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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


Bringing Spiritual Vitality into Our Lives

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on February 7, 2025

We are created in the image of our Creator. Deep within, we can feel this and know what it is. If we are intent on realizing this as the essence of who we are, we can use our mental and emotional abilities in conjunction with our attention to open our awareness to our inner truth. When we open our awareness to our deepest knowing, we can understand the nature and purpose of our lives as humans. We can understand how we are playing a game of consciousness with ourselves.
In the vibratory range and density of the empirical world, we live within the boundaries that we have created for our awareness to be able to realize this world as real, with nothing beyond it. Enforced by our self-imposed limiting beliefs about ourselves, it is a nearly complete enclosure of our awareness. Realizing our true essence requires strong intention to open our awareness to greater consciousness and creative ability. As we begin to recognize the vibratory quality of our lives, there is a different kind of awareness that happens. It is an inner knowing beyond thoughts and words. We begin to realize everything we experience is created in our own consciousness. The qualities of our experiences are created by the energies that we pay attention to and align with. The forms can be influential, but the most important part is the polarity of our attention.
In every moment we are either mostly positive or mostly negative. When we are aware of our inner knowing, we are guided to a most life-enhancing perspective in unconditional love. Our lives become easy, stress-free and fulfilling. We can be constantly in a state of gratitude. When there is stress, it is because we have lost our inner knowing. In every moment we have the choice of intentionally aligning our attention with the vibratory qualities that we most want to experience. This process operates without a connection to our outer life, and it creates transcendence in every aspect of our lives.
From within our ego-consciousness, we cannot imagine this as our reality, and as a result, we do not experience it. We need to understand that apart from our conscious awareness, nothing exists, except the expressions of universal consciousness, which we participate in. Our recognition and attunement with some of these energies brings them into our experience as real. We can learn to change and direct our attention intentionally by practicing just being present in awareness. As our awareness deepens, we realize that we actually do know everything we need in every circumstance, as long as we don’t think about it, until our thoughts arise from our deepest knowing.
In order to deepen our experience of knowing the difference between living in alignment with the consciousness of our Creator and living without higher guidance, we have created the world of empirical dualism. This world has become so out of balance in favor of negativity, that it has become self-destructive and must be transformed, requiring us to open our awareness in a positive perspective and to align with energies that enhance all life. This realignment of our personal vibrations expands our awareness and changes everything.
Kenneth Schmitt
Click above for more on Kenneth web page.


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
    • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
    • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
    • My personal opinion: Nobody is more Anti-Semite than the Zionists.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?



Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs & just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James and JoAnna McConnell

Posted on November 27, 2024


One Who Serves

Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Ohm

Greetings to you One Who Serves here, Shoshana is here and we are ready to assist you in your questions if you have them, we have noticed over the times here as we have been working with you over the many years now, that the questions that you had been asking are becoming much much more; what you would call, sophisticated much more advanced, we will say. Beyond the earlier questions where if you wondered who you were; perhaps in another lifetime and things of this nature.  Which you have realized, come to realize, there is no reason to wonder about that, to analyze that.  Indeed, analyzing does not bring you to the truth. Analyzing only holds you to the old programming. So, let go of all of that and move beyond into the questions that you have, that would be considered higher level questions; we will say, as you have been asking for quite some time now.

So with that understanding, please ask your question, and have no concern about whether it is a question that needs to be asked or not.  For if it is a question within you now at this point, it is a question that not only you need to receive the answer to, but many also will benefit from that answer as well.

We are already for your questions.


I have a question.

Master OWS



I heard that med beds weren’t necessarily a physical thing, it was more based on our mindset.  But that seems contra to other evidence or you know, pictures I’ve seen of med beds and other articles.

Master OWS

We will tell you that there is both here. There is what you are speaking of in terms of going into other dimensional states and being able to access those med beds, that we have done several times with some of you during your advances/retreats.  What you used to call retreats, and which we have also done in your meditations, and things of this nature. But there are also those med beds; as you are calling them, which are indeed quite physical and will be brought forward in, not too distant future, we are finding, they’re coming closer and closer to being realized as the forces at work now, are going to be able to bring this about, in perhaps even in this next year you will see them coming here. We cannot say for certain, but we can say that they are already in process of being rolled-out when the signal is given for this to happen.  And there are some that are already in use at this point, for those that are working with this part of your medical understanding, which you must understand is beyond the medical understanding that you have had.

So it is a process, but it is coming forward and indeed there are physical uses of this, which will become apparent in the times ahead.  Shoshanna you have something you add for this?


Well, we would ask this dear sister, what if we could ask you? What is your question? What do you wish to ask this question? How does it apply for you?


I guess I would, I was looking forward to going into a physical bed and having some work done so that’s how I was visualizing it and then I had heard somebody who I, who’s information I trust that it was not. So I guess I wanted to prepare myself, if it was not going to be physical, but I can understand that there’s a mental aspect to this as well.


What One Who Serves has provided; and this answer is very accurate, that they’re all levels of what you are calling the med bed. There’s a physical level and if that is your, if that is your state of mind then you will find yourself in a physical apparatus, you see.  If your state of mind is different than that you will find yourself somewhere else. So, it’s all up to you see, and it is all up to your own consciousness as, as it has been given, namaste.

Master OWS

We will add here  that there already are depictions of this, pictures that you can look at on your internet and there is even, there was a movie that we’re finding call “Elysium” and in that, in the very end of that movie, they were showing what were called “med bays” in that movie and they are very, very similar to what they shall look like when they are rolled out…. Okay?


Wonderful, thanks so much.

Master OWS

Would there be other questions here?


Oh, can I ask a question?

Master OWS

Yes please.


Could you repeat the name of the movie you just talked about?

Master OWS



Okay, could you spell it?

Master OWS

I think, you can look it up, it begins with E. ends with M, Elysium.


Okay, thank you.

Master OWS

It was a, as we’re finding it from the James here. I’d rather what you would call a blockbuster movie.

Would there be other questions here?


I do have a question.

Sorry, but I’m hoping the traffic won’t be too Bad, so let’s give it a try. So, I was intrigued by when XXXXXX had said last time and answered  one of my questions, or rather Shoshanna, hum that, the physical body is the physical body, regarding my cat. So, that was interesting to me, cause I’m, doing this course called, he talked to back and he healed anything, and attempting to bring what I know, or bringing not attempting, bring what I know about natural healing and, and all of that to the world, is the best possible step, healed a lot in myself, but I’m curious though, the instantaneous healing that we hear about in the Bible or with the Tibetan monks of instantaneously, like melting the ice around you as you sit on the mountain.

All these instantaneous miraculous kinds of things.

So, I mean it seems like that’s the physical body cause they haven’t, as far as I know gone to the light body, so how is that being, happening? I mean, in the actual physical body, maybe they are splitting back and forth between a fifth dimensional light body and a physical third dimensional body. I’m just curious about that, for this, for my healing work and that conversation.

Master OWS

Please if you would rephrase your exact question here.


How can it be, how can it be the body, the body, and it’s gonna do what it does, but also be, but somehow, somewhere, there’s, there’s instantaneous miracles happening. I don’t understand that distinction.


We will share, our perspective dear sister, may we  share?


Yeah, please.


All, all things come down to consciousness.

That is, what everything comes down to is consciousness. So, when you speak about Tibetan monks melting the ice, that is because they have a very high understanding and a very high consciousness, and they draw from the power of other dimensions, and they are also highly united with their own higher-selves and the God source.  So that they can drop upon that power, they have learned to do that, and that is available to you as well. All that is available to you, but when you ask of, about the state of mind of all those that wish to be healed, it is various.

Those that do not understand combining their selves or merging their selves with their higher-self, will not understand that part of the healing, you see.  They will be more physical. So, when you approach the masses, or you approach segments of the masses, it will all be dependent upon their state of mind, how they think, if they think that all healing is physical, then that is what they will think. If they think all healing is; some level of spiritual intervention, then that is what they will think. So you will reach people, where they are, and the body is the body.

The body can heal itself, you see.  It can heal itself instantly, but in order for the body to heal itself instantly, the state of mind, the consciousness of the mind must be in line with that. So that the mind believes and accesses the healing that the body requires. But if there is not that level of understanding, it cannot, does that make sense to you sister?


Oh, that makes great sense and, and the course does start out with the rudimental services or parts of it and get more complicated. So I guess those who aren’t interested in more complicated we’ll get that what they want and then other people will move on. So yes, it makes that be kind of sense. Thank you.


Yes, that is, that is correct. So, so, move on, do, do what you do and allow those that wish to hear it, to hear it, and allow those that wish to progress with you, to progress with you, and let go of any real fear. We understand you don’t have fear, but let go any preconceived notion that this is what it’s going to be, and just move your feet, namaste.

Master OWS

Now we would add here, remember Yeshua when he worked on healing, he did not heal all, and those that he did bring healing to, some healing stayed with them, and others it faded, and the reason it faded is because they did not believe.  Remember he said “it is your faith that has healed you”.


Mm-hmm, right, yes yes, thank you so much.


And we will add one more thing here, dear sister. may we add?


Yes please.


There is a great technology in your culture called the “placebo effect”. All of your large companies that pedal their drugs, do not wish for you to know this. They do not wish to, to let this out into the public, that this is a real thing, that this actually works. So many, many have been given a sugar pill and been cured, because as One Who Serves has given, they believed it would cure them. So, it is all truly about believe, and you can give anyone anything, and if they’re belief level, which is, which comes from the higher dimensional understandings, is strong enough they will be healed. That is, that is how it, that is how it works. However, the majority of your current third dimensional culture has not been exposed to this, and does not believe this, therefore the big pharmaceutical companies that pedal their drugs are strong as ever, that is what they believe in, namaste.


Sorry, would it just … one little thing, would it be fair to say that some of those pharmaceuticals are gonna mess with the mind and the ability to believe in that, in, in your own healing? Would that be a fair assessment?




Ok, cool I thought so, okay, great. Thank you.

Master OWS

Very good. Are there other questions here?

Nothing further?


I have a question.

Master OWS



I have a question, I had a, I had a, a dream and I was wondering if you could give me a, a, if you what you interpret from this, and it was a dream about a movie I saw about the X men, and it was where this woman had a lot of power. And she was called the Phoenix, and she was at, at the very end it showed her she, she’d sacrificed herself for the good of the greater good, and she came through the water, you could see her outline and the water, and it was her rising.  And it was, it was about, and my dream was about the Phoenix rising. And so that,  that day I called I looked in online, I thought where do I, what is this all about, and I have a, a podcast, I listen to and her name is Phoenix rising star and she aid today is the day of the Phoenix.

And it was eleven, it was November 5th and I didn’t remember that it was a day of voting,  because I’d voted early but do you, do you have, do you have any opinion or your knowledge about what what, could that dream might have meant?

Master OWS

As we are often prompted to do here, we would ask you what you felt, your meaning was?  for that is more important than what we would bring into this. For; we will just come right out and say this, so we are not about interpreting your dreams, it is rather assisting you in interpreting your own dream. For you to understand it for you to know what it is. For another one to say what it is about, defeats the purpose of what came within the dream itself, you see.

So, ask yourself what this meant for you. What is, about the Phoenix rising? What did that have to do with the date of November 5th which of course was your election day.  And how did this work together here? Think about that ,and you will have your answer here. Shoshanna perhaps would give more if she wishes.


We, we can give more if we may? If we have your permission?


Oh, sure. Yes please.


We will tell you that, it is so important to understand yourself and to understand the messages that are given to you during your dream state, and that you look into those, so that you may have a more, a bigger understanding. Because when, One Who Serves is saying is when one gives the answer to another they stop there, there’s no more inquiry. They say, oh, that is the answer. But that is not how it works because this idea of Phoenix rising.  Is about. It is about overcoming.  It is about moving past the physical. It is about understanding that the physical is not the end of things. It is only the beginning. And that rising past the physical is the goal, you see, and it does not matter that your dream or your mind gave this as the date of November 5th,  that does not matter because it is, it is the truth that you are here to rise above, you are here to overcome. You are here to move forward in consciousness and understanding, and you are here to overcome the physical. The physical cannot ascend, you see.  The physical has to become the light body to ascend.  And that is what Phoenix rising represents. Does this help you dear sister?


Yes, thank you.


Yes, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good. Are there any, we take one more question, if there is, then we would need to release channel.

Anything further?


Well I’ll ask, if no one else has one.

Master OWS



I heard that there’s more fires that were created, generated in Wyoming for example. And I know that consciously we can do lot to help that. I wonder if would be help from above, like from the Galactic perhaps in the situation, like that to prevent any more damage or is it necessary?

Master OWS

We will tell you that, not only in that instant, but in many, many of the occurrences throughout the world, not only in your United States, but throughout the world, there are many times when those of the Galactics and the Agarthans, and those of the ascended ones assist in various ways, to minimize the impact of whatever it is that is occurring, whether it is hurricanes or tornadoes or fires or earthquakes, volcanoes, whatever it is. There is much assistance that is happening; what you would call, behind the scenes where no one really knows that this is happening. It even occurred within your pandemic of the COVID virus, where it was much, much minimized, of what their intention was. So you see, that you have great assistance always happening behind the scenes that you are not aware of.

That’s what we would say about this, Shoshanna, do you have anything to add here?


Well, we will add if we can dear sister, may we add to this?




There is a grand scale to focus upon your planet, you earth is much bigger than a fire. It is much more powerful than a pandemic. It is much more grand than what these humans think they can thrust upon it. It is laughable to us. It is a, it is a powerful, powerful being that has sustained itself for billions of years, you see. So one thing cannot destroy it’s power or it’s people even though there are human beings that have become crazy enough to believe that they can control it, overpower it. Use weapons to manage it. The earth is just, is just beginning to fight back and she will fight back with earthquakes and volcano eruptions and floods, etcetera, when there is too much interference, you see, because she is preserving this planet for all of you. And that is why she fights back. Because she is preserving the planet for you. There is no human that can disrupt the power of Gaia, there’s, it just is not there, you see. So, do not concern yourself with fires.  Fires, in California, fires in Montana, it is a joke. It cannot,  it cannot do anything, it cannot make the planet unsustainable.  It continues on no matter what, namaste.

Master OWS

Very good, and we are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have parking message?


We do not.

Master OWS

Very good then we just simply say as your discussion earlier about fear, fear not.  Just let go of all fear, just go about your daily lives being in the moment, every moment and search for the truth, that is already within you. That is what we have to say.

Shanti, peace be with you, be the one!

(End of channeling session!)

James and JoAnna McConnell




My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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Who we are

Por Peter B Meyer

Posted November 23, 2024


The Transition of Planet Earth from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension

Several episodes of human history on Earth have been the result of a succession of extraterrestrial and alien colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on Planet Earth.

The historical archives contain many answers to the frequently asked questions of ‘who we are’, ‘where we came from’ and ‘how we evolved’ to become the beings we are today.

The origins of life go back much further in time than is generally known – and even further than episodes in human history. The exploits begin beyond the boundaries of this planet, originating in star kingdoms, galactic federations and the alien civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and a few others that are only now being discovered.

Meanwhile, the long-awaited changes are finally upon us! Though not as visible as anyone would like, everything in the Earth timeline is sealed. Many millennia have passed! Many eras have passed! Hundreds of successive incarnations!

Now you are here to participate in the great spectacle; the transition of planet Earth from the 3rd to the 5th dimension! Alongside this great event, which is the most important in the Galaxy, the outcome still depends on the Ascension of part of our humanity. Glorious times are dawning and nothing can stop what is to come!

For this final phase of change we are on an unchangeable timeline; the old Armageddon predictions will not happen! We are in for incredible times.

However, there is still one major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself;

The most decisive moment for humanity on planet Earth has now arrived. There will be two well-defined timelines: one will lead part of humanity to the new 5D Earth; the other will lead the remaining part into exile on another 3D planet.

Only about a third or less of current humanity will be able to make this transition. This will require the necessary ascension skills to complete it, so unfortunately the other part will not.

Eventually we will have a new cycle and a new earth. Where no authority will be superior to our free will and choices. Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with the individual preferences of others.

Then the light will have won, where everyone creates their own reality. The destiny of humanity will then be decided. By separating the wheat from the chaff, only 5-dimensional beings will enter this New World. All is expected to be completed, cleared and settled between 2025 and 2030.

Where we come from

From the beginning, the families of the Archon bloodline wanted to rule the world.

In 1773, Professor Adam Weishaupt, at the request of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, drew up the following plan for the 13 most influential families of the Archon bloodline.

The ultimate goal was, and still is, a world dictatorship with one leader at the top, based in Jerusalem, Israel. To this end, all governments and influential politicians were bribed to participate in this goal, without knowing what it would lead to.

The real rulers are the invisible Jesuits, Luciferians and Khazars who exercise their power from behind the scenes.

The crimes of the central bankers are legendary and too numerous to mention here. By providing huge loans to almost every country and people, they have become dependent on the ‘secret’ controlling power of the Deep State.

Governments that tried to remain independent were dealt with and removed by force, and their leaders dethroned. If this was not possible through a political propaganda coup or economic sanctions, the CIA, Mossad or military force was used to achieve the goal of subjugating the country and people to the New World Order regime.

But know that consciousness and unity break the power of the Deep State and its minions. In reality, the mandates and measures against the fake Covid pandemic are undermining the social consciousness of the people. Some understanding is required to identify the social engineering programmes of the global elite and how to avoid becoming a victim.

The global elite want 90% depopulation. They want total control and surveillance over every aspect of your life. They want socialism with power and wealth in their own pockets, in other words communism.

Consciousness and unity are the direct obstacle to these plans. Now they want to take away everything of value and imprison the remaining population in camps. They are doing this in the name of saving the planet and improving the climate, which are all lies.

The cabal is desperate to keep these masses under their control to prevent them from ‘waking up’. They reduce this danger to them by fragmenting and dividing the 99% group among themselves. This fragmentation of the population is achieved by creating fictitious groups and perceptions so that these groups see each other as enemies and feel threatened by each other. Think about this in the continuation, as

The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, speaks to you.

As received by Marta

The Draconian race.

Unlike the Reptilian race they created, they themselves lived on the subtle plane of Earth, or rather on a world parallel to yours. In fact, there are many such worlds on your planet, both high and low vibration.

The high-vibrational ones include, for example, Agartha, whose inhabitants carry vibrations from the fifth to the eighth dimension.

The low-vibration races include the Greys, who over time began to actively cooperate with the Draco-reptiles.

There are also civilisations among them that can be described as somewhat neutral.

One of these are the representatives of the “Seven Planets”, whose messages can be found on the internet. This civilisation has great technical knowledge, but is not spiritual enough. However, unlike the Greys, they cannot harm humans because the vibrations of their inhabitants are close to the fourth dimension.

But let’s get back to the Dragon race.

It was they who had the greatest impact on the lives of the Earthlings, for they came to your planet with one purpose: to enslave he people completely.

They did not succeed at first, for the Divine gene of the Earth’s inhabitants at that time was so strong that the Dragons could not ‘break through’ the vibrational barrier that separated humans from the low-vibrational beings that they were.

And then they resorted to the genetic engineering they already had.

First, the Reptilians were created – creatures that looked human but carried the genes of the Draconians. They were originally programmed for power, control and greed.

Like the Draconians themselves, these beings lacked empathy, for if they had, they would not have been able to carry out their task of enslaving humanity.

Gradually, the Dragons began to populate the Earth with these creatures, who quickly found the Earthlings’ “weaknesses”: their openness, trust and kindness, which they began to exploit for their own ends.

Gradually, through flattery and deception, they began to infiltrate human society, and as a result, more and more hybrid families began to appear on Earth, producing either pure human souls, or pure-blooded reptilians, or hybrids – owners of two souls – depending on the circumstances. Unfortunately, this continues to this day.

Peter B Meyer

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?


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It is Time to Remember the Truth of Who We Are

By Judith Kusel

Posted on November 15, 2024


Reunion Mountain photo by Judith Kusel


Remember that in times of huge changes, like now, when all is changing form, there is no going back.

You can try to hang onto the old for dear life, out of fear to let go of the seemingly known, only to realize that it too is crumbling.

I am grateful that I grew up in a family, where my Papa always reiterated, that when the going gets tough, we will make a plan. We will get through this somehow, and he always found innovative solutions and indeed, we always pulled through. A practical man, who could fix anything, yet could sit down at the pipe organ in the church and create the most heavenly sounds with his big hands, and his even bigger feet.

It is from my dad that I learned that nothing was impossible. There was always another plan to be made, another door to open, and in times when the going was tough, well, that is when you just needed to keep on going, one single step at a time, until you found that open door, or help comes from unexpected sources.

I have often, when I was doing my energy work, been asked to go to strange places, where I did not know how I was going to proceed. One of these was in Reunion, having to climb a pyramid mountain, and on top of the mountain, there was barely space to move. One single false step would send you crashing down the pyramidical inclines and into the abyss. Yet, there I was asked to open a portal.

To make matters worse, this was a Sunday, and all the locals had decided to climb the mountain and make it their Sunday outing, and tourists too. So how on earth would I be able to do the work? Well, I asked my cosmic helpers and said: “If you want me to do the work, then you will have to help me here!”

The next minute at the exact spot where I had been shown I needed to do the work, everything became silent. The people suddenly disappeared. I had the whole mountain top to myself, and I could proceed. No one could see me, or disturb me, or in any way stop what was occurring. I could complete the work and activate the other pyramids in total silence!

As soon as I finished the work, everyone started filing past me again!

This is not the only incident. I am merely sharing this with you (you can read more about this in my Africa book), because what seems impossible, is possible. As I was doing work in multi-dimensional energy fields that day, we can all do this, as we shifted into New Earth, and will be required to do so.

Our new Solar Light bodies are now dense, and we will be able, eventually, to shape shift into any form we choose, to teleport, to bi-locate, to levitate, and so much more, because everything is not so dense, slow, and low vibration.

We will remember how to use sound technologies which are highly advanced, and we will be able to do things which now seem impossible.

We cannot do this when we cling to old. We are being transfigured, and so is everything else!

I simply love this! For it means that we finally are stepping into the fullness of all our ineffable soul knowledge, abilities and talents which have lain dormant for so long. It is time to remember the truth of who and what we are, and to live it with love.

Love is the cosmic key.

It unlocks all possibilities and all capabilities and all we did not even know exists or can exist!

What more can we ask for?

This is a moment of miracles!

Are you ready?


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Visitor MapesoterismoFree counters!



Introducing The Order of Melchizedek


Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on September 18, 2024

Introducing The Order of Melchizedek - Melchizedek - channeled by daniel scranton
We are the order of Melchizedek, and we are here in service to you.
This is the time to triumphantly announce who you are to the universe in all the ways that you can do so. You, as a unique aspect of Source Energy, have made a commitment to be yourself, to let loose on this reality all that you are, and you can feel when you are holding yourself back. When you want to tell that person that you love them, but you don’t, you can feel yourself shrinking. When you want to express yourself and give your perspective on something, but you don’t, you can feel yourself diminishing your point of view. And when you feel that, you feel less important, less significant.
Now, you could never be less important to Source, but you can feel that way about yourself to yourself, and in this transmission we are not talking about ego. We are not talking about making yourself seem more important, or smarter, or better than anyone else. What we are talking about is your full acceptance of yourself, and that includes your perspectives and the love that you are. You see, you are all meant to be uniquely you and not to hide yourselves or who and what you are. You can feel that desire bubbling up within you to give more to the universe, and when you hold yourself back from doing so, it is usually because you have a lot of very good reasons. Those reasons might be also labeled limiting beliefs or even negative thoughts. 
It is time to release those so you can triumphantly announce to this universe who and what you really are. You do this in your poems, your artwork, your books, the clothing you design. You even do it in the way that you speak when you are speaking to another. You have the ability to announce with joy to the rest of humanity that you are here, you are ready, and you are an aspect of Source Energy. 
Now, if you think that your purpose is to figure out something, or do something, then you are mistaken because you are there to be yourself unapologetically. When you are yourself, and you love yourself, and you forgive yourself when you are not being the best version of yourself that you can be, you are putting yourself in the right place at the right time to have the right experiences with the right people, and you are bringing humanity to a higher-vibrational state. This ascension of human consciousness is happening one moment at a time, one thought at a time, one expression of self at a time.
When you diminish yourselves, it is like saying, ‘Source shouldn’t have created me as I am.’ And so, self-acceptance is the first step to self-love, and self-love is a step towards knowing yourself as a Source Energy Being. So don’t let your ego or your mind convince you that you are not enough, that you shouldn’t be you, and that you should hide from the reality you are creating. Give this universe all of yourself and know that you will be accepted by those around you when you accept yourself. You may even find that you inspire others and that others want to know how you became such a self-loving being. When you tell them, you will also be up-leveling the consciousness of the human collective, of which you are a part, and therefore this work is as powerful as any work that you could be doing at this time to help humanity.
Help humanity by helping yourself become the fullest expression of who and what you really are, and know that others around you want you to be this even if they don’t know it right now. They want to be given permission to be who they really are and express that truth, and you are a wayshower, a lightworker, a changemaker, but most importantly you are you. And we love you completely, just as you are. 
We are the order of Melchizedek, and it has been our pleasure to serve you.
Daniel Scranton 


My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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