What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share a bit more this day. Life has many occurrences, and do you recognize that maintaining a life for an indefinite period of time does have its limitations? It does have that which does minimize what might be accomplished. Let us say things change, and sometimes, going with the flow is easier when you are a youngster as opposed to being set in your ways.
Life is ever-changing. And so at the time of death, you do transition from here to there. You do not stay earthbound unless there is an election made to remain fixed here. But we will say, there is less of that than more. Those you experience here that often appear to be the one who has passed on, well, what you believe may not be so.
Unseen Entourage
Often, your unseen entourage utilizes this opportunity to provide direction and insights. More often than not, this is what is perceived rather than the loved one remaining in the way you might suppose. But you see, there are those that you cannot see, and so these others utilize a means of communication that did not exist before. Before, you were not searching and seeking. Now there is a greater means to communicate and provide direction.
At the time one transitions, they do formulate and move to join with their Soul. Let us say there is a Soul integration. This integration allows what was formulated while here on Earth to become integrated and absorbed. The Soul, you see, utilizes the understandings that were gleaned while you are here. Your understanding is their means of better understanding what you had come to know.
In-Between Time
Might we also touch on the in-between time? It is the time after death as one moves to transition from here to there. It is a time in which much does occur and there is a pausing before the formulating for the next lifetime does occur. We will say that there is much that does occur in this time and it is a time when much moves into formation and flow.
There are many considerations and those considerations are such that foundational footing is sought so that the next lifetime might yield more. But you see the Soul relies on what is believed from the last most recent embodiment to formulate what is to be put into play. But when beliefs are not all they might be, then less rather than more becomes incorporated into the next round of embodiment.
This is why beliefs are so incredibly important. This is why what you think and believe must always be focused upon from the heart space to ask if that belief is factual and actual. If it is not, then move away from it and look for something more. But we will say now that it is much better to release beliefs for often there is a component within the mix that isn’t all it might be.
You see, you cannot know all here, but the mind will tell you that you know enough. We suggest that you may know less truth than more. Much is often not true and those fallacies and falsities are not as you might believe them to be.
We saved this topic for last, for you already know what death means, but do you understand the finality it supposes? It is that often, there is a confusion about that in-between time, and so this will be covered here. You see, all is not as you might presume it to be, for how can one progress from here to there without some means of understanding? It is the understanding that will allow more to be. But if you adopt self-limiting beliefs, then at death, less will be. Less will become known for a faulty belief system does cause less to be. Know this. Make it your objective to release beliefs once again.
Robyn G Locke
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
- My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.
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