On 10 January, Lightwarriors’ team heads shared further details about how the new virtual karma mechanism works (see – Gift, Part 3, DNI, 1 January 2025). Coinciding with non-stop exponentially strengthening quantum waves, Solar tempests and magnetic storms may cause a severe and very unpleasant malaise.
Briefly, recall that in these January days, all our current karma is being zeroed, our Monads are resetting, and their cores are re-formatting in compliance with the virtualization protocol. When we commit negative acts or thoughts, and consequently, the vibrations and luminosity of our Souls decrease, karmic mutations don’t occur. Instead, the program blocks and de-activates a segment of the Monads. This simulates the state that would occur if real karma was formed. And from now on, to remove it, only our Monads force us to correct ourselves or face retaliation within a very short period of time. The entire process is strictly individualized. How did this unfold in the case of the two ground team leaders?
Over the past two weeks, they have undergone accelerated adaptation to the new mechanism. It started with a harsh crash test when a karma-creating situation was triggered. They did not kill anyone, but experienced the strongest emotional turbulence and then fell into deep stress. Due to falling vibrations, virtual causal karma would have to form. But, as both Lightwarriors have upgraded their Subtle Bodies, only Monads received karmic impact.
At these highest levels, the concept of “karma” doesn’t apply, because it has no meaning. Instead, its cosmic analogue – entropy – is used. Entropy is the Universe’s single dismantling power, the opposite of harmony and order. For Lightwarriors, when commit karma-generating actions, this leads to entropy in their Higher Selves and Monads. As a result, the vibrations and luminosity of both decrease sharply, and corresponding segments of the Monads were blocked.
The uniqueness of the situation is that, unlike other people, Lightwarriors have transformed their chakral system and Monads, in which karma may appear but cannot accumulate and grow. This was the result of 10 years of intense inner work. How it was exactly? First, they united their chakras from the 1st to the 14th into a unified energy center with increased size, swirling velocity, and radiation power. Later, followed the hardest crash tests, the Monads’ ascending to their Logos, then, in the Pleroma, after this, merging and dissolving in the Absolute and unfolding back from It, bearing Its properties.
Along the way, their karma, causal and Monadic, changed. In an unstable state, the negativity was annihilated, but not immediately, but gradually. Sometimes, external intervention was required for the subsequent restoration of the Monads. In a stable form, mutation was reset quickly and without further help. In their Absolutized Monads, all mutation of any size is eliminated instantly without consequences.
This is a wonderful goal for everyone, because it is achievable if desired. And how does it end for Lightwarriors? In their Monads, the self-preservation and purification mechanisms activated instantly. The Monadic core increased the vibrations dramatically, brought them to the afterburner and then produced a powerful explosion. Segments blocked by karma were self-cleared, entropy was eliminated and virtual Monadic karma annihilated (for more about the topic, see – Our Inner Work, Parts 1-4, DNI, 3 and 4 January 2022, and 31 July 2023; Shield And Roadmap, DNI, 23 January 2023).
Such was the New Year’s gift that they received. On the level of the physical body, it was felt as a few difficult days. Despite their unique skills and experience, Lightwarriors could hardly withstand the whirlwind of vibrations, the rising body heat and heart palpitations. The destruction of Monadic virtual karma occurred by burning vital energy needed for vibes boosting. But there were no injuries or pain. There was no face hitting against the table or headfirst flying into the concrete floor ((::
This is how it should be in virtual karma format, when this substance is no longer necessary as a means of learning the correctness of life or a training program. At the same time, it’s important to understand the reasons that led to karma formation. And draw proper conclusions so as to not repeat such an action in the future. This is how this gift works.
On 11 January came info about another Christmas gift, which Lightwarriors received. On the eve of 2025, Higher Light Hierarchs and Karma Lords announced that they withdrew the ground team from 3D Matrix. Earlier, Disclosure News deeply analyzed this construct (see – DNI, New Matrix, 14 Parts). To it, a few details may be added. We got used to take 3D Matrix only as a cruel prison. In many aspects, it can be so. In more wide sense, this is a State with its laws, head and government, agents Smith and so on, brilliantly depicted by then-brothers Laurence and Andrew Wachowski in their famous film.
Yes, on the one hand, it is a system, a dynamic holographic projection of the environment and events’ scenario, given to us in physical sensations, that is an illusion. But we, our thoughts and actions are real. Absolute simply gave us a three-dimensional stage with scenery, where we, both actors and viewers, play, watch, live and gain new experiences. That’s what for we came from different worlds and dimensions to this theatre, always filled with a full house, tickets that sold for many decades ahead, and Souls’ crowded at the entrance dreaming of getting inside.
The true reality is in 12D the upper part of the matrices’ system. Each fits into another, like Chinese Balls, up to the Pleroma, with everyone in it. In all these dimensions, including 3D, there are also pockets of non-Matrix worlds living their own lives. The entire Greater Cosmos, the Source’s boundless fractals is built on that basis.
From a technical point of view, the Earth’s Matrix is a causal superstructure that works autonomously according to AI algorithms. As an operational system, it downloaded on the terrestrial Logos and establishes its evolutionary space, main characteristics, and laws: planetary constants, social laws, political and economic systems, relationships between Intelligence forms, their evolution, and much more. This is how our three-dimensional world functions.
Usually, by the term “leaving the 3D Matrix” understood only one thing – death. However, this is a false and misleading belief imposed by the System and Power Pyramid. Everyone can leave this “State” during their lifetime, having awoken and fully realizing where they are. And, when they get it, then cease to live according to the laws and lifestyle imposed upon all humanity, replacing Spiritual values with consuming ones and striving for power, wealth, personal well-being, etc.
The new gift, which Higher Light Hierarchs and Karma Lords gave to the ground team, implies that by its deeds and self-sacrificed service, from now on, all Lightwarriors are transferred to another jurisdiction. What does this mean?
(To be continued.)
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- https://violet-rays.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- https://purple-rays.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- https://rayviolet11.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.