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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Integration of Planets in Astrology

By Jay

Posted on September 15, 2024


An astral chart has the elegance of an analog clock’s display: it presents you with a complete range of possibilities and pinpoints specific values within it. By understanding the relation between these variable coordinates, we are able to read them as a single picture.
Since our previous study of Astrological Signs and Houses 
has limited itself to examine the ‘clock dial’ of this analogy – and perhaps the meaning of ‘AM/PM’ with Houses – we now move on to explore the ‘clock hands’ of a chart: the Planets.
As with clocks, charts can rely on as many ‘hands’ as convenient to the desired level of precision, but the Classic Seven Planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) compose the most functional factorization of universal principles from a human perspective.
The number itself is quite anomalous, it does not easily derive from others in math or geometry – and yet it is somehow ever present as a bringer of totality and order in discontinuous groups. Strictly in the cosmogonical sense, it is the sum of the Four Elements and Three Modalities (which when multiplied give us the Twelve Signs), taken as irreducible principles.
But if you do reduce them to Primitive Qualities as we did for Signs – by assigning each Planet it’s respective portion of an equalized total of PQs in the system – you get a graph that partially hints at their nature. It doesn’t look very evenly distributed because functional integrity transcends PQs.
(In other words, clock hands shaping a ‘V’ don’t make it five o’clock.)
A more direct approach is “(2×3)+1”, or a Trinity that intersects either with itself or it’s polar opposite to create six fields around a central one. It beautifully conveys the progression of 1-2-3-6-7 (deriving 4 implicitly) in a single image, but it’s a bit too condensed to reveal a linear connection between all the elements. The ‘triadic color system’ is also used as a genesis model for the 7 Rays of Creation, another portrayal of the same Classic 7, as is the Hexagram or Seal of Solomon from Alchemy.
A linear ordering starts to appear if we visually expose the main Planetary Dignity for every Sign: by linking these aspects, we can easily observe a sequence that repeats itself in reverse around the Zodiac cycle. It reflects orbital period lengths (or “planetary years”) from a Geocentric view – except for the Sun – and brings forth some relevant aspects to be considered:
– Each Planet rules either Fire/Water Signs or Air/Earth Signs. So regardless of the Element more natural for a planetary function, it also fits the opposite Element.
– Every Planet rules a pair of opposite-Element Signs except for Sun and Moon, because together they represent the opposition principle itself. (This notion matches most “7 in 12” arrangements of nature: the main seven body chakras have duplicates flowing either up or down the spine except for the top and bottom ones which mirror each other; the diatonic x chromatic scales in music, etc.)
Finally, uniting this sequence’s edges and moving the Sun to Earth’s position (since it seems to move around the Zodiac with Earth’s orbital period) we have the Heptagram – or rather, the heptagon from which two Sacred Heptagrams derive.
While all Planets in a chart function regardless of their relative positions, this particular formation conveys how their functions relate to each other, so we will use it – in combination with the notions derived from previous graphs – to study each Planet.
The SUN represents center, reference, perfection, absolute… There are so many words for the solar archetype that it’s own glyph (the dot centering a circle) is more efficient visualised intuitively; or by comparing it with others and excluding what it is not.
While technically being Fire, the HOT quality is so prevalent in the Sun that it stands above both Fire and Air: it’s ‘givingness’ is so intense that it creates magnetism, transcending the need of any offensive (‘dry’) quality whatsoever.
As a function, it is ‘immanently being’, the Verb that commands all other functions of an entity. The Zodiac Sign occupied by the Sun at a person’s birthday colors their own sense of identity. Since it is most favored by the qualities of Leo, it’s easier to perceive the character of the Sun in Leos’ self-regard.
It will generously give you whatever it has to offer simply because it feels natural, like a child crafting mudpies or Apolo joyfully playing his lyre; expressing the limitless creative spirit of the Self. But if our sense of identity becomes tainted by consorting with external rewards (hubris or impurity – in psycho-babble, when the Ego thinks it is the Self), we will be hurt regardless of how much success or failure we achieve. We react with pride and arrogance, which tends to make us even more blind to who we really are.
Every node in the Heptagram is a principle that connects the two adjacent ones, but positioned at the top, the ‘Identity Principle’ of the Sun models the union of the left and right complementary functions governed by the respective sides of the human brain. These pairs of functions are structured in three distinct levels, the first one concerns Reach and consists of Mars and Venus.
Venus’ glyph is the Circle of Spirit above the Cross of Matter, meaning “reach Spirit through Matter”. Mars’ glyph was the same flipped upside-down, to mean “reach Matter through Spirit”, but to avoid confusion the cross was changed into a pe- I mean, a spear.
MARS is the ‘attain’ function – it conquers things, focusing energy and vitality towards a given goal. This in Principle implies some form of obstacle to overcome, and in the very DRY and somewhat hot energies of Aries, Mars finds the perfect vehicle for his assertive nature.
But under the opposite Qualities, the ‘obstacle’ may simply be the absense of what is sought. Mars also shapes a vacuum of desire that reaches goals indirectly, by sheer fixation rather than initiative – granting this warrior archetype the persistance that Scorpio is more well known for.
Undertaking any task with intensity and purpose is a rewarding experience in itself, as it aligns other functions with a sense of diligence. However, if for whatever reason our expectation is thwarted and the energy of the effort does not find release, it can build up as anger, overcoming other functions that could help find solutions – particularly, learning – and eventually explode in a Donald Duck-like rage episode.
In the other branch that stems from Identity, we have VENUS as the ‘connect’ function. It harmonizes things by abstracting their differences, evening them out. In the purely WET and slightly hot environment of Libra, this Principle blooms like a flower combining the best of both worlds. Like Mars, it also governs the fixed aspect of the opposing element: when things are already perfectly combined and stable in matter, fertile Taurus gets the most joy from the physical senses.
Pleasure in any form derives from temperance, from bridging opposite amplitudes to satisfy needs. But sought for it’s own sake, it eventually loses connection with everything else – thereby corrupting itself – and becomes lust, a frantic quest devoid of purpose or meaning.
The middle-level functions under Identity/Sun concern Process, represented by Jupiter and Mercury – planets that rule Mutable Signs. Brain-wise, Mercury works by processing linear input and crossing references; Jupiter works with parallel input and extrapolates from partial information. One only sees detail and the other sees only the big picture – together they compose a navigation system.
MERCURY is the ‘compare’ function, which is the basis of rationality and learning. As the glyph suggests, it is similar to Venus in nature but a bit colder like the Moon (‘Spirit linking Matter and Soul’), which makes for an intelligent messenger, well suited to both receive and transmit information. As the psychopompus or trickster archetype, it often portrays amorality. In the airy realm of Gemini we can clearly see Mercury’s versatility in communicative form, while in earthly Virgo it reigns with methodical practical skills – both Signs of dispassionate transformation.
Establishing contiguous benchmarks to progress from is patience – which originally doesn’t mean ‘slower’ but ‘at proper pace’ – and acknowledging progress encourages it even more. But if comparisons stray from a progressive intent, they inevitably brew feelings of envy and jealousy that undermine healthy expansion, ultimately reverting it.
JUPITER on the other hand is the ‘expand’ function, unconditional promoter of passionate transformation. The glyph stands for ‘Soul Above Matter’, akin to Mars in Qualities but quite more social; a consecrator of morality and values that transcend personal interests. As the archetypal godfather of mankind, his role is to encourage the hero (consciousness) into their quest to become greater than themselves – first outwardly through Sagittarius’ ventures in the public realm and then inwardly through Pisces’ assimilation of the world.
Whenever expansion is carried out at the expense of harmony, it’s deemed as gluttony – we usually associate the concept with physical indigestion, but it refers to excess of any kind – and it always leads to further excesses. And yet, expanding to provide for a greater need is giving yourself; the true meaning of charity and key to prosperity.
At the bottom level we have the functions that concern Range: Limits and Possibilities, respectively represented by Saturn and the Moon. These planets make opposition to the Sun in both Dry and Wet ends of the extreme Cold spectre, as complementary aspects of antagonism to the Identity Principle or the “what WAS/WILL BE” as opposed to the Present NOW moment.
SATURN is the ‘limit’ function, the Principle behind Structures and Fields of any kind. The great warden of the law set in stone, his work both preserves and contains things. It blocks light creating shadow, the same name given to unconscious aspects of the Self rejected by the Ego. The ‘Soul Under Matter’ glyph depicts the burdens of the physical Earth, which are more clearly felt in the cardinal energies of Capricorn; but are also very present in the tense fixidity of Aquarius’ idealism.
The resilience of staying true to essence in spite of external influences is chastity, a sovereign quality present in all that is inherently perfect – thus becoming passively influential. But artificially limiting any essential aspect of something castrates it’s potential, ultimately compromising it’s integration capacity with itself and others – which in human behavior translates to avarice.
The MOON complements the Sun as the ‘transient being’ function (unfortunately the ‘to be’ verb lacks differing immanent and transient forms in English). As noted earlier, they are both faces of the same principle: we spin around the Sun while the Moon spins around us. Relative, peripheral, cyclic and countless other words fit the Lunar Archetype well. She reflects the light just as the Soul (her glyph) reflects different states of the Spirit through a variety of emotions, automating a mask of reaction patterns called personality. This imaginative, form-shaping Principle perfectly embodies the Water element and easily melds into the energies of Cancer.
The willingness to conform with circumstances is always permeated by a sense of humility, since to honor how things are is an honor in itself and opens doors to a myriad of possibilities. However, aimlessly indulging in transience is void of meaning and very quickly degenerates into melancholy and a disregard for all activity known as sloth.
As you may have noticed, I provided ‘good’ and ‘bad’ behavior samples for each Planet in order to better explain their core function, but no morality was intended. Each Planet continuously engenders a unique self-replicating pattern that is either functional or disfunctional depending on how it integrates with the other six. Constructively, they support each other and prosper as Seven Virtues while unbalanced they degenerate into Seven Vices. The sharper heptagram (which gives us the weekday order) links which Principles hold each other in balance, so virtues can transform vices and vice versa.
It resembles a Chinese tale that describes both Heaven and Hell as hungry people surrounding a massive bowl of rice with very long unbreakable chopsticks. While in Hell they keep trying to eat and fail, in Heaven they simply feed each other.
Religion meddled with this knowledge during the middle ages (it was a bad time to be labeled ‘pagan’), but originally sin is merely a disfunction, a cause of ill- and the purpose of assigning seven capital ones is understanding how all ills can be healed. It’s precious knowledge for reading an astral chart.
This is possible because the 7-base planetary system has the same ‘magic’ property that I exposed in the 12 House/Sign system: self-defining integrity. And just like before, we have established a fixed reference in order to study the Heptagram – the Sun/Identity Principle at the top – but you can spin it around and verify that the same structure remains.
For example, if you take the identity (SUN) of Rationality (MERCURY) as reference, to it’s right you have the the principle that connects it (VENUS) to others, wich is Receptivity (MOON); while to it’s right you have the principle that attains (MARS) others, wich is Connection (VENUS). The same applies to all other levels/functions we used earlier, which is not only a great calibration tool for your understanding of all Planets, but the cornerstone of the system integrity.
The cycle of operations connecting all principles is known in Alchemy as the ‘Magnum Opus’ or great work – the one work – which is how consciousness continuously interacts with matter. This field is most congenial to Astrology and if you wish to explore it, I recommend this article about the Azoth by D.W. Hauck:
Furthermore, beyond Saturn we have the transpersonal Planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; which have very slow orbital periods and influence collectives in a more generational scale – although very relevant regarding their position by House and relative to personal Planets in an Astral chart. In this seven-fold system they correspond to a higher octave of the personal functions of Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively; and can integrate Principle equivalences for other knowledge structures such as the ten Sephirots in the Tree of Life.
Since we have just covered a fairly complete body of information with enough implications to derive much study from, we will leave such supplementary perspectives for another occasion. May all your functions always converge to Function!


Compiled by from: 

My notes: 
  • God the Source is unconditional love, not a zealous god of [some] dogmatic religions.
  • All articles are the responsibility of the respective authors.

Reminder discernment is recommended
from the heart, not from the mind
The Truth Within Us, Will Set Us Free. We Are ONE.
No Need of Dogmatic Religions, Political Parties, and Dogmatic Science, linked to a Dark Cabal that Divides to Reign.
Any investigation of a Genuine TRUTH will confirm IT. 
TRUTH need no protection.
Question: Why the (fanatics) Zionists are so afraid of any Holocaust investigations?

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