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A Chama Violeta (The Violet Flame)

Sítio dedicado à filosofia humana, ao estudo e conhecimento da verdade, assim como à investigação. ~A Luz está a revelar a Verdade, e a verdade libertar-nos-á! ~A Chama Violeta da Transmutação


The Season Finale

Planet Earth

By Don Spectacularis

Posted on October 29, 2024

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The following is a follow-up message to my previous post, which was an (evidence-based) perspective regarding a very promising timeline shift that has very recently occurred upon our world. A shift that promises to accelerate ET contact to as early as 2026-27, or even earlier, for that matter. And today, I have even more good news to share with you all! Once again, good news backed by rock solid evidence no less!

It all began with a certain podcast that has so far been watched by 28 million people (as of this very writing). The world-famous Joe Rogan podcast featuring none other than the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald John Trump himself. And those are suppressed numbers, as most of you reading this may have already guessed (what with it being on a literal cabal-owned platform the likes of YouTube and all). Because even over the early 24 hours of its release, the podcast was witnessing exponential growth in its viewer numbers (despite initially being unlisted) at a mind-blowing rate of a staggerring MILLION views per HOUR. And that’s despite YouTube not showcasing it in its ‘Trending’ tabs (for reasons that we are all very well aware of).
Nonetheless, this message is not about said video in question, but about greater developments that are far, far more far-reaching and interesting; not to mention uplifting to boot. Developments that go well beyond the ordinary, if you can get my drift here.
To put things in perspective, accelerated ET Contact and Disclosure (on a global level), requires us to meet the following three criteria, as a general rule:
1. Be Creators NOT Victims
2. Make Love NOT War
3. Be Open* to ET Existence
*For this specific point, we are only required to reach Critical Mass regarding the mere awareness of their existence. And that is all.
With that being understood now, let us now go take a quick peek at where we are all at collectively, and with regards to these very 3 key pointers, most specifically. And to achieve this end, we’ll (for the moment) simply use the internet as a mirror reflection of our collective consciousnesses here; because that’s exactly what the internet even is in any case. The great mirror, and also the great big leveller (of playing fields).
Point #1: Are we creators or victims?
If you’ve been following the US Elections of late, both sides seem to be saying this one specific thing particularly out loud as of late: “Go VOTE.”
Now, many of you reading this may indeed argue that this is quite a long ways away from taking back one’s OWN power, and NOT relying upon external individuals (politicians, celebs, media etc.) to create realities for oneself. And you’d indeed be a hundred percent correct here. And yet, is this not the very beginning of enslaved minds even realizing that they even have a choice and a say in the matter of their very lives to begin with? That their deepest desires actually have the power to create any real change at all?
Turns out exposure to a little pain indeed does awaken the sleepers, after all.
So now, as opposed to the utterly lethargic and disinterested voters (from times not even that “far back”) who were lost so very deep down within their own victim mindsets (that they quite literally had zero hopes from any elections whatsoever); we, as a collective, seem to have traversed something of a considerable (and gamechanging) distance indeed.
Not to mention the countless comments on that (and plenty other videos pertaining to said event) which are filled-to-the-brim with awake AND aware folks (from all over the GLOBE!) calling out the lies, the manipulations, the gaslighting, the censorship, the shadowbanning, and all other aspects pertaining to the many numerous ways by which the deep state has endlessly toyed around with global human consciousness everywhere.
And given the fact that we’re on the topic of comments in here…
Point #2: Are we peaceful or warring?
Well, the answer to that one is in the comments sections alright. So I took a quick lil’ screenshot of (just some!) of the comments from that very podcast. You can view some of those by clicking here.
Mind you, what I’ve showcased herein are but some of the literal thousands of (just the) top comments on just that specific video coming from practically every imaginable country on planet Earth! And if you still don’t believe me; kindly do yourselves a little favour and please do go check out the (literally unprecedented and unbelievable) OCEAN of COMMENTS on THAT specific VIDEO for yourself. You’ll get addicted to all of that love in the air…and you can very well take my word for it!
And before someone utters the word “bots” in here, let me just ask you this: When was the last time you saw bots use words and phrases the likes of “sending you love and positivity”, “sending prayers your way”, “sending you blessings”, “sending positive vibes your way”, “sending you healing energies”, and such? Because, and just so you know: Every single propaganda bot imaginable is essentially programmed to talk in “normal people” speak, and NOT “EraOfLight” speak. Because otherwise, they’d just get caught for being way too weird and standing out.
And, to add to matters; there are people commenting in there from little known African countries and tiny Muslim nations that most folks on here haven’t even really heard the names of, let alone know anything else about. That, along with super tiny places the likes of Tibet and whatnot have marked their attendance in there. I mean, wouldn’t it make HELLUVA lot more sense for “election manipulation” bots to simply be from various states within the US of itself?
But what we are seeing in there has very little to do with making “sense”; and practically everything to do with our impending ascension.
Folks, you have no IDEA how very HUGE all of this is. This is, quite literally, “spiritual people language” in the fucking MAINSTREAM. People openly talking about “healing energies” and “positive vibrations”? In your average YouTube comments section? What the actual FUCK? This isn’t “normal” by ANY stretch of one’s imagination. For this is INDEED massive CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT to global UNITY consciousness, and it’s occurring right here in front of our very eyes and ears no less!
Remember THAT the next time you doubt your own POWER to transform the world.
Remember THAT the next time you say “nothing’s HAPPENING.”
Remember THAT the next time you say “NOT aNoThER “useless” mass MeDiTaTiON pleaseeeee!!!1!1!🙄🙄🙄
Which brings us all to our last and final point on that list:
Point #3: Has AWARENESS pertaining to ET EXISTENCE made it to the global MAINSTREAM yet?
Well, here’s a sweet little CLIP from said PODCAST that has so far been watched by “just” 28 MILLION people ALONE. And these people will be discussing said stuff with their friends, family members, relatives, neighbours and co-workers. And I haven’t even gotten to the podcast’s LISTENER numbers yet!
And, in other totally unrelated events, the Gen Z’s are waking up to the cabal’s manipulations (and that too ON a 100% cabal-manipulated PLATFORM) and at an utterly UNPRECEDENTED pace no less! Also, the mainstream media’s utter LIES getting exposed left, right and center, and that too, by their very own FOLLOWER BASES! PLUS the ‘Timeline Upgrade’ being CONFIRMED by LEADING channellers the likes of Bashar (channelled by Darryl Anka), The 9D Arcturian Council (channelled by Daniel Scranton), AND the Pleiadians (channelled by Wendy Kennedy!) And all of the above are but a few of some of the very biggest names within the world of channelling right now. Not to even mention that said timeline upgrade is now ALSO being CONFIRMED by world-famous QHHT Practitioners the likes of Suzanne Spooner herself! Hell, even naming and linking them all in here would take me literal ages lol.
So yeah, other than that, nothing major.
Issued in public interest by Don Spectacularis of the Spectacularis Quintessence.
P.S. If the above message resonates with you at all, please DO SHARE IT EVERYWHERE (even LinkedIn and Tinder will do!); help TRANSLATE IT into your local languages; or even TRANSMIT IT EVERYWHERE using any creative way that you so enjoy: be it Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Sketches, Tik Toks, or even literal Memes if nothing else! And you’d likely end up helping more people, than you can even imagine at this time!
humbly thank you all for your ceaseless service towards uplifting and assisting this entire planet (and all of its peoples) during these most challenging of times!
“Pick-up lines in the future be like: Girl you put the gal in gal-actic federation.”
– Don Spectacularis, 2024
[Note: The author of the above pick-up line gives no guarantees as to its success rates. Use them on literal telepathic aliens at your own risk (you perverts.)]
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Preview YouTube video Joe Rogan Experience #2219 – Donald Trump

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