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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



Amanda Lamond, The Life of a Legal Lightworker – Part 4

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 10, 2024


Amanda and husband Nic Lamond

(Continued from Part 3, yesterday.)

We conclude our interview with Amanda Lamond of South Africa, who is re-examining and re-creating law and the legal profession.

Amanda: It was through GAOG that I understood what Ascension was, but it was intimidating to be told not long thereafter that I’m an Ascension teacher.

Other than hearing that Jesus ascended in Easter bible stories that I never really understood or paid attention to, I had no understanding of the term Ascension. But I was quickly obsessed and printed out some of the manuals you have compiled on multiple Ascension-related subjects.

One night, I experienced being in my Light Body in a meditation vision and I could move through walls and I was so excited I was saying “yeah! Whoop! This is my light body” while having the vision – again I was in the 3rd and 5th at the same time.

Towards the end of 2022 I remember how bizarre it was one night to be in my bedroom trying to enter the hridayam, the hole in the heart that is the portal to the higher dimensions, while my husband was in the living room watching rugby. He keeps me grounded as I think I’d have lost my mind if I didn’t have someone to help anchor me in this physical reality. The drive I have to learn all this stuff was clearly part of the Divine Plan preparing me for what was to come next.

The most profound part of my awakening to date was the heart activation I experienced in January 2023 after my second trip to Bali. Bali is my spiritual homeplace and I’d wanted to return for a decade. Things all lined up to make it possible to return and my guides confirmed the nudge I was feeling was correct: go to Bali to experience a heart activation. This process began in Bali but only really unfolded fully upon my return home.

During this heart activation:

  • I was shown how 3D reality is constructed as a projection from our consciousness – Earth is a “fractal classroom of consciousness”
    Our minds “hold” the waves of light from which everything is created, in “place” so that we perceive solid forms.
  • I experienced being in the 5th dimension several times
  • I had moments of Christ Consciousness in which I was engulfed with Divine Love for all humans and wept with joy (1)
  • I experienced the veil which currently exists between the 3rd dimension and the higher dimensions
  • I experienced the sanctity and gift it is to be granted a human life
  • I was shown that we are always “home with God”, we remain “there” even while part of our consciousness is projected into this human experience “here”

The Council of Light explained to me that all these experiences would in time become “commonplace.”  In other words, more and more humans will have similar experiences as a result of the Cosmic Light flooding our planet at this time and, eventually, as the Solar flash happens, all those humans who choose to ascend will experience this en masse. Put another way, I was given a sneak peak of what is to occur planetary wide in order to help others make sense of all this.

The downside: It was heartbreaking for me to exit this period of experiencing life in this way. I found the 18 months that followed this excruciatingly painful at times. In fact three months after this experience, after having another miscarriage (having miraculously fallen pregnant shortly after the Divine Mother confirmed I would, in a reading I had with Linda Dillon (thanks to you, Steve for suggesting that).

It’s like I got to experience Heaven on Earth and then had it snatched away. All my self limiting beliefs came up to be cleared at once, or so it felt. After the bliss and freedom I had experienced in the preceding months, it was devastating. Like waking up to discover the amazing experience was only a dream.

My business died. My anxiety levels rocketed. One of my best friends, a devout Christian, accused me of being in darkness and deception (I was, just not in the way she thought!) and I had to let her go. On a human level, it was deeply traumatic. I didn’t really know how to explain what I had experienced and the loss of it, to my family and most of my friends.

I am learning how everything is actually neutral, and there are times I can hold this, and times I’m back in Amanda’s story. This is how we ascend! Back and forth, we think we are our ego selves and then we rise out again.

During this time I suffered a few panic attacks and felt almost unable to manage my daily life. Spiritual awakening is not for the faint of heart!

My guides, the Council of Light (I know the various individuals, again this is a fascinating story for another time) explained during the heart activation that I needed to start the Ministry of Eternal Light. They began to give me the curriculum and since that time they have been giving me lessons in ego dissolution, ascension and everything else we need to know to navigate the immensity of spiritual awakening.

You are to create the Ministry of Eternal Light. You will come to inhibit your next role – as a minister of light and it will unfold quickly if you let it. This is what you have yearned for. Be ready to receive. Allow yourself to create the church you’ve dreamed of, the peaceful sanctuary of hope and LIGHT that you want to serve from each day. You can do it. You are the only thing in the way – with our utmost love. It is time. You can do this in a way that brings you such joy and freedom. Let go of all doubt and CREATE what you most desire to experience.

I battled to share it all for a long time, as I felt unworthy of “teaching” others when the character of Amanda says “I haven’t mastered the lessons yet”. This is part of the unworthiness program in the false matrix. I have been shown that this is all a story I’ve made up based on childhood trauma, and that I am not meant to master these lessons before I share them. My path is to share what I am experiencing, alongside all the guidance from the Council of Light.

I continue to face bouts of “who I am I to share this?” (2) despite all my guides’ reassurances that I have prepared many lifetimes for this one and cannot wait until I’ve mastered all the subjects I share on, as by that time I will have no desire to be teaching them anymore!

I do see the truth in this – if I were to go back to the state of bliss I experienced, I would just wish to hang out in devotion for most of each day. Steve, your description of your own heart activation being a “truncated experience” is 100% true for mine – it was truncated.

Honestly just sharing that reminds me how grateful I am that there is someone writing about these things personally, and with detail because I would have lost my mind without the comfort of knowing there’s someone out there having exactly this experience.

I have also loved your description of your own awakening writing as being “awareness writing” and it’s helped me understand that this is what I’m most called to do too. On the one hand I share the channelled messages I bring through; on the other, I share about how I’m integrating the many lessons received, what’s working and what isn’t.

It does feel intensely vulnerable at times though! I mean I was once a lawyer and now I explain that reality is created by our own minds, and everyone in your legal drama was picked by you before this lifetime to play the roles you assigned them.

Yes, the man who assaulted you was chosen by you, to play this role in your drama, for your own soul’s evolution. This is actually what happened in my own life, and remains one of the most mindblowing, reality-changing moments of my Ascension.

To realise you picked all the players in your life drama is pretty crazy. Can you see that I feel quite daunted by trying to explain these concepts to lawyers? I’ve shifted my focus from working predominantly with lawyers to assisting clients now that it’s clear there are 1000’s of awake clients needing spiritual legal services, while the pool of awakening lawyers is miniscule.


And a final note from me: We are in the final 7 years of the Great Spiritual Awakening on Planet Earth and while millions awaken daily, we need more to shift the balance from dark to light, faster. If your path hasn’t yet shown you the way to your soul, it’s time.

Lightworkers are here to hold the Light so that others may find their way to this Light. So that more and more of you rise and start to see “there is a different way to run our planet” and “there are enough of us who want this different way” and “we can collaborate with each other and choose the best leaders” and “we can design systems that serve the flourishing of all people and the Earth” and you believe that the majority of citizens would support the creation of new systems to serve The People.

Start where you are today. Who is in your path today, that you can support, not by trying to change them in any way, but by anchoring YOURSELF firmly in the Light, knowing that by doing so you are in service to all those with whom you come into contact.

Choose peace, choose joy, choose gratitude, and know these waves will emanate from every task you undertake this day if this is what you hold in your Heart as you take each action.

[To be continued.]


Amanda Lamond
Legal Futurist, Soul Coach & Channel
Instagram Ministry of Eternal Light
Instagram Awakening Lawyers


New email:


(1) Steve: I’m not sure if our terrestrial sages have interdimensionality fully explained. Leaving 3D consciousness when we enter the hridayam or heart door, I believe we  are instantly in a higher-dimensional setting.  Amanda, in describing Christ consciousness, is describing the love that exists on the Seventh Dimension, which she experienced inside the heart (beyond the hridayam).

Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?

AAM: It is the seventh dimension.  (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)

(2) So do I, Amanda.





Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Amanda Lamond, The Life of a Legal Lightworker – Part 3

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 9, 2024


(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.)

We continue with our interview with Amanda Lamond of South Africa, who is re-examining and re-creating law and the legal profession.

Amanda: Stand out moments include things like the day I asked my guides if I was pregnant and I heard “Yes, 5 weeks pregnant with a little boy. His name is Samuel.” They showed me a future glimpse of this man when I asked and I have no words for the beauty of that experience.

My spiritual journey continued to take up as much of my time as my “work life” but I yearned to bring these closer together. My career is another story on its own which I’ll save  for now. Around 2021 and 2022 I began to have more and more wild spiritual experiences in the higher dimensions – I now term this “awakening vertically.”

At the same time, as a result of the COVID plandemic of 2020 I had begun to awaken “horizontally” to the realisation that we’ve all been programmed here on Earth by social systems that suppress our Ascension. We’re kept trapped in scarcity, comparison, shame, and trauma that keep us believing we are our ego selves.

Steve: When did you realise you are not your ego self?

Amanda: It still comes and goes all the time! It’s the most maddening part of Ascension, the rollercoaster of awakening and then going back to sleep. I beat myself up for it, but my guides explain again and again that this is what stops our Ascension. It’s ironic – that we judge ourselves for not loving ourselves – i.e., making the changes we know we need to make – but it’s that judgment itself that is the issue! The only way to ascend is through Love. OK, I’m getting ahead of myself again.

The experiences I had in the higher dimensions in 2022 and the conversations with the Council of Light just opened up more and more layers of reality for me. I was told I am known in other dimensions as Kavala, because of course Amanda is only my name for this lifetime. That was so moving for me – that I have a soul name! My guides were pretty funny – they apologized when I cried and said they didn’t think it was a big deal; that’s just the name they know me by up there! I started to feel, rather than just know intellectually, that I’m not my body, I’m not my mind. But then who am I? My guides said: Ah, the question underneath it all. What am I really? You are an expression of the Divine. You are an expression of the Source of All Creation. This is your I Am Presence, as some call it.

I experienced a wonderful meeting with my 12th-dimensional Self. Ah, this blessed, regal-winged figure was mesmerising. Suddenly I knew what the line we say at the sanctuary I attend means – “we kneel within our hearts” – because I was on my knees in reverence, though not physically. In the middle of that experience I was prompted to ask “is that ME?” and heard a very clear “YES.”

Again it’s hard to put into words what this felt like. I realised I needed to reorient myself from looking up at this Being, to BEING her. Ah, it’s so tricky holding the sense of inhabiting my Higher Self. There is so much to learn I feel like a newbie and yet I look around and most of the planet doesn’t know we’re multidimensional yet so of course it’s all relative!

One challenging aspect of Ascension is you start to see everything from multiple perspectives and that makes it hard to keep a linear, human timeline going. We’ve been programmed into the time space matrix here in the 3rd dimension…but that is a topic that needs exploring on its own!

I think I delight in explaining these things because I have to bring it into terms and images my human self can understand. On the one hand I’m a channel bringing through mind-blowing wisdom about creation and reality, and yet this is not coming from “me,” if by “me” we refer to the character of Amanda I’m here playing.

In Amanda’s story this is all new and she’s learning as fast as she can. I have always loved teaching – and my greatest reward is seeing the light come on in people’s eyes when something lands in them. If that something can be showing people they are Divine Beings, who are home with God even while having this earthly experience, and I get to witness their homecoming to themselves, there can be nothing I could desire more.

I think I started reading GAoG around 2022. The beautiful channeled messages and your own accounts of your ascension experiences, Steve, have helped me immeasurably at a time when I knew no one I could ask about these things. I have a few more now. Miraculously my psychiatrist, the same one who helped me get clean when I was 24, is awake and doesn’t think I’m nuts. It’s not a miracle though, is it? I know her support is pre-arranged as part of the Divine Plan for me.

One night I had the experience of knowing 3D reality doesn’t exist when my awareness is not on it. I am literally creating it through my own consciousness. Sometimes it’s referred to as “the void.” My eyes were closed and whereas usually one “knows” everything will be there when we open our eyes again, this time, I knew that it doesn’t exist UNLESS my consciousness is on it.

Just like a dream that happens within our own minds, this whole 3D reality is happening within our Higher Minds. It was SUCH a weird thing to experience in my own awareness! I have grappled with this intellectually, but experiencing it is wild.

It’s happened a few times – I’ve suddenly sensed the world is INSIDE me, not outside of me. This is because the world is external to the physical self, but the world is internal to the Higher Self, so as we ascend, we can start perceiving “the world is in me.” It’s wild!

I say that a lot! I know I’m here to help people with this stuff because it can be very scary and there is obviously a dearth of professionals trained to deal with spiritual awakening. They’ve mostly been programmed by the false matrix system of medicine so they have no idea we’re awakening multidimensional Divine beings either! People get medicated out of their awakening all the time. This is going to be a big issue in the coming years.

(Concluded in Part 4, tomorrow.)




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Amanda Lamond, The Life of a Legal Lightworker – Part 2

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 8, 2024


(Continued from Part 1 yesterday.)

We continue with our interview with Amanda Lamond of South Africa, who is re-examining and re-creating law and the legal profession.

Steve: Can you tell us more about your spiritual awakening and how it’s been so “wild,” as you phrased it?

Amanda: Sure, as I said it’s my favorite subject! I can talk awakening until the son comes home! There’s so much to say it’s really hard to condense it. My mind is prone to go down tangents and, although some may see this as an ADHD thing, I’ve been shown it’s one of my greatest skills. I actually have a lot of messages I’ve channelled recently about ADHD and ascension so let me know if you want to publish some of those?

Steve: That would be helpful for many people. We have published a few messages that explain why people feel scattered but any further guidance that can help people is valuable. The more challenging aspects of Ascension are happening so fast to so many people right now. But I’m going to steer you gently back to your own awakening.

Amanda: Waking up as a human and realizing the whole thing you know as “life” and “reality” is all completely upside down, and we’re in a false matrix, programmed to believe we’re worthless humans descended from monkeys, is just beyond anything that would sound plausible in a science fiction movie. And yet it’s the truth.

It’s a truth stranger than fiction. Awakening to this truth is the ultimate spiritual test: can you trust your own knowing when the rest of the world thinks you’re nuts? Will you cave and rejoin the consensus reality?

There’s some sociology test they did in a University along these lines. They have a room of 10 people and 7 have been primed to give a wrong answer; eg., the circle is green when it’s blue. Basically in most cases the 3 others go along with the majority answer even though they know it isn’t green – they doubt themselves.

That’s what’s happened here with us being programmed into the consensus reality. But some of us started waking up, and then more and more. We realised we’re divine and that’s quite a process. Something really shifts though when you go from reading stuff that deeply resonates to actually having experiences of the higher dimensions and your own divinity.

Even then, I find it so hard to hold onto. I don’t walk around my everyday life feeling divine. I’m grumpy and forget to be grateful and worry and it takes tremendous effort to stay awake in this illusion.

I could talk about this for days. I cannot think of anything more interesting or worthwhile to talk about. I mean, why are we here??? What the heck is going on on this planet? I can’t fathom why most people have no interest in this! Actually I can, because it’s become my area of expertise in the last 3 years, but the old Amanda can’t understand it.

On the up side it means that those of us who have awoken form such tight bonds with our awake brothers and sisters. Only they can know the reality we now inhabit and there’s just a love that flows between us that is unlike anything I’ve known before (in this lifetime.) (1)

Steve: Were you exposed to spiritual concepts or metaphysics growing up?

Amanda: No! I was raised in a conventional family, where no one spoke of esoteric or metaphysical subjects and I didn’t get much in the way of spiritual or religious education – some basic Christianity and church at Christmas and Easter.

Without going into the details of my story – which more and more I see as just that, a story – I was an addict and alcoholic from about age 16 to 24 – which is the path of many lightworkers. I got clean at age 24. I was a real mess by then but kept it together on the outside. I was in my second year of law when the wheels came off and I spent time in various rehabs.

I conceptualized some form of Higher Power as part of the 12 steps – but was pretty vague about God other than believing I must have been kept alive for a reason. I also realised the power of making amends, above all to oneself. I began to read personal-development books and then more and more spiritual books like Many Lives, Many Masters, (2) until spiritual books became the only books I read. (I used to read mountains of novels but in the last decade they lost all appeal.)

In 2012 I took a massive spiritual “jump” when I discovered, while on a trip to Bali, that I had a team of spiritual guides I could communicate with. It shook my reality and I had to learn how to integrate my fiercely-analytical, legally-trained mind with my powerful intuitive abilities and this new metaphysical understanding of reality. Like who am I talking to up there? Why me? Why does everyone think this is nuts except all the other people who channel?

Why do Christians think you’re either mad or evil when the Bible is full of angels and people having conversations with Higher Beings? Make it make sense! For about 7 years I channeled lots of messages but embarrassingly most are conversations in which I ask what I’m supposed to be doing on the planet and how I’m supposed to earn a living doing it. Honestly I cringe looking back as I could ask anything about anything and I kept asking about the rent 🤣It’s funny but it’s also heartbreaking because this the most common example of our how ascension has been suppressed: we are kept in survival consciousness.

(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)


(1) For more on this love see Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at

(2) Brian L. Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives.




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Amanda Lamond, The Life of a Legal Lightworker – Part 1

By Steve Beckow

Posted on September 7, 2024



I’m imagining that, when the Divine Mother said who will fashion the new law and train the new lawyers for Nova Earth? Amanda Lamond leapt up and said, “I will, Mother!”

And so she’s doing, from South Africa, through Awakening Lawyers.

I asked Amanda if I could interview her on her work and her spiritual experiences and she agreed. I post her replies in four parts – her window into the life of a legal lightworker.

Steve Beckow: You describe your roles as “an Ascension teacher, a spiritual channel and a Legal Lightworker,” which is quite a collection. Can you tell us more about these roles and how you conceive your specific mission on Earth at this time?

Amanda Lamond: Figuring out what to call myself has been such a struggle! It’s clear that people need titles to make sense of things but it’s all been evolving so fast and I do a variety of things so I’ve had to keep changing the terms I use.

Obviously my career path is not one envisaged by career counselors.There’s been the added stress of having once been part of a profession that is completely disparaging of anything spiritual so just coming out on Linked In and putting “spiritual channel” in my bio required great bravery!

It gets easier, but we are so programmed to fit into this Matrix and to not care but be fearful about what others think of us. For all of us on the ascension path there has been trauma in being radically different to what is deemed “professional” and “rational” and “logical.”

In my 20-year journey from lawyer to Legal Lightworker, I have ceaselessly studied creation, the nature of reality, metaphysics, the Universal Laws, the origins of modern legal systems and the Great Awakening taking place on our planet.

Grappling with why I’m here, and what the whole point of life is has always been a big part of my life. I questioned everything but also learned how to appear to be playing by the rules so that I could try and change things from the inside. I was a prefect at school, but secretly very wild, taking ecstasy and going to rave parties but I appeared to be the “good girl” and straight A student which allowed me to play the system.

I realised this “undercover rebel” had been a theme. The other notable example of it is how my life mission required me to qualify as a lawyer, bring about as much change as I could during my two years as the most junior of juniors in a prestigious law firm and then running for the hills.

Now, decades later, my guides explain I had to become a lawyer so I could help transform the system as an insider. It was around 2014 when I received the messages from my guides about the role I’m here to play in creating a new legal system.

But it was only once I understood ascension and started the process of dissolving my own ego, letting go of this made up character of Amanda, that I truly began to understand what the post ascension “legal system” might look like.

Being a Legal Lightworker essentially means I am a lightworker with a specialty in legal issues. When we awaken, we realise we create our entire reality from our consciousness and therefore any suffering we endure is actually created by us for our own soul evolution.

My specific niche is helping people learn how to stop creating their suffering. (Unfortunately it’s meant I’ve had to create a lot of my own suffering to immerse myself in it.…) Common things people experience in their lives that cause great suffering include divorce, loss of loved ones, violence, crime, relationship breakdowns of any sort – and because of the way society is set up, these things fall under “legal issues.”

As a Legal Lightworker I assist legal clients by bringing to light the laws of creation, how reality works and how all external issues arise first at the level of consciousness. Fighting others or believing they are the cause of our suffering is the whole point of modern legal systems but it’s based on a misunderstanding of creation.

This wasn’t by accident, as I only found out around 2021, the whole system was designed to enslave us by perpetuating the illusion we “this mind” and we are “this body”. The legal system locks us in the illusion, fighting an external reality which is only a reflection of what is inside us.

I’ve been channelling since 2012 – although I really only figured out how to communicate clearly with my team in 2014. And despite only figuring out what the term ascension really means around 2022, I was told soon thereafter by my guides that I am an ascension teacher.

The final role I’ve been assigned, since January 2023 is that I am to be a Minister of Light, creating the Ministry of Eternal Light. I get given glimpses of how this may look, but honestly I am just figuring it out day by day.

It is a blessing to have direction from my spiritual team but I’m not sure if people know that they don’t give me a to do list in the morning! My human self has had enormous difficulties actualising the vision because of this egoic problem of wanting to know “how” to make things happen.

(To be continued tomorrow in Part 2.)




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



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