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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Navigating in Troubled Times: The Charge of the Day

By Laura Smith Biswas

and channel from The Great Mother

Posted on February 9, 2025

Laura: This week I was very aware of the 52,000 people that were fired due to the dismantling of the US international aid organizations that the Trump administration initiated in one fell swoop. My father spent his life dedicated to helping the poor globally through this field. Many in my family have dedicated their careers to helping others around the world – including my sister-in-law who was laid off as part of this – without any warning and 3 days of healthcare coverage left for their family.
While reform is agreed by many to be needed, the way in which this is occurring – without human care, through vilification of all involved, without regard for the global impact – it has been difficult for my sense of stability, even from afar. I’m well aware that this is not the only government organization being dismantled and it is likely just the start of more to come, the heaviness of the effect on so many overwhelmed me. From this perspective, I share the following message that I received this week.
Channeled Message from The Great Mother below:
Invite the peace that resides beneath the storm, to surface to fill you, to clear the storm clouds that have surrounded your mind. Understand we are present with you. There is no moment that any of you are alone, no matter how it may feel. Remember this, that when you feel like it is too much, you can stop and turn to us and feel us near.
It is indeed a dismantling of the structures of your society. There has no question, that this is occurring. And it will continue to happen until the time has come for it to stop. And when it does, the rebuilding will begin and those who have chosen to turn away from love will not prevail. I promise you that. It may be hard to see right now that this is so. I recognize this requires great trust. So allow yourself to grieve what has been dismantled. Attend to your fear with comfort and love, for it is natural as human beings to feel such things.
Allow yourselves to accept what is and ask the critical question facing you now:
– What is it I can do to address the needs around me?
– What is my part?
– What am I deeply called to foster as a rebirthing of our society occurs?
There is no way to do this with incremental, tiny movement. The house of cards has already begun to crumble. It does not mean all those involved are responsible. So many are impacted by circumstance who held together a tenuous system that was in need of repair. And despite all their efforts those currently in power have dismantled their work. And this causes great heartbreak for many physical suffering, even emotional turmoil. So do not think we stand by watching as if this is not occurring.
There are tremendous energies in play at this time – those seeking to bring greater light peace and harmony to this world, and others who fear that if they do not take control, they will have nothing. They do not know the natural laws of abundance of this world. And they grab and claw to attempt to control what is happening. There is no means within their grasp too have this control. It is a facade as well and in time the tenuous nature of what it is built upon will fail.
In the meantime, staying open to receive your inner guidance is of critical importance. For every being that stands with the light, shifts the balance of power, and brings the reality of a saner world into being. So come to us with your worries, your burdens and cares, as you experience the upheaval of your society, and let yourself open to receive in a new way. Open to receive the calm, soothing energies we have to offer you beneath the storm – that you may find a part of you is able to stay grounded, centered, and balanced despite all that is happening in your world. Because from that place, you can bring forward the inner wisdom that is needed for these times.
When you are out of balance, you are unable to attune to the needs of others, to hear the guidance of your own heart and conscious awareness or know how to navigate the day-to-day changes in your own life. As you learn to listen to yourself, your skill level and mastery at listening within to your inner guidance will increase. Then you will have far greater confidence to navigate this change. You will feel far more supported. And we will be able to offer far more help from the other side. So this is the charge of the day – to find the means to feel the peace beneath the storm. To create, with our assistance, the inner stability to hold presence and steadiness in the face of so much change.
So ask yourself this question: Do you feel the truth of this? For if you do, then you have found your center, even for a moment. This is the charge, in moments of great transition to pause to turn within to find your balance before proceeding, to know deep within your heart where your place is, in shaping a new world. This might be what you see as a very quiet contribution or perhaps for you it means standing on the street proclaiming your rights.
But do not forget there is a collective understanding not held within single individuals. On a collective level – there is a wisdom, a call to come together to reshape what is being dismantled. And gradually, one by one as you awaken to your part in this, it begins to assemble like a vast puzzle. At first it seems like a distant goal without clarity, but in time the borders, the edges of this picture begin to be seen, shapes begin to form, images come together. And the fuller picture what is between created by the vast set of humans who are participating in this light work (even some who would never call it that) are part of this solution. And simply, simply listening within is the first step.
So take your places, whether that is in meditation in your bedroom, or on the corner of the block in which you live and everything in between. But listen deeply to the call within to do your part with trust – without franticness, without feeling a sense of abandonment, but rather from a place of clarity and confidence that a sea change is emerging. That brings a highly unusual opportunity for so many to simultaneously stand up with the light within themselves as the guiding force, in the face of darkness.
You have come in some sense, to be heroes of your own lives – to learn how to save yourselves from despair with our assistance. To uncover things, you did not know about yourself, to influence the greater good. They might come through the words you speak, or through the expression of your gifts – that you were not even aware you possessed within you. They will come natural to you as you seek this opening of love and devotion to one another. As all humankind, all living creatures, including beautiful Gaia, are worthy of your kind and loving attention. And as you do, let yourself rest in this awareness for the time being, to strengthen your fortitude – to help you anchor your passion for the role you have come to play.
I am the Great Mother You are my beloved children. I am present within you always.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Forgiveness and Ascension

By Ascension LightWorkers

Posted on February 8, 2025


There has been turmoil and confusion in the Mainstream collective as dense and heavy energies are breaking down, we are in a process of healing and transformation. Patience is required as hearts are still healing and you are ascending in preparation for the accelerated New Earth Energies of 2025.
Forgiveness in self is essential for your own Ascension , healing and to fully Integrate and reclaim your Divine inner Power as a Sovereign being of the Light .
Your Ascension will always require the trusting of the divine plan and process , The trusting in source , love, light messages and signs from the Higher realms as you are guided , protected and fully supported by Ascension Light Team.
Conscious living involves aligning with the spiritual laws of the 5th dimension, strengthening internal values and authenticating inner attributes. To create a harmonious, balanced and fulfilling life. Taking time to recharge and nourish yourself, withdrawing from any dysfunction and drama, finding peace in mindfulness Gratitude and meditation.
The expansion of consciousness is a continuous process, as the Universe gathers information and continues to evolve. Collective vibrations rise gradually inner fears diminish and you experience higher highs and fewer lows. The current planetary system must go through chaos and collapse to rebuild at a higher frequency, which is in accordance to the Universal law of evolution.
Many Ascending souls are currently undergoing a mass internal awakening and cellular restructuring preparing for higher dimensional existence. Resistance to these higher frequencies can create physical pain and internal discomfort . The entire ascending process itself is inevitable for awakening individuals.
Ascension Symptoms 4D, 5D Assimilation. The process of your transformation is being accelerated at a tremendous pace to fully handle and embody the powerful incoming energies .This is to clear your bodily vehicles of the residual shadow and 3D negative energies .
The reason for this is that any and all residual imbalances will create inner discomfort . It can also compromise self In accomplishing a complete transformation and transmutation process .
When residing in 4-5D Your physical being is operating in the world of the 3D -4D dimensions. Your emotional and mental bodies are trying to adjust to the 4th 5th dimensional experiences here on ascending Earth and your consciousness and higher self are reaching for the 5th beyond dimensional frequencies .
Some common ascension symptoms include fatigue, headaches, body aches, flu-like symptoms, changes in sleep patterns, vivid dreaming , dietary changes , anxiety , apathy, heightened sensitivity, emotional ups and downs, increased intuition, and spiritual awakening experiences.
Ascending light beings when you engage with lower energies negative absorption takes place and this creates contamination in self’s auric fields and crystalline properties , stabilising and clearing your fields is important , to re-centre and return to your natural state of being and light energy source.
Now is the time to tune out external distractions and delve deeper into the inner self. Amidst the chaos, we remind ourselves that we belong to a higher truth beyond worldly dysfunction. The true source of light and love resides within not in the outer world. Practicing sending compassion and love to those facing challenges due to disruptions. We can do this from home at any time, by radiating positive vibrations to our planet and humanity . Our world craves love and healing by shifting the focus inward, we can be more effective in spreading love , healing and positivity.
Recognising that you are in a higher vibration and your past self energies are no longer in vibrational alignment. You are lovingly being urged to move forward to BE and create in the New and the Now energy .
Starseeds play an important role in creating a ripple effect of positive changes. We are in the final cleansing stages of the New Earth , shedding the 2-3D paradigm , programming and transitioning to higher consciousness. Avoiding lower dimensional structures and beings is most important for ascension in self to genuinely take place.
We are receiving higher information and Light codes in the form of inspiration, inner wisdom, and intuition. Paying attention to the signs and synchronicities as your soul / higher self is constantly guiding you.
Starseeds you are a multi dimensional being This means you can expect your ascension desires to become a reality here on earth . As you make your ascension out of the old version of self you operate at a completely different level of consciousness . You are the new earth and deliberate Creators on this planet ,creating and manifesting in the new earth energy.
Our planet is ascending and accelerating at a much faster pace , presenting excellent opportunities for you to shift into your new and higher conscious timelines . Creating your preferred reality here on earth . Connecting to your higher purpose with greater clarity. There is extraordinary potential in all areas of life during this time.
In loving and dedicated ascension service
Source Information. By 
Ascension LightWorkers


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Part 2

The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 22, 2025

Some more info about the Darks’ mega structure on the Subtle Plane and how it works that Disclosure News mentioned earlier (see “Turmoil“, DNI, 17 January 2025). On these etheric and astral planes, all tube-shaped towers are grouped into 6 units and connected at the tops with trussing, which looks like black snowflake structures from above. They extend above all countries in wide circles and are part of the Dark Matrix, located between the Light one and the surface, copying the two tori frames of the Local Universe (see – Two Tori, DNI, 10 November 2024.

Recall that in every tower, all 18 floors are filled with cells, where the lowest vibrating beings stay in the dormant or awake state. They actively incarnate in every territory and some become our acquaintances, friends or even family members if their radiated freqs are similar. Many willingly make contact from the Subtle Plane posing as friendly space races, Keepers, Guardian Angels and even Co-Creators to feed on the contactees’ energy. Some bloggers wage mental wars thinking they are providing serious assistance to Light Forces, but in fact Dark entities are having fun with them. This does not cause much harm to their bodies, which easily restored due to the vitality of such sites’ warriors.

The more aggressive ones act harder, attacking channelers to suck out their life energy for feeding selves and those who steer them. After an attack, there are wounds on Subtle Bodies, the edges of which usually heal in a few minutes, leaving only a thin scar at the site of the injury. However, the attackers always try to prevent fusion of delicate tissues and fill them with parasitic nanites, causing further loss of victims’ forces, even fainting. They open the wound again and again, sucking on it like leeches, causing unbearable pain and sharp deterioration in the person’s wellness. This torture can last for a long time.

Dark entities often set them at anyone who opposes the System and its Power Pyramid, especially against Lightwarriors. But the latter usually have strong defenses and can deliver devastating counterattacks. Wounded and maimed minions are immediately taken back to towers, where they are placed in pools with a healing substance saturated with argon and other chemicals that quickly restore Subtle Bodies. Half-dead beings become alert, energetic, and ready for further use.

Their runners, a kind of hierarchy, treat these entities as consumable, helping to incarnate as terrorists, mercenaries, secret squads of butchers and killers. Today, they are sent in large numbers to Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and African countries, torn by internal conflicts. On the astral plane above these regions, over the towers, holograms of specific locations on the surface are hanging, and the entire space below is clearly visible. Higher, the rulers are settled, from which, like from lion’s mane medusas, an unimaginably amount of energy threads extend, tightly wrapping and penetrating deep into each hologram, and every fighter and mercenary.

Their offensives are accompanied by massive bloodshed and end by destruction of all militants. Those who don’t die are finished off by their war buddies, or are turned off automatically in the astral plane. The rulers are waiting for such moments, anticipating a powerful influx of huge negative energy and steering the course of the battles. Each assailant does not suspect that he is doomed to torment and death in order to saturate with his energy those who, on the Subtle Plane, send him to slaughter. They will sort out some of this energy by levels and use it to activate emotions in other fighters. The souls of the dead will be rolled up into balls and placed in cells in a special storage area to be activated in the future (see – Rats, DNI, 28 December 2024).

The described structure is only a part of the 3D Matrix and the Power Pyramid on the Subtle Plane. In the attachment areas of the towers’ “snowflakes” trussing, control junctions monitor everything happening on the surface via the astral plane. Each unit has several tiers with multiple computers and screens to scan the situation in specific locations. This equipment is linked by energy channels to sentient octopus-shaped clusters with sealed and semi-unlocked holograms of events that are activated in a given State(s) when needed. These hologram projections of war and crisis are several times larger than ordinary ones, because contain many options and a huge number of ready Dark entities.

Managing a negative agenda is the same as fighting, whether it’s in Ukraine, Syria or other hotspots. Energy threads spread from “final beneficiaries” on the astral plane to actors in particular countries at all levels of legislative and executive power, political, economic, and information structures. These threads branch further down into lower-level staff. In front of “beneficiaries,” semicircular screens are set for remote steering and hologram projection, which can even hold developments for a few seconds. Commands are sent directly to the heads of key actors, scanning their thoughts, emotions, and deeds to quickly impact on them (for more information on this topic, see – New Bio and Energy Weapon of Mass Destruction, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 14 and 15 August 2020).

In turn, the “beneficiaries” are run by NAA’s AI and cannot withstand the heaviest duty loads, which consume their Subtle Bodies, consciousness, and Soul if they have. Only 2% survive and are placed on a higher astral sub-level. The rest are quickly destroyed and split, and Co-Creators place the remains on the still uninhabited planets in the Local Universe.

Why don’t they destroy the parasitic System in one blow? One reason is its deep roots and tight knitting in each of us, openly or secretly. The second reason is the war for the Souls of incarnated Dark beings, helping their inner awakening and transformation. This is well illustrated, for example, in a blockbuster about Jason Bourne, played beautifully by Matt Damon, as the entire negative system on the surface.

After many incarnations on Earth, we invariably return to these towers and cannot leave because of the huge burden of accumulated evil, hatred, malice, and aggression. That is why, Souls of many of our friends and relatives go there and return back to us. Are we ready to sacrifice them if, tired of current turmoil, pound our fists on the table and demand that Co-Creators immediately destroy, kill, and annihilate this whole system with all of its inhabitants?

Until recently, before the current stage of the Transition, there were TRILLIONS of negative entities from our and other Local Universes in the Earth’s astral and etheric layers and around the towers. They could easily and freely embody in quantities that the planet’s Matrix could withstand, and lived in different countries as much as wanted. Now, their access here is prohibited.

Only Souls from Light worlds not lower than the fifth dimension can come to Earth. So far, only those, whom Co-Creators have not yet removed from the astral and etheric planes, and earthlings with similar frequencies are rotating through the towers. Before the pinpointed dismantling, their existence facilitates monitoring, studying, and selecting Souls. Those who cannot be saved are sent to grinders, but each that returns to the Source’s Light is above rubies. The described structure is only a part of the 3D Matrix and Power Pyramid on the Subtle Plane, from which the current global elite is incarnating. But their removal is a different story. In 2006, on Earth, the ratio of Light and Dark Forces was 50/50, in January 2025 – 69/31 in favor of the former. So there’s still a lot of work ahead.


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



The Great Quantum Transition

By Lev

Posted on January 21, 2025

These days, the Earth’s mental field looks like a rapidly boiling cauldron. Negative energies of geopolitical dreams, intentions and plans that change from pale and translucent (i.e. tentative and uncertain) to dense dark gray and black (close to implementation) whirlwind, constantly replace each other, causing chaos and unexpected events. Some things, for which the 3D System and its minions are ready today, will suddenly be canceled and completely melted tomorrow, and its space is filling with new hasty and fuzzy intentions and scheming. The global elite’s collective mind is in state of utter consternation, and the fight ones against others makes difficult to forecast the fall-outs.

It doesn’t obstacle to the Co-Creators’ non-stop works upon dismantling and clean-up the NAA, Darks and Grays’ legacy on the Subtle Plane. Today, they focus on Eurasia, especially on its Northern part, including Siberia, and further on Scandinavia, Greenland and Canada. How it goes on technically?

Long ago, on the Subtle Plane above Yakutia in Siberia, NAA built a mega structure, from which around the globe, like tentacles, extends a dense network of numerous 18 floors’ towers. Each of their cells is stuffed with negative beings in semi-dormant and active state. From each tower, channels run in all directions, ending in Dark layers. Through these conduits, their inhabitants are delivered for embodiment on terrestrial surface, to places of permanent residence. At the bottom of each tower, Co-Creators have installed a huge spiral grinder, the gears of which rotate in one direction or in oncoming movement, where negative entities are dumped.

Before destroying the tower, all its cells are thoroughly cleaned. Then, a powerful pulse transforms the structure into a colored translucent substance, which is compressed and pulled into a special sphere, where it will be stored until the next use. At the same time, all the regional layers that are linked with this tower are being collapsed and removed from the Subtle Plane.

This process is currently going on most intensively on the borders of East European States, where new military and other conflicts are continuing or may begin. On the Subtle Plane above different countries, the zeroing of this mega structure is carried out according to local conditions. It was dismantled by 94% over Russia, by 90% over Ukraine, and by 80% over Belarus. Above Eastern, Central and Western Europe, the results are much lower, and in a number of nations, their mental field is still filled with dense black energy.

Its clumps, for example, are seen over the area between Poland and Belarus border, manifesting the Warsaw plans of invasion through the territory of Western Ukraine, including Kiev region. From there, equipment and personnel are moving to the Belarusian border, but not yet to fight, but only to send sabotage groups to the neighbor. But each of them is immediately destroyed on the spot.

The similar picture is in the mental field above the Kaliningrad region. On a Subtle Plane, this Russian semi-exclave on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Poland is surrounded by dense gray and black clouds all the way around the perimeter, on soil and sea. Under various staged pretexts, kinda protecting underwater cables and blockading sanctioned oil deliveries, submarines and ships from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Poland and the United Kingdom are concentrated here. But the color of mental intentions is extremely unstable, which shows that the awareness of the vulnerability of this armada to missile attacks from Russian territory is very high.

In January, the cleanup and disposal of Darks began in the mega structure towers located above Poland. Some of the Souls incarnated in the bodies of Polish mercenaries in Ukraine who invaded Russia are being removed from the planet through death in combats. Others are given the last chance of passing to the Light Side. On the mental plane, the split in Poland’s ruling elite is clearly visible. But exactly repeating the situation of 1939, the Allies are putting pressure on Warsaw, promising help, but just like then, they want to first destroy the Polish army, dragging it into a conflict with Belarus and the Kaliningrad region, and then, by proxies, establish tighter control over Poland. The Allies want to do the same with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

However, these plans do not have enough energy and are too weak to be realized. Even partial attempts will greatly weaken economically the Baltic States, Finland and Sweden. The mental layers above Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are also constantly changing color from dark and gray to pale. This reflects the extreme instability of the plans of external pressure on these countries, which can give a decisive rebuff. At the same time, they indicate the fear of senior partners to provoke an even deeper downturn at home, anti-war sentiments and movements, and an aggravation of the political crisis.

On a Subtle Plane, the timelines formed by the collective consciousness of the European elite are dual. It thrived as long as could loot and get the others’ resources and assets gratis or for next to nothing all over the globe. Now, having bled their own economies dry with the war in Ukraine and thousands of sanctions against former partners, they are preparing to flay alive and take the fattest pieces of European carcass on the cheap, but only if more experienced external butchers allow them to do so.

Another timeline is filled with fear of the ruling elites facing possible consequences, which will plunge all European countries into outright de-industrialization, long-term poverty, reducing the population, and causing a massive outflow abroad. Only those who were used to living on social assistance and did not work would remain, including immigrants from North Africa, the Middle East, and Ukraine. Those, who have what to lose, are already planning to move to the relatively prosperous countries of the Persian Gulf, India, Thailand and China. Europe may become dramatically empty, which will further worsen the entire situation.

There is no less tension in the mental field from the UK to the US that has made big hype on the surface. On 3 December 2024, on behalf of The US Corporation (aka United States of America Inc or U.S.A. Inc., United States Inc or U.S. Inc), Canada was invited to become the 51st state. Later, this, it is hoped, will allow America, as Federal Republic (AFR), to eliminate private rights to Canada, withdraw from the British protectorate, terminate the rights of Federal Marshals, and absorb the United Kingdom to get its assets in other countries.

On 9 December 2024, President-elect Donald Trump supplemented the proposal to Canada and Mexico to join the United States in order to restore the Constitution of the Confederate States, and, as economic and monetary union, adopt a new single currency, the “amero”. To back it, was announced the creation of an initial strategic bitcoin reserve in the amount of 6’000’000’000 dollars. After that, the Gold Certificates of the Federal Reserve System should be replaced with new gold certificates for the Federal Reserve Banks, reflecting the “fair” market value of that precious metal. The difference in value between the old and new gold certificates is proposed to be deposited in the general fund of the US Treasury. Thus, bitcoin could serve as a reserve for the “amero” and the “Golden US Dollar”, as well as serve as a reserve for other world currencies.

On the two tracks, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the country’s Defense Budget (NDAA) without The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 that facilitated the supply of materials to the Ukrainian government. This means that only the American Federal Republic provides lend-lease to the Ukrainian State, whereas The US Corporation is in credit and financial relations with Kiev to issue Ukraine’s corporate debt in the amount of 62 billion dollars. Similarly, the suggestion to purchase Greenland should be considered as an offer, under which the US Inc can emit a non-covered credit issue for 180 days.

On 22 December 2024, Donald Trump demanded that the administration of the Panama Canal reduce the fee for the passage of ships through this waterway. Otherwise, Washington may regain control of this facility, which the US Department of Defense built from 1904 to 1920. In 1977, an agreement was signed to transfer control of the canal to the Panamanian authorities starting in 2000. It was part of a multi-pronged global operation as a way for the United States to return its capital investments. In addition to the abandonment of the Bretton Woods Agreements of 1944 and the international system of monetary relations and trade settlements, it was announced that any issue of the dollar derivatives in all jurisdictions are capital investments of the United States, subject to return to it in kind and income received.

All these plans and moves have caused tremendous tension in the entire Western elite, and especially in the City of London and the Vatican, which are the ultimate beneficiaries of The US Corporation, to which creation they have spent so much time, effort and money in the past. According to the published in January the ECFR survey, the country with the second lowest amount of optimism about a Trump presidency’s impact is the UK, previously maintaining “special relationship” with the US. The document asserts that only 15 percent of British people polled said they felt “good” about how Trump will impact their domestic security, with 54 percent feeling “bad.”

All this produced a deep turmoil in the mental field above the two Anglo-Saxon cousins. After the statements of the “younger brother” about interest in Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal, the entire Subtle Plan over the City was disrupted and darkened. The crazy ideas surged during the brainstorming sessions, fueling lunacy and hysteria. The most insane ones suggested sending agents to the locations of US military depots and factories to undermine one of the large enterprises, blaming Russian saboteurs for it. Or blow up important railway junctions and bridges in order to weaken the economy and the military-industrial complex of the United States.

The vagaries don’t end there. Some of the naval vessels and several submarines are proposed to be sent to the northeastern coast of Canada in the Labrador Sea. The ships will stop at the port of St. Johns to block access to American ships if they attempt to approach Greenland. For the same purpose, plans are being discussed to gain a foothold in the north-west of Iceland.

The elder cousin was greatly alarmed by the info about the Panama Canal. It was realized that after such statements, the United States ceases to be a loyal ally, but passes into the category of an adversary. The desire to retain the right to be Master of the Seas, to use the control of the oceans to gain a monopoly, no longer has the same strengths and capabilities, and remains only the meme “Englishwoman makes mischief.”

But on a Subtle Level, its structures have collapsed to the level of its own territory and the coast of Western Europe, the Mediterranean and partly the Black Sea. But it can no longer keep the countries of these regions under its insidious control and has gained a foothold only in the area of their ports, as a strategic leverage against the United States, which is trying to do the same.

This rivalry caused a high tension in the mental field above the countries of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. From both cousins, the mental dark layers stretch all over the planet, and each believes that this is purely his feoff, which must obey and ensure a comfortable existence. But the US and the UK egregores are already in a semi-destroyed state and cannot provide energy for action even within own borders.

The timelines formed by the collective consciousness of their elites are de-energized as a result of deep internal division and hostility. The latter is beneficial only for behind-the-scene’s wire-pullers on astral and ethereal planes. But they are also being successfully removed by Co-Creators in accordance with scenario of events and polarization, which on 22 December they downloaded in the Earth’s Causal Matrix for the first half of 2025. So, stock up on popcorn…


 Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
  • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite then the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


You are the Creators of your Future

The Telosians

Channel: Marie Josée Andichou

Translation into English by EraofLight

Posted on October 21, 2024

We greet you dear children of the Earth. What a hassle! What a commotion on the ground of your planet which is in turmoil! You are constantly waiting for a change towards Peace in your life and in that of the Earth but, you know, it is you who create this change by your actions and your words. 
You are constantly waiting for an important change in your life and in that of the Earth. But this change comes from you, only from you, through your gestures, your actions, your words. You worry about your future but your future is created the moment you read this message, it is created the moment you speak of Love, it is created the moment you are in violence.
When you are in thoughts and acts of Love, your future is created in Peace but when you fall back into vehement words of disrespect and negative judgment, you collapse the positive energies of your future that you had created by your moments of Love. This is how life goes on Earth. Sometimes you raise your future in the Light, sometimes you make it become dark and uncertain again.
It is because of this that you are currently in a phase of the life of the Earth and of humanity in a total incomprehension of what can happen to you. But we tell you: it is now, at each present moment of your life by Love and Light in your actions and your words that you make yourselves happy as well as the Earth.
So what can you do to calm these moments that you live in fear? Be confident, yes we constantly talk to you about trusting in Life, True Life. But where is True Life? It is simply in you, you create it by understanding who you are, you create it by the Love that you radiate around you because, do not doubt it, Love, True Love is in you and you do not know it or you do not want to recognize it because it is not tangible. True Life, you create it by concentrating on yourself, on your Divine Being, you create it by understanding that everything is spiritual around you and that you are inevitably connected to the Source, the True Creative Source because you are a crystalline Spark of Itself. 
See you children of the Earth, do not wait constantly for your rulers to decide everything for you. You have within you the Strength and the Power to transform your life and that of the Earth into a radiant and luminous future in which you will be able to move in Joy and Happiness.
You are Creators, the Creators of your future, do not doubt it . We are here to guide you, to teach you, but not to create your future for you, we have often told you. The faster and more consciously you react in this sense, the faster your future will transform into gentleness and well-being and the faster you will dissolve the negative energies that your leaders put in place around you.
Have confidence in Life, the True Life that you are, we thank you for it.
Marie-Josée Andichou


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Possibilities are Being Called Forth

Peggy Black and the 'Team'

Posted on September 17, 2024


We are here to acknowledge you with our love, support and this energy conveyed by these words. We are reminding you that you are the chalice, the physical container so to speak that is receiving the impulse of cosmic and galactic energies. These energy impulses and frequencies are offered to all. Yet many are blocked by their own limited beliefs and programmed patterns.
When energies of transformation are offer to a dimensional reality which has a free will aspect, it is always honored. So the energies of new patterns, possible realities and shifts are made available however these energies require a conscious willing receptive host that is physical in that dimension. So dear one, you are invited to be the host of this new transformation energy that is bathing every aspect of your planet.
You are witnessing the upheaval, chaos, turmoil and agitation taking place at this time. Individual are being triggered, repressed emotions can no longer be suppressed. You are observing the collective shadow rising up. There is an emotionally charged pushing against the differences. These are patterns that have been in the collective throughout time.
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages.
Be mindful as you observe and witness what is happening around your world that is in such discord, do not let your vibration and focus drop to match that dense negative frequency. When this takes place you are adding to the very thing you want to transmute. Quickly shift how you are responding to what you are observing, do not let yourself be "plugged in" to these patterns of dysfunction being express by mass consciousness.
You selected to be here at this time doing this amazing transformational work. Own it. Step into your personal ownership of your power and magnificence. In the face of all that appears dark, fearful, and impossible, continue to hold and anchor firmly a new life sustaining reality.
With every thought, word and intention consciously seed the incoming cosmic energies with
with the unlimited possibilities of a future in which all people are honored, all people are care for and respected. A reality in which humankind is in partnership with nature and all living things.
Trust us when we say you remember other realities in which this these truths are so. This planet is a living library of the galaxy. It has been seeded by many, many life forms and patterns. Look around with awe and amazement at the diverse life forms and expressions. Divine expression has
offered this unlimited unfolding of life. You as a divine creator are participating in securing these multitudes of life forms in a space of harmony and peaceful co-existence.
What you are witnessing is the trashing out of the misqualified energy, suppression and misuse of personal power. We assure that the expression of love, gratitude and appreciation anchored and offered by all those who are awake and aware at this time are making a difference.
If you could see the expression of divine light radiating from those offering the highest frequency consciousness you would be humbled. So we invite to stay strong in your dedication and purpose as you walk your personal life. You are a part of the divine light we are speaking about.
The shadow aspect of your planets journey to ascension will be a small part of the story in the total amazing unfoldment. The possible realities that are being downloaded into the minds of conscious earthwalkers now would astound and amaze you. This planet is on the threshold of another so to speak awakening renaissance. This planet is moving up the spiral of evolution and rebirth in the most divine expression of the truth.
In order for this to occur the dense misqualified energy must be transformed. It cannot be transformed when it is hidden or suppressed. Once this energy of anger/rage, hatred, prejudge
is no longer hidden but exposed to the light of true understanding it will dissipate and lose its power.
Each awakened being is given all the celestial support they request to do this work of shifting and transforming the expression of misqualified emotions and energies. Think of the negative energy as a dark space, and you bring some form of light to that space, some of the darkness evaporates. Now consider millions and millions of conscious light beings shining their personal light onto this darkness until it is no longer visible or expressed.
This is truly what is occurring now. You are personally participating in bringing consciousness and light energy to the dark shadows of your personal life expanded to the collective. So whatever you are experiencing that feels and appears as shadow, be diligent and dedicated in offering a higher frequency of divine understanding and transformation.
Remember you are powerful beyond measure. You have the entire company of divine being available upon request. Be excited that you are finally able to anchor a new amazing reality, there are crews of awaken beings along with you who are bringing about this shift.
The future possibilities are being called forth. In which this planet will be restored to it pristine integrity, with clear air, clean water, respect of nature and all sentient beings living in harmony. Hold this vision, hold this truth, seed this reality. Imagine it the way you want it to be and know it is possible. It is you as divine creator who will call this forth.
We are honored to embrace you and acknowledge your courage to be embodied. We acknowledge the challenges that you transform with each and every breath. Know that you are loved and surrounded by our deep gratitude. the 'team'  
©2024 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available.
"The Team"

My Personal Message

This month has been smooth and easy. My body has been healthy which is a blessing. Our weather has been a bit unusual with temperatures as high as 108 degrees. WOW! that is certainly hot and living close to the coast we do not usually have those kind of intense days.
I was more aware of these hot days because we were getting ready for a couple of friends coming for a visit. Of course all the little things we had put off doing, now it was time to do them. This included the dusting of all my collections, and I do have a few of those. The garden, as well, needed to be made conscious. My partner cleaned the debris from the fallen oak tree and he had to replace and rebuild a large section of the fence.
We were both working during the scorching days, so that every area of the home and garden was ready for our visitors. Now, the house and garden is ready for the next season and we can take a deep breath and relax. We did have a lovely visit and connection. They also attended my collage class the following day - which was fun.
Everyone in the family is doing well and I am so grateful for that reality. Especially since the energy has been intense. I am sure you have felt this incredible shift. We are being propelled to clear old patterns and step into our most magnificence self. This planet and humanity is being pushed to continue raising our vibrations in order to shift into the fifth dimension. We are continually being gifted with energy to activate our next levels of awakening. Be mindful of how you integrate these energies into your life. Set your intentions each day to integrate these energies easily. Because of the energy from these cosmic downloads, there are surprises in store. Challenge yourself to shine in new ways and be open to major personal growth.
There is more to come, we have a Super Full Moon in Aries October 17/18.
April 2024 we had a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries. We began traversing our fears, hurts & pain living deep within ourselves. Shadows of the Eclectic. The upcoming Super Full Moon is the end of this chapter triggering an emotional goodbye to who we once were as we stand in the same doorway, ready to walk through more empowered and ready to let go.
This explains the intense physical issues that I experienced. It was the letting go of old fears, hurts and pain from my childhood. I am sure there were many of us who had these types of releases. We are invited to transform these world issues with powerful and clear intentions, prayers and the powerful tools we have been given. The 'team' reminds us to use sounds, as well as the light of the violet flame, to transmute all that is occurring in our lives and on the planet.
"We live in a vibrational universe. Energy is spiritual currency. Everything you give your attention to you buy with your energy! When you shift your mind to seeing life this way you'll only seek to give your attention to the things that nourish, enhance and/or raise your vibrations." -Twilight Ma'at
Is it time to connect with the 'team'? Please call for your appointment. I continue to arrange session for all those who have sent me a request. Of course, I love this work and connecting with clients. It is rewarding and engaging. The sessions are powerful. It is amazing what is revealed, and what effective, simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I love working with these incredible conscious beings and making them accessible to you.
I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous Bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life-sustaining for all
I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy.
Thought for the Month 
Even in the midst of this out picturing of violence and hatred that is a force moving through the awakened ones, like yourself, who are holding the pattern and template of a new reality. 
You are the driving force that will bring about this incredible transformation of consciousness. You are witnessing and are a very important player in this true shift of the ages.
The 'Team'
Peggy Black

©2006/24 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: 


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




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