These days, the Earth’s mental field looks like a rapidly boiling cauldron. Negative energies of geopolitical dreams, intentions and plans that change from pale and translucent (i.e. tentative and uncertain) to dense dark gray and black (close to implementation) whirlwind, constantly replace each other, causing chaos and unexpected events. Some things, for which the 3D System and its minions are ready today, will suddenly be canceled and completely melted tomorrow, and its space is filling with new hasty and fuzzy intentions and scheming. The global elite’s collective mind is in state of utter consternation, and the fight ones against others makes difficult to forecast the fall-outs.
It doesn’t obstacle to the Co-Creators’ non-stop works upon dismantling and clean-up the NAA, Darks and Grays’ legacy on the Subtle Plane. Today, they focus on Eurasia, especially on its Northern part, including Siberia, and further on Scandinavia, Greenland and Canada. How it goes on technically?
Long ago, on the Subtle Plane above Yakutia in Siberia, NAA built a mega structure, from which around the globe, like tentacles, extends a dense network of numerous 18 floors’ towers. Each of their cells is stuffed with negative beings in semi-dormant and active state. From each tower, channels run in all directions, ending in Dark layers. Through these conduits, their inhabitants are delivered for embodiment on terrestrial surface, to places of permanent residence. At the bottom of each tower, Co-Creators have installed a huge spiral grinder, the gears of which rotate in one direction or in oncoming movement, where negative entities are dumped.
Before destroying the tower, all its cells are thoroughly cleaned. Then, a powerful pulse transforms the structure into a colored translucent substance, which is compressed and pulled into a special sphere, where it will be stored until the next use. At the same time, all the regional layers that are linked with this tower are being collapsed and removed from the Subtle Plane.
This process is currently going on most intensively on the borders of East European States, where new military and other conflicts are continuing or may begin. On the Subtle Plane above different countries, the zeroing of this mega structure is carried out according to local conditions. It was dismantled by 94% over Russia, by 90% over Ukraine, and by 80% over Belarus. Above Eastern, Central and Western Europe, the results are much lower, and in a number of nations, their mental field is still filled with dense black energy.
Its clumps, for example, are seen over the area between Poland and Belarus border, manifesting the Warsaw plans of invasion through the territory of Western Ukraine, including Kiev region. From there, equipment and personnel are moving to the Belarusian border, but not yet to fight, but only to send sabotage groups to the neighbor. But each of them is immediately destroyed on the spot.
The similar picture is in the mental field above the Kaliningrad region. On a Subtle Plane, this Russian semi-exclave on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Poland is surrounded by dense gray and black clouds all the way around the perimeter, on soil and sea. Under various staged pretexts, kinda protecting underwater cables and blockading sanctioned oil deliveries, submarines and ships from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Poland and the United Kingdom are concentrated here. But the color of mental intentions is extremely unstable, which shows that the awareness of the vulnerability of this armada to missile attacks from Russian territory is very high.
In January, the cleanup and disposal of Darks began in the mega structure towers located above Poland. Some of the Souls incarnated in the bodies of Polish mercenaries in Ukraine who invaded Russia are being removed from the planet through death in combats. Others are given the last chance of passing to the Light Side. On the mental plane, the split in Poland’s ruling elite is clearly visible. But exactly repeating the situation of 1939, the Allies are putting pressure on Warsaw, promising help, but just like then, they want to first destroy the Polish army, dragging it into a conflict with Belarus and the Kaliningrad region, and then, by proxies, establish tighter control over Poland. The Allies want to do the same with Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden.
However, these plans do not have enough energy and are too weak to be realized. Even partial attempts will greatly weaken economically the Baltic States, Finland and Sweden. The mental layers above Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are also constantly changing color from dark and gray to pale. This reflects the extreme instability of the plans of external pressure on these countries, which can give a decisive rebuff. At the same time, they indicate the fear of senior partners to provoke an even deeper downturn at home, anti-war sentiments and movements, and an aggravation of the political crisis.
On a Subtle Plane, the timelines formed by the collective consciousness of the European elite are dual. It thrived as long as could loot and get the others’ resources and assets gratis or for next to nothing all over the globe. Now, having bled their own economies dry with the war in Ukraine and thousands of sanctions against former partners, they are preparing to flay alive and take the fattest pieces of European carcass on the cheap, but only if more experienced external butchers allow them to do so.
Another timeline is filled with fear of the ruling elites facing possible consequences, which will plunge all European countries into outright de-industrialization, long-term poverty, reducing the population, and causing a massive outflow abroad. Only those who were used to living on social assistance and did not work would remain, including immigrants from North Africa, the Middle East, and Ukraine. Those, who have what to lose, are already planning to move to the relatively prosperous countries of the Persian Gulf, India, Thailand and China. Europe may become dramatically empty, which will further worsen the entire situation.
There is no less tension in the mental field from the UK to the US that has made big hype on the surface. On 3 December 2024, on behalf of The US Corporation (aka United States of America Inc or U.S.A. Inc., United States Inc or U.S. Inc), Canada was invited to become the 51st state. Later, this, it is hoped, will allow America, as Federal Republic (AFR), to eliminate private rights to Canada, withdraw from the British protectorate, terminate the rights of Federal Marshals, and absorb the United Kingdom to get its assets in other countries.
On 9 December 2024, President-elect Donald Trump supplemented the proposal to Canada and Mexico to join the United States in order to restore the Constitution of the Confederate States, and, as economic and monetary union, adopt a new single currency, the “amero”. To back it, was announced the creation of an initial strategic bitcoin reserve in the amount of 6’000’000’000 dollars. After that, the Gold Certificates of the Federal Reserve System should be replaced with new gold certificates for the Federal Reserve Banks, reflecting the “fair” market value of that precious metal. The difference in value between the old and new gold certificates is proposed to be deposited in the general fund of the US Treasury. Thus, bitcoin could serve as a reserve for the “amero” and the “Golden US Dollar”, as well as serve as a reserve for other world currencies.
On the two tracks, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the country’s Defense Budget (NDAA) without The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 that facilitated the supply of materials to the Ukrainian government. This means that only the American Federal Republic provides lend-lease to the Ukrainian State, whereas The US Corporation is in credit and financial relations with Kiev to issue Ukraine’s corporate debt in the amount of 62 billion dollars. Similarly, the suggestion to purchase Greenland should be considered as an offer, under which the US Inc can emit a non-covered credit issue for 180 days.
On 22 December 2024, Donald Trump demanded that the administration of the Panama Canal reduce the fee for the passage of ships through this waterway. Otherwise, Washington may regain control of this facility, which the US Department of Defense built from 1904 to 1920. In 1977, an agreement was signed to transfer control of the canal to the Panamanian authorities starting in 2000. It was part of a multi-pronged global operation as a way for the United States to return its capital investments. In addition to the abandonment of the Bretton Woods Agreements of 1944 and the international system of monetary relations and trade settlements, it was announced that any issue of the dollar derivatives in all jurisdictions are capital investments of the United States, subject to return to it in kind and income received.
All these plans and moves have caused tremendous tension in the entire Western elite, and especially in the City of London and the Vatican, which are the ultimate beneficiaries of The US Corporation, to which creation they have spent so much time, effort and money in the past. According to the published in January the ECFR survey, the country with the second lowest amount of optimism about a Trump presidency’s impact is the UK, previously maintaining “special relationship” with the US. The document asserts that only 15 percent of British people polled said they felt “good” about how Trump will impact their domestic security, with 54 percent feeling “bad.”
All this produced a deep turmoil in the mental field above the two Anglo-Saxon cousins. After the statements of the “younger brother” about interest in Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal, the entire Subtle Plan over the City was disrupted and darkened. The crazy ideas surged during the brainstorming sessions, fueling lunacy and hysteria. The most insane ones suggested sending agents to the locations of US military depots and factories to undermine one of the large enterprises, blaming Russian saboteurs for it. Or blow up important railway junctions and bridges in order to weaken the economy and the military-industrial complex of the United States.
The vagaries don’t end there. Some of the naval vessels and several submarines are proposed to be sent to the northeastern coast of Canada in the Labrador Sea. The ships will stop at the port of St. Johns to block access to American ships if they attempt to approach Greenland. For the same purpose, plans are being discussed to gain a foothold in the north-west of Iceland.
The elder cousin was greatly alarmed by the info about the Panama Canal. It was realized that after such statements, the United States ceases to be a loyal ally, but passes into the category of an adversary. The desire to retain the right to be Master of the Seas, to use the control of the oceans to gain a monopoly, no longer has the same strengths and capabilities, and remains only the meme “Englishwoman makes mischief.”
But on a Subtle Level, its structures have collapsed to the level of its own territory and the coast of Western Europe, the Mediterranean and partly the Black Sea. But it can no longer keep the countries of these regions under its insidious control and has gained a foothold only in the area of their ports, as a strategic leverage against the United States, which is trying to do the same.
This rivalry caused a high tension in the mental field above the countries of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. From both cousins, the mental dark layers stretch all over the planet, and each believes that this is purely his feoff, which must obey and ensure a comfortable existence. But the US and the UK egregores are already in a semi-destroyed state and cannot provide energy for action even within own borders.
The timelines formed by the collective consciousness of their elites are de-energized as a result of deep internal division and hostility. The latter is beneficial only for behind-the-scene’s wire-pullers on astral and ethereal planes. But they are also being successfully removed by Co-Creators in accordance with scenario of events and polarization, which on 22 December they downloaded in the Earth’s Causal Matrix for the first half of 2025. So, stock up on popcorn…