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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Gift, Part 4 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 14, 2025

On 10 January, Lightwarriors’ team heads shared further details about how the new virtual karma mechanism works (see – Gift, Part 3, DNI, 1 January 2025). Coinciding with non-stop exponentially strengthening quantum waves, Solar tempests and magnetic storms may cause a severe and very unpleasant malaise.

Briefly, recall that in these January days, all our current karma is being zeroed, our Monads are resetting, and their cores are re-formatting in compliance with the virtualization protocol. When we commit negative acts or thoughts, and consequently, the vibrations and luminosity of our Souls decrease, karmic mutations don’t occur. Instead, the program blocks and de-activates a segment of the Monads. This simulates the state that would occur if real karma was formed. And from now on, to remove it, only our Monads force us to correct ourselves or face retaliation within a very short period of time. The entire process is strictly individualized. How did this unfold in the case of the two ground team leaders?

Over the past two weeks, they have undergone accelerated adaptation to the new mechanism. It started with a harsh crash test when a karma-creating situation was triggered. They did not kill anyone, but experienced the strongest emotional turbulence and then fell into deep stress. Due to falling vibrations, virtual causal karma would have to form. But, as both Lightwarriors have upgraded their Subtle Bodies, only Monads received karmic impact.

At these highest levels, the concept of “karma” doesn’t apply, because it has no meaning. Instead, its cosmic analogue – entropy – is used. Entropy is the Universe’s single dismantling power, the opposite of harmony and order. For Lightwarriors, when commit karma-generating actions, this leads to entropy in their Higher Selves and Monads. As a result, the vibrations and luminosity of both decrease sharply, and corresponding segments of the Monads were blocked.

The uniqueness of the situation is that, unlike other people, Lightwarriors have transformed their chakral system and Monads, in which karma may appear but cannot accumulate and grow. This was the result of 10 years of intense inner work. How it was exactly? First, they united their chakras from the 1st to the 14th into a unified energy center with increased size, swirling velocity, and radiation power. Later, followed the hardest crash tests, the Monads’ ascending to their Logos, then, in the Pleroma, after this, merging and dissolving in the Absolute and unfolding back from It, bearing Its properties.

Along the way, their karma, causal and Monadic, changed. In an unstable state, the negativity was annihilated, but not immediately, but gradually. Sometimes, external intervention was required for the subsequent restoration of the Monads. In a stable form, mutation was reset quickly and without further help. In their Absolutized Monads, all mutation of any size is eliminated instantly without consequences.

This is a wonderful goal for everyone, because it is achievable if desired. And how does it end for Lightwarriors? In their Monads, the self-preservation and purification mechanisms activated instantly. The Monadic core increased the vibrations dramatically, brought them to the afterburner and then produced a powerful explosion. Segments blocked by karma were self-cleared, entropy was eliminated and virtual Monadic karma annihilated (for more about the topic, see – Our Inner Work, Parts 1-4, DNI, 3 and 4 January 2022, and 31 July 2023; Shield And Roadmap, DNI, 23 January 2023).

Such was the New Year’s gift that they received. On the level of the physical body, it was felt as a few difficult days. Despite their unique skills and experience, Lightwarriors could hardly withstand the whirlwind of vibrations, the rising body heat and heart palpitations. The destruction of Monadic virtual karma occurred by burning vital energy needed for vibes boosting. But there were no injuries or pain. There was no face hitting against the table or headfirst flying into the concrete floor ((::

This is how it should be in virtual karma format, when this substance is no longer necessary as a means of learning the correctness of life or a training program. At the same time, it’s important to understand the reasons that led to karma formation. And draw proper conclusions so as to not repeat such an action in the future. This is how this gift works.

On 11 January came info about another Christmas gift, which Lightwarriors received. On the eve of 2025, Higher Light Hierarchs and Karma Lords announced that they withdrew the ground team from 3D Matrix. Earlier, Disclosure News deeply analyzed this construct (see – DNI, New Matrix, 14 Parts). To it, a few details may be added. We got used to take 3D Matrix only as a cruel prison. In many aspects, it can be so. In more wide sense, this is a State with its laws, head and government, agents Smith and so on, brilliantly depicted by then-brothers Laurence and Andrew Wachowski in their famous film.

Yes, on the one hand, it is a system, a dynamic holographic projection of the environment and events’ scenario, given to us in physical sensations, that is an illusion. But we, our thoughts and actions are real. Absolute simply gave us a three-dimensional stage with scenery, where we, both actors and viewers, play, watch, live and gain new experiences. That’s what for we came from different worlds and dimensions to this theatre, always filled with a full house, tickets that sold for many decades ahead, and Souls’ crowded at the entrance dreaming of getting inside.

The true reality is in 12D the upper part of the matrices’ system. Each fits into another, like Chinese Balls, up to the Pleroma, with everyone in it. In all these dimensions, including 3D, there are also pockets of non-Matrix worlds living their own lives. The entire Greater Cosmos, the Source’s boundless fractals is built on that basis.

From a technical point of view, the Earth’s Matrix is a causal superstructure that works autonomously according to AI algorithms. As an operational system, it downloaded on the terrestrial Logos and establishes its evolutionary space, main characteristics, and laws: planetary constants, social laws, political and economic systems, relationships between Intelligence forms, their evolution, and much more. This is how our three-dimensional world functions.

Usually, by the term “leaving the 3D Matrix” understood only one thing – death. However, this is a false and misleading belief imposed by the System and Power Pyramid. Everyone can leave this “State” during their lifetime, having awoken and fully realizing where they are. And, when they get it, then cease to live according to the laws and lifestyle imposed upon all humanity, replacing Spiritual values with consuming ones and striving for power, wealth, personal well-being, etc.

The new gift, which Higher Light Hierarchs and Karma Lords gave to the ground team, implies that by its deeds and self-sacrificed service, from now on, all Lightwarriors are transferred to another jurisdiction. What does this mean?

(To be continued.)



 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Spark, Part 3 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 11, 2025
Many still don’t understand, why and for what the multidimensional Souls from the highest realms come to 3D Earth. What brings them to this aggressive and toxic world? As Disclosure News not once explained, there are a lot of reasons, as well as lack of insight and rejection. (See – Gap, Parts 1-3, DNI, 31 January, 5 February and 12 February 2024; Decisions, Part 2, DNI, 18 December 2024). The desire to challenge self on the toughest track…To help someone from the same Monads’ family… To go through the test again, with sharp turns and deep holes, learn and gain new lessons and experience…
There is also widespread taking that Souls are brought here by force and deceit, without revealing all the possible consequences of incarnation. But who and what could explain them? In general, everyone knew that immersed in a tight density, they would completely forget their former selves, and would have to overcome resistance of environment, adapt to it, and establish new connections, like intelligence agents in books and films.
Behind the energy Veil, which isolates 3D Earth, there is a seething life, dramatic events are happening, and the information about them is very contradictory. Those, who came “In From The Cold”, share discrepant details about it. After the incarnation ended, many Souls didn’t return, but remained here or went to other realities they created.
Of course, not all of them are discoverers sent by other space races to investigate the situation here. There are also many Souls from the highest dimensions driven by the Source’s Spark and mission, according to which they live and work. Today, they are awakening first as have a better sense and closer ties with the Greater Cosmos and One. Some compare them to probes landing on Earth, which is partly true (See – Pending, DNI, 19 December 2024).
People are especially annoyed by incorrigible idiot bloggers who constantly beat their gums that we came here only by our choice. In response, good men remind these schlubs that all the wonderful words about free will and choice freedom are bullshit, lie and a camouflage for the excuse Co-Creators and their games that went too far. That’s not a reality synopsis, just pandering and pacification to stop us fighting back… Being raped as a child or murdered in a war is beneficial for evolution? No it isn’t. It enables the Dark to continue on unpunished. It’s 2025, this bullshit of plundering and enslavement has gone on since King Narmer 5300 years ago. This is a documented plundering and captivity of humans…
Those who started these games did not pass through death and do not understand our daily problems. How could they create a food chain, in which each gobbles everyone, and persuade us that it’s our role to be eaten? This is a deeply vicious and sadistic game, where Co-Creators take pleasure in our suffering.
Indeed, those who started “this game” did not pass through death, as it doesn’t exist in their dimensions. The “food chain” was not originally conceived; it is a joint human invention or rather, our interpretation of energy exchange options. It is not necessary to devour others for life, but this is prevalent on Earth, and the parasitic races that came to Earth gave rise to this practice. They set the direction of the wave, the signal, which was then repeated many times by people. The impulse was received, absorbed and passed on by everyone, thus multiplying and spreading. This powerful pattern is still in effect, and we constantly feed it. For blocking, it’s enough redirecting it back to neutralize and extinguish. How many of us understand and do this?
Death is an emergency exit from life-game. If a person becomes bored with it, or no longer likes and feels bad about it, for that case, the delete, reload and exit buttons provided. The latter has become a main tool for some people, although there are other options, first and foremost, the awareness and overcoming the dearest selves. This is the hardest part. Instead, everyone bitches and moans: we are lured here by deception, pushed by force, and ended up on this planet without knowing why and how to play the local games.
But what does it mean “by force”? All Souls aren’t foppish, but wise sentient energy beings, the Source’s Spark bearers. How can one push another somewhere? For this, they have to capture its energy, then build a conduit, and through that channel, push the victim towards the Earth’s prison. No one can imagine how much power it would take. All Souls use their energy rationally, knowing how valuable it is and what opportunities offers. Why should they spend it to drag someone by force anywhere?
From the same genre, is the taking that we are hostages of the System and cannot get out of it, luring others here and have fun of it. In the Universe, the fun does not exist. There, everything is filled with intense work. Each the energy’s move is exploration, improvement, or creation of the new: self, worlds and fractals of the Greater Cosmos. This applies to both Souls and their manifestation bodies, placed in minerals, plants, animals, and humans. Nobody “forces” these aspects as well. Yes, their connections with the Soul are often lost. They have own consciousness, perceive the world through their senses and don’t feel selves as multidimensional integral whole. This is the main paradox.
Unlike them, while unfolding the manifestation bodies in dense layers, the Soul doesn’t cease to sense self like a single organism. For example, we have arms and legs, which are the organs of our body. This does not prevent us from feeling like an entire being. Our brain controls all of our parts, but signals from them arrive in different ways. Every organ and cell is sentient, and that doesn’t hinder us to live, walk, speak, think, and so on, but help to know selves, explore the world and get the new life experience.
The same situation is with deception. Cheating is to know one thing and say another. Building the Local Universe and Earth, the Absolute did not and could not aware of what exactly would happen at the dense levels, because each of us, their inhabitants, is creative being that has free will and choice freedom Yes, we are confined within the framework and conditions of the three-dimensional space. But everything we produce in it is our invention and result.
We received a blank canvas and asked, “What will be on it?” Co-Creators replied, “Whatever you want, you are limited only by the set of paints and size of the canvas.” And driven by own perception, we painted hell and monsters using the most sinister colors. Horrified, we said, “You deceived us. You didn’t tell us in advance that the pic would be so scary and hopeless.”
So, who are we to blame? Co-Creators? But do they poison our air, water, and soil? Do they elect our presidents and politicians? Do they make laws and wage wars? Do they trade and torture children and hooked us on adrenochrome? Everything around us, we did, individually and collectively. Nobody will ever force us to get our ass off the couch, but with masochistic pleasure we “throw in their snouts” accusations for all our crimes and misdeeds.
The same self-deception is our taking that we can’t get out of the System and its games, like flies without wings that cruel and sadistic Co-Creators ripped off, and even mockingly glued to tanglefoot. Inexplicably, we forgot that are not an insects, but a manifestation bodies of our multidimensional Souls, and now indignant about being deceived and denied any chance to escape from “this terrible prison”.
If we categorically refuse to follow our great and immortal Spark, our Soul endowed with enormous capacities, and perceive selves as helpless creepy crawlies, this does not mean that someone has limited or pinned us down. We are cosmic beings and have many ways of getting out of this 3D world. And the first step towards this is a knowing and believing that it’s not only possible but real. We have already done it many times before, but don’t recall.
Everyone lives here in very harsh conditions, but they don’t need to operate for a fall. There are always ways up, not just down. The best examples are Christ and Buddha. Though they left this world through death, it is an emergency exit for those who choose it unconsciously. Both Buddha and Christ consciously used this to return to higher realms faster after fulfilling their Missions. Later, following them, many have mastered these paths, coming back to Earth to show others, explain and help when they are ready to accept aid.
Recommendations and practices for Transition and inner work are widely available to everyone. How many of us follow them? No, we drugged selves with hopium and wait for the magical hour when miracle will happen of its own accord. This is like expecting that a kid can instantly become an adult, skipping the stages of physical and Spiritual growth in his development. The baby won’t become an adult overnight. Similarly, Transition into 4D and 5D requires growth and maturity.
This applies not only to earthlings and the planet but also to the entire Local Universe. To judge whether its results are good or bad, we need to compare it to a certain standard, which doesn’t exist. Every Universe is different, as every Absolute creates its own world, which is a manifestation of Its free will and choice freedom, gifted by the Source.
We don’t understand that the worlds’ Creators frame not details, but opportunities, i.e. development programs for all participants. Someone invented the car to travel faster than by walking. We however don’t claim that all car accidents are the fault of the engineer who built a flawed, dangerous, and vicious vehicle. The Absolute gave us opportunities, but how we use them is our personal and collective responsibility. By running atoms, we can create worlds. But our first creation was atomic weapons that could destroy the world.
On Earth, there were times, when everyone possessed creative power and realized self as a part of a large framing whole. It was a joyful epochs. And those of us who came to the planet in those days experienced what it meant to work together and individually. Each person drew own unique part of the big picture, but saw and followed the general idea, contributing the best self. It was an eternal Feast of life, Love, Light, and perfection for everyone.
After the intervention of destructive and parasitic space races, by the decision of Co-Creators, the Light civilizations left Earth. Some stayed to gain new experience in duality, some fell into decay and complete submission, losing all their former qualities and connection to the Source, their Sparks and Souls. Today, we are trying to reconnect again for returning to One, its great original plan, and our former wonderful community. For those who can’t remember true cosmic selves, this world looks a cruelest prison, into which they were forcibly put, and even don’t try or let others escape.
In one zoo, an experiment was conducted. Five monkeys were placed in a huge cage. A bunch of bananas was tied to the top grate and a ladder was attached. Hungry, one of the primates approached to get to the bait. But as soon as it touched the stairs, hoses opened above, and a waterfall of icy water poured over the entire flock. After a while, another ape tried again and a cold shower doused them all. When a third one, driven by hunger, also attempted to get the bananas, the others immediately stopped it, not wanting to get wet again. The organizers removed one of five from the cage and replaced with the new. It also noticed the fruit and wanted to eat it. But to its horror, was aggressively attacked, and didn’t dare again afterwards.
Then, according to the same scheme, another new one was put in. As soon as the ape took a step towards the stairs, even without touching them, all the monkeys, including the first one replaced, fiercely attacked the poor thing. In the end, all the simias were changed. They were not watered anymore, but never allowed anyone to even look at the bananas. Why? Because that’s the way it has been established there.
It’s about us. Weak in Spirit and with barely smoldering Sparks, we obediently accept the rules of the System without thinking about why or what for we are doing so. This is the way it is here, this is the right thing to do. Everyone is link to this patch, or rather plugged in it. Conscious and strong-willed easily block apps by overwriting their soft with a strong inner connection to the Source, and lives by the rules of One. But this requires courage, strength, and an unquenchable Spark in the Soul, which helps to resist an aggressively obedient silent majority that drags everyone back into the swamp of System.
Weak and unconscious Souls are completely dissolved into these programs without thinking or suspecting anything. Others are aware, but don’t have guts to oppose and fight. They spend their whole lives trading their Soul and body for money, glamour, and illusory well-being. For these two categories, the life is especially tough today, when the entire world of non-freedom is collapsing before our eyes. On a humbly nodding heads, it is more convenient to put a straitjacket. However, it’s their free choice and decision.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Spark, Part 2 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 9, 2025

What happens if the Soul completely rejects and wants to erase all the experience gained in incarnations, and, in this state, strives to return to the Source? On the one hand, it is a natural and constant process of coming back to its origin. On the other hand, it is not always possible, and sometimes Spark even disintegrates and disappears. And this is always a huge tragedy and loss for everyone. The Universe will never be the same as it was with the participation of this being. The world will become impoverished. It’s like taking a species of butterfly out of its life, and then the entire ecosystem starts to fall apart.

That is why, a large number of Sparks, tired of their uniqueness, take a break to make final decision: how much they want to return to the Source, or to continue their evolution. This is very common dilemma, when Souls incarnate on Earth. Determine own position. Confirm or deny the choice. Be or not to be. Create self as individuality in this Universe or quit. In oblivion, it doesn’t hurt much, although it’s dull and not so bright. ‘Whether I am a trembling creature or whether I have the right?’

How many such Souls are on Earth now? On average, 10% and about 20% more are doubters. Many aren’t interested in joyfully and proudly creating selves with every action, but strive to dissolve in some guru’s teaching or movement. They constantly repeat that the current incarnation is the last one, and they’re not going to do it anymore. Rejecting and not recognizing own experience, they cannot see themselves truly, and often have problems with sight. At the same time, a person can be a clairvoyant and a healer. But his Soul has already become hopelessly heavy, and with increasing force is pushing the Spark towards decay and disintegration. How fast does it happen?

Depending on the strength and frequency of self-denial, disruptions can last one or dozens of lives. At the same time, the Soul cannot escape from the circle of incarnations on Earth, as it has lost the desire and ability to evolve, based on all previous choices and decisions. For example, how can we continue to be selves and be proud of our eternal Spark if we have constantly betrayed and lied, hated and denied selves? If we stupidly and manically repeat: “I don’t want to remember”, “nothing interesting”, “it’d be better if this or that didn’t happen”?

There are several ways out of such situation. Namely, passing the point of no return, the disintegration of a person and the Spark’s destroying. The hard work of self-re-engineering and rebuilding. The painstaking assembly of own aspects, the elaboration of all traumatic situations, and the reassessment of personal whole life (lives) are parts of this process. Removing all the heavy fragments of experience and integrating it as an individual value in a unique pattern. Any victimhood, sort of “I unwittingly ended up on Earth, and didn’t want this at all”, “I was lured and forced into embodiment here” – block the possibility of such work. Seeing the preciousness of every incarnation is the universal key here.

Purifying and recreating the Spark looks like the perfect solution at first. But it depends on a lot of nuances. If a Soul is happy to create its uniqueness, and wants to be, the return to One is like bathing in a liquid cleansing and renewing flame. If the Spark desires, then it will simply dissolve into the Source. If the Soul is overwhelmed by heaviness and can’t or doesn’t try to integrate own experience, it may start following the opposite direction, towards its Origin. And in it, all those parts of the Spark that it no longer wishes to be will burn and disappear. Only what isn’t burning will remain.

It must be emphasized once more that absolutely all the parts, which contain the impulse, the desire to vanish and cease to be, will be removed. Will it be 100%, 90%, or 40% of the Spark? Nobody knows in advance. It will be found out only by the fact. Therefore, we can easily find selves in a completely different pattern of interests, meanings, and goals than before. The changes can be the most radical. Our Spark can be completely extinguished forever.

Before incarnation, we knew that terrestrial environment is hostile, but the memory of this gradually fades, when we immerse in the mental gravity of Earth (or of the entire Universe, if we come from outside). From the level of Spirit, we also were sure that everything will be okay, and we will certainly cope. But after embodiment, our ego and Soul often face the real hell. We are not always aware of all the hardships and pitfalls that exist on that planet, which are invisible from above due to Veil, or whose power is underestimated. It’s difficult to appreciate something you have never encountered or cannot fully understand without direct contact or immersion.

Due to this, many civilizations become stuck here in their incarnations, considering the local world to be an ordinary nursery that is not different from others in terms of the complexity. Anyway, when we come here, we can choose our role. Whether to remain creators (to the best of our abilities) or become victims of circumstances depends only on us. This is the ultimate purpose of learning. Everyone is the master of own reality.

Entering into incarnation with a burden of non-integrated experience, the Soul unfolds situations along the way. It decides to reject, as worthless, unnecessary, and meaningless, one or another track record. Each such decision is a question, addressed to the Spark. Has it indeed decided to refuse this part of self? Does it not know what value this experience has? Will it confirm the rejection at this point? The more severe our disappointment, the larger and more significant events and circumstances will be created to allow a different decision to be made. Find a way out of the situation so that we can shine brighter, become lighter, and triumphantly create new selves.

If we persist in rejecting ourselves, repulsing others and betraying them, the repetitive situations on the same topic become increasingly tough. When we cross the point of no return, self-denial materializes. The disintegration of personality occurs, first, as a cosmic entity, and then, as an earthly entity. The gradual dissolution and death of the Spark begins, which has nothing to do with returning to the Source. There is nothing left for this. It’s more like slow rotting from within.

When the point of no return is passed, former Sparks are coming under control of the Balance Service’s staff. There are a lot of them on Earth today. They witness the Soul’s free choice to disintegrate, and make copies of all the experiences that it had undergone. The harder the background, the more valuable it is. The batches are sent to Universe’s public databases. If the Spark is ancient and has gone a long way in evolution, it has a lot of unique skills and knowledge. Every experience is precious in the Greater Cosmos, even the most negative ones. They don’t shine in databases, but can be found by search engine for further use.

Some Sparks do it and even engage in a specific entertainment (or work, whichever ones prefer). In databases, they gather a collection of experiences with luminous (i.e. successfully integrated) and partly without it, and dive with it into the embodiment to “shine through” the darkest background by their own lives and Light.

This is how, for example, a disabled person achieves the highest Spiritual accomplishments that stun the entire world. Returning to the Light the aspects of skells, drug addicts, hit men, mass murderers, cancer patients, etc., demonstrate cool re-engineering solutions, and are subjects of admiration for many Sparks in the Universe. Moreover, healing own tumor paves a path for all others with similar experiences. For those who follow, it is already several orders of magnitude easier.

Sometimes, to get super capacities, it needs to become a cripple, born blind or lose sight, be paralyzed, infected with AIDS and so on. Rey Charles, Stevie Wonder, Andrea Bocelli, Freddie Mercury, Nick Vujicic, Baba Vanga, Stephen Hawking and many others are examples of such Souls. A lot of experience has already been accumulated, but not each shines and returned to the Light.

All hardships and tragedies teach us to love absolutely any our track record. The following questions may help: How has this experience changed me? What it has brought me personally? What opportunities have it opened up? How valuable is it? What it has closed for me? How to incorporate this experience into my life? Where I can invest this?

The honest answers help us to change. The experience itself is nothing. It acquires some meaning only if we upgrade selves and our destiny based on it. For comparison, the bricks scattered on the street and the house built from the same bricks are a huge difference. If we don’t know where apply and use our skills and knowledge, then why do we need them? What are we going to do with them?

These issues are fundamental. Just saying “I accept this experience, I treat it positively” won’t help at all. The right answer is: how exactly can I use the opportunities, which this experience has given me? For that, it’d be good to know what we want to be. In which direction should we evolve further? With a wealth of experience and a variety of constantly emerging chances, the possibilities are endless.

Many people disagree with this. They believe that the fading Sparks can be saved and given another alternative to develop by providing them with the necessary assistance. They disintegrate due to their inability to realize themselves. Souls have come a long way and gained experience on their civilizations’ assignments that sent them here. But while they accomplished a task, home worlds and their races left the arena and sank into oblivion, or for some reason the Spark broke off contact with the Source.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Spark, Part 1 

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 7, 2025

Who are we, where do we come from and where are we going? The start of a new year is a great opportunity to recall it. When we dive into the depths of our cosmic memory, we see selves again as fiery Sparks flying in streams along with the same ones, larger and smaller, and differ in power and intensities of glow.

The shining and magnitude of each depends on the quantity and quality of experience. From the Source’s space, filled with white milky Light, Sparks fly at tremendous speed. It’s like a child’s joy on swings and rides. There’s a sense of teamwork and adventure in the overall flow, as well as thought forms of collective cheer.

The Source is progenitor of Its Sparks in our Souls. It’s the place of residence between lives and development, with no boundaries, beginning or end. This space has no physical laws, only a Spiritual realm. Outside, it has a toroid shape, in which creation and evolution take place. Inside, this sphere contains everything: accumulated potential and energy for creating new worlds and life. Sparks move in an ascending spiral, gaining higher vibrations due to their intention to incarnate. From there, they are released.

Newly born or burdened with difficult background, Souls start from the bottom of the spiral. All communicate with each other, share experiences, shape their potential and intentions to embody, and try to create something. If a Soul lacks determination and will, it can sink even further. Assistants, enormous and powerful Light Beings, operate at different levels, helping those stuck to get higher, giving advice and guidance. When a Soul has formed an intention to incarnate, mentors and assistants contact it, offering best practices and tasks for that embodiment that is met with gratitude and enthusiasm.

After departure from the Source, young Souls descend on Earth like dandelion seeds, according to a pre-planned scenario in due time and into a pre-selected bodies. More mature and experienced Sparks can change their destination and choose where they want to incarnate. Even more powerful ones can build Galaxies, Stars and Planets and realize selves within them. At the destination point, these Sparks split like fireworks into many flashing aspects.

Leaving the Source, the Soul sees that there is more than just one sphere in interminable space, and these countless orbs form an extensive neural network. All the neurons are connected and exchange information. These “Chinese Balls” of the microcosm and macrocosm have no boundaries either, and they expand into infinite levels and dimensions.

For example, Sparks that come to Earth return to their new sphere. Each one has its own characteristics and accommodates Souls of certain qualities. After incarnation, it can move to another orb. The “customs officials” conduct a test to ensure compliance with their environment. If the guest doesn’t meet the requirements, the admission is denied, and the Soul has to find another home similar to its own vibration.

An overobstacle course is very important, programmed and provided for young Souls. They place selves in minerals, plants or animals to experience such a “simple” existence compared to human lives. After completing it, they again forced to return into such “bodies” as soon as possible. When have learned enough, they continue their evolution as earthlings or in energy form. Some choose to be a spiritual assistant to teach less experienced peers. Or go on a new journey. How does this occur?

Externally, our Soul looks like a white cellular structure, similar to a liquid white flame in a honeycomb or protoplasm that can stretch, fold or take on any shape. It glows brightly with the purity of its intentions. When the Soul is interested in an experience, it focuses on the dimension or space where can get the needed track record. The white flame extends one of its tongues, filled with Love and pure attention, illuminating everything in the world around and observing what happens there.

Then, Soul begins to weight that saw and, having made a final decision, is embodied in this place. When all lessons are learned, a white flame tongue draws back into the subtle structure, spiraling into one of the cells where experience is stored. Filled cells glow brightly, while unfilled ones shine more faintly. If each radiates intense Light, it means that all incarnations were effective. Many Souls have less than half their cells loaded.

On this level, the Time doesn’t exist, and it’s not important to the Spark how many incarnations or how many years it will take to master this or that knowledge. On Earth, many Souls often reject their experiences, especially difficult situations when what’s desired is at odds with reality, and there are lots of failures, pain and suffering in life.

In this case, the white flame tongue remains hostage to the space where the tough background occurred until the person reviews it and recognizes its value. The Soul triggers repetition of the same situation over and over in different settings. Its goal is to remove the heavy burden of negativity and fear, hate and shame, guilt, longing and despair. To make right conclusions about how the world functions in that dimension and how manifests self in these circumstances. Integrate this scene into own unique pattern.

From this point, the Soul can clearly see how precious any experience is. ABSOLUTELY ANYONE. The flower of life is interested in blooming in all possible ways to spread self in every direction. Are there monstrous pressures, darkness, and hydrogen sulfide at the bottom of the ocean? And bacteria live in this environment? Great! Radiation, heat of 80 degrees Celsius and wind? And grass grows under these conditions? Wow, how cool! Man without arms and legs, but full of joy and happiness. Wow! Millions of people with arms and legs can’t resist suicidal thoughts. Very interesting!

If the Soul does not want to accept its lessons, doesn’t see value and meaning in it, and refuses it, then the following occurs on the Subtle Plane. One of the attention rays sticks in the space of received but not taken experience, stretching in the form of plume, collecting all sorts of dirt. This makes the Soul much heavier and prevents from overcoming the mental gravity of Earth and leaving this planet.

There is a huge amount of discouraged Souls, who are lost selves and no longer interested in anything. Neither getting experience nor gaining the new skills inspires them anymore. They have not made the decision yet to curtail white flame tongue and come back to the Source, but have stopped moving forward.

Self-awareness and self-discovery are automatically embedded in the Spark. When it comes to individual maturity, understanding also comes. Illusions and ideas about own nature dissolve, and the Soul seeks a way to reconnect energetically and informatively with One. This doesn’t mean that it will necessarily return into It, although such an opportunity is provided. As a rule, the Soul will gradually reveal itself as a multi-dimensional entity, wherever its aspects are located.

Traveling through space, we willingly or unwittingly leave traces of our energy structure in it. We interact with the worlds we inhabit and, in each one, place our parts. They have their own lives and destinies. But there comes a time when we decide to bring them all back together. With lessons they’ve learned and experiences got that we want to incorporate into ourselves. However, we often encounter problems. What are they? Higher laws operating in multi-dimensional realms are distorted in other densities. Aspects of our Soul, left to explore worlds, cease feeling like parts of us. Gaining free will and action freedom, they begin independent evolution. Not everyone is ready, when we try recapturing them.

Of course, as a multidimensional entity, we can always find ways to get our aspects back, but they won’t be the same as were originally. And when embedded back into our Soul, they will bring not only the accumulated skills, experience and information, but also part of the worlds, in which were located. As a result, our primary essence undergoes restructuring and ceases to be what it was before copying.

Many of us are passionate about finding our aspects and assembling them. But carrying the Source’s Spark, the Soul quickly realizes that it is more correct to let go of its parts and not pull them and interfere with their evolution. What has gone must go its own way, and it is not true that losses are irreplaceable. We have replenished our aspects for a long time, though don’t notice it, obsessed with what we lost and preventing them from growing and slowing ourselves down.

According to the Creator, the more we give to the outside world, the more receive in return. The brighter we shine, the purer our Light is. And by dividing into copies that go to other places, we become Creators ourselves. We stabilize these realms, in which we leave our aspects. We grow through them and become parts of these worlds. We drive their evolution, and it is impossible to close it as unpromising.

The Source takes it differently, because not a single Spark has been lost. The droplets have never left the ocean of eternal Intelligence. Some fragments of the infinite consciousness simply visit this physical reality until they decide to expand their field of play. And further, it’s a matter of creativity, free will and choice freedom.

The Spark exits from the Source and begins its unique journey through the Universe, helping One to know Its creations and Self through them. From the Soul’s perspective, the experience of own uniqueness and evolution is very interesting and valuable. It self-creates in conjunction with the Almighty, as an individual consciousness. Every step and every choice shapes who we are as part of the Source and what we’ll be.

If a Soul embodied on Earth is not interested in or does not care of experiences gained, it means that it has stopped valuing its uniqueness. That is how it would say: “Enough is enough! I no longer want to upgrade myself as like no other being. I reject the results and have no desire to proceed.” At this point, reverse gravity occurs and steers towards the Source. The Soul begins striving to dissolve into One and stop its journey and evolution. What happens next?


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


What If the Meaning of Life Is in the Body?

By Julie Peters

Posted on January 6, 2025



How would your day-to-day life change if you knew your sole purpose in this life was to be in your body well?

The meaning of life is a big concept, of course, and no one has ever been able to satisfactorily answer what, exactly, it is. And yet many of us still wonder what it is we’re doing here, what our purpose is, and what we must accomplish during the short time we have on Earth.

Some believe we should pray, connect with God, and join with divinity. Others believe we must follow the rules of a religion to have a good life. Some of us believe there is no meaning; we’re just here following our animal instincts. From other perspectives, our higher self has some plan for us—but we don’t ever get to find out what the plan is.

What if the meaning of life was a little simpler than all that? What if the meaning of life is being in a body well?

Discovering Your “Spark” Through Lived Experience

The Pixar movie Soul addresses this very question through an exploration of death, the afterlife, and the before-life, when we are souls getting ready to come down to Earth and begin our lives. In the movie, Joe Gardner is a musician who finds himself suddenly dead on the very day he’s supposed to play jazz with his hero. He connects with a soul named 22 in the before-life who has no interest at all in becoming alive, and the two scheme to get Joe back into his body and allow 22 to avoid having to go through the bother of living a life.

The two work to help 22 find her “spark,” which is the inspiration with which she will live her life on Earth (so that she can give it to Joe). The two spend a lot of time trying to figure out what a “spark” actually is. Joe is sure his is jazz music, while 22 has never felt interested in any of the mundane tasks of human life. Through a series of hijinks, the two end up on Earth, with 22 inhabiting Joe’s body and Joe stuck for a little while in the body of a cat. While in Joe’s body, 22 experiences things she couldn’t in the before-life that introduce her to concepts like music, art, performance, and so on. She gets to eat pizza. She walks and feels the breeze from a subway vent. She collects a maple seed pirouetting from a tree. She listens to music, feeling the rhythm with a body she’d never had before. And, sure enough, she finds her spark.

The movie carefully avoids defining the meaning of life, but there is a moment in the movie when the beings of the before-life explain that our purpose is not about having a particular “thing” to accomplish. It’s more about the desire to experience life on Earth, in a body.

The Meaning of Life as Experiencing Your Body

Some people are so sure they know the purpose of life that they devote their entire existence to worship through abstinence. They don’t drink, barely eat, and never have sex. Most of their time is spent in deep contemplation and meditation. What if one of these people made it to the afterlife expecting a great reward, only to discover they’d gotten it completely wrong and needed to go back and try again? What if the meaning of life is about experiencing rather than denying your body?

There are plenty of theories about what happens before and after life, but the one thing we know for sure is that we have some limited amount of time to exist in a body. Even if our consciousness continues in some heaven-like place, it’s without a body that can feel pleasure or suffering. If we are reborn into endless new lives, we only get this body, this life, once.

Emotions are physical, after all. Big emotions like sadness, joy, and rage are fundamentally physical. We may have thoughts about them, but they are called feelings because we feel them. Whatever we can think or judge or imagine about our before-lives and afterlives, we likely can’t feel them.

There is a funny moment in Soul when Joe and 22 are experimenting with the different theoretical experiences that could help 22 find her spark. They come across a piece of theoretical pizza. They try to eat it, but they can’t smell or taste it, and when they put it in their mouths, the piece of pizza pops, fully formed, right back out of their behinds. They can experience almost any theoretical reality in the before-life, but they can’t smell, taste, or touch anything. These are the gifts we can only have during the short time when we exist within a body.

So, what if our work here is not so much about changing the world or leaving some type of mark, but simply experiencing the world? Having empathy, connection, loss, grief, joy, and pain? How would your day-to-day life change if you knew your sole purpose in this life was to be in your body well?

Julie Peters


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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