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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


 UFOs, Spheres of Light, and Drones, Look to the Skies

The Galactic Federation

Channel: Octavia Vasile

Posted on December 23, 2024

Greetings, beloved ones! We are absolutely thrilled to connect with you once again. It is a joy beyond words to bridge our worlds and bring you this important message.
Today, we extend a heartfelt invitation: look up, be curious, and witness the wonders happening above you! The skies, both day and night, are alive with activity as our fleet engages with your planet in ways that many of you are already sensing.
Behind the scenes, there are significant negotiations taking place with your leaders, paving the way for disclosure. More and more individuals among you are becoming aware of our presence and are ready to openly discuss the truth. The time for secrecy is ending, and the process of preparing humanity for this monumental revelation has already begun.
New York and Beyond
In regions like New York—and soon, many other parts of the world—you will see the signs of preparation: UFOs, spheres of light, and advanced drones moving through the skies. These are deliberate, gentle steps to help humanity feel at ease with our presence. Your authorities are working to ensure this transition unfolds with care, avoiding unnecessary shock.
Imagine the impact of unveiling a truth that has been hidden for so long—so long, in fact, that many still believe Earth to be the sole cradle of life! We are here to help dissolve those illusions, gently and lovingly.
This Is Your Moment
To bring peace and familiarity to all, we will increase our presence. As the year comes to a close, our ships will appear in greater numbers, weaving their light across your skies. Perhaps it will be you who captures these moments on camera and shares them with the world.
Now is the perfect time to practice the CE-5 Protocol—call upon us, your star family. Prepare your space, find a clear open sky, and set your intention. The portals between our dimensions are fully reactivated, and the possibilities are limitless. We are ready to meet you—are you ready to meet us?
A Message of Love
We love you more than words can convey. Our hearts are open, and we are eager to create strong, heartfelt communication with all of humanity. Together, we can co-create a future of unity and understanding.
To Octavia, who so lovingly brings forth this message, and to all of you who continue to shine your light on Earth: thank you. Your courage, curiosity, and love are lighting the way for this profound shift.
If you are ready to connect with us, simply say the word. We will be there.
With boundless love and gratitude,
The Galactic Federation of Light.
Octavia Vasile


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




On The Myriad Of UFO Reports Across The Country

Sather's Substac

By Jordan Sather

December 14, 2024



Lots of activity in the skies these days - or at least that’s what it appears.
Numerous drones (or something of the sort) seen over New Jersey, photos taken over Boise, pilots witnessing craft over the Oregon Coast - the last few weeks has created many new skywatchers peering at mysterious sky objects, yet we can’t seem to get any straight answers about them from… anyone. That may be because no one has any real clue what’s going on, or there are multiple operations in play all kept hidden from each other - not to mention the hysteria has people thinking they’re seeing things they aren’t.
Let’s dive into the various aspects of this “UFOs EVERYWHERE1” scenario we’re seeing unfold, beginning with:
1) More Reports Doesn’t Necessarily Mean More Craft
Due to the viral nature of UFOs - not just in recent weeks but since the topic went “mainstream” back in 2017 - more people are looking at the skies in hopes of seeing something. This is leading to more reports in the news media and on social media, although more people saying “I saw something!” doesn’t necessarily mean there are more craft in our skies.
Say, for instance, you come across the model of a car for the first time that you’ve never noticed before. “Wow, I’ve never noticed that vehicle”. Then all of a sudden you see this vehicle all over the place. Are there actually more of them, or do you just notice them now that the awareness of the model has been planted in your consciousness?
Same goes for the objects in our skies. Are there really THAT many more? Or did folks just not notice all the sky craft the entire time? And are there really more object, or are people mistaking routine planes and satellites for UFOs? Let’s move onto that point:
2) Misconstrued Sightings and Clickbait (Non-UFOs Perceived As UFOs)
In people’s excitement, and possibly paranoia, they imagine they are seeing UFOs in the sky when they really aren’t. I’ve seen numerous, numerous, photos and videos going viral online that are either CGI, old videos, sauceless (evidence-less) claims (such a a purported Reddit post we will discuss later) and/or simply helicopters and planes being misconstrued for UFOs or drones. I’m not going to insert all the examples within this article as it would take up too much space, but I covered many viral clickbait posts from the last few days in my Rumble video linked at the beginning of this post.
’Tis the nature of social media influencers when clicks = cash and engagement = more followers. “Never let good clickbait go to waste.”
3) New Craft Testing (Conventional Propulsion)
OSINT intelligence analysts on social media (good ones, not the ignorant keyboard warrior experts) note that a company called Pivotal Aero just signed a contract with the Air Force a few months ago to test their new manned eVTOL platforms. eVTOL stands for ‘electric vertical take off and landing’, it’s basically a personal, piloted quadcopter. It is plausible that some of the aerial craft witnessed may be testing of these craft - with the Pentagon being real hush about it because they don’t want to speak on any classified programs, and local law enforcement and low level politicians don’t know about it so they are confused or running with theories that are off the mark. Another suggested company that may be responsible for these drones is Ptero Dynamics. This company has also been awarded contracts by branches of the military within the last few years for VTOL craft.
It goes to note that many of the videos surfacing of these drones (the legitimate videos, not faked ones) show that these aerial platforms have external, flashing aviation lights, presumably in accordance with FAA regulations. You wouldn’t think extraterrestrials or foreign countries would be concerned about following FAA regulations, although one could counter and say they could be adding lights to spying drones for the misdirection and deception purposes.
4) Foreign Drones or Space Force ops - Stories from Anonymous Sources (MSM & Alt)
In terms of spying platforms, Rep. Jeff Van Drews went onto FoxNews earlier this week claiming he had a “high level credible source” relaying to him that these drones are coming from an “off shore mothership belonging to Iran”. Sure, okay. As for the story, how did we not know an Iranian ship was off the U.S. coast? We have capable satellites.
We are also hearing from an anonymous poster on Reddit who claims to be a “radar operator at a major agency”, that there is a “need to know program” from the Space Force flying these things over populated centers in New Jersey, and the military is going to take over radar/air traffic sometime before Christmas. Sure, a guy posting “need to know” classified intelligence on Reddit.
Not sure why we’re so quick to believe anonymous sources from anywhere, mainstream or social media, without any kind of sauce or evidence to back up their assertions.
Trust me bro.
5) Nuclear/EMP Sniffers
I found this take from Saul Goodman on Twitter/X to be quite plausible. The idea that these craft are covert ops with the goal of sniffing out EMPs or nuclear material in the hands of bad guys/terrorists/Deep State goons. Sure, makes sense, especially 5 weeks before the inauguration. I wonder why so much would be centered around New Jersey and not elsewhere, unless there are other flights taking place around other ports and borders we’re unaware of. Lots of people usually live around ports though.
Then the D.O.D. came out and said “they’re not Iran’s, but they’re not ours either”. Interesting. So it doesn’t appear they are going the false flag angle and blaming another country, but obviously don’t want to admit it’s theirs if it is. Wouldn’t want to alert the public if they are indeed looking for dangerous stuff.
6) UFOs w/ Exotic Propulsion Systems - But Who’s?
Most of these sightings, particularly the ones over New Jersey, do not appear to have any “advanced” propulsion systems - meaning, they still use propeller or jet engine propulsion (Bernoulli’s Principle, wings to fly). The “advanced” UFOs, meaning man-made or celestial saucers, discs, triangles, and the like, use electricity to counteract gravity to effectively float and propel themselves. These things don’t need wings, and pull fuel directly from the aether, or fabric of the cosmos, if you will.
All that side, these New Jersey drones appear to be man-made and conventionally propelled. At least, the New Jersey ones. There was a sighting off the coast of Oregon earlier this week that involved multiple pilots witnessing aerial platforms going back and forth between Eugene, Oregon and the coastline. The recordings between air traffic control and the pilots is quite fascinating, and in my opinion these UFOs may not be the conventionally propelled kind. Although, that doesn’t automatically mean they are E.T., they could still be man-made, exotically propelled craft. Maybe not all of these UFO sightings across the country in recent weeks are a part of the same program? This point will be expounded upon in the Final Thoughts portion of this article.
7) Blue Beam
Blue Beam always giving me blue balls. How many years have we been hearing this? I’ve been entertaining the idea for some time now that it’s not a real plan, and the very idea alone is the psy-op. A convenient propaganda tool, a psy-op using a psy-op designed to simply dumb down conversation and muddy the waters. A problem with “Project Blue Beam! Fake Alien Invasion!” mind virus is that it’s the first, and sometimes only, narrative people revert to when discussing the UFO issue. Makes it tough to have rational and reasonable conversations about the subject.
What evidence do we have that a “fake alien invasion” program was actually created as an operational plan by the government/military/NASA? Or is it simply one of those internet rumors?
Final thoughts

So what in tarnation do we have going on here?
Quite frankly I think, in my shitty opinion, what we’re dealing with are aerial platforms from a variety of different groups and/or programs. If one group starts testing some craft or running operations, it gives cover to other groups to start running their own tests or ops, even if these groups aren’t connected or in contact. We could have one group running basic tests of drones, another conducted more sensitives ops, and heck - maybe some of the flying saucers are getting into the mix, too. It’s notable that most of these sightings are taking place over New Jersey, but not all of them are. Then you add in the “nothing to see here” from our government and military, along with the confusion. That confusion may very well stem from the fact that, well, they are confused, because we could have multiple covert operations going on that don’t know about each other, and these government agencies don’t want to share information with each other.
Another point to note is that we wouldn’t be seeing or hearing about these drones if the government/military didn’t want us to know about it. They want these things to be seen, or just don’t care if they are. But this is assuming that these craft are coming from our own military, which they may or may not be.
If they are foreign drones, then the implications of that mean that some groups within our own government or military may be letting this happen. With all of our sophisticated equipment and satellite intelligence platforms, it would be odd that a “drone mothership” parked off the coast wouldn’t be spotted and dealt with by our military - unless they are purposefully missing it.
All in all, it’s probably a mostly nothing burger story being used as a helluva distraction piece. Mostly VTOL craft being tested, with maybe a few other craft thrown into the mix. Media loves it because it offers good clicks.
Although questions remain - what are they and who is piloting? What about the other sightings on the West Coast? Why is the government and military playing us for stupid?
We may learn more, or we may not. We’ll see if it fades into oblivion - or if they ramp it up before the end of the year.


Sather's Substack


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?





Ask for a Heart Opening

Posted by Steve Beckow

Posted on November 23, 2024


I’m adrift in reflection, Thank you for allowing me…. This is doing me a world of good:

All the fruits of this world are never going to satisfy us.

Take taste for instance. Taste occurs when a food substance passes over some receptors at the back of the throat. I taste the chocolate, say, as it passes over these receptors.

If I want to live in love and bliss, which I do, what am I to do? Have an endless flow of chocolate going down my throat?

Moreover, the taste of chocolate is there and then it’s gone.

But I want to live continuously in love and bliss.


The ascended space – the space of the Fifth Dimension and higher – offers a love, and later a bliss, that is everything we want, have asked for, and have been seeking.  We won’t find it outside ourselves or in any sensory pleasures. We’ll find it flowing freely, like the air, inside the multidimensional portal that the heart is.

Higher-dimensional love is the most pleasurable thing you’ll ever have encountered. It’s what you wanted from massage, drugs, yoga, adrenalin sports – only a world beyond.

It’s so far beyond sexual orgasm – a heart opening is as if our whole body suddenly exploded and we were immersed in a totally-satisfying and never-ending artesian well of incomparable, fulfilling love for all and everything.

Ask for a heart opening. Our guides, abiding by the Law of Free Will, won’t give us what we don’t ask for.

But all that needs to remain knowledge shared by a few, the few who risk ridicule by communicating with and reading communications from ascended levels all the way up to the Divine Mother. Beyond whom there is no communicating. (1)

When the mockingbird media is gone, it may be safe for “nimble mammals” to peek out of their hidey-holes.  (2) The world may then be ready to hear about such things as the divine qualities and the wonderful gift of love that awaits us. (3)

Michael says he brings everyone to this blog who needs to read it.  I hope it continues to be that way. I have no desire to advertise and we live only by your donations.


(1) The Father does not speak. She is the Voice [Aum] of One crying in the wilderness.

That ringing in your ear? It’s not tinnitus. It’s the voice of Aum, the universal creative vibration, an aspect of the Mother.

On the nature of the Divine Mother, see:

(2) On the emergence of the nimble mammals (us) and retreat of the dinosaurs (cabal), see:

For background, see “I Accuse,” 

(3)  On the divine qualities, see:

On transformative love, see Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at



Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Earth Does not Belong to the Darkness. It Belongs to the Light

Posted by Steve Beckow

Posted on November 15, 2024

How could we lose?


In my opinion, getting President Trump elected to drain the swamp is only half the battle. The other half is to dislodge the deep state from government altogether. And they will cry “Hitler!” in the process.

However, if we compared Hitler to today’s deep state in America, which uses bioweapons, weather-warfare weapons, and directed-energy weapons on their own people, I think the ones behind the Biden/Harris administration would prove to be the heirs of Hitler. In fact I think Hitler would have been dazzled by their handiwork.

President Biden and his family ran a money-laundering operation, with wars being the reason for sending the money in the first place. One of the functions of the Ukrainian war, apart from using (up) the military-industrial complex’s newest products, is, I believe, to launder money, much of it back to the original donors, plus.

It’s a way of getting the taxpayer’s money eventually into the pockets of the Biden family and their cronies. And the Democratic Party, etc. (1)

But winning the election, in my very humble opinion, is not by any means the end of the journey.

It’s just two knights putting on their armor for the tournament. The deep state is by no means dead and is well used to working in opposition. Think: Intrigue. Machiavelli. The Medicis.

Except this time the imponderables are helping the deplorables. This time the invisible forces that God revealed to Elijah’s servant (those who are with us are far greater than those who are against us) work with us as well.

Archangel Michael picked up where Elijah left off and discussed some of those invisible helpers:

Archangel Michael: Our tipping point is when the darkness becomes far too powerful and too strong – it has to be within the purview and choice, the Dream, of the Mother – it has to be exposed and destroyed, and that point was reached some time ago. …

We do not come forth like a raging force of avenging angels. We do not come forth in what many have described as ‘Armageddon.’ No.

We have come forth, yes, in exposure, but also in sacred union partnership – that is why there are so many angels on Earth at this time – and it is a sacred partnership to, quite literally not just stem the tide but to turn the tide.

It is not about to happen. It has happened! What you are seeing is what that looks like. So pay attention, bright one. The little signs and the big signs are all around you. (2)

I’m looking, Lord.

What would a sign look like?

I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the video of the UFO over Vandenberg disabling their nuclear missile. Or heard Capt. Robert Salas describe the neutralization of all Minutemen rockets in their silos at Malmstrom AFB many years ago now. (3) Those were two pretty clear signs.

If I were to assert that our star family won’t permit the use of nuclear weapons, I’d point to these two incidents as my evidence. You now can see how all this talk about nuclear war and Kim Jong Un shooting another “nuclear” missile into the sky is all theatrics. (4) Just to wake people up.

So this is not just the Untouchables against Al Capone. This is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. It is Biblical.

And the message of it is: Earth does not belong to the darkness. It belongs to the Light.


(1) You and I know how fruitless money-laundering will be. By Executive Order 13818, all ill-gotten wealth such as this will be confiscated. When Bill Gates was arrested by Special Forces, he said he’d make them rich if they’d let him go. They informed him that he had no money. His wealth, as with others’, had been confiscated.  If I’m correct, it’ll be redistributed to the populace.

(2) “Archangel Michael on Our Power to Create and to Co-Create,” October 10, 2019, at

On sacred partnership with the angelics, see The Rewards of Co-Creative Partnership with the Company of Heaven at

On why there are so many angelics incarnated on Earth at this time, see An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at

On what makes “these times” so significant, see Gateway to Higher Dimensionality Vol. 1: Introduction to Ascension at


UFO (top) neutralizes test missile over Vandenberg AFB

Dr. Robert Jacobs describes the neutralizing of a Vandenberg AFB ICBM in flight.

Video Player

Capt. Robert Salas describes UFO intrusion and neutralization of ICBMs in their silos

The message is: Nuclear war will not be permitted on Earth.

(4) “Ukraine Planning to Build a Nuclear Bomb If U.S. Aid Cut?” (JFK Jr. on Telegram, Nov. 15, 2024. Someone tell the Ukraine.


Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




King Charles has a ‘secret paranormal library’ to study UFOs

By Vicky Verma

Posted on September , 2024



King Charles has a ‘secret paranormal library’ to study UFOs: According to a newly released documentary called The King of UFOs, His Majesty has inherited a “secret paranormal library,” which has a vast collection of files and books on the subject.

According to a newly released documentary called The King of UFOs, His Majesty has inherited a “secret paranormal library” which holds a huge collection of files and books on the subject.

The documentary reveals that King Charles inherited a secret collection of books and files on UFOs, crop circles, and paranormal activities from his family. It also claims that his parents, Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II, had contact with people who believed in UFOs.

One surprising claim is that in 1975, Prince Charles (before he became king) was spotted flying an experimental aircraft that looked like a UFO in Canada.

The documentary explores King Charles’s fascination with these mysterious topics and suggests he’s continuing to explore his interest.

Ufologist and filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee said: “Retired Police CID detective, and now owner of The Great British UFO Learning Centre, John Hanson had regular correspondence with Prince Phillip and The Queen and states that they had their own library of UFO and paranormal books.”

He told Express: “Letters between Hanson and the Queen and Prince Phillip, shown in the film, say they will ‘add the book that John sent to them to their own collection/library’.”

Prince Philip, who passed away at 99, had a fascinating hobby – watching for UFOs! He collected many books on the subject and subscribed to a magazine called Flying Saucer Review.

His interest in UFOs started when his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, wrote a report about a spaceship landing on his estate in 1955. Prince Philip was so curious that he asked his assistant, Sir Peter Horsley, to gather UFO stories from the Royal Air Force.

Sir Peter Horsley, a senior commander, shared his own UFO fascination in his 1997 autobiography. He said it began when he worked for Prince Philip from 1949 to 1956.

Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the UK Ministry of Defence, revealed that the Royal Family has been interested in UFOs for a long time. However, this interest was kept quiet because it didn’t match the government’s official stance on UFOs.

Pope explained that the government’s public position was that UFOs were not a threat or important, but the Royal Family’s interest in them suggested otherwise. This made things awkward.

Prince Philip, the late husband of Queen Elizabeth II, was particularly interested in UFOs. He had a large collection of UFO books and subscribed to UFO magazines, but kept it private.

Pope is curious about what happened to Prince Philip’s UFO collection and whether King Charles III has inherited any of it, including documents, books, and files.

Richard Felix, a paranormal historian on TV’s “Most Haunted,” claims in the film that the British royals have their own “secret archives of paranormal and UFO literature, rivaling that of the Vatican.”

Documentary director Mark Christopher Lee added: “The King Of UFOs is an entertaining and thought-provoking new documentary that explores the British royal family’s interest in UFOs and unexplained phenomena. As well as examining an alleged UFO landing and alien visitation at Lord Louis Mountbatten’s estate in England (allegedly witnessed by one of his own servants), the film delves into the late Queen and Prince Philip’s interest in UFOs and crop circles.”

“The film features exclusive access to never-before-seen archive footage and eyewitness interviews, and explores the extraordinary claims that the then Prince Charles piloted an experimental UFO-like craft in Canada in 1975.”

“It explores claims made by a Canadian diver who, while working on a secret military project at Sandy Point, Canada, in 1975, saw Prince Charles pilot an experimental UFO-type craft.”

“The diver claims the craft was powered by an electromagnetic force and Charles was one of three pilots on the craft, who were taking it to NASA’s Langley base in the US.”

Mr Lee also considers what role King Charles would play in the event of first contact with extraterrestrials in the documentary. He said: “The King would have a key role as head of state and as head of the Church of England and defender of all faiths.”

“He would have to prepare his people for a major paradigm shift, and there would be political as well as spiritual implications for first contact. With UFO sightings increasing around the world, this may be closer than we think, and the King must be prepared.”

“I also believe that having inherited his father’s interest in UFOs, as King he may know more about the truth about UFOs. The UK is part of the ‘Five Eyes’ security agreement, along with the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I suspect that King Charles knows the truth. I hereby appeal to our King to release the truth to the public. We deserve to know that we are not alone in this universe.”

In addition to examining an alleged UFO landing and alien visitation at Lord Louis Mountbatten’s estate in England, the film delves into the late Queen and Prince Philip’s interest in UFOs and crop circles.

The film features exclusive access to never-before-seen archive footage and eyewitness interviews, and explores the extraordinary claims that then-Prince Charles piloted an experimental UFO-type craft in Canada in 1975.

The documentary was released on August 1, 2024.

In 2019, Philip read “The Halt Perspective,” written by retired US Air Force Col. Charles Halt, a former deputy commander of RAF Bentwaters, who described how he led a patrol to investigate an alleged UFO landing in the Rendlesham Forest in 1980.

The incident was dubbed “Britain’s Roswell” after the famous 1947 crash of a US Army Air Forces balloon in New Mexico that spawned rumors that the wreckage came from a “flying disc.”

Among the books about extraterrestrials in Philip’s collection was “Haunted Skies: The Encyclopedia of British UFOs,” whose author, retired West Midlands detective John Hanson, said the Duke had a dozen of his works, according to Metro.

“I’ve got about 12 letters from the Duke’s private secretary that say the prince found the subject interesting,” Hanson, who co-wrote “The Halt Perspective,” told I News. (

“I’m quite proud of Prince Philip, why shouldn’t he have been interested in UFOs, because for goodness’ sake, that is something that we should treat seriously rather than flippantly. It is a phenomenon that has baffled mankind for millennia,” he said.

“Even Prince Charles is interested in it and Prince William,” Hanson added.

Vicky Verma


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Are they about to announce a world government? 

Geo-Political Report

by Benjamin Fulford

Posted on February 20, 2023 


We are hearing from multiple sources that they (=not us) are planning to announce a world government in the near future. Sources in the intelligence community and secret societies say that to accomplish this, humanity is being put through an initiation ceremony. So -according to them- the pandemic and vaccine campaign, the Ukrainian war, the UFOs and toxic accidents are all just theater designed to force the masses into submission to a world authority.

This sounds like an excuse to avoid Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals because there can be no doubt large amounts of people have been murdered as a part of this “initiation ceremony.”

There is also plenty of evidence the Khazarian Mafia who have hijacked most Western governments really have been trying to kill 90% of the world’s population. They have been caught multiple times trying to start a nuclear war, spread diseases, cause mass starvation etc.

They have also been trying to impose a mark of the beast central control over all money, food etc. with their digital IDs and centrally controlled digital currency.

In a sign this process is well underway, the other day when asking why the bank stopped a colleague from sending money overseas, a Canadian banker told him he had “failed their screening process.” He also used the phrase “UN dollar,” to refer to what we know of as the “US dollar.”

In places like Brazil, they are now linking vaccination status to welfare payments etc. even though the vaccines have now been proven toxic. Here is why: This Pfizer patent application -approved on August 31st, 2021- is for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide. They will be or are now connected to the “internet of things” by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who’ve had the death shot. Read that AGAIN!

So, there can be no doubt we really are dealing with a Satanic attempt to take over the planet by forcing us to obey or starve with a mark of the beast financial control system.

Not only are they trying to enslave us, but they are also still trying to kill most of us. We’re getting information about a major new push to start real World War III involving tank battles bigger than any seen in World War II.

Russian news reports say “the American ship Arc Integrity arrived in the port of Gdynia [in Northern Poland], carrying as many as 700 units of various military equipment, including Abrams tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which will be used by the legendary American 1st Infantry Division, the oldest American division known as the Big Red One…this is the twentieth transport of this type.” In other words, a full-strength US tank army with 140,000 units of military equipment has already been deployed.

Then, at last week’s Munich Security Conference, attended by politicians and experts from nearly 100 countries, speaker after speaker hysterically attacked Russia. For example, the masked actor playing US Vice-President Kamala Harris said: “The United States has formally established that Russia has committed crimes against humanity.” Next, German Defense Minister Pistorius says “Ukraine must win the war.” Then UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak chimes in “we must help Ukraine to shield its cities from Russian bombs and Iranian drones”. He also joined the US in calling out Russia’s “sickening war crimes.”

Video Player


We got birds in Rome and Kiev and now they have descended on Mexico. What are they trying to tell us?

Video Player


We are also getting reports from Polish intelligence and other sources that an invasion by a 500,000-man Russian army “is coming from five directions.”

The problem with this hysteria is that it does not fit with events on the ground. As Polish intelligence notes, “publicly everyone is with the Ukrainian government but, behind the scenes it has already been dealt with.”

The real figures of the war in Ukraine, established by Mossad and published by Hürseda Haber  [4] show the balance of power is 8 to 1 in favor of Russia. There are 18,480 dead on the Russian side, against 157,000 on the Ukrainian side.

Italian P3 Freemason sources add Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelinsky was recently killed on their orders. Mossad sources agree saying “The real Zelensky is gone. The one appearing in photo ops and videos is an avatar or CGI. The P3 is correct.”

Since the Ukraine war is basically over, all this exaggerated anti-Russian hysteria is looking like a campaign of misdirection. MI6 sources say the giant US tank army is actually in Russia and is joining the Russian army for a massive campaign against communist China. In other words, the George Bush Sr. plan to start a new cold war and make Russia seem like a Chinese ally -only to turn against them at the last minute- is being activated.

“We do not want to replace US hegemony with Chinese communist hegemony,” a Russian FSB source explains.

However, Russia still seems to be playing both sides since Tass reports:

Moscow and Beijing will soon hold a series of high-level talks, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the State Duma。He said the Americans are now starting to play games again, trying to return to a bipolar world order, this time with China,.. “The United States and their allies have been maniacally striving to plunder the world and collect tribute from humanity.”

The real story is that the Russians, together with the Western and Asian white hats, want a multi-polar world and do not want to replace US hegemony with Chinese communist hegemony.

The use of an earthquake weapon against Turkey was meant to warn China the West possessed such weapons and would use them against China if forced to, a Pentagon source says.

CIA sources add “You cannot even imagine the full power of Russia’s non-nuclear weapons. One Pantsyr installation is capable of turning an area of 100 football fields into a dead desert – leaving the enemy without tanks, manpower, aircraft and without UAVs – IN ONE BLOW! Russia’s vacuum bomb has no equal in terms of power in the world. It sweeps away absolutely everything – everything falls into the ground on an area of 300 meters in a radius! And Russia has a lot more. It just doesn’t make sense to show everything at once.”

The massive and hitherto hidden move against China comes as the US corporation teeters on the brink of bankruptcy and social collapse.

The US government missed an international payment deadline on January 31 and has been on hold since February 17. The Port of Los Angeles confirms a “significant decline” in throughput volumes in February.

The bankrupt Biden regime, meanwhile, keeps afloat by selling off strategic oil and arms reserves while stealing pensions, Medicaid and whatever else it can get its hands on, as well as cutting food stamps, etc. These “extraordinary measures” can maintain the regime until around July, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

A societal collapse is also underground in the United States. A friend who was recently in Seattle reports that downtown is deserted, shops are closed and only one marijuana dispensary is open. This type of scene is repeated in most US cities.

Crime is so bad in Los Angeles that the mayor is warning people not to leave water bottles in cars because people might break the windows just to take them away.

The entire so-called presidency of Joe Biden has also degenerated into a pure farce. Watch below as “Biden” tells reporters, “Leave me alone, man,” and then walks out without answering a single question after discussing “air objects” about the US and his family’s business dealings China has expressed. Notice the fake White House.

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For this reason, many in the regime’s old leadership see war as a way out. A senior Pentagon general once told me, “We’d rather start World War III than lose our jobs.

However, China is well aware of these plans and has prepared its own surprises. A Canadian intelligence source says that communist traitor Justin Castrudeau has secretly massed a huge Chinese army in underground bases in Canada for an attack on the US. Arizona military sources are also reporting that a huge influx of military-age Chinese has invaded the United States. This headline seems to confirm this:

“Arrests of Chinese immigrants illegally crossing US-Mexico border rise 1,230% in January.”

This war babble could well be at the highest level as negotiations for world government are nearing completion.

Furthermore, there is no doubt that much of what we see is pure fear of pornography. For example, I have not been able to confirm through direct analogue reporting that the train derailments are real with the toxic clouds spreading in all directions. We know that there was a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio and that it was a deliberate hoax. It took place right where a Netflix show about such a disaster was filmed. Among the 10 largest railroad company owners Norfolk Southern Corp. include Rockefeller subsidiaries such as:




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It appears that real train derailments are happening but are followed by exaggerated reports of toxic fumes etc. This is the same pattern as at Fukushima, where a real detonation and tsunami was followed by “highly exaggerated reports of ‘radioactivity throughout the Pacific'”. The Rockefellers have a long history of these types of operations.

The WHO (World Harm Organization), controlled by the Rockefellers, also advises people to stock up on anti-radiation drugs. That means a (real or fake) toxic nuclear accident is next on their agenda. The Russian government has repeatedly warned against precisely such a plan.

The recent launch of multiple UFOs reported by US and Canadian authorities is another example. The Russians appear to be in on the matter, with the official Tass news agency warning: “The American wave of panic and noise, the emergence of fighter jets and the launching of missiles means someone will hit a target that shouldn’t be attacked , increasing the likelihood of tragic incidents.”

“In the coming weeks, maybe even months, you must prepare for a large and varied program of fear to be unleashed against you,” says a Polish intelligence source. “However, nothing that is going to scare you will translate into physical action,” the source adds.

The endorsement of this fear of pornography designed to bring about world government came from a panel at the 2023 world government summit, which said a “certain shock” will come to transform the “international order” into world government.

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Like the boy who cried wolf, however, people have stopped believing the constant hysterical barrage of fear of pornography pouring out from the corporate media. Even with a question designed to manipulate people, such as B. “Do you think that national news organizations have no intention of misleading”, 50% disagreed. Only 25% agreed, according to the study. If you had asked, “Do news organizations intentionally mislead people?” you would have gotten closer to 70% agreement.

The failure of the UFO campaign to scare people (so far) is an example of people no longer believing government pronouncements. The government has now been forced to back down and say it only launched $14 hobby balloons.

However, the recent failed attempt at an alien invasion has brought to light an interesting cabal figure. It turns out that a lot of the UFO and “alien” revelations can be traced back to Laurence Spelman Rockefeller Jr. Here’s what a CIA source had to say about it:

“Laurence Rockefeller senior [the original sponsor of the UFO/alien revelations] has been out of the picture since about 2004. His son has taken over. His unofficial son – John Podesta – has been arrested in Gitmo. There is a clone/double who seen in public. These two work in a larger group that runs Project Blue Book. They are involved in the recent sightings. They are the “money handlers. There will be several more sightings as they focus on the great alien -Prepare invasion.

So let’s take a look at the recent extraterrestrial sightings.

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But keep in mind that this is not the end of the world, but the end of the Rockefeller World Theater. When it ends, humanity will be liberated.


Benjamin Fulford


[This is the full update]

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You Don’t Need to Reverse Engineer UFOs.

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

September 15th, 2020.


Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are fully surprised by humanity all the time. We never cease to be amazed by what you are able to create on your own. We know that many of you are aware that humans are routinely helped by extra-terrestrials when it comes to technology and making advancements in various fields. But you are far more creative when you are putting a paintbrush to a canvas, writing a song, or crafting a screenplay that will become a movie.
And your creativity doesn’t stop there. You have made so much with so little since the beginning of time that we know you would’ve gotten to all of those technological advances on your own if you had never reverse engineered a fallen UFO, and if you had never received any help from any extra-terrestrial beings. You are magnificent creator beings on a path of ascension, and it is a path that you have been on since the day that humanity was born.
You don’t need help, but we and others like us love helping. We love giving you that nudge, showing you how we did something, and we know that you will always put your own unique spin on whatever you are given, because that’s how creative you are. You are souls seeking experience. You have gone way past survival, and you are exploring the vastness of your own consciousness. That’s when beings and collectives in higher-dimensional planes get really excited, because then we see ourselves in you.
We want you to know that all of the downloads and information that you receive is coming from you. You’re just getting it from another aspect of you with some help from your guides, with some help from collectives like us. But there is no separation, so even when you receive from a collective from another star system, it is still you that is giving the download, that is giving the information. You cannot possibly reach outside of yourselves, but you can reach. You can go beyond the ego. You can go beyond what others have done before you, and that’s what you are doing every time you set out to create something new.
And that’s when we get excited, surprised, and amazed by the will of the human spirit, the creative force coming through a person living on Earth at this time. This is why you all are the greatest show going on in the galaxy, and why there are so many e.t.s tuning in to see what you will do and what you will create next with all that energy that you are being given on a consistent basis from higher-dimensionals, like ourselves.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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Congresso dos EUA e Pentágono informaram que UFOs não são da Terra.

Michael E. Salla

Fonte:  Exopolitics  – The New York Times.

Tradução, edição e imagens:



O New York Times acaba de lançar um artigo bombástico a respeito de instruções secretas sobre OVNIs recebidas por membros do Congresso dos EUA e oficiais do Pentágono de que as espaçonaves envolvida são “veículos de fora do planeta Terra não fabricados pela nossa civilização”. A história do New York Times ( NYT) cita o Dr. Eric Davis, físico atualmente trabalhando na The Aerospace Corporation, que deu relatórios de que estudos corporativos classificados estavam sendo conduzidos nos “veículos fora do mundo” recuperados [em acidentes] e mantidos em instalações dos grandes conglomerados do Complexo Industrial Militar.
Pentágono e Congresso dos EUA tornam público que os UFOs não são da Terra.
Os autores da história do NYT, Ralph Blumenthal e Leslie Kean, escreveram o seguinte sobre os briefings inovadores do Dr. Davis:
Davis, que agora trabalha para a The Aerospace Corporation, uma empresa de defesa, disse que entregou um briefing classificado a uma agência do Departamento de Defesa [DIA], em março, sobre recuperações de “veículos fora do mundo não fabricados pelo homem na Terra”.
Davis disse que também deu instruções classificadas sobre a recuperação de objetos inexplicáveis ​​a membros da equipe do Comitê de Serviços Armados do Senado em 21 de outubro de 2019 e a membros da equipe do Comitê de Inteligência do Senado dois dias depois.
Dadas as revelações de Davis, não é de surpreender que o Comitê Selecionado de Inteligência do Senado tenha recentemente solicitado à Comunidade de Inteligência que escrevesse um relatório abrangente sobre Fenômenos Aéreos Não Identificados (UAPs, também conhecido como OVNIs-UFOs) em seis meses. Esta solicitação foi incluída na Lei de Autorização de Inteligência proposta para o Ano Fiscal de 2021:
O Comitê apóia os esforços da Força-Tarefa de Fenômeno Aéreo Não Identificado no Escritório de Inteligência Naval para padronizar a coleta e a comunicação de fenômenos aéreos não identificados, quaisquer vínculos que eles tenham com governos estrangeiros adversários e a ameaça que representam para os equipamentos e instalações militares dos EUA.
Blumenthal e Kean discutem os comentários recentes do ex-líder da maioria no Senado Harry Reid e do senador Marco Rubio sobre os briefings que receberam, que envolveram o Dr. Eric Davis e outras autoridades.
É digno de nota os recentes comentários de Rubio em uma entrevista de que a espaçonave OVNI foi gravada sobrevoando as bases militares dos EUA, o que é uma revelação muito mais significativa do que a espaçonave desconhecida sobrevoando o oceano nas áreas de testes da Marinha, conforme evidenciado em vídeos vazados recentemente reconhecidos pela Marinha como genuína.
O testemunho do Dr. Eric Davis é importante, pois em 2019 vazou um documento de 15 páginas de sua conversa com um ex-chefe da Agência de Inteligência de Defesa (DIA) em 2002. Na conversa, o vice-almirante Thomas Wilson revelou a Davis detalhes sobre um incidente em 1997, quando lhe foi negado o acesso a um programa secreto de OVNIs administrado por um grande conglomerado empreiteiro [Complexo Industrial Militar] corporativo aeroespacial, apesar de ser, na época, o diretor adjunto da Agência de Inteligência de Defesa e o vice-diretor de Inteligência (VJ2) do Estado Maior Conjunto das forças armadas dos EUA.
O vice-almirante ThomasWilson apelou sem êxito ao Comitê de Supervisão de Programas de Acesso Especial (SAPOC), de que tinha autoridade sobre o programa de gestão corporativa. Surpreendentemente, o Comitê decidiu a favor da corporação que Wilson não tinha uma “necessidade de saber” demonstrável e, portanto, lhe foi negado o acesso às informações.
O poder da empresa do Complexo Industrial Militar corporativo surgiu de um acordo de 1994 alcançado com o SAPOC, que deu à iniciativa privada a autoridade para restringir o acesso a programas relacionados a OVNIs de oficiais do Pentágono, independentemente de sua posição e patente militar, como o almirante Wilson reclamou no documento de 15 páginas que vazou:
Critérios especiais foram estabelecidos de acordo. Uma circunstância especial que deve atender a critérios rigorosos de acesso estabelecidos pelo comitê do contratado. Nenhum pessoal da USG deve obter acesso, a menos que atenda aos critérios – a ser administrado pelo comitê contratado (diretor do programa, advogado, diretor de segurança) independentemente dos tickets e da posição do pessoal da USG. Literalmente o caminho ou a estrada. [ Transcrição / Resumo p. 11 ]
No entanto, Wilson soube posteriormente que a empresa do Complexo Industrial Militar tentara, sem sucesso, fazer engenharia reversa de um veículo extraterrestre recuperado. Ele queria saber se o Dr. Eric Davis, que na época trabalhava com a EarthTech, uma organização com sede em Austin, Texas, envolvida em estudos avançados de tecnologias aeroespaciais, sabia mais sobre o programa corporativo de OVNIs.
O fato de o jornal  New York Times ter publicado a história envolvendo Davis e seu conhecimento da empresa de engenharia reversa de administração corporativa é altamente significativo. Como o “papel de registro” oficial, o NYT agora está abrindo a porta para os principais sites de mídia, colhendo os fios das surpreendentes revelações de Davis e a transcrição vazada de sua conversa de 2002 com o vice-almirante Thomas Wilson.
A narrativa provável que emergirá da história do NYT é que os programas administrados por empresas privadas classificadas em espaçonaves extraterrestres recuperadas são muito reais, e não a imaginação dos teóricos da conspiração[e as ridicularizaram] de que tais programas estavam sendo realizados secretamente em várias instalações militares e de grandes conglomerados aeroespaciais privados do Complexo Industrial Militar.
O que resta a ser respondido é como as grandes corporações aeroespaciais privadas puseram as mãos numa espaçonave  UFO-OVNI recuperada e foram capazes de manter oficiais importantes e de alto escalão e patentes do Pentágono, como o almirante Thomas Wilson, completamente fora do circuito? Por que os funcionários do Pentágono que dirigem o Comitê de Supervisão do Programa de Acesso Especial negaram o acesso a Wilson, apesar de seu status muito alto no DIA e como membro no Estado-Maior Conjunto dos EUA?
Outra questão importante a ser feita é se as informações de que as empresas progrediram muito lentamente na engenharia reversa de embarcações extraterrestres recuperadas, como Wilson revelou a Davis em sua conversa de 2002, devem ser consideradas. De acordo com várias relatórios internos discutidos em minha série Secret Space Programs Book , a engenharia reversa de embarcações de discos voadores capturados começou já desde a década de 1940, a primeira embarcação protótipo foi testada em vôo nos anos 1960 e posteriormente implantada nas décadas de 1970 e 1980.
Embora possa haver outros programas de engenharia reversa de espaçonaves extraterrestres capturadas em andamento nas empresas do Complexo Industrial Militar que estão progredindo lentamente, como o Almirante Thomas Wilson disse em 2002, há muitas evidências de que os principais conglomerados aeroespaciais fizeram progressos significativos décadas antes.
Por que, portanto, liberar na arena pública informações que selecionam empresas americanas estão realizando estudos lentos e sem sucesso de embarcações extraterrestres capturadas? Uma resposta possível é que os responsáveis ​​pelos programas de engenharia reversa nos EUA não querem que o público saiba que essas tecnologias foram projetadas com êxito, estão funcionando à pleno e foram implantadas com sucesso décadas atrás pela Força Aérea e pela Marinha dos EUA em colaboração com empresas privadas do Complexo Industrial Militar contratadas nos EUA.
Além disso, a história do NYT contribui para a narrativa de que outras nações, por exemplo, China e Rússia, TAMBÉM puseram as mãos em tecnologias de fora do mundo semelhantes e fizeram engenharia reversa delas com sucesso e podem estar por trás dos avistamentos de OVNIs / UAPs /UFOs pelos pilotos da Marinha. como os senadores Rubio e Reid especulam.
Essa conclusão alimenta a percepção de que os EUA estão por trás da China e da Rússia no desenvolvimento de tais tecnologias inovadoras, e de que os extraterrestres constituem a ameaça final se, de repente, optarem por intervir nos assuntos humanos DIRETAMENTE e não mais escondidos em instalações subterrâneas diversas existentes em diferente locais do planeta de onde operam furtivamente.
Muitos interpretarão, com razão, a história do New York Times como promovendo uma narrativa que leva a uma possível intervenção alienígena que pode ser genuína ou artificial por aqueles que possuem essas tecnologias de engenharia reversa que foram estudadas com sucesso em instalações dos grandes conglomerados aeroespaciais do Complexo Industrial Militar [um dos principais ramos do nefasto DEEP STATE]  décadas atrás. 
No entanto, muitas mentes questionadoras serão inspiradas a mergulhar profundamente na literatura sobre OVNIs e “exopolíticas” para aprender a verdade sobre os programas de engenharia reversa alienígena classificados que especialistas e pesquisadores vêm divulgando há anos, frequentemente sendo ridicularizados e retribuir amplamente seus pares, cientistas que ignoram [e são IGNORANTES por causa de sua soberba intelectual científica] todos os desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos desenvolvidos pelos Programas Espaciais Secretos.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
NR: Duvido que as notícias do New York Times sejam 100% verdadeiras. O jornal é propriedade indireta da máfia cazariana e normalmente só notificam o que lhes conveem.

A Matrix (o SISTEMA de CONTROLE MENTAL):   “A Matrix é um sistema de controle, NEO. Esse sistema é o nosso inimigo. Mas quando você está dentro dele, olha em volta, e o que você vê? Empresários, professores, advogados, políticos, carpinteiros, sacerdotes, homens e mulheres… As mesmas mentes das pessoas que estamos tentando salvar. 
“Mas até que nós consigamos salvá-los, essas pessoas ainda serão parte desse sistema de controle e isso os transformam em nossos inimigos. Você precisa entender, a maioria dessas pessoas não está preparada para ser desconectada da Matrix de Controle Mental. E muitos deles estão tão habituados, tão desesperadamente dependentes do sistema, que eles vão lutar contra você  para proteger o próprio sistema de controle que aprisiona suas mentes …”.

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A Rússia Filma ”Frota de OVNIs” passando em frente à Lua.

De Simon Green 


Tradução, edição e imagens:

Postato em Thoth3126 a 19/03/2020


O canal Fotohota no Youtube postou um vídeo clipe de Moscou (Moscovo), na Rússia, da Lua com uma neblina alaranjada. À medida que a câmera aumenta o zoom (foco), uma coleção de objetos negros pode ser vista movendo-se lentamente pelo satélite. Em determinado momento, os UFOs se movem um em direção ao outro antes de se separarem novamente. (veja vídeo) “Eles não estão perto da lua porque não há sombra projetada”, acrescentou o cinegrafista. “Eles estão entre a Terra e a Lua, mas não longe da Lua.” “Definitivamente a melhor evidência do ano sobre alienigenas e UFOs”, escreveu um YouTuber. 
Filmagem mostrando ”Frota de OVNIs” passando em frente à Lua’ é a melhor evidência do ano.  Imagens surpreendentes que parecem mostrar dezenas de objetos negros passando em frente à Lua enviaram o mundo da conspiração para um frenesi.
O clipe – filmado do solo na capital russa Moscou – mostra a lua em uma névoa laranja. O vídeo foi postado no YouTube por Fotohota em 18 de maio. Ele escreveu que não podia acreditar no que estava testemunhando. “Eles não estão perto da lua porque não há sombra”, acrescentou. “Eles estão entre a Terra e a Lua, mas não longe da lua”.
“Seus tamanhos não são pequenos.” Desde então, foi republicado pelo renomado site teórico da conspiração The Hidden Underbelly, que classificou os objetos como uma “frota de OVNIs”. Os espectadores se reuniram para divulgar seus pensamentos, com muitos sendo incapazes de desmistificar as imagens.
“Definitivamente esta é a melhor evidência do ano” sobre a existência do fenômeno UFO, escreveu um deles.   “Estou curioso para ver como eles vão desmascarar esse vídeo. Filmagem impressionante”. Outro espectador preocupado acrescentou: “Isso não é bom. Há muitos deles quase cobrindo a lua e esses objetos são enormes em tamanho”. Um terceiro internauta sugeriu que eles poderiam ser satélites, mas um quarto discordou e disse: “Essas são naves alienígenas”.
Esta filmagem foi capturada por ФотОхота em Moscou, Rússia e ele afirma que, enquanto fazia algumas imagens da Lua com sua Nikon P900, ele não podia acreditar no que estava testemunhando. ФотОхота acrescenta “Eles não estão perto da lua, porque não há sombra projetada. Eles estão entre a terra e a Lua, mas não muito longe da lua, seus tamanhos não são pequenos.”
Agradecemos a ФотОхота por esta filmagem e para ver o vídeo completo e não editado:
Crédito da Música: 
Scaring the Bejeezus Out of Your Orchestra por TeknoAXE  

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