Western financial system suffers $8 trillion implosion, revolution follows
Geo-Political Report (Sample)
of Benjamin Fulford
Posted on March 28, 2023
The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places.
There is also a global awakening to the fact the so-called “rules-based world order,” means rule by genocidal, Satan-worshipping criminals. This means mass arrests and war crimes tribunals are inevitable.
The question now is which Khazarian mafia puppet leader will be first to fall, Emanuelle Macron of France or Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel? Whoever it is, they will be followed in short order by the fake President Joe Biden in the US, Justin Castrudeau in Canada, Olaf Scholz in Germany and Ursula von de Leyen of the EU., Other dominoes to fall will include the fake Pope Francis, and puppet leaders in Pakistan, South Korea, Japan etc.
Since the bankruptcy of the Western Khazarian mafia ruling class is the cause of the political turmoil, let us first look at the latest developments on this front. The basic story is that no matter how hard you try to avoid reality, eventually, it finds a way of catching up. The KM started avoiding reality first by allowing banks to lend $100 for every $8 they have; these are the so-called “BIS rules.” This is dangerous because it means more than ten times leverage. Then, since this was falling apart, Bill Clinton Rockefeller upped the ante by allowing 1000 or more times leverage, This turned most of the Western financial system into a giant hallucination known as derivatives with countless $ gazillion (an imaginary but very large number) being batted around inside bank supercomputers.
The problem is the rest of the world, especially the Asians, insisted on being paid with money backed by real things that actually exist. To keep paying debt to Asia etc, in real stuff the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation and its owners stole oil from Iraq and other countries, extorted Japan’s nest egg, forced the world to buy toxic vaccines etc. The war in Ukraine was their last hurrah as they used it to sell off their weapons stashes and launder stolen crypto-currency via the Ukrainian central bank.

Since even this was not enough, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc, began extorting even more money from the European and American people,
For example, they blew up the Nordstream pipeline to force Europeans to buy LNG from the US at four times the price they paid Russia. That is why the EU’s total LNG imports from the US increased 154 percent in 2022 compared to 2021. Needless to say, European living standards dropped accordingly. This is one of the reasons why Europe is now in flames (more on that later).
The biggest extortion now is coming from the privately owned FRB hiking interest rates. As a result of recent rate hikes, the Indian Express Newspaper estimates US banks have lost at least $2 trillion while banks outside the US have lost $6 trillion in investments in interest-sensitive assets since 2022.
Against this conservative $8 trillion loss estimate US banks insured by the FDIC have nearly $24 trillion in assets while the FDIC only has $125 billion in its war chest. Even this $125 billion is gone because US banks borrowed $153 billion at a punitive 4.75% against collateral at the discount window. This is more than during the Lehman crisis of 2008. This does not even take into consideration the $ quadrillions losses the banks have on derivatives gambles. In a sign this time even central banks are going down, the Dutch central bank lost close to half a billion euros last, year, its first loss since the great depression of 1931. This is just the beginning.
This financial crisis will lead inevitably to the collapse of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS and most international financial institutions as well as many governments. Systems failure anyone?
That is why the Western committee of 300 has proposed to the Asian Elders that.... full report will be post late this Thursday
Benjamin Fulford Update Today March 28, 2023
Video: https://youtu.be/VFDTRDeWo_g
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Benjamin Fulford
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