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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação

Outubro 24, 2024


Energy Grid Functions

The Galactic Federation

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on October 24, 2024


Dear brothers and sisters on Earth, we bring our blessings from all over your planet, as our spaceships have now created a new energy grid around planet Earth. This energy grid functions like a capsule, keeping Earth at the highest possible vibration. However, to tap into this specific vibration, you must keep yourselves positive and always oriented toward the beauty of life.
It is now within your free will to experience a life of serenity and grace, to let go of struggles, and to allow all pain to dissolve. All the support is given.
But, are you ready?
Your reality is highly fluid, created from an infinite number of timelines, each established upon different possibilities in the present moment. You always align with the timeline that matches your vibration, whether you do so consciously or unconsciously.
By keeping a pure mind and heart, focusing on goodness and compassion, helping others, and generally being in service to the ALL that IS, you situate yourself on such a positive timeline. Stay positive, surrender, and know that this is how you enter the 5th-dimensional grid created around Earth.
Many ask why the grid does not protect everyone automatically. It is crucial to understand that your free will is what coordinates the connection between you and a particular vibrational field. For example, if you say, “I am ready to vibrate with love and to emanate this vibration,” your intention will already open such a timeline. However, if you engage in negative thinking and create more negativity, you will align with that lower vibrational timeline as well.
Do not underestimate the power of your mind, for you are creating your reality through it. We encourage you to shift your attention to your heart and invite your heart to guide you.
Below the heavens, there is more of the same, but one who has separated from ultimate reality may begin to believe in separation through identification with the human body.
See yourselves as magnificent vessels through which the light creates. Beyond mind and matter lies the truth. Embrace it, and you will be free.

Octavia Vasile



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Outubro 14, 2024


Everything is Realigning

By KejRaj (KayRy)


Posted on October 12, 2024
Greetings to You! Kejraj here!
Everything is realigning for the experiences of a new realm.
Through the shift in energy, focus, thought, belief, things are being positioned so that each soul on Earth will get to be a part of a new reality, whether it be 4D or 5D.
The timelines and versions of reality which existed ten, twenty, or even fifty years ago, are no longer an option.
Whatever it is that you are doing at this time, whether it be opening up to something greater, or fearing the collapse of the matrix, one way or another you are contributing to the bringing about of a new reality.
So we say to you, since the old ways of being are off the able, and no longer an option, why not open your heart, let go of fear, strengthen your trust in the Divine, and go for the miracle that is being offered to you now. A Fifth Dimensional reality, of true love and freedom, and no limit to growth and exploration.
All the light to You!




Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Setembro 21, 2024


The Event! Lightships in Your Skies

Timeline Update Part 1 & 2

Adamu Speaks

Posted on September 21, 2024



Adamu is back with an update about our current timeline! As timelines diverge and the old paradigm begins to crumble, expect a provocation from the dark elite. Adamu shares his perspective on what’s going on in current global events.

Warning! Expect a Provocation 

The Event! Lightships in Your Skies





Compiled by from: 
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Setembro 04, 2024


Accelerating Energetic Timelines

By The Pleiadeans

Channel: Christine Day 

Posted on September 4, 2024



Beloved ones we greet you,

Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies. The higher realms of light are being anchored throughout the Earth. Light codes are to being released onto the planet accelerating the energetic Timelines throughout the earth plane while creating pure spaces of consciousness for you to realign and awaken now.

As your Earth enters this next phase of the New Dawning the cosmic energy is designed to begin to flow and anchor between the physical body and the spiritual realms. This happening is designed to herald in a next step process of self-empowerment as you are being reinstated once more to embody your unique divinity.

A series of higher frequency light code waves are to be released across the earth plane. These light codes carry your unique design of higher consciousness enabling you to self-launch. This is the moment for you to reopen the doorway of the Heart through re-accessing a multidimensional aspect of the sacred Heart, enabling you to access your higher-self frequency.

These spaces of the sacred Heart embody an elemental of pure consciousness love, an aspect of your natural multidimensional makeup that is ready to be self-realized within you. This frequency of pure consciousness then naturally flows and blends, becoming infused through every cell of your body for a complete physical and energetic rejuvenation. The light code frequency is designed to begin to arise and flow within every cell, which awakens a pure transmission from within your crystalline structure that exists between the cells.

Like a light switch being turned on you will begin to resonate from within your crystalline structure that is housed within your brain cells, brain synapses, thyroid, spinal column and Heart. Illumination, rejuvenation alignment to the vast joy and love will begin to arise within and simultaneously begin to pulse, flow outwards across the earth plane. A natural by- product of this is because you are part of the god consciousness state, you will realign to Universal authenticity, wisdom and knowing.

This is your time to remember your sacred connections that has always existed within the Universal God consciousness state. This is a pure place of stillness, a link to an unlimited knowing, a vast space of unconditional love. Your multidimensional Heart has always been your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Now you utilize these sacred connections consciously in your day-to-day life.

As the amplified cosmic light is reinstated through you, you simply are required to let go and allow this transmutation process. There are essential moments to claim ownership of your vast light, and there will be a continual re-emergence of you as your crystalline structure upgrades. Throughout this process you will have access to Universal integrity within the link of your Heart.

As you utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, you will feel a shift. These words create a resonance, an opening that is activated by you, flowing within your entire crystalline systems. Allow these words to be the tool for a re-orientation of this sacred frequency being re-instated through you. You can really let go and trust this unfolding of you, allowing a fully energetic shift of consciousness to naturally unfold within you. The conscious letting go will allow you to fully embody the frequency of divinity within your cells.

These series of energetic cosmic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not align to Truth on your planet, all corruption within countries and within individuals will be unearthed. Expect an intensification of the 3rd dimensional drama as truth unfolds. There is going to be an energetic shaking of Earth as the old dense patterns crumble, the old, limited structures within society fall.

The breaking down of the structures will create a vast, lasting shift within the consciousness of humanity. Those of you on the path will play an ongoing role holding an energetic platform within your Heart’s to support an ongoing life changing process for humanity. The ‘New Dawning’ prophecy states: This is the time for great change to be unveiled as Earth is moved, realigned within the sacred alternate reality spaces within the Universal realms and begins to reposition itself within a higher consciousness paradigm of the “New Dawning” era.

Be not blinded by the density as it arises, by the drama that is to come. Refer only to the Platform of own Heart’s space. Aligning to integrity moment by moment. The misperception of your Ego mind cannot interfere with your unfolding path at this juncture. Heart focus is required as you maintain a commitment to authenticity and truth. Claim your moments within your Heart by utilizing the words, “I AM”, like a mantra of Truth.


This is a sacred process of your returning. Assisting you in harnessing the amplified cosmic flow that is entering Earth, to awaken your Heart and crystalline structure and upgrade your energetic systems.  Let go and allow, be still, let go….

Utilize the Conscious breath, which is a breath taken in the mouth and then released out the mouth. The Conscious breath says two things, “Yes, I am willing to let go and Yes, I am willing to receive my light!”  By consciously choosing to utilize the Conscious breath once an hour throughout the day, you begin a natural shedding process of letting go of the old density, old sabotaging and belief systems held in your body.

NOTE: The Conscious breath does not replace the normal breathing cycle.

SACRED SOUND:  ENTAH NAE SUNNN… (pronounced entar nay sun)

The sacred sound is designed to link you into the Cosmic flow, allowing the flow to enter you Heart space. The sacred sound that you make is unique, the sacred sound acts like a key to opening a door. Each time you utilize the sacred sound, there is a further opening of the doorway to your Heart. You are birthing the amplification of the Cosmic flow in your Heart through your sacred sound!

  1. You are to build a connection to your Heart space, which involves your entire upper chest area. Place both palms of your hands on your upper chest. Hold your awareness where you feel the warmth or pressure of your hands. Take a conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into the space that you see sense or feel.
  2. The sacred sound will begin to activate the multidimensional cells of your Heart. As you hold your awareness on your connection to your Heart place the sounds, ENTAH NAE SUNNN… as many times as you feel into your Heart space.
  3. Feel see or sense an opening within your Heart space, the cells of the Heart are opening, responding to your sound. You may feel a large or small opening, the experience may feel strong or subtle. This does not matter. Bring your focus deeper into the space of the opening, within the response. Take a conscious breath and let go within the space of your Heart that you see sense or feel.
  4. Open your awareness within the space that is being revealed and let go. Place the sacred sound, ENTAH NAE SUNNN…. Repeat the sacred sound three more times, placing the sound within the space.
  5. Feel see or sense how there is a cosmic light beginning to flow within the Heart cells. Bring in your words, “I AM”, anchor them within the space of the light that you see sense of feel. Anchor the words again, “I AM”. Take a conscious breath and let go… open into the space that you see sense or feel.
  6. Be in stillness and trust your authentic Heart! Take a moment to be in the space. Take a conscious breath and let go. Claim this space of your Heart.

This process will assist you in activating an accelerated awakening. Working with this process as often as you are intuitively guided to through your Heart.

Know how we hold you in love, we salute your courage as you take another step towards completion. We witness you and all that you are in this moment.


The Pleiadians

Christine Day



Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Abril 02, 2021


Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free!

Planetary Situation Update
COBRA: March 31, 2021 - Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear practically all Chimera space fleet and most Chimera underground bases. Chimera underground bases that are still remaining are much more difficult to clear, as they are connected to the Cabal infrastructure on the surface. The main Chimera underground base under Lake Kivu in Congo with the spider king and queen has not been cleared yet. The Light forces are also rapidly clearing quantum primary anomaly around the Earth. Quantum primary anomaly is a rando...
Lighting the Way to Better Realities and Timelines
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are illuminating a path for our ascension because we enjoy creating our reality, even though from your perspective, it must seem incredibly easy to do so when you are a ninth-dimensional, non-physical collective. The truth is, we just enjoy the process. We enjoy bringing something to fruition, because we have no doubt and we have no fear. There is no wondering as to whether we ...
Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma
Those taking vaccines are shockingly ignorant of the criminal fraud behind Big Pharma*By Mike Adams**NaturalNews* March 31th, 2021 Those taking covid vaccines right now are shockingly ignorant about the facts revealing criminal fraud across Big Pharma. Nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has a history of science fraud, bribery, kickbacks, price fixing, illegal marketing and more. Big Pharma corporations have proven again and again it's never about health... it's always about their bottom line, no matter what the cost to humanity. Even former executives of to...
Feel Truly
Dear Ones, your full presence with others is such a loving, supportive gift. When people feel truly seen and honoured in their truth and beingness, they feel acknowledged and accepted. Five minutes of full presence with another is worth more than a full day of distracted time together. Love others enough to be fully with them in the Now moment and you will see your relationships bloom, because your presence will be met with their presence, and from there profound connection can occur. Arcangel Gabriel. *Shelley Youn...
The Spirit Lives On. Forever
The Beloved: “Once you realize that this life is only a miniscule step into a glorious, eternal journey heavenward, it makes your life far more interesting. This is an everlasting truth, and worthy of thoughtful consideration. “How is it that your myriad friends – the countless ones that even now have passed over into a new life – can assist you in the mortal estate? “By realizing that this is so, and as your departed siblings become more...
Hi my friend, It’s always a blessing for me to connect with you in this way. We have so much to catch up on, so let’s get right to it! April is a high energy month, with great personal and collective change in store. If the month of March felt like it was a bit all over the place for you, especially on an emotional level, know that you are not alone! We have all been moving through timelines that have us consciously and subconsciously processing our feelings, emotions, and t...
A Vision for the Highest Good in Action
Here's a Vision / Intention that just came in from Kayla Chantra. It is short but very powerful. Thank You, Kayla! ~ We see a world where the energy of each and every intention that is for the Highest Good of All is consciously coming to expression on a daily basis in the minds of everyone everywhere. We likewise intend to optimally utilize the power and magnitude of divine synchronism to the fullest extent possible for the Best and Highest Good of All. ...
Slow Down
Joy, love, passion, drive, forgiveness, determination, wholeness, happiness are not things to strive for because they have been within you all along. You have been moving too fast and in too many directions to realize it, beautiful child. The Universe’s message to you today; slow down! Release the need to fill the empty spaces with unimportant things and know that, once you choose to stop obsessing about what you feel is unattainable, what you have considered as out of your reach will appear as if...
The past year has shown us all exactly how quickly life can change. For most of this year we have been moving at warp speed as the internal shifts creating profound opportunities for healing and growth. In April the tides shift bringing a new feel to our experience and with it, a deeper expansion of our soul’s expression. Within this space the subtle distortions, which cloud our intuition will be cleared, enabling us to sense and see the many possibilities that lie on the horizon. You are moving across a new territory ...
The Moon in Scorpio: Transformation, from Resentment to Compassion
According to Western Sidereal Astrology, the Spring / Fall Equinox occurs on March 20 with the Sun and Venus in the water sign of Pisces. This is the day twice a year when the amount of daylight and evening is about equal. Many ancient traditions honor this sacred time on Mother Earth to show gratitude for their lives and nature’s abundance. What would bring you joy and help you connect with this sacred time? How do you feel drawn to serve as a good steward of Planet Earth? Wit...
Dark Forces are trying to force the New World Order on you
Hello Dear Ones, I am Albert Einstein, and I am excited to be here today. I am a “mad scientist‘, my hair represented my personality, who loves mathematics and physics. As you know from my lifework that I developed the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. I was not fully satisfied with my results for the quantum physics, I really didn’t have a chance to finish my studies there. I enjoyed my work very much and I loved every second of it. I wish I could be...
Extraordinary Circumstances, Extraordinary Times
 More than ever before, there is the desire to bring forth Heaven, or what people perceive as Heaven, on Earth! *Archangel Gabrielle ~ Extraordinary Circumstances, Extraordinary Times* This beautiful gem is lovingly shared by Sarah from her personal reading with Linda Dillon. Greetings, I am Gabrielle. Sarah: Hello, Gabrielle! AAG: Welcome, beloved. I come as Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One. I come to bring greetings, to bring gifts, to bring ble...
Enjoy the Sweet, the Sour, and Everything In-Between
There are no goods or bads, just nature thriving. You always have a choice to focus on what is going well. We remind you to play. You have come to Planet Earth to play, and everything is play to your soul, even those things you would qualify as hard, challenging or overwhelming. It is all the experience of the soul, all an adventure, an opportunity to feel, taste and see. The soul is enjoying the sweet and the sour. The hum...
A little NOTHING....THAT CAME TO ME AFTER I WATCHED THIS MOVIE "LUCKY" THAT INSPRIED ME AND CAN YOU. SOURCE LOVES EVIL.....Because it does not see Evil as only SEES ITSELF....JUST LIKE YOU ONLY SEE YOURSELF.? Because we are ONE AND THE SAME!....Where do you think LIFE came from?...or Comes From?...IT COMES FROM SOURCE! Do you think that there are many SOURCES WHO CAN CREATE LIFE?....."NO"..... THERE ARE NOT ANY!...... BUT THE ONE SOURCE Yeah......your kitty can make kittens and you can make babies........but you did not really MA...

Março 17, 2021


Seeking truth to be Free!

Emergency vaccine alert edition, podcast and article
Mike Adams; The global vaccine push is transforming human beings into "super strain" factories who are churning out ("shedding") deadly viral strains that are far more dangerous than the original coronavirus. A top vaccine scientist has sounded the alarm that paints a devastating picture for humanity. If this scenario unfolds, it could mean mass death and the fall of entire nations over the next 1-2 years as a "second wave" of a super mutant covid strain is unleashed and widely circulated. Me...
By Tiny Steps Of Faith
The Beloved: “Wait upon Me, My beloved, and hear My words in quiet contemplation. Your attempts to bring knowledge of Me into the public domain, so others may learn about Who lives in their hearts, is greatly satisfying to Me as your Teacher. It is truly necessary to be open about the matters of the heart, for others to likewise become encouraged to be approachable and unguarded around you. In this most intimate of sharing, a powerful energy ...
WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a health scientist who does research, training and teaching in public health. Early on in her career, she began working with WHO, doing research which she says was “science for politics.” In this video she talks about the “suspicious” activities of Bill Gates and the reservations she has about the actions of the WHO, GAVI and Gates. As her career advanced, she started getting asked by politicians to organize events in public h...
Reuters and BBC Caught Taking Money for Propaganda Campaign
Dr. Mercola; Story at-a-glance - Leaked documents reveal Reuters and BBC News have been involved in a covert program by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to weaken Russia’s influence through a multipronged propaganda campaign - Operation Mockingbird was a clandestine CIA media infiltration campaign launched in 1948 under the Office of Special Projects. The CIA spent about one-third of its budget on bribes to hundreds of journalists who publish...
The Red Line
The Red Line Master KuthumThrough Jahn Kassl*Translation from German by* *Posted on 03/16/2021* COOKING POT OF THE WORLD Go the way of the love persistently further! Remain determined and be wise, because a system that is going down and a power elite that is in dire straits are lashing out and destroying everything that stands in their way. So I invite you to exercise prudence and wisdom. Practice your spiritual exercises, always bring yourself to the center and in connection with God. The pressure in the cooking pot of the world is increasing and it is up to you to...
The Power of Love
Judith Kusel; The Power of Love is what sees us through… All is in great flux and flow and we are all standing on fluctuating ground. Yet through this all, so many are getting depressed or are uncertain at this time, or just need to not know their way forward. This is because the New Earth is here, but we still are in the process of transfiguration, and thus one foot in the Old Earth and one in the new. There is in truth nothing to fear – no matter what the outside world may throw at you, know that the Divine Masterplan is on track. Do not a...
Situation Update March 15, 2021
 Sharon Stewart;Me: Okay, I've been following the Storm casually for a while, but on November 3rd, 2020, I was as surprised as anybody else when I saw the election results. So I started paying more attention, following it every day. On January 6th, I anticipated that “something would happen other than what did happen,” and on January 21st, I anticipated that things would be rectified and that Mr T would take office again. He didn't. He seemed to be walking away, and we now know he isn't – the military is running the Uni...
Nearly All Covid Masks Are Worthless as Virus Particles Are FIVE TIMES Smaller Than Holes in the Masks
Nearly All Covid Masks Are Worthless as Virus Particles Are FIVE TIMES Smaller Than Holes in the Masks **Posted on 03/16/2021 The best data to date indicates that the use of surgical or simple face masks are insufficient in most “Covid safety” situations. Even the *N95 mask* packaging has label verbiage indicating protection that can only go down to *0.3 microns*, yet the Covid-19 virus particles have a diameter of approximately 60–140 nm, and that’s *0.06 to 1.4 microns*. The decimal .06 is 5 times smaller than .3. *That means the Covid virus particles are 5 time...
Biden Plans Biggest Federal Tax Hike Since 1993 To Fund Infrastructure, Climate Initiatives
Households across the US rejoiced over the weekend as they received their first stimulus checks. And as BofA’s team of analysts parses exactly how millions of Americans will spend this money (will they buy washing machines and toasters? Or dump it into crypto/GME?), Bloomberg is out with a chilling report alerting Americans to the inevitable reality that President Biden is about to switch gears from spending to fundraising. Of course, we use t...
In This Moment…
My darling child; I know that wave after wave of change has washed over you and, yes, more is coming. I know that unsettled may be the order of the day for you. Whether you are experiencing these things or not, you are being asked to be gentle with yourself and others. Each of you is going through the changes the best you can and it is all you can do in this moment. If you reach a point of overwhelm, remind yourself of this; The Universe is proud of you! You are beautiful…you are wanted…...
How to Stop Second-Guessing Yourself in 8 Ways
Making decisions isn’t always easy. What’s even harder is second-guessing yourself afterward. Did I really do the right thing? No one is perfect, nor will they ever be. The same applies to life’s decisions, as you cannot always do what’s best all the time for everyone. Then, after decisions are made, they are sometimes discovered to be the wrong ones. That’s when second-guessing makes life even harder. What exactly is second-guessing, you might ask? Second-guessing means to cr...
Much of what has been surfacing recently is linked to the old mental programming and conditioning we adopted in childhood, which keeps us tied to childhood wounds and old emotions. As we allow for their release, we free ourselves from limitation and the expectations around who we should be and how we should live. Consequently, we no longer feel the need to subscribe to the old ways of living and being. Many of you are feeling exhausted and run down with a sense of just being over it all. However, this exhaustio...
Feel the Highest Heights of Ecstasy without Drugs
We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have taken ourselves to some very high heights of ecstasy in order to better understand, in order to better know, what Source is. We do not have physical bodies, and as such, we cannot use a drug, or even a natural occurring substance to get us to these heights. We cannot use sex, or even conscious breathing, to get to these heights. All we have is our desire and our focus, and...   
Ascended Masters
James McConnell; ONE WHO SERVES; Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you. One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is not here at this time. Her host, JoAnna, is not able to participate with us at this time. But we, as the ‘One Who Serves,’ are a collective of what you would say ‘Ascended Masters,’ although we do not like to call ourselves ‘masters.’ We are ones that have ascended. We are ones that have mastered the older three-dimensional paradigm and moved beyond it, just as you are all in the proc...
Frequency Splits into Timelines; Timelines are Splitting Apart
Steve Beckow; I’m producing a book on the fate of the dark, which will be published in parts. Can you explain timelines to me please? Ivo: Everything is energy and frequency. There is no other law. Everything in consciousness vibrates and that is because it is alive. Everything has a measurable frequency. This frequency can be changed in the human and other species of life because that is the nature of life: learning and evolving. (1) Ivo: Frequency will a...
One year into ‘15 days to flatten the curve’, why are we still tolerating authoritarian government clampdowns on our daily lives?
 RT; In the 12 months since states first started ordering citizens to stay at home under the pretext of Covid, we’ve come a long way. Particularly in our understanding of how illiberal our politicians can be and how supine we are. One year ago, at noon on Tuesday, March 17, France went into total lockdown for the first time. Until then, Covid-19 was something of which we were faintly aware – background noise in our...
Why Are Drugmakers Who Caused Opioid Crisis In Charge Of Solving The Pandemic?
Russell Brand says, that some people have doubts about allowing corporations with a history of prioritizing profits over people to be in charge of solving the pandemic. Russell Brand wants you to know that the transnational global mega-companies creating vaccines for COVID-19 are the same drugmakers responsible for the opioid crisis that has killed more people than COVID. In his latest video, Brand cites a Feb. 3 study in JAMA Psychiatry showing that fro...
The Greatest Secret Posted
Judith Kusel; The greatest Secret which has never truly been shared with all of humanity, has been that of seeking silence, quietude, and creating a Sacred Space, an inner and outer temple, where one can truly become AS ONE with the Divine and embrace Divinity within, in ways which words cannot express. When one is experiencing Omnipresence to the highest degrees, the ONE dissolves into many, into All-that-is, and thus becomes All-that-is. Once the soul has expanded into the Infinite Whole, it cannot shrink back into the ego, duality...
Remembering Who You Are
James McConnell; I am KaRa. I, as many of you know, I am an emissary, a Pleiadian emissary to the council here on the Earth. Yes, there is a Great Earth Council here. And many of you, in your multi-dimensional forms, are already a part of, a part of the Earth Council, or a part of the Pleiadian councils, or the Sirian councils, or the Arcturian councils, many of the different councils you, as your multi-dimensional selves, are already a part of. Some of you already command ships as your multi-dimensional aspects...
Higher Light Decree: Clearing Negative Portals and Interference
call upon Source Energy. I call upon my Higher Self and Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness and activate this decree. I call on Archangel Michael and all angels working with Michael to be present during this decree. I call on Metatron and all Archangels from the Great Central Sun working with Metatron to be present during this decree. I invoke all Archangels of the Horizontal and Vertical force planes. I call upon all Elohim and Seraphim. Ultra...

Setembro 16, 2020


Progress Report 2020/09/14.


September 14th, 2020


Our meditations have managed to somewhat stabilize the positive path towards the Event.
A few days before exact Eris-Pluto heliocentric square meditation on August 31st, cloudships and rare multiple rainbows appeared in Taiwan:
The Solar System beyond Lunar orbit is already entering the Age of Aquarius as last vestiges of primary anomaly are being removed from there. Massive influx of angelic Light energies is now being experienced throughout the Solar System and people who are sensitive to energies are able to connect with it.
Clearing of Draco fleet is proceeding according to the plan and Light Forces have communicated that the probability of Draco alien invasion is now less than 1%, probability of fake Illuminati alien invasion is 7%, probability of US-China war is 9%, whereas probability of US civil war remains at 35%.
Mjolnir technology that the Light Forces are using is actually quantum cannon technology which emits a strong scalar field through the quantum foam and forces all matter waveforms from quantum superpositioned state into physical manifestation. This forces all Draco ships to appear into the physical and they are then immediately contained by the Galactic Confederation and their personnel processed through the Ganymede sorting facility:
Mjolnir motherships are positioned in a giant dodecahedron just beyond Lunar orbit and are emitting strong Mjolnir forcefield towards the Earth.
When Light Forces were clearing Draco fleet they have rescued many hostages, among them twin souls of many key commanders within the Galactic Confederation. Those commanders were threatened by the Draco that their twin souls would be tortured if the commanders would not cooperate with the Draco and sabotage many plans of the Light Forces. This is how the Draco were able to create many delays and setbacks and this is why the coronavirus pandemic could not be stopped in January and February.
Those twin soul hostages were rescued and compromised commanders taken to Confederation motherships outside our Solar System, where they will be able to get healing and then they will repair as much as possible the damage they have created.
Those compromised commanders were also responsible for spreading of much of fake intel through many Lightworkers channels in the last few years. This is one of the main reasons why most channeling sources are not reliable. The other reason is that those Lightworkers have a belief system that they know everything, and they appear to be speaking with authority, when in reality they are mostly clueless. The third reason, already stated many times, is the dark force infiltration of the Ligthworker community.
Now with that major sabotage exposed, the Light Forces are able to progress much more effectively with much less delays. After they remove the Draco fleet, they will begin systematically clearing the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC):
The vast majority of Cabal members in the IBC and also on the surface are naturalized Dracos, meaning they came from Draco star system many thousands of years ago and then took incarnation cycles on Earth by incarnating in human physical bodies while keeping Draco energy bodies.
They now unsuccessfully want to create their own version of the Reset and push this planet into technological dystopia:
They also unsuccessfully want to spread new, mutated versions of the coronavirus:
As solid scientific evidence that covid-19 has been created in the lab is finally available:
They are using the energy of the coming Saturn Chariklo conjunction on September 21st to create as many lockdowns as possible worldwide by artificially pumping up the number of coronavirus cases by misusing the PCR coronavirus testing:
They are using the lockdown situations to start testing how people would react to FEMA camps, in Ohio and Quebec:
Understandably, people are protesting against it:
And against lockdowns in general as well, for example in this massive protest in Berlin:
This protest was a major victory in the occult war against the dark forces, as it started to heal the so-called Prussian negative timeline.
Main protest took place in the Great Star square in Berlin (Der Große Stern), in the center of which is the Victory Column (Die Siegessäule):
On the top of the column is a big statue of goddess Victory which is the center of the Berlin Goddess Vortex. This vortex was reactivated during the protest and started to heal the Prussian timeline:
Prussian timeline was initialized in the early 19th century by dark Prussian occultists and envisioned dystopian soulless technological civilization dominated by Prussia. This timeline is responsible for Nazi secret space program which includes Neu Berlin underground base in Antarctica (now in the hands of IBC) and for creation of the Dark Fleet.
The Jesuits are now using their puppet George Soros:
To create a color revolution in the USA:
Trump, on the other hand, may use Insurrection Act to counteract this:
Positive Military may, or may not use the Insurrection act, to trigger the Delta Option shortly after the election:
Jesuits want to polarize the surface population to either idolize or hate Trump:
They are using the energy of emotional investment into Trump as a tool to engineer civil war in the USA. Light Forces are therefore asking everybody to remove their either positive or negative emotional investment from Trump and just calmly and rationally observe the situation and try to put as much Light as possible into it.
And send some loving energy to animals:
And connect to beauty:
Or read this book:
Victory of the Light! 

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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