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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Eclipse Intensity Has Arrived

By Dr Schavi M Ali

Posted on October 3, 2024


TLast evening’s reported “X.6-Class” solar flare has been reported by world Physicists to have been larger.

It was an “X7.15-Class” solar flare, and a coronal mass ejection (CME) is headed for Earth with expected arrival by October 5th or sooner.

The “Schumann Resonace” is tremendously charged-up, and Earth is reverberating from the “X-Class” flare.

Early this morning there was a strong “M.3-Class” solar flare, and our Sun has energy for more higher “X-Class” flares.

There have been thus far 130 earthquakes around the world in the mid to upper “4s” and mid “5s” in magnitude in the past 24 hours, but a big “6.6” magnitude quake has occurred in Tonga.

Even though quakes in the “4s: and “5s” are considered medium in strength, they can still cause damage to the ground and to buildings, and when they constantly occur at these strengths in certain areas (such as what is happening in the state of California in the USA), it is like one rather huge quake toppling a specific area.

Any quake that is over “6.0” is very powerful, and certainly those quakes that are in the “7s” and above in magnitude can be horrendous.

With the strongest “X-Class” flare of this solar cycle having occurred, and with the CME that is on its way, more quakes above “6.0” are not out of the question.

With today’s “Solar Eclipse” being an annular one indicating that a ring will be around our Sun, and it will not be totally covered as it was in April this year that received mainstream news coverage with people coming to the USA from all over the world to see it, it still is powerful because it is arriving on the heels of the Equinoxes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Equinoxes plus eclipses (there was a “Lunar Eclipse” on September 17th or 18th in terms of time zones) create very intense cosmic events such as extremely large solar flares and CMEs.

Also, comets seem to be more plentiful traveling through the cosmos at these times, and they too create planetary events.

This eclipse will primarily hover over the Pacific Ocean and the southern region of South America. However, its energetics will affect the entire globe.

Many people are reporting not having slept well last night with either being wired-up when trying to sleep or drifting off to sleep but continually awakening and struggling to get back to sleep or experiencing total insomnia.

The current energetics and those yet to come can also make people anxious, nervous, restless, and to also have headaches and dizziness that are either mild or major. There can also be clogged sinuses, tired and blurry eyes, physical exhaustion, ringing in the ears, sore throats, feeling as if a cold is coming on, and rapid heart rhythms. There are two aspects to these experiences.

On one hand, they are due to the profound proton charges coming through the depleted planetary protective shield — the magnetosphere — which pummel our planet as well as human physical vessels, emotions, and mental states; and on the other hand, they are because of the intense cellular cleansing that is happening to our planet and humanity in preparation for more doses of elevating LIGHT to have a smoother “ride” due to cleaned-out cellular records with new cells being created at the same time.

With the “Solar Eclipse” also comes the “New Moon” which will arrive at 2:49 PM (EDT). Twenty-four hours before a “New Moon” is known as “The Dark of the Moon” which began for this lunar cycle at 2:49 PM (EDT) yesterday.

This is a time when lunar light is not visible—like being in a room that is completely dark.

It is advisable not to engage in major activities at this time. Allow our Moon about two days to begin to increase in its power to Earth.

This is another reason why people may feel “out-of-sorts” today.

Lunar energy governs human emotions as well as biological processes. Thus, “The Dark of the Moon” is a time to do as little as possible relative to outside activity, and instead, to obtain more rest and relaxation — especially since the “Solar Eclipse” is today.

Of course, with our world being one of haste and continually having to do and go, most people will be sluggish as they engage in their daily responsibilities.

Those persons who are aware of the cosmic energetics — particularly the power of the “Solar Eclipse” — will know how to handle daily obligations without incurring stress.

Realize that with the very powerful “X7.15” solar flare and the coming CME, there is increased radiation — much of which is coming from, as earlier stated herein, the protons surging through the magnetosphere which initially hover around it, then zoom through it, and finally press into it and envelop it.

When positively-charging protons are more prevalent than negatively-charging electrons, they penetrate and alter human cells, muscles, glands, tissues, etc. and affect the nervous system: central, sympathetic, parasympathetic, and autonomic.

When we have more electrons, the immune system is strengthened as well as the brain and other muscles, glands, tissues, all parts of the nervous system and every cell.

Our Sun can give us the “nutrition” we need even though it too delivers some protons to Earth.

Yet, it also contains wonderful amounts of electrons, the vitamin called “Vitamin D”, and other necessary substances for our welfare.

However, it too is being affected by the protons coming from outside of our solar system which push through our Sun and into our planet.

This is why it is vital to be spiritually-focused because in doing so, we are drawing down a SOURCE FREQUENCY that is healing and protective as our planet moves through the challenging situations of this space/time continuum.

As Sri Baghavan Krishna taught and which has been mentioned many other times: “Those who preserve the Dharma are protected by the Dharma”. To also reiterate a powerful teaching that has been discussed in previous articles and is worth mentioning again as current cosmic events are so intense: “At the end of the age, there will be signs in the Sun, Moon, and Stars” (Yeshua Ha Messiah [called “Jesus” in Latin]).

So, be aware that we are moving through erratic times, but we are also being blessed to anchor to SOURCE LIGHT if we choose to do so. Use your free will wisely.

The “Solar Eclipse” is an opportunity for new starts in various ways after having released what is no longer advisable to continue doing which was the message of the “Lunar Eclipse” in September.

If you have your natal chart, observe in which astrological house the “Lunar Eclipse” took place in September. This is where a release of some type was/and is necessary.

Then observe where the “Solar Eclipse” is going to be in your natal chart. This is where new starts should be worked on.

For example, if the “Solar Eclipse” is going to transit your tenth house which deals with career and public image, you may gain some sort of great recognition for efforts that have been being made for a long while. The “Solar Eclipse” will be in the sign of Libra.

So, see where Libra is in your chart. The opposite sign to Libra — Aries — is where letting go of something is required in order to receive the blessings of the “Solar Eclipse”.

However, remember to also look at the house where the “Lunar Eclipse” occurred. It was in Pisces. This house also deals with what must be released.

Remember that both equinoxes and eclipses have an approximate six-month vibration. So the letting go as well as the new starts may take about six months to manifest completely.

In terms of the global situations, impulsivity, quick anger, erraticism, and warfare (Aries) will pick-up speed unless righteous leaders take wise action (also the potential of Aries).

The scales of justice (Libra) will need to be balanced as karmic consequences take place.

As always, the best way in which to navigate personal, community, national, and global affairs is with prayer and meditation.

SOURCE, is thus, always the best guidance because it is where you are tuned-up. It is your HIGHER SELF.

Dr Schavi M Ali



Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

Main Sites:
Social Media:
Google deleted my former blogs just 10 hrs after I post Benjamin Fulford's
February 6, 2023 report,
 accusing me of posting child pornography.
(A Big Fat Lie) Also on Sep/13, 2024
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