At the current stage of polarization’s scenario, Co-Creators are forced to temporarily and partially preserve the Dark System, and Disclosure News explained – why (see – Polarization, DNI, 8 November 2024). By agreement between them, neither side has the right to kill those who officially work for the own System. This clause stipulated in special Cosmic Law.
Lights always observe this reservation, but NAA and Darks often disregard it. For these cases, increased responsibility is provided. Any crime committed against such a Co-Creators’ helper is punishable three times more than against ordinary people. The retaliation occurs immediately in regard of those, who committed the attack, and those, who planned it.
Despite the agreement, NAA still take risks and try to kill those who work for Co-Creators: arrange energy strikes, assassinations, maim, use various tortures, trying to hit the most vulnerable places. Sometimes, this leads to the wrecking of the victim’s Subtle Body and the death. In some cases, the Darks restore it themselves to avoid the consequences, but, as a rule, they deliberately set up and sacrifice the performers, who pay for it with their lives. In today’s version of the Karmic Law, punishment falls on them within a few days and hours.
The masterminds of the attacks also pay dearly for their whistles. They are too confident in their superiority and, feeling a retaliatory blow, act with double blind fury, tearing the heart out of prey’s Subtle Body. A person begins to slowly lose energy and sink into oblivion. At such moments, Co-Creators immediately come to the rescue. They separate the damaged body, completely restore it and put it back in its original place.
At the same time, on a Subtle Plane, they deal a crushing blow to the Dark structure to which the attackers belong. The blows are so powerful that completely annihilate huge areas of the negative system, thus showing the limits of permissible actions. All those who participate in battles and rescue activities receive a three-layer protective shell. Nothing will ever happen to them again, and many of the operations that Disclosure News narrated about, confirm it.
Co-Creators always carefully analyze what happened and try to learn the maximum lessons from it for themselves and their ground team. Firstly, a specific person is tested by such events and gains a lot of experience in an accelerated mode. Secondly, it tests new means of protecting Subtle Bodies and consciousness in real combat conditions. This is extremely necessary for the security forces of the Light System, who have to face challenges and repel Darks’ attacks.
The latter also continuously improve their technologies against the Lights and Souls of people. These “achievements” can only be identified in practice. The people that Co-Creators choose for their operations often become objects of such negative know-how experiments. Yes, such crash tests are extremely risky and traumatic, but provide very precious experience and knowledge.
In such a situations, the Co-Creators’ assistants rapidly evolve and gain the necessary potential 2.5-3 times faster. The withstood loads help to become much stronger and more tolerant of the hardships of life, understanding the ins and outs of what is happening. After the completion of the current incarnation, they remain in the ranks of Lights, and in the next lives continue to avail them.
In turn, the latter also assist ground teams not only in extreme circumstances. For many ops’ participants, for example, Co-Creators change the vision by implanting a convex lens into the pupil area, divided into several sectors with a viewing width of up to 160 degrees. The plug-in takes about 20 seconds and is completely painless. Each sector provides access to certain level, including a Subtle Plan and, on Earth, seeing the internal organs of humans and animals.
Several types of lenses are used. Some allow seeing the etheric, astral and mental layers, and their inhabitants who have settled in human bodies. The second type has six compartments, through which the sub-levels of the mental plane become visible and high dimensions can be viewed. The third version is a twelve-sectional lens, but rarely embedded, mainly for those who are engaged in analytics on a Subtle Plane. Usually, it’s Lightwarrioresses because they are more sensitive to the perception of subtle energies and a have wider senses’ range. In addition, they have good intuition and the highest perceptibility of energy flows.
When a team member gets a new vision, he, as target, attracts the increased attention of Darks. But at the same time, man gets the enhanced protection of Co-Creators, who carefully monitor the situation on a Subtle Plane, and if it out of control, immediately intervene. They always study candidates very carefully during selection and choose only those who can withstand loads and survive in extreme conditions.
There are a lot of such places on Earth today. On the Subtle Plane, they are all covered by a black net, which Darks place where they plan great bloodshed. Through them, the vibrations of aggression, cruelty and atrocities are pumped up, but, most importantly, the energy of suffering is produced and syphon out in huge volumes, which NAA, Darks and Grays feed on. Co-Creators monitor this too, constantly destroying these structures with scalar and wave weapons. But they cannot completely eliminate them, because people non-stop restore the negativity through their thoughts, emotions and deeds.
Darks treat them like scumbags, a consumable material from which every last drop is squeezed out and then disposed of. The culled Spiritual matter is driven through destructive programs, during which the Souls of such people are finally degraded, gaining even more toxic potential. But it is limited. Material and Subtle structures can only hold a certain amount of toxic substances, after which they finally collapse and no longer allow Souls to inhabit human bodies.
NAA remove the last remnants of vitality from it, leaving only a semi-living substance, and place it in impenetrable spheres that cannot be left. It is filled with a viscous black liquid, in which the essence flounders, trying to form its body. But cannot and only stretches the sphere in the form of a blob, resembling the contours of an octopus. This is the last form, which the degraded Souls have before the final fragmentation.
A part is split to the primary elements, becoming the basis of future crystals, mosses, bacteria, small rodents and so on. A part, in which the vital female energy has been preserved, is withdrawn and reincarnated in the Dark worlds. Due to the hard conditions, vulnerable Souls no longer want to incarnate and reject the bodies that Darks and Greys provide them. Karma Lords take away those who have retained even the scantiest potential for positive evolution.
After the transition to the Light Side of the former Black Co-Creator of the Local Universe, his son Yaltabaoth, Lucifer and most of their Dark Hierarchy, as well as the internment on Saturn of Yahweh, Jehovah and Satan, NAA and Dracos entrusted the management of their Earth’s half to a high-ranking Reptilian embodied in a human corpus. He is responsible for all political and economic relations between the countries, the implementation of Darks’ programs and the preservation of the 3D System and Power Pyramid.
He has four assistants who collect and store all the information about the area entrusted to them. From all levels of the physical and Subtle Plane, many channels link to them, through which data on society, finance, money and commodity flows, changes in the economy, the attitudes of the population and authorities, and much more is gathered. All this is analyzed and provided to the new Global Predictor in compressed form. If he needs to understand something more thoroughly, he connects himself to any industry or country separately.
But there are problems. Co-Creators have completely blocked access to the territories that the Light Forces guard especially carefully. Having lost contact with them, NAA and Darks no longer know what is going on in these regions, aren’t depend on them. Moreover, they have lost important sources of vital energy, which greatly affects their condition. And they are terrified of losing power on a planetary scale, realizing what general changes on Earth are leading to.
Rept also anticipates the imminent collapse of his structures, and own inevitable fate. He knows perfectly well that NAA and Dracos ruthlessly deals with their wards, regardless of their position and status. Hoping to survive, he put his eldest son into a comatose state in advance to use his body for a future incarnation. It is still located in a crypt in one of the hard-to-reach mountainous areas. But this is not the worst thing. They feel the greatest horror when looking at the same developments in our Local Universe, which is preparing to transition to its new, fourth version – of Absolute Light, without duality and negativity. How does this happen technically?
In the huge orb of the Local Universe slowly rotate two giant tori, Light and Dark, in which Galaxies, Stellar and Planetary Systems are located. The dipole Absolute controls all of them, purifying the dark and technogeek worlds, trying not to destroy the balance in the entire structure. After the complete cleansing of the lower torus, it will merge and dissolve into the upper one, becoming the basis for the fourth Local Universe. But what is occurring now in the negative one?
On all its planets, Dark creatures turn into black energy blots. For short time, they remain in this form, reaching the stage of self-destruction, when they hate the entire Universe and, incarnating, turn into sadists and mass murderers. From this moment, the folding program is triggered. The sphere, where the essence is located, flattens into a black pancake, the walls of which contract to the shape of a square. Then, starting from the edges, the square is folded many times into rectangles towards the center, like the elements of the constructor. Everything is going on so fast that the entity does not even have time to fully realize what is happening to it. It is quickly rolled into a small black cube. From now on, it’s ready for storage.
In our Solar System, cubes are placed on Titan (satellite of Saturn), where the mountains of them are accumulated. Here is also the most terrible prison for Darks, from which no one ever comes out alive. When a new batch of cubes becomes large enough, they are covered with a common protective layer that can withstand incredible tear loads. It is reinforced with rigid nets capable to absorb cosmic explosion. What next?
All of them serve as raw materials for the construction of new worlds, which in the course of evolution will have to go through the stage of duality. For this, near to the mountains of cubes are built structures, loaded with special soft that provides unfolding of proto Galactic, Stellar and Planetary Systems by initial impulses. This way, the Dark worlds that have been parasitizing us for millions of years, becomes the basis of their eons. In our Local Universe, a new life of a single Light Torus will appear. Many generations of earthlings, upgraded to its level, will continue their evolving path in this magnificent shining realm.
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.