On 22 December 2024, in the Earth’s Causal Matrix, the new events scenario was downloaded. Co-Creators didn’t disclose its content, but assured that will do it a couple days later, after passing over the bifurcation point. Lightwarriors used a this pause to narrated about their another operation on Elbrus, which put the the finishing touches to dramatic developments in August-September, when the new Earth’s 14D Logos, Al-Terra-Gaia, was on the verge of death (see – Sacrifice, Part 1 and Part 2, DNI, 5 and 9 September 2024). Briefly recall what then happened.
In in the middle of the day on 17 August, a rapidly growing pest-spot of karma was formed in the 14D Logos. The fierce war in space and on Earth, chaos and hysteria in the minds and Souls of people who cannot cope with the vibrations of the Transition to high-freqs’ 5D, huge eruptions anger, hatred, aggression and intolerance have reached such ferocity that they created a primary karma cell in the planet’s Causal Matrix, which began to devour the radiant substance of Al-Terra-Gaia. The gobbling was so fast that it seemed that no one and nothing could save the 14D Logos, the unified 3D/4D/5d eon and the rest of the transforming achievements.
The minutes ticked by. Co-Creators, Karma Lords and other Higher Hierarchs couldn’t involve, because aren’t embedded on Earth, and from it, come to the rescue. The situation was saved by Lightwarriors, who began to actively take in selves the infected parts of Al-Terra-Gaia and cleanse them from karma by splitting and annihilation. It took a day, and although there were serious injuries and mutilations, the 14 D Logos was completely restored. It needed a few more days to fill in the deleted segments of the Causal Matrix with new ones that Lightwarriors singled out from selves.
To further protect Al-Terra Gaia from any negative impact, terrestrial or alien, on 31 August, Co-Creators placed the 14D Logos in a protective cocoon, the Light Merkaba, using aspects of another planetary Logos as a cosmic donor. The capsule was programmed to suppress and annihilate karma in case of its occurrence and threat of infection. It was not disclosed who exactly was the contributor, but it was obvious that it wasn’t from our Solar System. Co-Creators made the anti-karmic Merkaba only as a temporary tool. But they were well aware that the situation on Earth remains extremely dangerous for Al-Terra-Gaia, and the likelihood of a new relapse is extremely high. A more mighty mechanism was needed to prevent it.
The solution was proposed by Yang Bao and Guan Yin, the heads of the Karmic Council, and even provided such a device. From their Monads and multidimensional bodies, they formed the Karmic Mercy Crystal and put it into the Earth’s Causal Matrix instead of the Light Merkaba. The principle of operation remained the same, but the power of the protective mechanism increased to a Pleromic level.
When the global entropy reaches a critical level, beyond which a repeat of the situation is inevitable, the Crystal will instantly absorb and process the new primary cell of karma and the entire substance produced by it. That is, it actually will be annihilated by the bodies of Yang Bao and Guan Yin, who again shielded us and our planet (for more about it, see – Whipsaw, Part 7, DNI, 30 April 2023; and Light Forces Thai Operations, Part 2, DNI, 20August 2020).
And now, they and ground teams met again for working together. At the request of Yang Bao and Guan Yin, Lightwarriors acted as a live channels, absorbing, assimilating, and anchoring aspects of both into the Earth’s Causal Matrix through the Elbrus’ field. The male part of the group assisted Yang Bao, the female part helped Guan Yin. Then, the aspects were combined into a Crystal, which was immediately activated and put on permanent alert. After that, Co-Creators dismantled the Light Merkaba, returning its parts to the donor (or donors) who never revealed themselves.
The story didn’t end there. After the publication of info about the op on 17 August 2024, someone sent the ground team a photo of a girl, Yana V, from the Baltics. She died in the evening of that day from a lightning strike. After viewing the photo with clairvoyance, Lightwarriors saw that impact was focused precisely at the moment and spot, where, in the Causal Matrix, the primary karma cell was born, which the girl had taken in self. She saved Earth at the expense of her own life, even unaware of it.
On 23 December 2024, the ground team narrated another op on Elbrus – building in its field it the new Light City. Recall that there already exists a similar infrastructure (see – Impact, Part 2, DNI, 15 October 2024). Why it was needed to erect one more? What was their difference?
On the Earth’s Subtle Plane, there are dozens of such objects. As a rule, they stay in 5D, and don’t always commune with the surface, working solely as Souls’ transit hub or scientific and monitoring centers. Assigned by Co-Creators, the ground team used markedly different approach: in Eurasia and the Caribbean, they built the Light Cities, first of all, as channels and Portals for intense interaction between Absolutes and regions and their population, when they were ready. The new one on Elbrus was to back entire Eurasia.
The op’s prep started three years ago and unfolded by stages. Co-Creators and Elbrus’ Guardians provided the group with necessary space in the mountain field. As compared with other Light Cities, which Matrices (cores) included only feminine and masculine Absolutes’ Aspects, this time, they were supplemented by many participants’ similar substances, upgraded to the Pleroma’s level.
Two months prior to the work, in the team leader’s Monad, Absolutes put Their Aspects, masculine and feminine, forming dipole. On 12 December, at an altitude of 3,500 meters, with temperatures of minus 25 degrees Celsius and hurricane-force winds, the group started operation. The Lightwarriors’ head extracted from self the Absolutes’ dipole segment and placed it in the Elbrus’ field. Then, the rest team members did the same with the Aspects they had previously received.
Over the next day, the Aspects entered into a radiant synthesis and began to emit their own Light. However, its intensity was not Absolute-like. Therefore, a day later, from the same spot, and under the same extreme weather, the ground team repeated the attempt, which ended in complete success. At the peak of the op, the Absolutes sent a powerful Impulse through the Monads and multidimensional bodies of the participants into the Light City Matrix. A brightest flash followed, which literally blinded everyone. The core instantly accelerated to the required fusion and began to radiate Absolute Light throughout Eurasia. And all this was done from 3D Earth, by ordinary people in their current physical corpus!
(To be continued)
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- https://violet-rays.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
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- https://rayviolet11.blogspot.com/search?q=Lev
- God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
- All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.
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February 6, 2023 report, accusing me of posting child pornography.