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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Mysterious Drones are not mysterious at all and not all are drones

By Matthew Ward (Matthew)

Channel: Suzanne Ward

Posted on January 3, 2025

God’s greeting; “mysterious drones”; upcoming changes; animals; volunteers; differences in physical and spirit worlds

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our great pleasure to welcome God.
GOD: My dear children, there is so much light in your world now, so much goodness, and a brand new level of excitement! Life on Earth is meant to be joyful, healthy and prosperous for all, and it will be—you are helping to ensure this!
Your new year will be unlike any other time in Gaia’s long varied history. Out of the commotion will come greatly needed changes and by year’s end, you will be astounded at the abundance of reforms your light has helped bring about. Our whole universe thanks you!
Keep shining brilliantly, precious souls, and love self and each other as I love you.       
Matthew, thank you, and thank you, Suzy.
MATTHEW:  Thank you, God, for your reassuring words.
Now we shall address the topic of numerous questions and comments—the “mysterious drones.” Your leaders who are working with extraterrestrial advisers know those are not mysterious at all and not all are drones.
The Illuminati know this too. The first objects seen were unmanned secret space crafts they sent up to get the public’s reaction as a measuring stick, so to say, for a large-scale holographic invasion. That is why a light forces fleet commander told a few of the crews in cloaked reconnaissance ships to show themselves, and several intelligence-gathering crafts, which could be considered a future generation of your most sophisticated drones, were released from the mother ship to add playfulness to the phenomenon in your skies. The commander also gave strong cautions to authorities not to fire at any light forces’ vehicle.
The Illuminati, who are those authorities, are trying to keep the lid on their sinister interplanetary space project and the very existence of extraterrestrials, so their spokespersons can only say they don’t know what the objects are, why they came or where they came from, but they don’t pose any risk to Earth. If ever the public was panicky, that feeling turned to annoyance with feeble official statements.
As interests returned to seasonal preparations and festivities, the common takeaway was, whatever those mysterious objects are, they did nothing to harm us, so let us eat, drink and make merry.
In previous messages we have said not all is as it seems. Now we say almost nothing is as it seems. Rarely does anything significant in “the news” have even a nodding acquaintance with actual happenings and there is an increase in the number of doubles and AI clones pretending to be someone who is deceased or is staying out of sight for safety.
What is authentic is, the power of love-light permeating the planet is breaking down archetypical standards to make way for new structures and systems that will well serve a newly awakened society. Governments are being reformed or replaced and new geographic boundaries being discussed will benefit affected citizens. Also on the near horizon are the emergence of truths that were covered up, often by labeling them conspiracy theories, and the exposure of the pretenders.
On the more distant horizon, the new global economy will serve all peoples and every soul will have a fair share of Earth’s resources. War-torn areas will be cleared and rebuilt so displaced residents can return home. Religious dogma and falsehoods will fall by the wayside as people grow spiritually and consciously. Cultures will preserve the finest traditions and abandon those that originated in deep third density. Mutual respect will replace bigotry, divisiveness will end as unity consciousness develops, and life once again will be in harmony with Nature. That is your world on the doorstep of Earth’s Golden Age!
Returning to the moment at hand, many of you have asked what you can do now for Earth besides “just BE.” The plight of animals and their importance in your world needs to be more widely known. Animals are souls, aspects of God just as you and we are, and many species are way-showers of unconditional love, loyalty and supportiveness. How a civilization treats all its animals determines its evolutionary status, and in this respect, Earth’s peoples need to step up and do better.
Dear ones, please don’t think we are overlooking what your light has influenced— the growing numbers of dedicated rescue groups, the thousands and thousands of families who have adopted pets in shelters, and the emphasis on protecting animals in their natural habitats. Your efforts in this regard and the light from animals’ awareness and gratitude are part of the high vibrations on the planet!
However, other situations are very disheartening, especially the inhumane conditions in which species that provide you with food live and die and the sonar testing that is so injurious to whales and dolphins, the most evolved souls on Earth. Animals taken from their families and confined in zoos, circuses or pools are sad,  lonely and desperate. A civilization that lets that widespread abusiveness exist and has puppy mills, kills animals for body parts, and uses animals in unnecessary medical and product testing is not ready to move into fourth density.
A related situation is the befouling of your oceans with myriad tons of garbage. Dreadful disrespect of Gaia’s body that also damages her sea life includes oil spills, nets that strangle marine life, toxic sewage and spray in chemtrails.
Dear family, the aforementioned situations and all others that need to be ended will be! You and previous generations of volunteers radiated the light that enabled some of Earth’s peoples to realize they have the power to change what is wrong in their world and the root of all wrong is darkness. White Hats is a recent name for warriors in the light forces that have taken on directly the captives of the dark forces, and you are the hats’ silent partners, in a manner of speaking. The love-light power of this teamwork is soundly defeating Earth’s formidable foe!
What happens anywhere in this universe affects everything everywhere else. That is why all light beings echo what God said: Our whole universe thanks you!
“What is the difference, if any, of existing in 5D and existing in the Afterlife? To me, it seems that both are the same.”  A civilization’s spirit realm is designed to provide them with the finest of what they were familiar with, so fifth density worlds and their Afterlife realms do have similarities in natural beauty, personal interests, activities, comforts and conveniences, but they also have significant differences.
Since physical worlds differ, their spirit realms do too. We shall speak about life in the many we know and occasionally a feature of Nirvana, Earth’s spirit word, that is not universally prevalent. But we begin with what is true of every spirit world: They are discarnate and residents have etheric bodies. Third density vision would not detect anything at all, but residents clearly see each other and everything else in their realms. And, when a soul in a spirit world telepathically sends images to a receiver, the soul and all surroundings appear solid.
Etheric bodies differ from physical worlds’ dense bodies in numerous ways. Incarnate souls can have sexual relationships and females can conceive and give birth. No babies are born in spirit worlds; bodies are not designed for sexual relations or reproduction.
People in physical worlds must eat to survive. Spirit world residents can drink liquids, which are eliminated as vapor through the skin, but they absorb only the essence of food because their bodies have neither the digestive nor elimination systems that dense bodies do.
After persons in physical civilizations labor long and hard, their bodies can feel exhausted and achy. Etheric bodies never tire or feel any discomfort. To maintain optimum fitness, physical bodies need to sleep daily. Etheric bodies never need to sleep.
Souls who arrive in Nirvana younger or older than 35 or so years, quite rapidly age or de-age to that prime time in a physical body and remain at that stage throughout their spirit lifetime. That is not true of every civilization’s Afterlife.
Pets and their families are reunited in many spirit worlds. In Nirvana, animals who lived in jungles, forests and prairies are tame and mingle with the other residents. All animals and people communicate telepathically, the way things were in the Beginnings on Terra, the planet later called Earth.
Planetary worlds are spheres and many include seasonal weather. Spirit worlds are amorphous and most have pleasantly warm temperatures throughout. A special feature of Nirvana lets residents who want to enjoy winter sports encapsulate a large area of snow and ice in the midst of the realm’s moderate climate, and that area isn’t visible to anyone outside of it.
In physical worlds like Earth the lengths of light and darkness vary according to seasons and geographical locations. There are no high noon sunny days or dark nights in most spirit worlds. Light glows softly during daytimes and dims somewhat in evenings, and residents can manifest whatever light they desire in their homes.
Fifth density physical worlds are in the continuum, but for planning purposes people still may use clocks and calendars. Linear time doesn’t exist in spirit worlds.
Attire in physical worlds can differ as widely as climate, season, culture and current fashion. Residents of Nirvana usually wear sandals and lightweight white robes with white, gold or pastel sashes or cords. That attire or other comfortable casual styles are common in spirit worlds.
Love in a physical world varies from parental love to “being in love” with its strong sexual attraction and possibly heartache, infidelity and disappointment. Love in spirit worlds is uniformly pure, without conditions or deviations, and the high vibrations of love permeate those realms. Love bonds from other lifetimes take precedence over legal partnerships in the immediate past lifetime.
In a physical world people concentrate on acquiring knowledge and honing talents and abilities for use during the lifetime. Most people in spirit worlds also like to study, but they use newly-acquired information along with experience and knowledge gained in other embodiments to plan their next lifetime.
Beloved sisters and brothers, life is glorious in 5D physical and spirit worlds! If you enjoy envisioning yourself living in those environments, do so of course, but please live every day to the fullest this lifetime! Can you imagine a more meaningful, fulfilling, unique experience than participating in a universally unprecedented multidimensional effort to liberate a civilization from eons of darkness? We cannot!
Light is flooding Earth and steadfastness in your mission is part of it. All light beings in this universe honor and support you all along your Earth journey.
Suzanne Ward


Compiled by from: 
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My notes: 


What the Volunteers Really Volunteered For

The 9D Arcturian Council 

Channel Daniel Scranton

Posted on December 20, 2024

We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
We have been noticing how many of you there on Earth are bearing witness to yourselves and to others in your lives without rushing to judgment, and we want you to know that this is a huge sign of spiritual evolution. Any time you are resisting the knee-jerk reaction of judgment, you are growing and evolving. And because you are not choosing judgment, you are choosing compassion, or at least acceptance. We want you to know that there is great power in just accepting yourself as you are, others as they are, the world as it is. Once you make peace with yourself and others, then you can make better decisions.
You can use that free will of yours to move towards the light, but you are never moving towards the light while simultaneously condemning the darkness. You can acknowledge the darkness, and choose to be the light in the face of it, and that is what we recommend that you do, but you do not have to condemn anyone or anything in order to feel better about yourself. When you realize this, it is liberating. You are then free to be who you are without self-judgment, and you are there to become more of who you really are. That’s a natural process, and you can only thwart that process really. The acceleration of it is in the letting go.
If you are looking to grow and evolve spiritually, just let go of everything that doesn’t feel right to you, that feels heavy, that feels like it’s out of alignment with that truth of who you really are. It will be so much easier to accept everything about yourself when you’re first willing to do that for others. And so what we like about what we see going on there on Earth at this time is we see less of a tendency to point fingers, blame and come up with crafty conspiracy theories, and we see more of a willingness just to sit with what is and even a willingness to offer compassion to all of your fellow humans, animals, and all beings in the plant kingdom as well.
This is the unity that you wanted to experience, and unity consciousness is the truth of who you are, so you might as well move towards it willingly, deliberately, and even with some enthusiasm about heading home. The real you is the whole you, and the whole you includes all of the parts in this universe. And you, as awakened ones, as The Awakened Collective, can show others the way, and that is what you volunteered to do.
You never said, ‘I’ll go forth and point out all the darkness, condemn it, and make sure all of the evil-doers get put away for life or worse.’ That’s a very 3D game you’d be playing, and you knew you had to get embroiled in the third dimension before making the choice to ascend out of that level of consciousness, and that’s exactly what the Awakened Collective and the volunteers are doing right now. You are leading the way to the new Earth, and we see it, and others like us see it, and we are all extremely proud of you.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
Daniel Scranton

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!




Ending of light vs. dark battle on Earth

By Matthew Ward (Matthew)

Channel: Suzanne Ward

Posted on November 1, 2024

volunteers’ part; effects of fear; light forces; “lost” memory; special treatment for some souls, healing, karma

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Creator Source, Supreme Being of the cosmos, endowed all souls with the free will gift of using Its love-light energy to co-create whatever they could imagine.
The Supreme Being of this universe, called God or other names in reverence, used that gift in His domain to manifest joyous, healthy, prosperous, spiritually and consciously enlightened souls with remarkable innate powers.
Some strong souls used their free will to put into dormancy 10 of weaker souls’ 12 DNA strands and confined those benumbed souls in a matrix that excluded all the marvelous qualities and abilities God had bestowed upon them. Thus began the universal battle between the light forces and the dark forces and it has been raging ever since.
Let us liken that matrix to tightly-wound balls of yarn in Earth’s energy field of potential, which reflects activity on the planet. Down through the ages those balls stayed rigidly in place as activity in the field showed how one civilization after another was dominated by a succession of powerful, greedy, ruthless individuals.
About 90 years ago an influx of light loosened the balls and they started unraveling. They continued unraveling throughout the decades that followed and today the matrix is but countless threads flailing chaotically. That analogy, however paltry, represents the ending of the universal battle on Earth.
The dark forces fight with divisiveness, deception, corruption and fear. The light forces use only the power of love, and in the continuum, they already have won the battle. The souls you have helped awaken now know this, and it will well serve them and you when truths start tumbling out. We don’t know exactly when that will be or the order in which truths will come forth, but it is realistic to anticipate that before long you will be amidst a virtual cauldron of emotional disturbance—the most dynamic stage of your Earth journey is nigh.
You have been told by messengers of the light that of the billions of souls who wanted to experience this unprecedented time on Earth—in this universe!—you were chosen because you are the strongest. That is not flattery, that is fact! It is why many of you are in the trenches, so to say, with White Hats, Red Hats or patriot groups, or are journalists, scientists, whistleblowers or undercover agents, and all of you are radiating and anchoring the light that is undergirding all rightful activities and actions. Beloved sisters and brothers, you’ve got this!
“Matthew often says ‘Be fearless’ as if fear always is negative. What about when it gives a person an adrenaline rush that saves his own life or someone else’s?” It isn’t fear, it is fearlessness that motivates someone to dash headlong into danger to save a life.
Fear paralyzes the mind.  It is clear thinking and common sense that are your allies when swift action is needed, and we’re not overlooking the value of knowing survival techniques. It isn’t fear that motivates firefighters to run into a burning building and carry out individuals caught in the blaze and coast guardsmen don’t act from fear when they dive into frigid waters to rescue drowning persons—those responders act knowledgeably and appropriately as well as courageously.
Fear isn’t what spurs people to help strangers who are trapped in a crashed vehicle or who are struggling to rise after a fall, for instance. They see that help is needed and their response comes from the heart.
Conscience, instinct and intuition are ingredients of the soul and thereby are natural reactions. Fear is an acquired sensation, taught to children or they learn it by observation. Parents, by example and guidance, please teach your children safety measures and precautions, not fearfulness!
Not only is fear a greatly magnified emotion with vibrations in the lowest frequency range, it is contagious. When a person fears a current or imminent situation or even some “what if…,” that strong energy flows to nearby individuals who then also have sensations of fright.
And, fear is the dark ones’ source of fuel and perhaps their most effective tool. Their very survival requires a continual supply of low frequency energy, so they create situations that cause widespread fear in the populace, whose reactions supply that the low vibrations that sustain the producers of those situations.
That vicious cycle involves the universal law of attraction. Energy streamers with fear attachments shoot into the collective consciousness, find situations with matching energy and bring those back to Earth, thus perpetuating fear-filled circumstances.
Dear ones, be fearless!
“Will the winner of the US presidential election make positive differences worldwide?” It would not be accurate to attribute positive differences to the election winner or any other individual. The pathway to benevolent changes in your world has been paved by the light forces—volunteers, other lightworkers such as the “Hats,” members of the extraterrestrial special forces, all persons living in godly ways, and light-beaming far distant civilizations—and the ever-rising vibrations that are fortifying all efforts based in goodness.
The public doesn’t know about the light forces and it’s doubtful that they are thinking about vibrations; however, those powerful sources have major roles in all elections and other national affairs and their aftermath. Whatever gains permanence anywhere in the world will be aligned with the light, and anything with base intention will be fleeting or never get off the ground.
“It’s clear that my memory is slipping away, and dementia is a logical concern now. Please ask Matthew when we’ll have technology that can restore lost memory.” It would be jumping the gun to ease concerns about dementia, so let us address slipping memory. Mother, please look for the passage about this topic and copy it here.
[Saminten talked about memory loss during one of our long conversations in 2003 that became the “Saminten” chapter in Illuminations for a New Era. His highly evolved civilization is a soul collective in which unity consciousness is so satisfying, there is no mental or emotional individuation of the souls.]
You decry the loss of time that seems to be zipping by and another loss you lament is memory. Neither of these aspects of third dimensional awareness is being lost, dear ones. “Time” never has been as you devised it with 24 hours each day and 12 months in a year and so forth. This has served you well, but no longer is this happening. Your time structure is collapsing as energy is moving at its lighter density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming with more velocity. So rather than time being lost, it is speeding up.
The memories that many of you speak of as “gone,” are not. With the acceleration of everything within the universe, it is natural that the cells of your body are reacting to being lifted into a higher survival mode. Most of all, this is affecting your brains—the computers that turn on your thinking and reasoning processes—and this is necessary! The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to slough the layers of forgetfulness and programming that have denied them full functioning ability.
If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thinking, then you are stuck in the third density that not much longer will be the status of Earth’s being. So it is desirable for you to feel not quite firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment.
Thank you, Mother. Not remembering clearly has become commonplace and Saminten’s explanation will relieve many minds.
“Is karma involved in satanic rituals or deaths due to ‘‘weather warfare’?”  First let us say that during the past few decades Earth’s karmic merry-go-round has been slowing and now is nearly motionless. At this point in the process of personal ascension, almost everyone who chose to complete all karmic lessons in this lifetime instead of in stages during several lifetimes are nearing their goal, albeit with loving assistance of caring souls in many cases, and many already have transitioned to spirit life. So choosing as a karmic lesson death by the questioned means would be extremely rare, especially for youngsters.
Adults who did not choose to perish when and how they did, via satanism or disasters caused by weather warfare, receive customized treatment in Nirvana’s healing centers with medical assisters constantly in attendance. When the etheric body is strong and the psyche healed, those persons are gifted with advancement in evolutionary status and elevated to a higher level in Nirvana where there are more choices of residence, amenities, encapsulated weather areas and means of travel throughout the realm.
Young children through early teenage also receive customized treatment for damaged bodies and psyches. Throughout the recovery process, each is lovingly nurtured by a personal caretaker and trained counselors conduct special exercises, activities and age-appropriate classes designed to reduce the intensity of cellular memory in subsequent incarnations.
Divine grace enters the treatment of infants and toddlers used in satanic rituals, which began soon after darkness entered this universe. Without extraordinary intervention, psychic and physical trauma at such a young age can remain in cellular memory for as many as 20 lifetimes, and no soul would willingly choose to be haunted by that horror. Therefore, long ages ago, a unique world was established for the youngest victims of satanism.
Each baby or little child lives in a cheerful room with friendly animals as companions while a specialist gently soothes cellular memories. Whether that process takes a year or a century, the tiny residents don’t age—aging would let cells change and the effect would be like releasing lethal toxins into the environment.
When the psyche and body are healed, the soul has a celebration of gratitude, then dematerializes the little body and designs one for an infant with minimal awareness. The new soul’s introduction to mortality is a short, tender experience of feeling safe and cherished. The original soul’s second personage has more awareness and lives a bit longer, and souls in subsequent incarnations have increasing measures of intelligence, reasoning ability and growth experiencing. That gradual return to a “normal” life span reduces the effects of cellular memory until it has only minimal subliminal influence on the person’s life.
Individuals whose diabolical acts cause that kind of suffering and death incur karma that may be a number of very difficult lifetimes in a third density world,  confinement in the tiny orb where the density matches their lifetime energy, or reabsorption by Creator Source, wherein all souls had their Beginnings.
Let us add that Nirvana will continue ascending with Earth into successively lighter energy planes, but the orb will not. When all Earth humankind are 4D in evolutionary status, the orb’s residents will be transferred to a similar dense outpost of a 3D civilization’s spirit world and the orb’s energy will be neutralized with an infusion of light, then returned to one of the universe’s energy pools.
Revealing the truth about dark ones’ unconscionable acts is the part of planetary cleansing that will enable all souls and Earth herself to heal and move forward. Dearest family, simply by BEing, you are a powerhouse of the love-light that does the healing.
All light beings in this universe honor you for steadfastness in your mission and with unconditional love support you.
Suzanne Ward


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!

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