Amanda Lamond, The Life of a Legal Lightworker – Part 4
By Steve Beckow
Posted on September 10, 2024
(Continued from Part 3, yesterday.)
We conclude our interview with Amanda Lamond of South Africa, who is re-examining and re-creating law and the legal profession.
Amanda: It was through GAOG that I understood what Ascension was, but it was intimidating to be told not long thereafter that I’m an Ascension teacher.
Other than hearing that Jesus ascended in Easter bible stories that I never really understood or paid attention to, I had no understanding of the term Ascension. But I was quickly obsessed and printed out some of the manuals you have compiled on multiple Ascension-related subjects.
One night, I experienced being in my Light Body in a meditation vision and I could move through walls and I was so excited I was saying “yeah! Whoop! This is my light body” while having the vision – again I was in the 3rd and 5th at the same time.
Towards the end of 2022 I remember how bizarre it was one night to be in my bedroom trying to enter the hridayam, the hole in the heart that is the portal to the higher dimensions, while my husband was in the living room watching rugby. He keeps me grounded as I think I’d have lost my mind if I didn’t have someone to help anchor me in this physical reality. The drive I have to learn all this stuff was clearly part of the Divine Plan preparing me for what was to come next.
The most profound part of my awakening to date was the heart activation I experienced in January 2023 after my second trip to Bali. Bali is my spiritual homeplace and I’d wanted to return for a decade. Things all lined up to make it possible to return and my guides confirmed the nudge I was feeling was correct: go to Bali to experience a heart activation. This process began in Bali but only really unfolded fully upon my return home.
During this heart activation:
- I was shown how 3D reality is constructed as a projection from our consciousness – Earth is a “fractal classroom of consciousness”Our minds “hold” the waves of light from which everything is created, in “place” so that we perceive solid forms.
- I experienced being in the 5th dimension several times
- I had moments of Christ Consciousness in which I was engulfed with Divine Love for all humans and wept with joy (1)
- I experienced the veil which currently exists between the 3rd dimension and the higher dimensions
- I experienced the sanctity and gift it is to be granted a human life
- I was shown that we are always “home with God”, we remain “there” even while part of our consciousness is projected into this human experience “here”
The Council of Light explained to me that all these experiences would in time become “commonplace.” In other words, more and more humans will have similar experiences as a result of the Cosmic Light flooding our planet at this time and, eventually, as the Solar flash happens, all those humans who choose to ascend will experience this en masse. Put another way, I was given a sneak peak of what is to occur planetary wide in order to help others make sense of all this.
The downside: It was heartbreaking for me to exit this period of experiencing life in this way. I found the 18 months that followed this excruciatingly painful at times. In fact three months after this experience, after having another miscarriage (having miraculously fallen pregnant shortly after the Divine Mother confirmed I would, in a reading I had with Linda Dillon (thanks to you, Steve for suggesting that).
It’s like I got to experience Heaven on Earth and then had it snatched away. All my self limiting beliefs came up to be cleared at once, or so it felt. After the bliss and freedom I had experienced in the preceding months, it was devastating. Like waking up to discover the amazing experience was only a dream.
My business died. My anxiety levels rocketed. One of my best friends, a devout Christian, accused me of being in darkness and deception (I was, just not in the way she thought!) and I had to let her go. On a human level, it was deeply traumatic. I didn’t really know how to explain what I had experienced and the loss of it, to my family and most of my friends.
I am learning how everything is actually neutral, and there are times I can hold this, and times I’m back in Amanda’s story. This is how we ascend! Back and forth, we think we are our ego selves and then we rise out again.
During this time I suffered a few panic attacks and felt almost unable to manage my daily life. Spiritual awakening is not for the faint of heart!
My guides, the Council of Light (I know the various individuals, again this is a fascinating story for another time) explained during the heart activation that I needed to start the Ministry of Eternal Light. They began to give me the curriculum and since that time they have been giving me lessons in ego dissolution, ascension and everything else we need to know to navigate the immensity of spiritual awakening.
You are to create the Ministry of Eternal Light. You will come to inhibit your next role – as a minister of light and it will unfold quickly if you let it. This is what you have yearned for. Be ready to receive. Allow yourself to create the church you’ve dreamed of, the peaceful sanctuary of hope and LIGHT that you want to serve from each day. You can do it. You are the only thing in the way – with our utmost love. It is time. You can do this in a way that brings you such joy and freedom. Let go of all doubt and CREATE what you most desire to experience.
I battled to share it all for a long time, as I felt unworthy of “teaching” others when the character of Amanda says “I haven’t mastered the lessons yet”. This is part of the unworthiness program in the false matrix. I have been shown that this is all a story I’ve made up based on childhood trauma, and that I am not meant to master these lessons before I share them. My path is to share what I am experiencing, alongside all the guidance from the Council of Light.
I continue to face bouts of “who I am I to share this?” (2) despite all my guides’ reassurances that I have prepared many lifetimes for this one and cannot wait until I’ve mastered all the subjects I share on, as by that time I will have no desire to be teaching them anymore!
I do see the truth in this – if I were to go back to the state of bliss I experienced, I would just wish to hang out in devotion for most of each day. Steve, your description of your own heart activation being a “truncated experience” is 100% true for mine – it was truncated.
Honestly just sharing that reminds me how grateful I am that there is someone writing about these things personally, and with detail because I would have lost my mind without the comfort of knowing there’s someone out there having exactly this experience.
I have also loved your description of your own awakening writing as being “awareness writing” and it’s helped me understand that this is what I’m most called to do too. On the one hand I share the channelled messages I bring through; on the other, I share about how I’m integrating the many lessons received, what’s working and what isn’t.
It does feel intensely vulnerable at times though! I mean I was once a lawyer and now I explain that reality is created by our own minds, and everyone in your legal drama was picked by you before this lifetime to play the roles you assigned them.
Yes, the man who assaulted you was chosen by you, to play this role in your drama, for your own soul’s evolution. This is actually what happened in my own life, and remains one of the most mindblowing, reality-changing moments of my Ascension.
To realise you picked all the players in your life drama is pretty crazy. Can you see that I feel quite daunted by trying to explain these concepts to lawyers? I’ve shifted my focus from working predominantly with lawyers to assisting clients now that it’s clear there are 1000’s of awake clients needing spiritual legal services, while the pool of awakening lawyers is miniscule.
And a final note from me: We are in the final 7 years of the Great Spiritual Awakening on Planet Earth and while millions awaken daily, we need more to shift the balance from dark to light, faster. If your path hasn’t yet shown you the way to your soul, it’s time.
Lightworkers are here to hold the Light so that others may find their way to this Light. So that more and more of you rise and start to see “there is a different way to run our planet” and “there are enough of us who want this different way” and “we can collaborate with each other and choose the best leaders” and “we can design systems that serve the flourishing of all people and the Earth” and you believe that the majority of citizens would support the creation of new systems to serve The People.
Start where you are today. Who is in your path today, that you can support, not by trying to change them in any way, but by anchoring YOURSELF firmly in the Light, knowing that by doing so you are in service to all those with whom you come into contact.
Choose peace, choose joy, choose gratitude, and know these waves will emanate from every task you undertake this day if this is what you hold in your Heart as you take each action.
[To be continued.]
New email: amanda@awakeninglawyers.com
(1) Steve: I’m not sure if our terrestrial sages have interdimensionality fully explained. Leaving 3D consciousness when we enter the hridayam or heart door, I believe we are instantly in a higher-dimensional setting. Amanda, in describing Christ consciousness, is describing the love that exists on the Seventh Dimension, which she experienced inside the heart (beyond the hridayam).
Steve: The space that I call transformative love, what dimension is it?
AAM: It is the seventh dimension. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.)
(2) So do I, Amanda.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.