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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação



Mudanças revolucionárias e evolutivas, transfiguração, transmutações, transições

Por Judith Kusel

Tradução a 26 de janeiro de 2025


Estamos neste momento com todos os alinhamentos planetários, bem como enormes explosões solares e com as frequências de luz e som, as energias cósmicas a aumentarem para além de todas as conhecidas anteriormente, mais os centros de energia da terra a serem totalmente activados, num tempo de acontecimentos e mudanças profundas.
Não sou um astrólogo, pois nunca me senti atraído por isso, mas leio energia e linhas de energia, e mais do que isso exploro a informação cósmica, e entramos agora num buraco de minhoca (por falta de uma palavra melhor para descrever isso) nos níveis planetário, galáctico e universal, onde estamos literalmente passando por um tipo de canal de parto, a fim de renascermos ou recriarmos numa dimensão e Banda de frequências totalmente diferentes.
Não se surpreendam se os seus Chacras inferiores estão agora a fazer-se sentir, e todas essas partes de si mesmos, precisam de se desfazer, e uma delas é o medo, incluindo o medo da sobrevivência, e todas aquelas coisas profundamente enterradas com as quais ainda não lidaram a um nível de alma muito profundo.
À medida que os novos corpos cristalinos se formam, a energia presa em todos os nossos corpos e campos precisa se dissolver. Observe em que áreas do desconforto do seu corpo Reina e, em seguida, vá e faça o trabalho dele e esteja preparado para mergulhar profundamente em seus bancos de memória da alma e, em seguida, liberá-lo de uma vez por todas. Não podemos levar qualquer bagagem connosco para a nova terra e para a nova era de Ouro.
O chakra base mantém a sede da sua alma. A afirmação aqui é: "Estou seguro e protegido. Estou no meu domínio mais elevado e a viver a minha verdade mais elevada.”
O chakra da Estrela da Terra é o centro central onde realmente ancoramos nossa missão e propósito da alma na terra, na nova terra e na nova era de Ouro. Nós, literalmente, através de nossa alma, estrelas e estrelas da terra se fundindo, nos tornamos tudo o que devemos ser.
Assim como uma árvore poderosa, precisa estar firmemente enraizada e ancorada na Mãe Terra, nós também precisamos cuidar e nutrir essas raízes, e nos tornarmos um com a mãe terra e permitir que seu amor esteja dentro de nós e ao nosso redor, tanto quanto a ancoragem completa do Amor Divino, em nossos centros cardíacos e alma.
Estou a tornar-me cada vez mais consciente de como a mãe terra e a Mãe Natureza já se mudaram para a faixa de frequências muito mais elevada. Eu posso ver os campos de energia áurica dentro e ao redor de árvores, Plantas, Animais, etc. e vejo como todos eles têm halos à sua volta e estes campos de energia estão a expandir-se.
Estamos no processo de grandes mudanças e mais próximos.
Assim, estar enraizado e fundamentado na Mãe Terra é de imensa importância Agora, pois ela é muito maior do que nós, e de fato, através dela nos conectamos a todas as linhas de energia, os vórtices e as pirâmides na terra e em suas águas.
Todos nós precisamos estar firmemente conectados a esses imensos campos de energia telúrica agora, e à espinha dorsal da terra e à sua própria vara alada de poder, de modo que, à medida que nos movemos através deste enorme buraco de minhoca, o façamos com amor e alegria, sabendo que este é um processo de iluminação e Transfiguração, muito além de qualquer coisa conhecida antes.
Não são só os humanos que estão a passar por isto, mas todas as formas de vida, visíveis e invisíveis.
Que tempo maravilhoso para estar vivo e bem e na nave espacial Terra!
Judith Kusel

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 * Ocasionalmente a censura das trevas apaga-me alguns artigos. (google dona do blogspot)

Notas minhas:
  • Deus, a Fonte da vida é puro amor incondicional, não um deus zeloso [de algumas] das religiões dogmáticas.
  • Todos os artigos são da responsabilidade dos respectivos autores.
O Google apagou meus antigos blogs e, sem aviso prévio e apenas 10 horas depois de eu postar o relatório de Benjamin Fulford de 6 de fevereiro de 2023, acusando-me de publicar pornografia infantil.
(Uma Grande Mentira)

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Revolutionary and Evolutionary Changes, Transfiguration, Transmutations, Transitions

By Judith Kusel

Posted on January 26, 2025


We are at the moment with all the planetary alignments, as well as huge Sun Flares and with the light and sound frequencies, the cosmic energies amping up beyond all known before, plus the earth’s energy centers being fully activated, in a time of profound happenings, and changes.
I am not an astrologer, as I have never felt myself drawn to it, but I do read energy and energy lines, and more than this tap into Cosmic information, and we have entered a wormhole now, (for want of a better word to describe this) on planetary, galactic and universal levels, where we literally are going through a type of birthing channel, in order to be rebirthed or recreated into a totally different dimension and frequency band.
Do not be surprised if your lower chakras are now making themselves felt, and all those parts of yourself, you need to shed, and one of these is fear, including fear of survival, and all those deeply buried things you have not yet dealt with at a very deep soul level.
As the new Crystalline bodies form, the stuck energy in all our bodies and fields needs to dissolve. Note in which areas of your body’s discomfort reigns and then go and make work of it and be prepared to delve deeply into your soul memory banks and then release it once and for all. We cannot take ANY baggage with us into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.
The base chakra holds the Seat of your Soul. The affirmation here is: “I am safe and secure. I am standing in my highest Mastery and living my highest truth.”
The Earth star chakra is the central hub where we truly anchor our soul mission and purpose into the Earth, the New Earth and the New Golden Age. We literally through our soul star and earth stars merging, become all that we are meant to be.
Just like a mighty tree, needs to be firmly rooted and grounded into Mother Earth, we too need to tend and nourish those roots, and become AS ONE with Mother Earth and allow her love to be within us and all around us, as much as the full anchoring in of the Divine Love, in our heart centers and Soul.
I am becoming more and more aware of how Mother Earth and Mother Nature have already moved into the much higher frequency band. I can see the auric energy fields in and around trees, plants, animals, etc. and I see how they all have halos around them and these energy fields are expanding.
We are in the process of huge changes and more coming.
Thus, being rooted and grounded in Mother Earth is of immense importance now, for she is much larger than we are, and indeed, through her we connect to all the energy lines, the vortices, and the pyramids on earth and in her waters.
We all need to be firmly plugged into these immense telluric energy fields now, and into the Spine of the Earth and its own Winged Rod of Power, so that, as we move through this massive wormhole, we do so with love and joy, knowing that this is a process of Illumination and Transfiguration, far beyond anything known before.
It’s not only humans who are going through this, but all forms of life, visible and invisible.
What an awesome time to be alive and well and on spaceship Earth!

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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Density Emancipation Physical Effects

Density Emancipation Physical Effects

By Natalia Alba

Posted on January 5, 2025

Beloved Ones,
Many of you are now stepping into new phases of density emancipation, releasing more old egoic layers as your chakras continue transfiguring and your DNA rehabilitates. Light body reconfiguration is an arduous process, in which many of you experience a profound emotional release, while others even experience depression. In the process of transfiguration, emphasized by our Sol-Ar transmissions at this time, the old self has lost what was familiar, feeling isolated and reticent to embody a new frequency.
In these cases, soul retrieval, violet flame immersion techniques, and fortifying the silver cord strengthen our commitment to serving as a divine vehicle, so we receive more soul transmissions, support, and insights from our new embodiment while we continue balancing the ego. However, it is not the only technique that we need when we are passing through profound emotional breakthroughs.
There are other important causes of emotional pain, that can be misled with soul disconnection. Many of these sensations and disconnections you may experience, as I see often in sessions, even though you are soul-connected, are related to vagus nerve anomalies and the endocrine system, in charge of producing hormones, which are key in the neurological functions, that allow us to receive guidance from the God Worlds.
Their functioning is key to helping us retrieve our monadic connection, opening our Consciousness to new interdimensional experiences and contact, for our bodies are Divine Design, and each part is made also to have a divine function, not just a physical one.
Above all vagus nerve anomalies are also of utmost importance at this time, and very common in feeling disconnected. This can be emphasized for those of you with anomalies, as we are again embodying the new plasmatic SOL-AR (Sol and Auroras) waves that are now descending upon our planet, and our nervous system is being deeply impacted.
Our vagus nerve as you know is the one that is in charge of controlling digestion, our immune system, and heart rate, which are involuntary functions. At a spiritual level, it is the one that amplifies the light transmissions received into our brain complex, transmitting them into our heart, balancing brain and heart, and helping us achieve a sense of Oneness, unity, and peace.
When there are anomalies in the vagus nerve, there is disconnection, sadness, and trouble integrating the transmissions received. There are also headaches, stomach issues, changes in our heart rate, arrhythmia, dizziness, and other similar symptoms that are not due to any medical reason, or to ascension symptoms, but to the anomalies we need to clear to help the light be properly transmitted.
Unfortunately, many artificial signals and non-benevolent technology are created to destabilize our nervous system, impeding Higher communication. However, our Consciousness has the power to overcome the misalignments they create in our bodies if we use the right physical tools, protections, and energetic healing methods.
As we scan and observe ourselves, our unique physical ascension process, and our feelings as the highest forms of guidance, we become more aware of what we are experiencing and how to treat ourselves correctly, as comparisons only lead us to confusion and often wrong treatments.
Only you have the key to understanding your body and healing yourself. We all came here with the same wisdom and divine capacity to heal ourselves and embody our unique mission.
Many of you have started the year being challenged beyond your human understanding. Trust, surrender, and work on acceptance, for Divine Will, works in a perfect way for All, in Its Time, nor in our time.
It is not about the start, but about the trajectory in between, the devotion, the love we put into our process and all we do, and the companionship and support we all carry, as we continue transcending an old world and stepping into a harmonic dimension.
May you embrace your divine strength, wisdom, and power to continue BEcoming free, and sovereign of your own body and life experience.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 


My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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By Natalia Alba

Posted on January 5, 2025

Beloved Ones,
Many of you are now stepping into new phases of density emancipation, releasing more old egoic layers as your chakras continue transfiguring and your DNA rehabilitates. Light body reconfiguration is an arduous process, in which many of you experience a profound emotional release, while others even experience depression. In the process of transfiguration, emphasized by our Sol-Ar transmissions at this time, the old self has lost what was familiar, feeling isolated and reticent to embody a new frequency.
In these cases, soul retrieval, violet flame immersion techniques, and fortifying the silver cord strengthen our commitment to serving as a divine vehicle, so we receive more soul transmissions, support, and insights from our new embodiment while we continue balancing the ego. However, it is not the only technique that we need when we are passing through profound emotional breakthroughs.
There are other important causes of emotional pain, that can be misled with soul disconnection. Many of these sensations and disconnections you may experience, as I see often in sessions, even though you are soul-connected, are related to vagus nerve anomalies and the endocrine system, in charge of producing hormones, which are key in the neurological functions, that allow us to receive guidance from the God Worlds.
Their functioning is key to helping us retrieve our monadic connection, opening our Consciousness to new interdimensional experiences and contact, for our bodies are Divine Design, and each part is made also to have a divine function, not just a physical one.
Above all vagus nerve anomalies are also of utmost importance at this time, and very common in feeling disconnected. This can be emphasized for those of you with anomalies, as we are again embodying the new plasmatic SOL-AR (Sol and Auroras) waves that are now descending upon our planet, and our nervous system is being deeply impacted.
Our vagus nerve as you know is the one that is in charge of controlling digestion, our immune system, and heart rate, which are involuntary functions. At a spiritual level, it is the one that amplifies the light transmissions received into our brain complex, transmitting them into our heart, balancing brain and heart, and helping us achieve a sense of Oneness, unity, and peace.
When there are anomalies in the vagus nerve, there is disconnection, sadness, and trouble integrating the transmissions received. There are also headaches, stomach issues, changes in our heart rate, arrhythmia, dizziness, and other similar symptoms that are not due to any medical reason, or to ascension symptoms, but to the anomalies we need to clear to help the light be properly transmitted.
Unfortunately, many artificial signals and non-benevolent technology are created to destabilize our nervous system, impeding Higher communication. However, our Consciousness has the power to overcome the misalignments they create in our bodies if we use the right physical tools, protections, and energetic healing methods.
As we scan and observe ourselves, our unique physical ascension process, and our feelings as the highest forms of guidance, we become more aware of what we are experiencing and how to treat ourselves correctly, as comparisons only lead us to confusion and often wrong treatments.
Only you have the key to understanding your body and healing yourself. We all came here with the same wisdom and divine capacity to heal ourselves and embody our unique mission.
Many of you have started the year being challenged beyond your human understanding. Trust, surrender, and work on acceptance, for Divine Will, works in a perfect way for All, in Its Time, nor in our time.
It is not about the start, but about the trajectory in between, the devotion, the love we put into our process and all we do, and the companionship and support we all carry, as we continue transcending an old world and stepping into a harmonic dimension.
May you embrace your divine strength, wisdom, and power to continue BEcoming free, and sovereign of your own body and life experience.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


Compiled by from: 


My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Transmutation Transition and Transfiguration

By Judith Kusel

Posted on October 15, 2024

We are in the midst of a huge transmutation, transition, and transfiguration right now, and this is working on many layers, and not just one.
So many Lightworkers are already functioning in the 5D, and some even higher. We have pulled this through, and we are pulling it through.
Some of us have been called years ago, and some recently and some are just awaken. It does not matter, when or where, what matters is that we hold the 5th dimensional frequency steady in our bodies and fields.
I was reminded of this last week, when I suddenly had to deal with someone who was near hysterical because of impending second death in their family, within a few months. Of course I heart opened but somehow this reflected so much of how most of humanity deals with death and dying. The end is always just a beginning.
To me death just means shedding the physical vessel, as the soul lives on and simply resumes it original soul form and then continues life elsewhere.
Every soul on earth originates from other galaxies, constellations and star systems, and your soul is eternally connected to it. Even your soul’s signature tune, is always tuned into this original home of your soul and your sacred geometrical symbols, even your soul colors!
Life never leaves a vacuum. When one soul leaves this planet, other souls will immediately step in, or even pets, or whatever, to fill the vacuum, and this can be one soul, or many souls, or even those in the invisible realms. We are never left alone.
I have always been involved deeply in the church for many years and did Sunday School classes as well and everything else, as I was Librarian and thus much involved in community services all my life.
We had a Pastor from Germany whose ministry used to be working in hospitals and he said something to me, I will never forget: “You need to take leave of your loved ones, before they lie on their death bed. For that is when so many cling on because of unfinished business, rather than doing this before this happens.”
Then he asked me to speak to children about death. I was quite taken aback, but then he said something else: “In these modern times, people do not prepare their children for death, and they see on TV or the movies that the ‘bad’ guys die, so when a pet and parent or grandparent dies, they do not know how to handle it.”
Well I did, and I had the most amazing experiences that day. I had a boy, called Karl in my class, who was a classic example of the hyperactive boy, and I always let him run around, for I know there is nothing wrong with these children, especially boys, they just have too much energy and should really be out in nature and running around, getting dirty and being happy. So that day, the other children were listening as I talked about death not being the end, and elaborated that it is something which happens to everybody, including children.
When they had all left Karl came and sat next to me, and this boy and I had the most amazing conversation about death, and the life thereafter that I have ever had in my life. He was telling me things that truly touched my heart and soul, and I am grateful for this child, who taught me so much!
In truth there is no death – merely a shedding of a earthly vessel as the soul lives on ad infinitum!
Perhaps, in moments when catastrophe strikes, we are most reminded of our own mortality. It is mostly because we cling onto things, onto people, onto whatever. What we fear most, is our own mortality. Yet, what in truth is there to fear?
I remember when one of my most active Library members, who loved making quilts and who had started a whole quilting group, and lived on a farm, had just moved into her dream house, which her husband had finally built for them. They were on holiday at the coast, when they got the message, that their new house had been gutted, during a fire. There was nothing left of the house, nor anything in it, for gas bottles had exploded as well.
One day I met her in town and I asked her how she was doing. She had a big smile on her face and this is what she said: “When it all happened, I was devastated, but also relieved! I know it sounds funny, but I realized that all that stuff was weighing me down, holding me in some form or way, even the family heirlooms. Yet, you know the way people rallied around us, the way we were helped by others and the love they showed, even complete strangers, was worth more than anything we lost during that fire. But what was most touching, was that all the ladies in my quilting group rallied together, and gathered in files all my quilting patterns, and everyone gathered scraps of material together, and indeed I got them all back again, plus more! To me that is more than I can be thankful for! Just to be alive is a gift, but if I had to leave this body tomorrow, it will be with no regret. Just with gratitude and love.”
It is times like these, that our whole value systems shift. What we believed we cannot do without, suddenly loses its meaning, and what we always felt was the be-all of our existence, now evaporates in the mists.
We start to realize that the true meaning of life, is there within us, and our Divine connectedness with all of life, and all life forms, and the whole Universe.
And what makes life worthwhile, are indeed those precious moments of oneness, of unity, of shared laughter, and shared tears, and more than this, those moments of gnosis, when we can truly see.
It is there in the eyes of a beloved pet.
It is there in the faces of the people going by, and in the eyes of those whom we love, even the smile of complete stranger.
Those moments of interconnectedness.
Moments of joy.
Yet, more than this Love, in its purest form, all-embracing love for all sentient beings, and all of life itself, immortal.
I was just this morning, thanking the Divine for this life, for all that is now unfolding, for the deep unknown, yet, known.
For being able to breathe, and for being able to bless the earth, the waters, the air, the fires, and all within her, and upon and around her.
How very blessed we are!
And more than this, that hearts are opening worldwide, and that in truth, we are one single family.
One Heart.
One soul.
One Being.
“Death is a great teacher. But so is life. To deny ourself any aspect of it, is to deny life itself! ” Dr. Leo Buscaglia

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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The Transition/Transfiguration Period 2024 to 2032

By Judith Kusel

Posted on September 23, 2024

I am aware that many of you are experiencing upheavals, as well as sudden deaths in the family or elsewhere, as well as sudden changes, challenges and ill health, or sudden emergencies cropping up as well.
I have written about the earth’s changes, as well as the inner transformation, and transfiguration which will continue and become even more powerful. Yet, we are never given more than we can handle at one time, and in the here and now, it is a matter of truly focusing on what we DO WANT to experience, manifest and loving to co-create and to affirm this every single morning on arising and at night before we go to sleep.
We are being reinvented and reprogrammed, but we need to also do the inner work which will not sabotage the rest. If we are denial within, this will reflect on the outside and with a bang!
What you are now focusing on, will manifest almost immediately, therefore it is wise to always go back into the heart, still the mind, and then get crystal clear about what you truly wish to have more of and not what you fear.
Fear is False Evidence Appearing as Real, and more often it is what keeps us stuck in the old paradigms instead of us freeing ourselves and standing in our true soul mastery. Feel the fear, and then do it anyway, as someone so eloquently phrased this a few years ago.
You are a true daughter and son of the Divine Source. It is time now to claim your true inheritance as a beloved daughter and son, and to open your arms wider than ever before to all the goodness, the abundance, the joy, the beauty, the harmony, the inspiration, the love, wisdom, higher insight, knowledge which is your birthright!
It is time to claim your mastery and sovereignty and doing this in the here and now!
Your own Ascended Masters are always there to assist you, to guide you, but they cannot live your life for you, nor are they allowed to intervene in your life. If you need help, then ASK and listen deeply within and follow the inner guidance, the promptings, the wise inner voice.
Many hear these but then do not trust it, and then self-sabotage.
This planet was never meant for shrinking violets but for the bravest of the brave and you would not be here at this time, if you were not capable of handling whatever comes.
Challenges hone the inner mastery, and soul muscles and make you fit for the new role as co-creator, living from the heart and soul, and standing in your truth, unshakably like the mighty Cosmic Tree of Life, firmly rooted and grounded into the New Earth and anchoring in the New Golden Age with love, through love, and in love.
Remember, you are a master, and master stands unshakably, in truth and integrity with love and loving intent.
You are not a shrinking violet but indeed a Divinely created perfected soul, and the Divine does not create duds, only perfection.
It is the ego which negates, which spins fear and conjures up pictures which sends the mind spinning. The heart always knows the truth of the soul and remembers this truth.
I lost everything in 2004, and today I am grateful that all of this happened, for I have been born anew. I have had to shed so many old layers, old belief systems, old programming and still do. Now, when things happen, I immediately sit down, with pen and paper and write down, the drawbacks and the benefits of this happening, and do not stop until I have found more benefits than drawbacks, not only for me, but for the rest of humanity.
It immediately shifts everything, as the right brain and left-brain hemispheres move into balance and harmony once more, unity and oneness and inspiration and creativity flow, and this is what then lifts you to a much higher level, where you can rise above it all. More than this, you become grateful for all and everything, and the more grateful you become, the more you will attract to yourself to be grateful for!
In the next ten years, we will need to shed more and more layers, more and more of the old: Yet look for the miracle!
For the first time in thousands of earth years, we now can step fully into a new creation and create anew as the old falls away and do so from and heart of love, as the Christ/Buddha consciousness within us, rises to the fore.
We now step into unity, oneness where we can co-create the communities of Light and lovingly co-create the New Golden Age in the fifth and seventh dimensional state, AS ONE!
This is a Cosmic Miracle!
Keep this Miracle forever in your heart and soul, and nurture, cocreate it there in your sacred temple, with love and loving intent, always for the greater good of all, and then experience the unfolding of this miracle within you, and then all around you, and by 2032 you will not recognize yourself anymore, as you transfigured into your highest soul self, and live life with love, and joy!
Yet, all this, is already available for you in the here and now, and there within your own soul, as ONE with the Divine within you, in your own sacred and holy temple, the Temple of your heart and soul!
We are stepping into the seemingly impossible, yet in the truth this means: I AM POSSIBLE. Unlimited. Ad infinitum.
I AM the Ascended Master…… (your name and Soul Name). I AM THAT I AM!

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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  1. 2020
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  1. 2019
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  1. 2018
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  1. 2017
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  5. A
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  1. 2016
  2. J
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  5. A
  6. M
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  1. 2015
  2. J
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  4. M
  5. A
  6. M
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  8. J
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  1. 2014
  2. J
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  5. A
  6. M
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  1. 2013
  2. J
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  5. A
  6. M
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  8. J
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  1. 2012
  2. J
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  6. M
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  1. 2011
  2. J
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  4. M
  5. A
  6. M
  7. J
  8. J
  9. A
  10. S
  11. O
  12. N
  13. D
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