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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Biological Attraction is a Terrible Guide

Tourmalayne trough A. S.

Posted on February 4, 2025



My dearest Earth friends,

This is Tourmalayne speaking. It is so good to speak to you again.

Today I will give dating advice that some of you will already know, but that may be beneficial for some people:

Don’t follow your biology-level attraction, because it will lead you to reject partners who would make you happy, and it will lead you to date partners who won’t.

So, let’s unpack that.

First of all, this advice applies to both men and women. I will mostly be discussing female biological attraction in this message because it’s less well-understood on Earth. Still, let’s first look at male biological attraction.

Men’s biology-level attraction pushes them to have sex with as many women as they can, especially if those women are pretty and young. After all, young women are fertile and pretty women have good genes. Good genes means less chance of the child dying during their childhood, which was a huge issue in previous centuries.

Men’s biology-level attraction also causes them to prefer women who are unlikely to secretly cheat on him and pretend that another man’s child is his. This leads men to preferring virginal, inexperienced, submissive, not super outgoing, not very flirty or promiscuous women.

Don’t blame men for this preference. Blame the women who cheated on men and then pretended that another man’s child was his, which apparently happened often enough that men now have a noticeable preference for women whose character traits indicate that they are unlikely to do that.

I’m not being too cynical. In France, paternity testing is only allowed with a court order. This was done to “preserve the peace of families.”

So yes, a small but not insignificant group of women does in fact cheat on their partner and then pretend that the child is his. While immoral, this makes biological sense — that way the woman gets the great genes from one man, and gets the stability and resources from another man. This maximizes her chance of having a child who will survive to adulthood, if she can’t find one man with both great genes and lots of resources.

Ultimately, biology doesn’t care about morality. Biology also doesn’t care about happiness. All it cares about is producing children who will reach adulthood.

Now, if a man just wants to reproduce, then it’s more or less okay for him to follow his biology-level attraction.

However, if a man wants to be happy, then it’s not a good strategy to let himself be led by those biology-level attractions. After all, his biology wants him to choose a prettier woman over a woman with a better character. His biology also wants him to have a ton of empty, meaningless sex with a ton of women. This is a great strategy for reproduction, but it’s not a good strategy for long-term happiness.

So, this is the first important principle: following your biological attraction is good for reproduction, but it’s bad for long-term happiness. Now your biology doesn’t care about your happiness, but you might.

And indeed, men are told to use their brain when selecting a partner, to not just go for the hottest woman, to not blindly follow their dick, to be faithful to one woman and to not just have sex with as many women as possible, et cetera.

This is good advice. Telling men to not just follow their biological attraction causes more men to make choices that lead them to long-term happiness.

The advice not to follow their biological attraction is just as true for women. But unfortunately, society doesn’t as often give women this warning. Hence women often do simply follow their biology-level attraction. As a result women often reject good partners, select horrible partners and get seriously hurt.

After all, in modern societies it’s not that important that a husband is able to fight well. But in primitive societies, that was absolutely crucial. Not being able to fight well could mean that the entire family gets murdered by a bandit, or gets eaten by a wild animal.

So a woman’s biology-level attraction likes it when men are able to kill an attacking bandit on a moment’s notice. Because that means the family survives. So it’s attractive when men are stoic, capable of violence and a bit psychopathic. It’s not attractive if he’s calm, humanitarian, emotional, empathetic, kind or excessively rational, because then he can’t kill the bandit who would otherwise murder his family.

You can’t have a husband who has a moment of weakness when a bandit is suddenly attacking the family. If he has a pang of anxiety, the entire family dies. Therefore men can’t show weakness, not even for a moment. If a man ever cries, forget it, dump his ass.

Now obviously, women have higher faculties too, and it is attracted to loftier things than her biology-level attraction. But when push comes to shove, modern women do often choose to follow their biology-level attraction. And so women might say they want emotionally open men, but when push comes to shove they reject such men in favor of emotionally repressed men who don’t show much emotion. Because that’s who can kill a bandit at a moment’s notice, and hence that’s what’s biologically attractive.

Your husband needs to be surface-level stoic for only the time it takes for your children to become teenagers. After that, you’ve achieved your biological goal, and your future happiness and relationship stability, or your husband’s psychological health, doesn’t matter from a biological perspective.

Obviously, choosing men who are capable of murdering a stone-age bandit is a poor choice for optimizing your happiness in the present day. But even though it sounds really silly if I say it like this, this is what women’s biological attraction is actually nudging them towards. Which means that following biological attraction is a terrible idea for long-term happiness.

Other than killing bandits, what’s also important and therefore attractive in prehistoric times is that the man will bring home food, even if there’s a famine. No matter what he needs to do to get that food.

So, what kind of traits will allow a man to bring home food, even if there’s a famine, no matter what he needs to do to get that food?

Well, violent tendencies, psychopathy, narcissism, perhaps poor impulse control, being stoic, not being too emotional or humanitarian or introspective or rational. The man shouldn’t be too moral or kind or empathetic, because that just gets in the way of him bringing home food no matter what.

Yeah, it’s not nice, but having your child starve to death isn’t nice either.

And that’s why bad boys and jerks and psychopaths and narcissists are attractive to women.

Don’t blame women, they just don’t want their children to starve to death during a famine. Doesn’t matter that those things no longer happen in the West — what happened in the Stone age is what women’s attraction is calibrated towards.

Now, there’s also a part of women that likes kind men and that doesn’t like bad boys and jerks and psychopaths. Yet biology-level attraction leads women away from kind men and towards bad boys and jerks.

This is why you have some women saying they want a kind man, and then they reject kind men in favor of a jerk. It’s a war between the more evolved parts of her and her raw, cavewoman era, biology-level attraction. And if a woman is just following her attraction, then the cavewoman often wins.

Women saying they want kind men, and then rejecting kind men in favor of jerks, is a sort of unintentional gaslighting that women inflict on men.

And obviously, choosing bad boys and jerks isn’t good for women’s long-term happiness either. No matter how much her biological attraction might appreciate that those guys can kill bandits and bring home food during a famine.

Women often see it as self-evident that of course they’re only going to date those men who are immediately attractive to her on a biological level. After all, love and attraction are requirements for a relationship, right?

Sometimes this isn’t even a conscious choice: many women simply instantly reject men who aren’t immediately attractive. Or women don’t even register such men as potential partners. Sometimes women get asked out during an event, immediately turn the man down, and then think to themselves at the end of the event that it’s a shame that no one asked her out.

Now on one level, it’s understandable that women only want to date men they’re immediately biologically attracted to. Don’t you need to be attracted to your partner?

Yet, attraction is actually something that can grow over time. It doesn’t need to be there immediately.

And there’s also the difference between long-term attraction to someone because they’re a good person and you’ve built something together, versus immediate attraction because that guy would be able to kill an attacking stone age bandit.

Insisting on only dating men who are immediately attractive means quite possibly rejecting good men in favor of jerks. Because that’s what women’s biology-level attraction points them to.

Or women insisting on dating men who are immediately attractive can mean going for genuinely good men who are also immediately attractive. However, only a tiny handful of men are genuinely good men while also being immediately attractive on a biological level. And pretty much all women would love a man like this. So those men are either already taken, or they have so many options that they’re willing to have sex but they’re unwilling to commit.

Immediate, biology-level attraction isn’t actually a requirement for long-term relationship happiness. In fact, the Ancient Greeks saw immediate, biology-level attraction as a type of temporary madness that just leads people astray.

They would be horrified to learn that many modern women refuse to date anyone except for those people whom they had an immediate, biology-level attraction to. To Ancient Greeks, that would be like saying: “I don’t date men unless I’m being overwhelmed by temporary madness for them.”

Of course, some women absolutely do use their brain or intuition and make genuinely good dating choices. It’s certainly not true that all women operate based on biology-level attraction. However, most modern women do.

So, those are some elements of women’s biology-level attraction: men must be able to kill an attacking bandit on a moment’s notice, and men must be able to bring home food during a famine no matter what needs to be done. Hence bad boys and jerks and psychopaths and stoic men are welcome, while emotional and weak and kind men are not.

And a women’s higher faculties have the complete opposite preferences, which can lead to almost schizophrenic outcomes, where women say they want one kind of man and then date a completely different kind of man.

But we’re not done yet. Another element of women’s biology-level attraction is a very high amount of pickiness.

After all, in primitive societies, being the second or third wife of an exceptional hunter is a better deal than being the only wife of an average guy. After all, that exceptional hunter will be able to provide for three wives, and besides he can actually win fights and thereby keep the woman and their children safe. The average man may lose the fight, which could mean that a wild animal or bandit kills the family.

If you don’t think that these types of consideration still matter, ask yourself why height still plays such an important role in female attraction. After all, height doesn’t matter in modern society, and height doesn’t indicate any type of virtue on the part of the man. It doesn’t seem logical for women to significantly prefer men that are a bit taller than her, to shorter men. Yet, women do have that preference.

This is because height is very important when it comes to fighting or hunting. And a man being good at fighting and hunting in primitive society could easily mean the difference between life and death.

So yes, women’s attraction is still being governed by what was beneficial in the stone age. Women’s strong preference for somewhat taller guys shows this.

So, women are picky and they want top men, even if that means sharing him with other women. After all, the top man can actually kill the wild animal or bandit who would otherwise kill the family.

Having a monogamous relationship with a more average man might be nice, but biology doesn’t care about happiness. Besides, it’s not nice if he can’t stop the entire family from being killed.

Plus the great hunter probably has great genes, which means that their children will have a better chance to not die in childbirth. Which was a massive issue in prehistoric societies. That is yet another reason for women to be very picky, even if that means becoming the third wife of a top man rather than being monogamous with an average man.

Indeed, your scientists have found evidence that 80% of women procreated while only 40% of men did. This shows that yes, for much of your history, women preferred sharing top men over being monogamous with average men.

Younger women grew up without social and economic and religious factors pushing them towards monogamy. As a result, young women are once again becoming so picky that they’re rejecting available single men and end up sharing top men with other women. This is more common among young women than you might realize.

Sometimes this is one man openly having relationships with multiple women, where those women know each other. And sometimes this is just one man dating or having regular sex with multiple women.

As a result of this, currently more than 60% of young men are single, while only about 30% of young women are single.

Of course, this also has something to do with women dating older men, but there is absolutely an element of women being so picky that they’re choosing to share the top men rather than being monogamous with the single men. And that is a great strategy for reproducing in a stone age tribe, but it’s a poor strategy for being happy in the modern world. After all, the women who choose to share a top man, are frequently unhappy because of the lack of quality time and intimacy and connection. But, biology doesn’t care about happiness, it cares about reproduction.

Hence my earlier statement that women are following their biology-level attraction, often to the detriment of their own long-term happiness.

Women see how dumb it is when men follow their biological attraction, for example when they choose a woman with large breasts over a woman with a good character, or when men blow up a relationship in order to have some casual sex.

But it can also be very counterproductive when women follow their biological attraction, for example by being so picky that she rejects all interested men and ends up alone. And while both men and women might be quick to claim that they’re happy alone, the fact is that most people aren’t fully happy without a relationship.

Or if a woman follows her biological attraction, it can lead to her sharing a top man with other women, which may not be emotionally fulfilling because his attention will be split and hence the connection might not be very meaningful.

Or it can lead to a woman getting repeatedly used for sex, because top men won’t marry average women but they will sleep with them.

If your dating experience is that men are only interested in sex, then likely you are trying to date up so much that that tier of man you’re dating isn’t interested in marrying you. But men won’t say no to easy sex.

Single men who actually are in your league typically will be interested in a serious relationship. Sure, a few men won’t, but most men will.

Women’s pickiness isn’t just bad for her own happiness, it also hurts men. Earlier we said that less than 40% of young men are in a relationship. Plus, some of those men are in relationships that are unhappy or unhealthy or that won’t last a long time.

Therefore, perhaps only one in five young men are in healthy, happy relationships that are going to last a long time. This is obviously awful for men. And it’s also awful for society, because if average young men can’t find a woman, then why would they work hard? Why not just indulge in video games all day? And this will cause a serious decline in society at large, because society needs young men to be ambitious and work hard.

Now, women at this point might argue that they’re actually not all that picky, and that all they want is a decent partner who is, let’s say, emotionally open and a good communicator.

Let’s say that 30% of all men are sufficiently emotionally open and good enough communicators for the woman’s tastes. Surely it’s not unreasonable to say yes to dating 30% of all men? That still leaves many millions of potential partners out there.

But in reality, there’s often a laundry list of unspoken criteria that women have on top of their stated criteria. And while those unspoken criteria might sound reasonable by themselves, due to the way probabilities work, any long list of criteria will eliminate the vast majority of men.

Suppose that a hidden criteria is that a man must make at least $30,000 per year in the US. This is a below-median amount in the United States, and about 70% of men fulfill that criteria, so this doesn’t sound unreasonable. We’re not even asking that the man makes a median amount of money, we’re merely asking that he doesn’t make significantly less than the median. Many women would be pickier than this. But let’s be as reasonable as possible.

Also, the man also can’t be short. Let’s say he has to be at least 172cm, or 5 foot and 8 inches. Again, we’re not even asking here that the man has a median height, we’re merely asking that he’s not significantly below the median. In other words, we’re merely asking that he’s not short. Again, 70% of men fulfill that criteria.

Now, let’s add the requirement that the man can’t be obese. We’re not being unreasonable, we’re okay with him being overweight, but he can’t be obese. Okay, about 60% of American men aren’t obese.

Let’s also say that he can’t suffer from mental illness, which is true for 80% of men.

So, what percentage of men fulfill these reasonable sounding requirements? Please estimate this before reading on.

Pausing to give people some time to guess…

Let’s calculate it. 0.3 * 0.7 * 0.7 * 0.6 * 0.8 = 0.07%. So we’re only accepting 7% of men and rejecting all the rest. In other words, even though our demands seemed reasonable, we’ve somehow stumbled upon a situation where we’re rejecting the vast majority of men and only accepting a tiny group of top men. At least, that’s what our simple calculation indicates; reality may be a bit more complex.

And note that the men we’re rejecting this way are men who will also be rejected by other women. Other women also aren’t looking to date men who are mentally ill, or obese, or very short, or broke, et cetera. As a result, even though we think we’re being reasonable, really we’re trying to fish out of the same small pool of the 7% most appealing men that pretty much all women are trying to fish out of.

Now sure, women have different preferences to an extent, however pretty much all women are trying to avoid men who are obese, short, broke, mentally ill, et cetera. So the general pattern still holds that a woman thinks she is being quite reasonable, but in actuality she is still trying to fish out of a smallish pool of top tier men that more or less all women are also trying to fish out of. She’s being a lot pickier than she realizes.

How can this be? We merely asked that the man makes $30,000 per year, which is a below median amount in the United States. So how can it be that apparently we’re now apparently suddenly demanding a top-7% man?

It’s because of how probabilities work when you stack them on top of each other.

Yes, if a woman would date any man who makes $30,000 per year, then indeed 70% of men are options to her. But in reality, she also had the hidden requirements that the man cannot be mentally ill, or obese, et cetera. And all of those requirements by themselves sound reasonable, but if you stack them on top of each other then suddenly the woman is actually demanding a top-7% man without realizing it.

And we’ve actually been quite reasonable, only demanding that the man isn’t short and isn’t broke and isn’t obese. If we’re actually demanding that the man is a bit taller than average, makes a bit more money than average and also isn’t allowed to be overweight, then the 7% shrinks even more.

That 7% would also be even lower if we added in more criteria that women may also have, such as that the man cannot have children from past relationships, that he cannot be seriously physically ill, that he cannot be in serious debt, that he must have a certain level of education, that he must have decent social skills and humor, et cetera. And all those demands, while all seemingly reasonable by themselves, still stack on top of each other, and reduce the pool of acceptable men to even less than 7%.

Now, obviously I’m not saying that women should date just anyone.

But now it becomes perhaps easier to see that it may be hard to find a man who checks all your boxes, due to the way that probabilities work. And that suggests that it may not be productive for women to insist on a man to whom she’s immediately biologically attracted.

For example, a man’s height was important in the stone age, but may not actually be that important when it comes to long-term relationship happiness in the modern world.

If you’re one of the relatively few women who does give short men a try, then it’s entirely possible that you will get a good husband whom other women rejected for shallow reasons.

And also, if you do have the attention of a man who has one or two great qualities and he isn’t short, isn’t broke, isn’t obese, isn’t mentally ill, et cetera, then you likely have a top-tier man on your hands, even if it doesn’t seem like a top-tier man to you. After all, we did the math, right? People are just quite bad at correctly guessing probabilities.

Even if he doesn’t immediately set your world on fire, I would strongly consider dating such a man, or maintaining the relationship with him if he’s already your partner. Because after all, odds are that you will not find a better man.

You can be genuinely happy even with a non-exceptional partner. Happiness comes from within, after all, and it’s inner work that will ultimately fulfill you.

Sure, it would be great to have a kind, good-hearted man who is also immediately attractive to you on a biological level… but that’s a few percent of men at most, and all the other women want those men too. You’re almost certainly not going to get him. Because why would that man with infinite options choose you over all the other women he could marry?

Which means that if you do only go after men who are immediately attractive to you on a biological level… Almost certainly those men either have severe character defects and they won’t make you happy long term, or they have so many options that they will sleep with you but won’t commit to you.

If you’re still not convinced: on Tinder, women only respond to 4% or 5% of men. Which is pretty much in line with our calculation of our hypothetical woman only being satisfied with 7% of men.

Another indicator is that research shows that women rate 80% of men as below average. You can imagine how that works: a woman sees a man who isn’t amazing, but he has one or two great qualities and he isn’t short, isn’t obese, isn’t broke, isn’t mentally ill, et cetera. The woman labels that as average, but as we’ve seen, these kinds of men are actually somewhere near the top, just by having some genuine qualities and by also not having any of a laundry list of significant defects that some men have.

Now on one hand I can sort of see where Earth women are coming from. But on the other hand, labeling 80% of men as below average is of course very picky. By definition, 50% of men are below average, not 80%.

At this point, women might say that if the dating situation is like this, then they’d rather be single. And that’s of course a choice you can make, and in fact for some women being single is indeed the optimal choice.

However, you genuinely can be happy with a man who is not immediately attractive to you on a biology level. If you let some of those biology-level criteria go, and give men a chance who aren’t immediately attractive to you, then it’s quite possible to find a good partner whom other women didn’t give a chance.

Furthermore, most people, men and women, won’t be fully happy unless they have a partner.

And the idea that some women have that they can’t find anyone is not necessarily based on reality. It may be merely based on the experiences that they had while following their biological attraction. And sure, they probably didn’t find a happy relationship while following their biological attraction, but women can also date while not doing that.

In other words, some women (and some men too) dated exclusively by following their biological attraction, got burned by that, and then swore off dating entirely. But it’s also possible to date while mostly following your brain and intuition, and de-emphasizing the desires stemming from your biological attractions.

Just like men may have to accept a partner who doesn’t have large breasts or isn’t in her twenties, you too may have to accept a partner who for example is short. And such a partner can still enhance your life.

And I would realize that the type of man who has a few good qualities and who doesn’t have any significant flaws is actually a significantly above-average man already. I wouldn’t be too quick to reject such men just because they aren’t immediately attractive on a biological level. After all, attraction and love can grow over time.

There are also qualities you can cultivate that make you more attractive towards men. Obviously a slim body is nice, but you can also sort out your own life, work on healing your old wounds, practicing kindness and patience, et cetera.

The good news is that men actually on average aren’t excessively picky. Sure, some men are, but most of the female idea of men being picky stems from women all trying to get commitment from the same small pool of top men. Sure, those men are very picky because they have infinite options.

However if an average woman expresses interest in a man who is actually average, most likely he’ll be interested.

Most men are also good people. Sure, not all men are, but the idea that most men suck is mostly just women following their biological attraction and thereby dating all kinds of jerks, and then concluding that most men are jerks as a result.

If a man says that all his girlfriends were crazy, then you would likely think that this man must be attracted to crazy women, right? Similarly, if all your experiences are that men are jerks, then maybe you’re attracted to jerks.

Furthermore, most men are quite easy to please. Sure, men are different, but it’s mostly the men who are either jerks or who have infinite options who are likely to be unsatisfied, to cheat or to dump their wife. Most men are genuinely happy and faithful if they just have a decent, kind wife.

Now, let’s give some dating advice to men.

Choose conscious women with a good personality, over women who are younger or prettier. After all, that is what will lead to long-term happiness.

If you go for unconscious women, then likely she will see that you’re too kind or too insecure or too emotional to be able to murder a stone-age bandit. And the relationship won’t work. Therefore choose conscious women, because you won’t have this problem with them.

Alternatively you can be a selfish bad boy with a fit body or large bank account, and try to sleep with as many women as possible. But if that’s the game you want to play, be aware that the prize you’ll win may ultimately be meaningless. Lots of casual sex may seem appealing at first, but it won’t nourish your soul. It will ultimately be empty.

Finally, let’s add one more piece to the puzzle.

Namely: women undervalue femininity.

It is absolutely not true that having a career is somehow a worthier pursuit than being loving, being caring, being people-oriented, taking care of people around you, having children, supporting your partner, taking care of the house, engaging in spirituality, making art, teaching, volunteering, gardening, et cetera et cetera et cetera.

In other words, masculine-energy pursuits aren’t better than feminine-energy pursuits.

However, many women have been convinced that they only have value, or that they only are financially safe, if they’re excelling in masculine pursuits. This is why being a stay at home mom is considered uncool or dangerous or detrimental to feminism, while being a career woman is seen as a good thing and as the safe choice.

However, career women tend to have a very hard time dating, and ultimately relationships are much more a source of happiness than jobs are. After all, the vast majority of work isn’t glamorous or spectacular or fulfilling. So, is being a career woman really the road to happiness and safety?

Different roads will appeal to different people, but most people will only be happy if they’re in a relationship where the woman is feminine and the man is masculine.

Well, women pursuing masculine pursuits is poison to that arrangement. There is no polarity or natural attraction between a masculine man and a masculine woman. Those people won’t feel much attraction towards each other because frankly they don’t need each other — they’re already both masculine.

Theoretically it could work if the woman is masculine and the man is feminine, however very few people will be happy long-term being in the energy of the opposite gender. Most men also aren’t attracted to masculine women, and most women aren’t attracted to feminine men.

I get needing a job to survive. But this whole phenomenon of women thinking that masculine pursuits like careers and independence are good, and that feminine pursuits like being a devoted mother or supportive wife are bad… to me that looks like metaphorical penis envy.

My beautiful sisters, you are already fully worthy of love, as you are right now. You don’t need to become masculine in order to have value or be safe. You already have value — good men already value you as you are, and good men are already happy to contribute financially and keep you safe. Those men exist, they’re out there.

If you disagree with my stance on gender dynamics, please consider that what your society is currently doing isn’t working. At all. Pretty much everyone is unhappy and your society is deteriorating and unraveling rapidly. Sticking with something that very clearly doesn’t work can’t be the solution.

If you favor a type of gender dynamics that leads to women having below replacement level children, then you’re also advocating for gender dynamics that will eventually lead to the extinction of your species.

Meanwhile, if you admire us Pleiadians and want to meet us and want to pluck the technological and spiritual fruits of our society, then it may be good to consider that it was pretty much traditional gender dynamics that helped us to cultivate those fruits.

Now obviously our women aren’t banned from our form of university, and aren’t banned from any careers.

However, yes, most of our women are focused on the home, on their children, on supporting their husband, et cetera. They’re not forced to do that, but that is what most Pleiadian women choose. And there really isn’t anything wrong with that.

In fact, men tend to love those kinds of women and value them and be happy to marry them. And why not? This is a type of life that makes the average woman happy, that raises healthy children and that contributes greatly and very positively to society.

And obviously, as a family-oriented woman you absolutely can have your own garden, or your own podcast, or your own side project, or make art, or whatever you choose to do. It’s a secure basis, not a straitjacket.

And with that, and with all my hopes and wishes for positive male – female interactions on Earth, I will leave you for today.

Your star sister,


Channel: A.S.
For Era of Light
These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.
If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 


Compiled by from: 
On the blogs:
My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor Mapesoterismo


Hurt women hurt men

Tourmalayne trough A. S.

Posted on January 18, 2025



My dearest Earth friends,

This is Tourmalayne speaking. How are you doing? How has the Earth journey been for you so far?

I know that times are tough, and while I’m no longer in a leadership position, it is looking likely that things will finally start improving in a physical sense on Earth this year. Which is relieving and feels long overdue.

It is also looking likely that we will finally be able to meet you face to face this year. I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to that. I have waited a very long time for this moment.

Although of course, waiting in a comfortable situation is much easier than waiting on a world that is metaphorically on fire. I do empathize with you very much, and I think you are doing amazing.

You are so very much worthy of respect and love.

Let’s turn to today’s topic.

First some disclaimers: people are different. What I say in this message will not apply to everyone.

On the other hand, just because you had dinner doesn’t mean that global hunger has been solved. In other words, perhaps what I say genuinely doesn’t apply to you or to your loved ones, but still there are many people out there whom it does apply to. Even if you happen not to personally know them.

Who you happen to know personally isn’t a statistically representative sample of the entire population.

Also, if something doesn’t feel good emotionally or doesn’t sound nice, then that doesn’t automatically mean it’s false. Now, you should absolutely listen to your intuition or guidance. However, don’t confuse your emotions with intuition or guidance.

Now then, let’s begin.

In the right context, the vast majority of people will turn into monsters. And yes, this absolutely applies to spiritual people too.

For example, Earth’s Milgram experiment found that most people are willing to administer what they thought was a fatal shock to an innocent person, just because an authority figure told them to.

Even people who are fundamentally kind and good-hearted and who want to do the right thing, can be encouraged to do horrible things if they’re in enough pain and fear, and if they’re told that it is the fault of those people over there.

I know it sounds silly if I say it like this, but it is grim reality. It doesn’t matter that it’s not logical, because if you subject people to enough pain and fear, they no longer think logically, and they can be quite easily convinced that their suffering is the fault of those people over there.

Huge amounts of people from perfectly respectable countries have been convinced to support imperialistic wars, genocides, discriminatory regimes, et cetera. Even those people who have enough sense to realize that it is wrong will often just keep quiet and keep their head down — which is better than actively supporting the injustice, but it is not really fixing the situation either.

This applies to all Earth humans, not just to some Earth humans. In fact, it applies to us Pleiadians too. If a Pleiadian child was sufficiently hurt and traumatized and terrorized, and was then repeatedly told that a certain group of people were at fault for that, that Pleiadian would dislike that group and would quite possibly support unfair treatment of that group. Or at least, that Pleiadian would be cold and uncaring if others inflicted unfair treatment on people of that group.

Furthermore, not all, but many Earth women have been deeply hurt and scared, quite often by men. That happens far too often and it’s awful.

Even those Earth women who haven’t explicitly had something horrible happen to them, still grew up in a profoundly sick and predatory and unsafe and lonely society. And women have been repeatedly told that this is the fault of men.

So this whole, almost silly-sounding pattern, where people get hurt and terrorized and are told that a certain group is at fault, and then they turn hostile or at the very least cold and callous towards that group?

This is what has happened and is happening to many Earth women. They get hurt and scared, and they are told by society that men are the problem.

As a result, Earth women are often cold and callous towards average men (not towards that small group of exceptional or very likeable men, but towards average men).

Because of this, a not insignificant minority of women pushes for female interests even to the point where it amounts to systemic discrimination against men. Sure, most women don’t do that, but most women also don’t lift a finger to oppose the women who are doing that. And the number of women who are actively working for men’s rights is nearly zero.

Men generally are more concerned with women’s well-being than with their own well-being. That is why your society is supposedly rigged by men for the interests of men, but meanwhile breast cancer research gets several times more funding than prostate cancer research.

If all those male CEOs and male rich people were actually rigging society to benefit men, then prostate cancer would get more funding than breast cancer research, not less.

Yes, exceptions always exist, but by and large, men care more about the wellbeing of women as a group, than about the wellbeing of men as a group.

Meanwhile, women also care more about the wellbeing of women as a group than about the wellbeing of men as a group.

And that’s a problem. If John and Anne are married, and John mostly cares about Anne’s best interests, and Anne mostly cares about Anne’s best interests… then do you think that has a happy ending? For either John or Anne?

Men by and large genuinely are trying to be good towards women as a group, and too many women aren’t returning the favor.

Now women might object and say that breast cancer funding is still patriarchal and objectifying, because it’s just men protecting their female property. Well first of all, I think that’s a wildly uncharitable and very unfair interpretation. Second, the argument also doesn’t make sense, because obviously a purely self-interested man would care more about not dying to prostate cancer himself than he would care about preventing breast cancer in his wife.

The reality is that men aren’t selfish patriarchs who view women as property. Sure, a few exceptions always exist, but most men simply genuinely care about women and want the best for them.

Furthermore, underneath the “women are objectified” argument is the assumption that men are inherently valued and respected, while women are only valued for their bodies. Regardless of whether that was ever true, it’s certainly not true today.

Men are seen as inherently having zero value, and the only value they have is what useful things they can do. Meanwhile women can also earn value points by being able to do useful things, and on top of that women are also seen as just being inherently valuable. Which we saw with breast cancer versus prostate cancer research funding.

Frankly, I think men are objectified harder by your society than women are, because men are assigned zero inherent worth. Men are being objectified as disposable worker robots.

Wouldn’t you rather be assigned some inherent worth as a woman, than be assigned zero inherent worth as a man?

Sure beautiful women by default are mostly just valued for their bodies, but they can earn respect and acclaim by becoming a respected spiritual teacher or entrepreneur for example. The same thing that men need to do to be seen as having any value, women can do those same things to earn additional value that isn’t tied to their body.

Now yes, a few men are highly privileged, but they’re a tiny minority. Most average men don’t benefit in any way from those guys existing, as we already discussed.

So: women are hurt and scared, and are told that it’s the fault of men.

As a result, a not insignificant minority of women pushes for female interests even to the point where it amounts to systemic discrimination against men. Practically zero men and practically zero women actively oppose them. Sure, people might think it’s bad, but they’re not out there in the streets protesting for male rights. So the unfairness progresses.

Furthermore, men can’t oppose this even if they wanted to because of the soft power that women wield, and because of how pro-woman most men and most women are. Namely: a man who announces at work that he’s a men’s right activist might very well get fired outright, using some convenient excuse.

As a result, how your society treats men has become completely unacceptable. Let’s look at some examples.

I consider your education system to be abusive towards boys. Sure, it’s not great for girls either. However, forcing boys to sit still for eight hours per day, and forcing them to repeat back what the teacher tells them, frankly sounds like something adjacent to torture for boys. Especially when boys are literally being drugged for acting like boys. No wonder that often boys’ spirit is broken and their masculinity is squashed by the time they leave education.

Back when my children were young, I would rather have been struck blind than have put even one of my sons through Earth schooling.

If I was living on Earth, I might very well have gone scorched earth against your school system.

I don’t understand why Earth women aren’t marching in the streets to demand that education stops destroying their sons.

Furthermore, imagine if an entire culture plus school system taught black children that black people are the problem, that black people have historically been the problem, that black people are inferior and that we need less black people and more white people in positions of power. Imagine that pretty much all media depicts black people as being inferior to white people.

Wouldn’t you consider that to be abusive against those black children?

I would. And this is pretty much what is happening to boys: they’re told that they’re the problem, that they’ve been the problem, that masculinity is toxic, that masculine politics i.e. right-wing politics is evil and vile, et cetera.

No matter how much women have been hurt by men, obviously abusing boys cannot possibly be the answer.

Mothers, why aren’t you marching in the streets to protect your sons?

Would you march in the streets if your daughters were told that women are the problem, that women have historically been the problem, that femininity is toxic, et cetera? Yes, you probably would. So then, why aren’t you marching in the street to offer the same protection to your sons?

Is it because you yourself believe, at least on some level, that men indeed are the problem? Aha, here we come back to the observation that women have been hurt and scared and have been told that men are the problem, and that women by and large have bought into that. After all, hurt and scared people will believe it if they’re told that a certain group is the problem, even if that’s not true.

I certainly wouldn’t want any boy to be raised by any parent who thinks men are bad and men are the problem. Can you imagine how awful that must be for that boy?

If you don’t see the problem there, imagine a black child being raised by a parent who thinks that black people are and historically have been the problem in society.

Let’s look at some more examples of double standards and discrimination against men.

If there aren’t enough female teachers, people will insist that girls need female teachers as role models. If there aren’t enough male teachers… then no one says anything.

Boys are also straight up systematically discriminated against when it comes to teachers grading their work.

Study finds:

“Results show that, when comparing students who have identical subject-specific competence, teachers are more likely to give higher grades to girls. Furthermore, they demonstrate for the first time that this grading premium favouring girls is systemic, as teacher and classroom characteristics play a negligible role in reducing it.”

Things don’t improve when men grow up.

Back when more men attended university, women demanded women-only scholarships. Now that more women attend university, women don’t say anything, and still there are more women-only scholarships while already more women attend university.

Meanwhile, women still expect men to make at least as much money as them, and to be as highly educated and as high status as them.

Many employers also discriminate against men during hiring processes. Several experiments confirmed that resumes with female names got significantly more responses than the exact same resumes with male names.

This sort of forces men into less comfortable, more demanding, more dangerous jobs. Indeed, something like 95% of workplace fatalities are male.

Also, the draft only applies to men.

If a man struggles, it doesn’t get better.

Psychology is very much aimed at helping women, operating on a “talk about your feelings” basis. If society actually cared about men, a type of psychology would also be commonly available that was much more practical and action-oriented and was about which tangible steps a person can take to build a good life.

If a man is abused or raped, he often won’t be taken seriously.

Women abusing men is relatively more common than people think. And in that case, the man often can’t physically defend himself or call the police, or he’ll be the one who ends up in handcuffs. After all, police are heavily biased against men.

In Britain, rape is legally defined as nonconsensually penetrating someone with a penis, which means that women can’t rape men according to that definition. Note that feminists aren’t holding rallies to have that changed. Feminists merely offer lip service to the idea of helping men, while taking tangible and real action to promote female interests.

Female-only shelters exist, but there are practically zero male shelters. Radical feminists tend to have male shelters shut down.

Many men and many women don’t tolerate weakness in men. A huge part of the reason why men don’t feel comfortable working through their emotions is that many people — yes, including many women — lose respect or attraction for men who show weakness, or even dump them.

Men receive harsher sentences than women for the same crimes.

Divorce court is hugely biased in favor of women. Also, most divorces are initiated by women.

If a woman has a low libido, people tell the man to be a better partner to her, or to just live without much sex. If a man has a low libido, people tell the man to fix his issue, and if he can’t then they advise the woman to leave him.

If a woman can’t orgasm, the man needs to fix something. If a man can’t orgasm, the man needs to fix something.

If men try to talk to other men, sometimes that’s mocked as “hanging out with the bros.”

Male-only clubs are literally illegal, while female-only clubs aren’t. Some women work very hard to make sure that men don’t have male-only spaces. Simultaneously, of course women should be allowed to have female-only spaces.

As a result of all this, something like eighty percent of people taking their life are men.

Now yes, it is true that most rapists and most violent criminals are men. And yes, some men are sexist. Obviously this is unacceptable, obviously too many men do bad things, and those men should stop doing that.

However, surely it’s not okay to engage in collective punishment against men just because some men do bad things.

The answer to a number of individual men doing bad things shouldn’t be to punish all men.

Imagine being in favor of systemic discrimination against black people just because black people currently commit more crimes in America. Everyone would immediately see that this would be both deeply unfair and highly counterproductive. Well, it’s also deeply unfair and highly counterproductive to engage in systemic discrimination against men.

And surely mistreating boys has to be both deeply unfair and highly counterproductive as well. In fact, if people are concerned about the negative behavior of men, then they should be trying to make sure that boys aren’t disadvantaged compared to girls during their childhood, as they currently are. I mentioned some points earlier that could be improved.

Furthermore, note that if any group underperforms or statistically does more bad things, then the answer is always that this group is apparently being discriminated against and we should help that group. But when it comes to men…. then suddenly people in this group are just inherently bad in certain ways and they need to do better. Men are the only group that is just inherently bad, apparently.

Even if we believe that rich men and male CEOS reached their position via unfair means, then it still wouldn’t be fair to collectively punish men for that.

The vast majority of men are good people, and are being horribly discriminated against.

If women faced systemic discrimination, such as receiving harsher sentences for the same crimes, then women would be demanding that men help them. And rightfully so. But that also means that women owe it to men to help men in this situation, where men are the ones facing systemic discrimination.

It’s not fair to demand help when you’re the one who needs help, and then refuse to help the other side when they need help.

Now yes, life genuinely is very hard for Earth women. I am absolutely not denying that. In fact, it hurts my heart to see just how tough life is for most Earth women. My sisters, you do genuinely deserve so much better than this.

However, just because life is hard for Earth women, doesn’t mean that Earth women are being uniquely oppressed. In fact, if we don’t exclusively look at privileged men, then we see that overall women are more privileged than men are, in the West in 2025. I just gave a lot of arguments to support that statement.

Women have it very hard, and men have it even worse than women on average. Indeed, 80% of suicides are men.

Men can’t fix this situation by themselves, because no one listens to male men’s rights activists, and furthermore men can easily get their lives destroyed for being men’s rights activists.

The only way out of this situation, the only way for your society to heal and to move forward, is for women to openly speak out for and work for men’s rights.

And that really isn’t such a crazy request to make to women. If John and Anne are married, and John mostly cares about Anne’s best interests, then Anne really should be caring about John’s best interests too. Anne should actually take some tangible action sometimes to promote John’s best interests.

If Anne adopts a stance of “I expect John to care for my best interests, and I’m not going to lift a finger for John’s best interests” then the marriage won’t work. And if women do that on a societal scale, then your society is not going to work.

Galactics who aren’t used to the Earth situation typically don’t understand why there aren’t million-women marches that demand that divorce court becomes fair towards men. Because that’s what pretty much all women except Earth women would do if there was a huge amount of structural unfairness against men.

I remember one younger, not as spiritually advanced galactic woman asking: “why do Earth women think that their behavior is evolved enough to live on New Earth?”

Some galactics also think there is a strange lack of Earth women taking a bit of time to put themselves in the shoes of average men (not in the position of men who are doing well, but in the position of average men). If Earth women did that, I think they’d be horrified.

Frankly, most women have zero idea what life is like for an average man. Or what things look like from a men’s point of view.

Suppose that there was a movement called masculinism. Suppose that historically it only promoted male interests, sometimes in a reasonable way, but also sometimes by blatantly pushing discrimination against women. And suppose that masculinists refuse to kick blatant women-haters out of the movement. Suppose that men told women that this movement was after true gender equality, and that women should support this movement because it was beneficial for women too. Would women believe that? Absolutely not.

This proves that some women haven’t taken ten minutes to put themselves in the shoes of average men, or to wonder what feminism looks like if you’d gender-swap the situation. Because feminism is exactly as ridiculous as the hypothetical example of masculinism I just gave.

So, with all this said… are Earth women acting like this because they’re evil?

No. It’s the pattern I described: hurt and frighten a group of people, and tell them that men are the problem, and they will believe that men are the problem, and they will likely become cold and callous towards men.

Any group of people, including us galactics, are vulnerable to this. It merely happens that right now women are being affected this way.

Because yes, women are getting hurt, and yes, some men do treat women atrociously. Some men do hurt women.

However, if someone gets robbed by a black person, or if someone sees that a Jewish person does something evil, then it’s incorrect to conclude that black people or Jewish people are the problem, or that they are evil as a group. Similarly, even if certain women are hurt by men, that doesn’t prove that men are the problem or that men as a group are evil.

Still, women are hurt and scared, and women are being told that men are the problem.

And clearly, some men have acted atrociously towards women in the past. Now, this point is a bit overblown — a lot of oppression came not from human men but from hostile extraterrestrials who took on the shape of human men.

Also, historical women lacked certain rights but they also didn’t have to fight in wars. Women like to compare their lot in life to the position of privileged men, however being a 12 year old boy and being forced to go to war really isn’t a picnic either. Because yes, that too was part of history.

So the tyranny of the historical patriarchs is a point that’s a bit overblown. Still, just because it’s overblown doesn’t mean that there’s not some truth to it. Yes, women certainly have been mistreated in the past. And women are still being mistreated today in some parts of the world.

Ultimately however, it doesn’t help to collectively punish present-day men just because some historical men did bad things.

So, what should be done?

Anyone who is hurt or scared — men and women — should go inside and work on their own healing. It is understandable that hurt people feel an urge to hurt or control others, but it’s not helpful.

The narrative that men are privileged should end. Because average men are actually less privileged than average women are, in the West in 2025. Yes, women’s lives are hard, but that’s not due to unique oppression that women face. Men’s lives are on average even harder.

The demonization of men should end.

And the structural discrimination against men and boys should end. Far too many boys get destroyed by your society and by your education and by your cultural messaging before they ever get a chance to blossom. Which is an unspeakable tragedy.

Male men’s rights activists aren’t listened to and frequently have their lives destroyed. So women will have to speak up for male rights. And frankly, that would simply be the fair thing to do at this current point.

The good news is that if women help men out, then women too will benefit from that. After all, a huge part of the reason why your society is declining, and why women struggle to find good partners, is because masculinity is so demonized and has been destroyed in so many men.

If men weren’t getting so destroyed by society, they would be standing up more and being more productive, and that would contribute hugely towards fixing society. Which would obviously benefit women too.

I get that women are hurting themselves already, but sometimes the way out of your own pain is to give someone else a hand — because statistically men are killing themselves at a substantially higher rate than women are. And in turn, helping men helps women too. If there are healthy masculine men around, everyone benefits.

You don’t necessarily have to spend a huge amount of time and energy on men’s rights. Even just occasionally speaking up in favor of justice for men, whenever a relevant topic comes up in conversation around you, would make a big difference.

With all my love,

This was Tourmalayne

Channel: A.S.
For Era of Light
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On the blogs:
My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor Mapesoterismo


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Tourmalayne através de A. S.

Traduzido a 14 de aetembro de 2024

Meus queridos irmãos e irmãs da Terra, Fala Turmalayne. Abraço-te com amor. Meus queridos amigos, como é que vai a viagem à terra para vós? Do meu ponto de vista, as pessoas estão acordando rapidamente lá na terra — embora minha percepção do tempo seja provavelmente dramaticamente diferente da sua, então, do seu ponto de vista, ainda pode parecer lento. Sem dúvida, as coisas estão a caminhar na direcção certa. E a emoção da nossa reunião que se aproxima está a fazer - me sentir jovem de novo. Obrigado por isso. É um grande presente. Sei que muitos de vós nos vêem como uma espécie de seres superiores que se elevam acima de vós. Agora, por um lado, eu meio que entendo isso. Mas, por outro lado, nós, Pleiadianos, procuramos ajudar a elevar-vos e, em seguida, coexistir convosco como iguais. Não queremos ser adorados por vós. Em última análise, somos apenas pessoas. Sim, nós não sofremos o trauma e a dor e os bloqueios que vêm com o crescimento na terra, e somos criados com mais amor e mais informações e mais opções disponíveis para nós. Mas ainda assim, somos apenas pessoas. Para comunicar isso, vou usar um princípio que é estranhamente desconhecido e subutilizado em seu mundo, e é: se as pessoas não vêem você como parte de seu grupo, você pode fazer-se parecer mais com um deles, descrevendo fortes emoções positivas que você experimentou, fortes emoções negativas que você experimentou e como você sofreu. Contanto que você esteja sendo honesto e falando com o coração, não acho que isso seja manipulação, acho que isso só ajuda a outra pessoa a encontrar sua empatia. Então: nós, Pleiadianos, somos humanos, tal como vocês. Ficamos irritados. Ficamos excitados. Às vezes choramos. Às vezes somos ingénuos, julgadores ou Impa-tentes. Por vezes, desejamos que as coisas fossem diferentes do que são. Às vezes é difícil aceitar que vivemos em uma galáxia onde alguns de nossos irmãos e irmãs têm que lutar contra reptilianos e outros, ou então todos nós somos mortos ou escravizados. E sim, preocupamo-nos com os nossos entes queridos nas Forças Armadas. Às vezes criamos algo, e estamos orgulhosos disso, mas outras pessoas não gostam tanto quanto esperávamos. Às vezes, esforçamo-nos muito para sermos bons em alguma coisa, e outra pessoa simplesmente supera-nos de qualquer maneira, e sabemos que isso não nos deve incomodar, mas ainda nos incomoda um pouco. Às vezes, as coisas parecem um pouco mais fáceis para outras pessoas do que para nós. Às vezes, queremos desesperadamente passar a vida com essa pessoa incrível. E, no entanto, às vezes eles escolhem estar com outra pessoa, e não conosco. E é difícil para nós vê-los juntos com esta outra pessoa. Por que essa pessoa que tanto amamos a escolheu em vez de nós? Essa outra pessoa é mais desejável do que nós? Eles são melhores do que nós? O que os torna melhores? Por que não somos suficientemente bons? Ou talvez a pessoa que amamos escolha estar conosco, e inicialmente não podemos acreditar, é tão mágico. E às vezes, esse conto de fadas dura, e envelhecemos juntos, cercados por nossos filhos amorosos e seus filhos amorosos. E é apenas um banho quente de amor e pertença. Às vezes, temos um filho e o amamos tanto que nosso coração parece que vai explodir, está transbordando de tanto amor. Mas às vezes, os relacionamentos não funcionam, e o rompimento é tão esmagador. Por um tempo, parece que não conseguimos respirar. E então, às vezes, percebemos mais tarde que foram em parte nossas próprias distorções que foram a causa da separação, por mais tentador que seja apontar o dedo para a outra pessoa. Aprendemos com a nossa separação, mas a cicatriz nunca cura totalmente. No entanto, isso também está bem. Faz de nós Quem somos. Às vezes, por um período de tempo, a vida é simplesmente sem esforço e tudo flui. E tudo parece tão fácil, e parece vir tão naturalmente para nós. No entanto, às vezes tomamos outras pessoas como garantidas. Às vezes deixamos de nos comunicar com o coração, deixamos de dizer o quanto nos preocupamos com essa outra pessoa. Não lhes dizemos o quanto significam para nós. Às vezes, apenas atravessamos a vida no piloto automático e, de repente, chegou o momento de o nosso Pai fazer a transição para a sua próxima vida. E depois foi-se embora. E nós não sabemos o que nos atingiu, ou como viver sem o nosso Pai, mas ainda assim, ele se foi. E há um espaço vazio onde costumava estar o seu riso. E daríamos tudo para ter apenas mais um dia com ele. Para que possamos ouvir o nosso pai dizer mais uma vez como está orgulhoso de nós. E então, quando o nosso neto nos perguntar Onde está o bisavô, tentaremos mantê-lo Unido e dar uma resposta cuidadosa, mas, por vezes, falhamos e o nosso parceiro terá de explicar, porque naquele momento não podemos. E, pouco tempo depois, a nossa neta dá os primeiros passos. E é tão bonito, tão mágico, mas também agridoce. Porque o nosso pai teria gostado tanto de estar connosco e de testemunhar também os seus primeiros passos. Para vê-la sorrir. Se ao menos pudesse estar connosco neste momento. Sim, é óbvio que as nossas situações de vida são diferentes. Mas, em última análise, somos simplesmente pessoas, o mesmo que você. Alguns dos altos e baixos da vida acontecem também connosco, tal como acontece convosco. Não somos perfeitos - se estivéssemos, não estaríamos em corpos físicos. Sim, alguns Pleiadianos se parecem com a imagem da galáxia idealizada que vocês têm de nós, mas outros Pleiadianos estão mais próximos do seu nível de consciência. A propósito, veja o que quero dizer, que se você compartilha fortes emoções positivas, fortes emoções negativas, e como você sofreu, então você pode ajudar outras pessoas a perceber que você é como eles, e que você pode pertencer ao seu grupo também? Penso que pode ser uma ferramenta útil para criar harmonia e paz e relações iguais entre pessoas diferentes. E sim, é realmente verdade que se tomarmos um Pleiadiano aleatório, então eles teriam feito pior do que o trabalhador médio da luz se esse Pleiadiano tivesse nascido na terra da maneira normal. Portanto, você realmente está fazendo incrível, e você é incrível. Gostaria de propor o seguinte. Em vez de nos vermos Pleiadianos como uma espécie de seres superiores, sugiro que nos vejam como seres humanos que por acaso estão relativamente Desimpedidos, devido ao quase paraíso em que crescemos. Não podemos teletransportar - nos porque somos Pleiadianos. Em vez disso, podemos teletransportar-nos porque somos seres humanos relativamente Desimpedidos. Além disso, convido-vos a ver-vos a vós próprios como seres humanos que também podem tornar-se relativamente Desimpedidos, nesta vida, da mesma forma que nós, Pleiadianos, estamos actualmente relativamente Desimpedidos. Ainda hoje você tem a oportunidade de aprender e crescer, e provavelmente já está crescendo rapidamente. E muitas outras oportunidades de crescimento se abrirão para vocês depois de pousarmos, porque nossos professores e curadores galácticos ficarão entusiasmados em trabalhar com vocês. Portanto, os seres incríveis aqui não são Pleiadianos. Os seres surpreendentes aqui são aqueles seres humanos que estão relativamente livres. E hoje somos nós, e mais tarde em sua vida atual que pode muito bem ser você, e muitos outros seres humanos da terra além disso. A pessoa que somos hoje, pode tornar-se amanhã, metaforicamente falando. E então também vós tereis em nós todas as qualidades que admiram actualmente. Isto significa também que não somos de forma alguma melhores do que vós. Temos apenas uma vantagem inicial porque crescemos num ambiente mais fácil. Mas com o tempo, pode muito bem ser você quem pode nos ensinar uma coisa ou duas sobre defender a luz no meio das trevas e como ser autêntico em um mundo enlouquecido. Quem conhece essas lições melhor do que você? Nós sabemos que você acha que somos incríveis. Bem, nós pensamos que você é incrível. Dado o quão difícil é a vida na terra, cada pessoa que recebe esta mensagem tem feito incrivelmente bem. Eu amo-te, e estou muito orgulhoso de TI. Sua irmã estrela, Turmalayne

A. S.

Para Era da Luz 

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As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
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We Are the Same

Tourmalayne trough A. S.

Posted on September 14, 2024



My dearest Earth brothers and sisters,

This is Tourmalayne speaking. I embrace you in love.

My dearest friends, how is the Earth journey going for you?

From my perspective, people are rapidly waking up there on Earth — although my perception of time is probably dramatically different from yours, so from your perspective it might still feel slow. Re-gardless, things are certainly moving in the right direction. And the excitement of our approaching meeting is making me feel young again.

Thank you for that. It is a great gift.

I know that many of you see us as some kind of higher beings that are elevated above you.

Now, on one hand I sort of get that. But on the other hand, us Pleiadians are looking to help uplift you and then co-exist with you as equals. We are not looking to be worshipped by you.

Ultimately we’re just people. Yes, we don’t suffer the trauma and pain and the blocks that come with growing up on Earth, and we’re raised with more love and more information and more options avail-able to us. But still, we’re just people.

To communicate that, I’m going to use a principle that is strangely unknown and under-utilized on your world, and it is: if people don’t see you as being part of their group, you can make yourself seem more like one of them by describing strong positive emotions you’ve experienced, strong nega-tive emotions you’ve experienced, and how you’ve suffered. So long as you’re being honest and speaking from the heart, I don’t think this is manipulation, I think this just helps the other person find their empathy.

So: us Pleiadians are human, just like you.

We get annoyed. We get horny. Sometimes we cry. Sometimes we’re naive or judgemental or impa-tient.

Sometimes we wish things were different than they are.

Sometimes it’s hard to accept that we live in a galaxy where some of our brothers and sisters have to fight reptilians and others, or else we all get killed or enslaved. And yes, we do worry about our loved ones in the military.

Sometimes we create something, and we’re proud of it, but other people don’t like it quite as much as we would have hoped.

Sometimes we try really hard to get good at something, and someone else just outclasses us anyway, and we know that this shouldn’t bother us but it still bothers us a bit.

Sometimes things seem just a bit easier for other people than they seem for us.

Sometimes we so desperately want to spend our life with this amazing person. And yet, sometimes they choose to be with someone else, and not with us. And it’s hard for us to see them together with this other person.

Why did this person who we love so much, choose them over us? Is that other person more desirable than we are? Are they better than we are? What makes them better? Why are we not good enough?

Or perhaps the person we love does choose to be with us, and initially we can’t believe it, it’s so magical. And sometimes, that fairy tale lasts, and we grow old together, surrounded by our loving children, and their loving children. And it’s just a warm bath of love and belonging.

Sometimes we have a child, and we love him or her so much that our heart just feels like it’s going to burst, it’s overflowing with so much love.

But sometimes, relationships don’t work out, and the breakup is so crushing. For a time, it feels like we can’t breathe. And then sometimes we later realize that it was partly our own distortions that were the cause of the breakup, no matter how tempting it is to point the finger at the other person. We learn from our breakup, but the scar never fully heals. Yet, that too is okay. It makes us who we are.

Sometimes, for a period of time, life is just effortless and everything just flows. And everything just seems so easy, and seems to come so naturally to us.

Yet, sometimes we take other people for granted. Sometimes we fail to communicate from the heart, we fail to say just how much we care about this other person. We fail to tell them just how much they mean to us.

Sometimes we just cruise through life on autopilot, and then suddenly the time has come for our fa-ther to transition to his next life. And then he’s gone. And we don’t know what hit us, or how to live without our father, yet still, he’s gone. And there’s an empty space where his laughter used to be.

And we would give anything to have just one more day with him. For us to hear our father say just one more time how proud he is of us.

And then when our grandson asks us where his great-grandfather is, we’ll try to hold it together and give a careful answer, but sometimes we just break down instead, and our partner will have to do the explaining, because at that moment we just can’t.

And then a short while later, our granddaughter takes her first steps. And it’s so beautiful, so magi-cal, but also bittersweet. Because our father would have so loved to have been there with us and to witness her first steps too. To see her smile.

If only he could have been there with us for this moment.

Yes, obviously our living situations are different. But ultimately we’re simply people, the same as you. Some of the ups and downs of life happen to us too, just as they happen to you.

We’re not perfect — if we were, we wouldn’t be in physical bodies.

Yes, some Pleiadians do resemble the picture of the idealized galactic that you have of us, but other Pleiadians are closer to your level of consciousness.

By the way, see what I mean, that if you share strong positive emotions, strong negative emotions, and how you’ve suffered, then you can help other people realize that you’re just like them, and that you might belong in their ingroup too? I think that can be a useful tool to create harmony and peace and equal relations between different people.

And yes, it really is true that if you take a random Pleiadian, then they would have done worse than the average lightworker has if that Pleiadian had been born on Earth in the normal way. Therefore, you really are doing amazing, and you are amazing.

I would like to propose the following. Instead of seeing us Pleiadians as some kind of higher beings, I suggest that you see us as humans who happen to be relatively unencumbered, due to the quasi-paradise we grew up in. We can teleport not because we’re Pleiadians. Rather, we can teleport be-cause we’re relatively unencumbered humans.

Furthermore, I invite you to see yourself as humans who can become relatively unencumbered too, in this lifetime, in the same way that us Pleiadians are currently relatively unencumbered.

Even today you have the opportunity to learn and grow, and most likely you already are growing rapidly. And many more opportunities for growth will open up to you after we land, because our galactic teachers and healers will be thrilled to work with you.

Therefore, the amazing beings here aren’t Pleiadians. The amazing beings here are those humans who are relatively unencumbered. And today that’s us, and later on in your current lifetime that might very well be you, and lots of other Earth humans besides.

The person we are today, you can become tomorrow, metaphorically speaking. And then you too will have all the qualities that you currently admire in us.

This also means that we are in no way better than you. We just have a head start because we grew up in an easier environment. But in time, it might very well be you who can teach us a thing or two about standing for the light in the midst of darkness, and how to be authentic in a world gone mad. Who knows those lessons better than you?

We know you think we are amazing. Well, we think you are amazing.

Given how tough life on Earth is, every single person receiving this message has done incredibly well. I love you, and I am so very proud of you.


Your star sister,


Channel: A.S.
For Era of Light
These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.
If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It’s also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.

Reminder discernment is recommended.
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Almas formiga a experimentar todos os lados de todos os fenómenos

Hakann através de A. S.

Traduzido a 19 de junho de 2024

Meus queridos amigos da Terra, Fala Turmalayne. Abraço-vos com amor. Como tem sido a viagem à terra para si, até agora? Era isto que esperava antes de descer? Tem sido mais solitário, tem sido mais doloroso? Você sente ressentimento porque a vida na terra é realmente muito difícil? De que maneira sua alma foi surpreendida por sua vida atual na Terra? Que coisas estão atualmente em sua vida com as quais seu eu adolescente ficaria muito feliz? Meus queridos amigos da Terra, sintam-se à vontade para compartilhar nos comentários como estão se saindo atualmente, e sintam-se à vontade para compartilhar respostas para qualquer uma dessas perguntas que queiram responder. Preocupo-me profundamente, porque muitos de vós foram literalmente amigos, alunos ou conhecidos meus numa vida passada. E mesmo que não o tenham feito, bem, nós somos um, e vocês são a parte da humanidade que está actualmente a criar a maior expansão — o que é uma forma incrível de servir a fonte. Em Março de 2024, Ashtar entregou uma mensagem através deste canalizador com o título: "Ashtar: se estou sofrendo, então o que estou fazendo minha dor significar?"Nele, ele disse que o caminho do serviço Ao eu, ou o que as pessoas da Terra consideram ser mau, é um caminho inteiramente válido a ser percorrido. Agora, atualmente há muito sofrimento na terra e estamos trabalhando para reduzi-lo. No entanto, Ashtar disse que, se todos fossem acolhedores, confortáveis e agradáveis uns com os outros o tempo todo, a alma das pessoas começaria realmente a procurar outros tipos de experiências menos agradáveis. Ashtar disse: "As almas realmente preferem que haja dor e contraste no universo. O mal não é um problema a resolver, é um recurso a gerir.” É uma linha e tanto. Concordo com ele e queria discutir um pouco mais essa ideia. As almas querem experimentar todos os lados de todos os fenómenos. Assim, por exemplo, é provável que uma vez a sua alma quis experimentar ser assassinada, quis experimentar assassinar alguém, quis testemunhar alguém assassinar outra pessoa, e quis experimentar ter um ente querido assassinado. Talvez hoje sua alma já tenha tido essas experiências e não esteja mais curiosa sobre elas, mas provavelmente sua alma estava curiosa sobre essas coisas no passado, quando você era uma alma mais jovem. Então, aí mesmo, você pode dizer que o mal tem um propósito: as almas querem experimentar todos os lados de todos os fenômenos. E você não pode experimentar ser assassinado se todos no universo são perfeitamente amorosos uns com os outros. Isso pode não soar como um problema para você, mas as almas se preocupam mais com o crescimento da alma do que com o conforto de sua encarnação atual. E realmente, uma vez que você comece a ver sua encarnação atual apenas como seu veículo e sua alma reencarnante imortal como o verdadeiro você, então isso faz sentido. Mas é mais profundo do que apenas a ideia de que o mal é útil porque pode ajudar as almas a experimentar todos os lados de todos os fenómenos. Nós, Pleiadianos, como sociedade, somos muito amorosos. Então, o que acontece se uma alma encarnar nas Plêiades algumas vezes e for profundamente amada todas as vezes? Bem, é bem possível que então a alma deseje experimentar o que é não receber amor suficiente. E assim eles podem encarnar em um mundo como a terra, ou encarnar em um mundo reptiliano severo. Mas também, as almas que foram encarnadas nas Plêiades algumas vezes podem desejar experimentar o que é não dar a seus filhos amor suficiente e, de fato, negligenciá-los emocionalmente. E assim eles podem nascer na terra, e ter um filho cuja alma concordou em ter a experiência de ser emocionalmente negligenciada. Ou uma alma que já esteve nas Plêiades algumas vezes, mas agora vive na terra, pode decidir trair seu parceiro, a fim de experimentar outro lado do amor dessa maneira. E isso pode parecer monstruoso, mas a alma de ninguém está sendo prejudicada — apenas seus veículos estão sendo prejudicados. Assim, nós, Pleiadianos, com os nossos modos amorosos, estamos, na verdade, indiretamente a incitar as almas a querer experimentar o que é ser emocionalmente negligenciado, ou negligenciar emocionalmente os outros, ou trair os outros. Obviamente, esta não é a nossa agenda secreta do mal. É que as almas estão interessadas em experimentar todos os lados de todos os fenómenos. Então, se as almas vivem em paz e amor conosco, então elas podem querer experimentar ou ser responsáveis pelo oposto da paz e do amor em suas encarnações futuras. Agora, com certeza, as almas têm livre arbítrio. Não é como se as almas estivessem sendo forçadas a se tornarem más depois de experimentar vidas cheias de luz algumas vezes. E, de fato, as almas mais velhas podem ter decidido firmemente trilhar o caminho do serviço aos outros ou do serviço Ao eu, e assim podem optar por agir consistentemente com consciência de unidade ou agir consistentemente com consciência de separação, em Encarnação após encarnação. No entanto, almas relativamente mais jovens tendem a optar por alternar entre ter vidas cheias de luz felizes e ter vidas onde experimentam ou causam escuridão significativa. Este não é um problema a resolver. Na verdade, é assim que deveria ser. É isso que as almas, Os seres reais, querem — um enorme jardim universal onde possam brincar e ser e ter experiências positivas e negativas. Da mesma forma, as almas que sofrem em um mundo reptiliano severo podem muito bem desejar mais luz e amor em suas próximas encarnações, e tornar-se pessoas extremamente amorosas após suas encarnações reptilianas. De facto, parte da razão pela qual a terra está a voltar-se para a luz é que muitas pessoas na Terra sofreram e estão a sofrer, e por isso começam naturalmente a desejar amor e paz. E porque muitas almas desejavam que a terra se tornasse um lugar de luz e amor, tornou-se parte do plano divino que a humanidade seria livre. E assim será. Então você poderia pensar nas Plêiades como um lugar que indiretamente cria pessoas que querem sofrer ou causar sofrimento nos outros. E você pode pensar em mundos reptilianos severos como lugares que indiretamente criam pessoas que querem amar e ser amadas. A imagem espelhada do amor é querer experimentar a falta de amor e querer agir de forma desamorosa para com os outros. E a imagem espelhada da falta de amor é querer experimentar o amor e querer agir com amor para com os outros. Suponha que hoje todas as pessoas tenham deixado de existir magicamente, exceto os Pleiadianos amorosos. Depois avançamos mil anos, e prevejo que cerca de metade de todos os Pleiadianos se terão tornado maus, só porque as almas desejam experimentar ambos os lados da polaridade. Da mesma forma, suponha que hoje todas as pessoas deixaram de existir, exceto os reptilianos implacáveis e malignos. Em seguida, avancemos mil anos, e prevejo que cerca de metade de todos os reptilianos terão se tornado amorosos e altruístas, só porque as almas desejam experimentar os dois lados da polaridade. Da mesma forma, um psicopata em um mundo cinzento como a terra pode indiretamente criar um desejo em muitas pessoas de tratar os outros com amor e ser tratado com amor, em suas futuras encarnações. O pior assassino em massa que você conhece provavelmente criou muito desejo em muitas almas de criar uma civilização segura e harmoniosa em suas futuras encarnações. Portanto, sua alma provavelmente não está chateada com pessoas más. É tudo apenas parte da dança da criação, parte da espiral ascendente. A propósito, existem bons reptilianos e boas sociedades reptilianas. Na verdade, existem também alguns Pleiadianos malignos, vivendo em uma sociedade separada. Estou apenas usando Pleiadianos e reptilianos como uma abreviatura para ilustrar o conceito. Então, é tudo sem sentido? Bem, não, tudo o que você faz São experiências para você e para os outros, e isso é a coisa mais significativa no universo. Não há nada de errado com o universo. O universo não precisa de conserto. O ponto de ajudar alguém não é que o universo é falho e que, ao ajudar alguém, você está movendo o universo um passo mais perto de como deveria ser. Em vez disso, o ponto de ajudar alguém é apenas a experiência de ajudar alguém, em você e neles. O objectivo do acto é o próprio acto. E também, o ato em si é a coisa mais significativa no universo. Dito isto, enquanto o próprio universo não vai, e de fato não deve se tornar um lugar com zero sofrimento nele tão cedo, a Terra especificamente está certamente se movendo na direção de menos sofrimento. E é perfeitamente possível e perfeitamente aceitável que um mundo individual passe para a luz. E você pode contribuir absolutamente para o plano divino de que a humanidade será livre, e talvez você possa aprender algumas últimas lições lá na terra ao longo do caminho. Além disso, enquanto o universo em si não vai se tornar um lugar livre de sofrimento em breve, você pessoalmente pode absolutamente passar para formas mais elevadas e mais avançadas de existência positiva. Você pode absolutamente alcançar formas mais agradáveis de existência com menos sofrimento para você pessoalmente. E fazer boas ações pode certamente contribuir para isso. Espero que, para alguns de vós, esta mensagem vos ajude a libertar o ressentimento ou a raiva contra as pessoas ditas más, ou contra as pessoas que vos magoaram. Espero que tenha sido útil. E, para ser claro, a terra tem actualmente demasiado sofrimento. Continuamos a trabalhar nos bastidores para reduzir isso. Como a fonte decretou, sereis livres. Isso não mudou. Espero sinceramente poder voltar a reunir-me convosco, espero (mas não garantido) ainda este ano ou no próximo. Gostaria de abraçá-lo, olhá-lo nos olhos, oferecer-lhe qualquer cura e assistência prática que possa precisar e dizer-lhe: meu querido amigo, que Desafio, que Experiência estar vivo na terra neste momento crucial. Como tem sido a sua viagem? Era isto que esperava? Valeu a pena? Com todo o meu amor, Este foi Turmalayne

A. S.

Para Era da Luz 

Esses canalizações são enviados exclusivamente para pelo canalizador. Se você deseja compartilhá-los noutro lugar, inclua o elo ao pôsto original.

As minhas notas:
Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso de [algumas das] religiões dogmáticas.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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