I saw an article on a conference in another country for conservatives and it more or less equated conservatism with President Trump.
I instantly found myself distancing myself from the term “conservative” but identifying with the term “Trump.”
Even though I’ve written twice or three times on this topic, I feel the need to write again. And I do so as an outside observer, by your leave.
***Under the big-tent Republican Party, I believe, cluster two types of people, tied together by mutual allegiance to the vision of Donald Trump (and his impressive team).
The first is the more traditional Republican base of conservative Americans. I think most people have a commonsense idea of their values and policies without my needing to go over them here. I don’t feel myself qualified to summarize them.
The new or second group is the different one, which I belong to in spirit. It’s mostly composed of walkaway reformers whose traditional house was the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy. I can’t think of a Democratic president since him that I’d put in his league. Except for one President whose secret life destroyed him. Or was that two or three?
Now comes along a brash and determined Donald Trump, promising to drain the swamp that drowned Kennedy. Tremendous allure, I’d think, for my generation of baby-boomers. I don’t know about others.
Thus, my own sympathies, as an onlooker, were and are with Trump and the reformers – the people who are with Trump because they too are dedicated to draining the swamp. I’m leaving the conservative side of things to conservatives. In any political system that works, I think this makes most sense.
I’m not overly attracted to conservatism. It has its place in my life, but my mission is in larger measure to participate in re-building Nova Earth. Right now that process seems to mean being a reformer.
***Potential conflict arises if the conservatives think the reformers are going too far and either just don’t support them or, worse, try to rein them in, instead of supporting them and giving them full rein.
Draining the swamp requires unity and sacrifice. Such is the price of freedom, as the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew.
Once hard-and-fast conservatives see the extent of unspeakable evil the deep state practices and what it had in store for us, I think they’ll change their minds. Hopefully informing them is something the ten days of broadcasts will take care of.
***If people don’t understand what’s happening, they get irritated and end up distrusting and dismissing each other.
This is too important a juncture in world history to let conflict happen. Our media won’t recognize what’s really happening, our political leaders avoid discussing it, and everyone else pooh-poohs it as dreaming or woo-woo stuff.
Which makes us pretty well the standard bearers. Allow me please to offer my version of what’s happening to ward off conflict.
Let’s start with us ourselves. We lightworkers are here to build a New Earth, from the ground up AND from the top down. This New Earth is coming because of and in spite of what we do: It’s laid on.
According to the physics of this universe, the Earth’s vibratory level is gradually rising, taking us with it. (1) And the biggest change for us as a global society from these rising vibrations is access to a love like we’ve never imagined before. (2)
That love will shape everything else that follows. For instance, coming from the experience of that love, no one would think of harming another. The thought would never arise. I once discussed with Michael how the idea of “forgiving” will disappear because there won’t have been any perpetrations to apologize for or forgive. And he agreed.
But, to reside permanently in that sphere, we need to have led a decent enough life that we can tolerate the higher lovelight vibrations. (3)
We know that this shift in consciousness is coming and having that knowledge should allow us to remain calm when many around us are losing their balance.
We’re moulting as a society, in response to factors much larger than any we can substantially grasp or affect. We’re shedding a lot of dead skin and emerging in a lighter, more adaptable body. (4)
Our new financial and economic tools – and many other processes – will be faster and safer. Health restored by med beds. Universal basic income. You know the story. (5)
As an aside, I feel better entrusting this moulting process to Donald Trump than anyone else I can think of save several of the folks in his entourage (JD Vance, etc.).
***As always, what determines which way I go or where I turn is the will of the Divine Mother. The Great Architect herself, she reassures us that evil will lose in the hidden war now underway and love will win:
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies [into the new interdimensional region of space] takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, Sweet One, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. …
Make no mistake, … Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (6)
This is the basis of remaining calm and doing all we can to help with what looks like the destruction of an old order and is really the birth of a new.
It’s not a revolution. It’s very rapid social evolution.
Anyone is welcome to come along who can hold the light. I’m describing life after the swamp is drained (7) and, in my opinion, Donald Trump and the Earth Alliance are the very best instruments to do that preliminary work.
(1) “[Your] limitations are being reversed by the ever-increasing intensity of light in bodies that are absorbing it.” (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.)
On the rising vibrations and the resulting consciousness shift, see:
(2) See Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Love-Like-We-Never-Imagined-It-to-Be-R15.pdf
(3) “Actually, your ‘travel ticket’ is the absorption of light that comes automatically with living in godly ways.” (Matthew’s Message, Dec. 21, 2008.)
(4) See Life After Ascension at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Life-After-Ascension-4.pdf
(5) On lightworkers building Nova Earth, see:
(6) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.
(7) See Life After Ascension, ibid.