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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Alignment with the Higher Realms

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Marilyn Raffaele

Posted on January 5, 2025


Dear Readers, welcome to this first message of the new year and a new year it will be. Because the ascension process is well  underway,  changes are  starting to happen  in the hearts and minds of many.  Some long held beliefs will begin to manifest in new and higher form while others will completely disappear as being no longer relevant.
New ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding  are going to unfold as increasingly more people wake out of  long held three dimensional programming.  This in turn will raise the resonance of  earth's collective consciousness allowing the majority to more easily access  truth.
Many are starting to question what they have been told about themselves and everything else in the world and  spiritual empowerment that has long lain dormant in many is awakening.  This is turn is allowing increasingly more individuals to recognize that "The emperor has no clothes" with regard to much they have always held as being true.
The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer it is in alignment with the higher realms. The highest realms are pure Light unable to be accessed by human eyes.  As the frequency of earth's energy rises and  integrates into those receptive, increasingly more people will begin to see  friends and family who have passed on as well as guides, angels, and extra-terrestrials of a high resonance.
The dark, heavy, dense, light-less energies that constitute what the world has come to know as evil, devil, Satan, black magic, or hell are nothing more than human constructs having no Divine Law (reality) to support them. God did not and could not create from anything other than ITSELF because there is nothing other than ITSELF.  Never fear or give power to these things because that is what maintains and sustains them.
God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent and because every person is an individualization of God, everyone's true Self is likewise omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. However, these qualities are only experienced in proportion to the receptivity of a person's state of consciousness. Consciousness is creative, always expressing ITself as inifinite form and variety.    Ask yourself; "What do I have in my consciousness that I create from?"
A sense of oneness with other people, animals, and all life is often the way that spiritual awakening begins and this  is starting to happen for many. One of the biggest lies that has ever been perpetrated onto mankind is that man has dominion over nature, superior to and entitled to dominate it.  Man and nature are one/ONE--different Divine Ideas within the same Divine Consciousness and therefore actions  that destroy, misuse, cause suffering, and disregard nature are actions  affecting humans as well.
Every quality of God exists in, as, and through every person. You are ready to move into conscious realization of this.  Lifetimes of experiences ranging from good to bad to horrible have taught and brought you to where you are now. You have graduated from three dimensional learning lessons and are spiritually prepared to accept and live from a  higher sense of reality, from a consciousness of;  I  already am everything I have been seeking because I AM.
Let your meditation time be one of resting in conscious awareness of  your oneness with true Reality, Law, and Power  rather than a time of seeking, reaching out,  or praying some "correct" prayer  in hopes of attracting  spiritual experiences. To go back to this type of meditating after you know the truth will create a deeper rift of separation within than was there before.
It may seem as if nothing is happening with regards to meditation for a long time, even years, but know that whenever you go within for the purpose of aligning with Source, something happens. Inner doors begin to open allowing stored self imposed blocks to surface in order to clear which may temporarily make life seem more difficult.  Over time you will  notice synchronicity, abundance, and harmony etc. beginning to  manifest without effort or seeking on your part--the fruits of  meditation.
Living the spiritual life gets much easier once you stop resisting, analyzing,  and viewing everything from the level of right and wrong,  correct or incorrect, good and bad.  Without these three dimensional blocks,  you can open to deeper understandings of why certain people and  events have been a part of your life. You begin to experience and live from a higher state of spiritual empowerment allowing you to trust in yourself and realize that you are fully capable of making your own right decisions.  You stop looking to the opinions and beliefs of other people, government, "leaders", and organized religion for validation.
Spiritual evolution eventually brings every person to where their focus becomes that of attaining a consciousness of Oneness but this requires the letting go of  all programming based in the belief that humans are unworthy "worms in the dust" that must suffer, atone, and take action in order to draw God and their  good to them. Once you move beyond these obsolete false teachings ( still  being taught), you are free  to live from the realization that the one  omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God  and all that IT is, is your true nature. Not the human limited hypnotized ego sense of you that you thought you were, but the Real YOU.
The world once prayed to many gods, gods of fertility, crops, health, war, and even gods to kill one's  enemies (anyone they didn't like).  Mankind has evolved from having many gods to one God but continues praying  the same way they prayed to many gods.
Praying to some personal concept of God as being a man in the sky, a cross,  a statue,  a star, a geographic location, or a certain ceremony etc. in the belief that doing this will bring what you don't have is a form of idolatry regardless of how sincere and simply adds more energy to and strengthens beliefs of separation.  We are not saying that praying is wrong or that you must not pray, but we are saying that you are ready to pray righteous prayers, prayers that recognize, affirm, and acknowledge truth rather than  separation.
Let "I have because I am" be your sword and shield in all situations.  It can be difficult to stay centered  while clearing and perhaps also experiencing old energy from the hundreds even thousands of previous lifetimes.  You have experienced good, bad, violence, war, power over and power under while being every skin color and both genders in order to be where you are now spiritually.  The energy of many of these experiences is often stored and continues to be experienced until cleared. (Example--inordinate fears of certain people, places, or situations)
Oneness is the essence of  love,  is the key to all things even when it is simply holding the door open for another in awareness of their Divine Nature. Allow oneness  to flow through and as you wherever opportunities arise,  but never allow yourself to be used by those who do not understand  love and seek to profit from it.
Visualize earth as a world of peace and love and acknowledge  the Divine Light behind every pair of eyes, even those of the world's worst tyrants.  If the other is at all receptive the recognition of their  Divine nature it can lift and open them to truth. This is true prayer and the higher sense of love.
We are the Arcturian Group                                        1/5/25
Marilyn Raffaele
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Real Love in 5D

The Blue Avians

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on November 23, 2024


Beloved ones, we are once again initiating a transmission to provide you the opportunity to discover more about the profound life we are living and promoting.
We know you also wish to feel and experience love, but what you have called “love” until now has often been only a shadow of its true essence. Real, unconditional love can only be experienced in its fullness when extended to all that is—not solely to a single person. However, in embracing love for the entirety of existence, you naturally include all living beings within that love.
There is a way to create a significant shift in your mind, allowing you to decondition it from outdated beliefs that no longer serve you.
Many of you believe that human beings have fixed characteristics. You may find yourself assigning labels to others, thinking, This person is like this or That person is like that. In doing so, you unintentionally confine those individuals to the reality you perceive, repeatedly experiencing from them what you expect. Yet, what your soul truly desires is to feel and embody real love.
Sometimes, you may grow bored with people or find that certain relationships lack novelty or depth. This arises because you think—and thus, create—a perception of reality that aligns with your beliefs. You are not creating “another”; you are creating your own experience of what you perceive as the “other.” This perspective leaves little room for love to flourish.
We understand that breaking free from this conditioning can feel challenging, but it is entirely possible, and we have the tools to guide and support you.
Steps to Shift Your Perception and Embrace Real Love:
Recognize the Fluidity of Reality:
Reality is ever-changing, as are people. Remind yourself of this fluidity and allow yourself to witness and experience change in others and yourself.
Affirm Change and Invite Magic:
Whenever your mind assigns a label or judgment to another, gently affirm:
I allow this being to change; they are meant to evolve continually. I invite magic to flow through our lives.
Release Labels to Foster Transformation:
When you stop rigidly labeling others, you create space for their natural transformation to unfold. This openness allows them to embody change sooner and in unexpected ways.
Flow with Change:
Unconditional love means embracing the ever-changing nature of all beings and situations. As you witness others change, remember that you, too, are constantly evolving. All that is physical is impermanent and dynamic.
Honor the Divine in All:
While the physical form is impermanent, the divine essence within each being is eternal. See this divine nature in everyone and everything, and honor it. When your mind assigns a label to someone, remind yourself:
This person is a divine manifestation.
In doing so, you shift to the highest timeline, where unconditional love is the only reality.
The Truth of Love:
It is essential to understand that there is no true love for a “person” because the “person” is an illusion. To love an illusion is to experience an illusory form of love. Instead, love the real—the eternal spirit that animates the form. The spirit is never confined within the form; it transcends it.
When you perceive the truth, you will honor each human being as a unique expression of all that is. Love simply because love is all there is. Love because it is the only natural expression of your true self.
Do not try to love—surrender to love. Truly, beloved ones, there is no “other.” There is only you—pure consciousness reflected in countless forms.

Octavia Vasile



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




The Observer Who is Not From the Ego Mind

By Sanhia

Channel Michael Hersey

Posted on November 2, 2024




We have talked before about the observer. The observer is the one who is watching this movie that you call your life. What are perceived by your eyes are objects. These objects could be trees, birds, clouds, baskets, cars, or people. These are all a part of your movie. The body is also an object you see. If you have the goal to be one with your body, you want to make the subject and the object to be the same. This is not possible. You cannot simultaneously be the observer and the observed. You cannot watch yourself. You cannot do that any more than you can look at the window and say you are now one with the window. Something other than your “self”, or your body, is doing the watching. The Observer of the movie simply sees; It does not have the possibility of jumping up on the screen and acting at the same time. This is why We say that you are not your body. The You that is watching, the real You, cannot at the same time be what it is watching. When you identify yourself with the character in your movie, you have ceased to notice that you are the watcher and now pretend yourself to actually be the object on the screen. But You are not an object. The body, the object, does not experience the movie; it is a part of the movie. The true You is the Observer Who watches the body and notices what it is doing, thinking, and feeling.

If the thought arises that you want to experience Oneness, you are saying that you lack Oneness. This is not true. Your ego mind believes that it is separate, but the Observer is One with what it sees, though it is not what it sees. The subject is not the object, though there is no separation. There is only Oneness. There is no identification with the body, there is only the seeing of it. The Observer is One with everything that is. It is the creator of all that is. The thought of wanting in the ego mind affirms its pretence of separation. You can notice that such a thought seems to exist in the ego mind. You cannot make yourself feel oneness. All you can do is notice the thoughts of separation the ego mind holds and bring the awareness back to the now and the next thought. You keep peeling away what is being held onto that stands in the way of experiencing the Oneness. Thus, Oneness is not a goal; It is what is always present. To try to experience that is to maintain the illusion of being separate from it. The only process is to let go of everything that isn’t Oneness. You don’t try to change what is, that only feeds it. You simply do not dwell on the thoughts. The job is to be the noticer, not the thinker, the analyser, or the understander.

Let me give another picture of the perspective of the Viewer. The ego mind sees time as a horizontal line. It sees the now as the point where the past and the future intersect. In truth there is no point of now that exists because the movie is in constant motion. There is no way that you can try to be here now, because now is a moving target. There may be an attempt to hold on to something that can never be grasped. The result is likely a sense of failure to stay present without finding you are easily slipping into the past. Even the intention to experience nowness comes from the mind which is rooted in the past. Let’s replace the horizontal timeline with a vertical axis. The viewpoint of the Divine Observer comes straight down and contacts only the moment, not the whole horizontal timeline. Nothing is seen except what is directly in front of the Viewer. There is just what is. As long as the mind seems to wish to alter what is observed in any way, the appearance of separation is created; the viewpoint has returned to the horizontal timeline. The vertical perceives no past or future. Thoughts of wanting to be elsewhere are seen just as clouds in this moment’s sky. They are noticed and the eyes move on to the next thing that is presented. From the vertical perspective there is no such thing as past or future. There is just what is. You cannot look from this perspective and see a “younger” you. You might observe a thought of a “younger” you, but it will be quickly replaced by another thought or feeling. No “younger” you exists; no “older” you exists. Nothing exists but what is present now.

The object that is the “you” You are perceiving may be having thoughts about an imagined past or future, but all that is there is that “you” now. Not only is there no reality in the past and the future, but what is being viewed is not real either; it is all a movie. If the actor on the screen is perceived as an object by the Observer, rather than as self, that is an awakened viewpoint. All there is to do is to notice the passing of a thought. If upon noticing the thought you jump in and try to fix, heal, or otherwise change the situation, perhaps believing that you are as you are because of your “past”, you are back in the ego mind game and can only be certain of continued pain and suffering. You have again tried to make the object out as the subject, which it isn’t. Instead of looking down vertically at what is, you jump into the illusory timeline trying to heal the past and change the future. You are Divine as you are. There is nothing to heal, fix, or change. The you that is the Observer sees with Divine eyes. There is nothing to do to become enlightened. It is as simple as opening your eyes. Stop pretending to not be awake. See what is present without holding judgements. There is nothing that needs to be earned. It is your true birthright. Nothing has ever been done that needs to be atoned for. Nothing has ever actually been done. There is just now. See it from the vertical perspective. Seen for itself there is nothing to be changed. Everything is perfect. And You are One with it.

You are each watching your own movie. No two see the same film, even if they appear to be walking side by side. If you are thinking you are the character on the screen, you don’t see what is happening. You see from your ego mind perspective. If you rewind your movie back ten minutes, are you now in the past? Does that make the past real? You can jump all around in a movie. Does that make anything real? The movie has a beginning which for you might look like birth. Did the Viewer not exist before the movie began? The movie has an end which is called death. The Viewer is still there watching. If you are the actor, who is watching the actor? Through whose eyes do you see? Where are those eyes looking from? Can you be watching the movie and be in it at the same time? If you throw yourself against the screen, can you merge with the film? It’s just a movie. It’s not real, it’s just up on the screen and you’re watching it. Things become very simple. You are not the character on the screen. The movie is not real. You are just watching it. You can have no effect upon it. The movie has already been made. It is just playing. The script has been written. The actors have been cast. It has been directed and filmed. The special effects have been added.

One way to help the letting go of seeing yourself as the body and the seeing of things as they are is to change your language, certainly in your thoughts and out loud when you can get away with it. Stop referring to the physical body as I or me. Refer to that self in the third person. The words “I am” should stand alone, not to be followed by any descriptors. For example, rather than saying “I am sad” try “There appears to be sadness here”. Go a step further and replace “sadness” with words that describe the bodily sensations that seem to be present. Wherever words carry a heavy emotional weight for you, look for more neutral descriptors to use. Otherwise, you will likely go back to acting as if you are the object instead of the subject.

The question then arises as to how one becomes the Observer instead of the observed. It is important to be aware that all questions are generated by the ego mind, which is unable to ever find satisfactory answers. You can be aware that as long as there are questions and any beliefs that the body and the world are real, there cannot be a looking from the Observer taking place. All you can do is notice that you are still pretending to be the object and ask yourself who is watching this. Where is the observer located? If it is within your body, then find it. If the self seems to be interacting with the movie, who is watching this interaction? Wherever interaction is perceived, that is the observed and not the Observer. Take a step back and see who is observing the interaction. Each time you notice an identification with the actor, take another step back and see who is observing this. The part that wants to interact and believes that the movie can be changed is not the true You, the Observer, Who is simply noticing all of this. The movie, however, cannot be changed and so the actor is constantly frustrated. It is even scripted as to how long you will resist, argue, question, and continue to try to change the unchangeable before you give up trying and fall back to your true place as the Observer. You appear to have the choice to continue flailing away or to sit back, enjoy the show, and say “Pass the popcorn please”. You can’t make yourself let go and watch from the Observer’s eye, nor can you stop yourself from doing it. You cannot will yourself into being the Observer because you already are that. All you can do is notice where you wish to act and stop doing it.

One of the games of the ego mind is to say that if you are just the Observer you will no longer have any involvement with your movie, with other people, or with the world. The object “you” in the movie will still interact, but not in any attempt to change the movie nor with any goal or outcome in mind. The responses and actions will just be whatever is moving in the now. It is like improv theater. There is no conscious script nor outcome in mind. One simply responds spontaneously to the scene. The next response is absolutely dependent only on the new cues presented. There is no forethought nor afterthought. That is the game. It is comparable to a tennis match. All that matters is this shot. If your mind is anywhere else, you are not fully present for the next volley. This is just a movie. You know that you are not going to change anything; You are aware of no purpose. Yet, there You are, and you fully engage in the moment. But what possible reason could there be for an apparent birth and death, activities and relationships, failures and successes, ups and downs – all just to disappear? The ego wants you to believe that there is a purpose, a meaning in all of this. Where is it found? The Observer just witnesses apparent activity; it sees no plan. Ego mind creates a story with a beginning and ideally a happy ending. Spirit mind sees just life appearing to happen. Even for you on a spiritual path there is a thought that you will wake up and then understand the purpose and meaning of your life. You are already awake, and you can stop chasing your tail. You can begin that task by asking yourself who is chasing your tail. As you step back and observe from the true You, however, instead of understanding the answer, you will find that there are no questions. Some would say that the experience then is one of absolute Love, not as an opposite of hate or fear, but a steady state no matter what seems to be happening on the screen.

In conclusion, neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to accomplish the feat of releasing the ego self and viewing everything from the Divine Perspective. Nor can anyone explain to you what it will be like to realize the Divine View. Nobody will be there to have such an experience. There will be no sense of being awakened or enlightened because those are ideas of the separated mind. It is easier to try to tell what won’t be there. There will be nothing to fix. There will be no responsibilities. There will be nothing to understand. There will be no questions. Any questions?

Good Now


Michael Hersey


Compiled by from:

My notes:
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT.
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Seeking truth to be Free!

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Accountability ~ I’m producing a book on the fate of the dark, which will be published in parts. What’s happening on Planet Earth? Archangel Michael: You are at a point of what has been termed ascension, shift, awakening, heart consciousness, bliss, ecstasy, it matters not. The terminology is infinite and you love to have your own expression, as do we. The realization of your divinity, the contentment with who you are in total...
Functioning as an Enlightened Collective
Dear Ones, Our current spiritual initiations are guiding us into the ‘enlightened global mind’ and integrating more of the singularity of divine intelligence. This naturally unleashes greater levels of personal power with ability to positively affect the whole. At the level we are now vibrating, however, true personal power can only come from strong coherence with the evolving collective. This is an extremely important area to focus on due to what is occurring in our wor...
Healing the Dissociative Split
An unflattering view of the dissociative split.* I’m always pleasantly surprised when someone writes in and says that troll article really resonated with me; I don’t think I’d call mine a troll, but waking up to a low emotional baseline I can relate to. Heavens, I write awareness/stream of consciousness in the hope beyond hope that it resonates with others and helps them to free themselves from ancient issues and upsets. So I’m tickled pink that you resonated with it. But that isn’t why I came on here tonight. I came on ...
The plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine world
The plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine worldMessage from Matthew Ward*Channeled by Suzanne Ward.*March 2nd, 2021 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by saying that everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called divine order. The plan to transform life on Earth did not originate only two decades ago with the US legislation called NESARA, or a decade before that, with the global peace movement known as Harmonic Convergence. Indeed, those were grand milestones to celebrate, but the ...
A responsible consciousness, words and actions, increase the collective consciousness
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. We are quite busy, as you can well imagine. The energies on your planet are chaotic right now. This requires intense focus for what is occurring. Nothing is happenstance. It is purposeful in this part of realigning the earth energies for ascension. The same applies to you and your physical bodies. They are...
Thinking vs Feeling: What’s the Difference and Which of the Two Do You Use?
Here’s an exercise in Thinking vs Feeling. My friend called me the other day. She was upset with her manager. My friend works for a car dealership. The manager had to make an employee redundant. There was a choice between two salespeople. The manager fired the employee that had a below-average sales target but great people skills. This employee kept the office positive during troubling times and always encouraged others. The other sale...


Constructive" Thinking
The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell, and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.” Jalaluddin Rumi In discovering the WHOLE truth requires joining the puzzles together………….. Although this article is lengthy it has valuable information. I wrote it in recent years for a purpose. To help others not feel alienated or afraid to ask questions, debate or even query a concern, provided it has moral purpose and tr...
Something to Get Excited About
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of examining your receptivity to the current energies you have there on your world, because we want to see if you are capable of handling more. We always like turning up the volume on humankind when we feel that it is appropriate to do so. And we are not the only ones who feel this way about not overdoing it, not overloading your bodies and your energy fields, because we kno...
What is the Truth? What do I Believe?
A question that led to an answer. A true story. How confusion and chaos in the world helped me to decipher the truth. And the purpose of going within the heart- soul for truth. Upon Otto and I having a discussion today about the words in this world, and trying to make sense of the different interpretations of example, illusions, holograms, two earths etc etc, we both realise it can create confusion and turmoil when trying to help people grasp the truth of reality. ...
The Only Thing I’ll have, to Bring to the Party
… the trailing edge of the leading foot…
Forest trainer Dennis Percy used to say that the path starts at the trailing edge of the leading foot. If that’s the case, then there is no path ahead to guide me and what I bring to the party assumes inordinate importance. If we’re talking about actual lightworker leadership. If we’re talking about rote management, well, then, no. To fill the responsibilities I’ll have after the Reval, there’s a very strong impulse in me to “emerge.” It isn’t like this imp...
Strut Your Stuff
Dear Ones, Your options are unlimited. So it is time for you to decide where you wish to be in your new world. Think of new you as having a business or law college degree, which opens you to almost unlimited career options. Do you wish to use your skills in the social service realms, the corporate world, or start your own business? All choices you must sift through before selecting a particular arena. And after selecting that arena, having the option to re-select an arena or e...
Free Will
Dearest child…there have been a great many changes to your Earth plane over the past few months and you have handled them admirably! But you may have also noticed there are some that have not dealt with them at all and that is okay. (Smiling) Even though you may want to, you cannot force, cajole or persuade them into seeing what you see. You can ask that they receive unconditional love, guidance and the ability to change when they are ready. That is the gift of free will. ...
Lies Make Fools Out of You
Thought Adjuster: “One of the major impediments in bringing your world—and your being—into its promised era of light and life—has been the censorship of truth that robbed it of its positive and empowering applications into your reality. The massive legacy of lies and deception stemming from the Lucifer rebellion has exerted a catastrophic ripple-effect in many hot spots of your universe. In his delusion of grandeur, Lucifer had to spin a complex web...
Once Were the Living – Documentary from Spacebusters
Once Were the Living* is a documentary that is spreading on the internet like wildfire. In this video: The story of the 4th Industrial Modified Reset Man. What’s been put up your nose in nano dust “test swabs” and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it’s all in there. Reposted from Sergeant Major’s Truther Info: ------------------------------ *Compiled by from: * - *
Stop Cancer: Bicarbonate Miracle and Cancer
Sodium bicarbonate is a surprisingly useful tool for treating and preventing cancer. The basic reason that sodium bicarbonate is such a wonderful cancer treatment is that it directly increases CO2 levels in the body. Cancer tumors respond to increased CO2 in a way that does not favor their continued growth. Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a natural substance used in the human body to regulate pH. Bicarbonate affects the pH of cells and tissues, balances cell...
8 Signs the Power of Subconscious Mind Is Changing Your Life
You cannot possibly understand the true strength that resides within you until you utilize the power of subconscious mind. With this power, you can do anything!* Many people live day to day with a fear mindset, deriving from millions of negative thoughts. This is a form of control, not by others, but a control that derives from our limitations. Our limitations are created, not so much by outside influences, but rather from the way we think. This is one important a...
This is a powerful time of healing and development. New growth, expansion and possibilities have been initiated by last week’s New Moon energies. As a result of this shift powerful revelations and realisations are surfacing to support us in clearing the outdated and damaging inner dialogues that come out of the past. With this clearing we are creating space for new perspectives and innovative ways of thinking to emerge. Witness and observe the old thoughtforms and patterns within you that cause you to r...
Seeing Beyond the Illusion
And I have come at this time to be with you in these moments that are changing. Moments even now as you look out across the various things that are happening everywhere, those things that are still yet in the shadows. Those things that are still yet being held in subterfuge, coverup, all of this. But this, as you have been saying and you have been hearing, is all an illusion. It is part of the three-dimensional illusion that is breaking apart. It is coming down. But in order for it to come down, in order for it to...

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