We greet you, dear children of planet Earth. Today we will speak to you about the builders. You have experienced very recently in your country of France the renewal of your beautiful cathedral of Paris. It is important to understand that this creation which dates from a distant time in earthly time, is a magnificent architectural creation, created by many humans who over many years have brought their knowledge, their skill in the construction of this monument. But it is good to know that such a monument is not only material it is also highly spiritual.
In times past, at the very beginning of the construction of this monument, faith in God was more important in the hearts of humans than it is today. All those who put their hearts and knowledge into the construction of this cathedral did so with the full awareness that this monument would be a light in your country.
Each stone, each sculpture, each stained glass window still carries the energy of the faith of all these humans who built this cathedral. It is the meeting place of many humans from your planet who came and come to visit it to soak up the energies imprinted in the stone. Until the day when a fire froze the entire Earth in enormous stupor, strongly affecting consciences and bringing incomprehension.
Why was such a cathedral undergoing such a tragedy? Earthly humanity asked itself this question. We will tell you this and you know it: “nothing happens by chance”. With the consciences of humanity going to hell, violence becoming more and more important in each country, this fire allowed for a moment to reconcile humans with God in oneself. With humanity going adrift, this event allowed consciences to turn towards the hearts of humans in order to find peace there, following the sorrow that many of you felt at the partial destruction of this cathedral.
Shortly after that, you experienced, on the whole Earth, a pandemic, a confinement that pushed you to reflect and wonder what could happen on your planet within humanity. The incomprehension was at its height but this period of confinement allowed you to reflect on what you were all experiencing, on your own life and consciences opened up to another way of seeing life, True Life.
“Nothing happens by chance.” All these events led you to focus more on yourself, to better understand what you were experiencing, why you were experiencing it and you turned more and more towards your inner being, towards your divine spark within you, therefore towards God.
And like the Phoenix rising from its ashes, through the marvelous work done by all the current builders who have allowed this cathedral to vibrate and shine again in your country but also on the entire Earth, it has become again the radiant Light that will spread across the entire planet. At its origin, this place had not been chosen by chance, there was a reason for that. This place would be the one that would allow terrestrial humanity to receive an energy of the most beautiful and luminous thereafter and for distant times.
The reopening ceremony of this cathedral brought together heads of state from many countries. This too is a spark of Light that will allow peace agreements, and this will happen gradually.
The work of ancient and current builders will allow osmosis to manifest between many countries in order to bring serenity to your earthly world.
Dear children of Earth, through your new awareness of who you really are, through the new awareness that you are the Unity of Love and Light, be the builders of Love and Light, of Peace and Serenity within yourselves and upon the whole Earth.
We thank you for this.
Marie-Josée Andichou