On 15 January, Lightwarriors shared the new interesting info about the test that they have passed through after full activation of the Monads’ Virtual Karma Protocol (see – Gift, Part 5, DNI, 14 January 2025). Their avatars, i.e. physical bodies also have had some hard moments.
During the testing, Co-Creators inserted the highly entropic substance into the team members’ Monads, filling half of their subtle structures. The goal was to see how they would behave with that charge in the new Protocol’s reality.
To self-cleanse, the Monads immediately started pulling in their cores the injected negativity, compressed it to a singularity, and, by produced a powerful flash, pushed outside without annihilation. This natural reaction was most precious, as it proved that everyone’s inner work and the upgrading of the physical and Subtle Body help to obtain new capacities that are very effective in getting rid of karma and transitioning to 5D in this lifetime.
How did Lightwarriors withstand the test? Everyone felt sharply raised vibrations and temperature, heart palpitations that blocked breathing, and sudden shock. Then, they fell into deep exhaustion caused by the loss of vital energy, as their Monads used it for squeezing entropy out of selves. But the next day, everything returned to normal.
As Co-Creators and Karma Lords explain, the value of the results also lies in the fact that they were get in a toxic and aggressive 3D environment. They reminded again that no one forced anyone to enter this three-dimensional world, filled with maximum entropy and low vibrations. The deterioration of matter and loss of energy here are enormous, so the degree of everything’s distortion is also maximal.
But it is precisely these extreme conditions that provide the Soul with great opportunities for self-discovery, acquisition of practical evolutionary experience, skills, knowledge, and self-challenge. Not all Souls dare to take this step – to go through the hardships of three-dimensional incarnations. Particularly as a 3D physical body does not consist of the Monad’s substance, but of surrogate matter, produced by the NAA, Dark and Gray space races.
In today’s earthlings, everything is surrogated except the causal body’s core. It consists of Monad’s matter. When it unfolds self in the Earth’s incarnation field, its core enters the terrestrial Logos’ Causal Matrix, overgrows with its substance and forms the man’s causal shell by it. Thus, we temporarily lease the planet’s “flesh” and return it after embodiment. In what state, it’s a good question. If we’re stuffed with karma, then in a distorted and dirty form that damages Monad’s core. From then on, like an anchor caught on a stone, it blocks aspects of folding, forcing our Soul to remain in the 3D, hooked to its floor. There, pressure (dimensionality density) is so great that spacesuit is needed, i.e. our physical surrogate body (avatar).
With our three-dimensional minds, we don’t understand the torment that our Soul and Monad experience, when they can’t restore their integrity. At this level, it’s one of the most terrifying and difficult states. The vibrations and luminosity decrease drastically, the evolutionary status is lost, and they are transferred to a special quarantine space. Their resources and energy are depleted.
A successful test conducted by Co-Creators in these January days showed that freeing from incarnational captivity is possible and real. After the restructuring of our causal body, its pure and luminous core returns to the Monad, restoring it as a single whole completely, and with the invaluable experience of evolution in 3D. That is why, it’s so important for all of us.
- https://purpelligh.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- https://chamavioleta.blogs.sapo.pt/tag/Lev
- https://violet-rays.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- https://purple-rays.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- https://rayviolet11.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
EN/PT http://violetflame.biz.ly
PT/EN chamavioleta.blogs.sapo.pt/
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.