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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Builders

The Telosians

Channel: Marie-Josée Andichou

Translation into English by EraofLight

Posted on December 19, 2024

We greet you, dear children of planet Earth. Today we will speak to you about the builders. You have experienced very recently in your country of France the renewal of your beautiful cathedral of Paris. It is important to understand that this creation which dates from a distant time in earthly time, is a magnificent architectural creation, created by many humans who over many years have brought their knowledge, their skill in the construction of this monument. But it is good to know that such a monument is not only material it is also highly spiritual.
In times past, at the very beginning of the construction of this monument, faith in God was more important in the hearts of humans than it is today. All those who put their hearts and knowledge into the construction of this cathedral did so with the full awareness that this monument would be a light in your country.
Each stone, each sculpture, each stained glass window still carries the energy of the faith of all these humans who built this cathedral. It is the meeting place of many humans from your planet who came and come to visit it to soak up the energies imprinted in the stone. Until the day when a fire froze the entire Earth in enormous stupor, strongly affecting consciences and bringing incomprehension.
Why was such a cathedral undergoing such a tragedy? Earthly humanity asked itself this question. We will tell you this and you know it: “nothing happens by chance”. With the consciences of humanity going to hell, violence becoming more and more important in each country, this fire allowed for a moment to reconcile humans with God in oneself. With humanity going adrift, this event allowed consciences to turn towards the hearts of humans in order to find peace there, following the sorrow that many of you felt at the partial destruction of this cathedral.
Shortly after that, you experienced, on the whole Earth, a pandemic, a confinement that pushed you to reflect and wonder what could happen on your planet within humanity. The incomprehension was at its height but this period of confinement allowed you to reflect on what you were all experiencing, on your own life and consciences opened up to another way of seeing life, True Life.
“Nothing happens by chance.” All these events led you to focus more on yourself, to better understand what you were experiencing, why you were experiencing it and you turned more and more towards your inner being, towards your divine spark within you, therefore towards God.
And like the Phoenix rising from its ashes, through the marvelous work done by all the current builders who have allowed this cathedral to vibrate and shine again in your country but also on the entire Earth, it has become again the radiant Light that will spread across the entire planet. At its origin, this place had not been chosen by chance, there was a reason for that. This place would be the one that would allow terrestrial humanity to receive an energy of the most beautiful and luminous thereafter and for distant times.
The reopening ceremony of this cathedral brought together heads of state from many countries. This too is a spark of Light that will allow peace agreements, and this will happen gradually.
The work of ancient and current builders will allow osmosis to manifest between many countries in order to bring serenity to your earthly world.
Dear children of Earth, through your new awareness of who you really are, through the new awareness that you are the Unity of Love and Light, be the builders of Love and Light, of Peace and Serenity within yourselves and upon the whole Earth.
We thank you for this.
Marie-Josée Andichou


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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You Are Entering a New Reconstruction of the Earth

The Telosians

Channel: Marie-Josée Andichou

Translation into English by EraofLight

Posted on November 14, 2024


May Peace be in your hearts, dear children of the Earth, in these very eventful moments of your life on this planet. We see what is happening on the ground of your planet, we see the suffering that some humans are experiencing in the midst of floods and other climatic disturbances. You know, we have told you for a long time, this period of your life will be very… very eventful on many levels. 

Currently Spain is experiencing a great trauma that upsets every human being wherever they are. You can see how your hearts are opening up to mutual aid, to moral and material support coming from the country itself but also from other neighboring countries. The pain of all these humans, the human losses of loved ones that they are experiencing touch your hearts. It is unfortunately necessary that there are disasters of this kind for a trigger to occur in your consciences so that you understand that Life is only Unity: Unity of human souls, Unity of hearts, Unity of Love, Unity of support.

When moments like this come to you, you understand that it is important to be united, to stand together in the face of adversity in order to soften the dramatic events. It is in this case that you can understand and realize how, when you are in this state of mind, you feel Love emerging from your hearts, spreading around you and coming to soothe you, soothe those who are suffering and help you move beyond sadness.

When the difficult times have passed in the coming months, because it will be necessary for time to pass to materially restore the damage caused by this flood, the feelings of Love, Respect and Joy will be in the hearts of those who are affected but also in the hearts of the volunteers who will have participated in this cleaning and in the moral comfort of the people who needed it.

But if this catastrophe has happened, dear children of the Earth, it is because of the manipulation that humans make of the soil of the Earth. A river saw its course diverted a few years ago. This shows you that the Earth has a life and a body just like you. The rivers are its veins as your body is crossed by many vessels. It is important not to modify the path of your veins under penalty of serious illnesses and it is the same for the Earth.

Whatever you humans do for your “well-being” is not necessarily what the Earth wants and that is why it is getting back on its feet despite what you are doing to it. Many climatic and geological problems are presenting themselves to you in many countries. The Earth is purifying itself, the Earth is transforming itself as it has done since its birth: the climates are changing, its mountains are transforming, its coasts are being remodeled, the Earth is living and showing it to you.

However, it is important to understand that in the face of this, what you should do, the Earth will show you, is to stop digging it, for example to make tunnels in its mountains to allow you to go faster from one point to another. It is important to stop drilling it as you do to capture in its subsoil what is part of its life: oil and others. These elements are its body and if you disturb it in such a strong way, you hurt its being and it rebels.

During the past times of the life of the Earth, humanity has gone through ice ages, periods of warming, creations of continents, disappearances of islands etc. You are entering a new reconstruction of the Earth .  This takes time but it is becoming more and more clear. This is why we ask you to respect your planet, it is your life. These changes are the movements of its body, of its energies but there is also, unfortunately, the human action of certain governments who want to have a stranglehold on the climate in order to generate destruction here and remodeling there. The HAARP project is one of the causes of certain artificial transformations which are added to the natural transformations of the Earth. Certain tornadoes, storms are the result of this HAARP project.

Do you see how you can destroy the Earth partially or completely? It is important to realize that everything you experience allows you to react in order to understand that the Earth is a living being, that it accepted you on its soil with Love but also that it wanted you to respect it. However, for a large number of you the Earth is an object, only intended to bring you “well-being”, false “well-being” as you can see following your lack of respect towards it.

Dear children of Earth, be aware that the months and the year to come may be more and more disturbed if your consciousness does not open to Love for your planet. Love it, offer it the Light of your heart, soothe it because it suffers deeply.

We thank you for this.

Marie-Josée Andichou


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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You are the Creators of your Future

The Telosians

Channel: Marie Josée Andichou

Translation into English by EraofLight

Posted on October 21, 2024

We greet you dear children of the Earth. What a hassle! What a commotion on the ground of your planet which is in turmoil! You are constantly waiting for a change towards Peace in your life and in that of the Earth but, you know, it is you who create this change by your actions and your words. 
You are constantly waiting for an important change in your life and in that of the Earth. But this change comes from you, only from you, through your gestures, your actions, your words. You worry about your future but your future is created the moment you read this message, it is created the moment you speak of Love, it is created the moment you are in violence.
When you are in thoughts and acts of Love, your future is created in Peace but when you fall back into vehement words of disrespect and negative judgment, you collapse the positive energies of your future that you had created by your moments of Love. This is how life goes on Earth. Sometimes you raise your future in the Light, sometimes you make it become dark and uncertain again.
It is because of this that you are currently in a phase of the life of the Earth and of humanity in a total incomprehension of what can happen to you. But we tell you: it is now, at each present moment of your life by Love and Light in your actions and your words that you make yourselves happy as well as the Earth.
So what can you do to calm these moments that you live in fear? Be confident, yes we constantly talk to you about trusting in Life, True Life. But where is True Life? It is simply in you, you create it by understanding who you are, you create it by the Love that you radiate around you because, do not doubt it, Love, True Love is in you and you do not know it or you do not want to recognize it because it is not tangible. True Life, you create it by concentrating on yourself, on your Divine Being, you create it by understanding that everything is spiritual around you and that you are inevitably connected to the Source, the True Creative Source because you are a crystalline Spark of Itself. 
See you children of the Earth, do not wait constantly for your rulers to decide everything for you. You have within you the Strength and the Power to transform your life and that of the Earth into a radiant and luminous future in which you will be able to move in Joy and Happiness.
You are Creators, the Creators of your future, do not doubt it . We are here to guide you, to teach you, but not to create your future for you, we have often told you. The faster and more consciously you react in this sense, the faster your future will transform into gentleness and well-being and the faster you will dissolve the negative energies that your leaders put in place around you.
Have confidence in Life, the True Life that you are, we thank you for it.
Marie-Josée Andichou


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Our Mission is to Support You

The Telosians

Channel: Marie Josée Andichou

Translation into English by EraofLight

Posted on September 24, 2024

We greet you dear children of Earth. We are happy to meet you again. Every meeting is a joy for us but we wish that it is the same for you. We are in connection, in communication, very often, to give you messages but also to help you, comfort you, support you in these disturbed moments of your current earthly life.
We like to talk to you through our channel, this is important for you and for us. If we talk to you like this it is to confirm to you that we are very attentive to your way of living earthly life, to your way of living your happy and less happy feelings. We are very present near you because, yes, we are very close to you, much more than you can think.
Our mission is to support you to help you grow in the understanding of True Life, to make you understand who you really are. We come back to this subject very often because knowing yourself is the most important thing in your life. It is what allows you to live a peaceful, serene and happy life.
Of course, knowing yourself is not always easy given what is happening around you, in your society. Getting to know yourself is not easy because everything is done and put in place by certain humans imbued with the desire for power, in order to distance you from understanding True Life. True Life includes not only the one you live on planet Earth but also and above all the very important and unbreakable link that connects you to the Divine, the Divine that is your True Life.
We have said it and repeated it many times, you are Divine beings, Divine Sparks filled with the Love and Light of the Supreme Father. You cannot doubt it when you see how much, when you are attentive to this, you are protected, supported, helped in your life. Sometimes you doubt the help that the Divine Spark that you are can bring you in order to live better in this earthly life but, nevertheless, it is.
For this it is important to be very attentive, attentive, to what happens in your life each day, to all the small events that mark your life. Have confidence in your Higher Consciousness which is your Major Divine Spark and illuminates your incarnate part with Its Love and Its Light. Have confidence in yourself, in your life, in the events that happen in your life and rejoice in getting closer to the New Earth that we also speak to you about very often.
Despite the delicate events that may be happening in your countries, be confident in your feelings of peace and serenity when you connect with your inner Divine Being. Your soul is here to grow in Pure Light and Pure Love and guides you happily on this path. Listen to it, listen to the feelings it gives you by guiding you in the most beautiful way possible on the path of the Supreme Father.
We are talking to you about all this because it will be more and more necessary for you to meet your inner Being in order to find Peace and Serenity in every moment. We are here, close to you, to guide you on this path; listen to the feelings that we are sending to you to help you, support you and guide you towards the best path in your life. Our work of Love towards earthly humans will continue for a long time… a long time so that you can succeed in uniting in Peace and Joy with the Earth, your nourishing mother. Thank her for everything she offers you, for her beauty, for the shelters she offers you as well as the food she makes available to you every day.
You will say: “Yes, we have food offered with Love by the Earth but some countries and continents are in poverty. So the Earth feeds humans unequally?”
We will tell you this: The Earth has the capacity to feed all humans differently depending on where they live. But do not doubt that if there are humans who are in total lack of food it is due to those who manipulate you in order to have power over you. The Earth in her great Love and generosity can offer much more than what you can see and receive. But you are also asked to have respect for her, not to mistreat her and to thank her.
Dear children of the Earth, we are many around you, we love you.
Marie-Josée Andichou


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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