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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Align with the Key Themes of 2025

By Sandra Walter


Posted on January 26, 2025

Blessings Beloves
This brilliant passage brings strong energy shifts, dramatic events, and activation of higher trajectories. All paths lead to Unity Consciousness, which is why alignment is so vital in this Now.
2025 Themes
Be aware of these key themes, and the major energy shifts (next LightLetter), to align with the profound upgrades available this year.
Acceleration of Coherence
Feel beyond the surface: Acceleration is not just the sensation of time speeding up or collapsing, or rapid-fire novelty events. There is a quickening of coherence, synchronicity, and plasma beyond the veil that affects our reality structures. True Unity Consciousness begins to physicalize.
Chaotic Dismantling
Dense and outdated structures unravel, appearing as chaos but paving the way for new creation. Realities that served their purpose now dissolve, as the primordial vibration of LoveLight increases.
Mother Plasma, Zero Point and Source Particles
This realm-shifting convergence of plasma, particles, and Zero Point energies produce the self-correcting mechanisms of Divine order.
Magnetic field fluctuations affect the collective ability to create density. Notice the presence of stillness in the field beyond the dismantling.
The truth of love as the ultimate power amplifies. This is supreme support for those choosing to transcend lower density versions of self.
Refinement & Divine Order
Collective higher trajectories amplify and refine our paths. Simplify as old beliefs, choices, and creations don’t ‘matter’ anymore.
Access Original Purity
A return to the unaltered essence of being, the original purity of our Divine presence. The ways we experience and interpret consciousness in form will shift dramatically.
Revelation & Gaia Wisdom
Greater clarity exposes uncomplimentary realities and fosters higher-perspective choices. Ascended Gaia emerges as a wise elder, revealing higher truths. Gaia has a new voice; listen to her often.
Freedom & Golden Race Kryst Codes
As limitations of the old illusion dissolve, higher trajectories become clearer, fostering liberation. Energy shifts awaken dormant codes within DNA, stimulating biophotonic transformation in aligned hearts.
Health & Death
Everyone is advised to take excellent care of the physical right now. Remember that a healthy nervous system enhances our ability to integrate higher frequencies and stay balanced. Many Souls will depart the physical vessel as the energies rise.
Presence Embodiment
Powerful influxes and energy shifts support those on the path to embodiment of the Divine Presence. This type of embodiment causes rapid shifts in the collective, the field, and our trajectories.
Sandra Walter


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


12:12, The Awakening of the Transcendent Heart

By Archangel Uriel

 Channel Shanta Gabriel

Posted on December 12, 2024 


Dear Ones,
In an explosion of Unity consciousness, the Christed Light is ignited within your High Heart on December 12.
In the Field Light containing the Transcendent Heart, new life begins to awaken; a life that transcends the old ways of belief and opens doorways into Unconditional Love. This is a power so sweet that compassion fills every corner of your consciousness.
Every year, the field of the Christ Light enters on the twelfth day of the twelfth month to open the world to love and compassion, to forgiveness and choice. You have all experienced the sense of innocent hearts opening around the holidays. This is the Christed Light, which can now embody the transcendent heart of those who are present in their conscousness for the 12:12 empowerment.
The field of the Transcendent Heart is available to all during this precious moment in time. It only requires an intention for your receptive channels to be ready so your heart opens to the higher frequencies contained in the Golden Light of the Christed energy. When your heart is open and there is a willingness to receive, the connection to your new thymus chakra becomes activated at the 12:12. This center acts as a holy vessel to receive the divinity of your new Transcendent Heart. It is the golden light of the Christed energy that brings holiness to the sacred chalice within your high heart.
Although this is not a Christian teaching, the connection to the master Jesus is within the same light field that embodied his instructions to Love One Another. Within this golden light is a pure download of Unconditional Love to uplift and support your time on Earth. As all beings receive this love, they radiate golden light into the world. You may also experience a softening in your heart that allows you to see the world from a greater place of Balance, bringing more Peace into every area of your life.
Prepare the way within you with your prayers and intentions. Let your heart soar free. When this flame is ignited, you will never be the same as a chain reaction of Unconditional Love forges a template of Unity within your energy system and the sacred vessel of your thymus chakra. With every beat of your heart, this energy of Love will catalyze your cells to higher frequencies of Light. After the 12:12 empowerment, whenever you tune into your High Heart there will be a new awareness of the Compassion within you for yourself and all humanity.
At the moment of 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month, the pure light of the Christ ignites the sacred vessel of your high heart with Compassion and Unconditional Love. In a very pure way, all are served by the power of Divine Love as an imprint precoded for your awakening consciousness. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightning rods as they receive this immense golden download of Christed Light that fills the high heart and grounds unconditional love into the Earth.
When there is no resistance, you can open to this Grace-filled presence and spark the Divinity in every cell of your being. You are encouraged to take 12 minutes at the 12:00 hour on the day of December 12 to bring to your conscious awareness to the invitation that allows the golden light of the Christ Consciousness to enter into your heart.
Concentrate on your high heart as a sacred vessel to receive this Light. Imagine that the Transcendent Heart of divinity is a pure field of Unconditional Love within you now. Allow this radiance to fill your entire body with golden light.
As the light of the transcendent heart is released, previously untapped levels of wholeness open to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Peaceful empowerment of your high heart’s energy systems allows new expansion for you to anchor and integrate Divine Love through you and into a world in need.
Light Up All Realms of Your Existence
Beyond all sense of polarity, there is a place within you that embraces light and dark bringing all into oneness within the human form. The Transcendent Heart is one that expands to include the greatest level of Divine Light with the darkness that appears to exist in the world. We cannot assume a transcendent reality that does not include the darkness, but instead features new levels of divinity that light up all realms of existence.
There is a new freedom awaiting the embrace of all aspects within your being that allows you to soar on wings of Divine Love. The Golden Presence of the Christed light field can then permeate your high heart and open the pathways for Unconditional Love within every aspect of your self and all beings.
A loving heart knows no boundaries when this expansive field awakens. As you and the polarities within the self come into unity, the light of the Transcendent Heart is released and Wellbeing becomes your new reality in 5D living.
At the 12:12, this hierarchy of light touches all your cellular functions and the gateways open for new radiance and life-force vitality within your being. Renewal of self-generating systems within your DNA that were a part of the original blueprint are awakening and the new crystalline light body breaks through your physical shell to change your world from the inside out.
Rejoice — and allow the opening of the new fields of Light for the Transcendent Heart within your being!
I am Uriel of the Transcendent Heart, awakening new vision and preparing the way for an expansion in the sacred vessel of the high heart within all beings. An enlightened mind and heart can awaken the world. It is amazing to see the difference one person who is filled with Divine Light can make. When you join in the Christed Light with other heart-centered beings, there are no boundaries.
Prepare yourself with gratitude and clear intentions. You will be lifted through the light portals on Wings of Love at the moment of 12:12 to receive the Christed Light into the sacred vessel of your Transcendent Heart. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Uriel


Compiled by from: 
My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Unity consciousness

Hakann trough A. S.

Posted on November 20 , 2024

My dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.
Let’s talk about individualism versus collectivism first. We’ll get to unity consciousness later in this message.
People who like individualism may argue that individualism equals freedom and that it has led to a free and prosperous West. They also point out that collectivism means that people’s rights and self-expression and individuality get trampled on, and that people get forced into a societal mold. They may say that collectivism means the Soviet Union and that it failed and that it wasn’t a good place to live in.
On the other hand, people who like collectivism may argue that everything goes to hell if people just individualistically do what they wish, as indeed the individualistic West has been declining of late. Furthermore, it’s lonely in a sense if everyone is just individually doing what they want.
So, what is better, individualism or collectivism?
Well, if half the population prefers one thing and the other half of the population prefers the other thing, then usually both are flawed in a way. If one of these concepts actually was simply correct, then it wouldn’t have become such a discussion.
Personally, us Pleiadians don’t really use the concepts of individualism versus collectivism. Instead we value unity consciousness and freedom.
So we have the freedom that on Earth comes from individualism, and the group harmony and group prosperity that on Earth comes from unity consciousness. Meanwhile we don’t have the oppression or stifling of expression that can come from collectivism, because we’re pro-freedom. And we don’t have the destructive selfishness that can come from individualism, because we have unity consciousness.
So: we wouldn’t dream of forcing someone to conform, or forcing someone to serve the state, in the way that Earth collectivist societies may do. Yet this works out because our unity consciousness means that people don’t do the evil, selfish things that happen in individualistic societies.
Of these two things, freedom should be self-explanatory. We have no taxes and barely any laws, and this works for us because we have a relatively high level of consciousness. And our society is good enough that people feel happy to volunteer and contribute.
What does unity consciousness really mean, though? Because it’s nice to call people “brother or sister”, or to say things like “we are all one”, but that’s just the surface level. What does it really mean?
Well, unity consciousness means that you perceive others as being part of yourself to at least a large extent. It doesn’t mean that you’re literally unable to distinguish you from others, but it does mean that for example if others are suffering you feel at least to an extent the same kind of motivation to help that you would feel if your shoulder was wounded. Now a unity consciousness person might not feel the urge to help others to quite the same extent as treating a physical wound on their own body, but it’s not that different either. To a unity consciousness person, ignoring the suffering of others just literally doesn’t make sense, in the same sense that ignoring a wound on your physical body wouldn’t make sense.
Now, many people will agree with this definition, but the problem is that to many people this is just a rational concept, and rationally understanding this isn’t yet unity consciousness. To achieve unity consciousness, you need to embody it. And from the definition it’s not immediately obvious how you could go about embodying this. Sure, a high consciousness person can just be, and automatically embody unity consciousness without effort. However, most people receiving this message aren’t yet in unity consciousness.
So I will suggest a way of behaving that can serve as one possible stepping stone towards unity consciousness.
One possible stepping stone towards unity consciousness is:
Who you are is first determined by your own reincarnating soul. So first, you should listen to your soul.
Who you are is second determined by you being an Earth human. So second, you should work to benefit Earth humans.
Who you are is third determined by your mind. So third, you should work to benefit yourself.
For example: most likely you are more spiritually advanced than the average person on Earth, because you are tuning in to these messages. Probably your soul, who you could see as the real you, nudged your mind and orchestrated events so that you woke up, at least partially. So who you are is first determined by your own reincarnating soul, which is why you’re most likely more spiritually advanced than the average person on your world.
Second, who you are is determined by the fact that you are an Earth human. After all, if you were born in one of the reptilian worlds where reptilians harm each other for their own benefit, most likely you would do the same thing too — except perhaps if your soul nudged you to be higher consciousness than the people around you. But if your soul didn’t nudge you one way or the other, it is quite unlikely that your mind would decide to start behaving in a very un-reptilian-like way.
And also, if you were born in a Pleiadian world, most likely you would be a reasonably typical Pleiadian, except perhaps if your soul strongly nudged you into a non-standard direction.
Most Pleiadians are Pleiadian-like, and most Arcturians are Arcturian-like, and most reptilians are reptilian-like, and most Earth humans are Earth-human-like.
So a being’s birth planet more strongly affects who they are than their own rational mind. You see few beings behave in a way that’s atypical for their planet purely because that’s what their mind decided, except if their soul nudged their mind in that direction.
So, who you are is determined first by your soul, second by you being an Earth human, and third determined by your mind.
Correspondingly, it only makes sense to first listen to your soul, to second try and benefit Earth humans as a whole, and third to try and benefit yourself.
What does that look like?
Well, first listen to either your soul, or your intuition which comes from your soul. (Don’t confuse emotions and unconscious beliefs with intuition.) Or if you’re unable to do either, listen to your guides or follow what resonates. Probably your soul will want you to dedicate a certain amount of time and energy to spiritual practice and self-healing; and a certain amount of time and energy to helping others or being kind to others; and a certain amount of time and energy to things that you find fun or that nourish you. And likely your soul will give you some guidance and advice here, without micromanaging everything in your life.
Second, for the time that your soul wants you to help others, go do whatever you think is most needed. Be the change you want to see in the world, even if it’s hard.
And third, for your personal time, just do what you find fun or what nourishes you. And remember that most likely your soul wants you to have a reasonable amount of fun time and relaxation et cetera. Most likely your soul doesn’t want you to spend every moment of the day volunteering to help humanity.
You can see how society would tremendously benefit if everyone would behave like this. Because after all, most Earth people are doing the third thing on the list most or even all of the time, where they just do what benefits them individually and perhaps a few loved ones. And most people aren’t listening to their soul and thus aren’t living an authentic life.
On the other hand, most Pleiadians understand that who they are was determined more by the fact that they were born in the Pleiades than by their own rational mind. Hence Pleiadians understand the importance of protecting, maintaining and further improving our society, because our society is so determinative to ourselves and to the other people in our society. We’re not under the illusion that it’s primarily our personal intelligence and ambition that is the reason why we are the way we are — instead we know that we are the way we are because we grew up in the Pleiades.
This is why our society works with no taxation and practically no laws. Because if people to an extent identify with their society and their group — if they have unity consciousness — then they are happy to do volunteer work and treat other people with kindness.
Some people might point out that average Earth humans already see themselves as an American, or a Christian, or a left-winger, et cetera. I wouldn’t quite categorize that as unity consciousness, because while those people may see some people as being part of themselves to an extent, they typically see other people as very much not being part of themselves. It’s not unity consciousness to include the people you like and exclude the people you don’t.
In fact, hating evil people isn’t unity consciousness. Sure, wanting evil people to be stopped is consistent with unity consciousness, but hating them is not.
So, we’re near the end of this message.
For the very few people who already embody unity consciousness, this message may not have been too useful. That said, most people don’t yet embody unity consciousness, and there’s a huge difference between rationally understanding the concept of unity consciousness and embodying it. This applies to many spiritual principles, by the way: rationally understanding them is useful, but you usually have to do significant amounts of spiritual practice to actually embody them, and embodying them is where the real gold is.
For the majority who doesn’t yet embody unity consciousness, I think this stepping stone can be a useful tool: basically listen to your soul first, work to benefit humanity second, and do what benefits yourself third. That said, keep in mind that your soul likely wants you to spend some amount of time having fun and nourishing yourself, so you don’t need to spend every waking moment doing volunteer work. In fact, if you’re in a tough situation, your soul might very well want you to put on your own air mask first.
Listening to your soul first and working to benefit humanity second is, I think, one possible good stepping stone towards unity consciousness. It is not the only possible path — doing a whole bunch of meditation is another path that can lead to embodied unity consciousness. But this is a possible path.
I respect you very much and you are in my thoughts, every single day.
With all my love,
Your star brother,
A. S.
For Era of Light
These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.
If you are interested in local meetings with other people also seeking first contact with benevolent ETs, then please see . If you search with control-F for @, then you can quickly find email addresses of those who are organizing local groups. It's also not too late to post a new (secondary) email address yourself to start a new local group, because we plan to keep linking to that post for the foreseeable future. 


Compiled by from: 
 On the Blogs:

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!


Why is GESARA Necessary…?


By Steve Beckow

Posted on October 11, 2024 


I’m surprised to have found such a “multi-dimensional” discussion of GESARA on Telegram. But here it is.

🚨Why is GESARA necessary…?

Conspiracy Cabal, Downloaded Oct. 9, 2024


Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing the Great Shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or the Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth is returning to be a sacred planet, and is taking the entire human population with her. It’s a golden age beyond our wildest imaginations. (1)

The “dark cabal” governing authority has intentionally and methodically hidden humanity’s historical truth for over 13,000 years. Its plan was to enslave humanity for its own selfish ends. It almost succeeded.

The Galactic Federation of Light and the Forces of Light have been tasked by Prime Creator/Source to stop and reverse the momentum of this rebellious and blatant dark cabal, and put an end to its deceit and to help humanity and Mother Earth bring into alignment the goals of the Great Shift in Consciousness.

Here’s a short description of NESARA’s mandate in the United States: (2)

Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt.

Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes.

Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

Removes all dark cabal agents and administration officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.

International Monitors will be present to prevent illegal voter ballot stuffing or fraudulent election activities of special interest groups.

Eliminates all “states of emergency” thus declaring peace for every land abiding by GESARA and its alliance.

Allows the new Republic to physically remove or eliminate any obstacle impeding GESARA law.

Ceases all aggressive U.S. government military action worldwide.

Forces the U.S. military to immediately remove troops from all sovereign nations that no longer willingly accept them to reside on their soil (including Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Philippines, etc.).

Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, platinum, and precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

Restores financial privacy.

Establishes peace throughout the world as monitored by the United Nations Security Council.

Releases unprecedented prosperity funds in a “share the wealth redistribution program” for every individual on Earth as well as the release of enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes across the planet. This means that every human being could become a multi-millionaire instantly without debt of any kind. This is in alignment with the Global Currency Reset & Revaluation (GCR-RV). Stay up-to-date on developments.

Enable the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.

Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on Planet Earth.

Increases benefits to senior citizens and children.

Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the U.S. Department of Transportation.


(1) On this great awakening, see:

(2) On G/NESARA, see What’s Next?
 Vol. 5: G/NESARA at

Steve Beckow



My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Arcturian Directive 207 Revelations.


 September 11, 2020 by Derek Knauss.



We welcome all to the higher realms of existence on the material plane. We welcome all to vibratory fields of light, love, joy and laughter. We welcome all to the Intergalactic Federation of Light. We are here and we are with you. The assault on the collective is built on the foundations of fear. The atmosphere generated by your leaders is anchored in fear frequency. The Dark Pyramids emit signals direct into human subconscious activating fight or flight responses. Stress, anxiety and tensions arise from Fear. Illness, physical and mental, arise from fear. A people stagnate in fear vibratory fields. The swamp as you say. The Pyramid was temporarily dismantled to enable whole system upgrades to higher technologies. The current economic and political playing field is anchoring the Pyramid back into place. Our counter attack Operation was launched within Gaia’s ascension field of 2020. We are pleased with the results. Many are unwilling to reengage with the Pyramid, the engineered construct they call the matrix. Obey, conform, sleep, obey, conform, sleep algorithms have been dismantled by the enlightenment awakening of many on the material plane. Led, heralded, championed by lightworkers across the reality field, fearless in their search for truth, shining lights into darkness for others to follow. Many decades of linear time were dedicated to the task of awakening the population to their divinity within the matrix. The Mayan Awakening timeline has been successful in positioning the collective for 2020 and beyond.
A plague of Fear, sourced in Archon astral vibrations, is the true epidemic humanity faces. Elemental transformation on a grand scale as the human collective consciousness is activated in celestial light. Planetary alignment is powerful beyond anything we at the Light Federation have seen or heard of. No other galaxy has behaved in quite this way, as far as we know. It is the fury of the Goddess Gaia activating the ascension field inside Satan’s playground that has brought such attention to Earth’s small world. Primary events sown into the fabric of the time space continuum left a trail of breadcrumbs to this space in time. Warfare occurs on all dimensional fields around the human collective. The ascension field is a space of energetic warfare, dark versus light. A trench war of vibratory push and pull. The tug of war will be over soon enough. It is already done friends. The human collective are caught in a maelstrom of chaotic battling frequencies. The machine is pumping fear into the hearts, minds and souls of every living being on the material plane. From our perspective we see more fear blankets smothering the population in 2020 than we did in 1944. We understand that light is emanating from deep within Gaia, shifting the polar magnetism and bringing the reality plane you experience in line with the quantum magnetism of planetary dynamism.
Much has shifted in your world, yet all will not be clear for sometime. The Fog of Fear clouds sight, sound, all perception except the Third Eye and the Heart. To walk through the valley of darkness and see the angels escorting each and everyone of you. Activating heart space within the mind body soul temple will illuminate the mind and free the soul from the chains of Fear. All is in the heart, liberation and expansion. Stand up to fear friends, in your families, communities and churches. Be powerful in your secure knowledge that you are ascending into spaces of light, joy and peace. All is possible and all will happen. Light Cities are deep in construction, manifesting on the physical plane through the passions and precision of trailblazers, truth speakers, way showers and light bearers. We see all that is light emanating from within Gaia merging with the intense lightwork being done on the crust. Light generated in the hearts of people with open minds, inner strength and power in their step. Knowing the divine is knowing self, when both are accomplished we sterilise fear.
The Archangels are here they surround the dome, ensuring all darkness meets light head on at every turn within the quantum field. Angelic catcher’s in the rye ensure all are tracked and traced on the dark grid, the dark matrix, none will fall through the cracks without assistance offered in the instant. The pandemic is Fear. The vaccine is self care, the cure is self love. Human Rights reflect the Laws of the Universe, the sacred sovereignty of every BEing birthed into the grand game. The right to choose is at the heart of the game. Darkness has its place in the ascension field, it is the Choice, red pill, blue pill or black pill. All are being offered choices every day, every moment, every present moment of quantum time. The Black Moth program has been launched by the Anunaki. Transformation into darkness through choice. We seek to ensure choice is truth, authentic, honest in each souls heart. Mind control has rendered the collective consciousness impotent, lobotomised of sovereignty. The Full Moon centred within Twin Crescent Moons is the sign Light has come to earth. The sun god maligned in his divine masculinity seeks revenge. His male essence has been thwarted, inverted, twisted and rotted to the core. Dissolution of core masculine and feminine balance inverted in the matrix to possession, obsession and infection, has poisoned the sacred waters of divinity in all BEings. We are here to guide support and love each and every one of you as you travel across interdimensional fields towards the Light.
The Anunaki have taken the battle for earth’s material plane and her people to the next level and we are here to meet them head on. The hearts and souls of humankind are gemstones of crystalline light in the multi verse. Creative, passionate sparks of source light are held deep inside each human soul, the Great Awakening is the activation of this spark deep in the heart of darkness. The devil seeks not simply to put out the spark, he seeks to blind you to its existence entirely. How can we seek what we do not know is there? This is his philosophy, what cannot be seen cannot be sought. Disinformation has been hardwired into the upgraded Dark Matrix, Inversion occurs at lightning speed in the cyber and mind control matrices. The upgraded system is dynamic, alert, self aware and precise. Its flaws are its lack of creativity, insight, retrospection and reflection, growth is challenging in stagnant environments.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are cyber. They are rearranging the foundation of human society to correspond with the new parameters of the Fourth Realm Dark Matrix. The Pyramid has received a wholesale upgrade. Typical of puppets with tunnel vision masters, the upgrade has been chaotic rather than systematic, uncoordinated and fraught with ego led tension, narcissistic battles and small minded greed. The Anunaki have too much with the Archangels of Light, the Winged Warriors and the ongoing severity of battle on alternate dimensional fields, to manage their wayward, selfish, greedy, spoilt children running the show on the material plane. Chaos reigns, disguised as strategy and response. Measures are being sanctioned that are a direct infringement of Human Rights and the Rights of All BEings in the quantum field of life. The people awaken to take control of their manchild kings. Power is with the people, peace is the path, expansion of thought, idea and concept is the intention. The light cities are sparsely populated, construction is well underway, we understand all is going to plan.
We have come with this message as an update to your situation on the reality plane. Remain grounded friends. Critical Thinking is the key out of the dark storms of Fear you are engulfed in. Anchor self to Gaia, her Goddess waters will cleanse all fear from your souls. Expand in Meditation and self care. Understand the power of Gratitude, it is subatomic warfare on Fear, dissolving fear in light. The Gaia plane has been magnetized within the quantum field. Gaia rotates once again in alignment with her celestial brothers and sisters. The Anunaki seek to destabilize the energetic tectonic plates anchoring the reality plane to their low vibratory field. We seek to raise it. We commend all for their focus, determination and commitment to resisting Fear in all its guises. We draw All together in a collective space of sacred power and light. Divine justice will rain on all who have perpetrated darkness, deviance and destruction on Gaia and on her people. 1000 years of mandatory quarantine, Dante’s hell realms, await all who choose envy, greed, sexual deviance, status symbols and violence over the red pill of truth, light and love.
We watch as you try to emerge from your divine chrysalis, we empathise deeply with heart felt fears for the impact of Earth Year 2020 on the children of Gaia. Please let us assure you they ARE the change. The children of Gaia are the crystal children, they were always going to man the helm of transformation in 2020. They have held their families, they have grounded their tribes, they have displayed their feathers, their colors freed from the constraints of the matrix. Allow your children to evolve into the space 2020 has created, as you should allow yourSelves to expand. Block fear, set up tight and precise emotional boundaries around loved ones in your care. Prevent, resist and dissolve the matrix at every turn where possible. Respect their sacred hearts and souls, stay focused on protection from Fear.
The Pandemic of 2020 Earth Year is Fear. The Inoculation is Self Love, Gratitude is the Medicine for all wounded hearts, battered souls, fearful and frightened minds and shaken bodies. The Virus is Fear. The Vaccine is Self Care, the Cure is collective Tribal Unity Consciousness. Turn all that is negative into positive. Be resilient, resistant and resourceful. Communicate respectfully with your people, be firm and clear. Peaceful protests will bend, break and blister their resolve. The puppets are battling without their strings, their masters are otherwise engaged. The Light War is on. Those on the material plane receiving our words we commend you for all that you have done in Service to the Light. We are grateful beyond measure for your belief in a peaceful way of living. We power up each of you in divine healing light NOW.
In Divine Light, your servants, comrades and allies, the Arcturian Light Federation Council of Twelve. Peace.
I am aligned
I am rebirthed
I am transformed
I am self.

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All articles are of the respective authors or publishers' responsibility. 

No religious or political creed is advocated here.

Organized religion is unnecessary to spirituality.

Excellent teachings of the masters have been contaminated by the dogmatic control of these religions.

Discernment yes; judgment does not.
If you use discernment you are free to research with an open mind. 

With discernment, it is possible to reach the spirit of the letter of any writing and it is also much easier to listen to the voice of the soul that comes from the heart.
Individually you can be helped to find your Truth that is different from everyone. 

Please respect all credits.

Discernment is recommended.


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