Seeking truth to be Free!
Full Moon in Virgo: Restoring Faith
At present restoring faith and trust is vital; if we desire to continue within the path that we have consciously chosen and that can be challenging at times, as we progress and step away from the matrix. In a time when all we see may appear chaotic, working on the restoration of faith and confidence in our unique soul plan, in the Forces of light of the Universe and in ourselves, will make all the difference when trying to regain balance within the current turmoil and infusion of fear, as it is what it i...
The Last Year of the Winds
There was a desert wind blowing that night. It was one of those hot dry Santa Anas that come down through the mountain passes and curl your hair and make your nerves jump and your skin itch. On nights like that every booze party ends in a fight. Meek little wives feel the edge of the carving knife and study their husbands’ necks. Anything can happen.* ~Raymond Chandler, The Red Wind You can’t really imagine unless you’ve been in it. This must be true of any disaster or extraordinary situation in which humans find...
USA's both political parties are now pro-vaccine, pro-death, anti-human
USA's both political parties are now pro-vaccine, pro-death, anti-human*By Mike Adams**NaturalNews* March 1st, 2021 It's sad to say, but after the pro-vaccine stance at CPAC yesterday, we must now conclude that both political parties (Dems and the GOP) are pro-vaccine, pro-death and anti-human. Dems mass murder human beings through abortion, calling it "women's health." The GOP mass murders human beings through vaccines, calling it, "public health." Big Pharma and the global genocide vaccine industry has captured all the political leaders everywhere (with "bribes" and campaign d...
Make Your Highest Choice
Dear Ones, when things get overwhelming or confusing and you don’t know how to proceed, all you ever have to do is make your highest choice one now moment at a time. Consciously look for things you can say yes to and gratitude and forward movement will naturally follow. It may seem like you aren’t doing much with these simple acts but your energetic choices today are pre-paving your tomorrows in a very powerful way. ...
MARCH 2021. Hi my friend, It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! March will serve as a highly active month when it comes to our personal growth journey. The inner shifts we’ll experience will help us spread our energetic wings, so that we can transcend the previous limitations we’ve unconsciously created. By the end of this month, we will feel like a completely different person. During the month of March, our inner strength wi...
Project Veritas releases footage of Facebook CEO showing concern about Wuhan coronavirus jabs
Journalism watchdog Project Veritas has released footage of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressing concern about COVID-19 vaccines. A company insider sent the footage, allegedly taken from an internal weekly question and answer session. Zuckerberg’s comments in the July 2020 footage expressed clear concern about the effects of Wuhan coronavirus jabs on one’s DNA and RNA. The Facebook CEO said that time: “I do just want to make sure that I share some cau...
The Awakening Instinct Switch
Greetings. We are continuously amazed by humanity because you have a willingness to endure so much in the name of your survival, and we know that if you could take that same approach to your emotions and your spirituality, you could grow exponentially as individuals and as a collective. Wanting to survive is built in; you don’t have to be convinced that it is a good idea for you to eat, hydrate, clothe yourselves...
NY Doctor Proved Everyone Wrong About Hydroxychloroquine
Story at-a-glance - As early as March 2020, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko boasted a near-100% success rate treating COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin and zinc sulfate for five days - Zelenko has now treated 3,000 patients with COVID-19 symptoms and only three high-risk patients have died - Misinformation and outright lies were spun about HCQ, including fabricated research, in an apparent effort to suppress and prevent widesp...
US Bombs Syria And Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
On orders of President Biden, the United States has launched an airstrike on a facility in Syria. As of this writing the exact number of killed and injured is unknown, with early reports claiming “a handful” of people were killed. Rather than doing anything remotely resembling journalism, the western mass media have opted instead to uncritically repeat what they’ve been told about the airstrike by US officials, which is the same as just publishing Pentagon press releas...
Treating Your Siblings as Equals
Andréa: “When you were a child you thought like a child. When you were a teenager you thought like a teenager. As an adult you tend to look back and assess your now (full) maturity, and yet at any time during your grown-up years, you’ll see the past as the time in which you learned much. You will hardly ever look at your eternal future as periods in which you will ...
Is It the Right Person at the Wrong Time? 3 Ways to Know
Do you ever feel like you’re in a ‘right person, wrong time’ situation? Like you have a connection that seems to be something special, but the circumstances are so laughably wrong, you are convinced the universe has had a glitch in the framework? We all expect sparks to fly and lights to dim when we meet our soul mate. Sadly, the real world isn’t usually quite so romantic or dramatic! How can you know whether they are, in fact, the perfect pers...
You all Chose, with Enormous Generosity and Compassion, to be Incarnate
Humanity is very, very close to the collective awakening, and there are signs of it in many places that are uplifting the hearts of those who see them and recognize them. All is going as divinely planned, as it always does. That often does not appear to be the case because, as humans in form, you are fully engaged in the ‘game’ of separation which can be extremely painful, especially when you are in...
Middle East Power Struggle Tip of the Iceberg
By Benjamin Fulford ~ Sample of Today's Report ~ The U.S. administration learned an important lesson in real politics last week when it tried to get justice for murdered Jamal Khashoggi. What became obvious is that Western power is essentially a mendacracy or liarcracy; rule by liars. That means that if you believe the reality as described by the corporate media, you understand next to nothing. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) deserved to be publicly blamed for th...
Step Into Your New Reality
During this monumental time of change some hard and fast truths may come to you in a challenging way. The Universe is no longer asking, but insisting, that you step out of your comfort zone and into your new reality. Some things may fall by the wayside…that has always been a given. Do your best to make it graceful and easy; disengage your ego-self and surrender to the flow knowing that you are protected regardless of what comes into your existence. ...
The energy of this past weekend's Full Moon has us moving through a time of deep healing and release, which is enabling the clearing of the outdated and detrimental mental programming and thinking patterns of the past. It is these programs and patterns which keep us trapped in old wounds and negative feelings reinforcing the belief that life must be difficult and filled with suffering. As a result of these beliefs, we remain stuck in our heads and sabotage our desire for fulfilment, joy and purpose. Allowing these old pro...
In order to manifest the new, the old must be removed.
Hello, students. My, what eager pupils we have today! What bright faces! Many of you have been enjoying your night classes with me. We are and have been learning manifestation and shattering old dogmas that no longer serve your current realities and purposes. You are not your old story, or defined by it, unless of course you want to be and enjoy misery. No. You are your own ever-evolving-always-eternal story of one who is realizing their own part of the ...
The true essence of everything you see as material is in fact spiritual
Dear readers, welcome to our message that is intended to bring hope and encouragement as well as information into everyone’s increasingly deepening soul journey. All is proceeding according to plan. Never fear that the Divine plan can be manipulated or stopped by those who wish to do so for there is only One Power and that power is not effected by three dimensional conditioned activities. These are times of tremendous change in which much that...
Milky Way Galaxy Greetings, beloved humans living upon Gaia within this auspicious now of transformation. You are well loved. I am the consciousness of who you call the Milky Way. But know that my name is changing for my energy dynamics are in flux. You are aware of the Photon belt, the highly positively charged area of space that your small planet is passing through. Much like planets spin around the stars and the stars spin around their locational frequency patterns so to do galaxies spin a...