acquired information along with experience and knowledge gained in other embodiments to plan their next lifetime.
Beloved sisters and brothers, life is glorious in 5D physical and spirit worlds! If you enjoy envisioning yourself living in those environments, do so of course, but please live every day to the fullest this lifetime! Can you imagine a more meaningful, fulfilling, unique experience than participating in a universally unprecedented multidimensional effort to liberate a civilization from eons of darkness? We cannot!
Light is flooding Earth and steadfastness in your mission is part of it. All light beings in this universe honor and support you all along your Earth journey.
Suzanne Ward


Compiled by from: 
On the blogs:

My notes: 


New Year’s Eve Energy

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on January 2, 2025


Two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are heading for Earth with expected arrival between some time today — New Year’s Eve — or tomorrow. Geomagnetic (radiation) storms are also expected to occur at “G2” or “G3” levels — thus being quite powerful.

Geomagnetic storms are usually rated as either being “G1”, “G2”, or “G3”.

However, there have been times when they were beyond these ratings and were given levels of “G4” and “G5”.

Consequently, in actuality, even though geomagnetic storms have mostly been from “G1” to “G3”, on rare occasions, they have had to be rated higher.

This occurred in May of 2023 when radiation reached “G4” and “G5” and received the attention of mainstream news.

Radiation comes from both our Sun and from outside of our solar system (what is called “deep space”).

Among other things sent forth, our Sun gives-off both negatively-charging electrons, positively-charging protons, and zero-charging neutrons.

The zero-charging neutrons, however, act like positively-charging protons when negatively-charging electrons are depleted.

For over 200 years, the magnetosphere of Earth has been damaged which has allowed the penetrating, altering, positively-charging protons from deep space to surge to Earth on an almost daily basis.

This has caused the zero-charging neutrons to behave as if they too are protons.

Electrons are harmonious. They strengthen the immune system; they balance hormones; they strengthen muscles, joints, and nerves; they activate the spiritual frequencies of our pineal gland; and they have many other wonderful wellness actions.

It is the positively-charging protons that are troubling because they can cause physical, emotional, and mental imbalances rather than add to the clearing of cellular debris and the bringing of illumination.

This is why the proliferation of dangerous technology and the tampering with natural forces is unwise.

However, SOURCE is sending massive amounts of LIGHT in various ways to our planet and throughout our galaxy to undo what mankind has unwisely done via disharmonious thoughts, feelings, words, and actions — all of which have atomic particles that can manifest as material experiences.

In other words, all of these aspects of humanity constitute a level of consciousness .

To reiterate previous information, SOURCE has created a system whereby even though humanity has been given free will, when that free will is activated in ways that are harmful to the planet and to the righteous who live on “Her”, certain energetics are allowed to occur to shine LIGHT upon what needs correcting, to offer guidance, and to heal and protect the righteous. However, people must “choose” righteousness.

SOURCE does not bless unrighteousness.

Instead, there is a price to pay, a consequence to experience. When those consequences become such that innocent people are caught-up in the chaos of them, then there is more planetary upheaval in the form of storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, strange temperature changes, volcanic eruptions, and not allowing technology to properly work as mankind intends for it to do. This forces a paying of attention to DIVINE LAWS.

Remember the biblical verse: “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. We are entering the era of “Dwarpa Yuga”.

It is not coming without major cosmic happenings. Many more people are due to awaken in “Dwarpa Yuga” in both intellectual and spiritual ways.

There will still be others, however, who will be incapable of awakening by their own choosing — either consciously or unconsciously.

As you celebrate the new year this evening, think about humanity’s future.

During the festivities, someone should guide the guests in prayer.

Perhaps the announcement of prayer time could be the biblical verse: “BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!”

Even now, as you finish reading this, bow your head, take a deep breath, and in your own way, ask SOURCE to bless all creation.

One of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) has arrived as of early this afternoon (EST).

As earlier reported, intensified cosmic events will occur to Earth and creation.

The second CME is now quickly heading to Earth.

The planetary magnetosphere is now completely being pressured with dense ionizing particle plasma — most of which is from deep space as protons.

Energetics will increase over the next several days requiring that close attention be paid to grounding practices.

Our Sun is poised to unleash “X-Class” flares.

Geomagnetic storms — as reported this morning — are expected in either the “G2” or “G3” category.

Enjoy New Year celebrations, but also nurture yourself.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Move Closer to Source with this Simple Non-Action

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 23, 2024

Credits: Reddit
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We welcome you to join us in our celebration of consciousness, of existence. It is enough to exist. It is enough to be. Everything else is a bonus, the icing on the cake as you might say. You are not there to experience perfection; you are there to experience everything, to exist in everything. If you can accept everything as it is, you can begin to get closer to Source. Source not only accepts everything as it is, Source loves everything as it is and knows that Source is everything that is. Therefore, acceptance is the first key step for all of you there on Earth, a place which has been disparaged by many, but it is a wonderful place to exist, a wonderful place to be, and there is much on your world and within yourselves to love.
If you find it hard to love this over here, then please do turn your attention away from that and put your attention on what is easiest for you to love in the moment. That’s where it serves you to put your attention. A lot of people there on Earth feel that it is their job to fix a broken planet, to only be about fixing what is wrong within themselves. But we say to you that everything is evolving, ascending, becoming more of Source in every moment, no matter what. There doesn’t need to be a repair done on this or that. What is needed is the acceptance that will lead to the love that will put the being doing the accepting on the path that brings that being closer to Source in every conscious moment.
You are also there to consciously create. And so, whatever you don’t love, whatever you deem to be inappropriate or unacceptable in some way, is also there as a catalyst to you. Necessity is the mother of invention, but so is annoyance and frustration. As long as the inventor is able to take their attention off of the problem, that which they deem to be broken, they can benefit from that experience and move towards what they have created. You are all inventors; you are all creating all the time, but not always experiencing that which you create. And that’s where we come in. We here to help you, to guide you towards your creations. We are here to teach you how to manifest what you have created. That’s right. You must manifest it in your experience in order to fully enjoy it.
Certainly you can start enjoying anything you have created if you believe that it is created, that it’s out there and that it has your name on it. But to fully enjoy your creation, you want to experience it. And you are all co-creating so much there on Earth at this time, and those of you who are awake can move towards those creations more consciously because you know the secrets of the universe. You know how. You know that you need to relax, to let go, to focus and to let in. You know that not everything is accomplished through action, through hammering away at something, or even through voting.
And when you know that you are the creator of your experience, then you can let everyone else off the hook and you can let go of the idea that you are a victim of someone who is more powerful or more important than you. And that’s when you end your suffering and end human suffering. That’s when you all claim what you have created as your own because it is yours, and it is time for you all to step into the role of master manifestor. As you master manifestation, you bring so many others along. You become the leader and the teacher you were born to be, and you can celebrate yourself right now, because you exist to be that.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



A First Time Experience for Humans

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 14, 2024

Credits: Reddit
Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We see you as you truly are, and we hold that vision of you for you, but also for ourselves. We only feel the way that we want to feel when we see you as perfect, as Love, as Source. When we see you as beings who have decided to lower your vibration enough to have the Earth experience, we feel proud of you. Therefore, when you all wonder why so much interest is taken in all of you there on Earth, remember that when you are experiencing anger, hate, frustration, loneliness, and despair, these are not reflective of who and what you really are. They are temporary experiences that feel so all encompassing that you take them on, and you assume they reflect something about you as an individual. This is also true of the actions you’ve taken that you regret, that you might call a mistake or a sin.
As much as you attempt to define yourselves by what you’ve done, whether it be good or not so good, that’s not who and what you really are, and it’s not what we’re focused upon as we gaze upon any of you. We see the spark, the Creator, the Love, the joy, the peace, and the excitement that is still inside of each and every one of you, no matter what your life circumstances are in this moment, no matter what you’ve been feeling about yourself, about others, and about your life. You still are that which you truly are, and we focus on that because we are of greatest service to you when we do, but we also want you to know that we would feel so very terrible if we were to ever agree with you that you are unworthy or a sinner. And so we choose not to, and we invite you to join us in this vibration.
It is the vibration of wellness and it is the vibration of all-encompassing love. We invite you to join us here because it serves you well to do so, and also because you are of greater service to all of your fellow humans when you drop all of the judgments, all of the fears and all of the resentments, and you be more like the master that you truly are and feel the difference in how you feel when you do. That feeling is enough to get you going back again and again to those beautiful, expansive feelings that we get to experience all the time. And yes, we know how fortunate we are to be able to exist in this state and in this dimension, and we want you all to know that there’s an aspect of you that is here with us at all times, that we also interact with, and it helps us to know the true you in doing so.
Now, please do accept our invitation to see yourselves as perfect, as Love, as Source, and to see all of your fellow humans as the same, regardless of what they are doing, saying or believing, and you will transform everything by transforming you into what you always have been. You are there to remember that and to experience it for the first time under the set of circumstances you are currently living, and that’s exciting. That’s why all of this is and all of us are, and we want to play together in peace and harmony in this entire universe, with all of its many moving parts.
That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.
Daniel Scranton


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Let Go of Resistance

By Archangel Gabriel

Channel: Shelley Young

Posted on November 7, 2027


Dear Ones, resistance is the number one cause of discomfort in your lives.
Resistance is an attempt to fight the flow, to deny where your soul is trying to take you, and to choose constriction over expansion.
So what do you do about it? The first thing you need to do is to identify that you are being resistant. Whenever you are uncomfortable, in fear or doubt, or attempting to control or effort you way through something that is not being energetically supported, you are being resistant. Being aware of how you are feeling is the first step.
Once you have identified that you are indeed trying to navigate your life through a space of resistance, there are many things you can do to shift out of it. Surrender is the most effective tool to move from resistance into movement again. Meditation is helpful to move you back into faith and trust, and the alignment of surrender and acceptance.
Asking your guides and helpers to show the way is also an excellent method to get back in the flow. Giving your fears or worries over to Source, or using an affirmation such as “God is guiding me” is effective because not only does it indicate your intention to move beyond your concern, it is also utilizing the assistance that is always available to you. Gratitude is also a wonderful tool to use, as you cannot resist and appreciate something at the same time.
More and more you will come to understand the profound importance of the element of acceptance as your move forward in the new energies. Realizing there are a myriad of ways to shift out of resistance into acceptance will allow you to navigate and co-create your life with far more mastery, grace and ease than ever before. In fact, we encourage you to experiment and find the methods that work best for you, that bring you relief and you find most enjoyable to use, so you will naturally want to use them when required.
Shelley Young


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?




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Short Situation Update and Workshop in Taiwan

By COBRA ~ The Portal

Dated November 4, 2024

There is a lot happening behind the scenes that can not be reported yet, but I will be able to release much more intel in a few weeks when certain situations stabilize.
The Source (the Absolute) is continuing to sublimate the Lurker, and during the course of 2024 the Lurker lost more than 50% of its power.
In the subquantum field, the Absolute is creating a network of subquantum emerald green Light that is getting stronger day by day and will eventually transmute the critical mass of the Lurker and of the primary anomaly, enabling the Event.
The Light forces have communicated that they have received the final timeframe within which the Event will happen, and there will be no further delays from that. They will NOT communicate that timeframe for security reasons.
The time between now and the closing of the 11:11 doorway on November 22nd is the time for deep spiritual transmutation:
In September, the Aldebarans have contacted certain world leaders, and the world leaders have not been open to cooperation. This was the last negotiation attempt, and since then, positive Aldebaran, Andromedan and other agents in their humanoid physical bodies are infiltrating the surface society.
The purpose of the first phase of this infiltration is to bring deconfliction to war zones, and to reduce the amount of violence on the surface of the planet with advanced quantum technologies:
They are supporting the positive military in Pentagon, to avoid escalation in Ukraine:
The dark forces are still trying to escalate the situation in the Middle East just before the US election:
URGENT UPDATE November 4th: just before the US elections, the situation in the Middle East has a potential to escalate drastically:
Therefore the Light forces are asking as many people as possible to join our meditation for peace in Middle East every 4 hours:
You can also purify the United Sates with the Violet flame in the next few days, to remove negative emotional charge from the US election process, if you feel so guided.
The Dragon wind begins to blow:
The New Renaissance is about to begin:
And to begin the preparations for the monumental year of 2025, you are more than welcome to join us on December 7th for the 2025 Portal workshop in Taiwan:
Victory of the Light!

Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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More People are Awakening Every Day

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on October 31, 2024

More People are Awakening Every Day - The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - channeler of aliens
We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
We are very pleased with the way the consciousness is shifting there on planet Earth, and we want you to know that the ripple effect is felt throughout the universe every time you make a choice that supports the greatest and highest good of all. You are shifting the consciousness of the entire universe every time you even hold the intention for the greatest and highest good of all, because in that moment you are in alignment with Source. We are all seeking to experience more of that alignment with Source, because as extensions of Source, we are capable of so much more in that alignment.
There is a need of course for each individual within the universe to be making choices that reflect the truth that we are all one. And so, when one of you makes a choice that is a clear reflection of that truth, you are helping to up-level the consciousness, and you are more powerful in your intention. Some of you may not know what to do at times, and in that not knowing, a good choice for you to make is then to simply set the intention that you will do what is for the greatest and highest good of all.
You can also set the intention that you will receive inspiration to do what is for the greatest and highest good of all. Now, as we said in our opening statement, we see more and more of you doing this and we want you to trust in that process. We want you to have faith that what you are doing is enough. And so, we want you to understand that simply by holding that intention, you are doing much for the entire universe. You do not have to reach every person at the level of their mind and change their mind. And so, you do not have to write that best-selling book or have that YouTube channel that reaches millions of people in order to have the impact that you want to have.
Change your own mind. Change your point of focus. Become more optimistic about the future for humankind, and you will be aligning with Source and with that timeline. You have the ability to put yourself on a timeline that is best for all of humankind, and is also pretty good for you, because what is best for them is also very good for you. And that is due to the connection that exists between us all and between all of you on Earth in the physical.
Don’t think for a minute that you have to do something huge in order to have a huge impact on your reality. Do what you can and what feels good to you, and recognize that it is your intention and the energy you infuse into that action that is of utmost importance. You as an single individual do affect the whole, and the more of you who are awakening every single day, the more that effect is a positive one and the closer we all move towards the completion of the ascension of this entire universe.
It is a large undertaking, and yet every little bit helps because of the ripple effect, because you affect everything and everyone in the universe with each moment, with each thought, with each intention, and of course with each action. You all sometimes get hung up on the actions and think that you have to take an action that is so big that you can see the ripple effect. Our advice to you is to feel for the energy you are putting out into the universe and know that it is affecting everyone with its vibration, and that truly is how you can be of service and be a part of the ascension of humankind in a conscious and deliberate way.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Quantum Universe, Science, and Spirituality

The Creators (12D)


A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on October 30, 2024

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 
We are here to awaken within you that which was always there, but that which has not yet been known by your physical minds. We would like to broaden your minds by helping you with your concepts of self, of world, of Source, and of others. And as you shift these concepts, you shift who you are in the world, how you act, what you think, and what you say. And that will change your lives for the better. It will also give you a truer picture of the reality that you are experiencing.
Science has been doing this for quite some time by showing you all the things that you could not possibly see with your own two eyes. Science is helping you to understand the quantum universe and how those sub-atomic particles are behaving. And you are noticing that there is a link between science and spirituality. In other words, the objective world that is measurable is coming together with the world of metaphysics – the world that seeks to understand the unseen and the unknown. And as you bridge that gap, you come to recognize that everyone is really talking about the same thing. Why do we exist? How did we get here? And how can we maximize this opportunity of being here? Now everyone goes about that in different ways, because everyone has a different path, a different plan for themselves and for that life they are living.
You all get to decide more now than you ever have before what your path is. You get to determine what your life can be about as you stretch your consciousness and your imagination to include more possibilities for you. You are awakening to the truth of your own power, and that is a very important truth for you to awaken to, because thinking of yourself as just a lowly human who is on Earth to somehow impress God, some supreme being outside of you, is not a very fun or healthy way to live your life. It diminishes you as an individual with free will.
You have this immense power to create, and you are creating because of Source, but you are also creating within Source, and you are using your consciousness to move those sub-atomic particles around in a way that is most pleasing to you. You also get to use your free will to determine how you look at each particle within this universe of ours. You get to try on different perspectives and choose the one that best suits you in the moment, and when you can see that everyone else doing that is not a threat to you, then you can truly live and let live. You can be the creator of your own reality and allow everyone else do the same, knowing that all is well and all are truly safe because all of this is happening inside of a gigantic Being of Unconditional Love.
Now, when you are awake to all of that you can get through life’s challenges in a very joyous way and in a way that also has the side effect of inspiring others, empowering others, and you can live in a universe where everyone is marching to the beat of their own drum and doing so with a skip in their step. And you can be inspired by others as well when you see them as powerful beings of Source Energy who are co-creating experiences with you to further the expansion of Source.
So if you are looking for a Theory of Everything, we think that one is pretty good, and we think you don’t have to complicate it any more than your minds are capable of doing. We want you to enjoy this life, and in order to do so, it is helpful to know who you are and how it all works. And we and others like us will continue to do our best to convince you that you are capable of so much more and that this universe responds to your every thought and every desire. 
We are The Creators, and we love you very much.
Daniel Scranton 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Codes Flowing Into our Core

By Jenny Schiltz

Posted on October 22, 2024

I had a profound dream the other night. In the dream, I was working with galactic beings. I was sharing with them that I have been having issues with my ears, sinuses, and hips.
This beautiful lion being came up to me and put her hands on my head. She gently adjusted my cranial bones. She told me that this time period in the ascension process is impacting the physical in ways not previously seen on this journey.
The codes coming in from the Sun, the Galactic center, and Source are flowing into our core. Into the heart of our DNA, shifting us.
Where we experience, pain or energetic congestion is where we are holding resistance, unresolved, trauma, and limitations.
I was shown light pouring into the body and hitting these dense spots. The light was a battering ram, pushing against the “black holes” in the form. The areas without the black holes allowed the energy to flow through unhindered. A smooth energy flow shifts the person subtly, layer by layer with greater ease.
When one has an energetic black hole in their form, the light comes in chipping away at it. As it does, it works to expose the root cause of the dense parts. This can create a physical manifestation of pain, injury and illness.
Deep within our body we have stored the record of it all. We are being asked to let it all go now. To allow the light to fully penetrate our being.
Pain or Dis-Ease is drawing our attention, like a beacon saying “Hey! Look here! There is something that can no longer be ignored!”
It’s not just the physical level that is being hit. Some are experiencing deeply buried memories arising from this and other lives. Some are experiencing events in the outer world, that are triggering the deep wound, the hidden pattern. Some are experiencing incredible grief and sorrow.
Now is the time to ask it ALL “What are you showing me, about me?”
When we are not “getting the message”, it will play out in scenarios around us. It’s much easier to see the pattern, the resistance, the hidden subconscious in others than in ourselves.
When you see something in others, it’s a wonderful opportunity to say “Where am I holding onto or creating something similar in my life?”
It was then shared with me that the intensity of this process is amplified for the ones that are working towards full embodiment.
This grouping is finding that they are once again thrown into the tsunami of change.
Not everyone is experiencing this right now. I often joke and say that we can’t all be crazy at the same time. However, there is truth to this. As the group that is working towards full embodiment experiences amplified symptoms and radical internal changes, other awakening souls are holding the energetic foundation.
They showed it to me like flying a kite. The group experiencing the amplified activations are the kite. The next group is holding the line, while allowing more and more string to be released.
This does not mean that the group holding the line are not affected by the energies, they are, just not to the severity of the embodiment group at this time.
The embodiment group are experiencing deep activations. They are being called to step into their innate knowing and personal power. It was shown to me that the light codes coming in are essentially flipping a switch ON within the person.
The codes are the signal that it is TIME. An alarm bell has gone off.
This grouping will anchor the next layer of coding into their bodies and the earth. Deep within the body lies the codes of Purity. Within these codes lie the return of the Sacred Feminine. The Goddess is returning through each of us as we come back to the balance and purity from which we came.
For me, it’s the energy of “Mama’s Home”.
Once this grouping has made it to a level of embodiment, it creates the foundation for the group holding the kite string now to let go and fly.
It was explained that the most important task is for us to come in into cosmic resonance with all of creation. We are being asked to harmonize with ALL THAT IS, removing the separation.
This process is intense, and uncomfortable, and sometimes downright challenging. We step forward into ourselves moment by moment.
We are the ones knocking at our own door.

Jenny Schiltz



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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