Absolute Trust or Deep Trust?
Part 1
By Steve Beckow
Sosan spoke of “the mind of absolute trust,” (1) but I’d prefer to reserve that term for a state of consciousness above the Dimensional (which I don’t think Sosan intends for the phrase), above the Transcendental, united with Source.
Sosan, I think, was referring to a state in which the mind is silent and, when awakened, does not waver. Silent and still. He may have been talking about what we think of as Ascension. And not necessarily to the Fifth Dimension but to one much higher.
Remember, his conversation happened probably a millennia and a half ago. He did not have a readership to speak to who understood very much of what he was saying.
I used the term “absolute trust,” (2) after Sosan, but I now regret it. I’d rather reserve it for a state of mind, individualized still, but with no sense of separation between itself and the One. I believe the Mother calls this state “Home” and “the 13th Octave.” (3)
So I’m about to recraft my original article, changing “absolute trust” to “deep trust” and making any other changes I must.
***Having experienced a state of deep trust recently, I notice I have to be careful in what I say.
For instance, I’m not going to have deep trust in a mountain lion about to pounce on me. Jesus might. And the mountain lion might not pounce. Not saying. But I don’t have that strength of trust.
My grand motif – that overarching first line of defense – is don’t trust anyone. Handed down from father to son and from his father to him, I’m sure. So this is definitely an area of work for me.
Here comes the note of caution: I need to make it clear that I’m not advocating deep trust in, say, a person or even a cause. The kind of bonded trust I’m talking about, as far as I can see, is most appropriate, say, for the Divine Mother or perhaps our archangel … and twin flame … and guides.
***Changing horses as I am – changing my vote (4) from not trusting to trusting – leaves me somewhat dazed and confused at this moment.
However, after long decades of working this process, I solve my problem by remembering that I don’t have to have an alternate program or arrangement before I drop a way of being that’s not working.
Guess what? I can just drop it. Period. With nothing to put in its place. Hallelujah!
All that having been said, cultivating an attitude of everyday trust, with vigilance, and spreading that everyday trust further and further out can’t but take us down a very rewarding road.
The attitude of trust, wherever trust is advisable, is liberating. I find that it results in inner peace.
The challenge is to maintain it in society when there are so many interruptions and distractions normally or, as now, where there are so many dark characters being brought to light in whom trust would not be rewarded.
It calls on us to discriminate and risk where our heart tells us to and back away where it tells us to do that.
(Continued in Part 2, below.)
(1) See Sosan, The Book of Nothing. A Song of Enlightenment. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2002.
(2) In”Absolute Trust as an Attitude” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2025/01/06/absolute-trust-as-an-attitude/
(3) As in these two statements:
Divine Mother: And what does universal law mean, except the truth that I have shared with thee, that has been laid down in the very beginning that you might understand how to journey home? (“The Divine Mother: Each and Every One of You Carries Divine Might,” June 19, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/spirituality-into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-divine-mother-each-and-every-one-of-you-carries-divine-might/).
Divine Mother: Connect not only as deep as you do with Gaia but with us in that place of divine union that we have brought you to before, what we refer to as the 13th Octave, but what you know as divine union of being. (“Transcript – Ascension is Going Far Better Than You Think: Universal Mother Mary on Heavenly Blessings,” October 16, 2012, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/16/transcript-ascension-is-going-far-better-than-you-think-universal-mother-mary-on-heavenly-blessings/#more-148729.)
(4) From don’t trust anyone to deeply trust with discrimination.
See The Importance of Changing Our Vote at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Importance-of-Changing-Our-Vote.pdf
Part 2

Credit: FFI Practitioner
(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
I wrote the first version of this article immediately during and after the experience of deep trust that I had earlier.
A day after it, I recorded Michael’s description of the general process of my own awakening, of which this experience of “absolute” trust was a part:
Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a Ph.D. in a week. (1)
Don’t overlook the phrase “you have been given.” He’s just acknowledged the participation of our archangel and guides in the process of “giving” us these experiences.
On another occasion:
Archangel Michael: You have experienced progressively, periods of unity, of transformative love, of ecstasy, of bliss that you feel (and I emphasize feel) come and go.
But every time, you have had this experience it has edged you up a level. So that now you say to me, “Michael, I feel like I have a new baseline. I have a new foundation of happiness.”
But you also have a new foundation of knowingness, of understanding, of wisdom, of humility, of tolerance, of kindness. This has all been bringing you to an expanded sense of self and an expanded sense of not only how we operate but how the collective operates. (2)
This expansion in the sense of self as a result of the deep-trust experience is what enables me (or you) to consider taking on larger challenges. Seekers after enlightenment often view spiritual experiences as distractions. But, I think, servants of the One, who work with other people, are prepared for their work in part by spiritual experiences.
You’ve just heard him say that the Company of Heaven is participating with us to see that we get from Grade 3 to a Ph.D. This co-creative partnership was not well discussed in classical enlightenment theory.
***Apparently the Higher Self determines when awakening will occur. (3) But, depending on our soul contract or mission, the Company of Heaven – the Divine Mother, our archangel, and our guides – will work with us to accomplish it, exactly as you’ve seen them work with me over the years. (4)
I’ve been given experiences which have increased my peacefulness, patience, willingness to give and serve, ability to love, etc. An experience of the qualities I’d need to do the rather large job Michael has mapped out for me has usually been given to me beforehand.
Not like I’d have guessed that this would be the way it would happen. But looking back, it makes sense. Michael has always said, you’ll have what you need when you need it. (5) I’m now getting more of a sense of what he meant and how that may work.
Archangel Michael: Stay still. Stay still, receive, listen and proceed as the Warrior you are.
And when I say to the team, “Proceed as the Warriors you are and know that I am protecting you,” is it a walk of faith, of trust, of hope? Yes. And is that exactly what your planet and your collective need right now? Yes. (6)
I couldn’t get the trust part of what he said back then. I’m just now beginning to.
(1) “AAM on Truncated Experiences,” March 21, 2017, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/21/aam-on-truncated-experiences/.
(2) “Archangel Michael on Snaps, Expansion, and Ascension,” June 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/06/06/archangel-michael-on-snaps-expansion-and-ascension/.
(3) “Awakening happens when the Higher Self determines that a person is ready and high frequency energy and current events are serving to shift many into readiness.” (“The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, July 26, 2020,” July 26, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/07/26/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-july-26-2020/.)
(4) On our partnership with the Company of Heaven, see:
- Grandeur Beyond Grandeur: Toward a Cross-Cultural Spirituality Vol. 6: Our Enlightenment and Co-Creative Partnership at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Grandeur-Beyond-Grandeur-Enlightenment-and-Co-Creative-Partnership-6-4.pdf
- The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership with the Company of Heaven at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/The-Rewards-of-Co-Creative-Partnership-with-the-Company-of-Heaven-7.pdf
- An Ascension Ethnography – Part 1 at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/An-Ascension-Ethnography-V1-R2.pdf
(5) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 10, 2017.
But also remember: “Normally you are only given what you need to take steps forward so as not to overwhelm you.” (Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 9, 2021.)
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.