Posted on January 2, 2025
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj!
We are gradually moving from the age of Pisces and into the age of Aquarius. What does this mean, and how will Earth and the consciousness of her inhabitants be impacted?
The Earth’s axial precession slowly moves the vernal equinox point from the constellation of Pisces into that of Aquarius, signifying a shift in the ruling astrological energy through a period of time.
The shift is not an all at once changeover. Instead the energies and aspects of the two signs will be coming and going in waves, intermingling, with the impact of Pisces becoming less and less dominant, while the energies of Aquarius take charge, and its influence begins to be felt more and more.
As we rise in frequency, simultaneously the waves of Aquarius are flooding the Earth with its energies and influences. Let’s look at the image provided to see some of the shifts we can expect going forward from Pisces and into the Aquarius paradigm.
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