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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Winds of Change Have Accelerated

By The Pleiadeans

Channel: Christine Day 

Posted on January 5, 2025


Beloved ones we greet you,
The ‘winds of change’ have accelerated, building into crescendos of vast shifts, like a wild ocean storm, leaving debris it its wake, creating a complete energetic rebirth, never seen before in the history of your Earth. Your earth plane’s 3rd dimensional veils are no longer in place, as these ‘winds’ have formed a completely redesigned of energy that now makes up a New Earth.
This mass transmutation of your earth plane allows your planet to orientate and engage within the sacred pulsing lifeforce of God consciousness with the rest of this Universe. As your planet entered within the vibrational light of 2025, an illusionary curtain that has been in place for lifetimes was lifted, all dense Karmic restraints were simultaneously removed at that juncture.
The pure frequency redefinition of the planet is now reflected in the Magnetic core of Earth.
This shift is destined to remain fully engaged and flowing within the earth plane, through the restoration of all the alternate reality spaces of higher consciousness. This is a sacred design, set in motion to continually express their ongoing full potential moment by moment.
These spaces are linking themselves on a multidimensional level to a series of sacred avenues connected to the God consciousness frequencies within this resident Universe.  These avenues are reconnecting vast Universal timelines to Earth, and they are becoming a natural extension within the earth plane’s fluidity. This fluidity is creating expansion and transmutation through a pure blending process with these higher consciousness spaces of light.
These enormous shifts in light energy are resulting in a falling away of the old karmic ways that have been operating on your planet for lifetimes. The planet has had a fixed dense grid that has housed and anchored the 3rd dimensional illusion in place. Illumination has been magnified through levels of higher consciousness light rays becoming naturally part of the arena of the energetic landscape of Earth. This illumination will have ongoing flows that will continue to build, to create vast changes within Earth’s environment on many multidimensional levels.
The natural laws of the Universe are now applying directly to Earth as these changes open the sacred channels of life force within all living matter. The God consciousness state will create ongoing expansive transmutational flow lines across the planet, shifting the energetic landscape to enable you as individuals to find your authentic nature.
Within this higher evolutional environment on Earth there is a potential for a natural acceleration of your individual evolution. Allowing your alignment to higher frequencies of Truth, simultaneously becoming realized to your authentic state of being. You are to become more defined in yourself, enabling you to understand and utilize yourself as a sacred multidimensional tool with the express purpose to self-realize now.
All of humanity on the planet will be experiencing different alternate reality spaces, depending on where they are in their evolutionary cycles and where they choose to be within their human experience. With all this unfolding of change there will still be a reality space where there is a full playout of 3rd dimensional struggle, fear, lack and suffering. This is necessary while some human beings continue to require the drama and suffering in their lives within the illusion. This is known as a ‘transitionary stage’ for Earth. Every individual chooses the moment to change, to choose differently for themselves. Each one has the right to take the time they need within the dense human experience of drama and suffering. No one person needs saving from their chosen experience!
There have always been multiple experiences happening simultaneously. At this juncture you get to choose the evolutionary life experiences that you desire for yourself. You will find that you have been repositioned and anchored within a sacred alternate reality setting on Earth, and it will be from this space that you will live, awaken and thrive.
Know that it is possible to move between consciousness states within Earth. This is part of your inner multidimensional multi-plexin potential, which has always been an aspect of your natural abilities. You have entered a different timeframe, a realm of unlimited possibilities for you to begin to truly realize your full sacred nature. Simultaneously, you will also learn more about your human aspect, understanding that receiving your humanity is an essential part of your full enlightenment process.
The changing energetic terrain of Earth is going to greatly assist you in the acceleration of you accomplishing this transition within yourself; from human being having a sacred experience to becoming a sacred being having a human experience. As if you have been given a completely new environment, like you have been placed in an energetic womb to realize yourself, in which to understand, remember and clarify, to align to who you have always been in Truth. Within this environment of ‘the womb’ you will stabilize within your realized state of wholeness and begin to reassimilate within your consciousness.
Within ‘the womb’ there will be a rewiring of your energy, which is a natural transitional phase. A higher electrical frequency pulse will be established within your brain cells, brain synapses, heart cells and within your entire sacred systems. This will initially affect your sensory and motor skills creating a magnification of sound, maybe experiencing a fluidity in your body as you move. You will need to go through an orientation phase as you adjust to these changes within.
The ‘wheel has turned’, there is no going back. This is what you have pre-agreed to do in this time of the repositioning of Earth. Ultimately you are going to thrive within the higher consciousness environment. What is essential to understand is that you are not alone. All of you on the path have each other through the higher connections of your awakened consciousness. You will find a strong community bond opening between you without the interference of Ego mind separation and competition.
Each one of you holds a unique divine aspect of God consciousness that is needed within the group dynamic. Your individual gifts bring important aspects to the whole group. Your telepathic abilities will begin to unfold between you as a group. This will support a clear communion, communication for the entire group mind. You will have moments of blending, experiencing Oneness. There will be no need for a hierarchy within the group setting.
Another aspect to understand within your awakening is that you are not necessarily required to join a group, be part of a community. You are naturally interconnected to all human beings through the God consciousness aspect of yourself. That connection is a powerful, precious element that is a self-generator of love. You just being present within your Higher-self realized state is enough. Your being alive and awake on Earth is enough!
Celebrate your aliveness on Earth!
Note: There is nothing you have change about your human self, your imperfection for you to realize your sacred component of Higher-Self. You have always had access to this other component of yourself. This is a process of realizing this part of you!
This is a process that is designed to support you in unfolding into the awareness of your alternate realized self that has always been an aspect of your unique makeup:
  1. Alignment to your Heart. Place both palms on your upper chest, this is the doorway to your Higher-Self. Hold your awareness to where you feel the physical touch or warmth of your palms, where they meet your chest.
  2. Take a Conscious breath, in the mouth and then release the breath out of the mouth. Place this breath into where you are connecting to your Heart space. Continue to take a series of these Conscious breaths within the space that you see sense or feel. Letting go within the space.
  3. Open your awareness within this space, fill your awareness within the space.
  4. Anchor the Words, ‘I AM’, within the space… feel see or sense a light, a sense of peace, a further opening responding to these Words.
  5. Each time you anchor these Words, ‘I AM’. Feel see or sense the essence the light, the feeling, build on some level.
  6. Continue to open your awareness within the growing feeling. Then place a Conscious breath within the feeling that you see sense or feel. Choose to let go…
  7. Just open into the space, letting go.
Note: Utilize this process as often as you feel. Become this space, take ownership of your sacred essence that exists here within the space of your Heart.
These aspects of your unlimited sacred Higher Self will continue to reveal itself to you. This is an unfolding process of ‘you birthing you’!
Remember, “you are who you have been waiting for!” We witness you in love.
The Pleiadians

Christine Day



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters! 


A New Era of Awakening

By The Pleiadeans

Channel: Christine Day 

Posted on December 5, 2024


Beloved ones we greet you,

At the time of New Year your Earth will formally enter a new era of awakening, a completely new phase, a pathway opening that begins a higher cycle. A shift of unlimited potential for humanity, allowing those of you on the path to enter another realm of your multidimensional consciousness. Simultaneously to this happening all the Universal energetic systems will be impacted. This process is all pre-destined for a completely new cycle of awakening for a rapid reset for the entire Universe. Understand as your Earth enters this transitional phase of vast change our resident Universe can go through another alignment to the God Seat of Power.

The action of this energetic shift will be as though a tsunami of light enters Earth, radiating and infusing light across the planet. Shifting all Timelines, anchoring open alternate reality spaces and unlocking the old ancient density that has been buried within your earth plane for lifetimes.

The full Universal community will be working together to support this vast energetic transition of Earth. There will be an enormous transfer of higher light particles descending from the heavenly realms during this process. They will be embedded within the sacred sites of Earth and within the Magnetic core to support this metamorphic shift of Timelines within the planet. These higher consciousness light particles are designed to assist in the permanent merging process of these alternate reality spaces. As they fully engage energetically, they will become a natural extension of the energetic landscape of Earth.

These alternate reality spaces that are merging will originate from the 5th/6th dimensional consciousness realms. They carry a series of memory awakening frequency pulses that engage through your brain synapse and open into the Pineal, working to reposition the DNA strands. These pulses are positioned to realign you to an awakening, for you to remember who you are and have always been. These alternate reality spaces are designed to create an energetic mirrored platform to support you to begin a naturally readjust to the frequency of your higher self-realized state that has always been a part of your makeup.

These alternate reality spaces have always been a part of Earth’s multidimensional energetic makeup, however now they are to become an active extension of the earth planes consciousness. This ‘active’ merging of their energies will support you in moving beyond your ego mind’s persona, allowing the ego mind’s limited perception to no longer control you through illusion. Bringing you into the realignment of Truth, realigning you to your natural heritage of wisdom, knowing, Oneness….

Know that in any given moment you can regain the experience of realizing your fully potential. You have always been a sacred multidimensional being. This is the moment to self-realize, a process of simply remembering. As the shifts take place within the Timelines of Earth you will be assisted to reposition back into your natural state of re-aligning to your self-realized potential. You, as a conscious awakened being are destined to play the role of holding the frequencies steady within your Heart during this time of upheaval.

The preparation for these upcoming changes is to take a moment in your day to achieve a conscious reconnection within your Heart space. Each time for open into this process you will impact the alignment of light on the planet. Your Heart is a multidimensional tool, it plays the role of morphing into a natural Platform of light, whenever you choose to consciously align and anchor through your Heart.

Your Heart’s multidimensional potential is awake within you now. The Heart is a tool to be actively utilized by you in your day-to-day life. Your Heart is magically designed to act and become a pure Platform for you to stabilize within throughout the day. Utilizing your Heart consciously creates a quickening of your energetic systems, like turning on a light switch each physical cell of your body begins to pulse, radiate the unique frequency of your Heart outwards, naturally, like breathing. Within the Universe you are always recognized through the unique pulsing of your Heart cells.

Your conscious choice action of working within the tool of your multidimensional Heart sets in motion the activation of your self-realization process. Through your Heart you can realize, experience your authentic self. Taking moments to be still within your Heart allows your Heart’s multidimensional functioning to switch on. Then you will begin to perceive, recognize the vast space of power, light that exists within your Heart.

Yes, you play the role of having your human experience while you simultaneously awaken and regain the memory of your higher self-realization. Human drama, suffering doesn’t need to be your main experience of life. Your focus right now is to begin to stabilize and disengage from the drama of your life which allows you move into the true purpose within the collective moments of your journey.

You want to have moments of focused experiences, by opening to something authentic, to what really matters to you, within the sacredness of being alive within an individual experience. Whether that is watching the Sunrise, opening into the essence while being in nature, reading a poem, a connection to another person. All these are natural Heart experiences. You have come here to achieve, to master this, to reconnect to the essence of your natural makeup of love. To have moments of realignment to the truth of your interconnectedness to all lifeforce. To celebrate being alive in this moment!

An important element of this process is to open into a state of gratitude for all that you have created to engage within the human experience of your life. You are not meant to lose sight of all the beauty in the entire process of being alive. The conscious action of you choosing to let go is the essential ingredient in being able to fully open within the human experience.

The ego mind holds on to old pain, situations. Your Heart aligns only to pure experiences within the moment, this is love in action. Remember your Heart is your tool for a truer connection experience. Take moments to cherish life and your place within the sacred flow of being alive within the oneness, no matter what is taking place within your human life.

Once a human experience is complete you are meant to let go, you were never meant to achieve perfection. Being human is the action of being ‘perfectly imperfect’. This is the time to move onto another experience. You were never meant to hold on to the past. Let go now!

Celebrate your human imperfection and let go, knowing you have done the very best you could in each moment of time!

As you evolve further and further within your Heart space you naturally begin to build a strong unique electrical frequency pulse within the Heart cells. Collectively, as you awaken as human beings, you are destined to build an active transmission of light between your individual Heart electrical frequencies. This will be like the forming of a huge weave creating a Network of light flowing throughout the planet. This Network is to become like a generated power base of light that will build and fortify between all human hearts. This sacred weaving is designed to ultimately support the successful transmutation of Earth. Remember those of you in human form are to be the ones to ultimately shift the consciousness links within the planet.

PROCESS: This is a self-empowering process to bring you into a deeper alignment within your multidimensional Heart.

Note: The words, ‘I AM’, realign you to your Heart.

Note: The CONSCIOUS BREATH says, “Yes I am willing to let go, and Yes, I am willing to receive my light.”

Note: SACRED SOUND:  As you work with the sacred sound, AEN TAE SAHNNN… you create a unique frequency that speaks to your heart cells. The heart cells open and activate further each time you work with the sacred sound. You can utilize this sacred sound throughout the day.

  1. Both palms physically connect to your upper chest. Bring your awareness to where your physical palms connect.
  2. Take a Conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into where your awareness is holding. The Conscious breath is a breath take in the mouth and then released out of the mouth, wherever your awareness is the Conscious breath is automatically placed.
  3. Feel see or sense the opening into your Heart. Repeat the Conscious breath 3 more times.
  4. Bring your words, “I AM” into the space. Do this at 3 times. Feel see or sense a further opening, maybe heat, peace or light. Repeat this once more.
  5. Place the sacred sound, AEN TAE SAHNNN… (pronounced ay en tay sarn) 3 times within the space… feel see or sense how the space opens further. Repeat this once more.
  6. Take a Conscious breath and let go.

Repeat this entire process steps 2 – 6 as many times as you feel.

Great change is upon you, all is in hand. You can trust and continue to take the steps forward, move with the guidance from the intuition within your Heart. The words, “I AM” anchors truth, love and oneness.

We witness you evolving within your light.


The Pleiadians

Christine Day



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters! 


Next Step of Transformation

By The Pleiadeans

Channel: Christine Day 

Posted on November 6, 2024


I send love to each one of you and celebrate the enormous changes that are flowing onto our planet. Each one of us has been preparing for this sacred time and we are on the cusp of this sacred launching that will springboard our entire earth plane into a next step cycle of vast transformation. We have officially begun another era of a higher consciousness potential.
Wherever you find yourself on the planet right now there is an added intensity as the walls of illusion begin to shatter all the old barriers that have been holding the 3rd dimension in place for lifetimes.
Rapid change is in upon us, as the Timelines of Earth disintegrate, creating a birthing of monumental proportions. Expect the unexpected this month. Be prepared for further levels of accelerated change that is pre-destined to take place over the coming months into 2025.
You can all expect a series of extremes in the intensity to accelerate, as further waves of electrical light flows flood the planet.
This electrical frequency of light will affect each one of us on the cellular level, shifting our ability to perceive the reality of our own consciousness beyond the ego mind.
Within the timeframe of this month each one of us is being called to stabilize within the link to our Heart space. We have officially entered a next phase of what the Pleiadean’s have been calling the ‘New Dawning’ of Earth.
These last weeks have brought me into a swirling, shifting series of unknown, intense light consciousness arenas where I have reconnected to higher elemental frequencies of myself.
Letting go has been the only option to navigating within these spaces. Through opening my awareness, utilizing the Conscious breath to align within the moment, trusting the moment within my whole Heart, that is what I have done.
Not trying to understand this unknown arena. And I have been totally committed to becoming this unfolding energy, simultaneously knowing that I was and still am being repositioned on every level within myself.
We have all been prepared to meet this time. Remember the ego mind does not and will never understand this process.
Your multidimensional Heart is your only true reference point for this time.
I am focused on holding a steady Platform for everyone.
In the action of letting go I become all that I am meant to be in this moment.
Together we can let go and allow this transmutation.
Love and blessings,
The Pleiadians

Christine Day




Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Pure Force

By The Pleiadeans

Channel: Christine Day 

Posted on October 8, 2024


Beloved ones we greet you,
We honor your sacred unfolding and hold a strong Platform of love around you as you step forward into this next phase of awakening within yourself. The shifts on Earth are intensifying as you move closer to your next cycle of the ‘new year’.
There is a pure force, a transformational frequency emanating from the magnetic core of your Earth. This has been created through the reopening of a doorway, a higher more complete directional link from the collective Universal consciousness to the earth plane. This vibrational light is forming a higher network of consciousness throughout the energetic grids across the planet bringing to every individual a resurrection frequency within each Heart cell.
Be in stillness and answer the call that is beginning to arise from your Heart cells. There is a higher electrical frequency that can now pulse through you as you transform. Consciously choosing to let go allows a surrendering to this frequency that emanates, carries your unique signature of God light. Let go and allow the filtering, the returning of your higher light to anchor and be restored through you. This is a returning!
We witness you in love,
The Pleiadians

Christine Day



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!





Shift in Focus

By The Pleiadeans

Channel: Christine Day 

Posted on October 3, 2024


Beloved ones we greet you,
The time is here for you to begin another aspect of your journey so that you begin to shift your focus away from your daily human experiences of illusion. Instead, you are to bring your focused attention into individual moments, and this is achieved by holding your awareness on your sacred component that can be accessed through an alignment within your Heart.
This process truly begins by understanding that all your human experience is run by the constant thought process of your ego mind. Your ego mind’s judgement is a totally fear-based misperception of truth and bases all life experiences on a misunderstanding, misperception of reality. Your ego mind is completely limited to 3rd dimensional drama of suffering, limitation and lack. Your ego mind has no concept of your unique sacred divine component and cannot experience the higher dimensional realm experiences of your Higher Self.
For you to move into a more stable place of self-realization you will need to begin a conscious assessment of your ego mind’s daily dialogue. Witnessing your ego mind’s constant discourse of assessing is an essential starting point for the next step of your journey. Knowing ahead of time that this ongoing chatter holds a cycle of limited negative rhetoric that does not in any way resemble truth. You choosing to be vigilant, not to automatically react emotionally to the building commentary of the ego mind recreates the cycles of self-sabotage in your life. The ongoing ‘stories’ perpetrated by the mind, this builds in momentum waves of emotion and suffering from past events in your life.
Your decision-making process in life from the past may have been completely controlled by the mind. However, now with your awareness of the action of your ego mind you can stop and feel through your Heart. Bringing you the opportunity to pause, feel and explore, “what is the right action for me to take for my highest good?”  Know as you begin to by-pass the ego mind’s ideas and move into your intuitive Heart’s guidance your mind’s automatic knee jerk response will typically be fear.
Fear is a common ego mind response as it begins to feel ignored, out of control. Remember fear is simple a feeling perpetrated, an illusion arising from the mind, know these feelings, the feeling of fear cannot hurt you. And soon you will begin to have the direct experience of fear arising and as you align to your Heart the fear will simply dissolve. Feel the fear and move forward anyway. Gradually you will become accustomed, feel familiar with, get used to feeling fear and moving beyond the feeling and witnessing how the fear is total illusion.
What is essential is never push the ego mind’s feelings away. Feel the feelings fully, however, try not to react to them. You are human and you will have human moments, being ‘perfectly imperfect’. This process is for you to begin to witness the stories arising from your mind and to begin to put these stories into a context of illusion, not truth. In this way you begin to create a distance from illusion of the ego mind and are able to align more often within the reality of your higher consciousness in your day-to-day experiences. This is your next step to moving forward.
This process ultimately leads you away from constant suffering within your human experience. Suffering arises from the misperception of the ego mind, the mind assessing that you need something different to be happening in your current life experience. A non- acceptance of a situation that is arising in your current life. The ego mind wants everything comfortable easy, flowing in life. The ego mind does not want change in your life; however, life is always changing!
First step is to accept your situation as it is in this moment. You have created your present reality to learn. Be willing to open into the fullness of the experience and take responsibility for your part within the human playout. Open into a state of gratitude for what you have created, claim ownership for this creation.  Witness how your ego mind is emotionally responding and at the same time know that there is another way to handle the problem or the circumstances in which you find yourself.
Align through your Heart and then hold the energy of the situation within your Heart space begins to shift the perspective of what is going on. First just take a Conscious breath into the essence of the issue, being still and simply letting go. Then explore what feelings are arising inside of you from the situation, allowing your conscious breath within the entire issue, letting go. The feelings that are present may not even make sense however this does not matter, continue to use the Conscious breath and let go. These may be old feelings from the past that are being triggered by your present situation. Choose to meet the feelings that arise, don’t be afraid and push them away.
By aligning deeply to the issue on another level you begin to gain a true perspective of the issue and maybe you will come to a simple revelation, an insight that you would never have come to before.  Know that there is always a solution to every situation. No matter what is going on, however the issue may appear to be, know that all is in hand.
Shifting your perspective begins to shift the old cycles of self-sabotage held within the ego mind. This is the process of self-empowerment and self-liberation. The time is now to allow yourself to be free in life by choosing to live more and more away from the ego mind’s judgement of you and aligning to the love of your own Heart’s space.
You were born from love. Your authentic essence is of love. This high frequency of love is designed to self-heal your fractured human essence, to bring you back into the fold of your Heart. We, the Pleiadians often use the phrase, “You are who you have been waiting for!” Your Heart is a true connection to bring you home to yourself!
We can illuminate your path, bring clarity to you, however ultimately, we cannot heal you, because you are your own healer. Everything resides within your own Heart. Your Heart is your guiding compass, and it is your only true reference point in your life on Earth and taking you beyond. You have multidimensional tools, which are all accessible through your Heart.
Move forward towards the goal of shifting your awareness more and more beyond the ego mind to the sacred component of your Heart space.
This is a simple process of placing the palm of your hands on your upper chest. Feel the physical pressure or warmth of your hand on your chest. Hold your full awareness where the hands connect to your physical body. Take a Conscious breath, in the mouth and out the mouth. This Conscious breath bypasses the ego mind.
Reclaim your Heart space, this aligns you to your authentic sacred multidimensional essence. We witness you in love!
The Pleiadians

Christine Day



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




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