One Who Serves
Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Ohm
Greetings to you One Who Serves here, Shoshana is here and we are ready to assist you in your questions if you have them, we have noticed over the times here as we have been working with you over the many years now, that the questions that you had been asking are becoming much much more; what you would call, sophisticated much more advanced, we will say. Beyond the earlier questions where if you wondered who you were; perhaps in another lifetime and things of this nature. Which you have realized, come to realize, there is no reason to wonder about that, to analyze that. Indeed, analyzing does not bring you to the truth. Analyzing only holds you to the old programming. So, let go of all of that and move beyond into the questions that you have, that would be considered higher level questions; we will say, as you have been asking for quite some time now.
So with that understanding, please ask your question, and have no concern about whether it is a question that needs to be asked or not. For if it is a question within you now at this point, it is a question that not only you need to receive the answer to, but many also will benefit from that answer as well.
We are already for your questions.
I have a question.
Master OWS
I heard that med beds weren’t necessarily a physical thing, it was more based on our mindset. But that seems contra to other evidence or you know, pictures I’ve seen of med beds and other articles.
Master OWS
We will tell you that there is both here. There is what you are speaking of in terms of going into other dimensional states and being able to access those med beds, that we have done several times with some of you during your advances/retreats. What you used to call retreats, and which we have also done in your meditations, and things of this nature. But there are also those med beds; as you are calling them, which are indeed quite physical and will be brought forward in, not too distant future, we are finding, they’re coming closer and closer to being realized as the forces at work now, are going to be able to bring this about, in perhaps even in this next year you will see them coming here. We cannot say for certain, but we can say that they are already in process of being rolled-out when the signal is given for this to happen. And there are some that are already in use at this point, for those that are working with this part of your medical understanding, which you must understand is beyond the medical understanding that you have had.
So it is a process, but it is coming forward and indeed there are physical uses of this, which will become apparent in the times ahead. Shoshanna you have something you add for this?
Well, we would ask this dear sister, what if we could ask you? What is your question? What do you wish to ask this question? How does it apply for you?
I guess I would, I was looking forward to going into a physical bed and having some work done so that’s how I was visualizing it and then I had heard somebody who I, who’s information I trust that it was not. So I guess I wanted to prepare myself, if it was not going to be physical, but I can understand that there’s a mental aspect to this as well.
What One Who Serves has provided; and this answer is very accurate, that they’re all levels of what you are calling the med bed. There’s a physical level and if that is your, if that is your state of mind then you will find yourself in a physical apparatus, you see. If your state of mind is different than that you will find yourself somewhere else. So, it’s all up to you see, and it is all up to your own consciousness as, as it has been given, namaste.
Master OWS
We will add here that there already are depictions of this, pictures that you can look at on your internet and there is even, there was a movie that we’re finding call “Elysium” and in that, in the very end of that movie, they were showing what were called “med bays” in that movie and they are very, very similar to what they shall look like when they are rolled out…. Okay?
Wonderful, thanks so much.
Master OWS
Would there be other questions here?
Oh, can I ask a question?
Master OWS
Yes please.
Could you repeat the name of the movie you just talked about?
Master OWS
Okay, could you spell it?
Master OWS
I think, you can look it up, it begins with E. ends with M, Elysium.
Okay, thank you.
Master OWS
It was a, as we’re finding it from the James here. I’d rather what you would call a blockbuster movie.
Would there be other questions here?
I do have a question.
Sorry, but I’m hoping the traffic won’t be too Bad, so let’s give it a try. So, I was intrigued by when XXXXXX had said last time and answered one of my questions, or rather Shoshanna, hum that, the physical body is the physical body, regarding my cat. So, that was interesting to me, cause I’m, doing this course called, he talked to back and he healed anything, and attempting to bring what I know, or bringing not attempting, bring what I know about natural healing and, and all of that to the world, is the best possible step, healed a lot in myself, but I’m curious though, the instantaneous healing that we hear about in the Bible or with the Tibetan monks of instantaneously, like melting the ice around you as you sit on the mountain.
All these instantaneous miraculous kinds of things.
So, I mean it seems like that’s the physical body cause they haven’t, as far as I know gone to the light body, so how is that being, happening? I mean, in the actual physical body, maybe they are splitting back and forth between a fifth dimensional light body and a physical third dimensional body. I’m just curious about that, for this, for my healing work and that conversation.
Master OWS
Please if you would rephrase your exact question here.
How can it be, how can it be the body, the body, and it’s gonna do what it does, but also be, but somehow, somewhere, there’s, there’s instantaneous miracles happening. I don’t understand that distinction.
We will share, our perspective dear sister, may we share?
Yeah, please.
All, all things come down to consciousness.
That is, what everything comes down to is consciousness. So, when you speak about Tibetan monks melting the ice, that is because they have a very high understanding and a very high consciousness, and they draw from the power of other dimensions, and they are also highly united with their own higher-selves and the God source. So that they can drop upon that power, they have learned to do that, and that is available to you as well. All that is available to you, but when you ask of, about the state of mind of all those that wish to be healed, it is various.
Those that do not understand combining their selves or merging their selves with their higher-self, will not understand that part of the healing, you see. They will be more physical. So, when you approach the masses, or you approach segments of the masses, it will all be dependent upon their state of mind, how they think, if they think that all healing is physical, then that is what they will think. If they think all healing is; some level of spiritual intervention, then that is what they will think. So you will reach people, where they are, and the body is the body.
The body can heal itself, you see. It can heal itself instantly, but in order for the body to heal itself instantly, the state of mind, the consciousness of the mind must be in line with that. So that the mind believes and accesses the healing that the body requires. But if there is not that level of understanding, it cannot, does that make sense to you sister?
Oh, that makes great sense and, and the course does start out with the rudimental services or parts of it and get more complicated. So I guess those who aren’t interested in more complicated we’ll get that what they want and then other people will move on. So yes, it makes that be kind of sense. Thank you.
Yes, that is, that is correct. So, so, move on, do, do what you do and allow those that wish to hear it, to hear it, and allow those that wish to progress with you, to progress with you, and let go of any real fear. We understand you don’t have fear, but let go any preconceived notion that this is what it’s going to be, and just move your feet, namaste.
Master OWS
Now we would add here, remember Yeshua when he worked on healing, he did not heal all, and those that he did bring healing to, some healing stayed with them, and others it faded, and the reason it faded is because they did not believe. Remember he said “it is your faith that has healed you”.
Mm-hmm, right, yes yes, thank you so much.
And we will add one more thing here, dear sister. may we add?
Yes please.
There is a great technology in your culture called the “placebo effect”. All of your large companies that pedal their drugs, do not wish for you to know this. They do not wish to, to let this out into the public, that this is a real thing, that this actually works. So many, many have been given a sugar pill and been cured, because as One Who Serves has given, they believed it would cure them. So, it is all truly about believe, and you can give anyone anything, and if they’re belief level, which is, which comes from the higher dimensional understandings, is strong enough they will be healed. That is, that is how it, that is how it works. However, the majority of your current third dimensional culture has not been exposed to this, and does not believe this, therefore the big pharmaceutical companies that pedal their drugs are strong as ever, that is what they believe in, namaste.
Sorry, would it just … one little thing, would it be fair to say that some of those pharmaceuticals are gonna mess with the mind and the ability to believe in that, in, in your own healing? Would that be a fair assessment?
Ok, cool I thought so, okay, great. Thank you.
Master OWS
Very good. Are there other questions here?
Nothing further?
I have a question.
Master OWS
I have a question, I had a, I had a, a dream and I was wondering if you could give me a, a, if you what you interpret from this, and it was a dream about a movie I saw about the X men, and it was where this woman had a lot of power. And she was called the Phoenix, and she was at, at the very end it showed her she, she’d sacrificed herself for the good of the greater good, and she came through the water, you could see her outline and the water, and it was her rising. And it was, it was about, and my dream was about the Phoenix rising. And so that, that day I called I looked in online, I thought where do I, what is this all about, and I have a, a podcast, I listen to and her name is Phoenix rising star and she aid today is the day of the Phoenix.
And it was eleven, it was November 5th and I didn’t remember that it was a day of voting, because I’d voted early but do you, do you have, do you have any opinion or your knowledge about what what, could that dream might have meant?
Master OWS
As we are often prompted to do here, we would ask you what you felt, your meaning was? for that is more important than what we would bring into this. For; we will just come right out and say this, so we are not about interpreting your dreams, it is rather assisting you in interpreting your own dream. For you to understand it for you to know what it is. For another one to say what it is about, defeats the purpose of what came within the dream itself, you see.
So, ask yourself what this meant for you. What is, about the Phoenix rising? What did that have to do with the date of November 5th which of course was your election day. And how did this work together here? Think about that ,and you will have your answer here. Shoshanna perhaps would give more if she wishes.
We, we can give more if we may? If we have your permission?
Oh, sure. Yes please.
We will tell you that, it is so important to understand yourself and to understand the messages that are given to you during your dream state, and that you look into those, so that you may have a more, a bigger understanding. Because when, One Who Serves is saying is when one gives the answer to another they stop there, there’s no more inquiry. They say, oh, that is the answer. But that is not how it works because this idea of Phoenix rising. Is about. It is about overcoming. It is about moving past the physical. It is about understanding that the physical is not the end of things. It is only the beginning. And that rising past the physical is the goal, you see, and it does not matter that your dream or your mind gave this as the date of November 5th, that does not matter because it is, it is the truth that you are here to rise above, you are here to overcome. You are here to move forward in consciousness and understanding, and you are here to overcome the physical. The physical cannot ascend, you see. The physical has to become the light body to ascend. And that is what Phoenix rising represents. Does this help you dear sister?
Yes, thank you.
Yes, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good. Are there any, we take one more question, if there is, then we would need to release channel.
Anything further?
Well I’ll ask, if no one else has one.
Master OWS
I heard that there’s more fires that were created, generated in Wyoming for example. And I know that consciously we can do lot to help that. I wonder if would be help from above, like from the Galactic perhaps in the situation, like that to prevent any more damage or is it necessary?
Master OWS
We will tell you that, not only in that instant, but in many, many of the occurrences throughout the world, not only in your United States, but throughout the world, there are many times when those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, and those of the ascended ones assist in various ways, to minimize the impact of whatever it is that is occurring, whether it is hurricanes or tornadoes or fires or earthquakes, volcanoes, whatever it is. There is much assistance that is happening; what you would call, behind the scenes where no one really knows that this is happening. It even occurred within your pandemic of the COVID virus, where it was much, much minimized, of what their intention was. So you see, that you have great assistance always happening behind the scenes that you are not aware of.
That’s what we would say about this, Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?
Well, we will add if we can dear sister, may we add to this?
There is a grand scale to focus upon your planet, you earth is much bigger than a fire. It is much more powerful than a pandemic. It is much more grand than what these humans think they can thrust upon it. It is laughable to us. It is a, it is a powerful, powerful being that has sustained itself for billions of years, you see. So one thing cannot destroy it’s power or it’s people even though there are human beings that have become crazy enough to believe that they can control it, overpower it. Use weapons to manage it. The earth is just, is just beginning to fight back and she will fight back with earthquakes and volcano eruptions and floods, etcetera, when there is too much interference, you see, because she is preserving this planet for all of you. And that is why she fights back. Because she is preserving the planet for you. There is no human that can disrupt the power of Gaia, there’s, it just is not there, you see. So, do not concern yourself with fires. Fires, in California, fires in Montana, it is a joke. It cannot, it cannot do anything, it cannot make the planet unsustainable. It continues on no matter what, namaste.
Master OWS
Very good, and we are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have parking message?
We do not.
Master OWS
Very good then we just simply say as your discussion earlier about fear, fear not. Just let go of all fear, just go about your daily lives being in the moment, every moment and search for the truth, that is already within you. That is what we have to say.
Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!