Dear readers, welcome once again to our message which you the readers, draw forth.
The energy on earth has become intense resulting in upset and confusion for many especially those unaware of the ascension process. The status quo presently in place on earth must change in order for mankind to move into higher reality consciousness but most humans feel safe and comfortable with whatever is familiar and often choose to remain in old, difficult, and painful situations simply because it is what they are familiar with.
Mankind is spiritually awakening and increasingly more individuals are questioning and feeling the need for real answers about themselves and the world which has resulted in a plethora of misinformation and conspiracy theories about everything.
Always look to and trust your intuition before blindly accepting information you may see, hear, or read. It is very easy to slip into three dimensional thinking and become overwhelmed by the magnitude of concepts presently flowing from all directions about this, that, how, why, and who.
Some information may be true, but is often being interpreted and presented in ways that reflect three dimensional concepts. Just because you read, watch, or hear something does not mean that it is true regardless of who the source may be. Humans tend to believe everything those in power say simply because they have been programmed over lifetimes to believe that those in power know better than they do.
Many believe that psychic is the same thing as spiritual. It is not. A channel can rise no higher than the state of consciousness of the channeler. At this time some channels are bringing forth accurate and high resonating information but at the same time there are others interpreting information from and through three dimensional states if consciousness. Use spiritual discernment to know which is which.
Believing and making life choices solely from the level of conspiracy theories is giving away your innate power of discernment. Always go within trusting your intuition and asking for guidance. The ascension process is happening and will continue despite any and all actions to influence or even stop it. Allow the process, even if appearances don't fit your concept of how things should look or unfold.
The higher frequency energies that are now pouring to earth are automatically removing/dissolving lower density energy because there is only ONE and that ONE always seeks alignment with ITself as ONE. Dense and low resonating energies are unable to align with energies of a lighter and higher frequency.
In order for anything to flow harmoniously there must be energetic alignment. Because spiritual growth raises a person's energetic frequency many are finding that they no longer enjoy or feel drawn to some relationships, foods, interests, beliefs, ideas, etc.-- things that were once a familiar part of their life.
There is and always has been only ONE energy but over time the energy of earth became compromised and conditioned by beliefs of separation, duality, and two powers which in turn resulted in the three dimensional collective consciousness of earth that you are all familiar with and many continue to believe is reality.
Oneness does not mean you do not or will not always have individuality. Spiritual oneness is not one bulk group consciousness as some believe. Oneness refers to the ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source Consciousness individualized as every person and all life forms. The bottom line of the spiritual evolutionary journey is to bring every soul to realization, to a state of consciousness aware of ITself as the fullness of individualized Divine Being.
Without individualized Divine Consciousness love would not exist because love is the energy of Divine Consciousness infinitely present, flowing, and connecting all ITs expressions.
Foolish human minds continue with attempts to stop or delay spiritual evolution because they know that it will mean the demise of their power. Those who insist on promoting the past as being some glorious goal to return to are in for a rude awakening. The past was not better and in fact was much less evolved than today but its density was hidden from and unknown by most.
If you are uncomfortable and confused about anything ask yourself; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way? In the Light of the truth I know, is it true?" Examine your belief system honestly and accept that much of what you were taught and have believed is simply not true. This will allow you to begin living and making choices from the higher levels of spiritual truth.
Spiritual empowerment has largely been unknown to many as the result of past lives lived in slavery and domination by individuals, rulers, and false religious dogma. As mankind evolves, the energy of empowerment is surfacing and allowing many for perhaps the first time, to realize that they can think for themselves and do not need those in positions of power to tell them what to believe, what they need, or what they must do.
However, there are some living fully from a three dimensional state of consciousness presently misinterpreting their new sense of spiritual empowerment and using it for control and personal gratification which is one of the reasons the world is presently witnessing more violence.
Those determined to keep the status quo will continue attempting to manipulate truth through words and actions. Do not lose hope in the belief that "nothing is happening". Allow the process to unfold as it must for it is a Divine activity not subject to human concepts about how it should manifest. You are as of yet unaware of what is taking place behind the scenes.
Keep your spiritual discernment close for it is indeed a time of change and chaos as earth suffers the labor pains necessary to bring forth a world based in oneness with God and each other.
It is not a time to dress obsolete beliefs and concepts in bright new clothes and call them better.